LDD Southern Summit 2013 - Adido - The theatre of the future-friendly website

Post on 08-May-2015

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Let's Do Digital Southern Summit 2013 - Chris Cherrett, Senior User Experience Developer.

Transcript of LDD Southern Summit 2013 - Adido - The theatre of the future-friendly website

Chris CherrettSenior UX DeveloperAdido


The Theatre of the Future-Friendly Website

“The future of web and mobile design is that there is no distinction between

the two.” - Tarun Mitra, 2013

source: https://medium.com/i-m-h-o/587b66677bf3

This is not the web.

This is not the web.

This is the web.

source: http://bradfrostweb.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/11/devices.jpg

This will be the web.

(we’re already seeing this…)

source: Brad Frost – “For a Future-Friendly Web“

Apple’s iWatch (?)

source: http://www.wallibs.com/newimg/

There is no such thing as future-proof

But we can be future-friendly

“The things that we create today will exist beyond what we originally

intended them for”- Brad Frost, 2011

source: http://vimeo.com/29961436

You have to reach your target user, wherever they are,

whatever device they use.

• Mobile web users are estimated to have reached one billion

• Mobile internet adoption has outpaced desktop internet

adoption by 8x

• Smartphone sales surpassed worldwide PC sales in 2011

Today's smartphones are sculpting the landscape of the web

source: Brad Frost – “For a Future-Friendly Web“

source: Brad Frost – “For a Future-Friendly Web“

source: Brad Frost – “For a Future-Friendly Web“

source: Brad Frost – “For a Future-Friendly Web“

source: Brad Frost – “For a Future-Friendly Web“

Give people want they want.

Make stuff that is worthwhile.

People’s capacity for non-relevant content is rapidly diminishing.

source: Brad Frost – “For a Future-Friendly Web“














Responsive Web Design allows us to build websites that are optimised for screens of all sizes; small mobile devices, tablets and large

desktop monitors.

RWD will drive the decline of standalone mobileoptimised sites and native apps.

In fact, it is already the trend and the right path to follow.

“Design is how it works”- Steve Jobs

Large-screen and Small-screen userinteractions are polar opposites

(or are they?)

Factors such as Click versus Touch, Screen-size, Pixel-resolution, optimized markup and many

more have become crucial.


Craft an optimal experience — easy reading and navigation with a minimum of resizing, panning, and scrolling — across a wide range of devices

frommobile phones to large monitors

• Fluid• Media queries

• Rules based on device characteristics

• Proportion-based grids• Percentages — rather than

absolutes• Flexible images• Progressive enhancement• Context

• Quantitative & Qualitative

“Keep it light, please!”

“Geek me up!”(I want to know it




Fixed Fluid


• A wrapper with a fixed width

• Percentage or fixed width columns

• Same width seen by all visitors

• A 960-pixel width has become the “standard”. Most website users are assumed to browse in 1024×768-pixels or higher.

• Percentage widths• Adjusts to screen resolution

<link rel=“stylesheet” media=“only screen and (max-device-width: 480px)” ref=“/css/iphone.css” />

source: @wilto (Mat Marquis)

<link rel=“stylesheet” media=“only screen and (max-device-width: 480px)” ref=“/css/iphone.css” />

source: @wilto (Mat Marquis)

source: http://blog.compete.com/2010/03/12/smartphone-owners-a-ready-and-willing-audience





66%Waiting in





Watching TV

isruption will only accelerate. The quantity and diversity of

connected devices

— many of which we haven't imagined yet — will explode, as will the

quantity and diversity of the people around the world who use them.

Our existing standards, workflows, and infrastructure won't hold up.

Today's onslaught of devices is already pushing them to the breaking point.

They can't withstand what's ahead. Proprietary solutions will dominate

at first. Innovation necessarily precedes standardisation.

Technologists will scramble to these solutions before realizing (yet again)

that a standardised platform is needed to maintain sanity. The standards

process will be painfully slow. We will struggle with (and eventually

agree upon) appropriate standards.

But there’s hope…

1. Acknowledge and embrace unpredictability

2. Think and behave in a future-friendly way

3. Help others do the same

While we can't know exactly what the future will bring, we can:

The future is ours to make - friendly

source: www.futurefriend.ly

Thank You

Brad Frost – http://bradfrostweb.comFuture Friendly - http://futurefriend.ly

Medium - http://medium.comCompete - http://compete.com

“If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of giants.”


- Isaac Newton