laura marling new romantic 9 shot analysis1

Post on 24-Feb-2016

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- PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of laura marling new romantic 9 shot analysis1

This first establishing shot of the video introduces the dark plain setting and the artist and her instrument. I think this shot emphasises the folk convention that, the music and instruments are seen as more important than a huge elaborate costume and setting. Seeing as the setting is a bland dark room and the artist costume is plain ordinary clothes.

This medium shot of the artist, highlights one of the folk conventions that is the artist rarely makes eye contact with the camera and concentrates more on playing the instrument. Also the small male and female shadow, hints at a subtle theme that may be appearing in the video but also the blackness of the shadow compliments the dark colour schemes apparent in this video.

I picked this shot to analyse as when the words “be aware” appear as a shadow in the video the artist Laura marling is also singing the word “be aware”. This shows that folk videos may often follow Goodwin's theory of the video illustrating the lyrics. I think this idea is very symbolic and could be something that we’d want to include in my own music video.

This shot is significant as it is a shadow of the artist playing the instrument guitar, again emphasising the importance of instruments as folk convention. I like this idea and in my own video would think of using this but to make it more simple maybe have a close-up shot of the guitar in the video whilst the artist is playing it. However in this video when the shadow does appear, it creates a theme of shadows within the video as the seem to appear quite often. This idea of the same thing re-appearing could be useful in our video that we produce.

I found this shot of the artist body quite interesting and abstract. I feel it could be something that we could use in our own video as it shows the audience the artists costume and style in detail- highlighting that in folk videos the costume does have some significance.

This wide shot of the wall in the video almost acts like an insert shot. I like the idea of having certain shots in video’s that don’t feature the artist but a part of the setting. I think in our video insert shots would be useful as we are planning to set it outdoors, so could have insert shots of nature like objects such as trees and leaves.

I chose to analyse this shot as it almost acts like a high angle shot in the video. As the artist is looking away from the camera in a different direction it plays on Goodwin’s theory of voyeurism. A feature where the audience feel like they are watching the artist without the artist knowing. I would consider using this idea in our own video to highlight folk conventions.

I thought this close-up of Laura Marling’s face was very creative as the use of the shadow was almost like she is hiding behind something, giving the impression that folk artist are usually portrayed as quite secretive and shy.

I like this mid shot in the video as again it’s like the audience is watching the aritist without her knowing. As the artist’s body language seems quite relaxed, it makes the audience think she is enjoying playing her instrument and singing. This natural relaxed approach from the artist seems like a popular convention with the genre folk and definitely something we should consider when making our video.