Le Fevre High School · 11/7/2018  · Course-Coordinator; Environmental Science Programs,...

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Transcript of Le Fevre High School · 11/7/2018  · Course-Coordinator; Environmental Science Programs,...

Le Fevre High School

Principal: Rob Shepherd Tel: (08) 8449 7004 Web: www.lefevrehs.sa.edu.au Email: dl.0814_info@schools.sa.edu.au


Issue 7, November 2018

From the Principal

Page 1

STEM Centre Opening: It was a very proud occasion for Le Fevre High School when the Hon Dr Susan Close, state member for Pt Adelaide declared our new STEM Centre open on Tuesday 30

October. In keeping with our tradition of naming facilities after distinguished alumni or former staff members, we have named the Centre the Dr Cliff Seery STEM Centre after distinguished alumnus, Cliff Seery. Dr Cliff Seery, distinguished academic, studied at Le Fevre High School in the 1990s, University of SA, Adelaide University and the University of Technology Sydney. He is currently working at the Catholic University of Australia, North Sydney Campus, after previously working at Oklahoma State University, Ecotox Services Australasia Pty Ltd, and the University of Newcastle, Australia. He is currently Deputy Head of School, School of Science at the Catholic University, North Sydney, Course-Coordinator; Environmental Science Programs, Lecturer, Environmental Sciences and is internationally recognised as a world expert in Aquatic toxicology. Similarly each of the internal spaces are named for distinguished Australian achievers in the fields of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics.

The Bragg Multi-room (Physics focus),

named after William and Lawrence Bragg, a South Australian father and son who received the Nobel Prize for Physics for their pioneering work in x-ray crystallography.

The Howard Florey laboratory, named after

Howard Florey, the South Australian who received the Nobel Prize for Physiology (medicine) for his pioneering work into the production and use of penicillin in medicine (N.B. it is conservatively claimed his work has saved 200 million lives).

The Elizabeth Blackburn laboratory

(Biology focus), named after Elizabeth Blackburn, a Tasmanian molecular biologist who won the Nobel Prize for Physiology for her work on telomere and chromosomes.

The Andy Thomas room, named after the

South Australian born astronaut and aerospace engineer who has spent 177 days in space.

The Terence Tao room, named after the

South Australian mathematician who currently holds the chair of Mathematics at UCLA, has won the Fields medal and is considered one of the world’s greatest living mathematicians.

The David Unaipon room, named after the

Ngarrindjeri inventor and activist who features on the Australian $50 note from Raukkan in SA.

The Michelle Simmons room, named after

the 2018 Australian of the Year, quantum physicist and pioneer in quantum information science.

We are ‘beyond delighted’ with the redevelopment of our facilities and the opportunities it provides for staff and students to work in innovative ways. If you are interested in having a look at these wonderful new facilities, please be in touch and I’ll be very happy to show you through. Term 4 milestones: Term 4 is a special time of the year in any school and ours is no different when we celebrate with pride the achievements of our students at a range of events. These include the farewell for Year 12 students held in week 2. At this ceremony Year 12 students handed the Le Fevre High Graduate Challenge parchment to Year 8 leaders: ‘We, the Year 12 class of 2018, aspired to achieve the graduate qualities of our school. We challenge the Year 8 class of 2018 to also develop these qualities and to take every opportunity presented by the school to achieve them’. On Wednesday 31 October, our Year 12 ATSI students participated in a special recognition event at Ocean View College which celebrated ATSI students right across our partnership. On Friday 2 November Year 12 students shared a breakfast and morning tea with staff members and on 27 November, the formal Graduation Ceremony will occur at Elder Hall, University of Adelaide. On Tuesday 20 November we will be celebrating the Years 8-11 Prize Giving Assembly. Further details of these events will be released throughout the term. External Review Another significant undertaking in the school this term will be our participation in a DfE external review which will occur between 12-14 November. Building Better Schools: our project will likely commence at some stage during 2019 in readiness for Year 7 intake in the ensuing years. The proposal for our school involves removing the current portable PE building and replacing it with a Physical Education and General Learning Area building giving us capacity for Year 7 students in coming years. Regards, Rob Shepherd Principal

Inside this Issue:

Principal’s Report ................. 1

Photo Gallery .................... …2

School Attendance ............... 3

Arts Festival ........................ 4

Yr 8 Community Service ....... 5

The Boys From St Francis..... 6

Community Advertising ......... 7

Materials and Services .......... 8

Mon 19 Nov Yr 11 Exams Commence Tues 20 Nov Final Assembly Wed 21 Nov PLP Round Table Presentation Thurs 22 Nov Last Yr 11 Exams Mon 26 Nov Governing Council Tues 27 Nov Yr 12 Graduation Thurs 29 Nov Final Day Yr 10’s on exemption Fri 30 Nov Student Free Day Wed 5-Fri 7 Dec Aquatics Camp

Coming events:

2018 Term dates:

Term 1 29th January - 13th April

Term 2 30th April - 6th July

Term 3 23rd July - 28th September

Term 4 15th October - 14th December

Page 2

STEM Opening

Port Stop Violence Against Women program with Year 10 male students

Year 12 ATSI students at Partnership ceremony Maths Craft activity in the new STEM centre primary and MS students

Alana entered the Urrbrae Interschool Gymkhana on behalf of Le Fevre High School on Friday 2 November.

Alana came 10th in the 50cm class of 52 entrants.

We congratulate Alana on this wonderful


Page 3

One of the most important things students can do for their learning, wellbeing and future success is also one of the most basic: going to school every day. Every day matters in the school life of a young person. Each day of attendance has a positive effect on their development and future success. The understanding that every day of school matters underpins this strategy. It guides Le Fevre High School’s efforts to work with families and students to ensure

attendance is expected, valued and supported.

Le Fevre High School gives each student not only the opportunity to learn but also develops patterns of participation that will set them up for life. International research demonstrates a high correlation between attendance at school and successful literacyand numeracy outcomes. Furthermore, research shows that non-attendance at school can be a

predictor of future patterns and can lead to lower levels of achievement.

At Le Fevre High School we therefore direct our effort and resources to ensure we support students and families to embrace the opportunity that education offers. We will work to ensure every parent and carer understands their very direct role in encouraging their student to excel at school. This strategy also recognises that attendance improves

when a young person and their family is engaged in their education: when they understand its relevance and purpose.

Attendance problems must be identified early and support put in place to overcome issues that are preventing students getting to school. Continued non-attendance will only exacerbate issues and increase vulnerability. It is not

acceptable for any of our students to miss out on the opportunity of education; the cost is simply too high.

Maintaining a priority focus on student attendance and engagement, recognises that educational success is central to the lifelong achievement, wellbeing and success of our students. Consistent school attendance is fundamental to

ensuring that Le Fevre High School students gain a strong foundation for subsequent learning.

Poor attendance is a strong indicator of lower levels of achievement in learning tasks, as well as the potential for problematic social skills and difficulties in forming and maintaining relationships. Attendance at school contributes to a population that is well educated, healthier, employed, financially independent and more empowered. Students who do not attend school regularly miss out onplanned learning experiences, sequences of instruction and class

participation. The impact of this loss is compounded with each absence.

Once established, patternsof non-attendance arevery difficult to redress. Identification of patterns of non-attendance early provides the opportunity to intervene in a timely and strategic manner before students have fallen behind academically and socially, before families have disengaged, and before family dysfunction interferes with their capacity

to meet their student’s most basic needs.

At Le Fevre High School we aim to:

promote the importance of education throughout Year 8-12

actively engage students and their families in education and developmental opportunities

address barriers to attendance, learningand wellbeing to support students and young people be physically

present and engaged in their learning.

If you are having difficulty with your child’s attendance at school, please contact us.


Craig Bailey

Assistant Principal, Student Wellbeing

School Attendance

Page 4

Port Adelaide Youth Arts Festival 2018

The exhibition was held in Hart’s Mill Packing Shed with the opening event on Friday 28 September. The 2018 Youth Arts Festival is proudly supported by Port Adelaide Enfield Council’s Youth Engagement Team, with Mandi Glynn-Jones as the Project Co-ordinator. Mandi writes, “Many thanks from everyone within the local and school communities for your continuing support of Youth in the Arts! There are 8 schools participating and I anticipate yet another incredible exhibition of diverse, multi cultural creativity to inspire us all." Congratulations to all the Le Fevre High students who exhibited art works. It was fantastic to see a range of works from Year 9 to 11. Well done to the following Year 11 students, whom received special Awards: Tyson B, James H, Yi H, Georgia S, Ellen W Shona Mishra

- RIP - Michelle Foster — loved mother of Amelia T

Christa Reifferscheidt — grandmother to Sherisse and Tysen S

IB Community Service 10.5 doing some gardening at

the front of the school.

Page 5

Year 8 Community Service

As part of our Service as Action community service focus care groups 8.05 and 8.06 went to the Semaphore Port Adelaide RSL on Thursday 20 September to assist in joining poppies to wire with Mr Slade and Mr Muzyka. Students and teachers assisted RSL members with preparation for a special art installation for this year’s Remembrance Day Ceremony at Semaphore. This forms part of the special Centenary Celebration of the end of WWI where during the normal Remembrance Day ceremony the jetty will be lined with 61,560 poppies to symbolise and commemorate those service men and woman that were killed or injured during WW1. We walked down to the RSL at 9am and assisted in joining bunches of ten poppies every thirty centimetres on ten metre long strands of wire. We worked in two separate teams and each team completed approximately 11 strands each. It was a great effort by the students, they were extremely well behaved and enjoyed the experience and have all been invited with their families to be VIP guests at the ceremony. In Care Group we reflected on how grateful we were for the service of the brave men and women who have served us in war and how our small contribution means a lot to show our respect. We would like to remind everyone that Remembrance Day falls on a Sunday this year and it would be great to see as many people at the service to remember the end of WW1.

Dan Slade

Thank you to Student Voice whom held a very successful fundraising campaign to raise money for National Bandana Day, held on Friday 26 October. Thank you to staff and students for your support of this important cause. Rommi Driscoll

This is Jasmine, Conner, Caleb, Kelsey and

Georgia connecting the poppies to the strands of


Bandana Day

Page 6

The Boys From St Francis

It was a privilege to be a part of the book launch on 11 October of Ashley Mallett's latest fabulous publication, ‘The Boys from St Francis.’ I recognise Vince Copely for initiating this venture with Ashley Mallett. Peter Goers did a wonderful job of launching the book and spoke with great passion and insight. Many of these Aboriginal boys have gone on to become household names in Australia and have contributed much to Aboriginal politics and development. They attended Ethelton Primary School and Le Fevre Technical High School. Five of them have received AO awards in recognition of their various contributions. I'm very proud to now call many of them my friends. Pictured are Peter Goers, Ashley Mallett, John Mc D Smith , son of founder of St Francis House (also a widely published author on Aboriginal matters), Brian Butler, founder of Lateral Love, an organisation that works to eliminate violence in Indigenous communities around the world, Jim Foster, international sportsman, Vince Copley, Sportsman, mentor and advocate for Aboriginal young people in sport, Prof Gordon Briscoe, academic at ANU, Mark Mc D Smith, grandson of Canon Smith. There were many other high achievers amongst this group of Aboriginal people who all lived at St Francis House and attended Le Fevre High. Charles Perkins, activist and reformer, John Moriarty, artist and promoter of soccer, Harold Thomas (designer of the Aboriginal flag) Bill Espie and so on. Rob Shepherd

Page 7

Community Advertising



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Please be advised that the SMS phone number for advising of STUDENT ABSENCES is 0438 130 557.

SMS Systems Overdue Text/Library Books

Text and Library books are valuable school resources. We ask that families search for any overdue books and return them to the school as soon as possible.

STUDENTS WITH A MEDICAL CONDITION REQUIRE A HEALTH CARE PLAN These are specific to the student’s medical condition i.e., Asthma, Epilepsy, Anaphylaxis etc. These Plans can be obtained from Student Services and must be completed by the parent and signed off by the doctor.

STUDENTS ON MEDICATION Students must not administer their own medication, it should be given to Student Services in the original chemist packaging stating dosage information along with written consent from the parent.

If you have any questions in relation to managing medical conditions or first aid support for your child, please contact the First Aid Officer at school.

First Aid Medical Support

2019 Materials and Services Charge

Please be advised that the outcome of the recent poll of our community in respect to 2019 Materials and Services Charge was positive, with respondents in favour of legally recovering the higher amount, known as the ‘prescribed sum’.

The Materials and Services Charge for 2019 will be $480.00 per student and is payable at the commencement of Term 1 2019. We would like to thank our school community and Governing Council for their contribution, participation and support in this process.

PAYMENT OF MATERIALS AND SERVICES CHARGES can be made at the school from Monday January 21 during school hours by Cash, Cheque, EFTPOS, Visa or Mastercard (in person or over the phone).

ELECTRONIC PAYMENT can be made using any of the following options -

Qkr (Quicker) is a CommBank mobile phone or online payment app which is secure, fast and flexible. Qkr

can process full or part payments for M&S Charges. Qkr has been designed for schools and is our preferred method of payment. Qkr will accept payments from Visa or Mastercard. No fees are charged for using Qkr. Download the Qkr app from the App store (iPhone) or Google Play (Android), register and follow the steps to find our school.

B Point Direct Debits made regularly from your account at a time that suits you. Please call us for


Centrepay - If you receive a Centrelink payment for Family Benefit, Parenting Payment or Disability

Support, you can choose to have money regularly deducted from your Centrelink payments to pay for Materials and Services Charges. Centrepay is a direct deduction service that is voluntary and available at no cost to you. Please contact Centrelink for more information on 13 2490 or www.centrelink.gov.au

Make an application for SCHOOL CARD GRANT - a Commonwealth Government Grant for the purpose of paying Materials and Services Charges for eligible families. The amount of the grant in 2019 will be $318.00 for Secondary Students. Assessment for eligibility is made on taxable income for the 2017/2018 financial year. A new application for the School Card Grant must be completed and lodged each year. Please bring your Concession Card with you when making the application for the School Card Grant.