Latviešu tautas pasaka Latvian fairytale. Dzīvoja sirms vecītis. Reiz aukstā ziemā viņš...

Post on 02-Apr-2015

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Transcript of Latviešu tautas pasaka Latvian fairytale. Dzīvoja sirms vecītis. Reiz aukstā ziemā viņš...

Latviešu tautas pasaka

Latvian fairytale

Dzīvoja sirms vecītis. Reiz aukstā ziemā viņš brauca uz mežu pēc malkas. Vecītim iegribējās aizdegt pīpīti. Kamēr viņš azotē meklēja pīpi, tabaku un šķiltavas, tikmēr pazaudēja vienu


It was cold winter. An old man wanted to go to the forest to get wood. Suddenly the old man wanted

to light his pipe. Whilst he was searching for tobacco and a cigarette-lighter, he lost one mitten.

  Muša, bēgdama no aukstuma, ierauga cimdiņu, ieskrien iekšā un sāk no prieka dancot.

A fly that was running away from the frost, noticed the mitten and ran inside it. She

was happy and started to dance.

Pelīte, bēgdama no aukstuma, pieskrien pie cimdiņa un jautā: «Kas te cimdiņā danco?»

   «Es, pati mušu ķēniņiene. Bet kas tu esi?»   «Es esmu pelīte pīkstīte. Laid mani pasildīties!»

   «Nu lien un sildies!»   Pelīte ielien cimdā, un abas ar mušu sāk dancot.

A mouse that was running from the frost, ran to the mitten and asked: “Who dances in the mitten

? “I - the queen of the flies. But who are you?”

“I am a mouse-pepper. Allow me to warm myself.” “Crawl in and get warm!”

The mouse crawled in the mitten. Both the mouse and the fly started to dance.

Zaķītis, bēgdams no aukstuma, ierauga cimdiņu, skrien klāt un jautā: «Kas tai cimdiņā danco?»

   Un abas dancotājas atsaka: «Es, muša ķēniņiene, pelīte pīkstīte. Bet kas tu tāds?»

   «Es esmu zaķītis baltļipītis. Ielaidiet mani pasildīties!»

 «Labi, lien un sildies!»   Zaķītis ielien cimdā, un nu sāk visi trīs dancot.

A hare that was running away from the frost, noticed the mitten, ran to it and asked. “Who dances in the mitten?”

“I - the queen of the flies and the mouse-pepper. But who are you?”

“ I am a hare – white tail. Allow me to warm myself.” “OK, crawl in and get warm!”

The hare crawled in the glove and all the three began to dance.

Vilks, bēgdams no aukstuma, ierauga cimdiņu un jautā: «Kas tai cimdiņā danco?»

   «Es, muša ķēniņiene, pelīte pīkstīte, zaķītis baltļipītis. Bet kas tu tāds esi?»

   «Es esmu vilks strupausis. Ielaidiet mani pasildīties!»

   «Labi, lien un sildies!»   Vilks ielien cimdiņā, un nu sāk visi četratā dancot.

A wolf that was running from the frost ran to the mitten and asked: “Who dances in the mitten?”

“I - the queen of the flies, the mouse-pepper and the hare – white tail. But who are you?”

“I am a wolf – snappy ear. Allow me to warm myself.’’

“OK, crawl in and get warm!”The wolf crawled in the mitten and all the four begin

to dance.

   Lācis, bēgdams no aukstuma, atrod cimdiņu un jautā: «Kas tur tai cimdiņā danco?»

   «Es, muša ķēniņiene, pelīte pīkstīte, zaķītis baltļipītis, vilciņš strupausītis. Bet kas tu tāds esi?»

   «Es —pats lielais pinka. Laidiet mani pasildīties!»   «Labi, lien un sildies.»

   Lācis ielien cimdiņā, un nu visi piecatā sāk pa cimdiņu dancot.

A bear that was running from the frost, ran to the mitten and asked: “Who dances in the mitten?”

“I - the queen of the flies, the mouse-pepper, and the hare – white tail and the wolf – snappy ear. But who are you?”

“I am the big shaggy-haired bear. Allow me to warm myself.” “OK, crawl in and get warm!”

The bear crawled in the mitten and all the five begin to dance.

   Kur bijis, kur ne, atskrien gailis un aizdziedas: «Kikerigū!»


Suddenly a cock arrived and sang “Kikerigu, let’s run!”

 Dancotāji nobīstas un visi sāk ar spēku lauzties no cimdiņa ārā. Muša dodas uz ķēniņa pili, pelīte uz

kartupeļu pagrabu, zaķītis auzās, vilks krūmos, lācis mežā.

   Skriedami saplēš vecīša cimdiņu. Un tā vecītis līdz šai dienai staigā ar vienu cimdiņu.

The dancers got scared and everybody began to force their way out of the mitten. The fly left for the king’s palace, the mouse to the cellar of potatoes, the hare – to the oats, the wolf – to the bushes, the bear – to the wood.

While they were running, they tore the old man’s mitten. And so to this day the old man walks with one mitten.