Latin america review2

Post on 17-May-2015

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Transcript of Latin america review2

The longest mountain chain in the world is ______________, running all the way

from the northern South America all the way to the southernmost point!

The Andes Mountains

Governments run by generals in many South America countries are known as



The economic trade group created by several South American countries to benefit

their economies is best known as ________________.

The Mercosur Trade Group

Perhaps one of the most important man-made waterways in the world, the

______________ connects the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean.

Panama Canal

Before being conquered by Cortez, these people were known for a rich culture and

complex mythological and religious traditions, as well as reaching remarkable

architectural and artistic accomplishments. The capital city of Tenochtitlan had around 200,000 – 300,000 residents,

making it one of the largest cities in the world.

Who were they?

The Aztecs

Spain and Portugal were the two initial leaders of the exploration in the New

World. To divide the territory between them, they agreed to a boundary

known as _________________________.

The Treaty of Tordesillas

One of the longest rivers in the world, the ____________ flows around 4,000 miles

and carries more water than any other river in the world!

Amazon River

He heard of a gold rich land in South America and led and expedition into

modern day Peru where he conquered the Incan empire. His actions made Spain one of the richest and most

powerful in the world.

Who was he?

Francisco Pizarro

Mexican and Columbian drug cartels generate approximately $______ a year

in revenue.

$39 Billion!

Perhaps the worst problem facing the rainforests to day is ____________, caused

by “slash and burn” farmers.


Dropping over 3,200 ft. and 15x taller than Niagara Falls, _______ is the

highest waterfall in the world.

Angel Falls

Rainforests have great biodiversity but only cover ____% of the earth’s surface;

however, they contain over ____% of the species on earth!

Rainforests cover 6% of the earth’s surface and contain over 50% of the

species on earth!

_________ was the Colombian drug lord who was said to responsible for the

large scale introduction and distribution of the drug cocaine to the U.S. in the

1970’s and 80’s.

Pablo Escobar

Mexico has a large Mestizo population. What is Mestizo?

Blending of European (Spanish) and Native America

The city of _______ in Mexico has seen especially high crime due to drug cartels.

In fact, it is estimated that over 5,000 murders occur each year since 2011!!!

Ciudad Juarez

What is debt-for-nature-swap?

When environmental groups give governments money so they will

discourage slash and burn farming and the destruction of the rainforests.