Latin Words and Phrases Used in English. Ad infinitum Without end.

Post on 18-Jan-2016

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Transcript of Latin Words and Phrases Used in English. Ad infinitum Without end.

Latin Words and Phrases Used in English

Ad infinitumWithout end

Ad nauseamTo the point of disgust

Alma materCollege (nourishing mother)

Ante bellumBefore the war

Ars artis gratiaArt for art’s sake

Ars longa, vita brevisArt is long, life is short

Bona fideIn good faith

Carpe diemSeize the opportunity (day)

Dead Poets Society

Cave canemBeware of the dog

Corpus delictiThe facts (body) of a crime

Cum grano salisWith a grain of salt

De mortuis nil nisi bonumSpeak only good of the dead

• Remember the dead for their good qualities, not the bad

Errare humanum estTo err is human

Et tu, Brute!Even you, Brutus!

Exit; ExeuntHe goes out; they go out

Ex librisFrom the books (of)

Ex temporeOn the spur of the moment

Festina lenteMake haste slowly

In medias resInto the midst of things

In memoriamIn memory of

Lapsus linguaeA slip of the tongue

Mens sana in corpore sanoA sound mind in a sound body

Multum in parvoMuch in something small

Pater patriaeFather of his country

Pax vobiscumPeace be with you

Per AnnumBy the year

Per capitaBy heads

Per diemBy the day

Post mortemAfter death

Pro and con(tra)For and against

Pro bono publicoFor the public welfare

Quid pro quoSomething for something

Semper fidelisAlways faithful

Semper paratusAlways prepared

Sine qua nonIndispensable; a necessity

Tempus fugitTime flies

Terra firmaSolid ground (being sure of oneself)

Vade mecumA constant companion (go with me)

Veni, vidi, viciI came, I saw, I conquered

VerbatimWord for word

Via – by way ofSally sent her grandmother a letter via

postal mail.

Vice versaThe other way around

To make a bowl of cereal, you can pour the cereal then the milk, or vice versa.

Viva voceBy spoken word (word of mouth)