Laser Skin Resurfacing: Everything You Need To Know Is Here

Post on 16-Jan-2017

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Transcript of Laser Skin Resurfacing: Everything You Need To Know Is Here

Everything You Needto Know is Here

Laser facial resurfacing is a type of cosmetic procedure that uses lasers to improve the appearance of your skin. It can treat or eliminate flaws and imperfections on your skin’s surface. This includes the following:

• Fines lines or wrinkles• Acne scars• Scars from chickenpox• Age or sun-damaged skin• Warts• Liver spots• Enlarged oil glands on your nose• Birthmarks

Specialists have used carbon dioxide laser skin resurfacing to treat various skin conditions like wrinkles, warts, scars and enlarged oil glands, among many other skin issues. At present, the CO2 laser skin rejuvenation uses either ultra-pulse, short pulsed energy or continuous light beams.

Erbium laser resurfacing aims to remove the surface level and moderately deep wrinkles on your face, neck, chest, or hands. Unlike the carbon dioxide variant, this type of resurface procedure has minimal burning on the surrounding tissue and causes fewer side effects. This equates to faster recovery time, too.

Fraxel laser skin resurfacing is a non-invasive procedure that helps improve your skin’s appearance. The good thing about this procedure is that there are fewer side effects,so you won’t experience skin tenderness or pain. There is also no downtime required after the session.

There are factors dermatologists have to consider before doing the procedure. These factors are: skin type, skin tone, existing medical conditions, medications you are taking, and overall health. The ideal candidate must have an elastic, non-oily skin, not easily prone to scarring, free from any medical consideration and conditions, and a lighter skin tone.

The reason why dark skin tones are not good candidates because of the increased side effects associated with it. If you have dark skin, there is more skin pigment present, which means more skin cells are at risk of absorbing the excess laser light energy. The effect: skin discoloration and blistering. Erbium laser procedures work best if you have a darker skin color because of lower risk of discoloration.

Laser skin resurfacing is all about thermal energy and beams of light. Your doctor uses a specifically-crafted beam of thermal energy that penetrates and works deep into the layers of skin. The laser treatment targets specific problem areas while removing unwanted or damaged skin in a precise manner.

The procedure takes 30 to 45 minutes for partial treatment and up to two hours for full laser skin rejuvenation.

Before your laser treatment, consult a dermatologist to know if you are a good candidate for this type of treatment. Inform your doctor if you get fever blisters or cold sores. Do not take any medications or supplements that could affect clotting. Quit smoking two weeks before the procedure, and keep yourself as healthy as possible.

• Before the procedure, the doctor will identify the problem areas and they will start to numb these areas using anesthesia.

• During the procedure, the doctor will prepare the special laser they will use in the procedure.

• After the procedure, the doctor will cover the treated area with bandage.

You will experience stinging or itching usually for 12 to 72 hours after the procedure. On the fifth to seventh day, your skin will start to peel and become dry. This is when your recovery process starts.

The recovery period usually takes 10 to 21 days. Thereafter, you will notice that your skin becomes lighter

This type of treatment diminishes the appearance of skin flaws, such as wrinkles, acne scarring, birthmarks, age spots and blotchy patches. It also improves your skin’s overall texture, stimulates the production of new collagen, and is effective as a stretch mark treatment. It can act as an excellent treatment for skin cancer, and is proven as a treatment for reducing facial scarring, whether mild or moderate.

The common side effects are:

• Redness, irritation, burning and swelling • Infections• Abnormal bleeding• Cosmetic damage• Increased risk of skin disorders• Permanent darkening or lightening of the skin

Your skin may still be pink or red for several months after the procedure. There is increased sensitivity to sunlight for at least a year and you will see a gradual improvement to your skin within one year from your treatment.

According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons or ASPS, the average cost of ablative of laser resurfacing is $2,146, while non-ablative procedure is about $1,062. However, there are many factors when computing how much you have to pay.

The truth is, this cosmetic procedure is not for everyone. In fact, it may not be your best choice if you have dark skin, active acne, excess or sagging skin, and deep wrinkles.

Check out the online referral service of ASPS, the largest plastic surgery organization in the world. The physician must be experienced in handling this type of procedure. The dermatologist’s office must be easily accessible. Ask for a recommendation from your general physician.

Don’t expect to see a smoother, more even skin tone, and a blemish-free face in just one treatment. It is best to educate yourself first about what this treatment can do to in order to help you determine whether laser skin resurfacing is the best choice for you.