Learn another Language

Post on 16-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Learn another Language

L@LLearn another language

alongside your studies

L@LA programme of language courses for

non-specialists, it offers you the chance to learn another language, even if you’ve

never done so before, or if you did not like it at school!




Only 6% of the global population are native speakers of English

75% speak no English at all In less than 20 years, most Internet material

will be in Chinese, not English There are already more blogs in Japanese

than in English Other European countries aim to be able to

work in 3 languages


60% + of British trade is with non-English speaking countries  

Clients speaking English prefer using their native language when doing business

 British business has the poorest language skills in Europe (bottom out of 39 industrialised countries)

  British businesses lose £millions every year

because they can’t speak their client’s language –usually without realising it

Languages and Business in the UK

◦ Enhance your career prospects◦ Stand out in a tough job market◦ Achieve higher earnings◦ More interesting work comes your way◦ Develop your transferable skills and

personal development◦ Introduce cultural elements to your learning

experience◦ EU institutions want to recruit more British

officials; at present UK staff are under-represented

So why learn a language?


Arabic ItalianChinese (Mandarin) Japanese Dutch PolishFrench PortugueseGermanRussianGreek Spanish


Languages are taught at all levels From complete beginners to post A Level Over 1,300 students study a language with

us The idea is that students should be able to

work with their language Every language is valued as an asset We would like to see every Leicester

graduate qualified in a 2nd language

Languages in L@L

Language learning is based on communication

1 class per week for 20 weeks

4 skills: speaking, listening, reading ,writing

Target Language

Not just about grammar and vocabulary: cultural understanding

Students enjoy learning a language with us

How are languages taught at Leicester?


www.le.ac.uk/ml/lal for further details, including a downloadable registration form.
