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Leadership Valencia/ Staff & Organizational Development Program

Plan of Work 2008-2009




Table of Contents


A. Program Overview and Major Accomplishments, 2007-08 B. Mission, Vision and Guiding Principles C. Situational Analysis (SWOT) D. Support of Valencia’s Strategic Goals E. Evaluation Plan/Measures Of Success F. Budgets 2: PROGRAM OVERVIEW A. Management and Organization B. Collegewide Model of Collaboration C. Learning Competencies D. Workshops and Training Programs 3: MISSION, VISION AND GUIDING PRINCIPLES

A. Mission B. Vision C. Values D. Guiding Principles 4: SITUATIONAL ANALYSIS

A. Strengths B. Weakness C. Opportunities D. Threats








Appendix A: Collaborative Planning Meetings to Develop the Orientation & Supervisor/Manager Programs

Appendix B: Needs Assessment Survey Results

Appendix C: Leadership Valencia History

Appendix D: AACC Competencies for Community College Leaders

Appendix E: AACC Competencies Modified for Mid-Level Managers At Valencia

Appendix F: Manager/Supervisor Training Program Learning Outcomes

Appendix G: Valencia Journeys Atlas Website for Faculty/Staff Development Resources

Appendix H: Leadership Valencia Workshop Titles (2007-2008)

Appendix I: Evaluation Feedback on New Employee Orientation Workshops for 2008

Appendix J: Evaluation Feedback on New Employee Orientation Workshops for 2007

Appendix K: Evaluation Feedback on Manager/Supervisor Training Program for 2008

Appendix L: Evaluation Feedback on Manager/Supervisor Training Program for 2007




A. Program Overview

Launched in 1997, Leadership Valencia is a collegewide program that is designed to provide professional and personal development opportunities to all full-time faculty and staff. Initially, the program was designed to implement a wide variety of professional development workshops, drawing on internal expertise. Due to the success and brand recognition of Leadership Valencia, Valencia’s Staff and Organizational Development Program was launched in 2007 when college leadership presented the following charges:

1. All new employees will be provided an induction to the Valencia Community via an orientation model, “Valencia Journeys” within the first 120 days of employment.

2. All new managers/supervisors will be provided with the knowledge and tools to manage employees and achieve results in their respective departments.

Major Accomplishments, 2007-08

With a new vision established, the following outcomes have been attained during Year One of the approved plan for the Staff and Organizational Development Program and Leadership Valencia:

• 312 Leadership Valencia workshops have been offered to 2,630 participants

• Valencia’s Manager/Supervisor Training program has been piloted to 35 participants

• The New Employee Orientation program, Valencia Journeys has been piloted, evaluated, and revised as appropriate

o 57 attendees: Day 1 “Valencia Is, Valencia Vision, & Valencia Structure”

o 49 attendees: Day 2 “Valencia Performance”

o 43 attendees: “Meet the President” workshop

• Eight staff, with representation collegewide, have been trained to deliver the New Employee Orientation Program

• In collaboration with MMR, a new marketing brand has been developed for Valencia’s Staff and Organizational Development Program, entitled, “Valencia Journeys”

• Ten staff total, with representatives from each of the five campuses, have been trained as DiSC facilitators and have worked collaboratively to develop training materials. During 2007-08, 121 people attended DiSC workshops.

o DiSC Facilitators: East 3, West 3, Osceola 1, Winter Park 1, DTC 1, CJI 1

• A new conference-style model for Valencia’s Learning Day has been launched and evaluated

• Development of a new AAWCC Leadership Academy is underway

• Development of a new Administrative Assistant certificate series is underway



• Three online Scenarios have been developed and piloted in collaboration with Daryl Peterson and the office of Human Resources & Diversity:

o “Sexual Harassment”

o “A Day in the Life of a Supervisor”

o “A Day in the Life of an Office Support Person”

B. Mission, Vision, Values, and Guiding Principles


To extend meaningful learning and professional development opportunities to Valencia faculty, staff, alumni and retirees via a staff and organizational development format that supports the mission, vision and values of the college.


To be recognized as a leader in staff and organizational development.

Guiding Principles

In addition to gathering regular feedback from faculty and staff, the following set of guiding principles steer our efforts to ensure that Valencia’s commitment to quality is upheld:

• Diversity of Perspectives – we place value on meeting the diverse learning styles of adult learners, affirm that diversity enriches the learning experience, and that diversity should be respected and celebrated.

• Collaboration – we support collaboration by fostering good communications, open

decision making, and teamwork.

• Teamwork – we conduct our work in an atmosphere of trust and interdisciplinary collaboration that welcomes candid discussion and debate to reach shared goals.

• Learning-Centered - we align our work with that of the College’s mission, our student

core competencies – Think, Value, Communicate, and Act -- and with the AACC Competencies for Community College Leaders.

• Authentic Learning – we continually adapt and improve upon our work to ensure that

learning is embedded in relevant, useful, “real-world” contexts and applications.

• Connectedness – we foster a sense of community and responsiveness that supports the ability of program participants to network with one another, to learn from one another, and to leverage resources for individual and organizational success.

• Culture of Evidence – we embed formative and summative assessment measures into

our work and use both qualitative and quantitative methods to provide evidence that our programs remain relevant, vital and effective.



C. Situational Analysis

During the spring and summer of 2008 a situational analysis was conducted to broaden our collaborative efforts and to identify ways to continue to meet and exceed faculty and staff’s Professional development needs and goals. An overview of findings is presented in the matrix below:

Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats

Support from senior leadership to enhance the expertise of administrators, faculty and staff to support student success

Limited SPD budget

Potential to support annual performance reviews and target high potentials in support of the College’s Goal 3: Invest In Each Other

Performance tool measures and professional development outcomes must be aligned to job competencies.

High demand for workshops

Limited number of workshop offerings due to limited space on campuses

Use of volunteers results in limited number of workshops/ inconsistent learning outcomes

Opening of Valencia’s Conference Center in early Spring 2009

Use of Webinars to increase number of workshops/attendees. Faculty compensation plan allows faculty to receive PD credit for developing and delivering approved workshops

Professional and career staff do not receive compensation for developing/leading LV workshops

Brand recognition

TLA and LV use incompatible systems (Banner – Events Pro)

Data is not stored or supported in Banner

Development of a parallel College and portal using Banner

Lack of a single primus to oversee all aspects of SODP results in fragmentation/duplication of efforts



D. Support for Valencia’s Strategic Goals

Valencia’s Strategic Goal 3: Invest in Each Other

Objective 3.1 Collaboration LV/SODP Goal

Strengthen Valencia’s collaborative culture through learning and leadership development opportunities in the effective use of collaborative approaches, and through regular review and evolution of our shared governance system.

Development and support for orientation, learning and leadership opportunities that support the College’s goals and commitment to the model of shared governance.

Objective 3.2 Career Growth LV/SODP Goal

By 2013, Valencia will have a robust system of career growth and planning in which all Valencia employees will participate.

To provide and support professional development workshops/programs for Valencia employees in support of the College’s vision for professional development.

Expand, enhance and align technological capacity in support of our work, in collaboration with the Office of Information Technology and the Teaching/Learning Academy.

Objective 3.3 Employee Wellness LV/SODP Goal

Increase the percentage of employees engaged in self-reported wellness practices.

Provide logistical support for Valencia’s Wellness Program, as appropriate.



E. Evaluation Plan/Measures of Success

Historically, evaluation measures used in support of Leadership Valencia workshops have been limited at best. Evaluation has rested on the number of workshops offered, the number of participants by workshop, and use of Level 1 evaluations that capture each participant’s opinion of the workshop. Such criteria do not indicate understanding or mastery of workshop outcomes. However, they do capture participant reactions and thoughts about facilitator preparedness and quality.

Since 2007, additional evaluation measures have been developed for the New Employee Orientation Program, the Manager/Supervisor Training Program, and the soon-to-be-launched AAWCC Leadership Academy. Our work is now grounded in Valencia’s student core competencies –Think, Value, Communicate, and Act – and the AACC Competencies for Community College Leaders. Moving forward, professional development will be assessed at four levels:

1. How did participants react to the development activity>

2. What did they learn?

3. What changes did they make in their behavior and attitudes?

4. What are the effects of their training on students and the organization?

Using this model the evaluation levels are cumulative—evaluation at higher levels depends on having information from lower levels. The fourth level evaluation provides information that justifies staff and organizational development; however, it is difficult information to gather and analyze. A fifth level to be considered in the future will be return-on-investment.

F. Budgets

$75,254: 2008-09 fiscal year budget for the Staff and Organizational Development Program

$23,194 2008-09 fiscal year budget for Leadership Valencia





A. Management and Organization

Housed in the office of College and Community Relations, Leadership Valencia was launched in 1997 to support professional and personal development opportunities for full- and part-time faculty and staff1. Originally, the program was self-developed and supported with faculty and staff volunteering their time and expertise. A task force comprised of representatives from each campus met each semester to identify training needs, recruit instructors for workshops or, as appropriate, develop workshop content.

In early spring 2004, a professional development task force was established to recommend improvements in professional development as part of the Strategic Learning Plan Refresh. In 2006, Senior Administration presented a new charge to develop a more comprehensive Staff and Organizational Development program (SODP) with a specific focus on two areas of development.

1. All new employees will be provided an induction to the Valencia Community via an orientation model, “Valencia Journeys” within the first 120 days of employment.

2. All new managers/supervisors will be provided with the knowledge and tools to manage employees and achieve results in their respective departments.

To accomplish the new work, a full-time director was hired to oversee the implementation of the new Staff and Organizational Development Program in January 2007 and, in June 2007, following a series of collaborative planning meetings, the college launched a re-designed Employee Orientation Program and a new Manager/Supervisor Training Program.

B. Collegewide Model of Collaboration

Collaboration has been and will continue to remain at the heart of our work. Two task forces, comprised of the members outlined below, have guided our work over the past 12 months:

Leadership Valencia Task Force Members: Fiona Baxter, Migdalia Otero-Olan, Mardi Snider, Karen Blondeau, Danielle Boileau, Joanna Branham, Lois Brennan, Michael Ewing, Liz Gangemi, Keith Houck, Debi Jakubcin, Dee Long, Jenny Nevarez, Patty Nicholas, Cheryl Robinson, Angelique Smith, Angela Trujillo, Brent Nakagama, Janice Swanson, Joe Nunes, AAWCC leadership, Julie Corderman, Career Staff Council leadership, Pat Nellis, Helen Clarke, Daryl Peterson.

Valencia Journeys Orientation Task Force Members: Core task force members include: Fiona Baxter, Adela Buczynski, Joanna Branham, Christian Campagnuolo, Julie Corderman, Aida Diaz, Donna Dudash, Helen Clarke, Sonya Joseph, Brent Nakagama, Patrick Nellis, Steve Norman, Jennifer Page, Angelique Smith.

 1 For a detailed report of Leadership Valencia, please refer to Appendix C. 

Staff & Organizational Development Program/Leadership Valencia

College’s Strategic Plan

Evaluations  Departmental, Division, and Discipline Plans and Initiatives

Task Force

College, D

ivision, Dep


ent, and


al Outcomes  Content/ Delivery 


• OIT • HR • Legal Counsel • Valencia Enterprises 

• Leadership Valencia 

• TLA  

Individual Learning Goals (will evolve into ILP)  External Opportunities and Individual Study

Organizational Development

• Awards & Recognition Programs 

• Department/Team Meetings 

• Learning Day • Conferences • IE Planning Tool Training 

Orientation  Leadership Valencia 

Mgr/Supervisor Training Program 

New Programs + Initiatives 

Valencia Journeys

• HR In‐processing 

• Valencia Is 

• Valencia Vision 

• Valencia Structure 

Valencia Performance 

“Meet the President” 


• Reading Circles 

• “Workshops on Demand” 

• Circles of Belonging 

• OIT Training 

• Lending Library 


• Focusing Your Vision 

• Understanding Self & Others 

• Bringing Out the Best in Your Team 

• Feedback, Coaching & Talent Management 

• Spotting Issues 

• Dealing w/Conflict & Engaging in Crucial Conversations 

• Sustaining Collaborative Workplaces 


• AAWCC Leadership Academy 

• Admin. Asst. Track 

• DiSC Behavioral Assessment 

• StrengthsQuest 

• IE Planning 


• A Day in the Life of a Supervisor 

• Sexual Harassment 

• A Day in the Life of an Administrative Support Person 

Learning Day 

• Blend of professional development, personal enrichment, and wellness workshops 

• Collegewide Teams and Councils 


C. Learning Competencies

Task force members determined a need for our work to be grounded in competencies appropriate for higher education. In summer 2003, the American Association of Community Colleges (AACC) received a grant entitled, Leading Forward from the W. K. Kellogg Foundation to develop competencies and address the national need for community college leaders. The AACC Competencies for Community College Leaders2 that emerged and were adopted are used to guide and inform our work:

• Organizational Strategy

• Resource Management

• Communication

• Collaboration

• Community College Advocacy

• Professionalism

Working with task force members, the terminology of these competencies has been adapted to align with the culture of Valencia Community College.3 These modified competencies were used to develop the learning outcomes of the Manager/Supervisor Training Program.4

                                                            2 Please refer to Appendix D for a description of the AACC Competencies for Community College Leaders. 

3 Please refer to Appendix E for the competencies adapted from the AACC Competencies to guide our work. 

4 Please refer to Appendix F for the Manager/Supervisor Training Program learning outcomes. 


D. Workshops & Training Programs 



Valencia’s Annual Professional Development Day 

LEARNING DAY ‐ In collaboration with Academic Affairs 

Audience: All Full‐time Faculty and Staff 

Workshop focus: Teaching & Learning, Professional Development, Personal Enrichment 


(Workshops proposed and requested by faculty & staff) 

Audience: All Valencia employees 

Workshop focus: Teaching & Learning, Professional Development, Personal Enrichment 


In collaboration with HR 

Audience: All new full‐time staff 

Two half day sessions + a meet the president chat 



Audience: Staff with direct reports 

Workshop focus: Supervisory 

knowledge and tools 


Audience: AAWCC members at all levels of 

the college 

Workshop focus: Maximizing each 

individual’s potential 


Audience:  Departments + intact 


Certified facilitators available at each 


Sexual Harassment 

A Day In The Life Of A Supervisor 

A Day In The Life Of An Office Support 









A. Mission

To extend meaningful learning and professional development opportunities to Valencia faculty, staff, alumni and retirees via a staff and organizational development format that supports the mission, vision and values of the college.

B. Vision

To be recognized as a leader in staff and organizational development in support of Valencia’s Strategic Plan.

C. Values

• Learning by committing to Valencia’s core competencies – Think, Value, Communicate, and Act – and the potential of each person to learn at the highest levels of achievement for personal and professional success.

• People by creating a caring, inclusive, and safe environment that inspires all people to achieve their goals, share their successes, and encourage others.

• Diversity by fostering the understanding it builds in learning relationships and appreciating the dimensions it adds to our quality of life.

• Access by reaching out to our communities, inviting and supporting all learns and partners to achieve their goals.

• Integrity by respecting the ideals of freedom, civic responsibility, academic honesty, personal ethics, and the courage to act.

D. Guiding Principles

In addition to gathering regular feedback from faculty and staff, the following set of guiding principles steer our efforts to ensure that Valencia’s commitment to quality is upheld:

• Diversity of Perspectives – we place value on meeting the diverse learning styles of adult learners, affirm that diversity enriches the learning experience, and that diversity should be respected and celebrated.

• Collaboration – we support collaboration by fostering good communications, open

decision making, and teamwork.

• Teamwork – we conduct our work in an atmosphere of trust and interdisciplinary collaboration that welcomes candid discussion and debate to reach shared goals.

• Learning-Centered - we align our work with that of the college’s mission, our student

core competencies – Think, Value, Communicate, and Act -- and with the AACC Competencies for Community College Leaders.

• Authentic Learning – we continually adapt and improve upon our work to ensure that

learning is embedded in relevant, useful, “real-world” contexts and applications.




• Connectedness – we foster a sense of community and responsiveness that supports the ability of program participants to network with one another, to learn from one another, and to leverage resources for personal and organizational success.

• Culture of Evidence – we embed formative and summative assessment measures into

our work and use both qualitative and quantitative methods to provide evidence that our programs remain relevant, vital and effective.





A. Strengths

• Support from senior leadership

• Strong brand recognition for Leadership Valencia and high demand for workshops5

• Work helps support Goal Three of Valencia’s Strategic Plan – Invest in Each Other (Collaboration and Career Growth)

• Use of AACC and “Good to Great” competencies to guide our work

• Contributes to Valencia’s sense of community by extending “Lifelong Learning” to alumni and retirees (supports Goal Four of Valencia’s Strategic Plan – Build Partnerships)

B. Weaknesses

• Limited SPD budget

• A volunteer facilitation process lends itself to a limited number of workshop offerings and a potentially wide range of workshop outcomes

• Valencia cannot be all things to all people, yet the demands for our resources are at an all time high.

• Perennial challenges of communication in a complex, large, multi-campus institution.

C. Opportunities

• Expertise of faculty and staff to develop and deliver content

• Faculty compensation plan allows faculty to receive “Professional Development” credit for developing and delivering approved workshops

• An established formative evaluation plan

• Online meeting and webinar capabilities are now available, but will require an organizational change in mindset before it becomes a viable option to face-to-face training

• Conference center to open in spring 2009

D. Threats

• Lack of a consistent and collegewide professional development process/tool to inform our work

• Lack of clear career paths for employees to focus their development

• Professional and career staff are not currently compensated for leading workshops

• Leadership Valencia workshops are not tracked or supported through Banner. Technical OIT support is required to make the transition from the current software, Events Pro, to Banner.

• Limited staff time, resources, and designated space on campuses

 5 Refer to Appendix H for a listing of Leadership Valencia workshop titles offered in the 2007‐2008 timeframe. 




Strategic Goal 3: Invest in Each Other

Objective 3.1 – Collaboration

Strengthen Valencia’s collaborative culture through learning and leadership development opportunities in the effective use of collaborative approaches, and through regular review and evolution of our shared governance system.

LV/SODP Goal: Development and support for orientation, learning and leadership opportunities that support the College’s goals and commitment to the model of shared governance. LV/SODP Objective: To work collaboratively to increase awareness of and participation in professional development workshops that directly support the College’s strategic plan by 5% during 2008-09. Baseline Data • The number of employees who participate in Valencia’s Manager/Supervisor

Training Program, the AAWCC Leadership Academy, and the Administrative Support certificate programs.

• The number of employees who participate in Valencia’s orientation program, Valencia Journeys

• The number of hits to the Valencia Journeys’ website home page.

Objective 3.2 – Career Growth

By 2013, Valencia will have a robust system of career growth and planning in which all Valencia employees will participate.

LV/SODP Objective: To provide and support professional development workshops/programs for Valencia employees in support of the College’s vision for professional development. LV/SODP Objective: To expand, enhance and align technological capacity in support of our work, in collaboration with the Office of Information Technology and the Teaching Academy. Baseline Data • The number of online registrations compared to paper registrations for workshops. • The number of presenters who access and utilize online tools and systems. • The number of hits to the website home page.

LV/SODP Objective: Increase the number of those registered for professional development workshops. Baseline Data • The number of Leadership Valencia professional development opportunities

offered in 2007-08 • The unduplicated number and percentage of Valencia employees who enroll in

these activities in 2008-09, by position.

Objective 3.3 – Employee Wellness

LV/SODP Goal: Provide logistical support for the Wellness Program as appropriate.

LV/SODP Objective: Provide support to the Wellness Program to increase the number of those registered for Wellness related workshops by 10% in 2008-09. Baseline Data • The percentage of employees who report that they are engaged in wellness

practices as measured by a survey of employees during 2007-08.


The Kaufman Mega Planning Model that was used to develop Valencia’s 2008 – 2013 Strategic Goals specifies identifying “needs” based on the gap between “what is” and “what should be.” Kaufman emphasizes the importance of defining “need as a gap between current and desired results, not as insufficient levels of resources, means, or methods.”

Kaufman Mega Planning Model

Determining the gap between “what is” and “what should be” determines the appropriate means/methods/activities/products necessary to close this gap.

Bulleted items in each level under “What should be” are possible qualitative and quantitative measures that would help provide evidence that we are moving towards the desired results.

What is Needs = Gaps in results What should be

Mega level – current societal results

Inconsistent success in the college’s ability to successfully

deliver programs and services to employees, students, and the


Mega level – desired results – the ideal

Broadened use of alternative delivery methodologies that allow employees, students,

alumni, retirees, and others to access Valencia programs and

services that transcend geographic and set time




Maximized effectiveness in the college’s ability to successfully deliver programs and services

to employees, students, and the community in order to advance

student success.

Macro level – current college-level results Absence of a mechanism for measuring

employee effectiveness that helps employees improve their

skills and increase their knowledge in support of the

college’s goals.

Macro level – desired college level results

Have a robust system of career growth and planning for all

Valencia employees by developing a system of

qualitative measures that align with our work and serve as

evidence of superior performance.

Increased number of employees seeking advanced degrees as

part of their career development.

Increased number of internal promotions.

Reduction in the number of calls to HR regarding employee

relations issues.

Greater employee satisfaction.

Decrease in absenteeism.

Micro level – current individual results

Most staff does not have an individual professional

development plan.

Micro level – desired individual results

All employees have an individual professional

development plan.

Increased number of employees who register for professional development


Increased number of employees who facilitate workshops and programs as a professional

development activity.





Increased feedback from supervisors on specific

workshops needed by their direct reports.

Increased demand from supervisors on how to support the professional development

of their direct reports.

Traditional measures of success

Traditionally, evaluation measures for Leadership Valencia workshops have looked at the number of workshops offered and the number of participants. Level 1 evaluations that capture each participant’s opinion of the workshop are also captured at the end of every Leadership Valencia workshop6. While these evaluations do not indicate understanding or mastery of workshop outcomes, they do capture participant reactions and thoughts about facilitator preparedness and quality.

Another measure of workshop quality has been related to the instructional design of the materials. In developing new programs such as the New Employee Orientation Program, the Manager/ Supervisor Training Program, and the soon-to-be-developed AAWCC Leadership Academy, our work is grounded in Valencia’s student core competencies –Think, Value, Communicate, and Act – and the AACC competencies. The formative input of key stakeholders is also part of the on-going collaborative formative evaluation process.

Jim Collins developed a model in Good to Great and the Social Sector that also provides us with another perspective on how to think about our work. He, like others, argues that many of our traditional measures of success are meaningless unless they impact and improve the desired output. This thinking is also consistent with the Kaufman Mega Planning Model. The output that we should focus on should be improved employee performance. Employee performance at Valencia cannot be precisely measured, but it is certainly a key result that we should focus on.

Further discussion and thought utilizing a collaborative process will help identify a better understanding of the gap between current employee performance and desired employee performance as well as meaningful qualitative and quantitative measures of our work that provide evidence of movement towards our desired employee performance goal. Following is an overview of Jim Collins’ Inputs and Outputs of Greatness.

                                                            6 See Appendix I for Level 1 evaluation results for New Employee Orientation workshops conducted in 2008 and Appendix J for the Level 1 evaluations result for workshops conducted in 2008 

See Appendix K for Level 1 evaluation results for the Manager/Supervisor Training program conducted in 2008 and Appendix L for Level 1 evaluation results for 2007 program. 

Good to Great Framework – Inputs and Outputs of Greatness*

*Adapted from Good to Great and the Social Sectors monograph by Jim Collins

Inputs of Greatness



Outputs of Greatness


Stage 1:


-Level 5 Leadership

-First Who, Then What


In business, performance is defined by financial returns and achievement of corporate purpose. In the social sectors, performance is defined by results and efficiency in delivering on the social mission.


The organization makes such a unique contribution to the communities it touches and does its work with such unadulterated excellence that if it were to disappear, it would leave a hole that could not be easily filled by any other institution on the planet.

ACHIEVES LASTING ENDURANCE The organization can deliver exceptional results over a long period of time, beyond any single leader, great idea, market cycle, or well-funded program. When hit with setbacks, it bounces back even stronger than before.

Stage 2:


-Confront the Brutal Facts

-The Hedgehog Concept

Stage 3:


-Culture of Discipline

-The Flywheel

Stage 4


-Clock Building, not Time Telling

-Preserve the Core / Stimulate Progress





Fiscal Year 08-09, Fund 1 Programs

Acct. Code Account Name LV Org Dev. TOTAL

6050 Travel Control 900 5,200 6,100

6150 Telecommunications Control 0

6200 Printing/Duplicating Control 2,835 6,550 9,385

6300 Rentals Control 0

6450 Other Services Control 4,500 37,000 41,500

6500 Professional Fees Control 3,000 3,000

6550 Materials & Supplies Control 8,885 18,000 26,885

6570 Data Software Non Cap Control 2,715 5,000 7,715

6650 Other Materials & Supplies Control 6,945 2,400 9,345

6700 Library Resources Control 0

7050 Minor Equipment Control 418 418

7060 Inventory Equipment Control 0

TOTALS 26,780 77,568 104,348



1. A technical support person to assist in the conversion from our non-Banner Leadership Valencia workshop management software to Banner. Valencia's professional staff and faculty development courses should both be integrated into the Banner system to provide a seamless access and registration to offerings, resources, and related sites. Since faculty also avail themselves of staff development courses, integrated Banner access would provide a "one-stop shop" experience.

2. Additional Foundation funds for snacks and beverages. We have some funds to cover the New Employee Orientation and Manager/Supervisor Training Program, but also have plans to host a two-day staff retreat based on the “Great Teachers Seminar” concept and some half day softskills workshops utilizing Valencia Enterprises facilitators. Snacks and beverages consistently appears in response to the post workshop evaluation question of, “What could have made this workshop better?”





Appendix A: Collaborative Planning Meetings to Develop the Orientation & Supervisor/Manager Programs

Appendix B: Needs Assessment Survey Results

Appendix C: Leadership Valencia History

Appendix D: AACC Competencies for Community College Leaders

Appendix E: AACC Competencies Modified For Mid-Level Managers At Valencia

Appendix F: Manager/Supervisor Training Program Learning Outcomes

Appendix G: Valencia Journeys Atlas Website for Faculty/Staff Development Resources

Appendix H: Leadership Valencia Workshop Titles (2007-2008)

Appendix I: Evaluation Feedback on New Employee Orientation Workshops for 2008

Appendix J: Evaluation Feedback on New Employee Orientation Workshops for 2007

Appendix K: Evaluation Feedback on Manager/Supervisor Training Program for 2008

Appendix L: Evaluation Feedback on Manager/Supervisor Training Program for 2007


Appendix A: Collaborative Planning Meetings to Develop the Orientation & Supervisor/Manager Programs

Date Meeting Topics/Themes Attendees

July 17, 2006 Orientation Meeting Carolyn McMorran, Donna Dudash, Fiona Baxter

August 3, 2006 Orientation Plan & Supervisor/Manager Training Program

Adela Buczynski, Angelique Smith, Daryl Peterson, David Rogers, Donna Dudash, Fiona Baxter, Helen Clarke, Jennifer Page, Jenny Nevarez, Michael Bosley, Michelle Foster, Patrick Nellis, Sonya Joseph

August 29, 2006 Staff & Organizational Development Planning Meeting

Angelique Smith, Carolyn McMorran, Donna Dudash, Fiona Baxter, Jennifer Page, Patrick Nellis

October 6, 2006 Orientation Review Meeting Adela Buczynski, Angelique Smith, Donna Dudash, Fiona Baxter, Jennifer Page, Patrick Nellis, Steve Norman, Steve Webb

November 17, 2006 Staff & Organizational Development Meeting Donna Dudash, Karen Shores, Janice Swanson, Tina Alenius

November 27, 2006 Staff & Organizational Development Meeting Fiona Baxter, Tina Alenius

November 29, 2006 Orientation Redesign Donna Dudash, Karen Shores, Janice Swanson, Tina Alenius

December 4, 2006 Administrative Assistant Track Fiona Baxter, Joanna Branham, Donna Dudash, Debra Green, Karen Shores, Brent Nakagama

December 13, 2006 Student Orientation Project Aida Diaz, Fiona Baxter, Donna Dudash, Jennifer Isabell, Patrick Nellis, Angelique Smith, Jennifer Page

December 8, 2006 Update of VVM, Evaluation Helen Burnstad, Fiona Baxter

December 8, 2006 History of Valencia/VVM Helen Burnstad, Fiona Baxter, Tina Alenius, Karen Shores, David Rogers, Shauna Anstey, Donna Dudash

December 8, 2006 Orientation Helen Burnstad, Fiona Baxter, Donna Dudash, Karen Shores

December 11, 2006 Faculty Training Helen Burnstad, Patrick Nellis, Helen Clarke, Daryl Peterson



December 11, 2006 Orientation Redesign Adela Buczynski, Jennifer Page, Christian Campagnuolo, Patrick Nellis, Tina Alenius, Donna Dudash, Fiona Baxter, Helen Burnstad

December 12, 2006 Supervisor/Manager Training Helen Burnstad, Karen Blondeau, Carolyn McMorran, Joanna Branham, Fiona Baxter, Sonya Joseph, Daryl Peterson, Brent Nakagama

December 13, 2006 Administrative Assistant Track Helen Burnstad, Joanna Branham, Karen Shores, Donna Dudash, Fiona Baxter, Debra Green, Janice Swanson, Brent Nakagama

January 10, 2007 Initial meeting with Joe Nunes from HR give him an update on the new orientation program.

Brent Nakagama, Joe Nunes

January 16, 2007 Meeting to discuss video needs for the new orientation program.

Aida Diaz, Brent Nakagama, Buffy Singh; Christian Campagnuolo, Donna Dudash, John Watson, Michael Maguire; Bill White, Rick Stout, Steve Norman

January 22, 2007 Meeting with Professional Staff Leadership Team representatives to discuss the new orientation program, supervisory training, and administrative assistants training.

Brent Nakagama, Carol Johnson, Ellen Hart, Fiona Baxter, Julie Corderman, Karen Blondeau

January 24, 2007 Meeting with Joe Nunes from HR to discuss the review of the new orientation content from an HR perspective.

Joe Nunes, Tina Alenius, Brent Nakagama

January 25, 2007 Meeting with the collegewide Career Staff Council Chairs to discuss the new orientation program, supervisory training, and administrative assistants training.

Brent Nakagama, Cathy Campbell, Dafne Dionisi, Donna Sovern, Fiona Baxter; Francine Owens, Joanna Branham, Michal Ewing, Nicholle Trapp, Priscilla Gray

January 26, 2007 Meeting to review marketing story boards for the orientation to orientation video that MMR is producing together with Television and Video Productions.

Bill White, Buffy Singh, Christian Campagnuolo, Donna Dudash; Fiona Baxter, Brent Nakagama, John Watson, Michael Maguire, Rick Stout, Steve Norman, Steve Webb, Carol Traynor, Will Bussey

February 1, 2007 Meeting to discuss HR input in reviewing Jennifer Page, Adela Buczynski, Joe Nunes, Tina Alenius, Fiona Baxter,



new orientation module content. Brent Nakagama

February 1, 2007 Meeting to discuss possible assessment strategies for the new orientation and supervisor – manager training programs.

Kurt Ewen, Rhonda Glover, Joe Nunes, Joanna Branham, Brent Nakagama, Julie Corderman

February 2, 2007 • Update group on current status of the new orientation and supervisor - manager training programs

• Introduce marketing brand platform • Identify interest in facilitating or co-

facilitating either/both of the new programs

• Provide an introduction to basic facilitation skills and tools

Tina Alenius, Shauna Anstey, Fiona Baxter, Karen Blondeau, Joanna Branham, Lois Brennan, Adela Buczynski, Helen Burnstad, Christian Campagnuolo, Helen Clarke, Julie Corderman, Alexandra Cordero-Miles, Donna Dudash, Priscilla Gray, Debra Green, Ellen Hart, Carol Johnson, Dee Long, David Lowell, Brent Nakagama, Leda Pacheco, Patti Riva, David Rogers, Barbara Shell, Karen Shores, Angelique Smith, Erin Smith, Donna Sovern, Linda Swain, Janice Swanson, Chanda Torres, Nicolle Trapp

February 2, 2007 Discussed the possibility and challenges of having all new hires (both faculty and non-faculty) go through a consistent orientation process

Helen Clarke, Helen Burnstad, Fiona Baxter, Brent Nakagama

February 5, 2007 Leadership Valencia Task Force Meeting • Update group on current status of the new

orientation and supervisor - manager training programs.

Request potential Leadership Valencia summer offerings

Migdalia Otero-Olan, Mardi Ramaley-Snider, Karen Blondeau, Danielle Boileau, Joanna Branham, Lois Brennan, Michal Ewing, Liz Gangemi, Keith Houck, Debi Jakubcin, Dee Long, Jenny Nevarez, Patty Nicholas, Cheryl Robinson, Angelique Smith, Angela Trujillo, Brent Nakagama, Donna Dudash, Janice Swanson

February 12, 2007 Orientation timeline and deliverables discussion

Brent Nakagama, Tina Alenius

February 13, 2007 Met with TV & Video and MMR departments to review audition tapes for new Valencia Journeys Orientation Video

Brent Nakagama, Carol Traynor, Steve Webb, Christian Campagnuolo, Fiona Baxter, Michael Maguire, Steve Norman, Will Bussey.

February 14, 2007 At the president’s request, updated him on the new orientation and new

Dr. Shugart, Susan Kelley, Fiona Baxter, Brent Nakagama



manager/supervisor training program and received his input and feedback.

February 27, 2007 Met with TV & Video and MMR departments to review script for orientation video

Brent Nakagama, Carol Traynor, Fiona Baxter, Michael Maguire, Steve Norman, Steve Webb, Will Bussey.

February 28, 2007 Orientation and Manager/Supervisor Training Program modules

Fiona Baxter, Brent Nakagama, Pat Nellis, Helen Clarke.

February 28, 2007 Orientation video logistics and script content review

Carol Traynor, Brent Nakagama, Christian Campagnuolo, Michael Maguire, Steve Norman, Steven Webb, Will Bussey

March 5, 2007 Discussion of Valencia Policies & Procedures and Legal Issues content of the Orientation and Manager/Supervisor Training Program modules.

Bill Mullowney, Brent Nakagama, Joe Nunes.

March 7, 2007 Discussion of Supervisor/Manager Training Program seminar content and assessment. Also reviewed several proposed changes to the Employee Appraisal Process being developed by Valencia Enterprises.

Fiona Baxter, Brent Nakagama, Carolyn McMorran, Helen Clarke, Pat Nellis, Julie Corderman, Karen Blondeau, Donna Dudash.

March 14, 2007 Discussion to ensure alignment between Professional Development Tool, Professional Development and the Employee Appraisal Process.

Fiona Baxter, Brent Nakagama, Carolyn McMorran

March 20, 2007 Presentation of Staff & Organizational Development Program Orientation & Manager/Supervisor Training Program Updates to Senior Staff

Fiona Baxter, Brent Nakagama

March 22, 2007 Roundtable Meetings for Manager/Supervisor Training Programs

Brent Nakagama, Helen Clarke



March 23, 2007 Meeting with Human Resources regarding Employee Orientation In-Processing Appointments

Fiona Baxter, Brent Nakagama, Jennifer Page, Adela Buczynski

March 27, 2007 Update of feedback from March 20, 2007 Senior Staff Meeting; review of modules; brainstorming and timelines.

Fiona Baxter, Brent Nakagama, Donna Dudash, Helen Burnstad, Idahlynn Karre

March 28, 2007 Manager/Supervisor Training Program discussions and DiSC Training

Brent Nakagama, Donna Dudash, Amy Bosley, Helen Burnstad and Idahlynn Karre

March 29, 2007 Manager/Supervisor Training Program Task Force Meeting

Helen Burnstad, Idahlynn Karre, Brent Nakagama, Fiona Baxter, Donna Dudash, Patrick Nellis, Helen Clarke, Julie Corderman, Carolyn McMorran and Karen Blondeau

April 12, 2007 Review Orientation modules content in preparation for pilot of modules 1 and 2 on April 23, 2007

Brent Nakagama, Tina Alenius

April 23, 2007 Pilot of Modules 1 and 2 of new Valencia Journeys Orientation Program

Fiona Baxter, Karen Blondeau, Michael Bosley, Joanna Branham, Buczynski, Adela, Will Bussey, Christian Campagnuolo, Helen Clarke, Julie Corderman, Donna Dudash, Michal Ewing, Michelle Foster, Ellen Hart, Carol Johnson, Michael Maguire, Brent Nakagama, Patrick Nellis, Steve Norman, Jennifer Page, Daryl Peterson, Angelique Smith, Linda Swaine, Carol Traynor

May 9, 2007 Discussion of modifications to be made to orientation modules based on feedback of pilot participants.

Christian Campagnuolo, Brent Nakagama, Tina Alenius

May 10, 2007 Discussion of AACC Competencies, TVCA, and The Learning College

Phillip Bishop, Brent Nakagama

May 15, 2007 Collaboration Meeting between Staff & Organizational Development & Human Resources for new Valencia Journeys

Brent Nakagama, Jennifer Page






Orientation Program.

May 23, 2007 Review Leadership Competencies (AACC) for mid-level manager application.

Brent Nakagama, Donna Dudash, Julie Corderman, Joanna Branham, Helen Clarke

June 14, 2007 Manager/Supervisor Training Modules discussion and preparation for pilot kick-off

Brent Nakagama, Amy Bosley

June 28, 2007 Manager/Supervisor Training Program Pilot Kick-Off

July 2, 2007 Meeting to develop timeline and content information for a new Valencia History Video

Fiona Baxter, Brent Nakagama, Christian Campagnuolo, Carol Traynor, Melissa Poorbaugh, Michael Maguire, Steve Norman, Bill Castellano

July 5, 2007 Administrative Assistant Track Meeting to develop plan, timeline and content information for an AA track to be developed.

Fiona Baxter, Brent Nakagama, Debra Green, Karen Shores, Joanna Branham, Michal Ewing

July 13, 2007 Orientation – Meeting to discuss sign-off for performance module compliance topics.

Brent Nakagama, Tina Alenius, Jennifer Page, Joe Nunes, Adela Buczynski,

July 16, 2007 Administrative Assistant Track AS to BAS Degree

Brent Nakagama, Joanna Branham, Michal Ewing, Mildred Franceschi

July 18, 2007 PSLT Needs Meeting Brent Nakagama, Fiona Baxter, Julie Corderman, Karen Blondeau, Carol Johnson.




Appendix B: Needs Assessment Survey Results

Valencia Professional Development Survey

1. Approximately, how many workshops have you attended at Valencia in the past year?





None 12.0% 31

1-2 41.7% 108

3-5 34.7% 90

6-10 7.7% 20

More than 10 3.9% 10

 Comment (Optional) 11

  answered question 259

  skipped question 0

2. How do you find out about workshops that are available?





Weekly Bulletin announcement 12.0% 31

Weekly e-mail listing workshops 69.1% 179

Leadership Valencia website

calendar6.2% 16

Word of mouth 7.7% 20

Other 5.0% 13

 Other (please explain) 28

  answered question 259

  skipped question 0

Page 1

3. I know how to access and register for workshops with Leadership Valencia.





Strongly Disagree 7.7% 20

Disagree 5.0% 13

Neutral 12.7% 33

Agree 35.5% 92

Strongly Agree 39.0% 101

 Comment (Optional) 3

  answered question 259

  skipped question 0

4. Regarding the Manager/Supervisor Training Program (7 half days), please rate your level of awareness and level of interest

in attending.

  Level of Awareness Level of InterestResponse


High 67.7% (67) 70.7% (70) 99

Moderate 71.8% (74) 68.0% (70) 103

None 82.5% (113) 59.9% (82) 137

 Comments: (optional) 35

  answered question 259

  skipped question 0

Page 2

5. Regarding the New Employee Orientation Program (2 half days), please rate your level of awareness and level of interest in


  Level of Awareness Level of InterestResponse


High 84.3% (113) 51.5% (69) 134

Moderate 72.5% (74) 67.6% (69) 102

None 58.8% (70) 74.8% (89) 119

 Comments: (optional) 37

  answered question 259

  skipped question 0

6. I would attend more workshops if the location was more convenient for me.





Strongly Disagree 7.7% 20

Disagree 6.2% 16

Neutral 26.6% 69

Agree 38.2% 99

Strongly Agree 21.2% 55

 Comment (Optional) 25

  answered question 259

  skipped question 0

Page 3

7. I would attend more workshops if the day of the week and time were more convenient.





Strongly Disagree 5.4% 14

Disagree 7.7% 20

Neutral 36.7% 95

Agree 32.8% 85

Strongly Agree 17.8% 46

 Comment (Optional) 12

  answered question 259

  skipped question 0

8. Workshop topics are NOT relevant to my job/needs.





Strongly Disagree 12.4% 32

Disagree 33.6% 87

Neutral 31.3% 81

Agree 18.5% 48

Strongly Agree 4.6% 12

 Comment (Optional) 15

  answered question 259

  skipped question 0

Page 4

9. Supervisor approval to attend workshops is difficult.





Strongly Disagree 39.4% 102

Disagree 31.7% 82

Neutral 19.3% 50

Agree 7.3% 19

Strongly Agree 2.3% 6

 Comment (Optional) 13

  answered question 259

  skipped question 0

10. I find the quality of the workshops meet my needs.





Strongly Disagree 4.2% 11

Disagree 4.6% 12

Neutral 29.3% 76

Agree 49.0% 127

Strongly Agree 13.5% 35

 Comment (Optional) 9

  answered question 259

  skipped question 0

Page 5

11. I would attend more workshops if I could participate via my computer.





Strongly Disagree 9.7% 25

Disagree 20.1% 52

Neutral 26.3% 68

Agree 31.7% 82

Strongly Agree 12.7% 33

 Comment (Optional) 16

  answered question 259

  skipped question 0

12. How convenient are each of the days of the week for you to attend training?


InconvenientInconvenient Convenient









Mon. Morning 32.3% (75) 21.1% (49) 13.8% (32) 11.2% (26) 21.6% (50) 2.05

Mon. Afternoon 16.7% (38) 23.3% (53) 27.8% (63) 7.5% (17) 24.7% (56) 2.35

Tues. Morning 19.5% (45) 12.1% (28) 31.6% (73) 12.6% (29) 24.2% (56) 2.49

Tues. Afternoon 10.3% (23) 13.4% (30) 36.6% (82) 12.1% (27) 27.7% (62) 2.70

Wed. Morning 20.5% (48) 12.0% (28) 34.2% (80) 10.3% (24) 23.1% (54) 2.44

Wed. Afternoon 12.4% (28) 16.0% (36) 34.7% (78) 11.6% (26) 25.3% (57) 2.61

Thurs. Morning 19.5% (45) 13.0% (30) 32.9% (76) 11.3% (26) 23.4% (54) 2.47

Thurs. Afternoon 12.9% (29) 15.1% (34) 36.0% (81) 9.8% (22) 26.2% (59) 2.58

Fri. Morning 20.2% (47) 14.2% (33) 29.6% (69) 14.6% (34) 21.5% (50) 2.49

Fri. Afternoon 26.4% (56) 21.2% (45) 19.3% (41) 9.9% (21) 23.1% (49) 2.17

  answered question

  skipped question

Page 6

13. Rate the likelihood of you attending a workshop during each of the following months.


UnlikelyUnlikely Neutral Likely


















(30)23.6% (57) 3.14 242










(42)26.3% (63) 3.64 240










(31)26.1% (62) 3.41 238










(28)26.5% (63) 3.37 238










(31)26.1% (61) 3.30 234










(40)24.1% (57) 3.42 237










(38)22.3% (53) 3.24 238










(28)22.7% (54) 3.02 238










(31)24.4% (59) 3.38 242










(35)24.6% (60) 3.58 244










(32)25.0% (60) 3.29 240










(22)21.5% (50) 2.71 233

  answered question 259

  skipped question 0

Page 7

14. What are some workshop topics that would be of interest/benefit to you? (include professional development, personal

interest, or wellness topics)




  answered question 245

  skipped question 14

15. We are considering other training methods and types of workshops. Please check the method(s) that interest you.


DisinterestedDisinterested Neutral Interested







Training in a classroom 3.2% (7) 5.0% (11)29.7%

(65)45.2% (99)


(37)3.68 219

Training from a computer/your desk 10.1% (23) 10.1% (23)24.1%

(55)37.3% (85)


(42)3.44 228

A combination of classroom training

and computer training5.3% (12) 9.3% (21)


(54)43.6% (99)


(41)3.60 227

Video conferencing 11.8% (27) 16.6% (38)25.8%

(59)32.8% (75)


(30)3.19 229

Two-part workshops (occur on

separate days)11.0% (24) 16.4% (36)


(60)35.2% (77)


(22)3.17 219

Half day workshops (4 hours) 4.6% (10) 8.7% (19)21.6%





(30)3.61 218

Multiple workshop programs that

earn a certificate5.3% (12) 5.3% (12)




(73)33.0% (75) 3.82 227

  answered question 245

  skipped question 14

Page 8

16. Please indicate the likelihood of your attending each of the following classes within the next year?


UnlikelyUnlikely Neutral Likely







American Sign Language21.3%

(47)24.0% (53)






(30)2.81 221

Balancing Life And Work Demands14.2%





(43)32.3% (73)


(37)3.19 226






(50)30.8% (69)


(38)3.21 224

Circles of Belonging/Diversity26.6%



(32)27.0% (60)


(52)8.6% (19) 2.73 222

Coaching/Providing Effective







(48)35.0% (76)


(22)3.07 217


(28)9.9% (22)


(50)34.1% (76)


(47)3.41 223

Disability Etiquette15.8%





(60)30.3% (67) 8.6% (19) 2.98 221

DiSC Behavioral Assessment17.6%



(39)34.4% (76)


(46)9.5% (21) 2.87 221

Discrimination/Sexual Harassment13.5%



(42)30.9% (69)


(63)8.5% (19) 3.00 223

Discussion/Reading Circles20.7%



(46)26.6% (59)


(49)9.9% (22) 2.80 222

Effective Communication11.2%

(25)9.4% (21)


(54)38.1% (85)


(38)3.40 223

Finance Related Workshops 8.2% (18) 9.5% (21)21.8%

(48)42.3% (93)


(40)3.53 220

How To Engage In Difficult







(44)37.8% (85)


(36)3.29 225

Improving Customer Service Skills13.5%





(60)34.7% (77)


(29)3.22 222

Leading Change12.8%





(55)35.3% (77)


(33)3.28 218

Managing Others13.7%





(50)33.6% (76)


(38)3.26 226

Managing Stress12.8% 13.3% 21.1%

36.2% (79)16.5%

3.30 218

Page 9

(28) (29) (46) (36)




(29)29.9% (64)




(26)3.10 214

Microsoft Excel12.5%





(45)33.0% (74)


(43)3.31 224

Microsoft PowerPoint12.2%





(53)27.6% (61)


(40)3.21 221

Microsoft Word11.6%





(50)31.6% (71)


(38)3.24 225

Motivating Employees13.6%





(58)30.8% (68)


(34)3.20 221

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)19.0%



(25)27.5% (58)




(32)3.07 211






(52)34.1% (78)


(46)3.38 229

Policies & Procedures14.7%



(33)30.7% (67)




(29)3.08 218

Presentation Skills13.9%



(34)26.9% (60) 26.9% (60)


(38)3.18 223

Setting Professional Goals12.2%





(54)31.7% (70)


(38)3.27 221

Stress Management13.8%





(61)31.6% (71)


(32)3.19 225

Student Success21.3%



(41)29.2% (63)




(22)2.79 216

Succession Planning20.2%



(37)33.5% (73)




(25)2.83 218

Survival Skills15.3%





(62)31.9% (69)


(23)3.09 216

Understanding Generational







(60)30.9% (69)


(29)3.11 223

Vision/Mission/Strategic Goals17.1%



(39)32.7% (71)


(51)8.8% (19) 2.89 217

Web CT/Blackboard21.6%



(43)26.4% (55)


(45)9.6% (20) 2.77 208

Wellness: Chair Massage16.7%





(35)27.3% (57)


(55)3.33 209

Page 10

Wellness: Nutrition16.7%





(38)35.2% (80)


(44)3.29 227

Wellness: Smoking Cessation50.9%





(29)6.1% (13) 4.7% (10) 1.89 214

Wellness: Tai Chi21.1%



(43)22.4% (50)




(39)2.93 223

Wellness: Weight Watchers 31.8% (70)18.2%







(29)2.58 220

Wellness: Yoga19.5%



(29)26.1% (59) 26.1% (59)


(35)3.05 226

Writing Skills20.0%



(24)30.0% (66)




(27)3.00 220

  answered question 245

  skipped question 14

17. Which category best describes your position at Valencia?





Administrator 2.9% 7

Career Staff 53.8% 129

Faculty 14.6% 35

Professional Staff 19.6% 47

I prefer not to disclose 9.2% 22

  answered question 240

  skipped question 19

Page 11

18. Are you





Full-time 87.5% 210

Part-time 10.8% 26

I prefer not to disclose 1.7% 4

  answered question 240

  skipped question 19

19. Do you supervise others?





Yes 33.3% 80

No 60.0% 144

I prefer not to disclose 6.7% 16

  answered question 240

  skipped question 19

20. What is your job title?





I prefer not to disclose 49.2% 118

 My Job Title is: 50.8% 122

  answered question 240

  skipped question 19

Page 12

21. Which area of the college do you belong?





Academic Affairs 16.7% 40

Finance 2.9% 7

Human Resources 2.9% 7

Institutional Advancement 2.1% 5

OIT 1.3% 3

Plant Operations 20.4% 49

Policy & General Counsel   0.0% 0

Safety/Security 1.7% 4

Student Affairs 19.2% 46

Valencia Enterprises 2.9% 7

Valencia Foundation 0.8% 2

I don’t know 11.7% 28

I prefer not to disclose 17.5% 42

  answered question 240

  skipped question 19

Page 13

22. On which campus are you primarily based?





Criminal Justice Institute 2.9% 7

Downtown 6.3% 15

East 23.8% 57

Osceola 10.8% 26

Sand Lake 3.3% 8

West 39.2% 94

Winter Park 3.8% 9

I prefer not to disclose 10.0% 24

  answered question 240

  skipped question 19

23. How many years have you worked at Valencia Community College?





0-2 years 16.7% 40

3-5 years 23.8% 57

6-10 years 22.9% 55

11-15 years 15.0% 36

More than 15 years 15.4% 37

I prefer not to disclose 6.3% 15

  answered question 240

  skipped question 19

Page 14

24. How many years have you worked in your current position?





0-2 years 28.8% 69

3-5 years 25.0% 60

6-10 years 21.7% 52

11-15 years 9.2% 22

More than 15 years 8.3% 20

I prefer not to disclose 7.1% 17

  answered question 240

  skipped question 19

25. Do you have regular access to a computer at work?





Yes 88.3% 212

No 8.3% 20

I prefer not to disclose 3.3% 8

  answered question 240

  skipped question 19

26. Additional comments (optional):




  answered question 39

  skipped question 220

Page 15

27. OPTIONAL: If you would like to be entered in the prize drawings for restaurant and movie gift certificates, please provide

your e-mail address. (Note: this question will be reported separately from the other questions to ensure confidentiality.)




  answered question 140

  skipped question 119

Page 16



Appendix C: Leadership Valencia History

Launched in 1997, Leadership Valencia is a collegewide program designed to professional and personal development opportunities. The program was designed to address a wide variety of professional development needs for Valencia’s full-and part-time faculty and staff, drawing on internal expertise already existing at the college. Due to successful brand recognition, the program has evolved into Valencia’s Staff and Organizational Development Program with the following charges:

Originally, the program was largely a self developed and supported program, with faculty and staff volunteering their time and sharing their expertise. The college also occasionally solicited external presenters to share timely information of interest to the organization. In addition to workshops created through the Leadership Valencia Task Force, Leadership Valencia encompassed virtually any and all internal professional development opportunities at the college. The program provided marketing and registration, yielding a consistently professional look for faculty and staff to access opportunities.

The office of College and Community Relations managed the operations of the program. There was initially one staff member, the Coordinator of Program Logistics, who was dedicated to the program. Workshops were largely initiated and developed by a collegewide task force. Many areas of the college that had specific professional development responsibilities, i.e., Human Resources; the office of Curriculum Development, Teaching, and Learning; Procurement; Office of Information Technology; and the Office of Students with Disabilities fed into the program. Additionally, college associations such as the Valencia Chapter of Florida Association of Community Colleges (FACC) and the Valencia Chapter of American Association for Women in Community College (AAWCC) provided professional development for faculty and staff. The workshops were generally designed for targeted audiences but were generally open to all applicants. This included Valencia administrators, faculty, professional and career staff—full and part time.

Program activities were funded through Staff and Program Development (SPD) dollars and supplemented by funds from the office of College and Community Relations. Each term, a volunteer task force identified training needs, recruited qualified instructors, and coordinated workshops. The program schedule was announced through a printed program entitled, Leadership Valencia. The printed program schedule was distributed to all full-time and part-time employees through inter-office mail. Additionally, the schedule was placed on Valencia’s website with a link to online registration. Workshops were noted on the faculty/staff webpage calendar. Leadership Valencia also advertised its workshops in The Bulletin, a weekly publication for the faculty and staff of Valencia Community College, and through weekly collegewide emails.

A review of the data available for the 2006-2007 year showed that Leadership Valencia’s attendance rates had remained fairly consistent with 60% to 75% of faculty and staff participating in the program since its inception. Cancellation percentages (9-12%) also remained constant. Attendance percentages by employee classification were reported as follows:



administration, 2.9%; professional staff, 11.09%; career staff, 39.46%;, faculty, 43.86%; and other, 2.7%.

In 2005 and 2006 the college devoted time to developing a strategic plan for its re-design of Leadership Valencia into a more comprehensive Staff and Organizational Development program. In December 2005, the college agreed to hire consultants to assist with the creation of a learning-centered approach to its staff development program. In October 2006, a full-time director was hired to oversee the implementation of the consultants’ recommendations and to tailor the redesigned program to meet Valencia’s particular needs. Beginning in June 2007, the college launched a redesigned New Employee Orientation and a Manager/Supervisor Training course.

Valencia’s draft of its 2008-2013 Strategic Plan continued to honor its previous commitments to hiring and retaining quality faculty and staff. Goal 3 of the proposed draft was entitled “Investing in Each Other” and committed the institution to “supporting the professional development, career growth, and healthy lives of Valencia’s employees” In an effort to hear the collective voice of college employees, the Staff and Organizational Development Program recently employed a consultant to develop a needs assessment survey that was sent out to faculty and all full-time professional and career staff employees. It was originally sent electronically through the staff councils and through faculty development, but later supplemented with a paper-based option. In addition to soliciting information on desired workshops for professional development, personal enrichment, and wellness, the survey gathered information on any obstacles or barriers to employees taking advantage of the Leadership Valencia offerings. Data derived from this needs assessment survey has been used to determine many of the workshops and programs that Staff and Organizational Development plan to focus on in the upcoming academic year. The results of this survey are shared in Appendix X.

Appendix D: AACC Competencies for Community College Leaders

Organizational Strategy



An effective community college leader strategically improves the quality of the institution, projects the long‐

term health of the organization, promotes the success of all students and sustains the community college mission, based on 

knowledge of the organization, its environment, 

and future trends. 

• Assess, develop, implement, and evaluate strategies regularly to monitor and improve the quality of education and the long-term health of the organization.

• Use data-driven evidence and proven practices from internal and external stakeholders to solve problems, make decisions, and plan strategically.

• Use a systems perspective to assess and respond to the culture of the organization, to changing demographics, and to the economic, political, and public health needs of students and the community.

• Develop a positive environment that supports innovation, teamwork, and successful outcomes.

• Maintain and grow college personnel and fiscal resources and assets.

• Align organizational mission, structures, and resources with the college master plan.

Resource Management


An effective community college leader equitably and ethically sustains people, processes, and information as well as physical and 

financial assets to fulfill the mission, vision, and goals of the community college. 

• Ensure accuracy in reporting.

• Manage information resources and ensure the integrity of systems and databases.

• Demonstrate ethical stewardship of the college’s fiscal resources.

• Maximize your budget to support programs, services, staff and facilities.

• Use the college’s performance process to foster the professional development and advancement of your staff.



• Promote life-long learning.

• Employ effective organizational, time management, planning, and delegation skills.

• Manage change and resolve conflict in ways that contribute to the college.




An effective community college leader uses clear listening, speaking, and writing skills to engage in honest, open dialogue at all levels of the college and its surrounding community, to promote the success of all students, and to sustain the community college mission. 

• Articulate and champion shared mission, vision, and values to internal and external audiences, appropriately matching message to audience.

• Disseminate and support policies and strategies.

• Create and maintain open communications regarding resources, priorities, and expectations.

• Convey ideas and information succinctly, frequently, and inclusively through media and verbal and nonverbal means to the board and other constituencies and stakeholders.

• Listen actively to understand, comprehend, analyze, engage, and act.

• Project confidence and respond respectfully and responsibly.





• Embrace and employ the diversity of individuals, cultures, values, ideas, and communication styles.  

An effective community college leader develops and 

maintains responsive, cooperative, mutually beneficial, and ethical internal and external 

relationships that nurture diversity, promote the success of all students, and sustain the community college 


• Demonstrate cultural competence relative to a global society.

• Catalyze involvement and commitment of students, faculty, staff, and community members to work for the common good.

• Build and leverage networks and partnerships to advance the mission, vision, and goals of the community college.

• Work effectively and diplomatically with unique constituent groups such as legislators, board members, business leaders, accreditation organizations, and others.

• Manage conflict and change by building and maintaining productive relationships.

• Develop, enhance, and sustain teamwork and cooperation.

• Facilitate shared problem solving and decision making.

Community College Advocacy


• Value and promote diversity, inclusion, equity, and academic excellence. An effective community 

college leader understands, commits to, and advocates for the mission, vision, and goals of the community 


• Demonstrate a passion for and commitment to the mission of community colleges and student success through the scholarship of teaching and learning.

• Promote equity, open access, teaching, learning, and innovation as primary goals for the college, seeking to understand how these change over time and facilitating discussion with all stakeholders.



• Advocate the community college mission to all constituents and empower them to do the same.

• Advance lifelong learning and support a learner-centered and learning-centered environment.

• Represent the community college in the local community, in the boarder educational community, at various levels of government, and as a model of higher education that can be replicated in international settings.



An effective community college leader works ethically to set high 

standards for self and others, continuously improve self 

and surroundings, demonstrate accountability to and for the institution, and ensure the long‐term viability of the college and 


• Demonstrate transformational leadership through authenticity, creativity, and vision.

• Understand and endorse the history, philosophy, and culture of the community college.

• Self-assess performance regularly using feedback reflection, goal setting, and evaluation.

• Support lifelong learning for self and others.

• Manage stress through self-care, balance, adaptability, flexibility, and humor.

• Demonstrate the courage to take risks, make difficult decisions, and accept responsibility.

• Understand the impact of perceptions, world views, and emotions on self and others.

• Promote and maintain high standards for personal and organizational integrity, honesty, and respect for people.

• Use influence and power wisely in facilitating the teaching-learning process and the exchange of knowledge.

• Weigh short-term and long-term goals in decision making.

• Contribute to the profession through professional development programs, professional leadership, and research/publication.





Appendix E: AACC Competencies Modified For Mid-Level Managers At Valencia

Organizational Strategy In the areas you supervise:

• Develop a positive environment that supports innovation, teamwork and successful outcomes.

• Use data-driven evidence and proven practices to solve problems, make decisions, and plan strategically.

• Use a systems perspective to assess and respond to issues.

• Align the work and resources with the college’s goals through effective planning.

Resource Management In the areas you supervise:

• Ensure accuracy in reporting.

• Manage information resources and ensure the integrity of systems and databases.

• Demonstrate ethical stewardship of college’s fiscal resources.

• Maximize your budget to support programs, services, staff, and facilities.

• Use the college’s performance processes to foster the professional development and advancement of your staff.

• Promote lifelong learning

• Employ effective organizational, time management, planning and delegation skills.

• Manage change and resolve conflict in ways that contribute to the college.

Communication In the areas you supervise:

• Create and maintain open communication.

• Convey ideas and information clearly and frequently through multiple and varied methods.

• Listen actively to understand, analyze, engage, and act.

• Project confidence and respond respectfully and responsibly.

• Disseminate and support policies and strategies.

Collaboration In the areas you supervise:



• Respect the diversity of individuals, cultures, values, ideas, and communication styles.

• Demonstrate cultural competence relative to a global society.

• Build inter-departmental partnerships to advance the goals of the college.

• Manage conflict and change by building and maintaining productive relationships.

• Develop, enhance, and sustain teamwork and cooperation.

• Facilitate shared problem solving and decision making.

Valencia Community College Advocacy In the areas you supervise:

• Value and promote diversity, inclusion, equity, and academic excellence.

• Demonstrate a commitment to Valencia and our students’ success.

• Support a learning-centered environment.

• Understand and endorse the history, philosophy, and culture of Valencia.

Professionalism As an effective supervisor you:

• Demonstrate transformational leadership.

• Self-assess performance regularly using feedback, reflection, goal setting, and evaluation.

• Engage in lifelong learning.

• Manage stress.

• Demonstrate the courage to take risks, make difficult decisions, and accept responsibility.

• Understand the impact of your perceptions, world views, and emotions on others.

• Promote and maintain integrity, honesty, and respect for people.



Appendix F: Manager/Supervisor Training Program Learning Outcomes

Learning Outcomes: Focusing Our Vision

At the end of this seminar supervisors will be able to: 

• Identify and share stories of “best practice” in supervision for the purpose of clarifying personal best experiences and growth opportunities in supervision

• Articulate competencies and best practices for community college supervision

• Envision a process for supervisor professional development based on shared experience and insights.

• Articulate supervision strengths through reflection and collective dialogue

• Engage in a community of supervisors working together for excellence and collaboration at Valencia Community College.

Learning Outcomes: Understanding Self and Others

At the end of this seminar, you will be able to:

• Use a model and language through which they can more harmoniously, cooperatively, and efficiently work with others.

• Identify the strengths that each of us brings to our work, relationships, and organization.

• Foster an increased understanding and appreciation of the behavioral tendencies of others in the work place for the explicit purpose of increasing personal and professional effectiveness in a manageable and systematic way.

• Learn strategies for adapting and blending communication and work style to meet the needs of others and the situation.

Learning Outcomes: Bring out the Best in Your Team

At the end of this seminar supervisors will be able to:

• Adapt work style behavior to meet the needs of others and the situation.

• Understand and use effective communication to enable others to contribute meaningfully to the team.

• Understand how trust is critical to the effectiveness of a team.

• Recognize how significant a supervisor’s behavior is in determining the success of individuals and the team.

• Understand how generational differences impact team performance.



• Foster an increased understanding and appreciation for best practices and strategies for managing and supervising.

Learning Outcomes: Feedback, Coaching, and Talent Management

At the end of this seminar supervisors will be able to:

• Understand, appreciate, and value the importance of giving and receiving feedback in the process of developing others.

• Foster and apply a strengths-based approach to feedback, coaching, and talent management.

• Engage specific skill set of coaching strategies for the development of staff.

• Analyze and use critical elements associated with effective talent management.

• Practice, and use specific feedback, coaching, and talent management strategies for individual and team peak performance.

Learning Outcomes: Dealing With Conflict and Engaging in Crucial Conversations

At the end of this seminar supervisors will be able to:

• Recognize conflict as a part of daily interactions.

• Understand self and other’s work behavioral style during conflict

• Develop communication strategies to work effectively with others regardless of their work style during conflict and stressful situations.

• Apply conflict management tools and strategies.

• Learn, practice, and use crucial conversation skills in daily interaction.

Learning Outcomes: Sustaining Collaborative Work Places

At the end of this seminar supervisors will be able to:

• Understand, appreciate, and value their role as supervisors, managers, and leaders at Valencia Community College.

• Engage in specific behaviors that contribute to and enhance open and honest communication within the Valencia Community College community.

• Engage in effective communication strategies for communication with others regardless of position or title within the college community.

Appendix G: Valencia Journeys Atlas Website for Faculty/Staff Development Resources

This past year a diverse group representing Faculty Development, HR, OIT, and Staff and Organizational Development has been meeting informally on a regular basis to discuss mutual interest regarding professional development for both faculty and staff. One result of this collaboration is the development of a shared Atlas website that allows faculty and staff to visit a common site with links to a wide range of resources related to professional development.

The test link is scheduled to be up by the end of September and below is a screen shot of the original prototype. The current titles and links are there for demonstration purposes and will possibly change significantly as we conduct gather feedback from a wide range of employees to make this site as user-friendly as possible.

The screenshot below represents the first page faculty and staff will see on the “Journeys” website. This page is like a table of contents for all resources related to professional development. The tabs labeled, “Prof Dev” represent the broad categories listed on this initial page.



For example, if you click on the tab labeled Prof Dev Area Four it would take you to a page similar to the one below. There would be a description of Professional Development Area Four and on the left there would be “Navigate” and “Related Links.” The links under “Navigate” would link to resources directly related to Prof Dev Area Four and links under “Related Links” would link to existing web site links.

The need for this site is based on the challenge faculty and staff has in locating resources on the current Valencia website. This includes static resources such as articles and resource links as well as informational resources such as workshop availability and guest speakers. There will be a slight learning curve for some staff to log in to Atlas. Faculty are used to logging into Atlas on a regular basis, but staff are only now having to use Atlas for HR purposes.



The screenshot below represents a vision of an individual employee’s personal professional development page in Atlas that would serve as a repository for items related to their goals, development plans, performance reviews, accomplishments, certificates, transcripts, as well as links to development resources. Having all of this in a single location has value not only to the individual, but also to their supervisor who will find it easier to discuss both performance and on-going development. To make this vision a reality would require converting the Leadership Valencia workshops into Banner. In talking to OIT, we could also use this page to register large groups of employees from the backend for critical training such as, SHIP, Sexual Harassment, FERPA, etc.





Appendix H: Leadership Valencia Workshop Titles (2007-2008)

The following is a list of workshop titles offered from September 7, 2007 through June 16, 2008. Some were offered more than once. There were 250 workshops during this time frame.

• Achieving the Dream: Data Warehouse Training • Achieving The Dream: Developmental Education Best Practices • Administrative Assistants Online Scenarios – A Day In The Life of An Administrative

Support Person • Are You The Sandwich Generation – Do You Need Help? • Authentic Engagement & The Creativity Experiment • Banner – Faculty Schedule, Course Schedule, Reassign Time Entry • Banner Budget Development System • Banner Finance Internet Native Banner • Banner Finance Self Service • Banner Finance, INB, & Self Service Refresher Workshop • Banner for Beginners – Finance & Procurement • Banner for Budget Manager • Banner: Budget/Costing Part Time Payroll • Bringing Out The Best In Your Team (Manager/Supervisor Training Program) • Budgeting Your Needs – Part 1 of 4 • Circles of Belonging • Classroom Performance Systems • Classroom Performance Systems • Computer Essentials • Contribute Class for Word Processing • Data Warehouse Training for Deans & Administrative Assistants • Dealing With Conflict & Engaging In Crucial Conversations (Manager/Supervisor

Training Program) • Deans & Administrative Assistants Workshop • Different Retirement Investment Choices - Session 2 of 4 • Distracted/Defensive Driving • Diversity Representative Training • Estate Planning: What Everyone Needs to Know • Excelling With Excel • Feedback, Coaching & Talent Management (Manager/Supervisor Training Program) • Financial Planning Series Wrap-Up – Completing An Analysis Part 4 of 4 • Florida Retirement System (FRS) & The Deferred Retirement Option • Focusing Our Vision for Effective Supervision (Manager/Supervisor Training Program) • Formation: A Little Lunch, A Little Literature & A lot of Lively Discussions • Formation Fall Retreat: The Colors of Autumn (Third Annual) • Formation Spring Retreat: In the Spirit of Spring • Hittin’ The Road: Valencia Travel Tips & Tricks • How To Say It…Crucial Conversations Part 1 • How To Say It: Difficult Conversations Part 3 • How To Say It: Practical Conversations Part 2 • HTML for WebCT Designers – Part 1



• HTML for WebCT Designers – Part 2 • Identity Theft: The Crime of the Millennium • Institutional Review Board (IRB) Training – Part 1 • Institutional Review Board (IRB) Training – Part 2 • Juggling Elephants • Living Wills, Healthcare Surrogate & Estate Planning • Making Sense of Your Data With Excel • Meet The President • Microsoft Essentials Online • Myers Briggs In The Workplace • New Multimedia Tools • Panasonic MFD Basic Training Workshop • Parker Palmer’s The Courage to Teach, 10th Anniversary • Picking Your Investment – Part 3 of 4 • Podcasting 101 • Podcasting 101A: Apple Users • Podcasting 201w: Windows User • Professional Development Day: Fresh Start – Lisa Maile • Reading Circle: Balancing Career & Family/Overcoming The Superwoman Syndrome • Reading Circle: Leading With Soul: An Uncommon Journey Of Spirit • Reading Circle: Now Discover Your Strengths • Reading Circle: Now, Discover Your Strengths Follow-Up Discussion • Refresh Banner for Finance & Procurement • SA Summer Institute – Advising On Line • SA Summer Institute – Assessment & Ready To Work • SA Summer Institute – Business Office/TIP • SA Summer Institute – Diffusing Difficult Situations • SA Summer Institute – DiSC Training • SA Summer Institute – FACTS.org Tour • SA Summer Institute – Family Medical Leave Act & More • SA Summer Institute – How To Get Money For College • SA Summer Institute – How To Set Up A Professional Booth • SA Summer Institute – How To Work The Lines • SA Summer Institute – International Student Update • SA Summer Institute – LifeMap and You • SA Summer Institute – Office for Students With Disabilities • SA Summer Institute – Orientation Update & Training • SA Summer Institute – Residency Rocks • SA Summer Institute – Student Development Is Fun • SA Summer Institute – Understanding Dual Enrollment • SA Summer Institute – What’s New With Banner? • Senior Solutions: A Medicare Supplement for 2008 • Sexual Harassment Learning Scenarios (Online) • Social Security & Medicare • Spotting Issues HR & Legal Issues (Manager/Supervisor Training Program) • StrengthsQuest • Student Affairs Summer Institute (Welcome)



• Student Assessment of Instruction Tool: Class Climate • Sustainability Information Meeting • Sustaining Energy For A Collaborative Work Environment (Manager/Supervisor Training

Program) • Testing Center Staff DiSC Workshop • The Leader’s Edge • The New Microsoft Office 2007 Interface • The Path to Leadership – Administration • The Right Questions to Ask • Total Engagement/Authentic Engagement • Valencia Journeys Orientation – Meet The President • Valencia Journeys Orientation Day 1 – Valencia Is, Valencia Vision and Valencia

Structure • Valencia Journeys Orientation Day 2 – Valencia Performance • Valencia’s Incentive Retirement Program & The 401(a)/401(b)/457 Plans • Web Page Design w/Contribute & GIMP • Workshop With The President



Appendix I: Evaluation Feedback on New Employee Orientation Workshops for 2008


5.00 being the highest. 1.00 being the lowest


Session 1A

Points of Interest: Valencia Is,

Valencia Vision and Valencia


GOPI-1 - 4/22/08

Session 1B

Valencia Performance (HR

Policies & Procedures,

Discrimination, Harassment

GOVP-1 – 4/29/08

Session 2A

Valencia Is, Valencia Vision, and Valencia Structure (Valencia

Past & Present)

GOPI-2 – 06/10/08

Session 2B

Valencia Performance (HR

Policies & Procedures,

Discrimination, Harassment

GOVP-2 06/17/08

Meet The President

GMTP 07/17/08

Question 1 Met my expectations

4.94 4.80 4.82 4.94 NA

Question 2 Contained ideas I can


5.00 4.80 4.73 4.88 NA

Question 3 Presenters

communicated effectively

5.00 4.80 4.91 5.00 NA

Question 4 Presenters kept my

interest throughout the workshop

4.94 4.80 4.82 5.00 NA




Session 1A – Points of Interest: Valencia Is, Valencia Vision and Valencia Structure

Question 1 - The best aspects of the workshop were:

• Getting informed. • All. • Councils, FACC • The presenters were lively and engaged. Interest was kept alive. • Great presenters. They are very engaging. The refreshments were great after such a long

commute. • History of Valencia. • Learning about the history of Valencia, FACC. • The history of Valencia Community College. • The binders, the bags. • Informative and entertaining. • The interactions with presenters and the group work involved/ • You allowed us to be involved and speak up. Good use of time. • The visual aids.

Question 2 – What did you learn at this workshop and how will you use it? • The availability of useful resources. • That everyone's opinion matters. • FACC and its involvement. • Better overview of college in general, enhances perspective. • Even though I read the history, visions and missions of Valencia online, this workshop really

brought it to life. Where Valencia has come from and where it's going really stuck out. • How Valencia maintains a learning center. • The history, learning how each of us plays an important role not only at work, but in the

community as well. • Valencia Community College is a community-based college. • Valencia history is interesting and good to know. • History of college and structure. • I learned the history/background of Valencia that really made me appreciate Valencia more. • I learned almost everything new. I plan to look into career and professional staff development.

Question 3 – The workshop could be improved by: • None • More interactive with the group. • Very well done. • Orientation would have been helpful earlier on closer to start date. • Involving games. Question 4 – How did you learn about this workshop? • One person checked - Brochure • One person checked – Colleague/Supervisor • Five people checked – The Bulletin/E-mail



• Eight people checked – Other • One person – No response Question 5 – Please list topics of interest for future professional development. • It is a great workshop. Great presenters. • Retirement benefits and plan options. Question 6 – Additional comments • Thank you for the breakfast (the fruit especially) and the coffee. • I'm proud to be a member (Valencia) :) • Speakers did not introduce themselves. Joe and Brent, that means you. • Very comprehensive. I learned a lot. • Excellent job. • Great job. • Well presented with valuable information. Good job, well done.

Session 1B - Valencia Performance (HR Policies & Procedures, Discrimination, Harassment Question 1 - The best aspects of the workshop were: • All. • Engaging • We were able to share ideas and experiences with co-workers from other departments. It was

fun. • Games. • Games and people at workshop. • Interesting and informative excellent presenter. • The Jeopardy games and group work. • The talks about how harassment has changed to more than sex. • The games were fun. • Outstanding workshop. • FERPA Question 2 – What did you learn at the workshop and how will you use it? • Where the policies are. • A lot, but most important to be respectful and everything else will fall into place. • Policies and procedures. Safety procedures. • I learned the Valencia procedures and safety information and where I can obtain information. • Harassment is discrimination. • Safety and harassment policies were very informative.

Question 3 – The workshop could be improved by: • I missed the fruit, danish and water. • More about sick pool policy. Question 4 – How did you learn about this workshop? • One person checked - Brochure • Two people checked – Colleague/Supervisor



• Three people checked – The Bulletin/E-mail • Four people checked – Campus Flyer • Zero people checked – Other

Question 5 – Please list topics of interest for future professional development. • Sick pool policy and retirement policy. Question 6 – Additional comments • Excellent job. • Great job even with a presenter missing. • Thank you. Session 2A - Valencia Is, Valencia Vision, and Valencia Structure (Valencia Past & Present) Question 1 - The best aspects of the workshop were: • Hearing about the beginning of the college. • Interactive with other employees; discussion with groups regarding relevant topics. • The positive respect and welcome to new employees/toys on table/good information/bag! Yeah. • Interactive learning. • Interaction. • It was very informative with regard to Valencia and the community. • The slideshow. It was thorough and engaging. I also felt the videos were great. • Great job. Fun and discussion based kept us interested and involved. Question 2 – What did you learn at the workshop and how will you use it? • Navigating college? • History of VCC. I will use this to better educate students and prospective students. • Mission/Vision/Values • The history of the college helped me to better understand where we are and where we are

going. • About the college and its importance. How I can get more involved. • LifeMap. • I learned more about Valencia's history. Question 3 – The workshop could be improved by: • More movement and interactive time in second half. Snacks. • Not being so rushed. • Having one less break. Question 4 – How did you learn about this workshop? • One person checked - Brochure • Two people checked – Colleague/Supervisor • Three people checked – The Bulletin/E-mail • Four people checked – Campus Flyer • Three people checked – Other

Question 5 – Please list topics of interest for future professional development.



• How to develop websites and pages for use at VCC. • Nice presentation. Professional presenters. • Excellent job. • Great videos. Good flow and topics were important.

Session 2B - Valencia Performance (HR Policies & Procedures, Discrimination, Harassment Question 1 - The best aspects of the workshop were: • Interaction. • Working as a team. Including all materials and subjects learned and summarizing. Then into the

Jeopardy type game. • Well done. • The Jeopardy game was extremely entertaining. • Thorough coverage of the policies. • Learning all policies, more knowledge of harassment. • Learning the security steps to secure the college. • Discussion, Jeopardy. • The game was fun. Great presentations. Good and important information. Thanks for providing

contact information for us to discuss the policy with. Good summary of the basics and most important information.

• Active learning activities. • Playing the game and reviewing the material. • Effective information, positive interaction. Great set of workshops. • Presenters. Positive and professional. More interactive (thanks). Jeopardy. • Jeopardy game was really good and provided a review of the presentation. The props used

were very entertaining. Really good. • Interaction. • Exercises, Presentation of videos. Please either add more breaks or less time from 8:00 AM to

the first break because two hours is a little long. Question 2 – What did you learn at the workshop and how will you use it? • Importance of being aware of harassment and discrimination. • The policies and procedures we are to abide by. I will use these as guidelines every day at

work. • I want to focus more on my role in providing a great work environment. • Who to go to with work issues. • Policies • Harassment/discrimination. Learning what exactly it is and knowing what one is able to do or not

do. • Office gossip. It not only harms the individuals involved, but it harms the college overall. • Overview of policies. Video was good. • FMLA, FERPA, policies, harassment, etc. Question 3 – The workshop could be improved by: • Possibly interaction with vendor. More do's and don'ts. Also use of phone in the workplace. If

you overhear phone call. • (Word for word from Evaluation?)



• Food. The first orientation had some fruits, etc. • Another break. • Offering light snack, fruit, bagels, juice in AM. Please provide an HR call list that we can take

back to workplace and post. • More interaction, breaks, and games. • Snacks. Healthy protein bars. • It was great. • Shorter time to break/breaks. Question 4 – How did you learn about this workshop? • Zero people checked - Brochure • Seven people checked – Colleague/Supervisor • Seven people checked – The Bulletin/E-mail • Four people checked – Campus Flyer • One person checked – Other Question 5 – Please list topics of interest for future professional development. • More information on security. Have a security person give a short presentation. • More information in the business side of the house. • Evacuation for Security reasons. • Creating a positive work environment (Encouraging behaviors and ideas of how each person

can improve the workplace) • Security and safety workshops, defensive safety strategies, not dry common sense stuff. Question 6 – Additional comments • Great job. • Joe and Brent are always fantastic presenters. Joann was very pleasant and engaging as well • Great workshop and presenters.



Appendix J: Evaluation Feedback on New Employee Orientation Workshops for 2007


5.00 being the highest. 1.00 being the lowest


Session IA

Points of Interest: Valencia Is,

Valencia Vision and Valencia


Sept. 25, 2007

Session 1B

Valencia Performance

Oct. 16, 2007

Session 2A

Points of Interest: Valencia Is, Valencia Vision and Valencia


Oct. 25, 2007

Session 2B

Valencia Performance

Dec. 4, 2007

Meet The President

Dec. 14, 2997

Question 1 Met my expectations

4.23 4.92 4.92 4.82 N/A

Question 2 Contained ideas I can


4.69 4.92 4.92 5.00


Question 3 Presenters

communicated effectively

4.62 4.92 5.00 4.91 N/A

Question 4 Presenters kept my

interest throughout the workshop

4.46 4.92 5.00

4.91 N/A




Session 1A – Points of Interest: Valencia Is, Valencia Vision and Valencia Structure Question 1 - The best aspects of the workshop were: • College history section. I learned a lot. • Presenters kept my interest. • Information and not boring. • Valencia history and Facts & Figures. • Knowing the Vision, Mission, Values and structure of Valencia Community College. • The presenters really got each of the points across to us effectively and kept our interest. They

really explained things well and knew what they were talking about. • Informative videos (entertaining and enlightening). Great PowerPoint. • I enjoyed the information about the history of Valencia. The information that I received makes

me proud to be a VCC employee. • Knowing my role as a VCC employee. • Structure of the workshop. Very well organized. Question 2 – What did you learn at this workshop and how will you use it? • My 30-second speech. • The history and how to give the 30-second talk. • How Valencia "runs". • Thirty-second Valencia speech. How Valencia began and how to relate that to others. • Think, Value, Communicate, and Act competencies. I will consciously apply this. • I learned where Valencia came from and where it is headed. Also, how I directly influence the

future of the school. • History of Valencia, Mission, Vision, Values, great foundation. • I learned VCC Mission, Value. This was excellent to hear. • Valencia's Mission, Vision, Purpose. I will use my 30-second speech every time I have the opportunity to talk about Valencia.

Question 3 – The workshop could be improved by: • Free coffee/water • Serving snacks or breakfast. • Coffee • Opening video could use more umph. • Organizing time. • More senior managers in attendance who are also wise to the college.



Question 4 – How did you learn about this workshop? • One person checked - Brochure • Two people checked – Colleague/Supervisor • Six people checked – The Bulletin/E-mail • Three people checked – Other • One person – No response Question 5 – Please list topics of interest for future professional development. • Not at this time. Question 6 – Additional comments • Great. • Speakers were great explaining. • Great job. A lot of work and preparation. • Should pass out Valencia shirts to new full time employees. Session 1B – Valencia Performance Question 1 - The best aspects of the workshop were: • The Jeopardy game and the harassment video. • The game. • The communication and open discussions. • Communication with peers. • The interactions of all the attendees. • The speakers were very knowledgeable. • Fast moving. • Knowing about performance ethics and regulations. • The harassment video and the two games were fun. • Interaction and applying concepts as they were introduced. Meeting other employees and

sharing thoughts/ideas. Question 2 – What did you learn at this workshop and how will you use it? • The many policies. • Security, safety, discrimination, harassment. Do not participate in gossip in the department. • To be a better manager through the knowledge acquired on being an active employee. • Security, harassment procedures, etc. • I will go to links provided and review. • Performance. • Key aspects of a good work environment. • Be aware of conversations and actions to avoid possible discrimination/harassment issues. Question 3 – The workshop could be improved by: • More coffee. • Nothing at this time. • Create better rules for the game. • It was good.



Question 4 – How did you learn about this workshop? • Two people checked - Brochure • Three people checked – Colleague/Supervisor • Three people checked – The Bulletin/E-mail • Three people checked – Other • One person – No response Question 5 – Please list topics of interest for future professional development. • No responses Question 6 – Additional comments • Great job. • Great effort. Session 2A – Points of Interest: Valencia Is, Valencia Vision and Valencia Structure Question 1 - The best aspects of the workshop were: • Learning the history and the new vision, mission, and value statements. • It helped me to feel more of a part of the Valencia community. • Understanding the history of Valencia and where it is going - with my help. • Meeting new colleagues, interactive, information relative to my work. • History & Valencia is. Understanding how we fit into the vision. • Content and facilitators. • Learning what I can contribute and how. • All was informative. • Getting to meet and interact with other employees that I wouldn't have gotten a chance to

otherwise. • I discovered very pertinent facts about Valencia. It all makes sense now. • A refresher of the view. The vision, mission, value and goals as a college and what role I play

as an individual. • Very informative Question 2 – What did you learn at this workshop and how will you use it? • Learned about the importance of an elevator speech and plan to have one prepared to • communicate the importance of Valencia in the community. • Continue to enhance/improve the learning-centered concept. • Better understanding of what Valencia is and its workings. • Career staff and what they do. I will be contacting Ms. McCoy. • I learned the hierarchy of structure of the college and how the state government affects us. • I learned more about Valencia's vision and values. These will be a guide to perform my job. • The history of Valencia and how everything started. • Chain of command and pertinent responsibilities. Question 3 – The workshop could be improved by: • Why interfere with perfection. • Concept is wonderful.



Question 4 – How did you learn about this workshop? • Two checked Brochure • Two checked Colleague/Supervisor • Three checked Bulletin/E-mail • Five checked Other

Question 5 – Please list topics of interest for future professional development. • None at this time Question 6 – Additional comments • Add campus provosts. • An excellent and inspiring experience. I am even more proud to be a Valencia employee.

(Great videos) • Thank you. • Give a refresher orientation to employees that have been here for 10 years and over. I think

that in time they forget what VCC is all about. • Excellent job. Great presentation.

Session 2B – Valencia Performance Question 1 - The best aspects of the workshop were: • New insights and Q & A about confusing things. • All aspects were great. • Interaction and open communication. • Collaborative environment. • Energetic, fun. • Hands on activities. • Important information that I can take and use. • People's personal stories and experiences that they were able to share. Having an open forum

for discussion. • It was a great opportunity to learn more about the college. It was presented very well and it

makes me glad to be a member of the Valencia team.

Question 2 – What did you learn at this workshop and how will you use it? • Need to review my subordinate's information until a formal performance review process is created. • Working to get a perfect work place. • Policies and procedures. • Better understanding of VCC's policy and procedures. • It reinforced knowledge I have. • E-mail. • To really be sensitive to other people's sensitivities. • Harassment issues beyond sex. • I learned a lot about my rights and responsibilities and I will be more mindful of my performance. Question 3 – The workshop could be improved by: • More coffee.



• Adding another day. • Presenting a speaker before the sensitivity video. • At this point in time, no improvement. • Snacks. • Giving more examples from Valencia, such as Human Resources cases in the past. • Have all the Jeopardy buttons working next time. Question 4 – How did you learn about this workshop? • No one checked Brochure • One checked Colleague/Supervisor • Four checked Bulletin/E-mail • Four checked Other Question 5 – Please list topics of interest for future professional development. • Future of Valencia. • Job shadowing in other departments to gain an appreciation for what others do and realizing our own goals in the college. • It is great the way it is. Perhaps a little more time for the session. Question 6 – Additional comments • Great job. • Thank you. • These orientation sessions should be presented or made available to all employees, even part time or previously hired. • Please share this great orientation with all employees, current, past and part-timers. Orientation - Meet the President N/A Evaluation forms were not used.

Appendix K: Evaluation Feedback on Manager/Supervisor Training Program for 2008

Questions 5.00 being the

highest. 1.00 being the lowest ranking.

Seminar 1 AM

Focusing Our Vision

for Effective Supervision

PMSTS-1 01/31/08

Seminar 2 PM

Spotting HR/Legal

Issues PMSTS-2 01/31/08

Seminar 3 AM

Understand-ing Self &

Others (Based on the DiSC profile)

PMSTS-3 02/28/08

Seminar 4 PM

Bringing Out The

Best In Your Team

PMSTS-4 02/28/08

Seminar 5 AM

Feedback, Coaching

Talent Manage-

ment PMSTS-5 03/27/08

Seminar 6 PM

Dealing with Conflict &

Engaging in Crucial


PMSTS-6 03/27/08

Seminar 7 AM

Sustaining CollaborativeWorkplaces

& Program Wrap-Up PMSTS-7 04/24/08


Meeting with Dr. Shugart

PMSTS-8 04/24/08

Question 1 Met my



4.76 5.00

4.88 4.81 One evaluation

used for both sessions.

4.88 (1 eval used

for both sessions)

Question 2 Contained ideas I

can apply

4.88 4.71 5.00 4.94 4.88 4.88

Question 3 Presenters

communicated effectively

4.88 4.82 5.00 4.94 4.88 4.88

Question 4 Presenters kept my interest throughout

the workshop

4.88 4.65 5.00 4.94 4.81 4.94






Session 1 AM Focusing Our Vision for Effective Supervision Question 1 - The best aspects of the workshop were: • The information. • The interactive participation is great. The presenters are working very well together to maintain

our interests and the openness is great. • Enjoyed the discussions on myths. I had never thought about it in those terms. I enjoyed the

WebCT portion and look forward to homework. It was good to have concrete topics discussed and presented.

• Focus on strengths. Evaluate where to spend time/resources when trying to improve. Win-Win is a way to help facilitate improvement in staff.

• The timing and breaking up the activities was helpful. • We all asked different questions and learned about each other's experiences. • It certainly has brought on the manager/supervision aspects of my job. Thank you so much. • Nice job, great people, and conversations. • Marcus Buckingham allowed reflection of new perspective. • Interactive and very informative. Great day. Good way of building a legacy of trust and

community among participants. • Buckingham and Bill's presentation. Amy and Brent were awesome. • Ice breaker sessions. • Getting to know the group and learning how to focus on our strengths. • Meeting all of my different colleagues from different campuses. • Interaction among peers. Comfortable, informal presentation styles. Safe environment. • Bill's candid responses were greatly appreciated.

Question 2 – What did you learn at this workshop and how will you use it? • The trust and networking we need to have so we can manage better. • I hope it will make me a better leader in the office and a better support person to my Dean. • I will take a new perspective of looking at strengths to help solidify my management style. • I like the idea of strengths based leadership, as well as focus on self to understand leadership

effectiveness. • Invest where you have natural strengths. • I learned how to be more effective in my job. • Being consistent with my leadership. • Relevant and warm ice breakers. • Build on your strengths. • I learned so much, not just one topic. I will apply all. • Be a team member, explain to your employees the message you are trying to convey. Help

your employees achieve their best potential. • Realizing that I am truly a supervisor and that I'm blessed to have such a good relationship with

my staff • WebCT, Performance conversation.



Question 3 – The workshop could be improved by: • It's wonderful so far. • Nothing that I can think of at this time. • Better/longer lunch break. • Five to ten minute break every hour. Question 4 – How did you learn about this workshop? • Colleague/Supervisor – 6 responses • Bulletin/E-mail – 7 responses • Other – 1 response • No response - 3 Question 5 – Please list topics of interest for future professional development. • To be determined. • Employee recognition.

Question 6 – Additional comments • Great presentation team. Great results of audience participation and good activities. (Ice

breakers) • I think the use of WebCT for the discussions and the effectiveness in getting everyone to share

their experiences. • Thank you Brett and Amy. Today was great.

Session 1 PM Spotting HR/Legal Issues Question 1 - The best aspects of the workshop were: • Great job. • Knowing the legal issues so I can be more alert about the do's and the don'ts. • When people ask questions, or share situations that they are facing at work, that are similar to

other employees. (Incomplete sentence?) • Having so much time with the college General Counsel. • Legal aspects of managing employees. Discipline, evaluation, documentation, etc. • Lots of topics and important issues discussed. Okay to ask for help and to know when to ask for

help. The scenarios from other staff members' experiences were really interesting. It personalized the issues so we can relate.

• The legality issue is so important to our roles as managers. • Good topic and documentation. • Bill did a great job providing us with information that will help as we grow as managers. • Great information. • All of the issues. • This part was very information and it is crucial information for deans and administrators. Thank

you. • The different legal aspects of legal issues affecting employment. • All the different legal issues we need to be aware of. • This was a great discussion. Kudos to Brent and Amy for creating such a safe environment. • Legal information presented in a way I could understand. Practical guidance.



Question 2 – What did you learn at this workshop and how will you use it? • Where I stand legally as a supervisor. • Interesting that they said, at work, don't be too strict, but also don't be easy. • The performance evaluation process and all the concepts from the handouts. • Strategies to ensure "fair" evaluation and management of all employees to ensure productive

decision making and managing of people. • Good to have the information on hand. I will probably think about how to react and handle the

situation. • The discipline and evaluation rules are more involved than I thought. • Documentation, documentation, documentation. • A large part of my job is to be a manager. I need to define that role for myself and set forth in

creating an office environment focused on a unified perspective. • HR and legal policies and procedures. • How to deal with different situations. • Document everything and understand that our role to manage through conflicts is to be honest. • To tread softly and make careful decisions. Question 3 – The workshop could be improved by: • I wish I had more time to think of questions for Dr. Mullowney. • It's hard to make legal information fun and interactive. Maybe an interactive situational activity. • Extending out to other legal issues of the college that we can learn without having to attend and

pay for the legal conference. • Little more interaction. Bill doesn't want to be just another talking head. • More dialogue and ways to implement information. Also more interaction.

Question 4 – How did you learn about this workshop? • Colleague/Supervisor – 6 responses • Bulletin/E-mail – 7 responses • Other – 1 response • No response – 3 Question 5 – Please list topics of interest for future professional development. • Performance evaluations. Evolving job descriptions. Question 6 – Additional comments • Thank you. • It was great.

Session 2 – AM Understanding Self and Others (Based on the DiSC profile) Question 1 - The best aspects of the workshop were: • Video identifying classic profiles. Group discussion of different behavioral traits. • You get together with people that have the same personalities. • Discussion of DiSC extremely helpful. Knowing personality traits helps with the interaction.

Discussion of specific behaviors extremely helpful. • Learning personality traits that I didn't realize I had as well as the ones that I know I had. • Interactive and very informative.



• Recognizing that the Valencia team has different strengths that make the institution successful. • DiSC provided great examples of the different personalities and styles. • I really enjoy talking and discussing things that relates to our everyday job at Valencia, and I

learned a lot by being here. • The DiSC, where each group got involved. • The video was good. • It helped me to understand myself better; and the groups demonstrated clearly different DiSC

styles. • The role reversal possibilities. I enjoyed talking to others who are similar on the DiSC. Now it

would be interesting to separate us in groups that do not share a letter to see what we each share and how the chemistry changes working with different letters.

• Everyone working together in groups and discussions. • Insight into other people's perspectives in the work place. Deeper appreciation for other's ways

of getting things done. • Sharing ideas and interacting with people I didn't have the chance to interact with in a more

personal level at the last class. • Understanding how to use the information. • Amy and Brent are incredible facilitators and they present the information in a clear yet non-

threatening way. Question 2 – What did you learn at this workshop and how will you use it? • How to identify high DiSC's. Help identify traits of staff to better supervise and lead. • To identify other people styles. • I hope to be able to interact better with different personalities. • I'm curious to think about my supervision and colleagues and applying the DiSC attributes to

them. • The DiSC made me question my leadership style and how I can work with my team and

supervisor. • DiSC - possibly bring in a workshop for my team. • I can use it to better my performance as a supervisor, and also motivate my workers. • I learned the different meanings of the words in real context. • I will schedule the DiSC for my team. It challenged me to think of new ways to work with us. • I will adjust my way of communicating assignments and following up on them. • I am learning how to better understand my behavior, how to see others behaviors and how to

work together to succeed. • People have different personalities, traits. • Keep checking my "D" area. It's my second highest category, but shows up when I'm stressed,

which is often the case these days. • Understand my tendencies and the ones of the people around me. Understand about me and

how to be mindful of other people's tendencies and learn to incorporate in the way I run day to day operations.

• My personality. • A lot of insight into my management style. I hope to be able to use this knowledge in my

interactions with my direct reports.

Question 3 – The workshop could be improved by: • More situational examples of trait behaviors. • Having the whole thing a one time.



• Sitting us down at tables with a different DiSC person at each table. • It is great. • Nothing • I don't like to tell the entire group my personality pattern. We could have omitted sharing that

with the group. • Can't think of anything. Question 4 – How did you learn about this workshop? Colleague/Supervisor – 6 responses • Brochure – 1 Response • Colleague/Supervisor – 9 Responses • Bulletin/E-mail – 5 Responses • Other – 1 Response • No response – 1 Question 5 – Please list topics of interest for future professional development. • Evaluations, encouraging versus dictating and conflict management. • People problem solving and knowing your boundaries.

Question 6 – Additional comments • Enjoyed learning about the DiSC and hope to bring it to my staff as well. • Overall great speakers. Session 2 – PM Bringing Out The Best in Your Team Question 1 - The best aspects of the workshop were: • Coordination between Brent and Amy. • Very tangible ways to work within groups. I appreciate the book. • The video was good. It provides a good example of the DiSC in communication. It was not too

hokey. I have never needed to spell h9okey. Boy, have I learned a lot today. • Doing the StrengthsQuest. • Everything. • Being able to connect and associate with others with similar themes. • Dialogue with group. • Conversations, discussions, and openness of the group. • Ideas on; employee recognition and looking at the StrengthsQuest. • StrengthsQuest • Different ways to acknowledge colleagues and co-workers. The StrengthsQuest assessment

was very interesting. • The test was great even though you don't get too much time to answer. • Good information.

Question 2 – What did you learn at this workshop and how will you use it? • How people and ways that people are different. • StrengthsQuest is wonderful. • I have some difficult personalities to work with. Hopefully understanding my strengths will help

in working with them. • I liked the DiSC video. It helped to better understand it.



• My strengths. I will review them. • Practical strategies to help build my team. • My themes and how I could improve the chances to increase opportunities to work in my themes

and improve exponentially. • I'm not sure I really understand myself. Probably something I need to get better at. • Bring ideas for daily/weekly praise/recognition. • Self test. • I can't wait to read my StrengthsQuest report and see how I can apply it to my work and private

life. • Good resources and information. Question 3 – The workshop could be improved by: • All good. • Nothing.

Question 4 – How did you learn about this workshop? • Brochure – 1 Response • Colleague/Supervisor – 2 Responses • Bulletin/E-mail – 3 Responses • Other – 4 Response • No response – 6 Question 5 – Please list topics of interest for future professional development. • No responses Question 6 – Additional comments • Great. • Thank you. That was great.

Session 3 – AM Feedback, Coaching and Talent Management Question 1 - The best aspects of the workshop were: • I really like the StrengthsQuest. The more I hear about it, the better I think it works into my

goals and mission with my team. I like working with people to enhance their strengths and to assign work based on strengths rather than focusing on weaknesses. Good ideas. The openness of the group.

• The models to follow when giving feedbacks. • Book discussion. StrengthsQuest on how to relate to employees and own job. • Connecting and sharing new ideas how to make my job easier to be more effective in what I do. • Information was presented in a very organized manner. I was given copies of materials for

future reference and further exploration. • I found it very helpful to discuss more specific scenarios within my workplace. It will allow me to

be more prepared for future conflicts. • Learning how to cope with difficult situations, different approaches to dealing with conflict. • We did the Grow model feedback. • All met my expectations. • Giving feedback to others.



• Sharing personal experiences and guidance. • I especially appreciated the StrengthsQuest. It confirmed that what I was doing was important.

Good fit for my job. • Good information. • Defining importance of difference between talent and skills. Providing AID and GROW

structures for feedback.

Question 2 – What did you learn at this workshop and how will you use it? • I plan to use the "GROW" in my conversations with staff. I will also do StrengthsQuest with my

team to help them appreciate and understand their personality and role as part of the team. • Different models to follow and when the best time to use them those models. • Learned how colleagues handle conflict or manage conflict situations based on their perception

and not think of the employee at hand. If the matter at hand even addresses the common goal. • I learned how to be effective in my conflict and how to overcome it. • Focusing on improving my strengths and those of the people that report to me. • The strategies to guide conflict conversations through many personality types. • I need to have a conversation with one of my staff and plan on using the GROW approach. • The different ways of getting feedback and coaching will help me with analyzing and evaluating

the way I supervise my department. • How to use "and" not "but". • I learned to focus more on my strengths. • I found it useful to use A.I.D. if it's a small situation and if my report is not too sensitive,

otherwise, I would use G.R.O.W. since it compromises and will be less likely taken personally but rather it helps. The problem - find solutions mutually.

• How the time is critical to effective feedback. • I think the relationship builder helps balance the message and maintain the team concept. • I appreciated the feedback scenarios on how to discuss problems with employees to get desired

results. Strategies and tools to use are very welcome and appreciated. Conflict resolution was very interesting. Wish we could have spent more time discussing and appreciated the strategies to use in dealing with distinct personalities.

• Idea of how to work with my staff. I like the GROW and AID approach. • GROW structure for feedback will use regularly now to assist with preventing escalated issues.

Question 3 – The workshop could be improved by: • Integrate feedback and critical conversations, maybe some StrengthsQuest for separate time. • Having more sessions. • Applying real work scenarios. Question 4 – How did you learn about this workshop? • Brochure – 0 Response • Colleague/Supervisor – 8 Responses • Bulletin/E-mail – 4 Responses • Other – 0 Response • No response – 4 Question 5 – Please list topics of interest for future professional development. • No responses.



Question 6 – Additional comments • Good job. I like the overlap between DiSC and StrengthsQuest. Thank you for the same cards

and reminding us of our DiSC and Strengths. • Very informative. Also interesting for everyday use. • Great job Amy and Brent. • Great program. • Overall greatness. • Excellent workshops. I believe there is a better understanding of my personality and those I

supervise. • Great job with wonderful real life examples. Kudos Amy and Brent. Session 3 – PM Dealing With Conflict and Engaging In Crucial Conversations See above. Only one evaluation for both sessions.

Session 4 – AM Sustaining Collaborative Workplaces and Program Wrap-Up Question 1 - The best aspects of the workshop were: • Learned about my strengths. The notebook, books, and other materials to keep. • Brent and Amy's Leadership styles. • I enjoyed the idea of the "Stump" speech. I especially enjoyed the conversations with the

President. • The Stump speech. • When we were directed into groups and got to share situations at the work area. • Stump speeches and reconfirming importance of work ethics and embodying work place

etiquette like lighten your boss's workload. • All was perfect. • Everything was super. • Sharing experiences. • The five levels of leadership. • Conversations with both Amy and Brent. Dr. Shugart gave good ideas. • It progressed and moved into areas that allowed us to express our thoughts. • The conversation about 360 degree leadership. • Presenters. • Great information. 360 degree leadership. • Sharing ideas and opinions with everyone.

Question 2 – What did you learn at this workshop and how will you use it? • Learned about personalities defined and how to interact with different personalities. Tangible

tips to use in managing and supervising people. • I have a better understanding of my strengths. This understanding will help in my relationships

at work and at home. • I endeavor to work more closely with my staff and have more conversations with them. • Preparing a Stump speech to have ready about your area. • Reward. People like to be rewarded. • To be prepared to share vision and mission and to set tone of directives set forth from upper

management. • I learned to use my DiSC skills in my personal life and my job.



• Great manager skills. • New expectations from Dr. Shugart. • I was able to realize that we need to stand back, observe, and then act. We are all different and

need to understand ourselves and each other. • The Stump speech Question 3 – The workshop could be improved by: • Brent and Amy were wonderful, very knowledgeable and conveyed those concepts well.

Networking with everyone was great. • Continuing follow up with more discussions. • Need more time. • I think it would be great if we can do them at different campuses. • One more day. Question 4 – How did you learn about this workshop? • Brochure – 0 Responses • Colleague/Supervisor – 8 Responses • Bulletin/E-mail – 2 Responses • Other – 2 Responses • No response – 4

Question 5 – Please list topics of interest for future professional development. • A follow-up to this series. Question 6 – Additional comments • The web chat rooms were new to me and I had to get used to them. I needed to remember to

complete the assignment. The reminder notices from Brent helped. I hope this workshop continues.

• Thank you. • Thank you Amy and Brent. This was an awesome experience. • Excellent workshop. Brent and Amy really impacted me in my professional and personal life. It

seems too short for bi-monthly. Face to face would be wonderful. • This workshop has helped me greatly. • What a great program. Thanks for your hard work. • Good job. Nice to hear from Dr. Shugart and Dr. Mullowney.

Session 4 – PM Meeting with Dr. Shugart See Above – Only one evaluation for both sessions

Appendix L: Evaluation Feedback on Manager/Supervisor Training Program for 2007

Questions 5.00 being the

highest. 1.00 being the lowest ranking.

Session 1

Pilot Manager/

Supervisor Training Program

June 28, 2007

Session 2


Supervisor Training Program

Aug. 2, 2007

Session 3

Bringing Out The Best In Your Team

Sept. 6, 2007

Session 4

Feedback, Coaching,

Talent Management

Oct. 4, 2007

Session 5

Dealing with Conflict &

Engaging In Crucial


Nov. 1, 2007

Session 6

Spotting Issues

Dec. 6, 2007

Session 7

Sustaining Energy for a Collaborative Work Environment

Jan. 10, 2008

Question 1 Met my


4.63 4.60 4.77 4.89 5.00 4.75 4.00

Question 2 Contained ideas I

can apply

4.58 5.00 4.85 4.89 5.00 4.94 4.14

Question 3 Presenters

communicated effectively

4.37 5.00 4.85 4.89 5.00 4.88 4.14

Question 4 Presenters kept my interest throughout

the workshop

4.68 5.00 4.92 4.67 5.00 4.75 4.14






Session 1 – Pilot Manager/Supervisor Training Program. Question 1 - The best aspects of the workshop were: • Learning to use my strengths and meeting other managers. • Working on my strengths. This allowed me to automatically visualize things I need to

change to help my team grow. • Sharing of stories. Reflecting nature of presentation. • Group discussions. Excited about the program and looking forward to future sessions. • Meeting people whose names I heard but did not know. • Leaders are excellent. • Personal stories, video, reflective thinking, online community. • Personal interactions. • Eye opening ideas that we can put to work. • Focusing on your passions and strengths. Getting to meet others and share experiences. • The video. • Organization - open atmosphere - presenters - selection of members. • So, what's stopping you, complete ah, ha, moment. • Hearing others share their backgrounds and getting to hear from people wanting the same

things I am aiming toward. • Learning new concepts and being part of a team. • Communication/exchange of values and interpretations. • Being able to share and gain from others experiences. • It was good to hear other people's experiences.

Question 2 – What did you learn at this workshop and how will you use it? • All the managers have a high commitment to our students. • Change my beliefs in these myths so that I can work on my strengths and my team's

strengths. • Focus on strengths/manage weaknesses for both self and staff members. • Marcus's comments were very interesting. Looking forward to seeing how these ideas can

be applied. • Play to your strengths. • Same applications of strategies presented. • Focus on strengths of team rather than weaknesses. • Way to learn about WebCT. • Use your strengths and encourage others to do the same. • Reflecting on the things you like to do and helping others to excel in what they like to do. • Through sharing, I received information that I can use in managing my staff. • Accentuate the positive - especially as evaluations are due. • Play on the strengths and not weaknesses. • Supervise to my workers strengths. • Focus on strengths and not weaknesses. • Met new leaders. Will collaborate more.



• There is such passion within the college that it is nice to see one's passion despite the challenges that one encountered through their professional experiences.

• Focus on the positive/strengths.

Question 3 – The workshop could be improved by: • Nothing • Seminar was a bit long for one session. • Nothing • Introductions ran a little long. • It is too early to say. Very good workshop today. • So far, all is great. • I'm fine with level of delivery and content.

Question 4 – How did you learn about this workshop? • Ten people checked – Colleague/Supervisor • Eight people checked – Other

Question 5 – Please list topics of interest for future professional development. • Organizing your team and developing a plan for your team.

Question 6 – Additional comments • Very excited about the next 7 weeks and learn to apply it to my area. • So far, the seminar is more than I expected. I am learning concepts that will challenge my

thinking and hopefully positively change my "sphere". • Look forward to the rest of the series. • Thank you for the opportunity. Looking forward to gaining tools to achieve positive results. • Brent and Amy lead us well. • Thank you for the opportunity to take part in Valencia Journey.



Session 2 - Manager/Supervisor Training Workshops Question 1 - The best aspects of the workshop were: • DiSC discussion. • Love studying DiSC. • Learning my DiSC type. • Very interesting, presented well. • Learning about myself and how to interact with others. • Discussion. • Good discussions, good examples. • Amy and Brent's enthusiasm and knowledge on the subject. • Open conversations with the others and hearing their thoughts and ideas. • Getting to know people better. • Learning about my own styles and how I can apply those in my position. • The full group discussion. • Seeing how different we are and how our environment influences our behavior. • The introspective look.

Question 2 – What did you learn at this workshop and how will you use it? • To understand others that may be having difficulty. • How to communicate better with employees who are on the other side of the compass. • I learned to accept the "negative" words and how to make them a positive influence in my

supervisory role. • The DiSC profile provided an intensity index. The negative terms caused me to look at

myself, as others may perceive me. I also now understand why some personalities perceive me a certain way.

• Personality types and how to interact with those that are different. • Interaction with people that are different. • DiSC profile. • I need to learn more about WebCT. That course would help me a lot. • How to work with different personalities. • Why I might be the way I am. Better understanding of my personality. • Understand my peers better. • DiSC assessment provided insight in how to better interact with co-workers. • How to manage myself with other personalities. • To see others in a different light is okay. Question 3 – The workshop could be improved by: • The sessions have been great so far. • So far, the presenters and the workshop are on track. • More time for problem topics.

Question 4 – How did you learn about this workshop? • Seven checked Colleague/Supervisor • Two checked other • Six – no response.



Question 5 – Please list topics of interest for future professional development. • No responses

Question 6 – Additional Comments • Glad to be a part of this. • Thank you.

Session 3 – Bringing Out the Best in Your Team Question 1 - The best aspects of the workshop were: • Loved discussing "real world" situations, i.e. HR, hiring, firing, etc. • Useful information for day-to-day work. • Good practical information. Didn't mind going off target with hot issues that pertain to us. • Group discussions, discussing the profiles and real world examples of them. • Discussing real issues. • The opportunity to discuss "real life" situations. I am impressed that the group is beginning

"to come together". That there is a real trust developing which I hope will be contagious. • The open dialogue on Real World events. • Speaking on practical topics that can assist me on the job. • Interacting with others and being able to learn from others experiences. • The trust we have built in our group and the communication within each other. • Allowing us to go off topic. • Sharing.

Question 2 – What did you learn at this workshop and how will you use it? • Be more positive in the work place. • Better ways of interacting with co-workers and understanding their styles. • Plan to try several approaches with my staff. • There is no "Lone Ranger". We share many of the same frustrations. • Communication with others. Discover people's weaknesses and strengths. • How to build trust, what it takes to build trust. • Other ideas on how to build trust. • Thank you for allowing time for us to address our individual crises. We are here to learn. It

is good to have the theory to give us a standard for which to strive. It serves the purpose of our teams, and hence the organization, when we can be practical.

• Building trust, remembering to show appreciation often, work on adapting my style to my staff.

• Building of trust.

Question 3 – The workshop could be improved by: • More candy. Only kidding. • Tangents went on for too long, sometimes but they were interesting. However, topics left

untouched sounded interesting as well. • I like it as it is. I think there is a great deal of flexibility. • N/A • Including HR policies.



Question 4 – How did you learn about this workshop? • Two checked Colleague/Supervisor • Two checked Other • Nine – No response Question 5 – Please list topics of interest for future professional development. • Human Resources open forum. • It would be good to have a specific module on VCC Disciplinary Procedures. How to fire


Question 6 – Additional comments • Thanks. • Thanks.

Session 4 - Feedback, Coaching, Talent Management Question 1 - The best aspects of the workshop were: • Being able to learn from each other, the handouts are excellent. I love the reacting

suggestions. • I always enjoy the open discussion and learning from the experience of others. • No time wasted today. We covered a lot of interesting information. • Interaction and knowledge of others. • The content of this workshop exceeded my expectations because it was practical. Twelve

questions that matter, providing the resources to follow-up the learning, providing the visual. Simply strengths: trombone player needed.

• Very good ideas and points that will help us to be better managers. • Strong focus on feedback. Understanding that no one is a "10" at everything, but they are a

"10" at something. • The twelve questions. I am going to hang it in my office and use it as an assessment of my

performance as a manager. • Brent and Amy's excellent speaking skills.

Question 2 – What did you learn at this workshop and how will you use it? • Focus on learning about my strengths and those of others. • Effective ways of giving and receiving feedback. Twelve questions seem unusual for

evaluating the team. • I really need to get my Masters started so that I can truly do what I love professionally. • The group conversation as a whole was beneficial. How to improve feedback and

cohesiveness for my team. • Provide timely feedback. Praise the positive. • I will listen more. I will praise more and acknowledge efforts more frequently. • I am going to use the information on feedback to openly communicate with my staff. • How to work with individuals.

Question 3 – The workshop could be improved by: • It would be good to hear from everyone. Start with a mini-refresher on what was covered

previously and link them together.



• Overall excellent. So much to cover. • Providing the strengths test. • I'm okay with the whole program. • This was the best yet.

Question 4 – How did you learn about this workshop? • Two checked Colleague/Supervisor • One checked Other • Seven – No response. Question 5 – Please list topics of interest for future professional development. • A session for those we supervise dealing with the subject "How to communicate more

effectively with my Supervisor". Maybe a session for supervisors and a session for those we supervise.

Question 6 – Additional comments • Thanks for the great materials shared with us. • This session may be one of the most valuable tools for me in that the information may lead

to a stronger more cohesive team. Yeah!

Session 5 - Dealing with Conflict & Engaging in Crucial Conversation Question 1 - The best aspects of the workshop were: • The chance to work and meet another member of the class with whom I had not previously

known. • Communicate • Discussion of conflicts, group discussion. • Real world suggestions and practices. Good balance of discussion and "lecture". • This gave me useful tools to use; this was one of the best sessions. • Sharing. • Learning how to deal with conflict. • The manager relationship. Reminders and the genius of and. • Video, referral back to DiSC, actual examples, coaching models. • Interactions between attendees. • Aid and grow. • Great topics today. It would be a good idea if our workshop met for a full day so we could

get in more topics. • Discussion on real situations and tactics of conflict resolution. Question 2 – What did you learn at this workshop and how will you use it? • Methods in how to engage in uncomfortable (conflict) situations. • In everyday use. • Ways of dealing with crucial conversations. • Some great conflict management tools. • Learn how to interact with others in a positive manner. • The genius of AND instead of saying but or however. • Coaching models.



• New methods to use when dealing with staff conflicts. • Conflict resolution and coaching. • Using different techniques in dealing with conflict. • Steps of productive discussion. Formats for regular employee review.

Question 3 – The workshop could be improved by: • More time. • Once a month is a long gap between sessions. • Entire day sessions. Give us "homework" to do; give us the handouts for the next session

so we can be more prepared. • Full day instead of half. • More time on coaching models. • More time on this subject and also it is good that this session precedes the Legal session.

We need to know when to draw the line in regards to documentation. • Video examples of good and bad ways of conducting a conflict related discussion.

Question 4 – How did you learn about this workshop? • One checked Colleague/Supervisor • Two checked Other • Twelve – No response

Question 5 – Please list topics of interest for future professional development. • No responses.

Question 6 – Additional comments • Thanks a lot. • This is a crucial topic for management because communication is so important.

Session 6 – Spotting Issues Question 1 - The best aspects of the workshop were: • Good information. • Detailed explanation and relevant examples. • Clear, frank discussion on great topics. Handout is great for post class everyday reference

material. • Practical information dealing with employees. Emphasize being accurate, concise and

communicate. Reminding us our job is to help others succeed. • Getting information on discipline and documentation. • Having the opportunity to experience legal issues involving the college and college

employees. I think all employees should have this experience. • Good presenters and very helpful handout. • More of the same. • The open dialogue that was available during the session. • The ability to interrupt with questions. • Great. Having Mr. Mullowney helped clear up many things and provided a lot of insight. • Great information and very well presented. • Remediation and progressive discipline discussion was very helpful.



Question 2 – What did you learn at this workshop and how will you use it? • Evaluations. • Importance of documentation. • Documentation is a great tool. Very informative issues with respect to evaluations. • Point out more good things employees do. • Lots. • The importance of documentation. • Everything was pertinent and useful. • A lot of useful tips when handling employees. • The handout will become part of my reference files. • Ways to interpret and deal with various situations.

Question 3 – The workshop could be improved by: • More examples of situations. • Longer. More time is okay for all topics. Video these sessions. • Maybe another workshop letting us know what we can and cannot do. More questions and

answers. • Make available more often for managers.

Question 4 – How did you learn about this workshop? • Two checked College/Supervisor • One Checked Other • Thirteen – No response.

Question 5 – Please list topics of interest for future professional development. • Have HR do a similar informative presentation. • Best practices for managing budgets (including forecasting and creating budgets). The

overview: OT, comp time, ADA, FMLA, workman's comp.

Question 6 – Additional Comments • Needs to be collegewide. • Great workshop. • Excellent. • Interesting topic, but we could have used at least another break. Too much information

made this a bit mentally exhausting. • Handout

Session 7 - Sustaining Energy for a Collaborative Work Environment Through Effective Supervision Question 1 - The best aspects of the workshop were: • Hearing from Dr. Shugart. • The trust and candid interchanges among the participants. • Meeting with Dr. Shugart. • Interacting with employees I would otherwise have never met. • Buckingham material. Dr. Shugart's visit and we made it to the end of our "Journey".



o Receiving information from the President, Dr. Shugart, regarding Leadership. o Hearing his philosophy of serving others.

• The many lessons and advice, also the materials shared.

Question 2 – What did you learn at this workshop and how will you use it? • Accentuate the positive while not forgetting about areas of improvement for individual staff.

Build on strengths. • How different personalities can work together. • Understanding 360 degree leader and how our actions can affect all those around us,

colleagues, peers, supervisor, etc. Using positive influence. • To keep in my thought process, the value of humanity at every level. • Not to give up. Life is not always easy.

Question 3 – The workshop could be improved by: • Asking for feedback from the group on the 8 week program and asking for suggestions for

the next session. • More Sessions. • My only constructive feedback is that we ran out of time in going through the materials. I

think the pace could have been quicker (before Dr. Shugart arrived). Coffee and snacks. • All day sessions. Question 4 – How did you learn about this workshop? • Only two answered as “other”

Question 5 – Please list topics of interest for future professional development. No one answered this question. Question 6 – Additional comments • Thanks for a wonderful program. • Thank you for providing the Supervisor/Manager training. I plan to review my materials and

incorporate the knowledge, specifically working in my strength and the DiSC profiles. • Thank you very much for this opportunity

The Kaufman Mega Planning Model that was used to develop Valencia’s 2008 – 2013 Strategic Goals specifies identifying “needs” based on the gap between “what is” and “what should be” prior to determining solutions and interventions. Kaufman emphasizes the importance of defining “need as a gap between current and desired results, not as insufficient levels of resources, means, or methods.”

Determining the gap between “what is” and “what should be” will is used in this plan to determine the appropriate means/methods/activities/products necessary to achieve results.



Jim Collins developed a model in Good to Great and the Social Sector that also provides us with another perspective on how to think about our work. Jim Collins, like others, argues that many of our traditional measures of success are meaningless unless they impact and improve the desired output. This thinking is also consistent with the Kaufman Mega Planning Model. The output that the Staff and Organizational Development Program should focus on should be improved employee performance. Employee performance at Valencia is not something that can be precisely measured, but it is certainly a result that is tied to our work.

Further discussion and thought utilizing a collaborative process will help identify a better understanding of the gap between current employee performance and desired employee performance as well as meaningful qualitative and quantitative measures of our work that provide evidence of movement towards our desired employee performance goal.