Lasseter Lantern Vol 1 #4

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Transcript of Lasseter Lantern Vol 1 #4

  • 8/4/2019 Lasseter Lantern Vol 1 #4


    Lasseter students an) ;iOll sly wat t-d in assembly on February 22 fore tapping of members of theirst Beta Club of H, S. Lasseter.s members of the Miller Betaluh entered, excitement prevailedn the audience. Tapped were Ter-e Becker, Beve rly ctanee. Valeriaurphey, Kay Neisler, Kathy 141-ier, and Jill Cox. Others receivinge honur were Janice Dlx, Margieeynolds, Peggy Simmons, Pattyichardson, Claudia Medley, andKelly_ These junior!; were se-ectcd upon standards of achieve-ent, character, and leadership.The president of the Miller Betalub, Brown Phillips, presided du-ing the program. At.tending theccasion were Miss Clara !\flll Har-rove, pr-inicipnl of Miller Sr., Dr.ulius Gholson, gupermtedent ofhe Bibb Co. Schools, (Inc! Miss Do-othy Simmons, advisor for the Mil-r Beta Club. Each Mlller- Betalub member explained the activi-es, purposes, or historv of thisonor society. Dr, Julius Gholsonresented the National Beta Cluh

    _ 9 f _H. S., Ln~:;~t

  • 8/4/2019 Lasseter Lantern Vol 1 #4


    The Lssseter Lantern

    Macon and Bibb County, as I see it today, life on the thresholdof the greatest explosion in industrial devatopment. and economicgrnwth that any of us could ever- visualize. Now it ts up to us tostep across this Iht-eshnld and maintain the momentum thst ts curry-ing us to a brit;ht new future as a metropolitan center of the boomingSoutheast.. Wh~1 has b rought us to this enviable pace in our history? I could

    say, "The good eltizenshtp of a l(,l of people," hut thts wouldnot. he suructent without a explanation. The efforts of our goodctuzens have built for us a foundation industry, no Guest Editorialist. Mr, Okey Har.!:~~~:n~~I~~lr~~~~'gde.~~~ol1~~~l~';f ~ ~ : ~ 1 a ~ ~ ~f the ll:t~Q:~:O~~~~:~ !)(l~~~; rison , Presiden t of the Gre.aterhighway complexes, WCS!eY i lD College and Mercer University, the com Macon Chamber of Commerce.

    junior college, an uutstunding public education system, Robins Airease and other lucal military installations, a twentieth (,:Ent.ury Thoughts On Arailroad yard, and numerous other assets. Downtown wacon 1$ ahar-~ ~ ~ g t t : ~ :r,~g~p,~~~'k\\~:~l~~~~ ~ : ; ~ ~ [ ) ~ ~ ' ; t : i : i C ~ C St ; ~ ; ; ~ ~ ~ n t l ynnounced Serious Problem

    New Industry is moving to Macon through the growing efforts of Teenagers today, because of theirthe Indust ria l Depar tment o r your Greater Macon Chamber of Com- sincere. and eager desire for s~rv.merce. ing their community, for learning

    Along with this optimistic outlook of progress, Macon and Hlhf and developing new i~eas and forCounty citizens need to be euncerned with the need far expansion and progressing our _ nation, h a v eL __odernizutiou of M.acOI! H ospital; the very definite neert for addttlcns e~rnCd the attention and respectto our present sewage system; development of an adequate street sys 0 all. Lasseter, as a new school,tern with adequate access to our lntersta'.e hlghw3 system; modcrni- not only represents the teen-zati~1'l of our City government and pro v i-rons for cur ever-growing bud. a~ers of ~acon, but this ~.gctal"Y needs; and modernization and of our Municipal Air. flencrabon. It should certain.port. These items ate broad in scope, with man)" details still Jy p.rcsent to thos,: in our com-to be worked cut by the public officials whom you and I elect to mUlll,ty a clea~ prcturs of thegl"owlng maturity of teenagers

    today. The majority of Lasseterstudents strive hard for this goal,yet some [[,il to recogniae ita Im.portence to themselves !:ISwell asothers. who damage theproperty High Schoolhy marking on walls and littering-are examples o! an immature andthoughtless rusncrity group whodegrade the high standards set byother. gil 'ii:i"at Lasseter.These gil"l~, by their actions,definitely display signs of immaFree Enterprise InAmerica ~~r:~:: c~~~:nl~rr;.:~~~:~a~il~%~.

    ture and stable girl should be ableto recognize how pointless anddestructive such acts are. Theseacts will not gain attention. ex-cept scorn or punishment, andwill not solve a girl's problems oraid her in any wayDam.?[;ing another's property is

    ~imply J. matter of righL or wrongand the correct rO!l_dto fo llow

    is clear and straight fo rward.The g-irls who do these things

    should realize that tnev not en-Iy lower themselves, - but alsolower the standards of the schooland the goals set by earnest hard-working students and faculty memohers. In other words, no one bene-fits from the foolish acts of thea-few girls, yet many are hurt.

    One of the most valuable assets a school can possess is that intang-ible, indefinable thing that W~ tall school spirit. With it. ado anything. Without it, everything is hard work. Although113the wind, evidences of it may be plainly seen. Enthusiasm, studenteagerness to participate in activiues, pride in the builrling and pro-gram, and concern fnr all are a few of these is to

  • 8/4/2019 Lasseter Lantern Vol 1 #4


    edneS'day, March 9, 1966 The Lasseter LanternR S . J A M E S S P E A K S A T

    W O M E N ' S C O L L E G E O F G A .

    Page 3

    \ N O E L E C T S O F F I C E R S ;E S D R U M M , \ J O R

    On February 16, Mrs. JacqueJames, Lasseter's guidance coun-selor, spoke to the Woman's Col-lege of Georgia in Milledgeville.The college offered a symposiumof five special sessions by personsfrom the Bibb County PublicSchool System to its students tak-ing a course in Education. On Jan-uary 21, Mrs. Lillian Mahone, prin-c ipal oi'J. Ellsworth Hall GrammarSchool spoke on how the schoolprincipal aids the classroom teach-er. Mr. Allan W. Gurley, admlnis-strative assistant instructor of theBibb County Board of Education,talked on the services of the cur-riculum director to the classroomteacher. Mrs. Elizabeth White,audiovisual coordinator ; Miss vtr-ginia Hall, art director: and MrsCelia Moore, library director, spokeThe Highhatters Band has rec- on February 9, of the services reno

    ntly elected its otttcors. Faye dered by the special supervisor.owers, a junior, was elected presl- Mrs. James and Mrs. Mary EllenI Faye lives at 232 College Holbrook, a visiting teacher, talked

    treet with her mother, Mrs. on how school counselors and visit.illdys Powers. She is a member lng teachers aid the classroomr Tau Omega Pi Sorority. teacher. To conclude the sessions,Polly Roberts, a sophomore, was Mr. S. Lloyd Newberry, assistantlected vice-president. Palsy Rob- superintendent of the Bibb Countyrts, Polly's sister, was elected Schools, spoke on how the super-~;;ar,i;m~~!h ;:e~~~:ew~~~ISt~~Vi; L ------------------- ~~~~~:~~~!~~~~~:.ystem serves

    :~,~;!:,~,~';'~; M e r i t S c h o l a r s h ip T e s t A d m i n is t e re d Z\,91 Magnolia Drive. She is thef ",.od "" John A, T o L a s s e t e r S tu d e n t s L a s t W e e kBrenda Lowle, eighth grade replives at t.he Masonic Lasseter High School administered the National Merit Scholar-She attends ?llulberry Meth- ship Qualifying Test (l\>')1SQT) to about oil juniors in the library on

    dist Church. Tuesday, March 1. The NMSQT, a two and one-ha l f hour test of e du -Chris Mathews, ninth grade rep- cational development, is the first step in the twelfth. annual cempe-esentative, resides at 2265 Ollie titian for four-year Merit Scholarships.rive. She is the daughter of Mr. All students' scores will be re- come a finalist in the competj-nd l\1rs. Jack T. Mathews. She ported to their schools before May tion. Only finalists are eligible to~\~i~~:5~:~~s~ ~c~~i~,~~l~~r~~~. Mrs. Shlron Hearn !~i~~;:~h~a~~\~l i~~~rp;~! iV~haOnO~ ~:rs~~~!id~;edN:~cth:n;Ie;~~!eo~~:

    lives at 2419 Miller- and students. About 14,000 semi- Every finalist will be awarded aield Road with her parents Mr. Mrs. Hearn Coaches finalists, the highest scorers in Certificate of Merit for his out-

    ~~t~;:sCh~~~h~ttends Students In Reading ~~;~~t~'e~Vti~~~/~~u;;;: ~~~ ~~~!~~~~:;~:_nce in the 1966 I\U R e v o i r , M r s~ D e l o a c hLynne Bohac, eleventh grade nra. sharon Hearn is one of the names of semifinalists will be sent Finalists who win Merit Scholar- Mrs. Jo Ann DeLoach will be

    epresentative, resides at 1745 Pes- newest members of the Lasseter to colleges end organizations offer- ships will be selected on the basts leaving Lasseter on March 11. Sheer Place with her parents Mr. and fnculty and teaches a special read- ing financial aid to undergraduates. of school records and recomrnen- has been doing her student teach-rs. E. J. Bohac. Lynne attends lng course. She came La Lasseter In October, approximately 38,000 datlOns,. ~e~t scores, ex~ra-eur~~cu. ing in World History under Mrstncvnle Presbyterian Church. 'u February from Jones County students v:ho score j~s.t b~low ~e tar actlYltle~, leadership . ability, Seabrooke.Margie Barker was appointed where she taught English and read- level required of semifinalists, will and accomplishments outside the Mrs. DeLoach was born in Maconrum major. She 'was chosen by ing, but she does not know how receive Letters of Commendation classroom. The awards range fr~m and has lived here all her life. Sheiss Harrell on the basis of ap- long she will be able to stay. Mrs. for their high performance,. al- $100 to $1500 per year according resides on Melton Avenue withearance, poise, and marching Hearn has heel) teaching school though they will ~ot be eHgI.ble to the student's need. A~out three- her husband; her daughter Debbie,blllfy, Margie, a junior, lives at for about lY2 years. She attended to compete f _ o ~ M~nt Sc~olarshlps fo~rths of tho .204 Merit Scholar- a ninth grader at Lasseter; and8 Dorothy Street wlth her par- Mercer University where shc ma - Each semlfmah: ts wl .1 1 be re - ships awarded In. 1965 were s.pon. two sons, Bus, 11 and Doug, 9. A

    Mr. and Mrs. I.. A. Barker. jored in speech and English. Her quired to substantiate his NM~QT sored by wrpor.atl.ons, found.atlons, senior at The Woman's College orhe is a member of Kappa iliu Sig- husband is a coach at Dudley performance o? a sec~nd ~xamlll~- colleges, .as~o:lahons, un Ion s , Georgia in Milledgeville, she willna Sorority and attends East Side Hughes. tton and submit c.ertam bicgraphl- trusts, or Individuals. graduate with a 8.S. degree in So.aptist Church. The reading course is a govern- cal information In order to be- cial Studies. Upon graduation, she~~e~~S~!~~~ ~~:~n~h~~I~~r~f1~~~: ~e~i~ s:i~~~~t~di:~:~dai~g,7~~~~~~ Future Scientists FTA Explores ~1o~~~~,o teach social studies inl~ ~ % ~ : ~ ~~ ~ : : 1 l ~ :hr.~:lf:~~rn; ~d~n;deth~: o~ng~rtl~e~nsr:t~!~ht~ Complete Projects .iJlercerUniversity La:~~;r, a:~:\!~li~~~~~: ~ t ? ~ U !

    ethod~st Chu.rell. and ninth grade. On December 30, m~ny girls Ten members of the Lasseter bCl\utifU~d S~~~~~lt a~:eth!iri:cu~~~D~~~~~;:ifse~h:tda~~5h~ 'Romeo and Juliet' ~~u~~r:.e :~::\\:~~~ry:~:~n ;~~ a~! ~~:\~i~:0~m~~7;!~S~e:a~~;:~;n;r~~n~IY and h~lPfUl." -er of Mr. and Mrs. E. E. ~itchens, Att t St d t sorts of various bottles, boxes, 8?d University on February 23, withn:ember of Kappa M .u Sigma 80- rac s u en S papers, because on this day b io - Miss Mary Middlebrooks, as guide. SUp 309 Capturesorttv, and attends Cross Keys Bap- On February 16th fifty girls logy projects were due. The members met in room 111st Church. from the ninth and tenth grades Of all the experiments turned immediately after last supervision. Attendance AwardJe~e ~~w :la~~i~i o:~~~:~.ha~fde~ ~;;a::)~te~o~ear~:d\~r~~~~~W~~~f~! ~~~a~e~~haatdo~~e b~f s : ~ :~~t ~~: ~~~Ymt~~e~ndt~ea~i~~c~~ .~~~~a~t~~~~ Fcbrua ry.lO was an exciting dayember has earned nfty points by Hi ah School to see a presentation phens. In her report she proved The members looked aro_und the for supervmon. 309. They tvcfhe end of the year, she w i l l reo of ~ Shakespeare's "Romeo lind that plants watered In colored wa- book store and then visited the premised their ~lrst Coke end y 0eive a letter. Th~ fifteen memo Juliet". ter grow that .color. freshman dormito~y and the up. !he ~~:;~~ 9~~ s~t~~~s a.~:~ors who attended the concert by The play presented by the Na- Another project by Mary Anne per-elassmen dormitory. They then III the grve y Y f Jhe Atla.nta Symphony Orchestra uonet Rep~tory Theater of New B~rg and Ellen Blum tested plant went to the Stetson Library tor su?en'i.sion, the home 0 receive paints., York, attracted a full house. vl.ability .and also tlxper.imellted where they saw the room dedicated v~satlle. gl~~l1~va::~~~n~~~P~~~eeirThe band has been laking part "I thought the play was ~ ~ r rwell With varymg amounts of light and to Mr. Stets.on. At the Studen~ Cen- :. e~_MISSMisS ~enr announcedn many activities. On February done, and it was most exettmg to the effect on plant growth. fer. the gIrls caught a glimpse ill mg. th ttY t dwenty-fifth they attended the tlIu sec one of Shakespeare's plays Karen Outz s turned in an cut- of the art exhibit, the cafeteria, and t~at after c nex. we.~1Yb a~ pelic Festival: and on May second the come alive on the stage," co.mme~t standing. ?rojeet having to do with P03t Office. Miss Middlebrooks ~:ed i:ot~Oekes~:~~l:i~i:~ w~t;lV::~~;d ;:llll~~~y !~~t~het:~E!~~~~::: ~~~~~t,El~~~;~ w~~d~ll~~;O~~~~ ~~~s ~~ere~~~~:o~la~~s C:;b;:'o~t:dth:t:~ told a~ut the Humanities Building highest. att~ndance and one to theents will be taken for th band l\1i~.; Henry, arran~ed the trip and a,ddition of carbon to SOlI IS bene- and pointed out the Chapel and one Whl~h Improves. t~e ~~~\ Con-niforms. accompanied the girls. Iicial. Law School. gratulations, supervision .

    Mrs. Jo Ann DeL.oach

  • 8/4/2019 Lasseter Lantern Vol 1 #4


    In Psbruary, the club sponsored The FHA club held a businessIuneheon for the Ned Cross Vol- meeting at which thev discussednteers who work in our school plans for Future Homemakerslinic. The members decorated and Week. The members are now sellt the table tor this event. In tng cup cakes at their meetings inme of the past meetings, slides order to raise money for the trees-

    shown of Afrka by Vickie urv. At the last severalekle and a talk was given about FHA members .'\ familyuth America by Joan Cheeks. For eating supper. girls demone February project, the Art class strated ever-ything that w a s w r o n gade some cut-outs. and the Red to do while The remaining Sara Ann .Stephens and IraM Mock display their posters in theross Club made fevers [or the members wrote their mis- library,

    Hospital. for the service takes which amounted to thir ly- '~!~~~~ne:.El. The name chosen wasI n M a r c h ,t h e club wil l f ill seven. O n February 2 5 , t h e c l u b FTA POSTERS DISPLAYED~ ~ : :~~~u;~ :~~ir~~ay:~ei~b;~:~~~r. In January. Miss Middlebrooks IN THE LIBRARY Freshman Class-making month, to earn money ~~~e S~U~~~Io~~~~~~~;,rX ~ ' ~ ' T h a : a ; ~ ~ ~ The freshman class had its sec-huy ;an~y. [or the ,CriPp~ed Y-TEENS CLUB ruary 4 meeting the members of This month MIss Emmett's tentn ond class meeting on February 9

    ;nht~r~lU~e~:C~:I~~ TIn! Y-Teens Ciub sponsored a the c.lub. eScoft~ FTA rne.;llbers of ~~a:;rr~!~~:e~ t:lI~e : : : s ~ ~ : ~ ~ ~ : =: ! ~ i d ~ ~ e~~k~~tt~r~:,i~~e';~birthday cards to' the Bibb candy sale last n~oEth i~ or.dcr t.o ~'~;~bMllu:r /~llO~ hAgln~: 'hHarden been reading. Some of these books doinJ:: great, we're reallv fine. sue-

    ursing Home. Each supervision raise money. Juay BedmgI1Cld IS h ~ ar~un h ~ ~~ 00: _e ,t~lemf ar e; Gl:Ine with the Wind; The Pres- cess is ours in '69." Al~o prepara-

    a s ' k e d L : : : : : : i : ' : : ~ ' "a re . f i : [ , ~ ; i : ~ ~ : : ' ; ~ 2 ~ ' ; : i : ~ ~ , ~ ! I ~: ~ : : ~ ? ~ ; ; ; ; ~ ~ o ~ : l } ~ ~ d : ; ~ [ ; ~ ~ ~E : i : ~ : ~ : ~ : ~ : ~ ~ : I ; ~ ~ : ~ : e ~ i ; ; ~~ ~ : ; ; ' : i i r - : , ' ~ : 7 ~ ~ ~ : i - ~. they wanted to teach. Also, a thank displayed m the lIbrary. Mrs. used in practicing the freshmana~~es~:S~~l~a;;~~~;r~8~1;~ch~fu~ ART CLUB jVU. t);k1. \~a,read Irom the Miller rf'tent1yan~iS~~:~e:t~~:~ a~~~d~ll~~S~songs.unanimously to give the unror C uu. on ~eogl"aphi['al researchoney to Miss Henry for II clock . On February 4, Art Club had as library. Mrs. Mixon's ninth

    l;b~~~i~fu~h~a~1I::c~7~~ ~~a~~eC:~r~~lc;~;':i'A~;th::l~h;~~~~! MUSIC CLUB d~~i~~~ ~1:1~:r;{la~:t:ostersd three new members who are: He spokeatricia Brooks, Carolyn Cornish, whichd Angela Hackle. We wish to ex. and snoutend to them a welcome to our new tals of anychool. On February 2 1 3 , the club one'siscussed library business and Mrs noatson, the advisor, read the memo iUY 18."~'-;~~_.i story.

    At th : Janu~ry 2l meeting, the Student Councilweatshirts arrived and plans werea;:n~O ;~:~ o~;~~;::n~~g~e~~he h:r~~:e~~:r_~I~;qU~~Ud:~~or- t~e club, and thc Lass~ter Council at the S & S Cafctcr ia 011thletic Club was ChOSCll unhl a Walnut Street, Monday, Februaryone ..could be found. For the 7th, at 7:00 p.m. Club presidents

    I~)~:~~~~nd~:~~~~;'~~i: ~ ~ : h~~~~~t7:ei~~o~~u~t~mw~~:1 ~ ; d d ~ O ; ~ ~~;~~k~~~i~~~~~ e ; ; : : ~ ~ t ~ ~ ea~tet~~ d~~nne;;

    d Sieve Cramer from. Mark Smith were Lasseter, Mark Smith, Lanier,.d:monstrate the art of tram- McEvoy, Willingham. Stratford, ~I!.

    nlining. At t1:c February 18 meet- De Sales Dudley HughesVICCp~'csldcnt Margaret s t e u - president of Inla a~jU~;c O~chn~~~~'~ :~I"~~i:\l>llqUet. Diane pl"esf;~~

    articipating. McEvoy, gave a report on the Mrs, 1~,lililbeth ThQm(lS contestant, and fortune cookies for 11.3 thc Junior's second moneyamount of money raised hy the rcrrcsumeuts making project, thev sold beanies

    4.H CLUB Bibb Count~ high schools for the. Mrs. Thom as Jo ins , --, i n uie respective class colors. Sell-At the Februarv 4 meeting of March of DUTIes ing out on the seconn day, thereat~~Ih~~u~~ ~~~e ~~yC\l~~~~~:i O : ~ ~ ~ ~ :O~~~~~:~~:~~;:~~r~~l~een~a sse te r Fa culty COMPLIMENTS OF ~~~sl~ic:e~:~fdu : : ~ v cr~i~i~d~;~ek,T~~nd explained about Junlor work- t~(! entertainment, ...hlch was pre- . time COl" Spirit Week.hops. The Icllowlng dcrnonstra- vtded by several groups. The. Me- ~e arc h~pp}, ,t~ unnou:H~~ the The class divided into commit-

    were given: llartha Mile.-hell, Evoy cheerleaders s a n g , the Living arrival of Mrs. rhumas H A N D Y A N D Y " S lees to lay plans for Lasseter' lames: Renee Granade, Ends of Dudle.y Hughes and the tu our heme econu~lllcs d~part. first Spirit Week to be held March~ e : : ~ Y ~ ~ : ~ ;~~~er~a~:~: ~ ~ i W : : : ~ e ~ : . n i : reo:~r.~.~~m~~!: ~;~~\v:~n.!~~I~;r:'~S:::~d r~,~~:~~.~ ~~'~'un~o~:v:~~e;:a~o~~:~~~ week,ow to make a sewing accessory; De Sales perforn:ed a skit in .

  • 8/4/2019 Lasseter Lantern Vol 1 #4


    ednesday, March 9, 1966 The Lasseter Lantern

    Problems Call for Understanding ~.,::L."'I'een-agers are often told by adults that this is the happie~t timethch- lives and that the problems which they have are not reallyportant. Often adults sincerely believe this, even those who love As Maconites, most of you areeir children and try to understand them. They have so many adult familiar with t.he Mercer Untversltyoblems that they have forgotten what teen-age problems are like. campus. However, your editorsProblems actually are harder for have asked me to tell you a littleReview J O H N M I C H ~ f L M O U S E ab~uctr~;: C~;leg: a~~_i~~~~~t~~~!~,dult, eon often look back through \'1SITSI O L O G V L A B church-related liberal arts mstttu- Bulldog Corner

    ~b::~' ~~~~~~ Ia:~v~ - ~~~~v~~i~~ ~t~~:~tem:::s~ffO;;t~: On February 9, the Mark Smithd through it then. " or "1 Rebecca Lnst. w~ek .1 took a. trip to thn.t made to stress intellectual, social, b~sketban. team dosed. its sea~onlved it this way ... " or "t know Daphne du Maurier made her great insututten of SCience, the bi- and spiritual values which will "nth a loss In thE! region 1 triplee solution that won't work." But book, Rebecca, an exciting mys- ~logy l!ih: As I entered th~ room make worthy citizens and effective ~ to~rnament to the powerfulhen a teen-ager meets a problem tery and a moving romance packed rom behind one of the aquariums, leaders ill a democratic soctety. . oultrl~ team. Although they fin-r the first time. he not. only is into one. The story of this novel J thought Icr a _moII_Ientthat I en- The University consists of: The ished With a l~-H record ror thist sure how to handle it, he is comes alive, and creates a stir in te~ed the, sW.lmmmg pool by College of Liber-al Arts offering season, they d:d remarka~ly wellt even sure that he can, the emotions of U1C reader which mistake .. 1h.en T remembered courses leading to the degrees of for a. team With no seniors andYoung people cnen feel that captures his attention and keeps Lasseter doesn't have a. swlmmurg Bachelor of 'Arts, Bachelor of very llttle experip.nce. This w-ill be~ problems are not only more it until the very last page. The ;~t~l;:~ I W,'lS In the fight place, Science, and Master of Education; a ~ ~ r ~ :: watch .next year.ffIcult, hut that. thf,y are also plot centers around an old, elegant' . . the walter F. George School of he passing Of. the basket-ore numerous Actually t.hey are. estate in England caned Mandere- . r wandered out from behind the Law cfforing the Bachelor of Laws ban season, th~ practices for theolescence is c period of uneven ley which borders on the 8M and fish tank. I was wearing my sun- degree; and tile School of Phar- spring sports Will soon get started.d So IIICw hat unpredictable is surrounded by rolling hills and glases because I am a celebrity, macy otfering the Bachelor of Already, track men are runninganl!:f;!-not only physical change. valleys. you know, and I wouldn't like to Science in Pharmacy. after scho?l and haseba.ll playerst emotional and social change he mohhe? The purpose of Mercer is to of. ~re loosening up, all trYll1~ to get;he7:~; ~~~~n ofOft~~~u~~a~;~~~ eig~~b~~~th;/h\\~he~a~h:eset~r/e:: ca:ef~~i~~l~:~n: asc~:u;:,ll~L~O~ ::: aaSt~~~:!~;c;:uc~~i~n i.n a ~hr~~t- ~~~ ~~:~: ~\~Ii~~S U=~~1:~:1:2~r all adjustment. " gi~~, m~t a mysterious death whila il~terestcd in them by nature. It full development of ~h:l:dil~id\la~ ~pri?g tralniug early this year 110The many aspects 1) a person ~aJ.lng In a COWlof tho? Sea tou~h. \',~s too bad [hey were under glass. student and his preparation for ltv- It will not .1~teJ:iere \;ith th~ springature at different times and dif- mr, Mandereley. !he sea, with Then:. suddenly I hear? someone ing a full life. Owned by the Geor- sports. This makes It possible forent rates. One teen-agel' may he each 50U~d of c~a~hlllg ":"avcs UPOll shout, I';TTey,we could dissect that gia Baptist Convention, Mercer was .a football player also t.o play ~::scry mature intellectually, hut. not the ~hore, al:va}5 WhlSPC1:S R~. m0115e.. founded at Penfield. Ga. on Janu- b~ll or run. track. Spring trallllllgall mature socially. Another may bccca s drowning to the l~habl' I nearly rctnted. . ary 14, 1833 an d movcd to Macon will l~~t for three weeks and willmature physically but not erno- ta~ts of Madcreley. Tu Maxim de But someone elsesaid, "No, we'.d in 1871. be climaxed by the first annualnattv. Even in the dllferent as. Wm~e!", Rebecca's husband, and tu b~tter not. Y(Ju knuw,. It The 75 acre campus includes Re?B1~ck game a.1 Porter Stadiumets of physical development all living persons near Ma.nclereley, rI_'lght lie John Michael. :MlSSmodern air-conditioned dormitories 'I'hls v>111be an inter-squad game,owth is uneven. Feet anr! hand~ Rebecca was t~e most perfect wnm- ~mmett would murder IlS if. we classroom buildings, the Connell ~nd sh~uld be very exciting. Eve-ow raster than the rest of tho? an created, With at! the grace an.d u~u.c.ted him." Student Center, the. new F.ugene ryone is urged to camp. and sup-dy, so that for a time, bovs and beauty of a ~o~des~, 01' s.o It while they were talking, I left W. Stetson Memorial Library, \ViI- port the team. The game is beingls may reei sclf-C'onscio~s and ~e.emed to Maxim s .second wife, a tho same way 1 had (,I~t(,l'cd. I was lingham Chapel, apartments for sponsored hy th~ Bulldog Club an~kward, often dropping things IVI~hc1ra\\.nyoung ?"lrl who lacked glad somebody appreciated me. married students and faculty, RO- the ~roceeds w m go towards fl-flllliug over them. pO\s~ ~nd pl'rso~ality b~t was very TC facilities, the Administration nancing .the football camp to beEmotional maturity and setr-un- mucn In love With MaXIm. A~ the r-r d d ( ' ""_f , Alumni buildings, and athletic held dur-ing August.rstanding, on the other hand, .;;(tl~ op~n~, Sh~hcomes ~olVi1ve~t oJ a s an CJ A new science center Mark Smithve to or, worked. for, and as a W~~teerr~~~ t~~t~k: ~~o;ace Everybody ~a~ some outfit or is Pl~llnEd Cor the near future. _sult, mar.y~. adults h:l.\'.e never late Rebecca. The story unfolds article of cfothlng that makes them Mc~e than 50 extra-eurt-icular With its enrollment of apprcxi-ched emotional .m"turlty. Peo- into a dee and moving drama as feel . esp~cially good just to be organisations offer the .. stude?twho arc emottonanv mature h J d W- t t k weartng It. These are a few favor- ample opportunity to parttctputc III mately 1800, Mercer still makes ad to be outgoing E . n d s,:lI.con. ~h: ~~~ ot~~i e In;;r~~s ~(e~~~ ttes of Lasseter students: hi~ choice Of. activities. S.tud~nts sincere effort to contribute to theent. When they make mistakes dereley tries ~inlY to overcome Jane Ford-305-a 112.\'Yblue skirt edit and publish three publications ~~lot~~n~~~~:~d~~l.ell~~~:! g:o:~~fr~~Ot~le;it"~:i~~I.;~i~~~\v:~~:~ the ~e;"orles of Rebec.ell and .to ~~ltll~ra~h:;~ht blue button-down ~:a;~:' :,kl~n~e:~p;:: :bo~kl_ii:e~~ dent is admitted,' she Is assigned aMenninger S:iYS that there are Will t he true love of Maxim de wtn- Brenda Lamh-30,'}-white Levi's drama and debate programs have faculty advisor who assists in plan-ven other signs of maturity. ter. and Daddy's shirt. receiver! national recognition as mng her academic program. AlOugh nobody is perfect, the rna- Daphne du xtaurter vividly des- Jackie MarUn-30l-my purple, have the glee club and choir. In Testing Center is maintained tore person combines in his person- rlbes all of her characters as she red, blue, and green night shirt. additi.o~. there arc a large number the ~tudent wl~o requests hel.p in

    these qualities, .....rking to docs the sinister Mrs. Danvers, Patty Richardson _ 309 _ a dark of refiglous, honorary, professional, maJ:I~g educlltl~lIai or vocationalengthen those in which he is overall housekeeper of Mandereley In-own shirt and a yellow Tracy. and service groups for which a. stu- d~clSlons. Special counseling ser-ak: and maid to tho late Mrs. de Win- Kitty Pert.Ch-309-my black velvet dent can be.c?me eligible. . vlce.s are available for shy students"He is able to deal constructive- ter. Her blank expression, rreea- dress Oppurtunitlas for cultural enrich- having problems of a persona~,:l,~a' h~~~~e~oipC:~_':~I~J:~r;l~~~i;: Ellen Blurn-e-Hj Lc-a blue and white :~~~)t ;~~c~r~.n~~e~~:s~'il~~~dex~I~~~Se~~~:\()o~n:~~~~l~~r::~~~ Dir~~:ange. ~ ability to adapt to int: and p~ssimi:~t outlook to th; h~eed ':Baby DUI.I" dress. musical programs, dramatic and tars, and the Dean of Women areHe handle tears, tension and new Mrs. de Winter. Prom the Judy Curtis and Julie Fly.nn-30S- dance productions, a iilm series, always happy to consult with a stu-

    ~:t~~cts more satisfaction from large, sloping ROll. Rebecca's sta pa::~ff~t:~~; ~Y~~53~t~y pink :~:ug~~~~I~~~i~!mp5:se~~;~~ut aa:; dC~~lDel\ were firl;t admitted toing than receiving. tionarv to her still completely semi-formal cost to the student. Mercer in 1918, but since thatHe is able tu build slItisfying re. furnished room, the ~pirit of Re .Mrs. Meeks-I01- black ~lacks As fur social life, we have four ~imf. t~ey have played an incrcas-jOIl~hips with others_ hecca hllunt8 Mandereley, but. a gery Mark sweat nationaJ sororities, seven national mgly Importa.n~ role on the camHe is IIblp t.o control hiS' hostile draws ont a most unbelievable frate.rnities, and two independcnt pm. Top POSltlOllSarc open to the~n~ :;I~ ~~~~vc." Imding to a very wll-writtcn Gail Lundt _ a hlue weskit and .~~~!a~ ~~;~~.~z~ti~~'S~oci~r:ndSPs~~: ~;~:~~ied cocd who is willing to

    book. skirt with a white ~hirt. vice activities. Additional social n would be impossible to J)ut,---.,------,r-------- ......l!lda Parks -304-s1acks and an evenls are ~pnnsored the St\l- inlo words the frie.ndly atmospherc, 'Juniors are our specialty' L.D.A. jersey. dent Government the on (lur camptl,~. Instead I would.4 Kingask"'d to lell you a little cf, _., 665 Baconsfield Center Mercer ~tudent:; assume responsi- our cumpus, .a?d wOlll~ be glad to~ We specialize in School Supplies bility for conducting their own af. ;:~w~~g~i~c~~.~ questIOns any 0:' -m-H~ And Hard to Find Books ~~~:~r l~:ls~:~~~ a highly respected g : ~ : no~~:~en

    C o l l e g e S p o t li g h tems from James M E R C E R

    Phone sa S"; :{219Shurlington PlazaMACON, GEORGL\

    aron Torch and Sons, Inc.452 FIRST STREET


  • 8/4/2019 Lasseter Lantern Vol 1 #4


    Hi! I'm Hobo. Oh. I Yon I was carried quickly down the and stampeded toward the doorn't know who "Hobo" Here's hall, up some stairs and then into while humans . on the other sidey story to explain myself to you. a dark room. The lights were of the door fought their wayOne day as I was cruising around turned o n and I heard paper being through the crowd and streamedsseter I spotted an open window. shreuded. Then I was placed the tOW

  • 8/4/2019 Lasseter Lantern Vol 1 #4


    I smiled as I read the lid, "Ge-rald," I called to him. "listen tothis." Then r read the ad aloud.

    "1 I can't have a general one,1 don't want one at all!" Shouteda shrill voice. It was my small "What?" Dear Nosey Nelly, Matne-maties-Its Magic iilnd Mys- Only 'Yesterday by Frederickbrother Joshua, speaking as he "He means gent.le," G!'-rald ~IJP' wnan my, data comes over to tar), hy Aaron B~lu;t .\~ill help all Lewis Allen, Tht> Good YeilTS bycame downstairs from his nap. plied. watch T.v. with me. how can I com- math students gatn a better under- Walter Lord, and Men to Match My"Silly," Gerald frowned. "You "Yes, replied Mis~ Nickwlcke. pete with all these gorgeous ,blonds stnnrling of the sctenoe of numbers. Mounhln by Irving Stone ~re only

    don't even know what general "I wouldn't have any other kind" that come out of hair tOUIC but- New creative Home Decorating a few of the excellent htstortcatmeans." "Neither would I!' shouted Jos- uest by Haze! Kory Rockow and Julius factual hooks in our .library"I do so/' said Joshua important- hua. Perturbed Rockow can turn any room mto a The Barretts of Wlmpole Street

    1y climbing on top of the piano H h h 1 Dear Perturbed, nevcr-tc-be.rornousn dream. The hy Rudolf Besler- and She Stoopsst~QI so he would be taller than ec, ~ed o;~i~ ~I~Se~~~c~tw~~\eW~~~ Turn I)ff the T.V. b~ok gives. Y?U the basies-:-~olor ~o Conq~er are two of the playsGerald. "It means you call pet it correct amount from some mon~y near Nosey Nelly, :~~~~~t;~~tl~~~;;llt:;C~I:;:~~~:: 11l our library.wh~never you want to." he'd saved from his birthday," My problem is my inventive fa. tion.'That's ~ent~,e, oo~c," ?crald Gerald and I followed Joshua t~er. He loves to play with ampfi- The library holds many hooks of P u p i l s R e v e a l U n u s u a l

    correc~ed hlIT~. Besides, ne- as he led the white elephant home, f,erli and his most recent expert. mythology. Mythology by f:ditn~ ~ : p h ~ : t . ~hing about wanting an ~'~i~~url~~tl~t;:i~d~~~ ~~~lto;~;;~~ ~l~n:C~;~~:~:.n Ti~ishjOSO~;s~ec:~~~ ~:lll~lt~~l~~nd Bulfinch's Mythology T id b it . s O f K n o w l e d g e"I have too!" .rosht,e said in his on wheels. rassing when my boyfriend calls There is one whole shelf devoted

    grown up voice. "Haven't r, Mum- L.D me-the whole conversation is to books such as What is De-moe- Wh~t have you learned at Lasse-my-' broadcast over the house. When r racy? by Dr. Gray~on Kirk and ter thts ~ear? A fP.~ girls wereOur m th . ith h try to talk to my father about this, What is Communism? also bv Dr. o.sked this question m a poll to

    hand ',00 h:~ ~~~e~el:d. W1J05h~: M o v i e V e r s i o n O f C l a s s i c he just starts la\lghing and walks Kirk, The Congress by Gcrald \y, ~lnd ho~ the 5tude~t body of OUtclimbed off the piano stool and away. Help! I'm losing friends Johnson and Masters of Deceit bv sehoul .IS progressing. Answerswent over to stand by her chair. P l a y Pre se n te d I n M a c o n Desperate J, Edgar Hoover. 'I'hese are all il~' ranged rrcm Grandmothers to shoe"What? 1 suppose so, darling. neer Desperate, :ol,r~1t',t'diO,nn,h.OOkShat would benefit ~~:Jn~hat h~~II~~~o~f;i::n~~pris.

    Oh-" she finished with a moan. Othello, one of Shakt'-speare's Take.'l courle In electronics. ..., ...~"Is It the nash headnehes :~st P~l~Clfl.1l tragedies :as btcen Dear No~e)" Other ref ere nee hooks are ha~'d, Ia~e~r~~~ l~~:~nt; ~~itl~C:~O~~

    ~~:m~:dded~SkCd sympathetically'! pi ~e -' o't~n Oll:stalld~n", mo, Ion M;.-name is Rosie R.hodent. How The Vertebrilte Story by Alfred now Pam S_tanley-llth-315"Mummy, can't Wego, and Fran. S:~ ~ur~~c~ ~l~:ie~,l.'r~:~I~~r~Fj~~ ~~~ic~g~lej':mli~~ic~~~~ ~~U~~(l:~ ~a:;:j~er~':e~:r~~;k o~~:e !::~;.' It makes a bi~ differenee ho\\

    ccsca and Gertlld will -on. lay, a.nd Maggie Smith. 1: ltmeo i.n Smith and I come over to Lasseter Wilhelm Goetsch a~d Th. Shell ~~u ~!I~~1.'ongru~nt ~langles. vre-rny head!" She technicolor, t.hA prO?UdlOn B a lot. But. he just thinks of me as Book by Julia Ellen Rogers, I \\ I rerus-c-mt -1 1'That Ilfternoon Gerald Joshua bas~d on a dramatization by the another mouse. (I believe it's all Eiolog-y students would be tnte- 3. ~ary Berg's grand-

    and I walkeri toward Backgammon ~a:~o~~ Theatre of Gre~t .Brttatn. those "Lasseter Lassies.") How do' rested in The Ency_clopedia of ~he llloth:,f"s name is Willie. Kay ButtPark (not named that because peo- t IS )emg shown O~lY In special you catch a "rat" that's already BII)\ogical Sciences edited by Peter -Wtn-..:301~~~a!~:Yth~a~ak:~~n:~nla:~e~~t ~~I: a~o'~\~;r ~~!a~~.el~~on~t F~~:~lt:l~; hooked on 50~1a~~n;:i~hgi;i::h :~:ra'9~a:~d rv~~~:;~{'sb:O~: ::h;~~ tra4~el1;nli:l~sir~~(~i~~~~,a~l:n~~~r:a:~ibackgammon board). through March. Rosie Rhodent mall anatomy, other until they fall dead. GayleOcmld and I knew exactly what. The 3p~I.lbindjng story of Oth~H~ Dear Rosie, Books 0. poems cover several Ctance.Ltnth-c-rm

    the white elephant sale would be IS a Familiar- one to most Amert- The quickest way to a man's shelves. Among them are the cern- 5. There were six thousand menike' we'd been to several when we cans. It. tens of Othello, a Moorish hurt ts through his stomach- try plete Poems of C~rI Sandburg, Col- in a Roman legion. Janet Blackere youog and round them to be general in a 15th century venetian chee.e! jeered Poems of Robert Service, '::ear-IOth_IOlfussy affairs given by church la- army, and Desdemona. his beantt- . The Complete Po.tice\ Works of 6. It really takes two pairs of;~i~::y ;~~t ~~~~:a~~';:;~~d men- !~!~~;:.~~~:~~~k~~h~w~r_~~; DC~I~~i:~:::~:I:~e~aVing a formal ~~17eecsti~~i:7~:e~~lev and other t}:~~~t~~:~gusl:I~~~~~h~l~l of shoes.This we tried to explain to los. of nesrtemona's fathe~ and !be ha- lu~ch('.on at the Elk's Club. I am The Pi.''1rim's Progress by JOh,n 7 _ 'Cheryl McDavid's grandmothila, but with all the honest trust- tre~ .of Tago, Othello s ensign. III g~~l1g ? wear an olive greer. woo! Bunyan I.~, the ~l()n' of ~ man s cr's name is Dcdy. Jackie Sparkac;

    ~ ~arlY .~hildhOOd, he rc- ~~:I~~:t~Oe~O~~:~o~@'5f~~m~~:;i~~~~ SUit, ; ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ e ~ n ~ : \ ~ ~ ~e~;~~ech:~~~~ ~~1~~:~0:~li~o~1~~efo:~;le~lllS world lUlh-lOI " .use 0 e teve 1 . Othello. The :'\Ioor had promoted cap ;hould r wear over Ill}' hair The last Days (If Pompeii, writ. .8, Beginning with two flies,Soon we reached Backgam",:('m Cassie to a position that Iago him- rollers, One of my friends is wear. ten by Churchhill vividly pictures ~hes multiply at a rate of 2,020"

    'ark ~nd found the house with self wanted. ing a curler cap, and the the experiences of fighting men duo ..:02,020,200 In twelve weeks. Karenctckwtcke ~n the k~_ocker. . When Othello is sent to Cyprus hostess be in green. I don't ring the Civil War. It tells the dra- Ouzts-10th-10lA tall, t~ltt lady with gray hair to defend it against the Turks, Iago want to be IIcOP)!('~t. What do you mati!' love story of a young New .9: 'The Northerners. won thend gold:nmmed" sp:?'!es ana- sees a chance to bring about the suggest'! 1.1-'1e

  • 8/4/2019 Lasseter Lantern Vol 1 #4


    It may bo very easy til listenand learn the correct conduct 11)be practiced by au athletes, but Georgi.what auout ener yo n are on the ~ = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = ~ourt? .-Donnie Wayne Churehwnll, Bill"Kilgore, John David )iullins, TomRichardson, and Chip Hirtley J .>X plaiued to me very patiently whysportsmanship IE ; praettced on andoff the court Although the plav-en always P111Yto wi n , it is impor-tant that they "keep cool." Thebasketball players represent our

    aSa~~~I~p~r~[~l~~:~~~t~i]\h:li>r~==================~fleet 00"', tno. Who has the "IN" Clothes...C o a c h e s D i s c u s s S p o r t s m a n s h ip P l ; ~ : s i t s e ' t : ; . ~ t ~ ~ ~ ! n : ~ ~ o : ~; : c c ( : : : ~ ~player in any sport. The

    portsmanship is more than a 1-fany believe that there is no the other team's pl-ayers, usd or a course of action. It is better way of judging a person tnan as the Jans, want to sec a goo\Il:Iy of life that controls or deter- by playing a game with him. The clean game. Scheel spirit dependses how we treat our fellow "poor sport" Jacks both manners It let un the conduct of the play-. The rules, known to all who and character. Good sportsman- ers and the spectators.r attended a Sund!!y School, ship calls for fair play, strict ob- In asking the fh'e players how' found in the Dible. These must servencc of the rules, acceptance they fl'lt after losing a game, I gotworked on and thought about of victory without boasting and of basically the same answer. Tbeause it is not always the easiest defeat without ill humor. It is players remember their own mis- : = : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : = = = = = = = = = = ~most popular course of action. pnor sportsmanship to make ex- takes and learn from these. Theportsmanship is a job for all _ euses for lo~ing, to try and r-attle kucwludge that the}" tried t~~irents, teachers, coaches, par- players on opposing teams. and best and played a fair game \8 as, Cans _ not just the players. to put the blame for defeat on a Httle comfort, but they stttt rca-course, the coaches and players icnow tcammat~ or to llCCUSC the 1!1.(. they the limelight and set the referee of un.fa:rnes!!. _ . The athletes of ~brl( Snulbmple for the others. A~ a coach It ISmy responsibility shoulder, much responsibility in

    t~~e~~k~a~dre:,~:~~ ~ ~ l~ ~ l ~ ~th;o~~::;;;r:a;n at~~'utle:~ ~ ~ P ~ ' : ~ ~ \ \ l f ~ ' ~~~rpl:~I(:~~IJ~~vel~{)~~, da~d manJ-b"t"d,acts to bltlild f~1;1)1~d~!~~:et~~IL 1hl;~1~(}~:~~ ~Vl~r)U~'IHave nothing to worryImage, u on J- ' one or wo;~~:d :~lt~~~~.n~o~~s ~:; ;~:~: I t d.uringis not only the responsibility ? f em hr~~izl;to DWto foster good sp.urtSll1allSh~p eh/importance "O f gooda~~t~~'n~~l;il;~~~dUC~~Y t~~:' l: inscortsmanhkc

    ir, thoughtless acnons. y but)sl chances {or examples (or bad sportsmanship occur munitv.

    connection with or during our One of the toughest individualletic contests when we get all things for a boy or team to over-d up to win, and we tend to come is defeat. trs a tact thatge~ that our opponents are stili when the teams playa game, onean belngs and children of God or the other team will lose. Jo are to be loved even though teach the prineipl~ that one musty weal" the other team's colors, learn to become as t< loser Five Varsity Basketball pl