Latest 7: No. 766

Post on 25-Jul-2016

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Pig Out! A full menu of delicious vegan foods at VegfestUK 2016.

Transcript of Latest 7: No. 766

16 – 22 February 2016


SUSSEX FOOD &DRINK AWARDSThe winnersannounced

WAR HORSEThe West Endsensation

SAVAGES The post-punkband talk

ADVENTURES INANARCHYJohn Kearnscomes to town


A full menu of delicious veganfoods at VegfestUK 2016 page 7






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Social media guru – needed to help bring traffic to customer website

iOS and Android app developers – needed to create worldwide app for some technical equipment

Designers – needed for a website for a health innovation network

An Introduction to Blockchain – 22nd February 2016 at The FuseBox

Creative Tech Futures Brighton – 25th February 2016 at City College Brighton and Hove

Ghostbusting User Stories – 25th February 2016 at The Skiff

Android Developer – Incrowd (Brighton & Hove)

Mid Tier Front End Javascript Developers – Crunchboards (Brighton & Hove)

Digital Marketing Executive – Holiday Taxis (Brighton & Hove)

Mobile App Developer – ETI Ltd (Worthing)

Junior Visual Web Designer – Pi Datametrics (Brighton & Hove)

Office Manager – Qualifa (Brighton & Hove)

Content Executive – Jollywise (Brighton & Hove)

Digital Marketing Manager – Tomango (Near Lewes)

Web Developer – Alternative Airlines (Horley)

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Thousand YardStareHaving reformed last year, theindie band from the 90s thatmade it into the charts andcritical success are playing a rareBrighton gig in this grassrootsvenue. With support from TheLost Boys.Hope & Ruin, 9 June 2016, £12.50,

Bootleg BeatlesJustifiably recognised as theworld’s premier Beatles Tribute

show, The BootlegBeatles continue to draw criticalacclaim from across the globe withtheir stunning recreation of thegreatest songbook of all time.Quite the Christmas treat.Brighton Centre, 18 December 2016,£28.50,

3 LATEST 7watch on channel 8, channel 159 or at

Sleep is goooooood. Isay this, not as if it’snews, but because a

straw poll has told me thatgetting up in the mornings, aswell as getting to sleep at night,it proving more and moreproblematic in the recent weeks.And I’m not excluding myselffrom the contributors of thesefindings.

Last night I lay diagonallyacross my bed, like a toddlerstarfishing upside down andpartly falling out of their sleephaven.

I read a tale from my currentbook, which happens to bepacked full of short stories.Perfect for allowing the eyes tore-focus on something that’s notbacklit – like a laptop or asmartphone – and gently growheavier of lid. It was intriguingand bedtime story-like. Thesweet spot of nighttime reading,if you like.

And finally I listened to a BBCRadio 4 series on the iPlayer appnestling on my phone. TerryPratchett’s ‘Wyrd Sisters’, it was,with another episode waiting inthe wings if this one didn’t dothe nodding off job. And just as Iwas thinking that this really

wasn’t working and wasn’t ittime I got up and maybe had are-think about leaving thewashing up until the morning –I’d fallen fast asleep. But it took awhile.

I remember, as a teenager,taking my duvet into thebathroom to make a sleep nestin the bath, due to insomnia. Itwas, I remembered, the lastplace I could think of where I’dbeen truly comfortable and hadfelt I could go to sleep.Surprisingly, this was not ahugely successful tactic in my bidfor sleep.

Spring is around the corner,daffodils are already out, andlong lazy days with temperateevenings that let you simply dropoff are almost here. Until then, Istarfish. And encourage you todo the same.

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4 Latest TVOn The Verge, Digital Nation &highlights

6 Andrew Kay Yak Yak YakUshering in Cook It! series 2

7 VegfestUKEurope’s biggest Vegan eventarrives in Brighton

9 Andrew Kay Dines OutCelebrating the Sussex Food &Drink Awards winners

11 Specky WrenFamily-friendly glassesshopping

13 Hot ListRestaurants, cafes &takeaways

13 The BoxFriends and acquaintances

15 Holly WouldEthical fashion in the spotlight

17 Science/Brighton’s ArtyWind tunnel testingArt in context

18 About A BoyJake Shoolheifer was notcelebrating Valentine’s Day

18 Entertainment newsWhat’s on for stage, film,comedy, art & music –plus the chart

21 Mike Ward At Large/ReviewsFencing champion, Plus what’s been happeningaround our city


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On The Verge is aBrighton-based musicshow which began in

March 2015 and has just started itssecond season this January. Todaywe look behind the scenes at thework that goes into making theshow and get to know some of thebands and artists that we havefeatured.

The making of every episodestarts with finding the talent.There are a few ways to go aboutthis, mostly I scroll throughendless websites including fanpages, Facebook, Twitter andLinked-in, I post updates tovarious social media groupsasking for acts as well ascontacting different schools andagencies that have musicproduction courses.

Once I have found the perfectvideo I then have to contact theartist and send them a shortform to fill out which includesquestions such as ‘an interestingfact about the artist’, ‘how didyou make the video?’ and ‘whatdo you want your fans to know?’Somewhat surprisingly, I oftennever hear back from the artists,or I’ll hear from them monthslater, but when it goes well Ireceive the form back and then Ican start on the next part of theprocess.

Once I have enough videos Ithen start the editing process,this includes making sure all thevideos fit in the allowed time of11 minutes per section. This is abit like a game of Tetris, trying towork out how many minuteseach song is and seeing if thatwill work with the other songs Iwant to play. Occasionally I willhave a themed song, eitherbecause there’s a well-knownartist that has come up in themedia that week, or if it’s aspecial day like Christmas. Inthese cases I try to fit the rest ofthe videos around the themedone.

I am always looking for moreartists and music videos so if youhave one you think would besuitable, please emails us at and we can try to get you onyou show. I play videos of manydifferent qualities; we have a fewthat are filmed using cameraphones but as long as the videosare interesting it doesn’t mattertoo much about the productionvalue. I would rather let peoplesee the diverse talent out there.

We have many great artists onthe show, some have multiplevideos that we play over thecourse of the season. OMG are agood example of this with fourdifferent videos. OMG is a hip-hop act with rapper Luke Martinat the helm. He makes all of hisvideos himself as well as doingall the production for the songs.He has one track called ‘My LifeStory’ which was made after hewas involved in an incidentwhich resulted in him andseveral friends being brutallyassaulted by the police. OMGdecided to use the footage in amusic video to turn the negativeexperience into a positivelearning tool and to aid thepowerful message in the lyricalcontent of the song. To find outmore about OMG go

We also have an amazing popact in Kitten and The Hip whohave four different videos on theshow, plus one solo video withScarlett Quinn, AKA ‘Kitten’, whowas actually in last years X-Factor. The other half of the act,Ashley Slater (“The Hip”) was thevoice of Freakpower (which

Communication is key.It’s a pretty obviouspremise, but when

your communication is limited,getting past those obstacles thatget your message across – andallow you to understand what theworld at large is up to – life can bepretty cumbersome. Which iswhy, when something comesalong to smooth the pathways ofcommunication, it can make oneheck of an impact. And theripples from that impact can bemarvellous.

Just such an event ishappening over in Lancashire,where dyslexics are rejoicing withthe creation of a brand new fontcalled dyslexi. Created with thepeople who experience dyslexiain mind, to ease their difficultieswith reading, writing andspelling – it’s something of arevolution. Not only that, but thetwo product designersresponsible have been activelymaking products to put the fontto best use. Can you imagine thelimitations that are being brokendown with this? No wonder it’sfeaturing in this week’s DigitalNation.

Of course, there are other waysin which people in the world canbe hampered in their interactionswith the world – not least ofwhich is simply being not long init. Made In Bristol tells theincredible story of three-year-oldEmma who surprised theemergency services when shecalled them up and saved the dayfor both her mother and baby

included Norman Cook!) in the90s, who had a massive hit withTurn On, Tune In, Cop Out. Formore information check

On the alternative side of themusic we play, I have the greatPink Narcissus who not onlyhave two interesting and originalvideos on my show as a band,but the lead singer Oli Spleenalso has three solo tracks on theshow. Oli is one of the mostBrighton-esque characters wehave on the show, with colourfulexciting videos and very liberal-minded views.

Oli Spleen’s first creativeinspiration was his grandmaInez. She was an artist,ceramicist and painter who dyedher hair a bright red. As a childhe would dress in her clothesand make-up much to hisfather’s disapproval. Sheenabled him to paint in oils fromthe age of five and painting washis first love until this passionwas ruined when he took BA infine art. After that he turned hisattention first to writing thenmusic, although he feels that allart forms offer the same creativeoutlet.

I hope you enjoy the show! You can catch On The Verge at11pm Wednesdays, Friday at9.30pm and Saturdays at 2am forall those coming in after a nightout! There is also a YouTubechannel for On The Verge, whichhas just started and allows you towatch old episodes online.



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brother George. Who says thespeaking age of a three-year-old islimiting? Not for this very speciallittle girl.

Every little thing we docommunicates something, insome way or form. When Made InLeeds went to the University OfThe Third Age to meet the retired

and semi-retired enrollees theywere met by a spot of countrydancing – and nothing saysunbridled joy and seizing the daylike country dancing.

Meanwhile, Notts TV get to gripswith next year’s Olympian boxingcontender Ekow, Mustard TVexplores the wonders of animalconservation at Banham Zoo, andwe find out more about The BigPit in Cardiff – a working coalmine in the nineteenth andtwentieth century, now telling thetale of the coal-mining industry asa national coal museum.

So open your eyes and yourears and feast on the stories fromaround the country with DigitalNation. It’s good to communicate.Digital Nation, 8.30pm, Tuesday 16 February

Latest TV’s Big News, Tuesday16 February, 3pmEvery weekday, spend yourafternoon keeping up with thenews in our area, with specialguests coming in to the studio todiscuss the burning issues –whether it be the latest on theanti-fracking campaigners or thestars of a new play in town.

F-Stop, Wednesday 17February, 9.30pmThe filmmaker showcase turnsits focus on the production workof Al Clark, with a screening of‘Royalty’ – directed by PaulWilliams. It’s a gritty story aboutlife around London’s Kings Cross,and a precursor to the sameteam’s celebrated ‘London ToBrighton’.

Gold Coast Xplorer, Thursday 18 February, 12.30pmFeeling chilly? Then live vicariouslyand check out the thrill-seekingfun over on Australia’s Gold Coast.The show heads over to the most

popular water park in thecountry – Wet’N’Wild Gold Coast –indulging in a high-speed OceanJet motorboat, Get Wet SurfSchool and much more. Who’s infor a research trip of our own?

Guy Lloyd’s Telly Show, Friday19 February, 7pmFind out the word on the street –the one just outside yourdoorstep – as Guy Lloyd takes afew burning questions out to thegreat Brighton public to find outwhat they have to say. Then it’s

back to the studio for Mr Lloyd’sown take on his straw pollfindings. The voice of Brighton inso many ways...

Bowlegs, Saturday 20February, 11pmJulian Tardo and Paul Pascoe are,once again, joined at ChurchRoad Recording Company by awhole host of the latest bands tobe hitting our airwaves andvenue listings. Featuring themusic of Pinkunoizu, GroupRhoda, Flash Bang Band,

Lanterns on the Lake, andCousins – rinse your brain outwith the fresh sounds.

Noise Reel Extra: Oxjam 2015,Sunday 21 February, 7.15pmLast year’s Oxjam was somethingof a sensation, with this one-daycollection of emerging localmusic widely lauded as the bestin years. And that really is sayingsomething. BMusic made its wayto many of the Brighton venuesto catch up with the lowdownfrom the acts, and prove onceagain why Brighton is at theforefront of brand new incrediblemusic.

In The Pot, Monday 22February, 8.30pmThe two self-confessed non-cooks get a real treat this weekat the Devilled Egg KitchenAcademy in Bristol, as on themenu of things they’re learningto prepare are venison withchocolate and chilli sauce, aswell as macaroons. An explosionfor your taste sensations.



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It's almost a year since I madethe last episode of Cook It! Itwas such fun to make and I

hope those of you that have seenit enjoyed it as much as weenjoyed making it. Judging bythe responses I have had fromboth friends and strangers itwent down well, and thank youto all of you who come up to meand say hello, it really does makeit all worthwhile.

Cook it! came about becauseof a conversation that I had withNick Beddows who co-producedit with me. We had never metbefore but we bonded over a loafof his excellent fennel seedsourdough and a mutual beliefthat too much TV cooking wastoo complex, even intimidating.

I love all that stuff but I hardlythink that some of it will inspirepeople to get back into thekitchen, discover the joy ofcooking and make healthier andoften more economical food forthemselves, their friends andtheir families.

We filmed Cook It! series onein two educational trainingkitchens and we were verygrateful for their kindness andhelp. We also had lots ofprofessional chefs along asguests and they too added to thewhole, even when I mockedthem for being too "cheffy".

It's now time for me to make anew series, another 13programmes that I hope willinspire people to get back intheir own kitchens and cook withconfidence. Much as I loved thefirst series I did always feel thatthe pro kitchen was a daunting

environment and not aninspiration. I feel the same aboutthe guests too, the chefs weregood but maybe this time Ishould take a different route.

The result is a new project,Cook It 2! Let's Party. This time Iwill be cooking in a domestickitchen using domesticappliances and creating a seriesof 13 menus for parties of allsizes, from simple mid-week

suppers forsmall groupsto a party fortwenty withdeliciousfinger food.

And alongthe way I willbe joined bysome of myfoodiefriends,home cooks mainly and a fewtalented chefs who understandwhat I am trying to achieve.

We will be creating menus forgames evenings, movie nights,casual suppers and smart buteasily created dinner parties.And I will be using basicequipment that most of us willhave to hand.

Oh and yes, I too thought thatthe cooking with kids items were


LET’S PARTYFollow me:latestandrew

SPONSORED BYBardsley’sFish & Chips


amongst the best we did so donot worry, I will be doing a fewprogrammes with youngsters,inviting some of the best fromseries one back to cook againand working them hard in thekitchen to create their own partyfood.

You may also remember Indianchef Kanthi Thamma from theaward winning Curry Leaf Cafe.Kanthi will be back too, taking

time out ofhis ownkitchens inShip Street,The Templebar and hisnewestventure, atake-awayoutlet thatis alreadyproving to

be very popular at BrightonStation, serving food and drinkall through the day. I gave it a goyesterday and had a very goodbreakfast on the train up toLondon. Yes Indian breakfast is adelicious way to start the day as Ifound when I spent a month inGoa many years ago. Whilst mostof the European guests made abeeline for the western foodstation by the pool, I headed

“I hope all this haswhetted your appetite,

it has mine and I must popinto the kitchen to seewhat I can rustle up from afew leftovers

straight to the display of iddly,uppuma and freshly made toorder massala omelettes. Ireckon that you should eatwhat the locals eat if you wantto avoid tummy upsets and itworked for me. Who wantsdodgy bacon in soaring heatanyway?

Kanthi will be joining me tocreate an exotic menu ofdelicious Indian finger foods

that will, I have no doubt, bytasty and simple to make.

My friend, the lovely LauraLockington will be back too.Laura is a seriously good cookbut one who champions thegreat dishes of British homecooking, shepherds pie, fish pieand of course a proper roastwith the appropriateaccompaniments. Together wewill show you how to puttogether the very best Sundayroast, with the minimum fussand the maximum impact. Werecently got together over adelicious mezze at Makara inHove and discussed how we arealways amazed at the fusspeople make over preparing aroast. We reckon it to be one ofthe easiest meals to create anda perfect way to occupy yourhands whilst listening to TheArchers Omnibus of a SundayMorning.

I hope all this has whettedyour appetite, it has mine and Imust pop into the kitchen tosee what I can rustle up from afew leftovers. I would say bonappetit, but I'm all about takingthe mystery out of all this, sogood eating!

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Held at The Brighton Centre on February 27th 28th, theVegfestUK Brighton event is now in its eighth year, and12,000 visitors are expected over the weekend. There are

over 200 stalls crammed full of vegan goodies already booked in –plus over 100 talks and demos about all things vegan.

And in advance of the event in Brighton, VegfestUK, organisers ofEurope's biggest vegan festivals, have launched their vegan justice forall campaign on the streets of their home town in Bristol.  

Big posters have appeared on some prime spot sites featuringchickens, pigs, cows and sheep, and asking people to go vegan, livevegan, stay vegan and teach vegan. 

“The ‘Vegan – Justice for All’ campaign has a groundbreakingcampaign to help stimulate discussion amongst people about theproperty status of animals. Should we not be looking at animals aspersons, and in doing so reject the concept of ownership of animals?Is it right that we should enslave animals for our use and our abuse?”,said VegfestUK organisers. “70 billion land animals are killed everyyear, and this violence has got to stop. By going vegan, you're not onlygiving justice for animals, people and the planet, but you're alsoimproving your health, and improving the environment, and helpingimprove sustainable food production. These are all great things, butthe bottom line is that we should go vegan as the very least we can dofor animals.”

The campaign is backed by pink fluffy guitar playing pig Pig Freudwho is fronting a crowdfunder appeal to raise funds to launch afurther vegan billboard campaign in Bristol in May 2016, to coincidewith the huge VegfestUK Bristol event on May 21st to 22nd whichregularly attracts 15,000 people.    

The campaign has been in part inspired by the recentgroundbreaking Go Vegan Ireland billboard and bus campaign thatsaw hundreds and hundreds of posters in Ireland in the latter monthsof 2015. As well as the extended May campaign in Bristol, VegfestUKorganisers also have plans to launch a similar campaign in Glasgowand Edinburgh in November.Visit the Pig Freud website  Visit VegfestUK Brighton coming up on February 27th to 28th 2016 at theBrighton Centre. Tickets can be bought – Kids under 16 free.

VEGFESTUK COMING TOBRIGHTONEurope’s biggest vegan event hits Brighton for theeighth year running

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January always sees the grand finals of the Sussex Food & DrinkAwards, an annual event now in its tenth year. And aglamorous black tie affair it is with lashings of delicious Sussex

food and drink to enjoy before the anxious grand finalists find out ifthey have wone the prestigious award.

This year was no exception and the event, hosted by Danny Pikeassisted by Sally Gunnell OBE was both fun and suitably political withalmost every winner and sponsor speaking passionately about theimportance of local produce.

After the dinner the prize giving proper started and the awards,including two new categories, were presented before a huge audienceof food industry specialists and their friends and families.

The awards were as follows:

Sussex Food Producer of the Year, sponsored by The Southern Co-operativeWinner: The Traditional Cheese Dairy, Stonegate, East SussexRunners up: Higgidy, Shoreham-by-sea, West Sussex and Springs’Smoked Salmon, Edburton, West Sussex

Sussex Drink Producer of the Year, sponsored by Rix & KaySolicitorsWinner: Ridgeview Wine Estate, Ditchling Common, East SussexRunners up: Dark Star Brewing Co Ltd, Partridge Green, WestSussex and Nutbourne Vineyards, Pulborough, West Sussex

Sussex Young Chef of the Year, sponsored by Sodexo PrestigeWinner: Ryan Tomkinson, The Pass, South Lodge, Lower Beeding,West SussexRunners up: Michael Sutherland, The Sussex Ox, Polegate, EastSussex and Stephanie Hayward, Ockenden Manor, Cuckfield, WestSussex

Sussex Farmer of the Year, in association with Farmers WeeklyWinner: Charlie and Sarah Hughes, Southview Farm, Pulborough,West SussexRunners up: Julia and Simon Feakes, Sussex Lamb, Horsham, WestSussex and Tim and Rupert Hoare, Adsdean Farm, Funtingdon,West Sussex

Sussex Butcher of the Year, sponsored by Absolute ButcheryWinner: S K Hutchings, Partridge Green, West SussexRunners up: A C Coughtrey Butchers, Pulborough, West Sussex andBarfields Butchers, Brighton

Sussex Farmers Market of the Year, sponsored by Harveys ofLewesWinner: Horsham Local Produce Market, West SussexRunners up: Lewes Farmers Market, East Sussex and ShorehamFarmers Market, West Sussex

Sussex Eating Experience of the Year, co-sponsored by Natural PRand Sussex Food & Drink NetworkWinner: The Cat Inn, West Hoathly, West SussexRunners up: The Curlew Restaurant, Bodiam, East Sussex and TheSussex Ox, Polegate, East Sussex

Sussex Food Shop of the Year, sponsored by Wealden DistrictCouncilWinner: Sharnfold Farm Shop, Stone Cross, East SussexRunners up: Charlie’s Farm Shop, Bury, West Sussex andRushfields Farm Shop, Poynings, West Sussex

Sussex Newcomer of the Year, sponsored by Spofforths CharteredAccountantsWinner: Eggs to Apples, Hurst Green, East SussexRunners up: Coggings & Co, Brighton and Etch Food, Billingshurst,West Sussex

Sussex Street Food Vendor of the Year, co-sponsored by FoodRocks and Hepworth & Co Brewers LtdWinner: The Trolls Pantry, BrightonRunners up: Boca Loco, Arundel, West Sussex and Jah Jyot,Southwater, West Sussex



The Roberts family from Ridgeview Wine Estate recieve their award as SussexDrink Producer of the year 2016

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1 Grafton Street, Kemptown, Brighton, BN2 1AQ 01273 323319

House of Hair20% off for new clients

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As a mother of four sometimes just getting the everydaythings sorted is a struggle. Ensuring there is enough foodin the house, getting them to school/nursery with all the

required attire, making sure clothes fit, are clean and intact – is quiteenough responsibility. So when one of the offspring insisted that theyneeded glasses I was glad Specky Wren was our first port ofcall. Getting it all done in one go was the best way forward and so Ibooked us all in to The Specky Wren next to the Open Market inBrighton for the following week.

We turned up en masse bringing the usual wake of chaos and busyfingers but luckily for all involved there is a waiting area nicelyequipped with activities to keep the little one amused. The otherswere invited to look at the many glasses on display in case they arefortunate enough to need a pair in the future. I went first, not havinghad a test for many years and took the “nearly three” year old withme. It turned out that I do need glasses, having astigmatism andmaybe something else faintly medical but not too disturbing, andthen it was the toddler’s turn. The optician, with the patience of asaint, performed many tests using age relevant props anddistractions. The whole thing was remarkably stress-free and the onlydrama was when it was announced she would not need the pink withstripy arms specs she had taken a liking to.

I then waited while the other three took their turns. My otherdaughter, who had previously decided she needed them, wassuccessful in her mission and selected a black rimmed pair. My eldest


discovered somevintage Armanias he too neededglasses (he had aprescription andall), but myframes werecovered by theNHS! The staffare amazing –they werehelpful,knowledgeableand ridiculouslypatient.  

We collected our glasses a few days later and after some minoradjustments we all had perfectly fitting shiny new specs. The childrenwere elated, especially as I managed to find some almost-as-goodheart-shaped sunglasses for the disappointed little-one on the wayhome!The Specky WrenAddress: 1-2 Marshalls Row, Brighton BN1 4JUTelephone: 01273

Latest 7’s Sophie Boulderstone visits TheSpecky Wren and tells the story

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Ihave watched from the side with a snide smirk of amusement atthe ridiculous series of events that have unfolded around thealleged, much-reported Friends reunion.

Three weeks ago the internet was rife with reports that the planet'sfavourite six human beings ever to collectively appear on TV togetherwere reforming for a reunion. Can you say click bait?

On bothering to read the article beyond the misleading heading, theactual situation was that James Burrows, renowned sitcom director (apersonal idol of mine who most people won't have ever paid attentionto before despite directing every episode of Will & Grace and amultitude of others including Frasier, The Mary Tyler Moore Show, 3rdRock From The Sun, The Big Bang Theory, 2 Broke Girls and of courseFriends) iscelebrating amilestone in his TVcareer. So, a load ofactors are gatheringto honour him –and rightly so.

The presshowever brushed over the actual point of said gathering andconcentrated mostly on the fact that the Friends cast were going to bein attendance, all at the same time, in the same room, as if the planetshad aligned to bring about the second coming. This swiftly turned intoa blown-out-of-all-possible-proportion story that someone,somewhere had written a brand new episode of Friends in which thefab six would reprise their roles, giving the world a glimpse of what theTribbianis, Gellers, Bings, Greens, Geller-Bings, Geller-Greens, Buffays,Buffay-Hannigans were now up to.

But nowhere, ever, was it announced that this would happen. Yesthey'd be sat around a dinner table, but it would be at an awardsceremony for Mr Burrows, and there'd only be five of them. At bestwe'd get a pre-recorded tribute inter-cut with similar testimonies fromthe likes of Lea Thompson from Caroline In The City.

David Schwimmer said it best when calling the media frenzy" no way is ita Friendsreunion whenone member(MatthewPerry) is outof thecountry."

JamesBurrowsdeservedmore thanthat – the media made his celebration all about one TV show and oneset of actors. That man has been in the driving seat for countless classicseries’ and continues to be, touching most scripts and turning them togold. I think anyone who claims to be a Friends fan and yet has neverheard of Burrows should immediately watch The One With The Butt, inwhich Joey plays Al Pacino's body double. James Burrows plays thedirector of the shower scene – did you know that? Did you?

Meanwhile, it would seem the Friends won't actually be there foryou – this time, anyway.Andrew Bullock is a producer, presenter and writer. You can read more atwww.drewjbullock.wordpress

“JamesBurrows has

been in the drivingseat for countlessclassic series’


Kiki & Flowers“Kiki’s Kitchen offers simple, healthyfresh lunches such as slow cookedVietnamese beef with rice or grilledhaloumi salad all at really reasonableprices. The lunch boxes special is just£5. Once the evenings get lighter theywill be opening later and later -perfect for an after-work glass ofwine."Opening hours Monday to Saturday8am - 6pm Sunday 10am-3pm63 Holland Road,


The Chilli PickleThe Chilli Pickle is a local favourite with national recognition which combinestraditional Indianmethods with localproduce and anindividual style. Theirample Thalis spice upa midday meeting ora catch-up withfriends, whilst theevening menu offersinventive street food,decadent Tandooridishes and tastyregional curries,served in a vibrantand bustling setting.The Chilli Pickle featured in the National Restaurant Awards’ UK top 100 in 2011–14and has retained its Michelin Bib Gourmand from 2010 to 2015.The Chilli Pickle, 17 Jubilee Square, Brighton, 01273 900383,

The Chilli Pickle CanteenThe definitive delivery service from The Chilli Pickle launched this year. Bold,Indian-inspired design, specially commissioned artwork and smart delivery stakeout new ground in home dining. Meanwhile, the menu showcases some of therestaurant’s familiar touches, with regional curries and homemade pickles andchutneys, plus superb ice creams.The Chilli Pickle Canteen: order online at, 01273 900384

Chaula’s LewesChaula’s is renowned for its signature dishes, distinctive décor and friendly staff. Allmeals are made fresh to order and every curry has its own distinctively flavouredsauce. Also a wide variety of vegetarian and vegan as well as gluten and wheat-freedishes. Buffet available 12pm–3pm Monday to Saturday. Chaula’s, Eastgate House, 6 Eastgate Street, Lewes, BN7 2LP, 01273 476707,

Chaula’s BrightonA second venue for this brilliant Indian restaurant is now open here in Brighton.Superb regional dishes, fresh tasting and exciting. Chaula and her team breathefresh air into the idea of Indian food with authentic recipes served in bright andstylish surroundings. The cooking is executed with a light touch too, no heavyghee-based sauces here but an altogether healthier approach – but not at the costof flavour. Both delicious and affordable. Thali Deals available 12pm-3pm; MealDeal for £9.99.Chaula’s, 2–3 Little East Street, Brighton, BN1 1HT, 01273 771661,


DonatelloFlagship venue of this local family-run

business serving excellent Italian food instylish surroundings. Brilliant value mealdeals on blackboards – two courses £7.95or three for £9.95 – as well as à la carte. Thehaunt of celebs in season from soap starsto politicos. Fun, friendly and fabulousvalue.

Donatello, Brighton Place, Brighton, BN11HJ 01273 775477,


Follow me: @andrewjbullock

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14 LATEST 7watch on channel 8, channel 159 or at

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15 LATEST 7watch on channel 8, channel 159 or at

Last year’s BrightonFashion Week was allabout ethical fashion, so I

met with Julia Hart last week totalk about ethical fashion and whyshe thinks we could all do more tohelp make the world of fashionfairer for workers. She is trying tourge everybody to think aboutwhere their clothes are comingfrom before we buy them fromhigh street shops as some ofthem treat their workers poorly.

Ethical fashion basicallymeans clothes from retailers thatprioritise the human rights oftheir workers. England imports alot of its high street clothingfrom countries such as

Cambodia, Bangladesh andIndia. In order to make clothes tosell so cheaply on the high street,workers are exposed to poorwages, excessive hours andhazardous working placesamongst other things.

On April 24 2013, 1,113garment makers in Bangladeshlost their lives producing clothesfor the UK when their factorycollapsed due to its unsafestructure. But there are manyretailers in Brighton who makesure that their workers aretreated fairly and are sweatshopfree.

Julia said: “These shops arepaving the way for other majorfashion retailers by giving us ataste of how things could be,much as the early Fair Tradelabels did with coffee andchocolate.”

She thinks that if everybodymade more of an effort to shopfrom ethical retailers then, due

to customer demand, the non-ethical high street retailerswould start to become fairer too.My friends and I then spent theday visiting various ethicalfashion stores to try out theclothes ourselves.



Our first stop was The FAIRShop on Queens Road. They useFair Trade cotton in theirclothing and sell things made bypeople certified by the World FairTrade Organisation. I wasactually surprised with how nicethe clothes were. I don’t knowwhat I was expecting, but whenyou think of Fair Trade clothingyou normally assume it’s notgoing to be fashionable, but allthe clothes were lovely.

The prices were probably morethan somebody on a studentbudget, like myself, could affordand perhaps the style is bettersuited to a more mature woman.But it definitely made me thinkabout what, how, and where theclothes that I buy are made.

Our next stop was AmericanApparel in North Street. They aresweatshop-free and produce allof their clothes in one factory inLos Angeles. We were alreadyvery familiar with this store as itstargeted clientele is youngerpeople and their prices areslightly more student friendly.

The fabrics are all really softand you can tell that the itemswill last longer than a lot of thecheaper stores, as they arebetter quality. As we headedtowards the Marina cinema wetook our final ethical fashionstop at the Love That Stuff store.

All of their material is hand-dyed and hand-loomed and,again, the first thing we noticedis that the material was of a

higher quality than some of theusual high street stores.

Julia had said to me earlier:“Whilst some of the eco orethical stores may be a bit moreexpensive than that you mightfind on the high street, this isonly because the workers areactually being paid a fair wagefor the work they do and thequality is a lot better.”

And I must admit that theclothes in the ethical shops didseem a better quality, they seemto be made to last. Whilst I can’tpromise I’ll stop shopping in myregular high street stores alltogether, I definitely will considerbuying from ethical stores whenpossible.

“In order to makeclothes to sell so

cheaply, workers areexposed to poor wages

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17 LATEST 7watch on channel 8, channel 159 or at

Arecent STEM project at PACA was to design the body work forour Greenpower race car using clay, as is standard practice inthe car industry. We then chose the best design and asked

University of Brighton’s Engineering Department if we could try out ourmodel in their Engineering Department’s wind tunnel. Professor AndrewLloyd who is Dean of the Faculty of Life, Health and Physical Sciences atthe University of Brighton said he was happy to help and so Trevor Taylorkindly co-ordinated the visit.

Trevor scanned and 3D printed the winning model. He showed ushow the scanner worked during our visit (which cost £40K) and thenwe saw all of their various 3D printers.

We were alreadyextremely impressedat this stage but eagerto see how our carwould fare in the windtunnel. First we triedout a worst casescenario using a square block and then a streamlined block. A graphwas plotted measuring drag vs wind speed. Finally we put our modelthrough the test and it was so exciting to see the results. Our car wasabout halfway between the best and worst case scenario.

We had a fantastic visit to the University and the main responsefrom the pupils was“awesome”. The STEMAmbassador Leo fromRicardo Engineering isalso kindly workingwith us at a STEMafterschool club;preparing the car forracing at Goodwood.

As well as being anexciting visit, I was also able to bring the items back to school andshow the rest of the pupils the results. So the pupils have now beenintroduced to aerodynamic forces using a real life scenario, plus theywatched me whizz around the car park in our electric race car usingdistance and time to measure speed.

I’m quietly confident that the pupils will remember somethingabout forces from their STEM lessons, even though they haven’tlooked at a textbook once! Textbooks are reserved for their traditionalscience lessons... Portslade Aldridge Community Academy (PACA) is a college offeringsixth form, 11-16 years, youth centre, adult learning, communityeducation, sports centre and pre-school. Find out more

Print is dead. Really? So why are you reading this ratherexcellent and enduring magazine... I’ve just been looking atpaper samples for our new book with Dominic, gsm guru

from Four Corners Print. As an example he showed me a new cult mag‘Blogosphere’ – yes, all aboutblogs; how ironic is that!Apparently it’s becominghugely popular, and made mefeel slightly less of a digitalphilistine.

Because when it comes tosocial media, we’re prettyrubbish chez Arty. Do you reallywant to see another photo ofour smug felines Gilbert andGeorge? But we do get excitedwhen we post up a newlyapproved page from Art inBrighton 2016 and the whole world wants to share it (OK, slightexaggeration; but, our creative community at least).

So I thought I’d share withyou two of the uber-talentedcreative types who’ve provedhuge hits for us this week.Sonya Tatham is a self-taughtartist who paints herenvironment, producing worksfrom a direct connection to thesubjects. Often spontaneous,created without restriction orhesitation, the results are bold and atmospheric, I’m sure you’ll agree.

Sonya uses her love of colour to express the emotions and drama shewants to convey from each scene.

Similarly inspired by the beauty that surrounds her – but withdramatically different results – Ursula Stone lives on the edge of theAshdown Forest in Sussex. She paints the elements not as a literalrepresentation, but as metaphors. Working mostly in oils, herindividual style is painted finely with brushes and also roughly withpalette knives to bring a balance that duality requires to becomewhole. Ursula’s work sensitively adheres to the gestures of the colouras she works with combinations that elicit an emotional responsefrom the viewer.www.artymagazines.comTwitter @brightonsarty

“Textbooks arereserved for

their traditionalscience lessons

SCIENCEUNLOCKING POTENTIALDr Caroline Oprandi keeping you up to

date with science & technology at PACA


“Do youreally want

to see anotherphoto of oursmug felinesGilbert andGeorge?

Sonya Tatham

Ursula Stone

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18 LATEST 7watch on channel 8, channel 159 or at

Hello boys and girls. I’m here to talk about a nasty little thingcalled VD. It can ruin relationships and lives the world over. VDdoesn’t care who you are, whether you’re rich or poor, healthy

or unhealthy... it strikes all of us.I’m talking, of course, about Valentine’s Day – New Year’s Eve, but with

less sex. “Single twentysomething in Valentine’s Day hatred shock”, I hearyou clamour,but come on,it really iswhollydreadful. Mycontempt forit is twofold.The firstreason comesfrom anexperience Ihad lastValentine’sDay, on aSaturdaynight, waitingtables at mylocal.

Fewarbitraryannualspendfestsgive a customer quite the sense of rude entitlement like VD. Someonesent their steak back four times,which on the surface isunderstandable. Steak really isa special occasion, but whenyou have it well done like thiscustomer did, you lose everysinew of my sympathy.

But this was not the source of the bad memory. This came later on inthe evening when I actually had to break up a fight and chuck someoneout, which, if you’ve met me, is ridiculous. All because two blokes endedup coming to blows for reasons unfathomable to me, but the exchangedid include the line: “Look mate, I’m just trying to have a nice Valentine’sDay with my missus.”

Maybe this is unfair, maybe this could have happened any night, butanything that turns me into a more middle class, follically fortunate PhilMitchell has got to be bad news.

The second reason is more serious and – bear with me on this – farmore romantic. See, is it not a sad indictment of monogamousrelationships that we need a specific day every year where we have to benice to each other? And why must that day involve spending crazyamounts of money on special set menus served by resentful waiters?

Should these evenings when you treat your significant other to a nicedinner out not be spontaneous? Should they not happen because youwant them to, not because an American-imported love monopoliser saysyou have to? Should I stop writing like Carrie Bradshaw from Sex and theCity now? Yes. I should.

I guess my point is that it brings out the worst in romance – theexploitative, Instagram-bombarding side of it. Contrary to what youmight think, it’s actually the time of year I feel most glad to be single.

Because with me, ladies, every day is VD. No wait no not like... it was ajoke that’s come back to bite me... come back!Twitter: @jakeshoolheifer

ABOUT A BOYJAKE SHOOLHEIFEROne person not loved up last Sunday


evenings not bespontaneous?

Papa Haydn. For some this is a term of endearmentcelebrating an influential figure, particularly for his workdeveloping the string quartet. For others, his ornate music is

almost too sweet and it is uttered almost condescendingly. Regardless of where you stand (or if you don’t fancy standing

anywhere), the String Quartet in C is a masterpiece, described asbeing fiery, eloquent, profound and original in Chris Darwin'sprogramme notes. The final movement is particularly noteworthywith a slow, gorgeous Adagio kicking off into a little Presto and thencoming back around to contemplative Adagio mode again.

The Elias Quartet will open their Sunday morning concert with theHaydn, and they are celebrated for their vibrant performances so theaudience are in for a treat. The New York Times praised their “bold,rich tone and expressive nuances” in a performance at Carnegie Halland our own Andrew Connal gave the quartet five stars in 2013 so wewill be in critically acclaimed company.

After the Haydn comes a cooler, more glacial meditation in theString Quartet No. 1 in D major from Benjamin Britten. The firstmovement is sumptuously high pitched and almost eerie, featuring asoothing vibrato which thenleaps into a more franticpace and then slows downagain (not so different toHaydn perhaps). It's adazzling piece of music,check out the BrodskyQuartet's elegiac version onYoutube if you'd like to get afeel for it.

The morning will end with Mendelssohn's String Quartet No.2 in AMinor, which features an instantly recognisable opening, and is astirring, melodic blockbuster heavily influenced by Beethoven's latequartets. The slow parts are heartbreaking, the vigorous partsdanceable, the whole thing a delight.

The exciting event is put on by the Dome in association with StringsAttached, and is involved in a fantastic scheme providing free ticketsfor young people. Thanks to CAVATINA, there are free tickets availablefor people aged 8 to 25. These are limited however, and you need topop by the Dome's ticket office at 29 New Road, Brighton in person ifyou would like some. This beautiful programme and acclaimed

quartet should make for a superb Sunday morning. I loved the Coffee Concert last month and will certainly go to this

one so feel free to say hello. My picture is up there at the top of thepage, and I am a tall gentleman.Elias String Quartet, Corn Exchange, Brighton Dome, Sunday 21 February,11am, £16-£18.50, Ages 8-25 free (read more above), 01273 709709

“The slowparts are

heartbreaking,the vigorousparts danceable,the whole thinga delight

ENTERTAINMENTJOE FULLER Be both moved and thrillingly unsettled in

chamber music at the Dome

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19 LATEST 7watch on channel 8, channel 159 or at

It was a moderate success as a book, shortlisted for the WhitbreadPrize, but it was only when The National Theatre working withAdrian Kohler and Basil James of Cape Town based Handspring

puppet Company got their hands on it that this amazing story broke intoa theatrical gallop

It opened on the South Bank in 2007 and has since gone on toachieve massive international acclaim and a host of awards. So howcome it was 2016 before I managed to see this extraordinary show?

I guess because I am not a horse lover, but that is a very lameexcuse. I did watchthe film, well partof it. That simplydid not grasp myattention and Igave up before theend.

So when I heardthat the show,which is aboutclose in the WestEnd, was to betaken on tour andwould be comingto Brighton I wasintrigued. Whatwas it about thisshow that hardgarnered suchacclaim andcaptured thehearts of around2.7 million peoplein the UK and over7 million people worldwide. Well it had to be seen, so despite terriblestorms and cancelled trains I made my way to the New LondonTheatre to meet the people behind the success and finally see theshow.

I was not to be disappointed. After a speech by the executivedirector of the National Theatre Michael Morpurgo walked out on thestage clutching a copy of the book and reminding us that it had oncebeen just a book. He told the story of how he came to write it, amoving tale in itself and then how he was approached by the National

Theatre, met the team and became part of this international success.Next we met the man behind the puppets who introduced us to

Joey, the war horse. I wasn’t sure what to expect but to say that I wasblown away would be a serious understatement. Joey thunders andsnorts, he twitches and responds emotionally to what happensaround him. This is all made possible by three actor/puppeteers whoinhabit the character, one is the head, one the heart and one the tail.They demonstrated, without the costume, how this all works. It wasextraordinary, quite amazing to see and hear.

Later that evening I saw the show and was mesmerised by thebeauty of the production, the stunning puppets, strong design andfaultless ensemble company that pull this off.

The truth is that with a puppet horse the company can get to theheart of what Morpurgo wanted to achieve, which is to tell the storyfrom the perspective of the horse Joey. It’s not a pro-British story, orpro-German or French for that matter. The film failed for me becausea real horse could not be directed beyond being told to walk, trot,canter and gallop. This puppet can react with intensity, and that’swhy it works.

War Horse comes to the Brighton Centre in January 2018. Yes along way off, so why tell you now? Well tickets are already on sale andselling fast. It may be some time off but with the show closing in lessthan a month now is the time to make sure that you do not miss itwhen it gallops into town.War Horse, Brighton Centre, 25th January to 10th February 2018 0844 847 1515,

WAR HORSEThe National Theatre’s West End Hit adaptation of MichaelMorpurgo’s novel is riding into The Brighton Centre


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Iremember the day she(Gemma Thompson, guitarist)came to my house and she

said I have finally found the namefor the band. It will be Savages”,says Jehnny (Beth, singer), “andthat straight away resonated.There is so much imagery, somuch metaphors that you canplay with that band name.”

“I wasn’t quite sure whateveryone was trying to do,”laughs Fay (Milton, drums),recalling the first time theystepped into a rehearsal room. “Iwasn’t sure what was going on,but we did it. The first was verystrange, all getting together.We're all very differentcharacters from each other, quitean oddball bag of people in aroom. From the secondrehearsal, we all had ideas fromthe first one, and things startedto flow very quickly, and reallywell, and really musically, andthe band became a band.

Formed in 2011, they playedtheir first ever gig in Brighton,the following January, as part ofBritish Sea Power’s Krankenhausnight. Following a lengthy periodof playing live in order to geteverything just right, they finallyentered the studio and releasedtheir debut album, ‘SilenceYourself’, in 2013. It immediatelymade a huge impact for it’s post-punk style aggression, the tautyet expressive playing of theband, and Jehnny’s lyrics, a mixof the Dadaist andconfrontational. “We're alwayslabelled post punk, but it's notsomething we set out to do,”says Fay. “It's the combination ofour tastes and styles puttogether. Our mindset when wewere making the first album, wewere feeling more aggressive,more defiant and “**** you,world” attitude.

Earlier this year they releasedthe equally superb ‘Adore Life’

album, a less aggressive but stillnoisy and dark affair. “Most of allit’s about love, every kind oflove. Love is the answer,” saysJehnny. “On this record we werein a different place, and thinkingabout other things, and I thinkthat comes across,” says Fay. “It'smore hopeful, it's warmer, andit's friendlier as well.”De La Warr Pavilion, Thur 18 Feb,7pm, £15.50

There’s an off-the-beaten-comedy-track nightthat’s very much worth

popping onto your radar. Deep inthe heart of the Lanes, thetraditionally music-led venue ofSticky Mike’s Frog bar turns into acomedy emporium for one nightonly each month, as thecharacter of Brian Gittinshosts proceedings coupling abig (and we do mean ‘big’)name headliner with supportfrom an off-the-wallestablished act, and openspots for some of the bestrising local comics. This isGittins To Know You.

First off, Brian Gittins is amarvellously unpredictableforce of nature. You might havecaught him previously on supportdates for Ricky Gervais’ 2009 tour,spearheading anti-comedy atvarious gigs around town over theyears, and generally promptingcheek-aching laughs at hismisanthropic yet endearingpersona. No one else is likely to

introduce a ‘Live At The Apollo’-profile headliner with animpromptu ‘Who’s Got A DeadMum’ straw poll of the audience,or pre-empt a support actintroduction with an instantlycreated gameshow of ‘What’s ThatUp There?’. It’s all marvellously

bizarre and random – and that’ssomething to know before youeven step foot across thethreshold of this club night.

Headlining this month’s line-upwill be John Kearns, whoseabsurdist comedy won him the2014 Foster's Edinburgh ComedyAward, a year after being named

best newcomer – the first act toachieve that in two consecutiveyears. He was also nominated forthe Melbourne Comedy Festival’sBarry award in both 2014 and2015. Utterly and completely

different from anyone elsearound, and a real treat tocatch in Brighton.

Previous headline acts haveincluded Stewart Lee, AlMurray, Kerry Godliman, GregDavies and Cardinal Burns. Allunder the radar. In fact, thebest way to know aboutwhat’s coming up is to join theGittins To Know You Facebookgroup. With promises of this

year’s big name acts includingSam Simmons, Paul Foot, StewartLee and Brett Goldstein, you’d bemad to miss any of them.Gittins To Know You, Sticky Mike’sFrog Bar, Thursday 18 February,7.30pm, £8,




Another week and anothergreat music chart for you!Listen online to get yourfavourite to the top and tosubmit your own tracks.


Latest BrightonDownload Chart

1 Tony Blair Witch ProjektLet’s Have Some GoodTimes

2 The Fooley Mantras The Truth

3 The Black Fields The Fighter

4 Gudjohr Hey Gurl

5 Asher Fynn Love is aDependency

6 John Maher Over the line

7 Sweet Jonny Carpe Diem

8 MIGHT Fate

9 SuicideDefects With A TitleLike This You’d Think ThisWas A Song By Fall Out Boy

10 The Popguns Still WaitingFor The Winter

11 Freudstein Sister Sleaze

12 onenamedpater Guardian Angel

13 tenek State Of Mind

14 The Last Cry Rebekka

15 The Fooley Mantras Find The Key

16 Jim Guittard BJM–Like Song

17 Jamie Bibloa Everything Computerised

18 Chaos Borne The Moment

19 Osaro and RJ Shut Up andDance

20 Shoot the Dead Lullaby


Anarchy and fun rules at Gittins To Know You

Savages – Intense and dark, that’s what Savages are made of….

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21 LATEST 7watch on channel 8, channel 159 or at

Iknow you've got lots on your plate right now, but could I ask a tinyfavour? It'll only take a moment, it won't cost you a penny and it'llmake me really, really happy, which I know is always important to you.

What I'd love you to do is go to and take a lookat the petition there. If you agree with its far from unreasonablesentiments, which I'll outline in a moment, then do please sign and shareit. It's not exactly of global significance, but it means a lot to some verydecent people. And to me.

If, on the other hand,you don't agree withthose far fromunreasonablesentiments, then pleasebear in mind I'll never,ever send you a Christmas card ever again. Or worse, I'll send you one ofthose e-mailed ones, which effectively say: "Season's greetings, eventhough to meyou're noteven worth theprice of astamp."

So, OK,what's thispetition about,eh? Save thefence? Whatfence? Why's itworth saving?Tell us, Mike.Get to thepoint. All right,I shall.

It's the fence surrounding Withdean Park in Brighton. It's not aparticularly pretty fence, it won't win Fence Of The Year or make the coverof Sexy Fence Monthly, but for years it's done a wonderful job in lettingowners walk their dogs there in relative safety.  

It was actually put up for an entirely different purpose, to protect thepark's lilac collection from pesky bunny rabbits, but apparently it's nolonger needed for that, so its secondary, dog-safety role is effectively itsmain function now. 

The area itself is lovely for numerous reasons, largely thanks to the finework of the Friends Of Withdean Park, but it has a special place in thehearts of dog owners, particularly those with puppies. It's basically a greatplace to walk and socialise, whether you have two legs or four.

Trouble is, the vital surrounding fence is getting quite ropey. And thecouncil can't afford its upkeep. We could live with that, just leave it as it is,it'll do for now, but apparently they're worried it could become a safetyissue if it stays. (They'd probably say "health and safety", pairing them uplike people do now, but since a fence is unlikely to give you measles, I thinkjust "safety" will suffice here).

Anyway, we're not being all stroppy about this. We're just asking ifthey'd kindly hold back so other options can be explored, funding andmaintenance-wise. 

And that's it really. No biggy, but do please help if you can. Did I mentionit's all at

Splendid. Just checking.Mike Ward is the TV Critic of the Daily Star and the TV Editor of the DailyExpress Saturday magazine. Hear him every Monday afternoon with GuyLloyd on Brighton’s Juice 107.2Twitter: @mikewardontv

“It won’t winFence Of The

Year or make thecover of SexyFence Monthly




King Charles IIITheatre Royal Brighton, 9 February 2016, ★★★★★

It’s not often that I leave a theatre thinking that I have seen a newplay that will become a classic but this extraordinary play might justbe that, a future classic. Brilliantly structured with twists and turnsthat keep you on the edge ofyour seat, the drama throwsthe whole constitution of theBritish Monarchy up in the airand we are privvy to themachinations of the media,the government and the royalfamily and to the reactions ofthe military and the public asthe country is thrown intochaos. There are hints of KingLear, Hamlet and Macbeth forsure and the whole beingdelivered in Shakespeareanverse amplifies that, but thatverse is so finely crafted thatit never seems less thancontemporary. Of course thiscould only work with thefinest of casts and they do notcome finer than thiscompany, headed by Robert Powell. He plays Charles superbly well,intelligent, well intentioned and principled, his gradual demise ismovingly sad. Jennifer Bryden is scarily focused as an ambitious Katedriving forward Prince William to what is clearly her goal. RichardGlaves is Harry and swings from rebel prince to loyal prince withhilarious effect but also with sadness at the inevitability of hisposition. Lucy Phelps as his commoner, republican lover adds bothwarmth and balance to a role that could so easily be a stereotype.

Rupert Gould has honed this clever play to razor sharpness, thedesign is finely oppressive and effective and the whole makes for astunning evening of thought-provoking entertainment.Andrew Kay

Simon Munnery and Nothing ButThe Old Market, 5 February 2016 ★★★★★

Having showcased his unique live film making skills and sung SørenKirkegaard, Simon Munnery returned to back to basics stand up withhis most recent hour; although with a comic of Munnery’s calibre,nothing is ever basic. There was a surprising political edge to some ofhis material – somewhat generic stuff but enlivened by his tricksywriting which piles on verbal invention and deconstructs everydayphrases to find their absurdity. What stuck in the mind most were theset pieces; a reinvented Can-Can and an imagined skiing–based date.Munnery ploughs his own path and is always a must see.Simon Plotkin

Jason DeruloBrighton Centre, 2 February 2016 ★★★★★

Chart topping solo singer Jason Derulo rocked the Brighton Centrewith an impressive show of incredible singing power, charismaticshowmanship and a stage-stealing dance crew. Backed by a crowd-pleasing DJ and a group of young, talented musicians includingelectric guitar, drums, keyboards and more, the acrobatic dancingmachine delivered an energetic, ground-shaking performance ofnumber one hits and songs from the highly anticipated new album‘Everything Is 4’. With the crowd bouncing before the support acteven came on it was bound to be a night to remember and it certainlywas just that.Ryan Chambers

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