Lean six sigma yellow belt project

Post on 13-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Lean six sigma yellow belt project

Lean Six Sigma Yellow Belt ProjectLarissa Davids, RN

AIM Statement• The exam room supply cabinets will be standardized to

increase provider satisfaction in the next 90 days.

Project Discovery

• Purchasing budget has had an increase in the last couple of months

• Providers complained about not having certain supplies on hand

• Supplies expiring before being used, related to excess• Supply cabinets unorganized• Unable to find items in the exam rooms• The exam room cabinets were inconsistent

Voice of Customer• I and the Associate Director spoke to the providers and found

out what they need in the exam rooms to provide efficient and quality patient care

• I spoke with the clinical staff to determine:• Supplies needed in the exam room• Number of those supplies needed to provide care for one day

• After a ‘mock’ cabinet was set up, the clinical staff was asked to evaluate for any items that may be needed, the quantity available and the access to supplies.

Curret State Inventory• A picture of the cabinet and how it should be organized was

placed in each cabinet.• On the picture, the number of each item to be stocked is listed

Current State Pictures

Current State Pictures

5S• Sort• Items needed on a regular basis were identified by the customer• Items identified as ‘excess’ by the customer were removed

• Set in order• Everything was given a place and that place was labeled• Everything is visible and easily accessible

• Shine• Cabinets were cleaned out prior to labeling and stocking

• Standardize• All exam rooms were set up identically

• Sustain• Two rooms in the office are audited once a week

End Result

End Result

End Result