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Transcript of LEAGUE TABLES - PFIe

LEAGUE TABLES44 Introduction48 Loans67 Bonds

70 Multilaterals73 Advisors


Project Finance International January 14 201544




The Thomson Reuters Project Finance International (PFI) annual league tables are the most accurate and comprehensive measure of project finance activity across the globe in any given year. In 2014, the global project finance loan market saw volumes reach new highs, at US$260.2bn, above the previous best year – 2008, when volumes hit US$250bn. In 2014, the PF loans market grew by 23.2% from the 2013 figure of US$204bn.

The main reason was the continued rise of the US project finance market. In 2013, volumes in the US market rose 70% to US$31.4bn. In 2014, they doubled to US$60.1bn, taking up 22.8% of the whole global market. Clearly the impact of shale gas is now felt as LNG export schemes come to fruition and petrochemical schemes start to benefit from cheap ethane. In addition, gas-fired power is benefiting from cheap gas. On top of the energy boom, the US market is seeing a noticeable increase in infrastructure deals.

Performance across the Americas was decent. Volumes across the entire region jumped from US$51.4bn in 2013 to US$92.8bn in 2014, an impressive 80.5% rise. Brazil, Mexico, Canada and Mexico were the main performers, followed closely by Peru.

The Asia-Pacific market was back up, having dropped by 30.5% to US$63.3bn in 2013. The market rose 12.4% to US$72.2bn. One country dominated the market, however, even more so than the US in the Americas – Australia. It recorded a figure of US$37.9bn, just over half the regional total, up 85.8% from US$20.4bn in the previous year.

Some massive infrastructure projects account for the jump, plus the Roy Hill mining deal, given that the big LNG schemes were already financed in 2012. The Indian market fell back again – down from US$21.2bn in 2012 to US$14.8bn in 2013 and to US$10.5bn in 2014. Great things are hoped for in the Modi revolution going forward. Still, India remains the world’s fourth largest project finance market.

The Europe, Middle East & Africa (EMEA) market rose a little, by 6.8% to US$95bn. The UK market held station at US$16.4bn, as did Turkey which was second in the EMEA tables for the second year running – last year at US$8.5bn. In 2013, the one-off Kazakh/Uzbek gas pipeline to China deal boosted the numbers. Last year,

activity was more evenly spread across the board, which was good for the market. However, Western Europe still felt flat. The Russian market did not take off as expected due the sanctions issue over the Ukraine but African project finance started to emerge as a distinct market.

Activity in the global project finance bond market remained at around US$50bn in 2014, following a doubling in activity from 2012 to 2013. There is still a lot of talk about bonds and institutional debt in project finance. There are now a whole variety of long-term debt products that project sponsors can use. It is clear that in 2014 the commercial banks fought back. But it is equally clear that institutional debt has now established itself in the market.

As a proportion of the global project finance market (not including multilaterals), bonds fell back from 20% in 2013 to 16.6% in 2014, but the sector established important footholds in some new markets, particularly in the infrastructure sector. The US, again, was the stand-out market at US$12.3bn, followed by the UK on a more modest US$4.8bn. There was real diversity, however, in countries that saw issuance.

Activity in the multilateral sphere was down in 2014 in the emerging markets. Activity in the developing world was down 44% to US$15.4bn from US$27.7bn. There were fewer of the mega deals we have seen in previous years. Stand out financings included Cenpower, Sarulla, DS LNG, Safi, ORPIC, Star Refinery and Ma’aden. JBIC topped the table once again, closely followed by Kexim and then IFC.

In the developed world, multilateral activity shot up by 135% from US$9.5bn to US$22.1bn. Given the general increase in liquidity in the debt markets in the developed world, this is perhaps surprising as multilateral debt is now needed more in the developed world. But the market follows the market, even for the multilaterals. Big deals in 2014 included Roy Hill, TEM, Gemini, IEP2 and the first US LNG export financing, Cameron LNG.

The global project finance advisory market, in terms of new deals, slipped back by 18.8% in 2014 from 478 to 39 new mandates. This is clearly not good news for the market as a whole, as the award of new mandates leads to new deals and new financings down the line. The decline was mainly due to the fall-off in the EMEA market,

Project Finance International January 14 2015 45


with new mandates down from 248 in 2013 to 168 in 2014.

Clearly, in austerity Europe, there are fewer deals around – particularly in the PPP infrastructure space, which generates a range of new government and private-sector mandates. Whether the new Juncker stimulus plan can re-activate the market or not will be important in the coming years. Activity in the advisories closed table remained buoyant, however, reflecting the general uptick in deal volumes.

In terms of sectors – power, oil and gas, and transport recorded very strong numbers in the loans table while infrastructure and oil and gas were strong in bonds. Whether oil and gas retains these volumes is open to question in the new low oil price environment.

BTMU topped the global loans table in 2014, as in 2013. As usual, the bank was well ahead in

the Americas, with nearly double the volumes of its nearest rival SMBC. Mizuho was third in the Americas and all three were in the global top three.

However, the European banks came back strongly in 2014, with BNP Paribas, Credit Agricole and ING next up. Citigroup topped the global bonds table with JP Morgan next up and with the French – Credit Agricole and BNP Paribas – once again in the top five. Macquarie headed the global advisories closed table, on the back of its Freeport LNG deal, followed by BNP Paribas and HSBC. Ernst & Young topped the new advisory mandates won table, followed by PwC.

AmericasProject finance volume for 2014 came in at US$92.8bn for the Americas, up from US$51.4bn in 2013. Of that total, US$60.1bn was done in the US, an increase from US$31.4bn in 2012. US

The league tables are compiled from submissions sent in from commercial banks and financial advisers. Only transactions that are limited or non-recourse are included in the tables. The submissions are checked by Project Finance International (PFI) and Thomson Reuters staff globally. The tables are presented in a regional form and then global tables are calculated from the regional figures.

On the loans side, only lead-arranging mandates are credited in the tables. League table credit is awarded on a pro rata basis. If one bank lead-arranges a US$500m project finance loan, it receives a US$500m credit, if two arrange a US$500m loan, they receive US$250m credits, if four, US$125m each, and so on. The credits are added up and the league tables are produced.

On some deals, an individual bank’s submitted figure might be lower in the published version of the league table or it might increase. To ensure the tables are market-accurate, some banks might be added to the table even if they had not claimed for a mandated lead-arranging role, while others might not be credited even if they have claimed.

The evaluation of lead-arranging roles has been made much stricter to include only initial mandated lead arrangers. In the Americas, the mandated lead arranger category is similar to the Thomson Reuters bookrunner category. Recent years have seen more and more club deals emerge. On these, each bank in the club is given equal credit.

Overall, the tables are only concerned with measuring the performance of those that arrange deals, not necessarily their final underwriting commitment or final take. The deals counting towards a bank’s total are detailed in the regional sections, with the relevant amounts per deal. From these details the country and sector league tables are drawn up. The process is very similar on the bond league table. The tables measure the activities only of lead managers.

On the advisory side, the table is split into three sections: private sector mandates, government or government-owned sponsor advisory mandates, and advice to bidders in a competition. Only financial advisory mandates are included. The table measures mandates won last year in these sectors and ranks advisers accordingly in the total column. In addition, there is a figure calculated for all mandates being worked on by a firm in the overall column.

The advisory submissions are checked by the reporters for accuracy to ensure they are mandates won last year and not claimed for in previous years. This table is limited to advisory mandates above US$20m. In addition, there is a table of advisory mandates reaching financial close last year. The table is ranked regionally and globally by the total amount of funds raised by each financial adviser.

For the sixth year, a set of tables has been included to meet the evolving needs of the project finance market – for multilaterals. These tables measure the involvement of multilaterals in project finance deals in the emerging markets, whether through export credit guarantees or direct lending tranches. Loans to projects in the developed world are included in their own developed world multilateral table. It is likely, as the credit crunch takes hold, that the multilaterals – or international developmental finance institutions (IDFIs) – will become ever more important.

The 2014 league tables will now go on the Thomson Reuters Deals Intelligence site (http://dmi.thomsonreuters.com/). To ease the league table process in 2015, it is worth keeping PFI and Thomson Reuters staff up to-date.

Contact PFI’s Rod Morrison (London 44 207 542 8329), Thomson Reuters’ Carina Israel (Manila 00 632 878 5867) and Ewelina Jarecka (London 44 207 542 2246) if there are concerns regarding the tables and ongoing 2014 data collection.The data team

Methodologyn 2014 TABLES The rules

volume was nearly five times that of its closest competitor nation, Brazil, which beat Canada for the runner-up position in the Americas with more than US$9.4bn in deals booked. Mexico came in fourth, with US$4.6bn in business.

Power deals led the activity for the Americas, with US$37.1bn in transactions spread over 148 deals, followed by US$32.2bn done in oil and gas, with 36 deals. A total of more than US$51.1bn in transportation deals were closed, while industrial and mining transactions rounded out the Top 5 with US$6.1bn and US$3.9bn in transactions completed, respectively.

Mitsubishi UFJ led the Americas for the fifth consecutive year, with more than US$8.1bn in completed transactions, up from US$4.7bn in 2013. The bank 70 completed deals represented 8.4% of Americas loans and remained extremely active in more traditional renewable energy project financing in the US despite the changing landscape of consolidation and yieldco deals. The bank also made big-ticket contributions to both Cameron and Freeport LNG, and saw a steady flow of activity in gas-fired power, refinancings, and Latin American transactions.

SMBC moved from the number five slot to number two, with US$4.6bn competed across 39 deals. Mizuho and Credit Agricole moved into the third and fourth slots, edging out Deutsche Bank and Goldman Sachs. Citigroup came in at number five as Barclays slipped from the top five on fewer Term Loan B mandates.

Jumbo deals were the news of the year. Each of the top four lead arrangers for the Americas made sizeable contributions to the US$7.4bn Cameron LNG export project financing, though SMBC lent the most at US$614.3m. The US$4bn Freeport LNG Train 2 financing also impacted the tables significantly, as did Sasol’s US$3.9bn Louisiana petrochemical plant expansion financing, the only petrochemical deal for the Americas.

The US led way internationally on bond volume, with US$12.3bn, beating the UK for the top slot. Elsewhere in the Americas, a total

of US$3.3bn in bonds were done in Canada, while US$3bn were done in Mexico, US$2.7bn in Chile, and US$1.4bn in Brazil.

Renewables, traditional power, and oil and gas bonds were part of the mix, as were some larger

refinancing transactions, and the year saw the first Green bond used in Americas project finance with the Tandem Health Partners issuance. The C$231.5m 32.3-year Green bond issue by Tandem Health Partners, the consortium delivering the North Island Hospitals Project, was led by National Bank Financial and Bank of Nova Scotia.

Latin America saw a lot of action in 2014, with the Japanese lenders that topped global league tables featuring prominently in a number of the region’s big ticket deals.

The global top three of MUFG, Mizuho and SMBC were the MLAs on the US$1.13bn debt financing of Mitsui, MODEC, Mitsui OSK Lines and Marubeni’s FPSO Cidade de Caraguatatuba project in Brazil. It was one of a handful of deals that topped the billion dollar mark in the region.

Bond markets were also quite active in Latin America, with a number of large refinancing deals closed as the project bond market matures. AES Gener landed US$800m of refinancing debt backing the Angamos coal-fired project, with Citigroup, HSBC and JP Morgan global co-ordinators. Citigroup and JP Morgan were also leads on the deal that saw GNL Quintero secure US$1.1bn via the bond market, with a whopping US$5bn order book.

Asia-PacificProject finance activity in Asia-Pacific is starting to rebound. A total of US$71.7bn worth of transactions was completed during 2014. This was 12.7% higher than in the previous year, the first upward trend seen in the last four years. PF business in the region peaked in 2010 with a record volume of US$98.71bn.

Australia continued to stay on top of the Asia-Pacific table for the second straight year. It raised a total of US$37.98bn for 51 Australian deals last year, with the US$7bn Roy Hill deal leading the way. Australia had more than half of the region’s total loan volume, and is in the second spot on the global list for the number of deals.

The largest Australian deal last year was the Roy Hill iron ore project in Western Australia, which took pride of place with its funding of US$9bn that has

Project Finance International January 14 201546


1 - BTMU (1)

2 - SMBC (4)

3 - Mizuho (5)

4 - BNP Paribas (18)

5 - Credit Agricole (7)

6 - ING (10)

7 - CBA (11)

8 - HSBC (9)

9 - SG (16)

10 - SBI Capital (2)


1 - Macquarie (11)

2 - BNP Paribas (9)

3 - HSBC (6)

4 - RBS (2)

5 - PwC (5)

6 - KPMG (17)

7 - NAB (–)

8 - SG (4)

9 - UniCredit (16)

10 - Ernst & Young (10)


1 - Citigroup (1)

2 - JP Morgan (16)

3 - Credit Agricole (8)

4 - BNP Paribas (11)

5 - RBC (3)

6 - HSBC (4)

7 - SG (7)

8 - Goldman Sachs (10)

9 - UniCredit (31)

10 - BTMU (13)


1 - Ernst & Young (1)

2 - PwC (2)

3 - KPMG (3)

4 - HSBC (7)

5 - BNP Paribas (5)

6 - Credit Agricole (4)

7 - SMBC (9)

8 - Green Giraffe Energy Bankers (10)

9 - SBI Capital (6)

10 - Taylor de Jongh (11)

Project Finance International January 14 2015 47


US$7bn of debt. Considering that the iron ore price has halved since Roy Hill was funded, it is unlikely that an Australian mining deal will reach that magnitude this year.

The A$4bn acquisition of BG’s gas pipeline in Queensland by APA added to the Australian tally, as did the A$3.7bn North West Rail contract. While

mining, pipelines and rail projects featured, the A$2.9bn acquisition of Shell’s petroleum refinery at Geelong saw this sector have its only deal this year.

There were a number of airport deals and the Port of Newcastle had a sizeable refinancing. In New Zealand, the US$778m debt funding of the Wellington toll road was that country’s biggest deal and its first for a pure PF road project.

India was the second busiest market, but behind Australia by a significant US$27bn. India’s economy may still be weak and there may be very few significant new greenfield projects, but the country known for its curries and papadums managed to register 54 deals worth US$11bn – still a very impressive feat. With the newly elected Modi leadership, India offers many opportunities in next few years as demand and the requirement for infrastructure development remain strong. Globally, India was ranked fourth, after the US, Australia and UK.

The top arranger in Asia-Pacific was the State Bank of India or SBI Capital, this despite Australia being the biggest market, and not India. The country’s largest state bank, has been consistent, holding the crown as top arranger consecutively since 2005. That’s an impressive 10 years in a row. It also has held the global top arranger position for three years (2009–2011), but the domestic economic and financial issues in the last two to three years had resulted in less lending activities.

Following closely behind is Commonwealth Bank of Australia (CBA) with US$5.02bn of deals, which were largely in Australia. Westpac and NAB, two other Australian banks, are ranked fourth and sixth respectively. The Japanese banks, too, are never far away. BTMU is leading

the pack, being third in the region; and SMBC and Mizuho are fifth and ninth, respectively. Globally, however, it is a different picture. The three Japanese mega banks are

the top three global arrangers.

EMEAThe project finance loan market in the Europe, Middle East & Africa (EMEA) region rose a little in 2014, up 6.8% to US$95bn. The UK volume total remained the same as in 2013 at US$16.5bn, as did Turkey’s, which came in second in the rankings at US$8.5bn. The UK market had a real mix of financings while this year Turkey was boosted by the Star Refinery deal plus the first hospital PPP financings.

The Middle East market bought in U$13.2bn, down from US$18bn in 2013 – a year that included the mega Sadara financing. This year the big deal in the Middle East was the Ma’aden phosphate financing. Africa saw volumes slip to US$8.1bn from US$11bn as Nigeria fell from US$4.6bn to US$1.4bn. Norway saw a big jump from zero to US$5.9bn, on the back of oil and gas deals such as Det norske.

Bond issuance in Europe moved up 1% from US$15.9bn to US$17.8bn while in the Middle East it rose from US$2bn to US$2.3bn, mainly on the back of the Tamar gas bond issue in Israel. One disturbing trend is a marked slowdown in new advisory mandates awarded in the region. New advisory mandates fell by 80 to 168. The number of new mandates fell across the board from private sector mandates, to government mandates, to bid competition mandates.

French mandates moved back up to the top of the tables in 2014 in EMEA – although the Japanese still remain very strong. BNP Paribas topped the EMEA loan table followed by SMBC and BTMU. The other seven places in the Top 10 were filled by European banks led by ING and Credit Agricole. Mizuho was 11th.

Power deals in the region rose strongly in 2014, perhaps surprisingly. The volume in this sector was US$27.4bn, up 37% on 2013. Transportation fell by 24% to US$19.3bn while oil and gas remained the same at US$19.9bn.

Prospects for 2015 are interesting, to say the least. On the one hand, there is an excess of debt supply with a range of debt providers – short and long term – now in the market. Margins and underlying swap rates are reaching record lows, meaning project sponsors and project clients can get an excellent cost of funds right now.

On the other hand, deal flow is constrained by the continuing austerity in the European region, as shown by the fall in advisories. In addition, the oil and gas sector across the EMEA region is under pressure given the collapse in the oil price. So… welcome to 2015! n


1 - JBIC (1)

2 - Kexim (3)

3 - IFC (4)

4 - EBRD (7)

5 - Sace (13)


1 - JBIC (–)

2 - EIB (1)

3 - Kexim (2)

4 - US Ex-Im (7)

5 - EKF (3)


1 - BTMU (1)

2 - SMBC (5)

3 - Mizuho (6)

4 - Credit Agricole (9)

5 - Citigroup (16)


1 - SBI Capital (1)

2 - CBA (7)

3 - BTMU (3)

4 - ANZ (10)

5 - SMBC (9)


1 - BNP Paribas (7)

2 - SMBC (2)

3 - BTMU (3)

4 - ING (11)

5 - Credit Agricole (6)

Project Finance International January 14 201548


Mandated arrangers US$(m) % No of deals Mandated arrangers US$(m) % No of deals

1 Mitsubishi UFJ 16,226.9 6.1 139

2 SMBC 13,451.0 5.1 112

3 Mizuho Financial 9,848.0 3.7 80

4 BNP Paribas 9,002.6 3.4 73

5 Credit Agricole 8,054.3 3.1 80

6 ING 7,555.0 2.9 77

7 CBA 7,276.5 2.8 53

8 HSBC 6,883.6 2.6 48

9 SG 6,393.5 2.4 67

10 SBI Capital 5,646.8 2.1 25

11 Natixis 5,505.0 2.1 77

12 Santander 4,855.2 1.8 51

13 Citi 4,447.6 1.7 35

14 KDB 4,264.3 1.6 23

15 ANZ 4,177.9 1.6 34

16 NAB 4,121.5 1.6 31

17 Westpac Banking 4,119.7 1.6 24

18 Scotiabank 4,036.7 1.5 29

19 Deutsche Bank 3,934.7 1.5 33

20 KfW IPEX-Bank 3,783.1 1.4 28

21 RBC Capital Markets 3,738.0 1.4 27

22 Bank of America Merrill Lynch 3,560.4 1.4 26

23 RBS 3,121.9 1.2 30

24 Barclays 2,996.5 1.1 20

25 CIBC World Markets 2,874.4 1.1 20

26 JP Morgan 2,582.2 1.0 14

27 BBVA 2,432.8 0.9 26

28 Standard Chartered 2,288.5 0.9 24

29 DNB ASA 2,209.5 0.8 18

30 Morgan Stanley 1,987.7 0.8 14

31 UniCredit 1,937.3 0.7 27

32 OCBC 1,795.5 0.7 12

33 Goldman Sachs 1,601.3 0.6 12

34 SEB 1,596.1 0.6 17

35 DBS 1,593.8 0.4 14

36 ICICI Bank 1,588.5 0.6 6

37 ICBC 1,473.8 0.6 13

38 Intesa Sanpaolo 1,479.6 0.6 17

39 Nord/LB 1,377.7 0.5 22

40 UOB 1,370.8 0.5 8

41 Rabobank 1,121.1 0.4 17

42 Sumitomo Mitsui Trust 1,117.7 0.4 10

43 BMO Capital Markets 1,113.9 0.4 13

44 IDFC 1,108.8 0.4 12

45 Bayerische Landesbank Giro 1,087.6 0.4 14

46 Garanti Bank 1,032.0 0.4 3

47 Lloyds Bank 995.1 0.4 9

48 ABN AMRO Bank 958.5 0.4 10

49 Wells Fargo 942.9 0.4 6

50 Macquarie Group 924.8 0.4 8

51 Axis Bank 911.4 0.3 5

52 Banobras 907.7 0.3 4

53 Siemens Financial Services 853.4 0.3 13

54 HSH Nordbank 847.5 0.3 8

55 CaixaBank 826.1 0.3 10

56 Banco De Oro Unibank 807.8 0.3 3

57 Landesbank Hessen-Thueringen 804.5 0.3 12

58 Bank of China 790.5 0.3 5

59 DZ Bank 717.9 0.3 8

60 Yapi Ve Kredi Bankasi 694.6 0.3 3

61 CIT Group 676.8 0.3 9

62 Nedbank Capital 672.0 0.3 5

63 KeyBanc Capital Markets 667.8 0.3 16

64 Nordea 661.9 0.3 7

65 Credit Suisse 648.1 0.3 7

66 Investec 643.0 0.2 7

67 Standard Bank 629.2 0.2 4

=68 GE Financial 594.1 0.2 7

=68 Kasikornbank 594.1 0.2 4

=70 Turkiye Halk Bankasi 582.0 0.2 2

=70 Turkiye Is Bankasi 582.0 0.2 2

72 Credit Mutuel 565.9 0.2 8

=73 National Bank of Canada Fin’l 557.5 0.2 1

=73 Woori Financial 557.5 0.2 11

75 Gazprombank 539.2 0.2 1

76 Bangkok Bank 539.0 0.2 4

77 Hypo Real Estate 534.6 0.2 1

78 Ziraat Bankasi 507.0 0.2 1

79 Siam Commercial Bank 501.8 0.2 2

80 Itau Unibanco 500.0 0.2 4

81 Capital One Financial 485.7 0.2 4

82 Rand Merchant Bank 475.7 0.2 4

83 Shinsei Bank 472.0 0.2 5

=84 KB Financial 467.1 0.2 1

=84 Shinhan Financial 467.1 0.2 1

86 Groupe BPCE 466.5 0.2 9

87 Development Bank of Japan 463.6 0.2 5

88 SunTrust Banks 440.1 0.2 9

89 IDBI Bank 435.9 0.2 4

90 Investissement Quebec 412.4 0.2 1

91 Swedbank 388.4 0.2 4

92 NongHyup Financial 376.0 0.1 3

93 MetLife 375.2 0.1 3

94 Landesbank Baden-Wurttemberg 359.6 0.1 7

95 Korea Exchange Bank 355.0 0.1 2

96 Ecobank Transnational 350.0 0.1 1

97 Bank Nederlandse Gemeenten 342.8 0.1 3

98 CoBank ACB 342.6 0.1 7

99 Cassa Depositi e Prestiti 342.4 0.1 2

100 National Bank of Abu Dhabi 338.9 0.1 4

101 Aozora Bank 335.8 0.1 4

102 UBS 335.1 0.1 3

103 Banco do Brasil 333.4 0.1 3

104 Mid-Capital 317.8 0.1 2

105 Banque Saudi Fransi 290.8 0.1 3

106 Mediobanca 286.5 0.1 2

107 KBC Group NV 268.9 0.1 3

=108 Attijariwafa Bank 268.0 0.1 1

=108 Banque Centrale Populaire 268.0 0.1 1

110 Bank of Philippine Islands 264.8 0.1 2

111 Norhukin Bank 264.3 0.1 1

112 LH Financial 261.7 0.1 1

113 Caixa Geral de Depositos 255.3 0.1 4

114 Metropolitan Bank & Trust 253.3 0.1 1

115 Dexia 251.6 0.1 3

116 Grupo Financiero Inbursa 250.0 0.1 1

117 Bancolombia 248.5 0.1 3

118 Banco Espirito Santo 240.2 0.1 5

119 Shinkin Central Bank 235.5 0.1 2

120 Banco Popular Espanol 233.2 0.1 4

121 BMPS 230.5 0.1 5

122 Arab Banking oration 226.7 0.1 3

123 Grupo Aval Acciones y Valores 224.9 0.1 2

124 Abu Dhabi Islamic Bank 223.8 0.1 3

125 First Gulf Bank 207.7 0.1 3

126 DGZ-DekaBank 207.2 0.1 2

Project Finance International January 14 2015 49



Mandated arrangers US$(m) % No of deals Mandated arrangers US$(m) % No of deals

127 Banco BTG Pactual SA 205.0 0.1 1

128 Abu Dhabi Commercial Bank 201.7 0.1 2

129 Canara Bank 194.1 0.1 1

130 National Bank of Greece 191.3 0.1 4

131 Sparebanken Oslo Akershus 187.5 0.1 1

132 Caterpillar Financial Services 184.1 0.1 2

133 Banco de Credito de Bolivia 183.5 0.1 2

134 US Ban 181.8 0.1 1

135 Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego 177.7 0.1 2

136 First City Group 176.7 0.1 1

137 Commerzbank 176.1 0.1 3

138 CIMB 166.7 0.1 1

139 Portigon 166.1 0.1 2

140 Unione di Banche Italiane 161.9 0.1 5

=141 Banco de Occidente 159.9 0.1 1

=141 Sociedades Bolivar 159.9 0.1 1

143 Banca 153.8 0.1 2

144 Banco de Sabadell 147.5 0.1 5

=145 Banque Audi 143.0 0.1 2

=145 Banque Misr 143.0 0.1 2

=147 Chiba Bank 142.9 0.1 1

=147 Shizuoka Bank 142.9 0.1 1

149 Malayan Banking 138.9 0.1 4

150 Danske Bank 132.7 0.1 3

=151 Ahli United Bank 131.2 0.1 1

=151 Bank Dhofar 131.2 0.1 1

=151 Bank Muscat 131.2 0.1 1

=151 National Bank of Oman 131.2 0.1 1

=151 Natl Comml Bank Saudi Arabia 131.2 0.1 1

=151 Oman Arab Bank 131.2 0.1 1

=151 Qatar National Bank 131.2 0.1 1

=151 Sohar Bank 131.2 0.1 1

159 Bank of India 128.2 0.1 1

160 Sberbank 125.0 0.1 1

161 Bankia 118.1 0 2

162 Credit Mutuel Arkea 115.8 0 1

163 Bank of Ireland 115.7 0 2

164 OneWest Bank 114.8 0 3

165 NIBC 111.7 0 3

166 Clifford Capital 111.5 0 1

167 Depfa Deutsche Pfandbriefbank 110.4 0 1

168 Raiffeisen Bank International 108.9 0 3

169 Hua Nan Financial 108.8 0 2

170 Associated Banc 106.7 0 4

171 Desjardins 101.4 0 1

172 Capital Credit 100.1 0 1

173 Yes Bank 97.0 0 2

174 Industrial Bank of Korea 96.9 0 1

175 Union National Bank of UAE 93.8 0 2

176 La Banque Postale 92.3 0 1

=177 ASN Bank 88.9 0 1

=177 Triodos Bank 88.9 0 1

179 Handelsbanken Capital Markets 86.8 0 1

180 Metrobank 83.6 0 2

181 Banque Marocaine du Comm Ext 82.9 0 1

182 Banco Portugues Investimento 81.7 0 5

183 Allied Irish Banks 80.9 0 2

=184 Al Hilal Islamic Bank 80.8 0 1

=184 Dubai Islamic Bank 80.8 0 1

186 Comerica 80.6 0 1

187 Toho Bank 75.6 0 2

=188 AK Bank 75.0 0 1

=188 Bank Commerce Al-Habib 75.0 0 1

=188 TC Ziraat Bankasi 75.0 0 1

=188 Turkiye Vakiflar Bankasi 75.0 0 1

=192 Al Khaliji Commercial Bank 70.5 0 1

=192 Arab Bank 70.5 0 1

=194 Caja de Ahorros y M Zaragoza 60.3 0 1

=194 Instituto Credito Casse Risp. 60.3 0 1

=196 Bank Deopzytow-Kreditowy 60.2 0 1

=196 PZU SA 60.2 0 1

=198 Banco La Capitalizadora Hondur 60.0 0 1

=198 People’s Bank of China 60.0 0 1

=200 Liberbank 58.8 0 1

=200 Novacaixagalicia 58.8 0 1

=202 Bank of Taiwan 58.3 0 1

=202 Chang Hwa Commercial Bank 58.3 0 1

=202 CTBC Financial 58.3 0 1

=202 Land Bank of Taiwan 58.3 0 1

=202 Mega Financial 58.3 0 1

=202 Taishin International Bank 58.3 0 1

=202 Taiwan Cooperative Bank 58.3 0 1

209 Societe Arabe Int’le de Banque 57.2 0 1

210 National Bank of Kuwait 56.8 0 1

211 Travelers Capital 56.2 0 1

=212 Manulife Financial 55.8 0 1

=212 Stonebridge Bank 55.8 0 1

214 77 Bank 54.8 0 1

215 Bankinter 54.6 0 2

=216 Alpha Bank 53.6 0 1

=216 EFG Group 53.6 0 1

=216 Piraeus Bank 53.6 0 1

119 Banca Popolare di Milano 53.1 0 2

220 Alfalfa County Bank 51.8 0 1

221 Emirates NBD 48.3 0 2

222 HDFC Bank 47.9 0 1

223 Erste Group 47.3 0 2

=224 Ceska Statni Sporitelna 46.4 0 1

=224 HYPO NOE Gruppe Bank 46.4 0 1

226 TMB Bank 43.8 0 2

227 Deutscher Sparkassen & Giro 43.7 0 1

228 Banco Popolare 43.2 0 1

229 Nykredit A/S 38.2 0 1

230 Development Bank of S. Africa 35.5 0 1

231 Gjensidige NOR Sparbank 34.6 0 1

=232 Land Bank of the Philippines 33.5 0 1

=232 Philippine National Bank 33.5 0 1

=232 Security Bank & Trust 33.5 0 1

235 Sparkasse in Bremen 32.1 0 1

236 San-in Godo Bank 32.0 0 1

237 Banco Bradesco 30.9 0 1

238 Nederlandse Fin.-Maat. 30.0 0 1

239 Banca Popolare Commercio Ind 29.6 0 1

240 Banco Mare Nostrum 29.5 0 1

241 Banesco Banco Universal 28.7 0 1

=242 Citizens Bk of Philadelphia 28.6 0 1

=242 First Niagara Financial 28.6 0 1

=242 Huntington Bancshares 28.6 0 1

245 RHB 28.2 0 1

=246 Barwa Bank QSC 25.0 0 1

=246 Commercial Bank International 25.0 0 1

=246 Commercial Bank of Dubai 25.0 0 1

249 Banca Popolare Emilia Romagna 23.7 0 2

=250 Banco Aliado 23.6 0 1

=250 Banco Industrial do Brasil 23.6 0 1

=250 Banco Latin Americano Export 23.6 0 1

Project Finance International January 14 201550

United States of America 60,157.5 22.8 124

Australia 37,982.8 14.4 51

United Kingdom 16,537.9 6.3 40

India 11,019.2 4.0 55

Brazil 9,481.9 3.6 22

Canada 9,298.2 3.5 32

Turkey 8,580.2 3.2 12

France 6,835.7 2.6 61

Norway 5,896.9 2.2 11

Netherlands 5,332.3 2.0 8

Japan 4,977.4 1.9 47

South Korea 4,937.5 1.9 14

Mexico 4,686.9 1.8 12

Saudi Arabia 4,458.1 1.7 4

Russian Federation 4,373.4 1.7 5

Indonesia 4,268.4 1.6 8

Sweden 4,195.8 1.6 2

Peru 3,531.2 1.3 10

Germany 3,380.0 1.3 16

Italy 3,246.9 1.2 20

Finland 3,230.4 1.2 5

Zambia 3,212.0 1.2 3

Oman 3,101.0 1.2 3

United Arab Emirates 2,837.0 1.1 5

Thailand 2,762.5 1.0 6

Ghana 2,500.0 1.0 3

Turkmenistan 2,494.2 0.9 2

Spain 2,421.0 0.9 11

Morocco 2,177.1 0.8 2

Philippines 1,879.0 0.7 5

Hungary 1,771.6 0.7 1

Chile 1,475.3 0.6 9

Republic of Ireland 1,410.3 0.5 5

Nigeria 1,378.5 0.5 3

China 1,119.0 0.4 7

Colombia 1,101.1 0.4 3

Panama 986.8 0.4 5

Singapore 913.5 0.3 2

New Zealand 791.2 0.3 2

Laos 728.7 0.3 2

Poland 718.5 0.3 5

Ecuador 709.0 0.3 2

Egypt 618.1 0.2 3

Malaysia 592.1 0.2 3

Romania 553.7 0.2 5

Austria 403.2 0.2 6

Surinam 312.7 0.1 2

Denmark 297.3 0.1 1

Greece 277.2 0.1 3

Honduras 274.0 0.1 2

Dominican Republic 260.0 0.1 1

Belgium 240.5 0.1 2

Jordan 234.8 0.1 7

Ivory Coast 213.0 0.1 1

Portugal 211.1 0.1 2

South Africa 208.2 0.1 2

Azerbaijan 200.0 0.1 1

Kazakhstan 200.0 0.1 1

Mongolia 200.0 0.1 1

Guyana 185.0 0.1 1

Uruguay 174.5 0.1 2

Cape Verde 160.0 0.1 1

Uganda 160.0 0.1 1

Barbados 150.0 0.1 1

Chad 140.0 0.1 1

Czech Republic 139.3 0.1 1

Namibia 137.0 0.1 2

Dem Rep of the Congo 135.0 0.1 1

Guernsey 133.2 0.1 1

Bulgaria 125.0 0.1 1

Cayman Islands 100.0 0 1

Myanmar(Burma) 85.0 0 1

Georgia 80.0 0 1

Kuwait 56.8 0 1

Croatia 55.5 0 1

Vietnam 23.0 0 1

Serbia 19.5 0 1

Total 260,250.9 100.0 704


Nation US$(m) % No of deals Nation US$(m) % No of deals

=250 Multibank 23.6 0 1

=250 National Reserve 23.6 0 1

=250 Popular ,Hato Rey 23.6 0 1

256 Saigon-Hanoi Bank 23.0 0 1

257 Gulf International Bank 22.5 0 1

258 Unicaja 19.4 0 1

259 Chugoku Bank 19.1 0 1

260 Indonesia Infrastructure Fin 17.9 0 1

261 ICCREA 17.2 0 2

262 Banco di Napoli 13.4 0 1

263 Hokuto Bank 12.1 0 1

264 European Arab Bank 11.9 0 1

265 Dvlp Bk of Namibia 7.0 0 1

266 Showa Leasing 5.8 0 1

=267 Banca di Carnia e Gemonese 5.5 0 1

=267 Banca Popolare dell’Alto Adige 5.5 0 1

=267 Mediocredito del Trentino 5.5 0 1

270 Hana Financial 2.3 0 1

Total* 260,250.9 100.0 704

*Proportional Credit

Source: Thomson Reuters


Mandated arrangers US$(m) % No of deals Mandated arrangers US$(m) % No of deals

Project Finance International January 14 2015 51


1 Mitsubishi UFJ Financial 8,178.3 8.4 70 Cameron LNG LLC (United States, 264.3), Sociedad Minera Cerro Verde SA (Peru, 100.0), Keenan II (United States, 33.3),

White Pine Financial LLC (United States, 93.0), Atlantic Power Project (United States, 52.5), Bicent [California] Power LLC

(United States, 54.7), First Wind Route 66 Portfolio (United States, 101.8), Calpine Constr Finance Co LP (United States,

70.8), Japan Canada Oil Sands Ltd (Canada, 150.0), Whitewater & Cottage Grove (United States, 16.5), Calpine Devlpment

Holdings Inc (United States, 75.0), Copper Mountain Solar 3 LLC (United States, 61.2), K2 Wind Ontario (Canada, 55.8),

Merritt Green Energy LP (Canada, 36.8), FPSO Cidade de Caraguatatuba (Brazil, 225.8), NRG Energy Inc (United States,

142.9), LSP Hudson Generation (United States, 48.3), Mesquite Creek Wind LLC (United States, 96.2), Sabine Pass

Liquefaction LLC (United States, 46.4), Northland Power Solar IV (Canada, 48.0), AES Shady Point (United States, 14.5),

York Energy Centre (Canada, 48.3), CSOLAR 4 West (United States, 75.9), Bluewater Wind (Canada, 52.2), Lone Star

Transmission LLC (United States, 30.0), Freeport Power (United States, 65.3), Lea Power Partners LLC (United States,

49.3), Memorial Resource Dvlp Ltd (United States, 80.6), Newark Energy Center (United States, 82.7), Oneta Energy

[Calpine Corp] (United States, 122.8), FLNG (United States, 591.0), Alpine Solar Power Facility (United States, 41.8),

Border Winds Energy LLC (United States, 44.5), Carville Energy (United States, 36.0), Decatur Energy (United States, 51.0),

Pleasant Valley Wind LLC (United States, 57.1), VIG (United States, 450.0), Mountain View Solar (United States, 45.6),

NRG Marsh (United States, 92.7), GWF Energy LLC (United States, 62.0), Kingston Solar LP (Canada, 94.1), Techgen

(Mexico, 66.7), Alfa Lula (Brazil, 111.5), Astoria II Power Plant (United States, 184.6), Panama Linea Uno Extension

(Panama, 142.1), Kelar (Chile, 119.2), Etesco Construcoes (Brazil, 91.7), CPV Maryland (United States, 78.5), Stephens Ranch

Wind Energy II (United States, 100.2), VIG (United States, 16.0), Des Moulins Wind Power LP (Canada, 6.1), Cross Texas

Transmission (United States, 74.8), Interstate 4 (United States, 96.6), South Peruvian Pipeline (Peru, 120.0), TPF II/

Rolling Hills Portfolio (United States, 422.5), NY Parking (United States, 51.3), Range Resources Corp (United States,

181.8), WCEP Holdings LLC (United States, 46.7), Walnut Creek Gas-Fired Project (United States, 512.3), Armow Wind

(Canada, 57.4), Southeast PowerGen LLC (United States, 183.5), Panda Stonewall (United States, 125.0), Pinyon Pines II

(United States, 30.9), Pinyon Pines (United States, 35.3), FLNG Liquefaction 2 LLC (United States, 161.0), Samay I (Peru,

77.8), McCoy Solar Funding LLC (United States, 85.0), Sentinel Energy Project (United States, 719.0), Sasol Chemicals

[USA] LLC (United States, 269.3), Pheasant Run Wind Phease I (United States, 51.1)

2 SMBC 4,671.5 4.8 39 Cameron LNG LLC (United States, 614.3), Sociedad Minera Cerro Verde SA (Peru, 100.0), White Pine Financial LLC (United

States, 93.0), Kelar (Chile, 81.8), Copper Mountain Solar 3 LLC (United States, 61.2), K2 Wind Ontario (Canada, 55.8), FPSO

Cidade de Caraguatatuba (Brazil, 225.8), NRG Energy Inc (United States, 142.9), Mesquite Creek Wind LLC (United States,

96.2), Northland Power Solar IV (Canada, 48.0), Bluewater Wind (Canada, 52.2), Freeport Power (United States, 65.3),

Lea Power Partners LLC (United States, 49.3), Delta House FPS (United States, 100.0), FLNG (United States, 591.0),

Techgen (Mexico, 66.7), Alfa Lula (Brazil, 111.5), Amaggi Expansion (Brazil, 200.0), Midway Peaking LLC (United States,

19.5), Panama Linea Uno Extension (Panama, 142.1), Kelar (Chile, 119.1), Etesco Construcoes (Brazil, 91.7), Tisur Mineral

Port (Peru, 70.0), South Peruvian Pipeline (Peru, 120.0), Las Vegas Arena (United States, 28.6), NY Parking (United States,

61.3), Safe Harbor (United States, 112.0), Avalon Solar Partners LLC (United States, 135.0), OOGTK Libra GmbH & Co KG

(Brazil, 35.4), Armow Wind (Canada, 57.4), Cobra Ingenieria Uruguay SA (Uruguay, 42.2), Pinyon Pines II (United States,

30.9), Pinyon Pines (United States, 35.3), KAL ABS 15 Cayman Ltd (Cayman Islands, 50.0), FLNG Liquefaction 2 LLC

(United States, 161.0), Walsh Infrastructure Credit (Canada, 80.0), Los Ramones South Pipeline (Mexico, 178.2), Samay I

(Peru, 77.8), Sasol Chemicals [USA] LLC (United States, 269.3)

3 Mizuho Financial 4,544.8 4.7 34 Cameron LNG LLC (United States, 264.3), Sociedad Minera Cerro Verde SA (Peru, 100.0), SunE Westbrook LP (Canada,

53.9), Kelar (Chile, 81.8), Oro-Medonte Solar Farm Inc (Canada, 42.8), Japan Canada Oil Sands Ltd (Canada, 150.0),

Copper Mountain Solar 3 LLC (United States, 61.2), K2 Wind Ontario (Canada, 55.8), FPSO Cidade de Caraguatatuba

(Brazil, 225.8), Mesquite Creek Wind LLC (United States, 96.2), Sabine Pass Liquefaction LLC (United States, 46.4),

Energia Sierra Juarez (Mexico, 270.0), Northland Power Solar IV (Canada, 48.0), Freeport Power (United States, 65.3),

FLNG (United States, 591.0), Alpine Solar Power Facility (United States, 41.8), Petra Nova Parish Holdings LLC (United

States, 75.0), Alfa Lula (Brazil, 111.5), Petrobras 12 FPSOs (Brazil, 500.0), Kelar (Chile, 119.2), Etesco Construcoes (Brazil,

91.7), Tisur Mineral Port (Peru, 70.0), Kitsault Molybdenum Mine (Canada, 122.4), Solar Star California XIII LLC (United


Lead manager Volume (US$m) % No of deals Deals

Power 83,533.5

Oil & Gas 66,005.0

Transportation 51,122.5

Mining 18,880.6

Industry 16,015.0

Petrochemicals 11,189.5

PPP 9,028.4

Telecommunications 1,847.2

Water & Sewerage 1,161.2

Waste & Recycling 853.2

Agriculture & Forestry 88.7

Total 259,724.8


Sector Volume (US$m)

Project Finance International January 14 201552


Lead manager Volume (US$m) % No of deals Deals

States, 126.0), Armow Wind (Canada, 57.4), Mackenzie Valley Fibre Link (Canada, 71.2), Kerwood Wind LP (Canada, 78.1),

Bornish Wind LP (United States, 88.0), FLNG Liquefaction 2 LLC (United States, 161.0), Trans Pacific Shipping 4 Ltd

(Panama, 38.8), Eurus Combine Hills II (United States, 81.0), McCoy Solar Funding LLC (United States, 239.0), Sasol

Chemicals [USA] LLC (United States, 269.3), Pheasant Run Wind Phease I (United States, 51.1)

4 Credit Agricole 3,305.1 3.4 34 Cameron LNG LLC (United States, 121.5), Sociedad Minera Cerro Verde SA (Peru, 100.0), Ports America Holdings Inc

(United States, 118.8), Rensselaer Gas Cycle Pwr Plnt (United States, 153.3), Covanta Energy Waste-to-Energy (United

States, 59.0), Calpine Devlpment Holdings Inc (United States, 75.0), Copper Mountain Solar 3 LLC (United States, 61.2),

K2 Wind Ontario (Canada, 55.8), LSP Hudson Generation (United States, 48.3), Sabine Pass Liquefaction LLC (United

States, 46.4), Transmisora Baquedano (Chile, 25.4), Sinochem Petroleum USA LLC (United States, 83.3), Bayonne Energy

(United States, 138.8), Memorial Resource Dvlp Ltd (United States, 80.6), Newark Energy Center (United States, 82.7),

Delta House FPS (United States, 100.0), NRG Marsh (United States, 92.7), Techgen (Mexico, 66.7), Alfa Lula (Brazil, 111.5),

Astoria II Power Plant (United States, 184.6), CPV Maryland (United States, 78.5), Tisur Mineral Port (Peru, 70.0), Cross

Texas Transmission (United States, 65.0), Interstate 4 (United States, 96.6), Conc Rota Oeste (Brazil, 52.5), Solar Star

California XIII LLC (United States, 126.0), Range Resources Corp (United States, 181.8), Armow Wind (Canada, 57.4),

Oregon Clean Energy (United States, 64.7), Cobra Ingenieria Uruguay SA (Uruguay, 42.2), FLNG Liquefaction 2 LLC

(United States, 161.0), Los Ramones South Pipeline (Mexico, 178.2), McCoy Solar Funding LLC (United States, 85.0),

SWG Finco LLC (United States, 240.7)

5 Citi 3,196.7 3.3 26 Fermaca (Mexico, 70.0), Sociedad Minera Cerro Verde SA (Peru, 100.0), Viva Alamo LLC (United States, 307.5), Midstates

Petroleum Co Inc (United States, 39.6), NRG Energy Inc (United States, 142.9), Vanguard Natural Resources LLC (United

States, 350.0), Sabine Oil & Gas LLC (United States, 142.9), Sabine Oil & Gas LLC (United States, 121.4), Sinochem

Petroleum USA LLC (United States, 83.3), TerraForm Power Inc (United States, 88.0), Memorial Resource Dvlp Ltd

(United States, 80.6), Gemini HDLPE LLC (United States, 210.0), Techgen (Mexico, 66.7), Stephens Ranch Wind Energy

II (United States, 53.5), Dominican Power Partners (Dominican Rep, 23.6), Cross Texas Transmission (United States, 65.0),

Las Vegas Arena (United States, 28.6), Range Resources Corp (United States, 181.8), OOGTK Libra GmbH & Co KG (Brazil,

35.4), Southeast PowerGen LLC (United States, 183.5), New Mexico City International (Mexico, 250.0), Viva Alamo LLC

(United States, 80.0), Terra-Gen Finance Co LLC (United States, 81.3), Brava Star Ltd (Brazil, 59.6), Logans Gap Wind LLC

(United States, 82.4), Sasol Chemicals [USA] LLC (United States, 269.3)

6 Bank of America Merrill Lynch 3,187.7 3.3 19 Carrix Inc (United States, 110.4), La Paloma Generating Station (United States, 36.7), Atlantic Power Project (United States,

352.5), Calpine Constr Finance Co LP (United States, 70.8), Hammerhead Solar LLC (United States, 73.3), Covanta Energy

Waste-to-Energy (United States, 59.0), Midstates Petroleum Co Inc (United States, 39.6), NRG Energy Inc (United States,

142.9), Sabine Oil & Gas LLC (United States, 121.4), Sabine Oil & Gas LLC (United States, 142.9), Memorial Resource Dvlp

Ltd (United States, 80.6), Houston Fuel Oil Terminal Co (United States, 208.3), ExGen Texas Power LLC (United States,

695.0), TPF II/Rolling Hills Portfolio (United States, 422.5), Vivint Solar Financing I LLC (United States, 87.5), Las Vegas

Arena (United States, 28.6), Range Resources Corp (United States, 181.8), Oregon Clean Energy (United States, 64.7),

Sasol Chemicals [USA] LLC (United States, 269.3)

7 ING 3,116.4 3.2 36 Cameron LNG LLC (United States, 264.3), Sociedad Minera Cerro Verde SA (Peru, 100.0), Keenan II (United States, 33.3),

Ports America Holdings Inc (United States, 118.8), Eagle Creek Renewable Energy (United States, 58.5), Baffinland Iron

Mines Corp (Canada, 75.0), Calpine Devlpment Holdings Inc (United States, 75.0), Summit Natural Gas of Maine (United

States, 65.0), FPSO Cidade de Caraguatatuba (Brazil, 225.8), Ministerie van Financien (Surinam, 37.7), LSP Hudson

Generation (United States, 48.3), AES Shady Point (United States, 14.5), AU Solar 2 (United States, 41.7), York Energy

Centre (Canada, 48.3), Constancia Mining Project,Lima (Peru, 75.0), Newark Energy Center (United States, 82.7), Oneta

Energy[Calpine Corp] (United States, 122.8), Carville Energy (United States, 36.0), Decatur Energy (United States, 51.0),

NRG Marsh (United States, 92.7), GWF Energy LLC (United States, 62.0), Alfa Lula (Brazil, 111.5), Etesco Construcoes

(Brazil, 91.7), CPV Maryland (United States, 78.5), Teck Resources-Morelos Project (Mexico, 75.0), Aurora Gold (Guyana,

61.7), Cross Texas Transmission (United States, 9.8), Vivint Solar Financing I LLC (United States, 87.5), NY Parking (United

States, 51.3), CAL (Barbados, 150.0), OOGTK Libra GmbH & Co KG (Brazil, 35.4), Oregon Clean Energy (United States,

64.7), Terra-Gen Finance Co LLC (United States, 81.3), Brava Star Ltd (Brazil, 59.6), FLNG Liquefaction 2 LLC (United

States, 161.0), Sasol Chemicals [USA] LLC (United States, 269.3)

8 BNP Paribas 2,972.8 3.1 19 Sociedad Minera Cerro Verde SA (Peru, 100.0), Sudeste Port (Brazil, 1,506.1), LSP Hudson Generation (United States,

48.3), Tenaska Gateway Partners Ltd (United States, 17.8), Constancia Mining Project,Lima (Peru, 75.0), GPRE

Ethanol (United States, 112.5), CSOLAR 4 West (United States, 75.9), Oneta Energy[Calpine Corp] (United States, 122.8),

Carville Energy (United States, 36.0), Decatur Energy (United States, 51.0), Techgen (Mexico, 66.7), Teck

Resources-Morelos Project (Mexico, 75.0), Kitsault Molybdenum Mine (Canada, 122.4), Cross Texas Transmission

(United States, 74.8), Cntrl Resources do Brasil (Brazil, 65.0), Oregon Clean Energy (United States, 64.7),

Brava Star Ltd (Brazil, 59.6), LS Power Solar Holdings (United States, 30.0), Sasol Chemicals [USA] LLC

(United States, 269.3)

9 Santander 2,830.3 2.9 26 Cia Siderurgica Pecem (Brazil, 300.0), Cameron LNG LLC (United States, 121.5), Carrix Inc (United States, 110.4), Sociedad

Minera Cerro Verde SA (Peru, 100.0), Bicent [California] Power LLC (United States, 54.7), First Wind Route 66 Portfolio

(United States, 101.8), Ventika II (Mexico, 122.5), Ventika (Mexico, 120.0), CSOLAR 4 West (United States, 75.9), TerraForm

Power Inc (United States, 88.0), Alpine Solar Power Facility (United States, 41.8), Techgen (Mexico, 66.7), Abent 3T

(Mexico, 60.0), Astoria II Power Plant (United States, 184.6), Grupo Unidos por el Canal SA (Panama, 57.8), Red Horse

Wind 2 LLC (United States, 191.9), Des Moulins Wind Power LP (Canada, 6.1), Coruripe Refinancing (Brazil, 123.3),

NY Parking (United States, 51.3), Green Pastures Wind I LLC (United States, 84.0), Solar Star California XIII LLC (United

Project Finance International January 14 2015 53



Lead manager Volume (US$m) % No of deals Deals

States, 126.0), Chiloe-Chacao Bridge Co (Chile, 115.0), Sao Paulo Sustainable (Brazil, 300.0), Pinyon Pines II (United States,

30.9), Pinyon Pines (United States, 35.3), FLNG Liquefaction 2 LLC (United States, 161.0)

10 Natixis 2,668.3 2.7 26 Cameron LNG LLC (United States, 121.5), Sociedad Minera Cerro Verde SA (Peru, 100.0), Keenan II (United States, 33.3),

Baffinland Iron Mines Corp (Canada, 75.0), Glenarm Solar (Canada, 17.3), CFE Valle de Mexico (Mexico, 90.0), Midstates

Petroleum Co Inc (United States, 31.3), Merritt Green Energy LP (Canada, 36.8), Midstates Petroleum Co Inc (United States,

39.6), Sabine Oil & Gas LLC (United States, 142.9), Sabine Oil & Gas LLC (United States, 121.4), Memorial Resource Dvlp

Ltd (United States, 80.6), Newark Energy Center (United States, 82.7), Kingston Solar LP (Canada, 101.3), Techgen

(Mexico, 66.7), Alfa Lula (Brazil, 111.5), Astoria II Power Plant (United States, 184.6), Kelar (Chile, 119.1), CPV Maryland

(United States, 78.5), Tisur Mineral Port (Peru, 70.0), South Peruvian Pipeline (Peru, 120.0), Consorcio Shushufindi SA (

Ecuador, 66.7), FLNG Liquefaction 2 LLC (United States, 161.0), Astoria Energy LLC (United States, 388.5), Los Ramones

South Pipeline (Mexico, 178.2), Cerro Dominador (Chile, 50.0)

11 SG 2,404.4 2.5 24 Cameron LNG LLC (United States, 264.3), Carrix Inc (United States, 110.4), Sociedad Minera Cerro Verde SA (Peru, 100.0),

Hammerhead Solar LLC (United States, 73.3), Copper Mountain Solar 3 LLC (United States, 61.2), K2 Wind Ontario

(Canada, 55.8), Midstates Petroleum Co Inc (United States, 39.6), Sabine Pass Liquefaction LLC (United States, 46.4),

Delta House FPS (United States, 100.0), Border Winds Energy LLC (United States, 44.5), Pleasant Valley Wind LLC (United

States, 57.1), Nodin Kitagan Ltd (Canada, 39.7), Alfa Lula (Brazil, 111.5), Astoria II Power Plant (United States, 184.6),

Etesco Construcoes (Brazil, 91.7), Teck Resources-Morelos Project (Mexico, 75.0), Interstate 4 (United States, 96.6), Safe

Harbor (United States, 112.0), Armow Wind (Canada, 57.4), Ocotillo Express LLC (United States, 57.2), FLNG Liquefaction 2

LLC (United States, 161.0), Samay I (Peru, 77.8), Logans Gap Wind LLC (United States, 118.1), Sasol Chemicals [USA] LLC

(United States, 269.3)

12 RBC Capital Markets 2,131.8 2.2 14 Ports America Holdings Inc (United States, 118.8), Atlantic Power Project (United States, 52.5), Calpine Devlpment

Holdings Inc (United States, 75.0), Copper Mountain Solar 3 LLC (United States, 61.2), Midstates Petroleum Co Inc (United

States, 39.6), York Energy Centre (Canada, 48.3), CSOLAR 4 West (United States, 75.9), Lone Star Transmission LLC

(United States, 30.0), NorthWest Redwater Partnership (Canada, 1,088.3), Kingston Solar LP (Canada, 108.3), Nodin

Kitagan Ltd (Canada, 39.7), Range Resources Corp (United States, 181.8), Ocotillo Express LLC (United States, 51.4),

FLNG Liquefaction 2 LLC (United States, 161.0)

13 JP Morgan 2,059.9 2.1 9 Cameron LNG LLC (United States, 121.5), Covanta Energy Waste-to-Energy (United States, 59.0), NRG Energy Inc (United

States, 142.9), TerraForm Power Inc (United States, 88.0), Memorial Resource Dvlp Ltd (United States, 80.6), NorthWest

Redwater Partnership (Canada, 1,088.3), Las Vegas Arena (United States, 28.6), Range Resources Corp (United States,

181.8), Sasol Chemicals [USA] LLC (United States, 269.5)

14 Morgan Stanley 1,987.7 2.0 14 Raven Power Holdings LLC (United States, 12.5), Calpine Constr Finance Co LP (United States, 70.8), Covanta Energy

Waste-to-Energy (United States, 59.0), Midstates Petroleum Co Inc (United States, 31.3), Midstates Petroleum Co Inc

(United States, 39.6), Bayonne Energy (United States, 138.8), Delta House FPS (United States, 100.0), Houston Fuel Oil

Terminal Co (United States, 208.3), Stephens Ranch Wind Energy II (United States, 53.5), TPF II/Rolling Hills Portfolio

(United States, 422.5), Green Pastures Wind I LLC (United States, 84.0), Southeast PowerGen LLC (United States, 183.5),

Astoria Energy LLC (United States, 388.5), Chief Power Fin (United States, 195.5)

15 HSBC 1,884.7 1.9 14 Cia Siderurgica Pecem (Brazil, 300.0), Cameron LNG LLC (United States, 264.3), Sociedad Minera Cerro Verde SA (Peru,

100.0), Orlando Sanford Airport (United States, 38.3), Sinochem Petroleum USA LLC (United States, 83.3), Techgen

(Mexico, 66.7), Abent 3T (Mexico, 60.0), Consorcio Shushufindi SA (Ecuador, 66.7), Safe Harbor (United States, 112.0),

OOGTK Libra GmbH & Co KG (Brazil, 35.4), New Mexico City International (Mexico, 250.0), FLNG Liquefaction 2 LLC

(United States, 161.0), Samay I (Peru, 77.8), Sasol Chemicals [USA] LLC (United States, 269.3)

16 CIBC World Markets 1,839.3 1.9 11 K2 Wind Ontario (Canada, 55.8), Merritt Green Energy LP (Canada, 36.8), NorthWest Redwater Partnership (Canada,

1,088.3), Nodin Kitagan Ltd (Canada, 39.7), Interstate 4 (United States, 96.6), Range Resources Corp (United States, 181.8),

Armow Wind (Canada, 57.4), Edison Mission Energy Project (United States, 55.8), Pinyon Pines II (United States, 30.9),

Pinyon Pines (United States, 35.3), FLNG Liquefaction 2 LLC (United States, 161.0)

17 Deutsche Bank 1,768.1 1.8 17 Raven Power Holdings LLC (United States, 12.5), Cameron LNG LLC (United States, 121.5), Fermaca (Mexico, 70.0),

Tempest Power Corp (Canada, 30.2), Viva Alamo LLC (United States, 257.5), Rensselaer Gas Cycle Pwr Plnt (United States,

153.3), SunEdison Inc (United States, 66.3), Lindsay Solar Farm (Canada, 51.1), SunE Solar Cons (United States, 150.0),

Regulus Solar LLC (United States, 120.0), 2224375 Ontario Inc (Canada, 119.3), Vega Solar LLC (United States, 55.0),

Houston Fuel Oil Terminal Co (United States, 208.3), Vivint Solar Financing I LLC (United States, 87.5), Ocotillo Express

LLC (United States, 24.7), Viva Alamo LLC (United States, 80.0), FLNG Liquefaction 2 LLC (United States, 161.0)

18 Barclays 1,750.5 1.8 11 Atlantic Aviation Corp (United States, 50.0), Exgen Renewables I LLC (United States, 300.0), Rensselaer Gas Cycle Pwr

Plnt (United States, 153.3), Covanta Energy Waste-to-Energy (United States, 59.0), Sabine Oil & Gas LLC (United States,

142.9), Sabine Oil & Gas LLC (United States, 121.4), TerraForm Power Inc (United States, 88.0), Gemini HDLPE LLC

(United States, 210.0), FLNG Liquefaction 2 LLC (United States, 161.0), Chief Power Fin (United States, 195.5), Sasol

Chemicals [USA] LLC (United States, 269.3)

19 Goldman Sachs 1,601.3 1.6 12 Cameron LNG LLC (United States, 121.5), Atlantic Power Project (United States, 352.5), Calpine Constr Finance Co LP

(United States, 70.8), SunEdison Inc (United States, 66.3), Midstates Petroleum Co Inc (United States, 31.3), Midstates

Petroleum Co Inc (United States, 39.6), AU Solar 2 (United States, 41.7), TerraForm Power Inc (United States, 88.0), TPF II/

Rolling Hills Portfolio (United States, 422.5), Panda Stonewall (United States, 125.0), Terra-Gen Finance Co LLC (United

States, 81.3), FLNG Liquefaction 2 LLC (United States, 161.0)

Project Finance International January 14 201554


Lead manager Volume (US$m) % No of deals Deals

20 BBVA 1,478.6 1.5 13 Cameron LNG LLC (United States, 121.5), Sociedad Minera Cerro Verde SA (Peru, 100.0), Copper Mountain Solar 3 LLC

(United States, 61.2), Transmisora Baquedano (Chile, 25.4), Rutas de Lima SAC (Peru, 100.1), Techgen (Mexico, 66.7),

South Peruvian Pipeline (Peru, 120.0), Javiera Spa (Chile, 79.0), New Mexico City International (Mexico, 250.0), Edison

Mission Energy Project (United States, 55.8), FLNG Liquefaction 2 LLC (United States, 161.0), Los Ramones South Pipeline

(Mexico, 178.2), Aguaclara-Rio de Oro (Colombia, 159.9)

21 Scotiabank 1,192.0 1.2 13 Project Cruise (Canada, 304.3), Carrix Inc (United States, 110.4), Sociedad Minera Cerro Verde SA (Peru, 100.0), White Pine

Financial LLC (United States, 93.0), Baffinland Iron Mines Corp (Canada, 75.0), Midstates Petroleum Co Inc (United States,

39.6), Sabine Pass Liquefaction LLC (United States, 46.4), York Energy Centre (Canada, 48.3), GWF Energy LLC (United

States, 62.0), Techgen (Mexico, 66.7), Aurora Gold (Guyana, 61.7), Dominican Power Partners (Dominican Rep, 23.6),

FLNG Liquefaction 2 LLC (United States, 161.0)

22 BMO Capital Markets 949.4 1.0 12 New Source Energy Partners LP (United States, 7.5), K2 Wind Ontario (Canada, 55.8), GPRE Ethanol (United States, 112.5),

Memorial Resource Dvlp Ltd (United States, 80.6), Nodin Kitagan Ltd (Canada, 39.7), Teck Resources-Morelos Project

(Mexico, 75.0), Safe Harbor (United States, 112.0), Range Resources Corp (United States, 181.8), Armow Wind (Canada,

57.4), Pinyon Pines II (United States, 30.9), Pinyon Pines (United States, 35.3), FLNG Liquefaction 2 LLC (United States, 161.0)

23 Wells Fargo 942.9 1.0 6 SunEdison Inc (United States, 66.3), Vanguard Natural Resources LLC (United States, 350.0), Sabine Oil & Gas LLC (United

States, 121.4), Sabine Oil & Gas LLC (United States, 142.9), Memorial Resource Dvlp Ltd (United States, 80.6), Range

Resources Corp (United States, 181.8)

24 Banobras 907.7 0.9 4 Ventika II (Mexico, 122.5), Ventika (Mexico, 120.0), Los Ramones South Pipeline (Mexico, 178.2), Abengoa El Zapotillo

Aqueduct (Mexico, 487.0)

25 ICBC 907.0 0.9 7 Sociedad Minera Cerro Verde SA (Peru, 100.0), LSP Hudson Generation (United States, 48.3), Bayonne Energy (United States,

138.8), Oregon Clean Energy (United States, 64.7), Panda Stonewall

(United States, 125.0), FLNG Liquefaction 2 LLC (United States, 161.0), Sasol Chemicals [USA] LLC (United States, 269.3)

26 RBS 821.6 0.8 9 Cameron LNG LLC (United States, 121.5), Ports America Holdings Inc (United States, 118.8), K2 Wind Ontario (Canada,

55.8), Midstates Petroleum Co Inc (United States, 39.6), NRG Energy Inc (United States, 142.9), NRG Marsh (United States,

92.7), Ocotillo Express LLC (United States, 24.7), Oregon Clean Energy (United States, 64.7), FLNG Liquefaction 2 LLC

(United States, 161.0)

27 Intesa Sanpaolo 783.7 0.8 6 Sociedad Minera Cerro Verde (Peru, 100.0), Techgen (Mexico, 66.7), South Peruvian Pipeline (Peru, 120.0), Consorcio

Shushufindi (Ecuador, 66.7), FLNG Liquefaction 2 LLC (United States, 161.0), Sasol Chemicals [USA] (United States, 269.3)

28 KfW IPEX-Bank 749.9 0.8 7 Sociedad Minera Cerro Verde SA (Peru, 100.0), Temiscouata II Wind Farm (Canada, 133.8), Interstate 4 (United States,

96.6), Eletrosul Centrais Eletricas (Brazil, 84.0), Pinyon Pines II (United States, 30.9), Pinyon Pines (United States, 35.3),

Sasol Chemicals [USA] LLC (United States, 269.3)

29 Bayerische Landesbank Giro 723.9 0.7 9 Cameron LNG LLC (United States, 121.5), First Wind Route 66 Portfolio (United States, 37.0), K2 Wind Ontario (Canada,

55.8), Border Winds Energy LLC (United States, 44.5), Pleasant Valley Wind LLC (United States, 57.1), Astoria II Power

Plant (United States, 184.6), Armow Wind (Canada, 57.4), Kerwood Wind LP (Canada, 78.1), Bornish Wind LP (United

States, 88.0)

30 CIT Group 676.8 0.7 9 Bicent [California] Power LLC (United States, 54.7), Hammerhead Solar LLC (United States, 73.3), EurekaHunter Pipeline

Facility (United States, 112.5), AU Solar 2 (United States, 41.7), Newark Energy Center (United States, 82.7), CPV Maryland

(United States, 78.5), Vivint Solar Financing I LLC (United States, 87.5), Oregon Clean Energy (United States, 64.7),

Terra-Gen Finance Co LLC (United States, 81.3)

31 Rabobank 669.7 0.7 14 Glenarm Solar (Canada, 16.2), Coronal New Energy IV (United States, 32.3), Merritt Green Energy LP (Canada, 36.8),

Marsh Hill Energy LLC (United States, 24.2), GRE Fund I Holdco LLC (United States, 25.4), SoCore Energy PV Portfolio

(United States, 40.9), Alfa Lula (Brazil, 111.5), Des Moulins Wind Power LP (Canada, 6.1), Spring Canyon Expansion LLC

(United States, 110.0), Coruripe Refinancing (Brazil, 123.3), Green Pastures Wind I LLC (United States, 84.0), Roseplain

Solar Farm (Canada, 11.3), Ridgefield Solar Farm (Canada, 14.3), NSNW Holdings (Canada, 33.4)

32 KeyBanc Capital Markets 667.8 0.7 16 Keenan II (United States, 33.3), Power County Wind Parks (United States, 38.3), K2 Wind Ontario (Canada, 55.8),

Midstates Petroleum Co Inc (United States, 39.6), True Green Capital Solar (United States, 65.0), Oakfield Wind LLC

(United States, 51.8), Alpine Solar Power Facility (United States, 41.8), Armow Wind (Canada, 57.4), Ocotillo Express LLC

(United States, 24.7), Edison Mission Energy Project (United States, 55.8), Roseplain Solar Farm (Canada, 11.3), Ridgefield

Solar Farm (Canada, 14.3), Pinyon Pines II (United States, 30.9), Pinyon Pines (United States, 35.3), Limon Wind III

Holdings LLC (United States, 30.3), Logans Gap Wind LLC (United States, 82.4)

33 CBA 639.7 0.7 6 Cameron LNG LLC (United States, 264.3), Carrix Inc (United States, 110.4), Sociedad Minera Cerro Verde SA (Peru, 100.0), MDW

Pan (United States, 55.0), Teck Resources-Morelos Project (Mexico, 75.0), Nighthawk Production LLC (United States, 35.0)

34 Landesbank Hessen-Thueringen 610.7 0.6 9 Cameron LNG LLC (United States, 121.5), CSOLAR 4 West (United States, 75.9), Alpine Solar Power Facility (United States,

41.8), Border Winds Energy LLC (United States, 44.5), Pleasant Valley Wind LLC (United States, 57.1), NRG Marsh (United

States, 92.7), GWF Energy LLC (United States, 62.0), Limon Wind III Holdings LLC (United States, 30.3), McCoy Solar

Funding LLC (United States, 85.0)

35 KDB 604.8 0.6 5 OCI Alamo 1 LLC (United States, 66.1), Mississippian Lime Oil & Gas (United States, 96.9), Kitsault Molybdenum Mine

(Canada, 122.4), KAL ABS 15 Cayman Ltd (Cayman Islands, 50.0), Sasol Chemicals [USA] LLC (United States, 269.3)

36 GE Financial 594.1 0.6 7 Newark Energy Center (United States, 82.7), Oneta Energy[Calpine Corp] (United States, 122.8), Carville Energy (United

States, 36.0), Decatur Energy (United States, 51.0), GWF Energy LLC (United States, 62.0), CPV Maryland (United States,

78.5), FLNG Liquefaction 2 LLC (United States, 161.0)

37 Sumitomo Mitsui Trust 590.1 0.6 3 Cameron LNG LLC (United States, 264.3), Sociedad Minera Cerro Verde SA (Peru, 100.0), FPSO Cidade de Caraguatatuba

(Brazil, 225.8)

Project Finance International January 14 2015 55



Lead manager Volume (US$m) % No of deals Deals

38 Nord/LB 565.4 0.6 8 Carrix Inc (United States, 110.4), Glenarm Solar (Canada, 16.2), K2 Wind Ontario (Canada, 55.8), Northland Power Solar IV

(Canada, 48.0), Newark Energy Center (United States, 82.7), Oneta Energy[Calpine Corp] (United States, 122.8), Decatur

Energy (United States, 51.0), CPV Maryland (United States, 78.5)

39 National Bank of Canada Fin’l 557.5 0.6 11 Baffinland Iron Mines Corp (Canada, 75.0), K2 Wind Ontario (Canada, 55.8), Merritt Green Energy LP (Canada, 36.8), York

Energy Centre (Canada, 48.3), Kingston Solar LP (Canada, 101.3), Nodin Kitagan Ltd (Canada, 39.7), Tretheway Creek

Hydroelectric (Canada, 92.9), Armow Wind (Canada, 57.4), Ocotillo Express LLC (United States, 24.7), Roseplain Solar

Farm (Canada, 11.3), Ridgefield Solar Farm (Canada, 14.3)

40 DNB ASA 528.9 0.5 6 Cameron LNG LLC (United States, 121.5), Carrix Inc (United States, 110.4), Safe Harbor (United States, 112.0), Cadonal SA

(Uruguay, 90.1), OOGTK Libra GmbH & Co KG (Brazil, 35.4), Brava Star Ltd (Brazil, 59.6)

41 Itau Unibanco 500.0 0.5 4 Viracopos LLC (Brazil, 30.9), Sete Brasil Drill Ships (Brazil, 250.0), Coruripe Refinancing (Brazil, 123.3), EBP (Brazil, 95.8)

42 Credit Suisse 499.7 0.5 4 Calpine Constr Finance Co LP (United States, 70.8), NRG Energy Inc (United States, 142.9), Panda Stonewall (United

States, 125.0), FLNG Liquefaction 2 LLC (United States, 161.0)

43 Capital One Financial 485.7 0.5 4 Midstates Petroleum Co Inc (United States, 39.6), Sabine Oil & Gas LLC (United States, 121.4), Sabine Oil & Gas LLC

(United States, 142.9), Range Resources Corp (United States, 181.8)

44 SunTrust Banks 440.1 0.5 9 La Paloma Generating Station (United States, 36.7), Midstates Petroleum Co Inc (United States, 31.3), Midstates Petroleum

Co Inc (United States, 39.6), LSP Hudson Generation (United States, 48.3), Oneta Energy[Calpine Corp] (United States,

122.8), Carville Energy (United States, 36.0), Decatur Energy (United States, 51.0), Cross Texas Transmission (United States,

9.8), Oregon Clean Energy (United States, 64.7)

45 Investissement Quebec 412.4 0.4 1 Renard Diamond Project,Quebec (Canada, 412.4)

46 Investec 394.7 0.4 4 True Green Capital Solar (United States, 65.0), Rockland Power Partners Portfo (United States, 50.0), Primary Four

Recycled Energy (United States, 215.0), Oregon Clean Energy (United States, 64.7)

47 MetLife 375.2 0.4 3 Cameron LNG LLC (United States, 121.5), NRG Marsh (United States, 92.7), FLNG Liquefaction 2 LLC (United States, 161.0)

48 CoBank ACB 342.6 0.4 7 Oakfield Wind LLC (United States, 51.8), Border Winds Energy LLC (United States, 44.5), Pleasant Valley Wind LLC (United

States, 57.1), NRG Marsh (United States, 92.7), GWF Energy LLC (United States, 62.0), Cross Texas Transmission (United

States, 9.8), Ocotillo Express LLC (United States, 24.7)

49 UBS 335.1 0.3 3 Calpine Constr Finance Co LP (United States, 70.8), Sabine Oil & Gas LLC (United States, 121.4), Sabine Oil & Gas LLC

(United States, 142.9)

50 Standard Chartered 334.5 0.3 4 Sabine Pass Liquefaction LLC (United States, 46.4), Etesco Construcoes (Brazil, 91.7), OOGTK Libra GmbH & Co KG (Brazil,

35.4), FLNG Liquefaction 2 LLC (United States, 161.0)

51 Banco do Brasil 333.4 0.3 3 Viracopos LLC (Brazil, 30.9), Sete Brasil Drill Ships (Brazil, 250.0), Conc Rota Oeste (Brazil, 52.5)

52 Macquarie Group 321.7 0.3 5 Atlantic Aviation Corp (United States, 50.0), La Paloma Generating Station (United States, 36.7), SunEdison Inc (United

States, 66.3), Bayonne Energy (United States, 138.8), Rio Tinto PLC-Ollachea Gold (Peru, 30.0)

53 UniCredit 310.5 0.3 3 Cameron LNG LLC (United States, 121.5), Techgen (Mexico, 66.7), Kitsault Molybdenum Mine (Canada, 122.4)

54 NongHyup Financial Group 300.0 0.3 1 Cia Siderurgica Pecem (Brazil, 300.0)

=55 Norhukin Bank 264.3 0.3 1 Cameron LNG LLC (United States, 264.3)

=55 Shinsei Bank 264.3 0.3 1 Cameron LNG LLC (United States, 264.3)

57 ABN AMRO Bank 259.5 0.3 3 EurekaHunter Pipeline Facility (United States, 112.5), Alfa Lula (Brazil, 111.5), OOGTK Libra GmbH & Co KG (Brazil, 35.4)

58 Aozora Bank 253.2 0.3 2 Cameron LNG LLC (United States, 142.9), Carrix Inc (United States, 110.4)

59 Grupo Financiero Inbursa 250.0 0.3 1 New Mexico City International (Mexico, 250.0)

60 Bancolombia 248.5 0.3 3 Sogamoso Hydro (Colombia, 65.0), Dominican Power Partners (Dominican Rep, 23.6), Aguaclara-Rio de Oro (Colombia, 159.9)

61 Siemens Financial Services 247.6 0.3 6 K2 Wind Ontario (Canada, 55.8), Northland Power Solar IV (Canada, 48.0), Oakfield Wind LLC (United States, 51.8),

Bluewater Wind (Canada, 52.2), Cross Texas Transmission (United States, 9.8), LS Power Solar Holdings (United States, 30.0)

62 Credit Mutuel 233.0 0.2 2 Cameron LNG LLC (United States, 121.5), Alfa Lula (Brazil, 111.5)

63 Banco Espirito Santo 225.9 0.2 4 Viracopos LLC (Brazil, 30.9), Penonome Wind Farm (Panama, 100.0), Genrent Peru SAC (Peru, 30.0), Natl Fiber Optic

Backbone (Peru, 65.0)

64 Grupo Aval Acciones y Valores 224.9 0.2 2 Sogamoso Hydro (Colombia, 65.0), Aguaclara-Rio de Oro (Colombia, 159.9)

65 Lloyds Bank 207.4 0.2 2 Sabine Pass Liquefaction LLC (United States, 46.4), FLNG Liquefaction 2 LLC (United States, 161.0)

66 Banco BTG Pactual 205.0 0.2 1 Cerro Dominador (Chile, 205.0)

67 Caterpillar Financial Services 184.1 0.2 2 Kitsault Molybdenum Mine (Canada, 122.4), Aurora Gold (Guyana, 61.7)

68 Banco de Credito de Bolivia 183.5 0.2 2 Dominican Power Partners (Dominican Rep, 23.6), Aguaclara-Rio de Oro (Colombia, 159.9)

69 US Ban 181.8 0.2 1 Range Resources Corp (United States, 181.8)

70 Caixa Geral de Depositos 168.1 0.2 2 Carrix Inc (United States, 110.4), Grupo Unidos por el Canal SA (Panama, 57.8)

71 Portigon 166.1 0.2 2 Carrix Inc (United States, 110.4), Edison Mission Energy Project (United States, 55.8)

72 DZ Bank 160.9 0.2 2 CSOLAR 4 West (United States, 75.9), McCoy Solar Funding LLC (United States, 85.0)

=73 Banco de Occidente 159.9 0.2 1 Aguaclara-Rio de Oro (Colombia, 159.9)

=73 Sociedades Bolivar 159.9 0.2 1 Aguaclara-Rio de Oro (Colombia, 159.9)

75 Banca 153.8 0.2 2 Maria Elena Solar (Chile, 74.8), Javiera Spa (Chile, 79.0)

=76 Chiba Bank 142.9 0.2 1 Cameron LNG LLC (United States, 142.9)

=76 Shinkin Central Bank 142.9 0.2 1 Cameron LNG LLC (United States, 142.9)

=76 Shizuoka Bank 142.9 0.2 1 Cameron LNG LLC (United States, 142.9)

79 OneWest Bank FSB 114.8 0.1 3 Power County Wind Parks (United States, 38.3), Oakfield Wind LLC (United States, 51.8), Ocotillo Express LLC (United States, 24.7)

=80 Clifford Capital Pte 111.5 0.1 1 Alfa Lula (Brazil, 111.5)

=80 Development Bank of Japan 111.5 0.1 1 Alfa Lula (Brazil, 111.5)

Project Finance International January 14 201556


Sector Volume (US$m)

Power 37,141.2

Oil & Gas 32,243.9

Transportation 9,256.4

Industry 6,155.0

Mining 3,919.4

Petrochemicals 3,264.9

Water & Sewerage 487.0

PPP 280.0

Telecommunications 136.2

Total 92,884.5


Nation US$m % No of deals

United States of America 60,157.5 61.6 124

Brazil 9,481.9 9.7 22

Canada 9,298.2 9.5 32

Mexico 4,686.9 4.8 12

Peru 3,531.2 3.6 10

Chile 1,475.3 1.5 9

Colombia 1,101.1 1.1 3

Panama 986.8 1.0 5

Ecuador 709.0 0.7 2

Surinam 312.7 0.3 2

Honduras 274.0 0.3 2

Dominican Republic 260.0 0.3 1

Guyana 185.0 0.2 1

Uruguay 174.5 0.2 2

Barbados 150.0 0.2 1

Cayman Islands 100.0 0.1 1

Total 92,884.5 100.0 229


Lead manager Volume (US$m) % No of deals Deals

=81 Bank of China 111.5 0.1 1 Alfa Lula (Brazil, 111.5)

=82 Dexia 110.4 0.1 1 Carrix Inc (United States, 110.4)

=82 DGZ-DekaBank 110.4 0.1 1 Carrix Inc (United States, 110.4)

=82 Depfa Deutsche Pfandbriefbank 110.4 0.1 1 Carrix Inc (United States, 110.4)

=82 HSH Nordbank 110.4 0.1 1 Carrix Inc (United States, 110.4)

86 Associated Banc 106.7 0.1 4 New Source Energy Partners LP (United States, 7.5), Bicent [California] Power LLC (United States, 54.7), AES

Shady Point (United States, 14.5), LS Power Solar Holdings (United States, 30.0)

87 Desjardins Group 101.4 0.1 1 Kingston Solar LP (Canada, 101.4)

88 Capital Credit 100.1 0.1 1 Rutas de Lima SAC (Peru, 100.1)

89 Industrial Bank of Korea 96.9 0.1 1 Mississippian Lime Oil & Gas (United States, 96.9)

90 Metrobank 83.6 0.1 2 Dominican Power Partners (Dominican Rep, 23.6), Concesionaria Vial Honduras (Honduras, 60.0)

91 Comerica 80.6 0.1 1 Memorial Resource Dvlp Ltd (United States, 80.6)

=92 Banco La Capitalizadora Hondur 60.0 0.1 1 InterEnergy Holdings (Panama, 60.0)

=92 People’s Bank of China 60.0 0.1 1 Concesionaria Vial Honduras (Honduras, 60.0)

94 Bankia 57.8 0.1 1 Grupo Unidos por el Canal SA (Panama, 57.8)

95 Travelers Capital 56.2 0.1 1 Box Canyon Hydro (Canada, 56.2)

=96 Manulife Financial 55.8 0.1 1 K2 Wind Ontario (Canada, 55.8)

=96 Stonebridge Bank 55.8 0.1 1 Saint-Philemon Wind Farm (Canada, 55.8)

98 Alfalfa County Bank 51.8 0.1 1 Oakfield Wind LLC (United States, 51.8)

99 Banco Bradesco 30.9 0 1 Viracopos LLC (Brazil, 30.9)

=100 Citizens Bk of Philadelphia 28.6 0 1 Las Vegas Arena (United States, 28.6)

=100 First Niagara Financial 28.6 0 1 Las Vegas Arena (United States, 28.6)

=100 Huntington Bancshares 28.6 0 1 Las Vegas Arena (United States, 28.6)

103 Nordea 24.7 0 1 Ocotillo Express LLC (United States, 24.7)

=104 Banco Aliado 23.6 0 1 Dominican Power Partners (Dominican Rep, 23.6)

=104 Banco Industrial do Brasil 23.6 0 1 Dominican Power Partners (Dominican Rep, 23.6)

=104 Banco Latin Americano Export 23.6 0 1 Dominican Power Partners (Dominican Rep, 23.6)

=104 Multibank 23.6 0 1 Dominican Power Partners (Dominican Rep, 23.6)

=104 National Reserve 23.6 0 1 Dominican Power Partners (Dominican Rep, 23.6)

=104 Popular ,Hato Rey,PR 23.6 0 1 Dominican Power Partners (Dominican Rep, 23.6)

Total* 92,884.5 229

*Proportional Credit

Source: Thomson Reuters

Project Finance International January 14 2015 57



Nation US$m % No of deals

Australia 37,982.8 52.9 51

India 11,019.2 14.7 55

Japan 4,977.4 6.9 47

South Korea 4,937.5 6.9 14

Indonesia 4,268.4 6.0 8

Thailand 2,762.5 3.9 6

Philippines 1,879.0 2.6 5

China 1,119.0 1.6 7

Singapore 859.9 1.2 1

New Zealand 791.2 1.1 2

Laos 728.7 1.0 2

Malaysia 592.1 0.8 3

Mongolia 200.0 0.3 1

Myanmar(Burma) 85.0 0.1 1

Vietnam 23.0 0 1

Total 72,279.3 203


Sector Volume (US$m)

Transportation 22,523.6

Power 18,950.5

Oil & Gas 13,876.0

Mining 8,452.5

PPP 2,951.7

Industry 1,736.8

Petrochemicals 1,524.2

Telecommunications 1,370.0

Water & Sewerage 313.4

Agriculture & Forestry 88.7

Waste & Recycling 19.4

Total 72,279.3


Lead manager Volume (US$m) % No of deals Deals

1 SBi Capital 5,646.8 7.9 25 ONGC Tripura Power (India, 485.1), HPCL Mittal Energy (India, 128.2), Prayagraj Power Generation (India, 115.0),

Maithon Power (India, 585.2), Jath Wind Energy (India, 14.9), IVRCL Indore Gujarat Tollways (India, 210.9), CWSPL

(India, 60.5), Simhapuri Energy (India, 225.1), Trichy Tollway (India, 40.5), Mandakini al (India, 34.2), Bajaj Energy

(India, 32.8), Indian Oil Adani Gas Pte (India, 59.8), Hinduja National Power (India, 126.2), Soma Isolux NH One Tollway

(India, 593.1), Essar Power Orissa Limited (India, 13.9), Dhamra Port (India, 242.3), Essel Jabalpur MSW (India, 19.4),

Sispara Renewable Power (India, 9.7), GSPL India Gasnet (India, 731.2), GSPL India Trans (India, 822.5),

HPCL Mittal Energy (India, 758.9), Adani Power Rajasthan (India, 31.1), Navkar Terminals (India, 42.5),

Welspun Energy Rajasthan (India, 99.2), Meenakshi Energy (India, 164.6)

2 CBA 5,021.6 7.0 35 Batutua Tembaga Raya PT (Indonesia, 41.3), Roy Hill Holdings Pty (Australia, 427.0), Wellington Gateway No 2 LP

(New Zealand, 194.7), Stella EWL FInance Pty (Australia, 521.6), Astra SLR Finance Pty (Australia, 257.0),

NGR Project mpany (Australia, 64.7), DBNGP Finance Pty (Australia, 50.4), Envestra (Australia, 45.1),

Port of Geelong Unit Trust (Australia, 62.7), Aust Pac Airports Melbourne (Australia, 89.3), Newcastle al Infr Grp

(Australia, 400.0), Southern Way Finance Pty (Australia, 113.8), Sun Group Finance Pty (Australia, 441.9),

Sydney Airport Fin Pty (Australia, 93.3), QAL Finance Pty (Australia, 194.0), Newcastle al Infr Grp (Australia, 16.4),

Northern Territory Airports (Australia, 99.8), Perth Airport Pty (Australia, 84.6), Port of Newcastle Investments

(Australia, 149.8), CLV Melbourne Pty (Australia, 55.7), Merredin Energy Pty (Australia, 46.9), GDI [EII] Pty

(Australia, 44.1), Stella SA Schools Pty (Australia, 58.1), Sun Group Finance Pty (Australia, 236.0), PKCT

(Australia, 26.6), WSO Finance Pty (Australia, 132.7), PWCS Refinancing Pty (Australia, 132.5), Ravenhall Finance Pty

(Australia, 175.6), Wattle Point Holdings Pty (Australia, 69.4), Nexus Australia Management (Australia, 69.0),

APA Group (Australia, 410.0), WR Carpenter No 1 Pty (Australia, 74.1), Waterloo Wind Farm Pty (Australia, 38.6),

Sundrop Port Augusta Holdco 2 (Australia, 88.6), DBNGP Finance Pty (Australia, 16.3)

3 Mitsubishi UFJ Financial 4,378.9 6.1 39 Sarulla Geothermal,Sumatra (Indonesia, 54.7), Nam Ngiep 1 Power (Laos, 23.9), Roy Hill Holdings Pty (Australia, 427.0),

Nagasaki Tadewara Solar LLC (Japan, 19.8), DBNGP Finance Pty (Australia, 50.4), Eurus Yurikogen Windpower (Japan,

110.8), Onahama Izumi Solar LLC (Japan, 8.0), Aust Pac Airports Melbourne (Australia, 89.3), Southern Mall Koizumi Inc

(Japan, 28.7), Higashinozaki Solar Energy LLC (Japan, 23.4), Viva Energy Pty (Australia, 113.9), Southern Way Finance

Pty (Australia, 113.8), Sunshine Energy Yusui (Japan, 68.5), Sydney Airport Fin Pty (Australia, 93.3), Pacifico Energy

Kumenan GK (Japan, 108.0), Perth Airport Pty (Australia, 84.6), GDI [EII] Pty (Australia, 44.1), OR Solar (Japan, 89.7),

Pan Africa LNG Transp (China, 16.5), Pan Asia LNG Transp (China, 16.3), Pan Europe LNG Transp (China, 16.4),

Pan Americas LNG Transp (China, 16.3), Petronet LNG (India, 32.8), Trans Thai-Malaysia [Malaysia] (Malaysia, 47.1),

NRT Finance Pty (Australia, 153.9), Hamamatsu Chukai Solar Pk rp (Japan, 181.1), Kochi Solar LLC (Japan, 47.6),

Donggi Senoro LNG PT (Indonesia, 175.5), Setouchi Future Creation LLC (Japan, 285.7), Singapore LNG (Singapore, 172.0),

NBH Borrower Pty (Australia, 82.0), Nexus Australia Management (Australia, 69.0), APA Group (Australia, 410.0),

WR Carpenter No 1 Pty (Australia, 74.1), Waterloo Wind Farm Pty (Australia, 38.6), Gulf Electric PCL (Thailand, 560.8),

Mimasaka Musashi Mega Solar (Japan, 109.9), Mizushima Energy Center (Japan, 228.7), Futtsu Mega Solar Project

(Japan, 92.8)

4 ANZ 4,177.9 5.8 34 Roy Hill Holdings Pty (Australia, 427.0), NGR Project mpany (Australia, 64.7), Formosa Steel IB Pty (Australia, 58.3),

DBNGP Finance Pty (Australia, 50.4), Campus Living Vill Parramatta (Australia, 13.9), Tuaropaki Power (New Zealand,

6.2), Oyu Tolgoi LLC (Mongolia, 100.0), AquaSure Finance Pty (Australia, 223.1), Aust Pac Airports Melbourne (Australia,

89.3), Newcastle al Infr Grp (Australia, 400.0), Viva Energy Pty (Australia, 113.9), Southern Way Finance Pty (Australia,

113.8), Sandfire Resources NL (Australia, 157.8), Sun Group Finance Pty (Australia, 441.9), Sydney Airport Fin Pty

(Australia, 93.3), Newcastle al Infr Grp (Australia, 16.4), Northern Territory Airports (Australia, 99.8), Port of Newcastle

Investments (Australia, 162.9), GDI [EII] Pty (Australia, 44.1), Pan Africa LNG Transp (China, 16.5), Pan Asia LNG

Project Finance International January 14 201558


Lead manager Volume (US$m) % No of deals Deals

Transp (China, 16.3), Pan Europe LNG Transp (China, 16.4), Pan Americas LNG Transp (China, 16.3), Sun Group Finance

Pty (Australia, 236.0), NRT Finance Pty (Australia, 153.9), WSO Finance Pty (Australia, 132.7), PAU Fertilizer Plant

(Indonesia, 103.8), DBCT Finance Pty (Australia, 45.8), Stadium Investments Pty (Australia, 67.3), Burgos Wind Power

Plant (Philippines, 37.5), NBH Borrower Pty (Australia, 82.0), APA Group (Australia, 410.0), WR Carpenter No 1 Pty

(Australia, 74.1), Living & Learning Fin Pty (Australia, 92.5)

5 SMBC 4,083.2 5.7 42 Sarulla Geothermal,Sumatra (Indonesia, 54.7), Nam Ngiep 1 Power (Laos, 23.9), Roy Hill Holdings Pty (Australia, 427.0),

DBNGP Finance Pty (Australia, 50.4), Tomatoh Abira Solar Park rp (Japan, 102.4), Fukkoshi Daichi Wind Power (Japan,

71.0), Newcastle al Infr Grp (Australia, 400.0), Viva Energy Pty (Australia, 113.9), Southern Way Finance Pty (Australia,

113.8), Tainai Wind Farm (Japan, 60.6), Eurus Energy Awaji (Japan, 100.7), Goyozan Solar Power Generation (Japan,

63.9), MEASAT 3b Satellite (Malaysia, 28.2), JAMC Solar Energy Godo Kaisha (Japan, 50.0), Perth Airport Pty (Australia,

84.6), PT Bajradaya Sentranusa (Indonesia, 26.2), Shin Izumo Wind Farm (Japan, 78.5), Alinta Energy Transmission

(Australia, 48.1), FMS KK (Japan, 63.8), Pan Africa LNG Transp (China, 16.5), Pan Asia LNG Transp (China, 16.3),

Pan Europe LNG Transp (China, 16.4), Pan Americas LNG Transp (China, 16.3), Petronet LNG (India, 32.8), LLJ Investco KK

(Japan, 103.7), Quasi-Zenith Satellite Sys PFI (Japan, 499.3), Nagoya Lego Land Theme Park (Japan, 226.0), Petrofac FPSO

003 Pte (Thailand, 9.3), WSO Finance Pty (Australia, 132.7), JAMC Solar Energy Godo Kaisha (Japan, 31.7), Petrofac MOPU

005 Pte (Malaysia, 35.7), Bowin Clean Energy (Thailand, 35.1), Donggi Senoro LNG PT (Indonesia, 175.5), Houay Ho Power

(Laos, 84.0), Setouchi Future Creation LLC (Japan, 285.7), Pan Asia Majestic Eagle (Myanmar, 17.0), Eurus Toyokoro Solar

Park rp (Japan, 76.2), Wattle Point Holdings Pty (Australia, 69.4), JAMC Solar Energy Godo Kaisha (Japan, 79.1),

WR Carpenter No 1 Pty (Australia, 74.1), Waterloo Wind Farm Pty (Australia, 38.6), Genting CDX Singapore Pte

(Singapore, 50.0)

6 Westpac 4,009.6 5.6 23 Roy Hill Holdings Pty (Australia, 427.0), Stella EWL FInance Pty (Australia, 521.6), DBNGP Finance Pty (Australia, 50.4),

Aust Pac Airports Melbourne (Australia, 89.3), Southern Way Finance Pty (Australia, 113.8), Sun Group Finance Pty

(Australia, 441.9), Sydney Airport Fin Pty (Australia, 93.3), QAL Finance Pty (Australia, 198.6), Northern Territory Airports

(Australia, 99.8), Perth Airport Pty (Australia, 84.6), Port of Newcastle Investments (Australia, 149.8), GDI [EII] Pty

(Australia, 44.1), Stella SA Schools Pty (Australia, 58.1), Sun Group Finance Pty (Australia, 236.0), NRT Finance Pty

(Australia, 153.9), WSO Finance Pty (Australia, 132.7), Civic Nexus nsortium (Australia, 260.2), DBCT Finance Pty

(Australia, 45.8), Ravenhall Finance Pty (Australia, 175.6), NBH Borrower Pty (Australia, 82.0), APA Group (Australia,

410.0), WR Carpenter No 1 Pty (Australia, 74.1), Pyrenees Energy (Australia, 67.1)

7 NAB 3,941.5 5.5 28 Sarulla Geothermal,Sumatra (Indonesia, 54.7), Roy Hill Holdings Pty (Australia, 427.0), Wellington Gateway No 2 LP

(New Zealand, 194.7), Queensland New Schools PPP (Australia, 133.6), DBNGP Finance Pty (Australia, 50.4), Tuaropaki

Power (New Zealand, 6.2), Aust Pac Airports Melbourne (Australia, 89.3), Viva Energy Pty (Australia, 113.9), Southern

Way Finance Pty (Australia, 113.8), Sun Group Finance Pty (Australia, 465.5), Sydney Airport Fin Pty (Australia, 93.3),

QAL Finance Pty (Australia, 194.0), Northern Territory Airports (Australia, 99.8), Perth Airport Pty (Australia, 84.6),

GDI [EII] Pty (Australia, 44.1), Stella SA Schools Pty (Australia, 58.1), Sun Group Finance Pty (Australia, 236.0),

NRT Finance Pty (Australia, 153.9), WSO Finance Pty (Australia, 132.7), Westadium Partners Pty (Australia, 183.2),

Ravenhall Finance Pty (Australia, 175.6), NBH Borrower Pty (Australia, 82.0), Nexus Australia Management (Australia,

69.0), APA Group (Australia, 410.0), WR Carpenter No 1 Pty (Australia, 74.1), Living & Learning Fin Pty (Australia, 92.5),

Pyrenees Energy (Australia, 93.4), DBNGP Finance Pty (Australia, 16.3)

8 KDB 3,544.9 4.9 16 Sunkwang Sin Terminal (South Korea, 148.0), Pureun Chilgok (South Korea, 7.4), Bitplex (South Korea, 35.1),

Cheongbuk High School BTL (South Korea, 35.9), Boryeong LNG Terminal (South Korea, 557.5), PT Bajradaya Sentranusa

(Indonesia, 26.2), Youngchun-Sangju Highway (South Korea, 467.1), Godeok Green Energy (South Korea, 111.3),

PAU Fertilizer Plant (Indonesia, 103.8), GS Yeongyang Windpower (South Korea, 117.6), Gongju Hospital (South Korea,

58.9), Daewoo Energy (South Korea, 739.6), Maleun Busan Hwankyoung (South Korea, 82.9), Jeonju Power

(South Korea, 71.5), Wirye Energy Service (South Korea, 509.5), GS Pocheon (South Korea, 472.6)

9 Mizuho Financial 3,364.9 4.7 35 Sarulla Geothermal,Sumatra (Indonesia, 54.7), Nam Ngiep 1 Power (Laos, 23.9), Roy Hill Holdings Pty (Australia, 427.0),

Stella EWL FInance Pty (Australia, 521.6), NGR Project mpany (Australia, 64.7), Nagasaki Tadewara Solar LLC (Japan,

19.8), DBNGP Finance Pty (Australia, 50.4), Onahama Izumi Solar LLC (Japan, 8.0), Tomatoh Abira Solar Park (Japan,

102.4), Kama Solar Power rp (Japan, 65.1), Energy Equity Epic[Sengkang] (Indonesia, 41.7), Kumamoto Arao Solar Park

(Japan, 71.1), Omuta Miikekoh Solar Park rp (Japan, 63.2), Higashinozaki Solar Energy LLC (Japan, 23.4), Viva Energy Pty

(Australia, 113.9), IC Card Sogo Riyo Center (Japan, 13.6), Bang Poo SPP (Thailand, 134.5), GDI [EII] Pty (Australia, 44.1),

Haneda Airport Apron PFI (Japan, 56.1), PT Rajamandala Electric Power (Indonesia, 110.0), Pan Africa LNG Transp (China,

16.5), Pan Asia LNG Transp (China, 16.3), Pan Europe LNG Transp (China, 16.4), Pan Americas LNG Transp (China, 16.3),

Petronet LNG (India, 32.8), Oita Hiyoshibaru Solar KK (Japan, 121.0), Trans Thai-Malaysia [Malaysia] (Malaysia, 47.1),

NRT Finance Pty (Australia, 153.9), Bowin Clean Energy (Thailand, 35.1), Kochi Solar LLC (Japan, 47.6), Donggi Senoro LNG

PT (Indonesia, 128.0), Setouchi Future Creation LLC (Japan, 285.7), Singapore LNG rp (Singapore, 172.0), Gulf Electric PCL

(Thailand, 166.7), Shin Okayama Solar KK (Japan, 100.3)

10 Scotiabank 1,788.5 2.5 9 Wellington Gateway No 2 LP (New Zealand, 194.7), Stella EWL FInance Pty (Australia, 492.2), Astra SLR Finance Pty

(Australia, 257.0), DBNGP Finance Pty (Australia, 50.4), Aust Pac Airports Melbourne (Australia, 89.3), Sydney Airport

Fin Pty (Australia, 93.3), WSO Finance Pty (Australia, 132.7), Nexus Australia Management (Australia, 69.0), APA Group

(Australia, 410.0)

11 HSBC 1,731.2 2.4 15 Batutua Tembaga Raya PT (Indonesia, 41.3), Roy Hill Holdings Pty (Australia, 427.0), Viva Energy Pty (Australia, 113.9),

MEASAT 3b Satellite (Malaysia, 28.2), Sydney Airport Fin Pty (Australia, 93.3), Port of Newcastle Investments (Australia,

149.8), GDI [EII] Pty (Australia, 44.1), Trans Thai-Malaysia [Malaysia] (Malaysia, 47.1), NRT Finance Pty (Australia, 153.9),

Project Finance International January 14 2015 59



Lead manager Volume (US$m) % No of deals Deals

Petrofac FPSO 003 Pte (Thailand, 9.3), Petrofac MOPU 005 Pte (Malaysia, 35.7), DBCT Finance Pty (Australia, 45.8),

NBH Borrower Pty (Australia, 82.0), APA Group (Australia, 410.0), Genting CDX Singapore Pte (Singapore, 50.0)

12 OCBC 1,728.8 2.4 11 Roy Hill Holdings Pty (Australia, 427.0), Well Harvest Winning Alumina (Indonesia, 190.0), Viva Energy Pty (Australia,

113.9), MEASAT 3b Satellite (Malaysia, 28.2), GDI [EII] Pty (Australia, 44.1), NRT Finance Pty (Australia, 153.9),

PAU Fertilizer Plant (Indonesia, 103.8), Pan Asia Majestic Eagle (Myanmar, 17.0), Singapore LNG rp (Singapore, 172.0),

Nexus Australia Management (Australia, 69.0), APA Group (Australia, 410.0)

13 ICICI Bank 1,588.5 2.2 6 Jaora Nayagaon Toll Road (India, 99.2), Jaiprakash Power Ventures (India, 273.1), EPMPL (India, 883.5), GMR Hyderabad

Intl Airport (India, 220.8), Swarna Tollway (India, 37.3), NRSS XXXI[B]Transmission (India, 74.6)

14 DBS 1507.3 1.4 12 Formosa Steel IB Pty (Australia, 58.3), Well Harvest Winning Alumina (Indonesia, 190.0), Viva Energy Pty (Australia, 113.9),

Port of Newcastle Investments (Australia, 149.8), Pan Asia Majestic Eagle (Myanmar, 17.0), Singapore LNG (Singapore,

172.0), CLP India Greenfield Wind (India, 55.0), NBH Borrower Pty (Australia, 82.0), Nexus Australia Management

(Australia, 69.0), WR Carpenter No 1 Pty (Australia, 74.1), Everet LNG (Singapore, 53.6), PSA India (India, 472.5)

15 UOB 1,370.8 1.9 8 Wellington Gateway No 2 LP (New Zealand, 194.7), Stella EWL FInance Pty (Australia, 492.2), Astra SLR Finance Pty

(Australia, 257.0), Formosa Steel IB Pty (Australia, 58.3), Viva Energy Pty (Australia, 113.9), PAU Fertilizer Plant

(Indonesia, 103.8), NBH Borrower Pty (Australia, 82.0), Nexus Australia Management (Australia, 69.0)

16 Credit Agricole 1,158.1 1.6 7 Stella EWL FInance Pty (Australia, 521.6), Astra SLR Finance Pty (Australia, 257.0), Formosa Steel IB Pty (Australia, 58.3),

MEASAT 3b Satellite (Malaysia, 28.2), Sydney Airport Fin Pty (Australia, 93.3), WSO Finance Pty (Australia, 132.7),

Pyrenees Energy (Australia, 67.1)

17 IDFC 1,108.8 1.6 12 Tata Power Renewable Energy (India, 35.6), Tata Power Renewable Energy (India, 24.0), Green Infra (India, 40.3),

GMR Kamalanga Energy (India, 91.4), Cement Expansion and Captive (India, 67.2), Millennium City Expressways

(India, 198.5), Guruvayoor Infrastructure (India, 74.8), Andhra Cements (India, 56.9), Rayalseema Expressways

(India, 19.5), Dhamra Port (India, 242.3), Indus Towers (India, 145.3), Reliance Gas Pipelines (India, 113.1)

18 BNP Paribas 966.6 1.4 8 Batutua Tembaga Raya PT (Indonesia, 41.3), Roy Hill Holdings Pty (Australia, 427.0), Oyu Tolgoi LLC (Mongolia, 100.0),

Aust Pac Airports Melbourne (Australia, 89.3), Viva Energy Pty (Australia, 113.9), Sydney Airport Fin Pty (Australia, 93.3),

Petronet LNG (India, 32.8), Nexus Australia Management (Australia, 69.0)

19 Axis Bank 911.4 1.3 5 Raigarh Champa Rail (India, 160.1), Trichy Tollway (India, 40.5), Jhabua Power (India, 454.3), Mumbai Intl Airport

(India, 115.2), Mumbai Intl Airport (India, 141.4)

20 ING 823.8 1.2 7 Sarulla Geothermal,Sumatra (Indonesia, 54.7), Roy Hill Holdings Pty (Australia, 427.0), NGR Project mpany (Australia,

64.7), NRT Finance Pty (Australia, 153.9), Pan Asia Majestic Eagle (Myanmar, 17.0), Burgos Wind Power Plant

(Philippines, 37.5), Nexus Australia Management (Australia, 69.0)

21 SG 814.9 1.1 9 Sarulla Geothermal,Sumatra (Indonesia, 54.7), Batutua Tembaga Raya PT (Indonesia, 41.3), Roy Hill Holdings Pty

(Australia, 427.0), Viva Energy Pty (Australia, 113.9), PT Bajradaya Sentranusa (Indonesia, 26.2), Petronet LNG (India,

32.8), Petrofac FPSO 003 Pte (Thailand, 9.3), Petrofac MOPU 005 Pte (Malaysia, 35.7), WR Carpenter No 1 Pty

(Australia, 74.1)

22 Banco De Oro Unibank 807.8 1.1 3 Pagbilao Power Plant (Philippines, 253.3), GMR-Megawide Cebu Airport rp (Philippines, 521.0), Burgos Wind Power Plant

(Philippines, 33.5)

23 Bank of China 625.9 0.9 3 DBNGP Finance Pty (Australia, 50.4), Tongjiang Railway (China, 212.7), Shanghai Shenergy Chongming Po (China, 362.8)

24 Kasikornbank 594.1 0.8 4 Nam Ngiep 1 Power (Laos, 107.7), Serm Sang Palang Ngan (Thailand, 83.5), Lopburi Solar (Thailand, 8.7), Gulf Electric

PCL (Thailand, 394.1)

25 ICBC 566.7 0.8 6 Roy Hill Holdings Pty (Australia, 427.0), Pan Africa LNG Transp (China, 16.5), Pan Asia LNG Transp (China, 16.3),

Pan Europe LNG Transp (China, 16.4), Pan Americas LNG Transp (China, 16.3), WR Carpenter No 1 Pty (Australia, 74.1)

26 Woori Financial 557.5 0.8 1 Boryeong LNG Terminal (South Korea, 557.5)

27 Bangkok Bank 539.0 0.8 4 Nam Ngiep 1 Power (Laos, 107.7), Bang Poo SPP (Thailand, 134.5), Bowin Clean Energy (Thailand, 35.1), Gulf Electric PCL

(Thailand, 261.7)

28 RBS 503.3 0.7 2 Sydney Airport Fin Pty (Australia, 93.3), APA Group (Australia, 410.0)

29 Siam mmercial Bank 501.8 0.7 2 Nam Ngiep 1 Power (Laos, 107.7), Gulf Electric PCL (Thailand, 394.1)

30 Standard Chartered 484.6 0.7 8 Jabiru Satellite (Australia, 25.0), Energy Equity Epic(Sengkang) (Indonesia, 41.7), Viva Energy Pty (Australia, 113.9),

MEASAT 3b Satellite (Malaysia, 28.2), NRT Finance Pty (Australia, 153.9), Pan Asia Majestic Eagle (Myanmar, 17.0),

CLP India Greenfield Wind (India, 55.0), Genting CDX Singapore Pte (Singapore, 50.0)

31= KB Financial Group 467.1 0.7 1 Youngchun-Sangju Highway (South Korea, 467.1)

31= Shinhan Financial 467.1 0.7 1 Youngchun-Sangju Highway (South Korea, 467.1)

33 IDBI Bank 435.9 0.6 4 Sindhanur (India, 28.8), Mumbai Intl Airport (India, 115.2), Solapur Yedeshi Tollway Lt (India, 150.4), Mumbai Intl Airport

(India, 141.4)

34 CIBC World Markets 431.0 0.6 4 NGR Project mpany (Australia, 64.7), DBNGP Finance Pty (Australia, 50.4), WSO Finance Pty (Australia, 132.7),

Westadium Partners Pty (Australia, 183.2)

35 RBC Capital Markets 411.2 0.6 3 QAL Finance Pty (Australia, 194.0), Perth Airport Pty (Australia, 84.6), WSO Finance Pty (Australia, 132.7)

36 DNB ASA 410.0 0.6 1 APA Group (Australia, 410.0)

37 Citi 375.2 0.5 3 Aust Pac Airports Melbourne (Australia, 89.3), Viva Energy Pty (Australia, 113.9), Singapore LNG rp (Singapore, 172.0)

38 KfW IPEX-Bank 329.7 0.5 2 NGR Project mpany (Australia, 64.7), First NatGas Power (Philippines, 265.0)

39 DZ Bank 277.8 0.4 3 NGR Project mpany (Australia, 64.7), Ravenhall Finance Pty (Australia, 175.6), Burgos Wind Power Plant (Philippines, 37.5)

40 Bank of America Merrill Lynch 272.7 0.4 6 Viva Energy Pty (Australia, 113.9), Sydney Airport Fin Pty (Australia, 93.3), Pan Africa LNG Transp (China, 16.5), Pan Asia

LNG Transp (China, 16.3), Pan Europe LNG Transp (China, 16.4), Pan Americas LNG Transp (China, 16.3)

41 Bank of Philippine Islands 264.8 0.4 2 Pagbilao Power Plant (Philippines, 253.3), SaCaSol (Philippines, 11.5)

Project Finance International January 14 201560


Lead manager Volume (US$m) % No of deals Deals

42 LH Financial 261.7 0.4 1 Gulf Electric PCL (Thailand, 261.7)

43 Santander 257.0 0.4 1 Astra SLR Finance Pty (Australia, 257.0)

44 Natixis 254.9 0.4 6 Energy Equity Epic(Sengkang) (Indonesia, 41.7), Viva Energy Pty (Australia, 113.9), MEASAT 3b Satellite (Malaysia, 28.2),

PT Bajradaya Sentranusa (Indonesia, 26.2), Petrofac FPSO 003 Pte (Thailand, 9.3), Petrofac MOPU 005 Pte (Malaysia,


45 Metropolitan Bank & Trust 253.3 0.4 1 Pagbilao Power Plant (Philippines, 253.3)

46 Deutsche Bank 222.8 0.3 2 Viva Energy Pty (Australia, 113.9), GASJA 4 GK (Japan, 108.9)

47 Shinsei Bank 207.7 0.3 4 NGR Project mpany (Australia, 64.7), Nasushiobara Mega Solar GK (Japan, 73.5), Petronet LNG (India, 32.8),

Watami Ecology Solar Power (Japan, 36.6)

48 Canara Bank 194.1 0.3 1 Kochi Metro Rail (India, 194.1)

49 Sumitomo Mitsui Trust 192.1 0.3 4 NGR Project mpany (Australia, 64.7), DBNGP Finance Pty (Australia, 50.4), GDI [EII] Pty (Australia, 44.1),

Petronet LNG (India, 32.8)

50 JP Morgan 182.6 0.3 2 Aust Pac Airports Melbourne (Australia, 89.3), Sydney Airport Fin Pty (Australia, 93.3)

51 Investec 181.6 0.3 2 Queensland New Schools PPP (Australia, 133.6), Alinta Energy Transmission (Australia, 48.1)

52 Development Bank of Japan 175.8 0.3 2 Tomatoh Abira Solar Park rp (Japan, 102.4), Green Energy Tsu KK (Japan, 73.4)

53 CIMB 166.7 0.2 1 Gulf Electric PCL (Thailand, 166.7)

54 Malayan Banking 138.9 0.2 4 MEASAT 3b Satellite (Malaysia, 28.2), PT Bajradaya Sentranusa (Indonesia, 26.2), Trans Thai-Malaysia [Malaysia]

(Malaysia, 47.1), Burgos Wind Power Plant (Philippines, 37.5)

55 Bank of India 128.2 0.2 1 HPCL Mittal Energy (India, 128.2)

56= First Gulf Bank 113.9 0.2 1 Viva Energy Pty (Australia, 113.9)

56= National Bank of Abu Dhabi 113.9 0.2 1 Viva Energy Pty (Australia, 113.9)

58 Hua Nan Financial 108.8 0.2 2 Formosa Steel IB Pty (Australia, 58.3), DBNGP Finance Pty (Australia, 50.4)

59 Yes Bank 97.0 0.1 2 DJ Energy (India, 53.7), Uttar Urja Power Projects (India, 43.3)

60 Shinkin Central Bank 92.6 0.1 1 ACXS Kawasaki (Japan, 92.6)

61= Barclays 89.3 0.1 1 Aust Pac Airports Melbourne (Australia, 89.3)

61= Credit Mutuel 89.3 0.1 1 Aust Pac Airports Melbourne (Australia, 89.3)

63 Aozora Bank 82.6 0.1 2 NGR Project mpany (Australia, 64.7), SGET Toyama Mega Solar GK (Japan, 17.9)

64 NongHyup Financial 76.0 0.1 2 Bitplex (South Korea, 28.5), Donggi Senoro LNG PT (Indonesia, 47.5)

65 Toho Bank 75.6 0.1 2 Eurus Yabuki Nakajima Solar KK (Japan, 38.3), Litate Madeina Taiyokohatsuden (Japan, 37.3)

66 Intesa Sanpaolo 74.1 0.1 1 WR Carpenter No 1 Pty (Australia, 74.1)

67= Bank of Taiwan 58.3 0.1 1 Formosa Steel IB Pty (Australia, 58.3)

67= Chang Hwa mmercial Bank 58.3 0.1 1 Formosa Steel IB Pty (Australia, 58.3)

67= CTBC Financial 58.3 0.1 1 Formosa Steel IB Pty (Australia, 58.3)

67= Land Bank of Taiwan 58.3 0.1 1 Formosa Steel IB Pty (Australia, 58.3)

67= Mega Financial 58.3 0.1 1 Formosa Steel IB Pty (Australia, 58.3)

67= Taishin International Bank 58.3 0.1 1 Formosa Steel IB Pty (Australia, 58.3)

67= Taiwan operative Bank 58.3 0.1 1 Formosa Steel IB Pty (Australia, 58.3)

74 77 Bank 54.8 0.1 1 Yuzamachi Solar Power Plant (Japan, 54.8)

75= Credit Suisse 50.4 0.1 1 Keysbrook Mineral Sands (Australia, 50.4)

75= Rand Merchant Bank 50.4 0.1 1 DBNGP Finance Pty (Australia, 50.4)

77 HDFC Bank 47.9 0.1 1 Jodhpur Pali Expressway (India, 47.9)

78 Korea Exchange Bank 47.5 0.1 1 Donggi Senoro LNG PT (Indonesia, 47.5)

79 NIBC 45.0 0.1 2 Petrofac FPSO 003 Pte (Thailand, 9.3), Petrofac MOPU 005 Pte (Malaysia, 35.7)

80 TMB Bank 43.8 0.1 2 Lopburi Solar (Thailand, 8.7), Bowin Clean Energy (Thailand, 35.1)

81 Nord/LB 37.5 0.1 1 Burgos Wind Power Plant (Philippines, 37.5)

82= Land Bank of the Philippines 33.5 0.1 1 Burgos Wind Power Plant (Philippines, 33.5)

82= Philippine National Bank 33.5 0.1 1 Burgos Wind Power Plant (Philippines, 33.5)

82= Security Bank & Trust 33.5 0.1 1 Burgos Wind Power Plant (Philippines, 33.5)

85 San-in Godo Bank 32.0 0 1 Shimane Forest Generation LLC (Japan, 32.0)

86 RHB 28.2 0 1 MEASAT 3b Satellite (Malaysia, 28.2)

87 Saigon-Hanoi Bank 23.0 0 1 c San Hydropower (Vietnam, 23.0)

88 Chugoku Bank 19.1 0 1 Maniwa Biomass Power Plant (Japan, 19.1)

89 Indonesia Infrastructure Fin 17.9 0 1 PT Bajradaya Sentranusa (Indonesia, 17.9)

90 Hokuto Bank 12.1 0 1 Atsuta mmunity Wind Power KK (Japan, 12.1)

91 Showa Leasing 5.8 0 1 Watami Ecology Solar Power (Japan, 5.8)

92 Hana Financial 2.3 0 1 Bitplex (South Korea, 2.3)

Total* 71,753.2 100.0 203

*Proportional Credit

Source: Thomson Reuters

Project Finance International January 14 2015 61



Lead manager Volume (US$m) % No of deals Deals

1 BNP Paribas 5,063.3 5.3 46 Safi Coal Fired Power Plant (Morocco, 84.9), GDF Onshore Wind (France, 375.5), Gemini Offshore (Netherlands, 252.8),

Suomi Power Networks Oy (Finland, 231.0), Budapest Airport Zrt (Hungary, 106.4), SGI Gas Network (Italy, 20.3), Lundin

Petroleum AB (Sweden, 235.3), Ithaca Exploration (Norway, 24.4), Waad Al Shamal (Saudi Arabia, 202.5), Emirates Steel

Plant (Utd Arab Em, 70.5), Vinci Park SA (France, 238.1), Redexis Gas SA (Spain, 112.0), Tethys Oil Block 3 & 4 (Oman, 25.0),

Jubilee Oil Field Offshore (Ghana, 187.5), Solareolica Acquisition (Italy, 42.1), Porterbrook Acquisition (United Kingdom,

136.0), Fortum Fjernvarme AS (Norway, 61.9), Kansanshi Expansion Mine (Zambia, 428.6), Norspan LNG III AS (Norway,

95.5), Amromco Energy (Romania, 10.3), TransAtlantic Oil Fields (Turkey, 30.0), Petrobras Oil & Gas BV (Nigeria, 100.0),

Aliaga Refinery (Turkey, 256.7), Core Energy AS (Norway, 83.4), Det norske oljeselskap ASA (Norway, 187.5), Palazzo San

Gervasio Wind Farm (Italy, 29.4), ONE (Netherlands, 68.0), Georges Besse 2 (France, 88.0), North Sea Catcher Field FPSO

(United Kingdom, 66.7), Cairn Energy PLC (United Kingdom, 95.8), Dundee Mining (Bulgaria, 16.0), Faroe Exploration

(Norway, 34.6), Ithaca Exploration (Norway, 32.3), CDP Reti Srl (Italy, 174.5), Milan Metro Line 4 (Italy, 60.9), Stadt

Hamburg (Germany, 66.4), Tea SpA (Italy, 43.2), Vivo Energy Investments BV (Cape Verde, 32.0), Gdansk Container

Terminal 2 (Poland, 60.2), BAMSA Parking Privatisation (Spain, 19.4), Angel Trains Ltd (United Kingdom, 129.8),

SECI CI-27 Gas Field Expansion (Ivory Coast, 53.3), Concesiones de Madrid SA (Spain, 28.7), Vortex Windfarm Portfolio

(France, 56.0), BRI Wind Farms 3 Ltd (Ireland-Rep, 57.8), Boralex Energie Verte (France, 251.9)

2 SMBC 4,696.2 4.9 31 Safi Coal Fired Power Plant (Morocco, 60.5), Gemini Offshore (Netherlands, 252.8), Mirfa IWPP (Utd Arab Em, 301.8),

Deviation de Troissereux Road (France, 91.4), Suomi Power Networks Oy (Finland, 231.0), Abqaiq Hawiyah Ras Tanura CHP

(Saudi Arabia, 80.0), Budapest Airport Zrt (Hungary, 106.4), Lundin Petroleum AB (Sweden, 235.3), Asyaport Container

Terminal (Turkey, 24.0), Waad Al Shamal (Saudi Arabia, 716.2), Vinci Park SA (France, 238.1), Hayabusa Wind Farm Portfolio

(United Kingdom, 77.5), Porterbrook Acquisition (United Kingdom, 136.0), Mersey Gateway Bridge (United Kingdom, 58.7),

CC Energy Development Ltd (Oman, 75.0), IEP 2 (United Kingdom, 195.0), Norspan LNG III AS (Norway, 95.5), ORPIC

(Oman, 425.5), UK Energy Transaction (United Kingdom, 100.8), IRSN Offices (France, 61.7), A9 Gaasperdammerweg

(Netherlands, 81.4), Derby Waste PFI (United Kingdom, 159.3), GDF Suez UK Wind Portfolio (United Kingdom, 48.6),

Schleswig Holstein Hospital (Germany, 131.4), Garabogaz New Fertilizer (Turkmenistan, 141.1), Ovadan Depe Gas to

Gasoline (Turkmenistan, 121.4), North Yorkshire Waste PFI (United Kingdom, 66.8), Angel Trains (United Kingdom, 227.5),

Thanet OFTO (United Kingdom, 56.1), Adana Integrated Health Campus (Turkey, 48.2), Kilpilahden Sahkonsiirto (Finland, 51.4)

3 Mitsubishi UFJ Financial 3,669.7 3.9 30 Safi Coal Fired Power Plant (Morocco, 60.5), Gemini Offshore (Netherlands, 164.5), Mirfa IWPP (Utd Arab Em, 301.8),

Lundin Petroleum AB (Sweden, 235.3), Waad Al Shamal (Saudi Arabia, 716.2), Agility Trains Ltd (United Kingdom, 8.6),

Emirates Steel Plant (Utd Arab Em, 70.5), Teekay Knarr FPSO (Norway, 43.9), Copenhagen Airport Refinancing

(Denmark, 38.2), Hayabusa Wind Farm Portfolio (United Kingdom, 77.5), Westermost Stake Acquisition (United Kingdom,

125.6), Dungavel Wind Farm Acquisition (United Kingdom, 86.5), IEP 2 (United Kingdom, 195.0), Edinburgh Airport Sale

(United Kingdom, 72.6), UK Energy Transaction (United Kingdom, 100.8), Aliaga Refinery (Turkey, 115.0), Det

norske oljeselskap ASA (Norway, 187.5), Georges Besse 2 (France, 88.0), North Sea Catcher Field FPSO (United Kingdom,

66.7), GDF Suez UK Wind Portfolio (United Kingdom, 48.6), Fujairah ENOC Vopak Oil (Utd Arab Em, 22.5), Gate Terminal

BV (Netherlands, 13.3), Garabogaz New Fertilizer (Turkmenistan, 141.1), Ovadan Depe Gas to Gasoline (Turkmenistan, 121.4),

Quartier Sante (France, 79.1), Angel Trains Ltd (United Kingdom, 149.0), AWPR (United Kingdom, 125.7), Rabigh IWSP

(Saudi Arabia, 107.0), Thanet OFTO Ltd (United Kingdom, 56.1), Kilpilahden Sahkonsiirto Oy (Finland, 51.4)

4 ING 3,614.9 3.8 34 Budapest Airport Zrt (Hungary, 106.4), SGI Gas Network (Italy, 20.3), Lundin Petroleum AB (Sweden, 235.3), Redexis Gas

SA (Spain, 112.0), Copenhagen Airport Refinancing (Denmark, 106.6), Arlanda Express Project (Sweden, 49.0),

Saratovskaya Hydro Plant (Russian Fed, 261.5), Moravia Gas Storage (Czech Republic, 46.4), Gatwick Airport Refinancing

(United Kingdom, 71.2), Porterbrook Acquisition (United Kingdom, 136.0), PetroChad (Chad, 46.7), Gebeleisis Wind Farm

(Romania, 46.4), Kansanshi Expansion Mine (Zambia, 428.6), Amromco Energy (Romania, 10.3), Galati County Wind Farm

(Romania, 46.5), Edinburgh Airport Sale (United Kingdom, 72.6), Petrobras Oil & Gas BV (Nigeria, 100.0), Aliaga Refinery

(Turkey, 181.7), Det norske oljeselskap ASA (Norway, 187.5), ONE (Netherlands, 68.0), North Sea Catcher Field FPSO

(United Kingdom, 66.7), Onne Port Expansion (Nigeria, 49.5), Westermeerwind Wind Project (Netherlands, 107.1),

A9 Gaasperdammerweg (Netherlands, 81.4), EDF and F2i Wind Farm (Italy, 64.6), Usolsky Potash Plant (Russian Fed,

125.0), Fujairah ENOC Vopak Oil (Utd Arab Em, 22.5), Kom Munai LLP Kazakhstan (Kazakhstan, 50.0), Gate Terminal BV

(Netherlands, 13.3), Lusovento Hldg Sociedade (Portugal, 60.9), Groupement Solaire Cestas (France, 92.3), EVG

(Germany, 56.5), Angel Trains Ltd (United Kingdom, 173.3), Sovkomflot (Russian Fed, 319.0)

5 Credit Agricole 3,591.2 3.8 39 Safi Coal Fired Power Plant (Morocco, 84.9), Parc Eolien Du Miroir (France, 8.9), Porette de Nerone (France, 14.9),

Budapest Airport Zrt (Hungary, 106.4), Lundin Petroleum AB (Sweden, 235.3), Hoegh FSRU (Norway, 47.4), Emirates Steel

Plant (Utd Arab Em, 70.5), Vinci Park SA (France, 238.1), Teekay Knarr FPSO (Norway, 64.0), Redexis Gas SA (Spain, 112.0),

Copenhagen Airport Refinancing (Denmark, 38.2), Tethys Oil Block 3 & 4 (Oman, 25.0), Belvesol Solar (France, 27.9),

Jubilee Oil Field Offshore (Ghana, 187.5), Solareolica Acquisition (Italy, 42.1), Gatwick Airport Refinancing (United

Kingdom, 71.2), Gatwick Airport Refinancing (United Kingdom, 33.2), Porterbrook Acquisition (United Kingdom, 136.0),

Mersey Gateway Bridge (United Kingdom, 58.7), Netz West Rolling Stock PPP (Germany, 70.7), IEP 2 (United Kingdom,

132.3), Kansanshi Expansion Mine (Zambia, 428.6), Brassemonte (France, 36.3), Aliaga Refinery (Turkey, 256.7),

Queen Alia Airport Terminal (Jordan, 11.9), Palazzo San Gervasio Wind Farm (Italy, 29.4), ONE (Netherlands, 68.0),

Georges Besse 2 (France, 88.0), Tutor Fiber Network (France, 16.4), Calabria Wind Plants (Italy, 3.2), Milan Metro Line 4

(Italy, 60.9), A7 Bordeshom - Hamburg Road (Germany, 52.8), Usolsky Potash Plant (Russian Fed, 125.0), Bord Gais Wind

Farms Acq (Ireland-Rep, 232.5), Gate Terminal BV (Netherlands, 13.3), AGS Airports Ltd (United Kingdom, 197.4), EVG

(Germany, 56.5), SECI CI-27 Gas Field Expansion (Ivory Coast, 53.3), Thanet OFTO Ltd (United Kingdom, 56.1)

Project Finance International January 14 201562


Lead manager Volume (US$m) % No of deals Deals

6 HSBC 3,267.6 3.4 19 Taweelah Aluminium Extrusion (Utd Arab Em, 23.3), IPR Portfolio (Egypt, 100.0), Lundin Petroleum AB (Sweden, 235.3),

Waad Al Shamal (Saudi Arabia, 716.2), Agility Trains Ltd (United Kingdom, 5.2), Jubilee Oil Field Offshore (Ghana, 187.5),

CC Energy Development Ltd (Oman, 75.0), IEP 2 (United Kingdom, 132.3), Kansanshi Expansion Mine (Zambia, 428.6),

ORPIC (Oman, 425.5), Petrobras Oil & Gas BV (Nigeria, 100.0), Det norske oljeselskap ASA (Norway, 187.5), Georges

Besse 2 (France, 88.0), Cairn Energy PLC (United Kingdom, 95.8), CDP Reti Srl (Italy, 174.5), Stadt Hamburg (Germany,

66.4), Usolsky Potash Plant (Russian Fed, 125.0), SECI CI-27 Gas Field Expansion (Ivory Coast, 53.3), Adana Integrated

Health Campus (Turkey, 48.2)

7 SG 3,174.1 3.3 34 Safi Coal Fired Power Plant (Morocco, 84.9), Deviation de Troissereux Road (France, 91.4), Budapest Airport Zrt (Hungary,

106.4), SGI Gas Network (Italy, 20.3), Lundin Petroleum AB (Sweden, 235.3), Turceni Coal-Fired Plant (Romania, 27.8),

Emirates Steel Plant (Utd Arab Em, 70.5), Toulon Sewer (France, 25.7), Luxey Solarphoton (France, 7.9), Garein Solarphoton

(France, 9.7), Claouziquet Centrale Solaire (France, 6.3), Jubilee Oil Field Offshore (Ghana, 187.5), Gatwick Airport

Refinancing (United Kingdom, 33.2), Westermost Stake Acquisition (United Kingdom, 125.6), PetroChad (Chad, 46.7),

IEP 2 (United Kingdom, 132.3), Kansanshi Expansion Mine (Zambia, 428.6), Amromco Energy (Romania, 10.3), N17/N18

Gort-Tuam PPP (Ireland-Rep, 52.9), Petrobras Oil & Gas BV (Nigeria, 100.0), Aliaga Refinery (Turkey, 208.1), Det

norske oljeselskap ASA (Norway, 187.5), Georges Besse 2 (France, 88.0), Central Area Transmission (United Kingdom, 61.0),

Cairn Energy PLC (United Kingdom, 95.8), CDP Reti Srl (Italy, 174.5), A9 Gaasperdammerweg (Netherlands, 81.4),

EDF and F2i Wind Farm (Italy, 64.6), A7 Bordeshom - Hamburg Road (Germany, 52.8), Usolsky Potash Plant (Russian Fed,

125.0), Kom Munai LLP Kazakhstan (Kazakhstan, 50.0), Vivo Energy Investments BV (Cape Verde, 32.0), Groupement

Solaire Cestas (France, 92.3), BRI Wind Farms 3 Ltd (Ireland-Rep, 57.8)

8 KfW IPEX-Bank 2,703.5 2.8 19 Mirfa IWPP (Utd Arab Em, 301.8), Waad Al Shamal (Saudi Arabia, 716.2), NOP Agrowind Onshore (Netherlands, 137.0),

Arlanda Express Project (Sweden, 49.0), Gatwick Airport Refinancing (United Kingdom, 71.2), Mersey Gateway Bridge

(United Kingdom, 58.7), Boralex Wind Farm Portfolio (France, 89.9), ORPIC (Oman, 425.5), Edinburgh Airport Sale

(United Kingdom, 72.6), Saint Riquier 3 & 4 (France, 21.3), Aliaga Refinery (Turkey, 66.5), North Sea Catcher Field FPSO

(United Kingdom, 66.7), Crook Hill Wind Farm (United Kingdom, 96.8), GDF Suez UK Wind Portfolio (United Kingdom,

48.6), Schleswig Holstein Hospital (Germany, 131.4), Kuolavaara-Keulakkopaa Wind (Finland, 135.0), North Yorkshire Waste

PFI (United Kingdom, 66.8), Groupement Solaire Cestas (France, 92.3), EVG (Germany, 56.5)

9 Natixis 2,581.8 2.7 45 Gemini Offshore (Netherlands, 164.5), Taweelah Aluminium Extrusion (Utd Arab Em, 23.3), Budapest Airport Zrt (Hungary,

106.4), Lundin Petroleum AB (Sweden, 235.3), Akuo Olmo (France, 16.2), Emirates Steel Plant (Utd Arab Em, 70.5), Cntrle

Photovoltaique (France, 9.8), Talita (France, 7.1), Jubilee Oil Field Offshore (Ghana, 187.5), Les Nouillers Wind Farm (France,

15.7), Eoliennes La Chaussee (France, 20.3), PetroChad (Chad, 46.7), Fonroche Energie SAS (France, 16.0), La Montagne

Wind Farm (France, 20.9), Solaris 6 (France, 174.8), Oyre Saint Sauveur (France, 20.0), N17/N18 Gort-Tuam PPP

(Ireland-Rep, 153.1), Petrobras Oil & Gas BV (Nigeria, 100.0), Aliaga Refinery (Turkey, 141.5), Queen Alia Airport Terminal

(Jordan, 11.9), Vaux-Coulommes Wind Farm (France, 66.4), Georges Besse 2 (France, 88.0), Fonroche Energie SAS (France,

13.7), Geloux Solar Power Plant (France, 11.2), Axione Broadband Portfolio (France, 254.6), Milan Metro Line 4 (Italy, 60.9),

Chemin du Bois Hubert (France, 45.6), La Foret (France, 29.5), Akuo Mortella (France, 24.3), Mortella (France, 26.9),

Roc Du Doun (France, 34.9), Societe Geothermale des Rives (France, 25.3), PV Ecarpiere - Getigne (France, 4.3), FPV Les

Cedres (France, 47.7), Solaire Sud (France, 11.7), Brainwave Solar PV Portfolio (Italy, 98.5), Quartier Sante (France, 79.1),

Solaire (France, 16.6), SPV 13 Vulcain (France, 8.3), SPV 14 (France, 6.8), Le Mouruen Solar Plant (France, 19.7),

CROISETTE II - ENERTRAG (France, 12.5), Parc Eolien De Coulours (France, 18.3), Parc Eolien de Saint Caradec (France,

9.6), Fresnoy Brancourt (France, 25.9)

10 Deutsche Bank 1,943.8 2.0 14 Gemini Offshore (Netherlands, 164.5), Suomi Power Networks Oy (Finland, 231.0), Budapest Airport Zrt (Hungary, 106.4),

Lundin Petroleum AB (Sweden, 235.3), SunEdison Lumina PV Project (United Kingdom, 52.5), Bournemouth Solar PV

Project (United Kingdom, 67.5), Klettwitz Onshore Windfarm (Germany, 255.8), Aliaga Refinery (Turkey, 208.1), Det

norske oljeselskap ASA (Norway, 187.5), Treia and Oria PV Plant (Italy, 50.2), Stadt Hamburg (Germany, 66.4), Garabogaz

New Fertilizer (Turkmenistan, 141.1), Ovadan Depe Gas to Gasoline (Turkmenistan, 121.4), Vortex Windfarm Portfolio (France, 56.0)

11 Mizuho Financial 1,938.4 2.0 11 Safi Coal Fired Power Plant (Morocco, 60.5), Mirfa IWPP (Utd Arab Em, 301.8), Waad Al Shamal (Saudi Arabia, 716.2),

Agility Trains Ltd (United Kingdom, 8.6), Westermost Stake Acquisition (United Kingdom, 125.6), IEP 2 (United Kingdom,

195.0), Aix-Marseille Renovation PPP (France, 82.2), Garabogaz New Fertilizer (Turkmenistan, 141.1), Ovadan Depe Gas to

Gasoline (Turkmenistan, 121.4), Quartier Sante (France, 79.1), Rabigh IWSP (Saudi Arabia, 107.0)

12 RBS 1,797.1 1.9 19 Emirates Steel Plant (Utd Arab Em, 70.5), Vinci Park SA (France, 238.1), Renewables Infrastructure Grp (Guernsey, 66.6),

Redexis Gas SA (Spain, 112.0), Gatwick Airport Refinancing (United Kingdom, 33.2), Gatwick Airport Refinancing

(United Kingdom, 71.2), Porterbrook Acquisition (United Kingdom, 136.0), Edinburgh Airport Sale (United Kingdom, 72.6),

Foresight Solar Portfolio (United Kingdom, 56.1), UK Energy Transaction (United Kingdom, 100.8), Bluefield Solar Farms

Acq (United Kingdom, 83.9), Heysham Wind Farm (United Kingdom, 20.0), Faroe Exploration (Norway, 34.6), AES Onshore

Wind Portfolio Acq (United Kingdom, 124.4), Lightsource SPV 61 Ltd (United Kingdom, 46.2), Dublin Waste to Energy Ltd

(Ireland-Rep, 63.9), AGS Airports Ltd (United Kingdom, 197.4), Infinis Energy Plc (United Kingdom, 40.8), Angel Trains Ltd

(United Kingdom, 228.5)

13 Santander 1,768.0 1.9 24 Gemini Offshore (Netherlands, 252.8), Infinita Renovables SA (Spain, 69.7), ADIF Parking Privatisation (Spain, 35.1),

Tiger Water Supply (Spain, 66.0), Vinci Park SA (France, 238.1), Gatwick Airport Refinancing (United Kingdom, 71.2),

Gatwick Airport Refinancing (United Kingdom, 33.2), Porterbrook Acquisition (United Kingdom, 136.0), Metro de Granada

PPP (Spain, 29.5), Aix-Marseille Renovation PPP (France, 55.7), Foresight Solar Portfolio (United Kingdom, 56.1), Aliaga

Refinery (Turkey, 66.7), Georges Besse 2 (France, 88.0), Central Area Transmission (United Kingdom, 61.0), Barcelona

Sagrera Alta (Spain, 60.3), Universiatario Marques (Spain, 51.0), EDF and F2i Wind Farm (Italy, 64.6), AES Onshore Wind

Project Finance International January 14 2015 63



Lead manager Volume (US$m) % No of deals Deals

Portfolio Acq (United Kingdom, 124.4), MSP Fairwind Ltd (United Kingdom, 9.0), Sunsave 14 Ltd (United Kingdom, 32.7),

Lusovento Hldg Sociedade (Portugal, 60.9), BAMSA Parking Privatisation (Spain, 19.4), Concesiones de Madrid SA (Spain,

28.7), BRI Wind Farms 3 Ltd (Ireland-Rep, 57.8)

14 UniCredit 1,626.8 1.7 24 Budapest Airport Zrt (Hungary, 106.4), Mersin Health Campus (Turkey, 112.6), Turceni Coal-Fired Plant (Romania, 27.8),

Emirates Steel Plant (Utd Arab Em, 70.5), ImWind Ziost Wind Farm (Austria, 44.8), Pottenbrunn IV Wind Farm (Austria,

25.9), Nutberry Wind Farm (United Kingdom, 38.9), Aliaga Refinery (Turkey, 141.5), Topolog-Dorobantu Wind Farm

(Romania, 25.8), Georges Besse 2 (France, 88.0), NOV Srl (Italy, 19.6), Dundee Mining (Bulgaria, 16.0), CDP Reti Srl (Italy,

174.5), Milan Metro Line 4 (Italy, 60.9), Glennmont French Wind (France, 22.5), B8 Oil Field (Poland, 117.5), EDF and F2i

Wind Farm (Italy, 64.6), Stadt Hamburg (Germany, 66.4), Usolsky Potash Plant (Russian Fed, 125.0), Rudine Wind Farm

(Croatia, 31.0), Gdansk Container Terminal 2 (Poland, 60.2), Jagiellonian Univ Facility (Poland, 23.3), Thanet OFTO Ltd

(United Kingdom, 56.1), Dalaman Regional Airport (Turkey, 107.0)

15 CBA 1,615.2 1.7 12 Suomi Power Networks (Finland, 231.0), Lundin Petroleum (Sweden, 235.3), Ithaca Exploration (Norway, 24.4), Gatwick

Airport Refinancing (United Kingdom, 71.2), Porterbrook Acquisition (United Kingdom, 136.0), Edinburgh Airport Sale

(United Kingdom, 271.5), Det norske oljeselskap ASA (Norway, 187.5), ONE (Netherlands, 68.0), Cairn Energy (United

Kingdom, 95.8), Faroe Exploration (Norway, 34.6), Ithaca Exploration (Norway, 32.3), Angel Trains Ltd (United Kingdom, 227.5)

16 SEB 1,596.1 1.7 17 Suomi Power Networks Oy (Finland, 231.0), Lundin Petroleum AB (Sweden, 235.3), Ithaca Exploration (Norway, 24.4),

Copenhagen Airport Refinancing (Denmark, 38.2), Arlanda Express Project (Sweden, 49.0), Fortum Fjernvarme AS

(Norway, 61.9), Det norske oljeselskap ASA (Norway, 187.5), North Sea Catcher Field FPSO (United Kingdom, 66.7),

Tullow Oil Norge AS (Norway, 250.2), Central Area Transmission (United Kingdom, 61.0), Faroe Exploration (Norway, 34.6),

Ithaca Exploration (Norway, 32.3), Stadt Hamburg (Germany, 66.4), Schleswig Holstein Hospital (Germany, 131.4), Vartinoja

Onshore Wind Farm (Finland, 18.6), EVG (Germany, 56.5), Kilpilahden Sahkonsiirto Oy (Finland, 51.4)

17 Standard Chartered 1,469.4 1.6 12 Safi Coal Fired Power Plant (Morocco, 84.9), Zambia IHS Tower Expansion (Zambia, 70.0), Jubilee Oil Field Offshore

(Ghana, 187.5), Kansanshi Expansion Mine (Zambia, 428.6), ORPIC (Oman, 131.2), Azura Gas-Fired Power Station (Nigeria,

176.7), Petrobras Oil & Gas BV (Nigeria, 100.0), Onne Port Expansion (Nigeria, 49.5), Cairn Energy PLC (United Kingdom,

95.8), Vivo Energy Investments BV (Cape Verde, 32.0), Kirikkale CCGT Facility (Turkey, 60.0), SECI CI-27 Gas Field

Expansion (Ivory Coast, 53.3)

18 DNB ASA 1,270.6 1.3 11 Suomi Power Networks Oy (Finland, 231.0), Lundin Petroleum AB (Sweden, 235.3), Hoegh FSRU (Norway, 47.4),

Det norske oljeselskap ASA (Norway, 187.5), North Sea Catcher Field FPSO (United Kingdom, 66.7), Tullow Oil Norge AS

(Norway, 250.2), Cairn Energy PLC (United Kingdom, 95.8), Faroe Exploration (Norway, 34.6), Gate Terminal BV

(Netherlands, 13.3), Green Energy Supply Ltd (Ireland-Rep, 51.2), BRI Wind Farms 3 Ltd (Ireland-Rep, 57.8)

19 RBC Capital Markets 1,195.0 1.3 10 Suomi Power Networks Oy (Finland, 231.0), Budapest Airport Zrt (Hungary, 106.4), Copenhagen Airport Refinancing

(Denmark, 38.2), Porterbrook Acquisition (United Kingdom, 136.0), Foresight Solar Portfolio (United Kingdom, 56.1),

Central Area Transmission (United Kingdom, 61.0), Dundee Mining (Bulgaria, 16.0), AES Onshore Wind Portfolio Acq

(United Kingdom, 124.4), AGS Airports Ltd (United Kingdom, 197.4), Angel Trains Ltd (United Kingdom, 228.5)

20 Barclays 1,156.7 1.2 8 Jubilee Oil Field Offshore (Ghana, 187.5), Kansanshi Expansion Mine (Zambia, 428.6), Det norske oljeselskap ASA

(Norway, 187.5), Central Area Transmission (United Kingdom, 61.0), Stadt Hamburg (Germany, 66.4), Dublin Waste to

Energy Ltd (Ireland-Rep, 63.9), Vivo Energy Investments BV (Cape Verde, 32.0), Angel Trains Ltd (United Kingdom, 129.8)

21 Scotiabank 1,056.2 1.1 7 Suomi Power Networks Oy (Finland, 231.0), Edinburgh Airport Sale (United Kingdom, 271.5), Det norske oljeselskap ASA

(Norway, 187.5), Central Area Transmission (United Kingdom, 61.0), AGS Airports Ltd (United Kingdom, 197.4), EVG

(Germany, 56.5), Kilpilahden Sahkonsiirto Oy (Finland, 51.4)

22 Garanti Bank 1,032.0 1.1 3 Aliaga Refinery (Turkey, 450.0), Gebze-Orhangazi-Izmir Highway (Turkey, 75.0), Kemerkoy-Yenikoy Lignite Plant

(Turkey, 507.0)

23 BBVA 954.2 1.0 13 Budapest Airport Zrt (Hungary, 106.4), SGI Gas Network (Italy, 20.3), Vinci Park SA (France, 238.1), Redexis Gas SA

(Spain, 112.0), Solareolica Acquisition (Italy, 11.8), Emasesa (Spain, 66.1), Metro de Granada PPP (Spain, 29.5), Aliaga

Refinery (Turkey, 141.7), Georges Besse 2 (France, 88.0), Barcelona Sagrera Alta (Spain, 60.3), Encampus Residencia

de (Spain, 12.5), BAMSA Parking Privatisation (Spain, 19.4), Adana Integrated Health Campus (Turkey, 48.2)

24 Citi 875.7 0.9 6 Suomi Power Networks Oy (Finland, 231.0), Lundin Petroleum AB (Sweden, 235.3), Hoegh FSRU (Norway, 47.4),

Emirates Steel Plant (Utd Arab Em, 70.5), Teekay Knarr FPSO (Norway, 104.0), Det norske oljeselskap ASA (Norway, 187.5)

25 CaixaBank 826.1 0.9 10 Gemini Offshore (Netherlands, 164.5), ADIF Parking Privatisation (Spain, 35.1), Redexis Gas SA (Spain, 112.0),

Norspan LNG III AS (Norway, 95.5), Aliaga Refinery (Turkey, 66.7), Barcelona Sagrera Alta (Spain, 60.3), Lusovento Hldg

Sociedade (Portugal, 60.9), AGS Airports Ltd (United Kingdom, 197.4), Neoen SAS (France, 14.3), BAMSA Parking

Privatisation (Spain, 19.4)

26 Lloyds Bank 787.7 0.8 7 Lundin Petroleum AB (Sweden, 235.3), Porterbrook Acquisition (United Kingdom, 136.0), Mersey Gateway Bridge

(United Kingdom, 58.7), IEP 2 (United Kingdom, 132.3), Central Area Transmission (United Kingdom, 61.0), Faroe

Exploration (Norway, 34.6), Angel Trains Ltd (United Kingdom, 129.8)

27 Nord/LB 774.8 0.8 13 Ullersdorf Onshore Wind Farm (Germany, 104.0), Netz West Rolling Stock PPP (Germany, 70.7), Aix-Marseille

Renovation PPP (France, 82.2), Calder Water Wind Farm (United Kingdom, 77.0), Les Touches and Aubigeon (France, 45.2),

Hohenmoelsen I (Germany, 26.5), Stadt Hamburg (Germany, 66.4), SNBTS (United Kingdom, 58.2), Lobendorfer Forsten

(Germany, 37.5), North Yorkshire Waste PFI (United Kingdom, 66.8), Green Energy Supply Ltd (Ireland-Rep, 54.5),

New Albion Wind Ltd (United Kingdom, 29.6), Thanet OFTO Ltd (United Kingdom, 56.1)

28 HSH Nordbank 737.2 0.8 7 Budapest Airport Zrt (Hungary, 106.4), Vinci Park SA (France, 238.1), Saint Riquier 3 & 4 (France, 21.3), Enerparc AG

(Germany, 43.7), Aquitaine and Biscaya PV (France, 148.3), Stadt Hamburg (Germany, 66.4), Seine Rive Gauche Wind

Farm (France, 113.0)

Project Finance International January 14 201564


Lead manager Volume (US$m) % No of deals Deals

29 ABN AMRO Bank 699.0 0.7 7 Gemini Offshore (Netherlands, 164.5), Hoegh FSRU (Norway, 47.4), Teekay Knarr FPSO (Norway, 104.0), Det norske

oljeselskap ASA (Norway, 187.5), ONE (Netherlands, 68.0), North Sea Catcher Field FPSO (United Kingdom, 66.7),

Central Area Transmission (United Kingdom, 61.0)

30 Yapi Ve Kredi Bankasi 694.6 0.7 3 Mersin Health Campus (Turkey, 112.6), Gebze-Orhangazi-Izmir Highway (Turkey, 75.0), Kemerkoy-Yenikoy Lignite Plant

(Turkey, 507.0)

31 Nedbank Capital 672.0 0.7 5 Mamba Cement Co (South Africa, 53.1), Langer Heinrich Uranium[Pty] (Namibia, 65.0), Lundin Petroleum AB (Sweden,

235.3), Cenpower Generation Co Ltd (Ghana, 216.7), Statistics S Africa [Stats SA] (South Africa, 102.0)

32 Nordea 637.2 0.7 6 Lundin Petroleum AB (Sweden, 235.3), Hoegh FSRU (Norway, 47.4), Arlanda Express Project (Sweden, 49.0), Det norske

oljeselskap ASA (Norway, 187.5), North Sea Catcher Field FPSO (United Kingdom, 66.7), Kilpilahden Sahkonsiirto Oy

(Finland, 51.4)

33 Standard Bank 629.2 0.7 4 Langer Heinrich Uranium[Pty] (Namibia, 65.0), Jubilee Oil Field Offshore (Ghana, 187.5), Gigawatt Gas Fired Power Plant

(Uganda, 160.0), Cenpower Generation Co Ltd (Ghana, 216.7)

34 Intesa Sanpaolo 621.8 0.7 10 Tiger Water Supply (Spain, 66.0), Tram Di Firenze Scarl (Italy, 76.4), Aliaga Refinery (Turkey, 75.0), NOV Srl (Italy, 19.6),

Calabria Wind Plants (Italy, 3.2), CDP Reti Srl (Italy, 174.5), Milan Metro Line 4 (Italy, 60.9), EDF and F2i Wind Farm (Italy,

64.6), Tea SpA (Italy, 43.2), Milano Serravalle Tangenziali (Italy, 38.3)

35 Siemens Financial Services 605.7 0.6 7 Budapest Airport Zrt (Hungary, 106.4), Tethys Oil Block 3 & 4 (Oman, 25.0), Westermost Stake Acquisition

(United Kingdom, 125.6), Porterbrook Acquisition (United Kingdom, 136.0), North Yorkshire Waste PFI (United Kingdom,

66.8), Angel Trains Ltd (United Kingdom, 97.7), Adana Integrated Health Campus (Turkey, 48.2)

36 CIBC World Markets 604.0 0.6 5 Gemini Offshore (Netherlands, 164.5), Suomi Power Networks Oy (Finland, 231.0), Porterbrook Acquisition

(United Kingdom, 136.0), Dundee Mining (Bulgaria, 16.0), EVG (Germany, 56.5)

37 Macquarie Group 603.1 0.6 3 Budapest Airport Zrt (Hungary, 388.8), Mersey Gateway Bridge (United Kingdom, 86.5), Dublin Waste to Energy Ltd

(Ireland-Rep, 127.8)

38 Turkiye Halk Bankasi 582.0 0.6 2 Gebze-Orhangazi-Izmir Highway (Turkey, 75.0), Kemerkoy-Yenikoy Lignite Plant (Turkey, 507.0)

=38 Turkiye Is Bankasi 582.0 0.6 2 Gebze-Orhangazi-Izmir Highway (Turkey, 75.0), Kemerkoy-Yenikoy Lignite Plant (Turkey, 507.0)

40 Gazprombank 539.2 0.6 1 Areoexpress Rail Expansion (Russian Fed, 539.2)

41 Hypo Real Estate Holding 534.6 0.6 1 Schwabinger Tor Project (Germany, 534.6)

42 Ziraat Bankasi 507.0 0.5 1 Kemerkoy-Yenikoy Lignite Plant (Turkey, 507.0)

43 Groupe BPCE 466.5 0.5 9 Les Charmilles School Complex (France, 9.5), Univers Glace (France, 61.1), Luxey Solarphoton (France, 7.9),

Garein Solarphoton (France, 9.7), Claouziquet Centrale Solaire (France, 6.3), Solaris 6 (France, 174.8), Thirdstep Pipeline 2

(France, 39.7), Openly Regie du Peripherique (France, 115.8), Geothermie Villages Nature (France, 41.5)

44 Rabobank 451.4 0.5 3 NOP Agrowind Onshore (Netherlands, 153.4), PoortCentraal BV (Netherlands, 103.4), Westermeerwind Wind Project

(Netherlands, 194.6)

45 Rand Merchant Bank 425.3 0.5 3 Azura Gas-Fired Power Station (Nigeria, 176.7), Cenpower Generation Co Ltd (Ghana, 216.7), Vivo Energy Investments BV

(Cape Verde, 32.0)

46 Swedbank 388.4 0.4 4 Hoegh FSRU (Norway, 47.4), Det norske oljeselskap ASA (Norway, 187.5), North Sea Catcher Field FPSO (United Kingdom,

66.7), TSME (Finland, 86.8)

47 Bayerische Landesbank Giro 363.6 0.4 5 Netz West Rolling Stock PPP (Germany, 70.7), Steinberg Ballet Hall PPP (Germany, 35.2), WPD Wind Farm Portfolio Sale

(Germany, 32.1), Derby Waste PFI (United Kingdom, 159.3), Stadt Hamburg (Germany, 66.4)

48 Landesbank Baden-Wurttemberg 359.6 0.4 7 Windpark Windberg (Germany, 9.6), Windpark KuseyNeuferchau (Germany, 44.0), Godewin GmbH & Co KG (Germany, 4.3),

Stadt Hamburg (Germany, 66.4), Schleswig Holstein Hospital (Germany, 131.4), Energiepark Bruck/Leitha GmbH (Austria,

35.0), Windpark Haadfeld GmbH & Co KG (Austria, 68.9)

49 Ecobank Transnational 350.0 0.4 1 Ghana Airport Company Ltd (Ghana, 350.0)

50 Bank Nederlandse Gemeenten 342.8 0.4 3 Gemini Offshore (Netherlands, 164.5), A9 Gaasperdammerweg (Netherlands, 81.4), RIVM New Building (Netherlands, 96.9)

51 Cassa Depositi e Prestiti 342.4 0.4 2 Tram Di Firenze Scarl (Italy, 76.4), Milan Metro Line 4 (Italy, 266.0)

52 JP Morgan 339.7 0.4 3 Lundin Petroleum AB (Sweden, 235.3), Gatwick Airport Refinancing (United Kingdom, 71.2), Gatwick Airport Refinancing

(United Kingdom, 33.2)

53 Sumitomo Mitsui Trust 335.5 0.4 3 Safi Coal Fired Power Plant (Morocco, 60.5), Abqaiq Hawiyah Ras Tanura CHP (Saudi Arabia, 80.0), IEP 2 (United Kingdom,


54 Mid-Capital 317.8 0.3 2 Suomi Power Networks Oy (Finland, 231.0), TSME (Finland, 86.8)

55 Korea Exchange Bank 307.5 0.3 1 Teekay Knarr FPSO (Norway, 307.5)

56 Banque Saudi Fransi 290.8 0.3 3 King Abdullah Port Expansion (Saudi Arabia, 140.8), Kirikkale CCGT Facility (Turkey, 50.0), Kirikkale CCGT Facility (Turkey,


57 Mediobanca 286.5 0.3 2 Redexis Gas SA (Spain, 112.0), CDP Reti Srl (Italy, 174.5)

58 DZ Bank 279.2 0.3 3 A9 Gaasperdammerweg (Netherlands, 81.4), Stadt Hamburg (Germany, 66.4), Schleswig Holstein Hospital (Germany,


59 KBC Group 268.9 0.3 3 Budapest Airport Zrt (Hungary, 106.4), Wind aan de Stroom Wind Farm (Belgium, 81.2), A9 Gaasperdammerweg

(Netherlands, 81.4)

60 Attijariwafa Bank SA 268.0 0.3 1 Safi Coal Fired Power Plant (Morocco, 268.0)

=60 Banque Centrale Populaire 268.0 0.3 1 Safi Coal Fired Power Plant (Morocco, 268.0)

62 Credit Mutuel 243.6 0.3 5 Toulon Sewer (France, 25.7), Norspan LNG III AS (Norway, 95.5), Queen Alia Airport Terminal (Jordan, 11.9), Georges Besse 2

(France, 88.0), Glennmont French Wind (France, 22.5)

63 Banco Popular Espanol 233.2 0.3 4 ADIF Parking Privatisation (Spain, 35.1), Redexis Gas SA (Spain, 112.0), Aliaga Refinery (Turkey, 66.7), BAMSA Parking

Privatisation (Spain, 19.4)

Project Finance International January 14 2015 65



Lead manager Volume (US$m) % No of deals Deals

64 BMPS 230.5 0.2 5 Tram Di Firenze Scarl (Italy, 76.4), Vittoria Solar PV Power Plant (Italy, 11.7), Milan Metro Line 4 (Italy, 60.9), Tea SpA (Italy,

43.2), Milano Serravalle Tangenziali (Italy, 38.3)

65 Arab Banking Corporation 226.7 0.2 3 Emirates Steel Plant (Utd Arab Em, 70.5), Tethys Oil Block 3 & 4 (Oman, 25.0), ORPIC (Oman, 131.2)

66 National Bank of Abu Dhabi 225.0 0.2 3 Taweelah Aluminium Extrusion (Utd Arab Em, 23.3), Emirates Steel Plant (Utd Arab Em, 70.5), ORPIC (Oman, 131.2)

67 Abu Dhabi Islamic Bank 223.8 0.2 3 Emirates Steel Plant (Utd Arab Em, 80.8), Al Nouran Sugar Plant (Egypt, 71.5), Al Sharkeya Sugar Plant (Egypt, 71.5)

68 Abu Dhabi Commercial Bank 201.7 0.2 2 Emirates Steel Plant (Utd Arab Em, 70.5), ORPIC (Oman, 131.2)

69 Landesbank Hessen-Thueringen 193.8 0.2 3 Stadt Hamburg (Germany, 66.4), Groupement Solaire Cestas (France, 92.3), Energiepark Bruck/Leitha (Austria, 35.0)

70 National Bank of Greece 191.3 0.2 4 Attica School (Greece, 53.6), Korinthos IPP Refinancing (Greece, 53.6), Athens Telematics System PPP (Greece, 9.1),

Gebze-Orhangazi-Izmir Highway (Turkey, 75.0)

71 Sparebanken Oslo Akershus 187.5 0.2 1 Det norske oljeselskap ASA (Norway, 187.5)

72 National Australia Bank 180.0 0.2 3 Renewables Infrastructure Grp (Guernsey, 66.6), Edinburgh Airport Sale (United Kingdom, 72.6), Infinis Energy Plc

(United Kingdom, 40.8)

73 Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego 177.7 0.2 2 B8 Oil Field (Poland, 117.5), Gdansk Container Terminal 2 (Poland, 60.2)

74 First City Group 176.7 0.2 1 Azura Gas-Fired Power Station (Nigeria, 176.7)

75 Development Bank of Japan 176.2 0.2 2 Teekay Knarr FPSO (Norway, 43.9), IEP 2 (United Kingdom, 132.3)

76 Commerzbank 176.1 0.2 3 Onne Port Expansion (Nigeria, 49.5), Stadt Hamburg (Germany, 66.4), Gdansk Container Terminal 2 (Poland, 60.2)

77 BMO Capital Markets 164.5 0.2 1 Gemini Offshore (Netherlands, 164.5)

78 Unione di Banche Italiane Scpa 161.9 0.2 5 SGI Gas Network (Italy, 20.3), Treia and Oria PV Plant (Italy, 50.2), Tea SpA (Italy, 43.2), Milano Serravalle Tangenziali (Italy,

38.3), Eolica Petralia Srl (Italy, 9.8)

79 Banco de Sabadell 147.5 0.2 5 ADIF Parking Privatisation (Spain, 35.1), Metro de Granada PPP (Spain, 29.5), Encampus Residencia de (Spain, 12.5),

Universiatario Marques (Spain, 51.0), BAMSA Parking Privatisation (Spain, 19.4)

80 Banque Audi SAL 143.0 0.2 2 Al Nouran Sugar Plant (Egypt, 71.5), Al Sharkeya Sugar Plant (Egypt, 71.5)

=80 Banque Misr 143.0 0.2 2 Al Nouran Sugar Plant (Egypt, 71.5), Al Sharkeya Sugar Plant (Egypt, 71.5)

82 Dexia 141.3 0.2 2 Mersin Health Campus (Turkey, 112.6), Concesiones de Madrid SA (Spain, 28.7)

83 Danske Bank 132.7 0.1 3 Hoegh FSRU (Norway, 47.4), North Sea Catcher Field FPSO (United Kingdom, 66.7), Vartinoja Onshore Wind Farm

(Finland, 18.6)

84 Ahli United Bank 131.2 0.1 1 ORPIC (Oman, 131.2)

=84 Bank Dhofar 131.2 0.1 1 ORPIC (Oman, 131.2)

=84 Bank Muscat 131.2 0.1 1 ORPIC (Oman, 131.2)

=84 National Bank of Oman 131.2 0.1 1 ORPIC (Oman, 131.2)

=84 Natl Comml Bank Saudi Arabia 131.2 0.1 1 ORPIC (Oman, 131.2)

=84 Oman Arab Bank 131.2 0.1 1 ORPIC (Oman, 131.2)

=84 Qatar National Bank 131.2 0.1 1 ORPIC (Oman, 131.2)

=84 Sohar Bank 131.2 0.1 1 ORPIC (Oman, 131.2)

92 Sberbank CIB 125.0 0.1 1 Usolsky Potash Plant (Russian Fed, 125.0)

93 Credit Mutuel Arke 115.8 0.1 1 Openly Regie du Peripherique (France, 115.8)

94 Bank of Ireland 115.7 0.1 2 N17/N18 Gort-Tuam PPP (Ireland-Rep, 51.8), Dublin Waste to Energy Ltd (Ireland-Rep, 63.9)

95 Korea Development Bank 114.7 0.1 2 Aliaga Refinery (Turkey, 66.5), Adana Integrated Health Campus (Turkey, 48.2)

96 Westpac Banking 110.1 0.1 1 Angel Trains Ltd (United Kingdom, 110.1)

97 Raiffeisen Bank International 108.9 0.1 3 Gebeleisis Wind Farm (Romania, 46.4), Galati County Wind Farm (Romania, 46.5), Dundee Mining (Bulgaria, 16.0)

98 Bank of America Merrill Lynch 100.0 0.1 1 Petrobras Oil & Gas BV (Nigeria, 100.0)

99 Credit Suisse 97.9 0.1 2 Teekay Knarr FPSO (Norway, 83.9), Neoen SAS (France, 14.0)

100 DGZ-DekaBank 96.9 0.1 1 RIVM New Building (Netherlands, 96.9)

101 First Gulf Bank 93.8 0.1 2 Taweelah Aluminium Extrusion (Utd Arab Em, 23.3), Emirates Steel Plant (Utd Arab Em, 70.5)

=101 Union National Bank of UAE 93.8 0.1 2 Taweelah Aluminium Extrusion (Utd Arab Em, 23.3), Emirates Steel Plant (Utd Arab Em, 70.5)

103 La Banque Postale 92.3 0.1 1 Groupement Solaire Cestas (France, 92.3)

104 ASN Bank 88.9 0.1 1 Westermeerwind Wind Project (Netherlands, 88.9)

=104 Triodos Bank 88.9 0.1 1 Westermeerwind Wind Project (Netherlands, 88.9)

106 Caixa Geral de Depositos 87.2 0.1 2 Infinita Renovables SA (Spain, 58.8), Indaqua Santo Tirso Aguas (Portugal, 28.4)

107 Handelsbanken Capital Markets 86.8 0.1 1 TSME (Finland, 86.8)

108 DBS 86.4 0.1 2 Teekay Knarr FPSO (Norway, 64.0), Fujairah ENOC Vopak Oil (Utd Arab Em, 22.5)

109 Banque Marocaine du Comm 82.9 0.1 1 Agadir Water Desalination PPP (Morocco, 82.9)

110 Banco Portugues Iestimento 81.7 0.1 5 Luxey Solarphoton (France, 6.5), Garein Solarphoton (France, 7.9), Claouziquet Centrale Solaire (France, 5.1), Thirdstep

Pipeline 2 (France, 33.7), Concesiones de Madrid SA (Spain, 28.7)

111 Allied Irish Banks 80.9 0.1 2 Dublin Waste to Energy Ltd (Ireland-Rep, 63.9), Zywiec Hospital (Poland, 17.0)

112 Al Hilal Islamic Bank 80.8 0.1 1 Emirates Steel Plant (Utd Arab Em, 80.8)

=112 Dubai Islamic Bank 80.8 0.1 1 Emirates Steel Plant (Utd Arab Em, 80.8)

114 AK Bank 75.0 0.1 1 Gebze-Orhangazi-Izmir Highway (Turkey, 75.0)

=114 Bank Commerce Al-Habib 75.0 0.1 1 Gebze-Orhangazi-Izmir Highway (Turkey, 75.0)

=114 TC Ziraat Bankasi 75.0 0.1 1 Nyumba Ya Akiba SA (Dem Rep Congo, 75.0)

=114 Turkiye Vakiflar Bankasi 75.0 0.1 1 Gebze-Orhangazi-Izmir Highway (Turkey, 75.0)

118 Al Khaliji Commercial Bank 70.5 0.1 1 Emirates Steel Plant (Utd Arab Em, 70.5)

=118 Arab Bank 70.5 0.1 1 Emirates Steel Plant (Utd Arab Em, 70.5)

Project Finance International January 14 201566


Lead manager Volume (US$m) % No of deals Deals

120 Investec 66.7 0.1 1 North Sea Catcher Field FPSO (United Kingdom, 66.7)

=120 NIBC 66.7 0.1 1 Widnes Waste Wood (CHP) Plant (United Kingdom, 66.7)

=120 OCBC 66.7 0.1 1 North Sea Catcher Field FPSO (United Kingdom, 66.7)

123 Bankia 60.3 0.1 1 Barcelona Sagrera Alta (Spain, 60.3)

=123 Caja de Ahorros y M Zaragoza 60.3 0.1 1 Barcelona Sagrera Alta (Spain, 60.3)

=123 Instituto Credito Casse 60.3 0.1 1 Barcelona Sagrera Alta (Spain, 60.3)

126 Bank Deopzytow-Kreditowy 60.2 0.1 1 Gdansk Container Terminal 2 (Poland, 60.2)

=126 PZU SA 60.2 0.1 1 Gdansk Container Terminal 2 (Poland, 60.2)

128 Liberbank 58.8 0.1 1 Infinita Renovables SA (Spain, 58.8)

=128 Novacaixagalicia 58.8 0.1 1 Infinita Renovables SA (Spain, 58.8)

130 Societe Arabe Int’le de Banque 57.2 0.1 1 Al Nouran Sugar Plant (Egypt, 57.2)

131 National Bank of Kuwait 56.8 0.1 1 New Gathering Center 16 (Kuwait, 56.8)

132 Bankinter 54.6 0.1 2 ADIF Parking Privatisation (Spain, 35.1), BAMSA Parking Privatisation (Spain, 19.4)

133 Alpha Bank 53.6 0.1 1 Korinthos IPP Refinancing (Greece, 53.6)

=133 EFG Group 53.6 0.1 1 Korinthos IPP Refinancing (Greece, 53.6)

=133 Piraeus Bank 53.6 0.1 1 Korinthos IPP Refinancing (Greece, 53.6)

136 Banca Popolare di Milano 53.1 0.1 2 Tea SpA (Italy, 43.2), Eolica Petralia Srl (Italy, 9.8)

=136 Bank of China 53.1 0.1 1 Mamba Cement Co (South Africa, 53.1)

138 Emirates NBD 48.3 0.1 2 Taweelah Aluminium Extrusion (Utd Arab Em, 23.3), Zora Gas Field (Utd Arab Em, 25.0)

139 Erste Group 47.3 0.1 2 Turceni Coal-Fired Plant (Romania, 27.8), Kula Wind Farm (Serbia, 19.5)

140 Ceska Statni Sporitelna 46.4 0.1 1 Moravia Gas Storage (Czech Republic, 46.4)

=140 HYPO NOE Gruppe Bank 46.4 0.1 1 Moravia Gas Storage (Czech Republic, 46.4)

142 Deutscher Sparkassen & Giro 43.7 0.1 1 Enerparc AG (Germany, 43.7)

143 Banco Popolare 43.2 0.1 1 Tea SpA (Italy, 43.2)

144 Nykredit 38.2 0 1 Copenhagen Airport Refinancing (Denmark, 38.2)

145 Development Bank of S. Africa 35.5 0 1 Itezhi Tezhi Hydro (Zambia, 35.5)

146 Gjensidige NOR Sparbank 34.6 0 1 Faroe Exploration (Norway, 34.6)

147 Sparkasse in Bremen 32.1 0 1 WPD Wind Farm Portfolio Sale (Germany, 32.1)

148 Nederlandse Fin.-Maat. 30.0 0 1 JSC Dariali Energy (Georgia, 30.0)

149 Banca Popolare Commercio Ind 29.6 0 1 Geothermie Villages Nature (France, 29.6)

150 Banco Mare Nostrum 29.5 0 1 Metro de Granada PPP (Spain, 29.5)

151 Banesco Banco Universal 28.7 0 1 Concesiones de Madrid SA (Spain, 28.7)

152 Barwa Bank 25.0 0 1 Zora Gas Field (Utd Arab Em, 25.0)

=152 Commercial Bank International 25.0 0 1 Zora Gas Field (Utd Arab Em, 25.0)

=152 Commercial Bank of Dubai 25.0 0 1 Zora Gas Field (Utd Arab Em, 25.0)

155 Banca Popolare Emilia Romagna 23.7 0 2 Avellino Parking e Servizi (Italy, 13.8), Eolica Petralia Srl (Italy, 9.8)

156 Gulf International Bank 22.5 0 1 Fujairah ENOC Vopak Oil (Utd Arab Em, 22.5)

157 Unicaja 19.4 0 1 BAMSA Parking Privatisation (Spain, 19.4)

158 ICCREA 17.2 0 2 Idroelettrica Hydropower Plant (Italy, 5.5), Vittoria Solar PV Power Plant (Italy, 11.7)

159 Banco Espirito Santo 14.3 0 1 Neoen SAS (France, 14.3)

160 Banco di Napoli 13.4 0 1 Codroipo Waste-to-Energy PPP (Italy, 13.4)

161 European Arab Bank 11.9 0 1 Queen Alia Airport Terminal (Jordan, 11.9)

162 Dvlp Bk of Namibia 7.0 0 1 Solar IPP Namibia (Namibia, 7.0)

163 Banca di Carnia e Gemonese 5.5 0 1 Idroelettrica Hydropower Plant (Italy, 5.5)

=163 Banca Popolare dell’Alto Adige 5.5 0 1 Idroelettrica Hydropower Plant (Italy, 5.5)

=163 Mediocredito del Trentino 5.5 0 1 Idroelettrica Hydropower Plant (Italy, 5.5)

Total* 95,087.1 100.0 274

*Proportional Credit

Source: Thomson Reuters

Project Finance International January 14 2015 67



Lead manager No of deals Volume (US$m) Deals

1 Citigroup 16 4,350 SPP (Slovakia, Oil & Gas, 171), Tamar (Israel, Oil & Gas, 666), Midwest Fertiliser (USA, Petrochemicals, 625),

Fermaca (Mexico, Oil & Gas, 275), Downtown Crossing (USA, Infrastructure, 761), RJS Holdings (USA, Power, 312),

Oleoducto Central (Colombia, Oil & Gas, 250), NextEra Genesis Solar (USA, Power, 280), VitAg Florida

(USA, Petrochemicals, 64), Broken Bow (USA, Power, 72), NRG Yield (USA, Power, 125), E.CL (Chile, Power, 70),

GNL Qunitero (Chile, Oil & Gas, 183), Net4Gas (Czech Republic, Oil & Gas, 90), AES Gener (Chile, Power, 266),

Melbourne Airport (Australia, Infrastructure, 140)

2 JP Morgan 14 3,074 Sydney Airport (Australia, Infrastructure, 316), Tullow Oil (UK, Oil & Gas, 130), Enquest (UK, Oil & Gas, 108),

Tamar (Israel, Oil & Gas, 666), All Aboard Florida (USA, Infrastructure, 202), Sabine Pass (USA, Oil & Gas, 166),

Gatwick Airport (UK, Infrastructure, 149), RJS Holdings (USA, Power, 312), GNL Qunitero (Chile, Oil & Gas, 183),

AES Gener (Chile, Power, 266), North West Redwater (Canada, Oil & Gas, 166), Melbourne Airport (Australia,

Infrastructure, 140), Brisbane Airport (Australia, Infrastructure, 125), AES US Generation (USA, Power, 145)

3 Credit Agricole 18 2,981 Redexis (Spain, Oil & Gas, 296), Copenhagen Airport (Denmark, Infrastructure, 124), Sydney Airport (Australia,

Infrastructure, 316), M8 (UK, Infrastructure, 298), Sabine Pass (USA, Oil & Gas, 166), Gatwick Airport (UK,

Infrastructure, 149), Hamakua (US, Power, 76), Abengoa Greenfield (USA, Power, 50), E.CL (Chile, Power, 70),

2i Rete Gas (Italy, Oil & Gas, 270), 2i Rete Gas (Italy, Oil & Gas, 108), A7 (Germany, Infrastructure, 280), HIT (France,

Infrastructure, 110), Transurban (Australia, Infrastructure, 180), Vinci Park (France, Infrastructure, 190), AVR

(Netherlands, Infrastructure, 120), Net4Gas (Czech Republic, 78), El Paso Pipelines (USA, Oil & Gas, 100)

4 BNP Paribas 17 2,965 Sydney Airport (Australia, Infrastructure, 316), Abengoa Transmission Sur (Peru, Power, 205), Tullow Oil (UK, Oil

& Gas, 130), Enquest (UK, Oil & Gas, 108), Ithaca Energy (UK, Oil & Gas, 75), TNB Manjung Five (Malaysia, Power,

550), MAG2 (UK, Infrastructure, 87), Odebrecht Offshore (Brazil, Oil & Gas, 193), Reventazon (Costa Rica, Power,

135), 2i Rete Gas (Italy, Oil & Gas, 270), 2i Rete Gas (Italy, Oil & Gas, 108), HIT (France, Infrastructure, 110), Vinci

Park (France, Infrastructure, 190), AVR (Netherlands, Infrastructure, 120), Net4Gas (Czech Republic, Oil & Gas, 78),

Kosmos (Ghana, Oil & Gas, 150), Melbourne Airport (Australia, Infrastructure, 140)

5 Royal Bank of Canada 14 2,655 APRR (France, Infrastructure, 137), Copenhagen Airport (Denmark, Infrastructure, 124), Ithaca Energy (UK, Oil &

Gas, 75), Southern Star Central (USA, Oil & Gas, 405), Sabine Pass (USA, Oil & Gas, 166), NextEra Trillium (Canada,


Sector Volume (US$m) Sector Volume (US$m)

Power 27,441.3

Oil & Gas 19,938.7

Transportation 19,342.5

Industry 8,123.3

Mining 6,508.7

Petrochemicals 6,400.3

PPP 5,796.7

Waste & Recycling 833.9

Water & Sewerage 360.7

Telecommunications 341.1

Total 95,087.1


Nation US$m % No of deals Nation US$m % No of deals

United Kingdom 16,537.9 17.4 40

Turkey 8,580.2 9.0 12

France 6,835.7 7.2 61

Norway 5,896.9 6.2 11

Netherlands 5,332.3 5.6 8

Saudi Arabia 4,458.1 4.7 4

Russian Federation 4,373.4 4.6 5

Sweden 4,195.8 4.4 2

Germany 3,380.0 3.6 16

Italy 3,246.9 3.4 20

Finland 3,230.4 3.4 5

Zambia 3,212.0 3.4 3

Oman 3,101.0 3.3 3

United Arab Emirates 2,837.0 3.0 5

Ghana 2,500.0 2.6 3

Turkmenistan 2,494.2 2.6 2

Spain 2,421.0 2.6 11

Morocco 2,177.1 2.3 2

Hungary 1,771.6 1.9 1

Republic of Ireland 1,410.3 1.5 5

Nigeria 1,378.5 1.5 3

Poland 718.5 0.8 5

Egypt 618.1 0.7 3

Romania 553.7 0.6 5

Austria 403.2 0.4 6

Denmark 297.3 0.3 1

Greece 277.2 0.3 3

Belgium 240.5 0.3 2

Jordan 234.8 0.3 7

Ivory Coast 213.0 0.2 1

Portugal 211.1 0.2 2

South Africa 208.2 0.2 2

Azerbaijan 200.0 0.2 1

Kazakhstan 200.0 0.2 1

Cape Verde 160.0 0.2 1

Uganda 160.0 0.2 1

Chad 140.0 0.2 1

Czech Republic 139.3 0.2 1

Namibia 137.0 0.1 2

Dem Rep of the Congo 135.0 0.1 1

Guernsey 133.2 0.1 1

Bulgaria 125.0 0.1 1

Georgia 80.0 0.1 1

Kuwait 56.8 0.1 1

Croatia 55.5 0.1 1

Serbia 19.5 0 1

Total 95,087.1 274

Project Finance International January 14 201568


Lead manager No of deals Volume (US$m) Deals

Power, 74), Southern Lights pipeline (USA, Oil & Gas, 466), NRG Yield (USA, Power, 125), AVR (Netherlands,

Infrastructure, 120), El Paso Pipelines (USA, Oil & Gas, 100), APRR (France, Infrastructure, 333), Lone Star

Transmission (USA, Power, 210), North West Redwater (Canada, Oil & Gas, 166), AWPR (UK, Infrastructure, 154)

6 HSBC 13 2,934 M8 (UK, Infrastructure, 298), Sao Paolo Guarulhos Airport (Brazil, Infrastructure, 44), Abengoa Transmission

Sur (Peru, Power, 205), Mersey Gateway (UK, Infrastructure, 437), Tamar (Israel, Oil & Gas, 666), Odebrecht

Offshore (Brazil, Oil & Gas, 193), Santo Antonio Energia, (Brazil, Power, 106), Sabine Pass (USA, Oil & Gas, 166),

Oleoducto Central (Colombia, Oil & Gas, 250), Abengoa Greenfield (USA, Power, 50), E.CL (Chile, Power, 70),

GNL Qunitero (Chile, Oil & Gas, 183), AES Gener (Chile, Power, 266)

7 Societe Generale 11 2,225 SPP (Slovakia, Oil & Gas, 171), APRR (France, Infrastructure, 137), Sabine Pass (USA, Oil & Gas, 166),

Southern Lights pipeline (USA, Oil & Gas, 466), Abengoa Greenfield (USA, Power, 50), A7 (Germany, Infrastructure,

280), HIT (France, Infrastructure, 110), El Paso Pipelines (USA, Oil & Gas, 100), Net4Gas (Czech Republic, Oil & Gas,

90), APRR (France, Infrastructure, 333), Wind Energy Transmission Texas (USA, Power, 322)

8 Goldman Sachs 7 2,100 Conmex (Mexico, Infrastructure, 1100), Enquest (UK, Oil & Gas, 108), RJS Holdings (USA, Power, 312), NRG Yield

(USA, Power, 125), Rutas de Lima (Peru, Infrastructure, 173), Transurban (Australia, Infrastructure, 180),

ContourGlobal (Peru, Power, 102)

9 Unicredit 5 1,869 Portoflio securitisation (Italy, Power, 1242), SPP (Slovakia, Oil & Gas, 171), 2i Rete Gas (Italy, Oil & Gas, 270), 2i Rete

Gas (Italy, Oil & Gas, 108), Net4Gas (Czech Republic, 78)

10 BTMU 8 1,778 Copenhagen Airport (Denmark, Infrastructure, 124), Sabine Pass (USA, Oil & Gas, 166), Southern Lights pipeline

(USA, Oil & Gas, 466), SBM Panuke (Canada, Oil & Gas, 112), El Paso Pipelines (USA, Oil & Gas, 100), Lone Star

Transmission (USA, Power, 210), APM Terminals (USA, Infrastructure, 450), Brookfield Rail (Australia,

Infrastructure, 150)

11 Deutsche 5 1,560 A11 (Belgium, Infrastructure, 790), Tullow Oil (UK, Oil & Gas, 130), Ithaca Energy (UK, Oil & Gas, 75), Fermaca

(Mexico, Oil & Gas, 275), Empresas ICA (Mexico, Infrastructure, 290)

12 Royal Bank of Scotland 10 1520 SPP (Slovakia, Oil & Gas, 171), Redexis (Spain, Oil & Gas, 296), Porterbrook (UK, Infrastructure, 142), MAG2 (UK,

Infrastructure, 87), MAG (UK, Infrastructure, 112), Gatwick Airport (UK, Infrastructure, 149), Transurban (Australia,

Infrastructure, 180), Vinci Park (France, Infrastructure, 190), Net4Gas (Czech Republic, 78), Exeter University (UK,

Social infrastructure, 115)

13 Bank of America 13 1,498 Tullow Oil (UK, Oil & Gas, 130), Enquest (UK, Oil & Gas, 108), MAG (UK, Infrastructure, 112), Renewable Energy

Group (USA, Petrochemicals, 62), Abengoa Greenfield (USA, Power, 50), NRG Yield (USA, Power, 125), E.CL (Chile,

Power, 70), GNL Qunitero (Chile, Oil & Gas, 183), 2i Rete Gas (Italy, Oil & Gas, 270), 2i Rete Gas (Italy, Oil & Gas,

108), Net4Gas (Czech Republic, 78), El Paso Pipelines (USA, Oil & Gas, 100), ContourGlobal (Peru, Power, 102)

14 Scotia 10 1,352 Enquest (UK, Oil & Gas, 108), Sabine Pass (USA, Oil & Gas, 166), NextEra Trillium (Canada, Power, 74), BC Women’s

hospital (Canada, Social infrastructure, 165), InPower BC, (Canada, Power, 140), Tandem Health Partners (Canada,

Social Infrastruture, 115), El Paso Pipelines (USA, Oil & Gas, 100), Wind Energy Transmission Texas (USA, Power,

322), Sunshine Oilsands (Canada, Oil & Gas, 162)

15 Santander 7 1,235 APRR (France, Infrastructure, 137), Odebrecht Offshore (Brazil, Oil & Gas, 193), Gatwick Airport (UK, Infrastructure,

149), Abengoa Greenfield (USA, Power, 50), GNL Qunitero (Chile, Oil & Gas, 183), Vinci Park (France, Infrastructure,

190), APRR (France, Infrastructure, 333)

16 CIMB 2 1,136 TNB Manjung Five (Malaysia, Power, 550), Senai-Desaru Expressway (Malaysia, Infrastructure, 586)

17 Barclays 9 1,032 Tullow Oil (UK, Oil & Gas, 130), Enquest (UK, Oil & Gas, 108), Ithaca Energy (UK, Oil & Gas, 75), MAG (UK,

Infrastructure, 112), HIT (France, Infrastructure, 110), Net4Gas (Czech Republic, 78), Kosmos (Ghana, Oil & Gas, 150),

AWPR (UK, Infrastructure, 154), Exeter University (UK, Social infrastructure, 115)

18 Morgan Stanley 5 1,022 All Aboard Florida (USA, Infrastructure, 202), Sabine Pass (USA, Oil & Gas, 166), RJS Holdings (USA, Power, 312),

Transurban (Australia, Infrastructure, 180), Sunshine Oilsands (Canada, Oil & Gas, 162)

19 SMBC 5 1,006 Sabine Pass (USA, Oil & Gas, 100), Sabine Pass (USA, Oil & Gas, 66), EPM (Chile, Power, 500), Vinci Park (France,

Infrastructure, 190), Brookfield Rail (Australia, Infrastructure, 150)

20 CIBC 5 881 Grandlinq (Canada, Infrastructure, 413), NextEra Trillium (Canada, Power, 74), Northland Power (Canada, Power,

116), SBM Panuke (Canada, Oil & Gas, 112), North West Redwater (Canada, Oil & Gas, 166)

21 BBVA 4 727 GNL Qunitero (Chile, Oil & Gas, 183), Autopistas de Nuevo Leon (Mexico, Infrastructure, 181), Rutas de Lima (Peru,

Infrastructure, 173), Vinci Park (France, Infrastructure, 190)

22 Pareto Securities 1 725 Oro Negro (Mexico, Oil & Gas, 725)

23 Guggenheim Securities 1 625 Midwest Fertiliser (USA, Petrochemicals, 625)

24 Natixis 5 598 SBM Panuke (Canada, Oil & Gas, 112), Abengoa Greenfield (USA, Power, 50), HIT (France, Infrastructure, 110),

Axione (France, Telecoms, 225), Antin Solar (Italy, Power, 101)

25 Banca IMI 3 544 Sabine Pass (USA, Oil & Gas, 166), 2i Rete Gas (Italy, Oil & Gas, 270), 2i Rete Gas (Italy, Oil & Gas, 108)

26 Lloyds 4 526 North Tyne (UK, Social infrastructure, 131), Porterbrook (UK, Infrastructure, 142), MAG2 (UK, Infrastructure, 87),

Sabine Pass (USA, Oil & Gas, 166)

27 CBA 2 470 APRR (France, Infrastructure, 137), APRR (France, Infrastructure, 333)

28 National Bank Financial 3 450 Borealis (Canada, Power, 195), InPower BC, (Canada, Power, 140), Tandem Health Partners (Canada, Social

Infrastruture, 115)

29 NAB 3 392 Perth Airport (Australia, Infrastructure, 180), MAG2 (UK, Infrastructure, 87), Brisbane Airport (Australia,

Infrastructure, 125)

Project Finance International January 14 2015 69



Lead manager No of deals Volume (US$m) Deals

30 Mediobanca 2 378 2i Rete Gas (Italy, Oil & Gas, 270), 2i Rete Gas (Italy, Oil & Gas, 108)

31 Aviva Investors 4 336 Stoke social housing (UK, Social infrastructure, 100), Wick school (UK, Social infrastructure, 74),

Levenmouth school (UK, Social infrastructure, 59), Hull social housing (UK, Social infrastructure, 103)

32 Credit Suisse 2 335 Nant de Drance (Switzerland, Power, 169), Sabine Pass (USA, Oil & Gas, 166)

33 CM-CIC 1 333 APRR (France, Infrastructure, 333)

34 Mizuho 2 316 Sabine Pass (USA, Oil & Gas, 166), Brookfield Rail (Australia, Infrastructure, 150)

35 ING 2 290 Copenhagen Airport (Denmark, Infrastructure, 124), Sabine Pass (USA, Oil & Gas, 166)

36 BTG Pactual 3 282 Triunfo (Brazil, Infrastructure, 106), Santo Antonio Energia, (Brazil, Power, 106), E.CL (Chile, Power, 70)

37 Bradesco 3 221 Sao Paolo Guarulhos Airport (Brazil, Infrastructure, 44), AES Tiete (Brazil, Power, 66), Autoban (Brazil,

Infrastructure, 111)

38 AllianzGI 1 200 DBFO2 (UK, Infrastructure, 200)

39 Sun Life Assurance 1 195 Borealis (Canada, Power, 195)

40 DNB 2 188 Gaslog (Norway, Oil & Gas, 27), Arise (Sweden, Power, 161)

41 Afirme 1 181 Autopistas de Nuevo Leon (Mexico, Infrastructure, 181)

42 Westpac 1 180 Perth Airport (Australia, Infrastructure, 180)

43 Credicorp Capital 1 173 Rutas de Lima (Peru, Infrastructure, 173)

44 UBS 1 169 Nant de Drance (Switzerland, Power, 169)

45 Erste 2 168 Net4Gas (Czech Republic, 78), Net4Gas (Czech Republic, Oil & Gas, 90)

46 Standard Chartered 1 166 Sabine Pass (USA, Oil & Gas, 166)

47 Rabobank 1 158 Rijnstraat 8 (Netherlands, Social Infrastructure, 158)

48 Banco do Brasil 2 155 Sao Paolo Guarulhos Airport (Brazil, Infrastructure, 44), Autoban (Brazil, Infrastructure, 111)

49 SEB 2 151 Gaslog (Norway, Oil & Gas, 27), Copenhagen Airport (Denmark, Infrastructure, 124)

50 Sun Trust 1 145 AES US Generation (USA, Power, 145)

51 Credit Mutuel CIC 1 137 APRR (France, Infrastructure, 137)

52 Nykredit 1 124 Copenhagen Airport (Denmark, Infrastructure, 124)

53 ANZ 1 117 Auckland Airport (New Zealand, Infrastructure, 117)

54 ABN AMRO 1 112 SBM Panuke (Canada, Oil & Gas, 112)

55 KLP 1 110 Jesseheim school (Norway, Social infrastructure, 110)

56 Canada Life 1 107 Okanagan courts (Canada, Social infrastructure, 107)

57 Espirito Santo 1 106 Santo Antonio Energia, (Brazil, Power, 106)

58 IDCM 1 92 Primrose Solar (UK, Power, 92)

59 KBC 1 90 Net4Gas (Czech Republic, Oil & Gas, 90)

60 Toronto Dominion 1 74 NextEra Trillium (Canada, Power, 74)

61 Itau 1 66 AES Tiete (Brazil, Power, 66)

62 Wells Fargo 1 62 Renewable Energy Group (USA, Petrochemicals, 62)

63 Manulife 1 48 Mighty solar (Canada, Power, 48)

64 JCI Capital 1 34 TerniEnergia (Italy, Power, 34)

65 Oppenheimer & Co 1 28 Cacao JEP (Jamaica, Power, 28)

66 First Global Financial Services 1 28 Cacao JEP (Jamaica, Power, 28)

67 Nordea 1 27 Gaslog (Norway, Oil & Gas, 27)

68 UmweltBank 1 20 Enerparc (Germany, Power, 20)

Total 50,332

Project Finance International January 14 201570



Project Country Cost Debt involvement Details

Summit Power Bangladesh 318 190 100 DEG, FMO and other bank loans

Enel Green Power Brazil 200 200 IFC loan

Sao Paulo highway expansion Brazil 686 480 IADB loan

Green Line Finance Partnership Brazil 115 75 IADB loan

Dundee mining Bulgaria 125 20 EBRD loan

Atamaca solar park Chile 67 47 32 DEG US$18m loan and IFC US$14m loan

PV Salvador Chile 155 155 OPIC loan

Crucero solar PV Chile 153 100 IADB and OPIC loans

Luz del Norte solar Chile 366 290 290 OPIC and IFC loans

Kelar CCGT Chile 600 477 356 Kexim loan and guarantee

Maria Elena Solar Chile 190 115 OPIC and IADB loans

BEWG China 408 120 ADB loan

Los Molinos Colombia 125 12 12 IADB loan

Rudine wind farm Croatia 52 23 IFC loan

AES Los Mina expansion Dominican Rep 260 75 IFC loan

Improved Petroleum Recovery (IPR) Egypt 100 50 EBRD loan

Dariali hydro Georgia 80 70 EBRD US$40m A loan and FMOUS$30 B loan

Cenpower Kpone IPP Ghana 651 163 FMO, DEG, OFID and EAIF and DBSA loans

Aurora gold Guyana 185 79 IFC loan

Cerro de Hula wind farm expansion Honduras 82 82 MIGA investment guarantee

San Marcos 50MW wind Honduras 128 128 DEG, FMO, Proparco, OFID/OPEC and ICCF (EIB)

Sunedison 81.7MW solar Choluteca Honduras 146 146 IFC, CABEI and OFID loans

Szoreg gas storage refi Hungary 437 138 EBRD loan

ACME Jajasthan solar India 133 100 34

Jath wind India 16 16 IFC loan

DJ Energy and Uttar Urja Projects India 194 150 50 IFC loan

PAU Fertiliser Indonesia 509 95 IFC loan

Sarulla geothermal Indonesia 1,600 1,170 822 JBIC US$492m loan and ADB US$330m loan

Rantau Dedap geothermal Indonesia 50 50 ADB loan

DSLNG Indonesia 1,526 1,526 JBIC US$763m loan, Kexim US$382m loan and US$190m cover and US$191 Nexui cover


Sector Volume (US$m)

USA 12,306

UK 4,862

France 4,265

Italy 3,645

Canada 3,315

Australia 3,148

Mexico 3,027

Chile 2,746

Israel 1,998

Malaysia 1,686

Brazil 1,489

Peru 1,233

Czech Republic 906

Belgium 790

Denmark 744

Slovakia 684

Spain 592

Germany 580

Netherlands 518

Colombia 500

Switzerland 338

Ghana 300

Norway 191

Sweden 161

Costa Rica 135

New Zealand 117

Jamaica 56

Total 50,332


Sector Volume (US$m)

Oil & Gas 18,155

Infrastructure 18,097

Power 10,950

Social infrastructure 1,467

Petrochemicals 1,438

Telecoms 225

Total 50,332

Project Finance International January 14 2015 71




Project Country Cost Debt involvement Details

Indonesia Infrastructure Finance Indonesia 250 53 IFC loan

Rjamandala Electric Power Indonesia 110 66 JBIC loan

BMR wind farm Jamaica 90 90 IFC US$20m loan and OPIC US$70m loan

Solar portfolio seven projects Jordan 208 92 IFC loan

SunEdison 20MW solar Jordan 50 50 EBRD and OPIC loans

Queen Alia Airport Expansion Jordan 150 94 55 IFC and ISDB loans

Lake Turkana Kenya 736 549 549 AFDB, EIB, EKF, Proparco, FMO, ICCF, DEG and EADB involved

Nam Ngiep 1 Laos 643 250 JBIC US$200m loan and ADB US$50m loan

Tres Mesas wind Mexico 186 186 OPIC loan

Ventika I and II Mexico 650 490 240 NADB and Bancomext loans

Safi IPP Morocco 2,100 1,470 JBIC US$900m loan, US$500m Nexi cover and US$70m IsDB loan

Azura IPP Nigeria 890 631 80 IFC loan

ORPIC expansion Oman 2,900 900 Kexim, K-Sure and Sace loans

Penonome II and III wind farms Panama 427 300 96 IFC US$80m senior loan and US$16m subordinated loan

Cobra Peru wind farms Peru 335 149 149 IADB and US Exim loans

San Gabriel power plant Philippines 265 265 KfW-IPEX loan with Hermes cover

Orla wind farm Poland 89 31 31 EBRD loan

Gdansk port expansion Poland 357 38 EBRD loan

Zywiec hospital Poland 53 27 12 EBRD loan

Crucea North wind Romania 280 174 136 EBRD and EKF loans

EDP solar parks Romania 41 27 EBRD loan

Topolog-Dorobantu Wind Farm Romania 147 68 45 EBRD loan

Gigawatt solar Rwanda 20 15 8 FMO loan

Ma’aden phosphate Saudi Arabia 7,500 5,250 1,175 Kexim US$600m loan and US$175m cover, and K-sure US$400m cover

Marubeni co-gen Saudi Arabia 529 160 US Ex-Im loan

Asyaport Turkey 390 274 167 EBRD US$92m loan and IFC US$75m loan

Kirikkale IPP Turkey 670 460 EBRD, IFC, KDB and Kexim loans

Star Rafineri Turkey 5,500 3,290 2,091 US Exim and JBIC loans; K-Sure, Nexi, Sace and Cesce cover

Adana hospital Turkey 640 511 320 EBRD, IFC, Proparco, DEG, KDC

Adana hospital equity Turkey 640 168 168 MIGA political cover on Meridiam equity

Dalaman Regional Airport Turkey 450 214 107 EBRD loan

Odessa port grain terminal Ukraine 104 60 60 EBRD loan

Cadonal 50MW wind farm Uruguay 150 90 90 CAF loan

Itezhi-Tezhi hydro Zambia 215 142 142 AfDB, FMO, Proparco and DBSA loans

Total 29,616 15,430

Project Finance International January 14 201572



Project Country Cost Debt involvement Details

Jabiru-1 satellite Australia 390 390 US Ex-Im US$300m loan and Coface US$90m loan

Roy Hill iron ore project Australia 7,800 4,435 US$2085m direct ECA tranche (JBIC, Kexim, US Exim) and US$2350m covered

tranche (Nexi, Kexim, Ksure)

Mitsui Iron Ore Australia 376 263 JBIC loan

Windlandkraft Austria 211 105 105 EIB loan

Zwettl bypass PPP Austria 99 72 36 EIB loan

A11 PPP Belgium 783 196 Bond financing (EIB)

UKSH PPP Germany 640 123 EIB €100m loan

A7 PPP Germany 733 113 EIB took €90m bond

Attica schools PPP Greece 79 53 26 EIB loan

N17/N18 road PPP Ireland 448 194 EIB loan

TEM ring road Italy 1,675 663 EIB loan to state-owned CDP

A9 PPP Netherlands 677 252 EIB loan

Gemini offshore wind Netherlands 3,806 2,719 2,063 EIB provided total loans of US$798m; EKF (US$544m), Hermes (US$476m) and

Delcredere-Ducroire (US$245m) covered various tranches

Gate terminal expansion Netherlands 94 47 EIB loan

Noordoostpolder onshore wind Netherlands 488 349 EIB US$209m loan and KfW US$140m loan

Teekay Knarr Norway 815 735 Kexim, K-Sure, GIEK covers

Hoegh FPSU Norway 412 80 Eksportkreditt loan

Fortnum CHP Sweden 680 354 354 EIB provided loan

M8 UK 585 292 EIB took half the debt

North York waste UK 392 235 EIB loan

Intercity Express Programme 2 UK 3,700 2,070 EIB US$419m tranche; JBIC US$1400m tranche; and Nexi US$251m covered tranche


IDFI Direct lending Guarantees Exposure Total

1 JBIC/Nexi/DBJ 2,712 886 3,598 5,795

2 KEXIM/KEIC/Ksure/KDB 1,654 1,890 3,544 8,495

3 IFC/MIGA/Clean Tech Fund/ICF 1,350 275 1,625 3,769

4 EBRD 1,090 1,090 2,276

5 Sace 150 750 900 967

6 IADB 783 783 1,107

7 OPIC 749 749 799

8 US Ex-Im 565 565 2,367

9 Asian Development Bank 550 550 1,057

10 KfW/Hermes/DEG/UFK 449 449 657

11 FMO 258 258 530

12 Eksport Kredit Fonden (EKF) 68 118 186 205

13 African Dev Bank/BDEAC/African EXIM 172 172 172

14 NADB 140 140 286

15 Coface/Proparco/AFD 138 138 160

16 EIB 137 137 137

17 Bancomext 100 100 204

18 Islamic Development Bank (ISDB) 95 95 143

19 CAF 90 90 90

20 DBSA 88 88 88

21 OFID 47 47 78

22 ICCF 47 47 47

23 Cabei 45 45 45

24 EAIF 22 22 130

25 EADB 12 12 12

Total 11,511 3,919 15,430 29,616


Country Debt IDFI provision

1 Turkey 5,127 3,313

2 Indonesia 3,615 2,612

3 Morocco 2,100 1,470

4 Saudi Arabia 5,779 1,335

5 Chile 1,312 1,048

6 Oman 2,900 900

7 Brazil 1,001 755

8 Kenya 549 549

9 Mexico 676 426

10 Honduras 356 356

11 Philippines 265 265

12 Laos 643 250

13 Romania 283 208

14 Jordan 352 197

15 Ghana 651 163

16 Peru 149 149

17 Zambia 142 142

18 Hungary 437 138

19 China 408 120

20 India 266 100

21 Bangldesh 190 100

22 Panama 300 96

23 Jamaica 90 90

24 Uruguay 90 90

25 Poland 415 81

26 Nigeria 631 80

27 Guyana 185 79

28 Dom Rep 260 75

29 Georgia 80 70

30 Ukraine 60 60

31 Egypt 100 50

32 Croatia 52 23

33 Bulgaria 125 20

34 Colombia 12 12

35 Rwanda 15 8

Total 29,616 15,430

Project Finance International January 14 2015 73



IDFI Direct lending Guarantees Exposure Total

1 Nexi/JBIC/DBJ 8,068 4,101 12,169 18,241

2 EIB 4,486 4,486 9,546

3 Kexim/K-sure 704 2111 2,815 4,550

4 US EXIM 935 935 1,418

5 Eksport Kredit Fonden (EKF) 544 544 704

6 Euler Hermes 476 476 616

7 Delcredere-Ducroire/ONDD 245 245 323

8 KfW/DEG 140 140 196

9 GIEK 120 120 133

10 Coface 90 90 90

11 Eksportkreditt 80 80 412

Total 14,503 7,597 22,100 36,229


Country Debt IDFI provision

1 US 11,500 8,375

2 Australia 8,566 5,088

3 UK 6,095 3,301

4 Netherlands 3,978 2,711

5 Norway 1,227 815

6 Italy 1,675 663

7 Sweden 354 354

8 Germany 1,373 236

9 Belgium 783 196

10 Ireland 448 194

11 Austria 177 141

12 Greece 53 26

Total 36,229 22,100



Project Country Cost Debt involvement Details

Westermost offshore wind UK 600 280 JBIC loan

AWPR UK 908 818 424 EIB loan

Petra Niva Carbon Capture US 1,000 250 125 JBIC loan

Cameron LNG US 10,000 7,400 4,500 JBIC US$2500m loan and Nexi US$2000m guarantee

Freeport LNG train 1 US 3,850 3,750 US$2600m JBIC loan and US$1150m Nexi cover

Total 36,229 22,100


Advisor Volume (US$m)

1 Macquarie 23,667

2 BNP Paribas 19,538

3 HSBC 17,052

4 Royal Bank of Scotland 14,700

5 PwC 10,933

6 KPMG 7,441

7 NAB 7,200

8 Societe Generale 6,460

9 Ernst & Young 4,743

10 SBI Capital 4,418

11 Greengate 4,374

12 Unicredit 4,080

13 Green Giraffe Energy Bankers 3,839

14 Credit Agricole 3,504

15 Mizuho 2,480

16 SMBC 2,228

17 BTMU 2,052

18 Rothschild 1,680

19 Deutsche 1,423

20 Plenary 1,240

21 Corficolombia 1,200

22 Natixis 1,061

23 Royal Bank of Canada 924

24 Taylor DeJongh 841

25 Verus Partners 529

26 Synergy Consulting 210

27 Eaglestone 200

28 Standard Bank 150

29 Pan American Finance 100


1 2 3 Total Overall

1 Ernst & Young 19 65 13 97 371

2 PwC 16 33 31 80 194

3 KPMG 9 23 0 32 32

4 HSBC 13 1 6 20 46

5 BNP Paribas 6 0 13 19 36

6 Credit Agricole 7 0 11 18 41

7 SMBC 15 0 3 18 38

8 Green Giraffe Energy Bankers 13 1 0 14 19

9 SBI Capital 7 6 0 13 64

10 Taylor DeJongh 11 2 0 13 26

11 Societe Generale 9 0 3 12 22

12 BTMU 9 2 0 11 24

13 TASC 4 1 3 8 13

14 Greengate 5 3 0 8 17

15 Natixis 1 0 7 8 8

16 International Advisory & Finance 4 1 2 7 9

17 DBS 4 0 0 4 5

18 ING 4 0 0 4 4

18 Unicredit 0 0 4 4 4

Total 156 138 96 390(478)


1 - Privately owned sponsors

2 - Government or government owned sponsors

3 – Bidders in a competition

Project Finance International January 14 201574


1 2 3 Total Overall

1 Ernst & Young 13 22 6 41 72

2 PwC 3 9 4 16 29

3 KPMG 2 12 0 14 14

4 BNP Paribas 2 0 7 9 10

5 Taylor DeJongh 4 1 0 5 11

6 Societe Generale 4 0 1 5 9

7 Greengate 2 2 0 4 7

8 HSBC 3 0 0 3 5

9 Natixis 1 0 2 3 3

10 SMBC 2 0 0 2 2

11 Credit Agricole 1 0 0 1 4

12 BTMU 1 0 0 1 1

12 ING 1 0 0 1 1

14 Green Giraffe Energy Bankers 0 0 0 0 2

Total 39 46 20 105(124)


1 - Privately owned sponsors

2 - Government or government owned sponsors

3 – Bidders in a competition


1 2 3 Total Overall

1 Ernst & Young 1 33 1 35 71

2 PwC 3 9 4 16 29

3 SMBC 12 0 3 15 34

4 SBI Capital 7 6 0 13 64

5 BTMU 6 2 0 8 16

6 International Advisory & Finance 4 1 2 7 9

7 HSBC 4 1 1 6 10

8 DBS 4 0 0 4 5

9 KPMG 0 4 0 4 4

10 BNP Paribas 2 0 1 3 6

11 Credit Agricole 1 0 1 2 4

12 Societe Generale 0 0 1 1 2

12 Taylor DeJongh 0 1 0 1 2

14 Greengate 0 0 0 0 2

Total 44 57 14 115(109)


1 - Privately owned sponsors

2 - Government or government owned sponsors

3 – Bidders in a competition


1 2 3 Total Overall

1 PwC 10 15 23 48 136

2 Ernst & Young 5 10 6 21 228

3 Credit Agricole 5 0 10 15 33

4 Green Giraffe Energy Bankers 13 1 0 14 17

5 KPMG 7 7 0 14 14

6 HSBC 6 0 5 11 31

7 TASC 4 1 3 8 13

8 Taylor DeJongh 7 0 0 7 13

9 Societe Generale 5 0 1 6 11

10 BNP Paribas 2 0 3 5 13

11 Natixis 0 0 5 5 5

12 Greengate 3 1 0 4 8

13 Unicredit 0 0 4 4 4

14 ING 3 0 0 3 3

15 BTMU 2 0 0 2 7

16 SMBC 1 0 0 1 2

Total 73 35 60 168(248)


1 - Privately owned sponsors

2 - Government or government owned sponsors

3 – Bidders in a competition

Project Finance International January 14 2015 75



No of Volume

deals (US$m) Deals

1 Macquarie 6 10,519 Queensland rolling stock (3, 1610), Peninsula Link

refi (1, 688), Queensland Motorways (2, 6617),

Boryeong LNG (1, 1117), Pilbara transmission

(1, 161), Udupi IPP (1, 326)

2 BNP Paribas 3 9,380 3A (3, 1200), Nam Niep 1 (1, 980), Roy Hill

(1, 7200)

3 NAB 1 7,200 Roy Hill (1, 7200)

4 PwC 10 6,675 Katsushima accommodation (3, 44),

East West Link (2, 2750), Peninsula Link refi

(2, 668), Victoria desal refi (2, 741), Queensland

rolling stock (2, 1610), Perth Stadium (2, 341),

Northern Beaches hospital (2, 176), University of

Wollongong accommodation (2, 178), Orissa

highways (2, 128), Betul windfarm (1, 39)

5 SBI Capital 19 4,418 Indore Gurajat Tollways (1, 210), Jalandhar

Amritsar Tollways (1, 35), Simphapuri phase 2

(1, 23), Kumarapalayam Tollways (1, 50), Trichy

Tolloways (1, 82), Navkar Terminals (1, 43), Essel

Jabalpur (1, 19), Welpsun Renewable (1, 105),

Uttam Galva Metallics (1, 405), HPCL Mittal

Enmergy (1, 993), Shiv Vani Oil & Gas (1, 570),

ONGC Tripura (1, 497), Bajaj Energy (1, 33),

Soma Isolux Tollways (1, 596), Alex Astral solar

(1, 20), Prayagrai Power (1, 115), Kanpuir Fertilisers

(1, 172), Petronet 3 (1, 370), HPCL Biofuels (1, 80)

6 SMBC 4 2,228 Petronet 4 (1, 188), Measat (1, 350), Semangka

hydro (1, 190), DS LNG (1, 1500)

7 Ernst & Young 4 1,683 Ravenhall (2, 197), Melbourne University

accommodation (2, 70), Victoria schools refi

(2, 176), Northwest Link (2, 1240)

8 Mizuho 2 1,280 Rajamandala hydro (1, 110), Sarulla (1, 1170)

9 Plenary 1 1,240 Northwest Link (2, 1240)

10 BTMU 2 1,110 Victoria schools (3, 210), Transmission Gully

(3, 900)

11 Societe Generale 1 845 Singapore LNG refi (1, 845)

12 Natixis 1 350 Measat (1, 350)

13 HSBC 1 188 TTM (1, 188)


1 - Privately owned sponsors

2 - Government or government owned sponsors

3 – Bidders in a competition


No of Volume

deals (US$m) Deals

1 RBS 2 11,760 Cameron LNG (1, 7765), Sasol (1, 3995)

2 Macquarie 2 11,200 Freeport LNG (1, 10935), Sunedison (1, 265)

3 KPMG 7 5,144 I-4 (2, 1539), I-69 (2, 284), SH 130 (2, 1378), SH 138

(2, 847), Credit Valley hospital (2, 91), US 36/I-25

(2, 155), SH 183 (2, 850)

4 Ernst & Young 6 1,732 John Hart (2, 239), ErinOak (2, 143), North Island

hospital (2, 215), BC Hospital (2, 181), Supergas

(3, 104), SH 183 (2, 850)

5 BNP Paribas 2 1,634 GRU Airport (1, 134), Porto Sudeste (1, 1500)

6 HSBC 2 1,480 Odebrecht Offshore (1, 580), CSP bridge (1, 900)

7 Societe Generale 1 1,432 1-4 (3, 1432)

8 Corficolombia 1 1,200 Aguaclara-Rio de Oro highway (1, 1200)

9 Taylor DeJongh 1 841 Grand Parkway (2, 841)

10 BTMU 2 665 APM Terminals (1, 450), US car park (1, 215)

11 Natixis 1 475 Kelar (1, 475)

12 Standard Bank 1 150 Viracopos Airport (1, 150)

13 PwC 2 148 Mexibus II (1, 33), Okanagan Correctional Center

(2, 115),

14 Pan American Finance 1 100 UEP Penomone (1, 100)


1 - Privately owned sponsors

2 - Government or government owned sponsors

3 – Bidders in a competition

Project Finance International January 14 201576


No of Volume

deals (US$m) Deals

1 HSBC 7 15,384 Mirfa (2, 1200), Safi (2, 2080), Aramco cogen (2, 529), M8 (3, 525), IEP2 (3, 2950), Ma’aden (1, 5250), Sohar refinery refi (1, 2850)

2 BNP Paribas 6 8,524 Emirates Steel (1, 1300), Line 4 (1, 2160), AVR (1, 480), Vinci Park (1, 1464), Net4Gas refi (1, 1320), Fortum (3, 1800)

3 Greengate 3 4,374 Star Refinery (1, 3200), Cenpower (1, 645), Aramco cogen (1, 529)

4 Societe Generale 5 4,183 Slovak Gas (1, 2136), N17/N18 (3, 455), A7 (3, 989), Grande Arche (3, 241), DCT Gdansk (1, 362)

5 PwC 18 4,110 Agadir desal (2, 83), Lille University (2, 67), Metz University (2, 41), A12 (2, 75), A9 (2, 690), B30 (2, 28), RIVM (2, 200), Rijnstraat 8 (2, 360),

Bypass Zwetti (1, 73), Zagreb Airport (3, 240), Cracow University (3, 23), Kiel Hospital (3, 666), Bangor University accommodation (2, 42),

Henley hospital (2, 20), M8 (2, 525), Kilmarnock college (2, 65), Poolbeg (3,642), Thanet OFTO (3, 270)

6 Unicredit 2 4,080 Georges Besse II (1, 880), Star Refinarie (1, 3200)

7 Credit Agricole 3 3,504 Vinci Park (3, 1464), Copenhagen Airport (1, 900), Redexis (1, 1140)

8 Green Giraffe Energy Bankers 5 3,839 Gemini (1, 2690), NOP Agrowind (1, 597), Westermeerwind (1, 406), Monts du Lomont (1, 56), Lacoste (1, 90)

9 Royal Bank of Scotland 4 2,940 AVR (1, 480), Manchester Airport (1, 450), Elenia (1, 1260), Edinburgh Airport (1, 750)

10 KPMG 5 2,297 N17/N18 (2, 455), Mersey Gateway (2, 1072), North Yorkshire waste (3, 500), Stoke social housing (2, 125), North Tyneside social housing

(3, 145)

11 Macquarie 3 1,948 University of Exeter refi (1, 234), Mersey Gateway (3, 1072), Poolbeg (3, 642)

12 Rothschild 1 1,680 Budapest Airport refi (1, 1680)

13 Deutsche 3 1,423 Bournemouth solar (1, 67), A9 (3, 690), Adana Hospital (3, 666)

14 Ernst & Young 8 1,328 La Sante prison (2, 200), Attica schools (2, 72), Athens schools (2, 65), North Yorkshire waste (2, 500), Ayrshire hospital (2, 87),

Snetterton biomass (1, 233), MyGen (1, 78), Queen Alia expansion (1, 93)

15 Mizuho 1 1,200 Mirfa (2, 1200)

16 Royal Bank of Canada 1 924 AWPR (3, 924)

17 Verus Partners 1 529 Aramco cogen (2, 529)

18 BTMU 1 277 Thanet OFTO (3, 277)

19 Natixis 1 236 Axione (1, 236)

20 Synergy Consulting 1 210 Al-Maryah cooling (3, 210)

21 Eaglestone 1 200 GigaWatt (1, 200)


1 - Privately owned sponsors

2 - Government or government owned sponsors

3 – Bidders in a competition