Last Important Step With The Law of Attraction – Letting Go

Post on 11-May-2015

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Many people have complained that the law of attraction doesn’t work for them even though they have followed every step. They’re thinking positively and believe that their desires will manifest but it’s just not working. So what are they doing wrong?

Transcript of Last Important Step With The Law of Attraction – Letting Go

Last Important Step With The Law of Attraction – Letting Go

Alan Cheng, CEO

Many people have complained that the law of attraction doesn’t work for them even though they have followed every step. They’re thinking positively and believe that their desires will manifest but it’s just not working.

Alan Cheng, CEO

So what are they doing wrong?

Alan Cheng, CEO

There are many steps to the law of attraction. It’s not just about positive thinking and expecting your desires to manifest. It’s a way of life that contains several steps in order for manifestation to


Alan Cheng, CEO

One of the major problems is that people expect to practice the law of attraction for a week and then see results.

Alan Cheng, CEO

Then they go back to their negative thinking and then back to implementing the law of attraction and so on.

This will not work. The law of attraction is not something that you will practice and

expect to work right away.

Alan Cheng, CEO

It takes time for the Universe to

arrange things and bring it into reality.

We can never predict when our

desires will manifest.

Alan Cheng, CEO

So getting impatient with the law of attraction will not work. You need to let go

which is a critical step.

Alan Cheng, CEO

Letting go means thinking about your

desires happily but not being too worried if it

doesn’t manifest. If you are worried, then you’re

focusing on it not happening, which is not the message you want

to give out.

Alan Cheng, CEO

Letting go requires you to think about the desire in a playful way and not caring how or when it will manifest. You just know that

you’ll receive it sooner or later.

Alan Cheng, CEO

There are many steps to the law of attraction and letting go is one of

the steps that is misunderstood the


Alan Cheng, CEO

You should practice letting go and see if it improves your situation. If not, then read more on the law of attraction to

learn what steps you’re not doing correctly.

Alan Cheng, CEO

Law of Attraction Works For Relationships As Well As

Material Things

Alan Cheng, CEO

Alan Cheng, CEO

Tip: To learn more about the law of attraction and manifest your desires

step by step, Click Here – Alan Cheng,