Laws Governing Motions

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Transcript of Laws Governing Motions

  • 8/8/2019 Laws Governing Motions



    3. Laws Governing MotionMotion is all around uspeople walk, clouds

    move, rain falls, and water flows. Things are moving

    wherever we look, and motion seems to be associated

    with all the changes we observe. Understanding motion

    is an important starting point in understanding the

    world. Newton helped us to understand motion in terms

    of the three laws he published in 1687. Although his

    laws of motion appear relatively simple, his perspective

    is not intuitively obvious and requires a retraining of the

    way we think. We will now describe these laws of

    motion and try to understand their meaning, illustratingthem with common experience, but common experience

    seen in a new way.

    The First Law of Motion

    Before dealing with all kinds of motion, we must

    first ask: How do objects move if they are left alone?

    What is the natural motion of free objects? Only

    when we know the answers to these questions do we

    know what remains to be explained. If free objects

    move in a particular way, objects that move in some

    other way are not free and their motions must be

    explained by another law. The First Law of Motioncorrectly describes the motion of free objects:

    Every object continues in its state of rest, or of

    uniform motion in a straight line with unchang-

    ing speed, unless compelled to do otherwise by

    forces acting upon it.

    It seems obvious that an object at rest remains at

    rest if it is left alone, yet the consequence can some-

    times be startling. A magician depends on this law

    when he pulls the tablecloth from a table, leaving the

    dinner service undisturbed. The plates and goblets are

    at rest and remain at rest unless the tablecloth com-

    pels them to do otherwise.

    A less entertaining manifestation of the law occurs

    when a stopped car with passengers is struck from

    behind. The passengers heads momentarily remain at

    rest while the car and the rest of their bodies are com-

    pelled to move forward by the force of the impact.

    This results in stretching and bone dislocation known as

    whiplash injury.

    This First Law also states that moving objects, if

    left to themselves, will continue to move in a straight

    line without changing speeduniform motion. At first

    this seems contrary to our experience. Moving objects

    always seem to slow down and stop if nothing is done

    to keep them moving. Is this not a violation of this

    statement of the law?

    Our problem is that the objects with which we deal

    are not free. Friction acts on them and, if it is not

    opposed by other forces, compels these objects to

    change from their state of uniform motion. We can test

    the validity of the First Law, however, by considering themotion of objects in situations where friction is greatly

    reduced. One can easily imagine, for example, that an

    ice skater could glide on and on without ever slowing

    down if friction could be eliminated totally (Fig. 3.1).

    Figure 3.1. An ice skater could go on forever without

    effort if friction were not present.

    Those who drive on icy roads are acutely aware of the

    consequences of the law. It is a frightening experience to

    approach an intersection, apply the brakes because of a red

    light, and then proceed through without slowing down.

    Turning is also a problem because, without friction, the car

    continues in a straight line no matter how the wheels are

    turned. After two or three such experiences, one is easily

    convinced that the First Law of Motion is valid.

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    Even so, the consequences of the law still catch us

    unaware. A common auto injury occurs when a passen-

    ger strikes the windshield when the car in which he is

    riding suddenly stops. The passenger keeps moving in

    accordance with the First Law of Motion (Figure 3.2).

    A final example suggests another consequence of

    the law. A car makes a left turn at modest speed. A

    package next to the driver slides across the seat, away

    from the center of the turn, and continues its

    straight-line motion in accordance with the First Law of

    Motion, while the car turns under it (Fig. 3.3).

    Incidentally, none of these examples proves thatthe First Law of Motion is valid, but all suggest that it

    might be. Considering other consequences of the law

    seems reasonable. As we gain additional experience we

    gain increasing confidence in the validity of the law.


    Uniform motion in a straight line without changing

    speed is the natural motion of free objects. Any object

    that is not in uniform motion is said to be accelerating.

    An object accelerates if its speed changes, either to

    increase or decrease, or if its direction changes. It is

    sometimes useful to assign specific words to describe

    some simple types of acceleration. Deceleration, for

    example, denotes a decrease in speed whereas a direc-

    tion change is properly designated as a centripetal (cen-

    ter-seeking) acceleration. Any change from uniform

    motion, however, is an acceleration (Fig. 3.4 and 3.5).Figure 3.3. Why does the passenger feel thrown to

    the outside of a turn?

    Figure 3.4. Successive pictures, taken at equal time intervals, of a car in four different kinds of motion. Why do we

    say that the car is accelerating in c and d but not in a and b?

    Figure 3.2. Both drivers lose their heads in a rear-end

    collision. Why?

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    Figure 3.5. A coin rests on a moving turntable. How

    do you know it is accelerating?

    Acceleration may be defined more precisely as the

    rate at which speed or direction is changing. The accel-

    eration of a car might be designated properly as 5

    mi/hr/sec. This car would increase its speed from 30 to

    50 mi/hr in 4 sec. It would have the same amount of

    acceleration if its speed increased from 10 to 30 mi/hr in

    the same amount of time. If it slowed from 50 to 40

    mi/hr in 2 sec the acceleration would be 5 mi/hr/sec;the negative sign denotes deceleration.


    Your intuitive understanding of force is probably

    adequate for our present purposes. Force is simply a

    push or pull exerted on one object by another. A more

    sophisticated definition of force is implied by the First

    Law of Motion: force is anything that causes accelera-

    tion. All accelerations are caused by forces. Forces are

    acting whenever an object moves faster, moves slower,

    changes direction, or experiences any combination of

    speed and direction change.

    The kind of acceleration caused by a particularforce depends on the direction of the force. If a force

    pushes on an object in the same direction as its motion,

    the object speeds up. The object slows down if the force

    opposes its motion (Fig. 3.6). Lateral forces cause

    change in direction with the object turning toward the

    direction of the force (Fig. 3.7).

    The strength of forces is measured in pounds (lb)

    in the English system of units and newtons (N) in the

    metric system. The amount of acceleration produced by

    a particular force is determined partly by its strength.

    Stronger forces produce greater accelerations. If a par-

    ticular force causes an object to accelerate from 20 to 30

    mi/hr in 10 sec, a force twice as strong would cause the

    same change in half the time. A force half as strongwould take 20 sec to produce the same effect.

    Most objects we deal with are influenced by more

    than one force. These forces may oppose each other so

    that the resulting acceleration is reduced, or they may

    act in the same direction so that the acceleration is

    greater than for either one by itself. The sum of all the

    forces acting on an object is called the net force or

    resultant force. The strength and direction of the net

    force determine the acceleration of the object.

    Forces cannot be summed like ordinary numbers,

    however. Forces have both a magnitude (strength) and a

    direction. Such quantities, called vectors, can be repre-

    sented by an arrow whose length has been scaled to rep-

    resent the magnitude and whose direction is that of the

    pointed arrow. Two vectors can be added by forming a

    parallelogram with the two properly scaled and oriented

    vectors forming the adjacent sides. The diagonal of the

    parallelogram is the resultant force (sum of the two) and

    will have both the proper length and direction.


    Not all objects experience the same acceleration

    when acted upon by similar forces. An ordinary car, for

    example, might be able to provide significant accelerationto a small empty trailer but considerably less when the

    trailer is full. If a truck is loaded, the time and distance

    required for a safe stop increases significantly (Fig. 3.9).

    The property of objects that determines how much

    they accelerate in response to applied forces is called

    mass. If mass is large, acceleration will be less than if

    mass were smaller. The smaller the mass, the greater the

    acceleration.Figure 3.6. Both pitcher and catcher exert forces that accel-

    erate the baseball. In which direction is each force applied?

    Figure 3.7. The puck slides in a circle on an air-hock-

    ey table without friction. In what direction is the force

    exerted on the puck by the string? (Hint: Have you

    ever seen a string that could push on anything?)

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    Figure 3.8. Two vectors, A and B, are added to give the

    resultant, C. What is the resultant of D and E?

    Mass does not depend on location. A particular

    force causes the same amount of acceleration no matter

    where the object is located: near the earth, in interstel-

    lar space, or anyplace else (Fig. 3.10). If the same

    object experiences different accelerations at different

    places, it is because the forces acting on it are different,

    not because its mass has changed.

    To be useful, the concept of mass must be made

    quantitative. We want to know, for example, whether a

    sack of potatoes has a mass of one kilogram or two kilo-

    grams. Quantities of mass are defined by comparison to

    some arbitrarily defined standard. The standard kilo-

    gram is decreed to be the mass of a piece of platinum-

    iridium which is kept under the watchful care of the

    Bureau Internationals des Poids et Measures at Sevres

    near Paris. If you want to know whether you have onekilogram of potatoes, you must directly or indirectly

    compare the mass of your potatoes with the mass of this

    piece of metal.

    To make this process practical, copies of the stan-

    dard kilogram are supplied to the bureaus of standards of

    the various nations. They, in turn, make copies-some

    of which are split in halves, quarters, etc. You may have

    seen a box of weights in a chemistry laboratory which

    is the result of this process. One way to compare your

    potatoes to the standard mass is to place potatoes and

    standard mass on opposite sides of a balance (scales) and

    let gravity serve as a standard force. Put your potatoes

    on one side and keep adding standard masses to the other

    until balance is achieved. Now add up the standard

    masses you have used and this is equal to the mass of the

    potatoes. You have made your comparison (indirectly)

    with the standard kilogram near Paris.

    Length and time must also be given quantitative

    meaning by comparison to standards. For many years




    Figure 3.9. The same force applied to different objects produces different accelerations. Which of these trucks is

    empty? Which has the greater mass?

    Figure 3.10. A rocket (or any other object) is just as hard to accelerate no matter where it is. Why?

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    the standard meter was a long bar of metal kept along-

    side the standard kilogram. The second was defined as

    some fraction of the day. Today we have more precise

    standards of time and distance which are based on cer-

    tain characteristics of atoms. The equations we present

    in this book are usually presented in a form which

    requires that a certain consistent set of units be adopted

    when using the equation. The metric system uses

    meters for length, seconds for time, and kilograms formass; the English system uses feet for length, seconds

    for time, and slugs for mass. (While almost all civilized

    nations have adopted the metric system, the United

    States remains an official user of the foot-pound-second

    system. This will almost surely change because it

    works to our disadvantage in world trade.)

    The Second Law of Motion

    Perhaps briefly summarizing what we know about

    motion so far will help:

    1. If an object is left to itself, it will remain at rest

    or move with its initial uniform motion.

    2. Forces cause objects to accelerate. The stronger

    the net force, the greater the acceleration.

    3. Accelerations are less if mass is larger.

    4. Acceleration is in the same direction as the net

    applied force (forward, backward, sideways, or

    some combination of these).

    The second, third, and fourth of these statements

    constitute the Second Law of Motion. In addition, the

    law specifies the exact relationship between the mass of

    an object, the strength of the net force applied to it, andthe amount of acceleration caused by the force. The

    relationship is

    acceleration net forcemass

    or, equivalently,

    net force mass acceleration.

    With the First and Second Laws of Motion, you

    can begin to study the motion of anything you observe.

    Remember, the important question is not why an objectkeeps moving but why its motion changes. This ques-

    tion directs our attention to a search for forces and their

    causes. An understanding of the forces enables us to

    determine if the accelerations we observe are consistent

    with the forces and with the objects mass. If they are,

    we can go on to other interesting problems; if not, we

    have more to learn.

    The Third Law of Motion

    Forces act on all objects. To understand objects

    motion, or lack of motion, we must consider where

    forces come from, in what situations they occur, and

    what determines their strength and direction.

    Otherwise, we can neither explain nor predict motion.

    The first important observation about forces is that

    they occur only when two things interact with eachother. Nothing can exert a force on itself. For example,

    the wheels of a car touch the road. If the interactions

    between drive wheels and road do not occur, perhaps

    because of ice on the road, there is no force and the car

    does not accelerate. A boat propeller touches the water;

    an airplane propeller, the air. The forces that accelerate

    a rocket result from the contact between the rocket itself

    and the fuel that burns inside. No object or system that

    can exert a net force on itself has ever been found or

    invented. Forces occur only when two objects are asso-

    ciated with each other, the most common association

    being actual contact.

    The next important observation is that two forces

    act in every interaction, one on each of the interacting

    objects. In some cases, the two forces are both appar-

    ent. As a man steps from a small rowboat to a dock, he

    is accelerated toward the dock and the boat accelerates

    in the opposite direction. A rifle recoils (accelerates)

    whenever a bullet is fired.

    Sometimes, however, the second force is less obvi-

    ous and we may not recognize its presence. When you

    start to walk, for example, the force that accelerates you

    comes from the interaction between your foot and the

    floor. You push backward on the floor (using your leg

    muscles), the floor pushes forward on you, and youaccelerate in the direction of this force exerted on your

    foot by the floor.

    The forward force on your foot in this example is

    obvious. It causes your foot and its attachments to

    accelerate. The backward force is not quite so apparent.

    Nothing seems to accelerate in that direction. We usu-

    ally do not notice that the floor is rigidly attached to the

    earth, and so its effective mass is quite large. The floor

    is, in fact, accelerated backward, but the amount of

    acceleration is immeasurably small because of the

    floors large mass. The presence of this backward force

    would easily be revealed if the floor were covered with

    marbles. Their backward acceleration as you walked onthem would make the backward force readily apparent.

    By now you should have noticed that the two forces

    that interacting objects exert on each other always act in

    opposite directions. When a man steps from a rowboat, he

    is accelerated one way while the boat moves in the oppo-

    site direction. A bullet is fired in a particular direction,

    and the gun recoils oppositely. You push backward on the

    floor and the floor pushes forward on you. The two forces

    in every interaction are always oppositely directed.

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    It can be shown by careful measurements that the

    two forces in any interaction have the same strengtha

    rule always obeyed by nature. For example, if you

    forcefully kick a stone, your toe receives the benefit of

    a force that has the same bone-breaking strength. If you

    kick more gently, the force on your toe is also more gen-

    tle by exactly the same amount (Fig. 3.11).

    You can probably imagine how this rule might be

    tested. Arrange for two objects, whose masses you know

    from another experiment, to interact with each other;

    measure the accelerations caused by the forces of inter-

    action; and use the Second Law of Motion to calculate

    the forces. Thousands, perhaps millions, of experiments

    of this kind have been performed since Newton first sug-

    gested the rule. In every case, the forces the interacting

    objects exert on each other have been shown to have

    exactly the same strength (Fig. 3.12).

    The properties of forces described above are col-

    lectively known as the Third Law of Motion, which is

    stated as follows:

    All forces result from interactions between pairs

    of objects, each object exerting a force on the

    other. The two resulting forces have the same

    strength and act in exactly opposite directions.

    As you can see, the Third Law of Motion is a rule

    about forces. It is a law of motion only to the extent

    that forces and motion are related through the Second

    Law of Motion. Nevertheless, the law seems to beobeyed by all the forces in nature that can be studied in

    detail. There are apparently no exceptions.

    Notice that the Third Law does not tell everything

    about forces. It gives no information about how strong

    the forces will be for any given interaction. This infor-

    mation is expressed by force laws that describe the

    kinds of interactions that occur in nature and the result-

    ing forces. These are described in the next chapter.


    The First Law of Motion can be used to

    explain auto whiplash and windshield injury, the

    sensation of being thrown outward during a turn, the

    almost effortless motion of an ice skater, and other

    common experiences.

    The Second Law of Motion can be used to

    explain the nearly circular motion of the planets, why

    sliding objects slow down, why it is hard to stop or turn

    on slick roads, the behavior of electrons in a TV tube,

    the operation of electric and gasoline motors, why it is

    easier to accelerate a motorcycle than a truck, and

    much, much more. Indeed, every mechanical device

    involving internal or external motion is based on the

    Second Law.The Third Law of Motion can be used to explain

    the operation of a rocket engine, the kick of a rifle or

    shotgun, the operation of a jet or propeller-driven air-

    craft, the motion of a boat when a person steps off it,

    and many other phenomena.

    In each case, the Third Law of Motion describes

    some features of the relevant forces. The resulting

    motions are then predicted by the Second Law of Motion.

    Figure 3.11. Identify the interaction, the two resulting

    forces, and the accelerations that are produced when a

    person kicks a rock.

    Figure 3.12. Why is gravel thrown backward when a car accelerates? What force accelerates the car?

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    What happens to the motion of both the mos-

    quito and the truck?

    (4) Suppose a man jumps forward toward a

    dock from a small boat that is not securely

    anchored. What happens to the horizontal

    motion of both the man and the boat if the boat

    has less mass than the man?


    3.1. Suppose you have a friend who does not

    believe the First Law of Motion is true. How would you

    proceed to convince the friend otherwise?

    3.2. If an elephant and an ant are both moving at

    the same speed on a level, frictionless surface, which

    would stop first? Assume air friction to be unimportant

    for both.

    3.3. An unrestrained child is standing on the front

    seat of a car traveling at 20 mi/hr in a residential neigh-

    borhood. A dog runs in front of the car and the driver

    quickly and forcefully applies the brakes. The childs

    head strikes the windshield.

    (a) Explain this result in terms of the First Law of


    (b) If the car stopped before the child reached the

    windshield, with what speed would the childs head

    strike the windshield?

    3.4. Using the First Law of Motion, explain why a

    passenger in a turning car feels thrown away from the

    center of the turn.

    3.5. State the First Law of Motion in your own

    words. Explain its meaning.

    3.6. What do the words uniform motion mean as

    part of the First Law of Motion?

    3.7. A car travels in a large circle (in a parking lot,

    for example) without changing speed. Is the car in uni-

    form motion? Explain your answer.

    3.8. In each of the following situations, describe

    (1) what actually happens or would be expected to hap-

    pen and (2) how these results can be accounted for bythe First Law of Motion.

    (a) A car is struck from behind by a faster moving

    vehicle. A passenger later complains of whiplash


    (b) A car experiences a head-on collision with a

    lamppost. A front-seat passenger is not wearing a

    seat belt.

    (c) Aball is placed on a level table fixed to the floor

    of a train at rest in a station. The train suddenly

    starts moving.

    (d) Aball is placed on a level table fixed to the floor

    of a train which is moving with uniform motion.

    The train suddenly stops.

    (e) Same as (d) except the train speeds up.

    (f) Same as (d) except the train goes around a curve

    in the track.

    3.9. The driver of a car has three accelerators (con-trols that can cause the car to accelerate). What are they?

    3.10. Suppose you see an object traveling in a cir-

    cle with constant speed. What can you say for sure

    about the force or forces acting upon it?

    3.11. Describe an experiment you could perform

    that would determine which of two objects has the larg-

    er mass. Be sure that your experiment is consistent with

    the definition of mass given in this chapter.

    3.12. A constant force is continuously applied to an

    object that is initially at rest but free to move without

    friction. No other forces act on the object. Describe

    what would be observed under these conditions and

    explain how the observed results can be accounted for

    by the Second Law of Motion. Finally, explain why real

    objects-cars for example-do not behave in this


    3.13. Describe the three simple types of accelera-

    tion which are governed by the Second Law of Motion.

    3.14. Does a car accelerate when it goes up a hill

    without changing speed? Explain your answer.

    3.15. Describe the accelerations which occur as an

    elevator rises, starting from rest at the first floor and

    stopping at the twentieth floor.

    3.16. Imagine an object resting on a horizontal sur-

    face where there is no friction (an air-hockey table, for

    example). A force is applied to it so that it accelerates,

    sliding along the surface. Now imagine that the whole

    apparatus is taken to the moon where the same experi-

    ment is performed using the same object and the same

    force. How would the acceleration of the object near

    the moon compare with that near the earth?

    3.17. Now suppose that the object in the previous

    question is taken to a place, a long way from the earth

    or moon, where it is weightless. Again, the same force

    is applied to it (using a small rocket engine, for exam-

    ple). What does it do?

    3.18. State the Second Law of Motion and explain

    its meaning.

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    3.19. An object is traveling on a smooth horizon-

    tal surface where the friction can be ignored. A force is

    applied (perhaps by a rocket engine or propeller

    attached to the object) in a direction opposite to the

    objects velocity. Describe what would happen and

    explain how this is consistent with the Second Law of


    3.20. A rocket in deep space requires less and lessforce to accelerate it at the same rate, even though the

    gravitational and frictional forces on it do not change.

    What can you conclude?

    3.21. A car turns a corner at constant speed. Is

    there a force acting on the car? Explain your answer.

    3.22. Show how the recoil or kick of a rifle or

    shotgun can be accounted for by the Second and Third

    Laws of Motion.

    3.23. How would the accelerations of a gun and

    bullet compare if the gun had 500 times more mass than

    the bullet? How would they compare if the gun and bul-

    let had the same mass? Explain your answers in terms

    of the Second and Third Laws of Motion.

    3.24. Describe the force which causes a car to

    accelerate as it starts from rest. Identify the important

    interaction, describe the two forces in the interaction,

    and indicate the directions of both forces. Finally,

    describe the resulting accelerations.

    3.25. Explain the operation of a rocket engine in

    terms of the Second and Third Laws of Motion.


    (a) Describe what happens when a man jumps

    from a small boat if the boat is not securely


    (b) Explain how the observed result can be

    accounted for by the Second and Third Laws

    of Motion.

    (c) What would be different if he jumped from

    a large boat? Why would this situation be


    3.27. A balloon is filled with air and then released.(a) What do you imagine the balloon does?

    (b) Explain the imagined motion of the bal-

    loon by using the Second and Third Laws of


    3.28. A truck moving at a high speed collides with

    a mosquito.

    (a) Describe and compare the forces in the


    (b) If the truck hits the mosquito from the

    blind side, so that the mosquito couldnt get

    ready, could it exert a greater force on the

    mosquito than the mosquito exerts on the

    truck? Explain your answer in terms of a

    fundamental law.

    3.29. Describe the force (or forces) which cause

    you to accelerate when you start to walk. That is, iden-tify the interaction, describe the two forces in the inter-

    action, and indicate the directions of both forces.

    Finally, describe the resulting accelerations.

    3.30. Do we arrive at the Third Law of Motion

    through an inductive or a deductive process? Can the

    law be proved to be true? How could it be proved to be


    3.31. Person X stands on a level, frictionless sur-

    face. Which is true?

    (a) X cannot start moving, but if moving can


    (b) X cannot change horizontal speed or direc-


    (c) X can change speed or direction gradually.

    (d) X can change speed, but cant stop.

    (e) X can change horizontal motion via verti-

    cal motion.

    3.32. While riding your bicycle you collide head-on

    with a moving car. The acceleration you experience is

    (a) the same as that of the car

    (b) slightly greater than that of the car

    (c) slightly less than that of the car(d) much less than that of the car(e) much greater than that of the car

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