Las batallas del mio Cid

Post on 23-Mar-2016

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Creative writing assignment for Spanish II

Transcript of Las batallas del mio Cid

Las Batallas

del mio Cid

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Fight in the Night for Thou Love!....................................................................................................3“Killing my ex”.......................................................................................................................................4“Chimene’s Say So”.............................................................................................................................6My Father or My Love..........................................................................................................................8Killing my ex future father-in-law....................................................................................................9

Chimene.................................................................................................................................................11El Cid.......................................................................................................................................................11Rodrigo/King’s champion.................................................................................................................13El Cid.......................................................................................................................................................15El Cid Project (Chimene’s Point of View).....................................................................................17The Battle of Valencia.......................................................................................................................19Dear Diary.............................................................................................................................................20The Battle of.........................................................................................................................................22Ladies Colors........................................................................................................................................22Under the Stairway.............................................................................................................................24El CID VS DON MARTIN.....................................................................................................................26

Who will be the next king?..............................................................................................................28King vs. the Champion......................................................................................................................30El Cid vs. Don Martín..........................................................................................................................32Two Brothers, One Crown................................................................................................................32Champion V.S. Champion................................................................................................................34King’s Champion.................................................................................................................................35“The Great Fight”................................................................................................................................37

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Fight in the Night for Thou Love!

Cortney Graham

Once upon a time not long ago, there lived a King

Fernandez in the castle of Carmanco. He had riches and

respected authority. The entire town’s people came and

worshiped as a majority. The King’s Champion was Count Gormez, a man of

overpower. He was protected of his daughter Chimene of every hour. El Cid

the noble young knight. He came to win over Chimene heart and bring her

happiness and delight. Count Gomez was furious with this thought. He would

not let his daughter go without a fought.

As the sun wine down below the horizon, people from all over came to

see this great arisen. With their swords they began to fight. The blood from

El Cid and Count Gomez flew throughout the night. El Cid struck Count

Gomez with the last blow to the heart. As Count Gomez fell to the ground his

soul fell apart. The people cheered as El Cid gained his win. Now that El Cid

defeated Count Gomez he knew it was a sin. He killed Chimene’s father now

she may not want to be bothered.

As El Cid begged for forgiveness and took her hand. He asked can I be

your Knight and only man. Chimene sadness over took her. When she spoke

she had a slur. Finally, she said yes, I’ll be yours forever. El Cid was happy

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to ear of this endeavor. At last they kissed and hugged and became man

and wife. Forever they will be and start a new life.

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“Killing my ex”

Brandon Rand

It was time for the man who killed my father die in the competition.

The man he was going against is the one I will be cheering for. Even though

he is my ex that I was

going to marry he killed

my father and that was

the worst thing that could

ever happen. That was

my father and if Rodrigo

loves me like he said he

does it would have

never happen. He should

have had love for him as well. It is time I have been waiting on this day since

my father’s death. The man he is going against asks me for my color in

battle yes I give it to him. So yes I give mi color to his opponent and the

princess gives her color to Rodrigo. The battle begins the king give the wave

and the fight starts. I tell the princess that I hope he dies she turns and tell

me if he dies we will have no city. In my mind I’m thinking that she is right

and then I think back he killed my father.

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I turn and look at the battle and Rodrigo almost gets knocked off his horse

my face with a smile. Then out of nowhere Don Martin his opponent knocks

him off the horse while he still rides around him. While doing this he takes

the spike ball and chain and hits him in the head. Don Martin tries to run

Rodrigo over with the horse but it doesn’t work Rodrigo grabs the leg of the

horse and Don Martin falls off. Next he gets off the horse and they go at it

and they run around and around knocking each over. Rodrigo grabs a saddle

to block the hits of the weapons. They run to where their swords grab them

and go back at it. They are going back and forth trying to see who is going

down first. Then they hit a fence Rodrigo in front trying to push the sword in

to his opponent’s neck. When they fall on the ground Rodrigo takes out his

swords and stabs Don Martin with it and the battles over. Now that Rodrigo is

the kings’ champion a spot that my father had and he took from him by

killing him he looks at me and I look away. After all that he asks for my hand

in marriage once again but I don’t want to. But the king has gave him his

word if the king said it then it shall be done.

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“Chimene’s Say So”

Kitoya Chavious

I was standing by watching my dear love, El Cid and my father, Count

Gormez fight. Terrified, not knowing what to do thinking to myself what shall

I do. The daggers were long and sharp and ready to draw

blood. As they went after each other’s necks trying to

destroying what body parts they could get to. I quietly stood

behind the staircase, like a mouse. Catching every action of

the battle I could get.

My father was close to dying when he fell face forward from El Cid’s

powerful push. As, I saw the sword coming swiftly toward his fragile chest I

felt myself come from behind the staircase. But, my father move quickly to

the right avoiding the sword. Defending his self he kicked El Cid in the chest.

El Cid then fell on the beautifully polished wooden table I

had just carved.

Not knowing who was going to be put to death

first. I suddenly came out from the staircase. I could no

longer watch this awful disaster continue any longer. I

asked shamelessly what was going on. El Cid, my love, began to cry unto me

that my father was against our love. I asked my father was it true what El Cid

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was telling me. And my father angrily shouted “he’s not for you, he’s trying

to take my soul just to be the next king.”

Pain filling my eyes, I slapped El Cid in disgust. I said to him my love

for him was no longer alive. I had taken my father’s dagger and stabbed him

right in the blood pumping heart. Then, I cried unto my father saying I was

very sorry for the trouble I caused him. I called my maid to clean the

madness up. I ran up to my room and washed the blood I had drew from my

once love off my hands.

I knew that night I would not be able to live with myself. Pain attacking

my heart for I had just killed my first true love. I had to take the man of my

dreams life’ for he had betrayed me and my father.

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My Father or My Love

Miriam Luviano

      The battle will take place in our palace’s front yard in a few minutes.  I

feel so bad because it’s Don Gomes, my father, and Rodrigo, the man I love.

I don’t know what to do. I wish I could do something to prevent this from

happening, but there is nothing I can do. I already tried talking to both of

them to convince either the one or the other to retract from confronting each


       The battle has already started, I don’t know what to do I can’t stand

looking at them fight each other. Rodrigo just hit my father really hard. My

father seems to be having a hard time. How much longer will this last. Now

my father just knocked Rodrigo to the floor. They are both strong men and

won’t just give up.

       Rodrigo killed my father. I don’t want to know nothing else about

Rodrigo. How could he do this to me? He killed my father. I will never be able

to forget or forgive him for this. He has killed the man that gave me my life.

He stabbed my father to death.

  Rodrigo tried to come up to me after he had killed my father and tried

to seek my forgiveness. No matter what he does I will never be able to

forgive him. I already told him several times he says he wants to marry me

to protect me like my father would do. He will never replace my father’s love

and attention. Rodrigo proposing that to me makes me so mad. I have to do

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something to get back for this. Some way or another Rodrigo is going to pay

me back for what he did today to my father.

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Killing my ex future father-in-lawAngelica Jasso

      “It was hard when I had to stab him, but I really didn’t have a choice.” It

all took place back in my palace. We were in the basement, alone. Chimene’s

father had said some bad words to be, which I didn’t take well. As he started

to walk away I decided to pull my sword out and fight him. He told me that it

wasn’t worth his time. I told him that it was all worth it. I wanted to become

to king’s champion.

      I went towards him as he walked away. As soon as I did, he pulled out his

sword. From there we fought. I don’t him that I wasn’t going to turn down, I

wasn’t going to give up, and when I said that, he cut me on my arm. So

much anger went through my body when he done that. I started going at him

like no other man would do. I almost had him when he fell but he got back on

his feet and fought back.

 As we turn the corner, we ended up behind the stairs, and then, that’s when

I stabbed him. It was hard when I had to stab him, but I really didn’t have a

choice. He came from behind the stairs on the floor, crying in pain. As he did,

Chimene came running down stairs and sees her father on the floor, blood

everywhere. She screamed out loud, “who dare did this to my father?” When

she said that I had no choice but to come out from behind.

       She looked surprised, and asked if I had done that to her father. I told

her the truth and said, yes. She told me the wedding was over and she

changed her color to black. I told her to tell me she doesn’t love me no more

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and then I would leave her alone. Instead, she told me she will learn to hate

me. After that, I left her and her father. The king had to find a new champion

and I volunteered, everyone didn’t want me to, but I didn’t let them stop me,

and they didn’t stop the King either. That’s where my other battle begins. 

   It had been a week since my father death. The king much chooses a

new champion for his kingdom. El Cid and Don Martin both wanted to be

crown the king champion so they face each other in a one on one combat. I

remember the battle as if it was yesterday when El Cid and don martin


 It was in the year of 1600’s as I watched El Cid and don martin fight in single

man combat to be crowned the king new champion. It was a warm in

beautiful day in the kingdom as to warrior prepared for battle. I ask don

martin would he wear my color in honor and my lady asked if El Cid would

wear her color in honor. They both agree to wear our colors in honor. Don

Martin weaned the color black and El Cid weaned the color yellow. Each  man

went on to get ready for the battle as my lady ask me if I really wanted don

martin to kill El Cid and if I still loved El Cid even though he killed my father. I

answer yes that I would like to see don martin killed El Cid to see that my

father death is revenged. Then two of the king services put the two swords in

the ground and the battle began.   

El Cid was on one end of the yard and don martin was on the other

end. My heart began to beat fast as I watched the two men fight in battle.

First the two men were on horses and neither of them have felled off. Then

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don martins have gotten El Cid to fall of his horse that when I became scared

that I would lose another man I loved. Don Martin started to hit El Cid with

his weapon. Each time don martin hit El Cid my heart would drop a beat.

Then El Cid stab don Martin horse from the bottom making Don Martin fall to

the ground. After don Martin has felled to the ground they began to fight

with their swords like wild animals. Then don martin grab for one of the

swords that was in the ground and knot El Cid sword out of his hand. With a

sword out of his hand he began to go for the other sword while trying to

protect himself.   


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Amanda Norris

It was in the castle on a dark night. The wind was barely blowing and I was

hiding on the stair way watching as my father and lover fought because of

me. I, Chimene, do not think my lover, El Cid, and my father should have got

into a fight at all, especially because of me. I now hate El Cid for what he

done to my father. They got into a fight over me, and my father died from it,

and it is my entire fault. My father hated El Cid so much he pulled a sword on

him one day. I know my father did not like El Cid because he wanted to keep

me safe and protected from what he thought was not fit for me, but I wish

my father had not done this. When my father first pulled his sword out on El

Cid, El Cid was not going to do anything to my father, because all he wanted

is for my father to accept him and accept me and him being together and

getting married. When my father kept urging him to pull his sword out, El Cid

done it, then they started fighting like never before. I knew after all my

father’s anger got built up it would not be long before he exploded and turns

out I was right. When they started fighting I thought that the battle was tit

for tat, but then my father brutally cut El Cid in the arm, and it hurt me heart

to know that my own father had that much hate for my fiancé. All of their

anger was going at each other at once and I did not know rather to scream

and get between the massive attacking or just let it happen. I just sat there

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and watched them swinging their weapons each and every way they thought

they could to kill one another. In a blink of an eye I looked up and saw El Cid

stab my father with his long evil sword. I did not know what else to do so I

ran away and hooped that nobody saw me. I wish that I would have went and

saved my father’s life now that he is gone because I miss him so much every

day. Only if only I could somehow get el Cid back for what tragic thing he did

to my feeble father. 

El CidGabby Chestnutt

      It was a beautiful sunny day in Spain the year 1600. This day shall

determine my fate that I may become my king’s champion or death will take

me. As I got suited in my armor I began to think about my beautiful Chimene,

and how dreadful it would be if she had to watch me die such a horrid death

if I was not to survive. As I began to walk to the stadium were hundreds of

people sit there watching my every move as if I was about to be some kind

of entertainment for them. When I started to mount my horse I saw my

enemy the one I must fight with, the one who my soon take my life, or me

take his. As he was getting on his horse I saw my beautiful Chimene and she

was looking at my enemy as if she knew he was going to win.

      The women sitting there suggested that we take their colors. Chimene

gave the Don my enemy her color which was black. I got the color yellow,

and I really wished that my love would have given me her color, but I guess I

understand because I have made her so mad. Soon after the colors were

given to us the battle was soon to begin. So we got into our position to begin

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our fight to the death. I took off as fast as my horse could go toward Don and

got my weapon ready to fight. I didn’t get him off his horse that time, so we

began again and this time he had successfully gotten me off of my horse. So

I ran to were the swords were and got a saddle as a shield and began to fight

Don and I was not about to lose in this battle. I hit him with all the power I

had and I got closer and closer to stabbing him with my sword. I began to

fight harder and harder and finally I got him and I had taking his life. I won

and now I will be my king’s champion.

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Rodrigo/King’s championSarai Vasquez

It was in the early 1600s in Spain. I was scanning the area where many

castles were seen and numerous of knights were walking with their swords.

The weather was hot and sticky. I felt normal with my old- fashion clothing. I

felt right in with the rest of the people. Every knight I saw had swords,

shears, and lots of amour on them. I looked around for the king’s champion’s

castle. I started walking forward hearing the loud chucks every time I took a

step. I came into view and saw a huge castle on a mountain. The front doors

were surrounded by two strong- looking knights. They eagerly let me in. I

was now inside and looked around at every inch.

I came upon the giant stairs. It smelled really nice. From the back of

the castle I heard noises really loud. From a distance, I heard two people

screaming and arguing. I followed the voices until I came upon a long stair

way. As I came into a dark hallway, I saw Rodrigo and the king’s champion

there. I took a loud gasp at the sight. I hid behind a door so that I wouldn’t be

seen. I was hearing the loud noises from their swords banging against one

another. Rodrigo and the king’s champion kept fighting for a really long time.

Then all of a sudden, I saw something I really didn’t want to see. My mouth

was opened with shock. I ran as fast as I could from the castle. I was so

angry and upset. I ran until I came upon a giant tree.

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I sat down and starting thinking. My heart was pounding like crazy.

How could Rodrigo do that? He just killed the king’s champion. I was very

mad and irritated at Rodrigo. I started thinking about his fiancé Chimene and

how she would feel when she found out he was dead. I got up from the tree

and started walking forward. I wanted to escape from it all. I wanted to go far

away from Rodrigo. I didn’t know what I was going to do, but all I wanted was

to run away and pretend nothing like this horrible ever happened.

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El CidDerrick Carr

The characters in this battle are Rodrigo and Count Gomez. Count

Gomez is Chimene’s father and the king’s champion. Count Gomez is a good

fighter. Rodrigo is sometimes called El Cid because he is a hero to some of

the people. Also Rodrigo is Chimene’s fiancé and he becomes the king’s

champion. The setting is beautiful Spain, and the battle takes place in the


It was a dark night and I was thinking a lot after the argument

between my father and Count Gomez. Count Gomez had dishonored my

father and that made me very angry so I went and found him. I wanted to

regain my father’s honor so I confronted Count Gomez and tried to him to

apologize for what he had done, and when he didn’t apologize I pulled out

my sword and we began to fight. The whole time we were fighting the only

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thing I could think about was avenging my father. I wanted Count Gomez to

suffer as much as my father was suffering. Even though Count Gomez was

the king’s champion I wanted to avenge my father and I wasn’t thinking

about anything else. Count Gomez was a good fighter he had a good

strategy and he was very strong . I got a couple blows in but he just kept

coming with more and more. In the middle of the battle he had me pinned

down for a little bit of time. When I got unpinned I went back at him. When I

went back at him I wounded him. When I wounded him I knew that I had won

the battle. After I wounded him he came at me and tried to wound me but I

was too quick for him and he couldn’t wound me. The wound weakened him

a lot it slowed him down a little bit. Near the end of the battle I just sticking

him and overpowering him. I got him into the corner I knew that I needed to

go ahead and end this battle. I got that final blow and the fight was over.

When I killed him I felt a sense of accomplishment. I had avenged my father.

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El Cid Project (Chimene’s Point of View)Lindsey Walters

It was a warm, sunny day in Spain in the late 1600’s. Even though it

was a beautiful day, there was plenty of tension in the air. El Cid and Don

Martin were about to fight a battle to see who would be the kings champion.

I used to burn with love for Rodrigo, but now I hope he

takes his last breath in this battle. I hope Don Martin

takes his life just as he took my fathers.

I never would have imagined the man I wished to

marry would be the man to slay my own father. Rodrigo

comes up to me to get the Lady’s Colors. I gave him black because that is

what color his heart is. They are about to fight now. They are getting their

horses and gear in place. They are getting their wooden poles and are about

to charge toward each other any minute now. During the first round, Don

Martin and Rodrigo came charging to each other, and then collided with

much force. Both of them still remained on their horses. After three rounds,

Rodrigo was knocked off. I felt a twisting feeling in my stomach as Don

Martin continued to beat Rodrigo with a spiked ball and

trample over him with his horse. I had the sudden urge

to jump up and shout, “Stop!” But why? I am supposed

to hate Rodrigo, so why do I feel afraid for him. He killed

my father. He deserves what he is getting.

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Out of nowhere, Rodrigo grabs the legs of Don Martin’s

horse and is ready to fight to the death. They continued to fight

with swords, swinging and stabbing at one another. I was feeling

so scared for Rodrigo. He then knocked the sword out of Don

Martin’s hand and stabbed him. The battle was over. Rodrigo had defeated

Don Martin and became the new king’s champion. I had no idea why, but I

felt relief. I am trying to learn to hate Rodrigo, but as I see him standing

there covered with blood and battle wounds, I am beginning to think that is


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The Battle of ValenciaCristina Vasquez

It was a warm, sunny day in Spain. On June 9, 1600, Chimene’s father,

the king’s champion, and Rodrigo Díaz, also known as El Cid, had a well-

fought battle. These two men were fighting because Rodrigo accused the

champion of treason. The battle was very dangerous yet a great honor for

the champion. Since Rodrigo was well-known for his skills in fighting, the

champion was no match for him.

The battle started when Rodrigo and his men went to the champion’s

place and started threatening him that if he didn’t swear that he committed

treason, Rodrigo would kill him. Of course the champion wasn’t going to

swear to something he didn’t do, so he and his men made a plan to kill

Rodrigo. Rodrigo was furious when he found out that the champion was

plotting to kill him, so he also made a brave army of men to set out to kill


The day was June 11, 1600 when two huge armies of men rounded up

the hill of Valencia to prepare for their battle. As the two leaders stood facing

each other, Rodrigo asked the champion one more time to swear to the

entire city that he committed treason, but he yelled no. The battle started

then, and in a few seconds a lot of men were already dead or wounded. The

soldiers fought with their sharp swords and other chains. The champion and

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Rodrigo were also having their own battle trying to see who would die first.

There were so many screams of stabbed soldiers and soon the champion’s

army was slowly dying. Rodrigo fought like a pro, like always, and stabbed

the champion in the throat. The champion slowly fell off his horse and lay on

the ground unconscious. The strong champion was trying to get up but

Rodrigo stabbed him in the chest. Rodrigo defeated the champion and he

became Valencia’s new king’s champion. No one would ever forget what

happened that day at the battle of Valencia.

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Dear DiaryDiana Paz

Dear Diary,

Today I had an argument with Chimene’s father. He was accusing me

of treason, which he had no reason to I feel bad towards myself, because he

is the father of my true love. I know that If I hurt I would also be hurting the

love if my life. He knows that I have a short temper and I don’t know why he

kept insisting to argue with me. My life is getting complicated because I

have to many things going on around me and honestly don’t know how to

deal with it. Hopefully, tomorrow will be a better day.

Rodrigo “El Cid”

Dear Diary,

Today I did one of the most horrible things that I could have done. I

killed my beloved father. I know I’ve lost my one and only true love. It all

started when I went to his room, he was alone drinking a cup of wine. Then,

he pointed at me with his sword, which got me really mad. He started

accusing me of treason once again, he kept saying nonsense. Somehow, we

ended up in the hall and both of us were full of anger, we were acting

outrageous somehow my sword ended up in his neck. All I could think of was

Chimene. I just instantly felt like running away from there so nobody could

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see what I haved done. I looked up and unfortunately for me I saw Chimene

rushing down the stairs to see what had happen to her father. At that

moment all I wanted to do was kill myself also. She reached down at father

and sobbing she said that she was going to get revenge for his death. Slowly

she raised up at me and told me that she hated me and that I should be

prepared for what’s coming. Her eyes were as red as a tomato. She was

furious and I could see all the anger within her. Right now I am so disgusted

with myself, I just want to go to sleep and forget about everything. Tomorrow

I plan to the king and ask him if I can become the new king’s champion. I

know that decision will get Chimene even more furious with me.

Rodrigo “El Cid”

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The Battle ofLadies Colors

AJ Hobbs

As I looked up at the sky, the sun seemed brighter than usual. The dust

blew with the wind on the battle field. The heat was unbearable while the

challenger, Don Martín, and I were becoming more and more dehydrated.

The crowd was exceedingly cheering on for the both us who they think

should win to be King Alfonso’s champion. As I looked to my right, I saw the

king, queen, and princess sitting by his side. The fight was to be taken place

in the coliseum arena with weapons already set in certain destinations.

As me and Don Martín entered the center of the arena on horseback

and said our last words, the king then announces and introduces me and the

challenger and declares battle once his hands were to drop. When the king

drops his hands, the crowd became more hyper and was ready to see us

fight. Don Martín and I charged with a fierce look on our faces ready to kill

one another. When we got to the point where our spears could touch us, I

blocked his off with my shield while my spear knocks him off his horse. I

charged towards him, still on the horse, and trampled over him making him

fall back to the earth. As I came charging back at him, he dodged my blow

and yanked and pulled me off my horse.

We both were fighting with swords trying to slice at each other’s throat

until he knocks my sword out of my hand. He took this as an advantage to

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finish me off when I pulled out my dagger and caught him by surprise. He felt

that it would not be fare to have a sword while his opponent had a small

dagger, so he throws his away and pulls out his dagger. We charged at one

another and tackled each other to the ground. As the crowd cheered and I

heard my name, I tried to roll until I was on top of him to thrash the dagger

into his throat. I thought to myself wow,

if I can destroy Don Martín right now, the

crowds would cheer “Hurray for El Cid” all

through the town of Valencia. I felt myself

becoming stronger as I pushed as hard as I

can towards his throat with the dagger.

I could feel his arms getting weaker as I

thanked gravity for helping me push down the dagger, getting closer and

closer to his throat. Once the dagger actually touches his throat, I heard Don

Martín whisper “you are a great fighter and you earn to be the champion”.

There were no way both of us could be champion so I ignored what he said

because I knew from the beginning that I was right to be the kings champion,

and he didn’t want to believe me. Don Martín slightly closed his eyes as I

used all my force to press the dagger through his throat and out to the other

side. As blood covered my hands, I stared at King Alfonso while he nods his

head. I then was rotating my body around watching the crowd go wild and

chanting out “HURRAY FOR EL CID”. That put a smile on my face as I went to

kneel in front of my king. As he crowned me champion, I felt like I had power

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and turned around and waved to the crowd. I will never forget this victory in

the town of Valencia, the victory of El Cid.

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Under the StairwayShakira Henry

he setting of the battle takes place in the king’s castle in Spain. The

king’s name is Gormaz. He was a loving

daughter name Chimene, which has a

special room in the castle. Chimene is really in

love with a man name Rodrigo. Rodrigo does not

like Gormaz, because he treats Chimene like his past wife. Rodrigo thinks he

can take care of Chimene better that her father.

TOn a nice breezy day in April, Rodrigo goes to visit Chimene. Gormaz

heads out the door to his horse as Rodrigo enters the castle. Rodrigo finds

Chimene sitting on her bed crying. She tells Rodrigo about the argument she

had with her father. He told her that she would end up like her mother, if she

didn’t listen to him and follow by his rules. Rodrigo then asked, “What

happen to your mother?” She begins to cry as she told the story about how

Gormaz beat her mother to death and killed her because she didn’t abide by

his rules. Rodrigo then calmed her down with some encouraging words.

Later on, Gormaz came back to the castle with anger. Rodrigo had

gone into town after he left Chimene and stole his gun and knife off his

saddle. Gormaz threaten Chimene that he would beat her and kill Rodrigo, if

he ever came back into the castle. Chimene never told Rodrigo about the

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theat. She believed that Rodrigo stole the gun and knife so Gormaz wouldn’t

use them on her.

However, the next day Rodrigo showed up without Chimene even

knowing. As he entered the castle, he meets Gormaz. They looked each

other in the eyes as Gormaz was telling him how he felt about the stolen

weapons. He threatens Rodrigo to leave the castle. Rodrigo refused because

he really wanted to see Chimene. Gormaz kept pushing Rodrigo closer and

closer to the doorway. On the third push, Rodrigo stuck Gormaz with the

knife. They begin to fight. Gormaz then grab the knife and stab Rodrigo in his

arm. He kicks Gormaz into the stairway and fall. He layed still as Chimene

was coming down the stairs in shock. Chimene runs over to Rodrigo as soon

as she notices him on the floor. She begins to treat his wound. As she turns,

she notices her father lying under the stairway. She ran to him in tears.

There was no response. He had cuts all over his chest and a big gash in his

head. He was dead.

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It was a fall day when the two knights entered the tournament arena,

one of them to walk away a victor, the other would leave as a corpse. El Cid

galloped into the arena on horseback , clad in various coat of arms. “If I truly

am guilty then God shall judge me in battle!”. His very words previously

spoken to the king echoed in his head. This battle was more than life and

death, it was honor. If defeated he would be thought to be a traitor by his

entire country, for a knight this was a fate worse than death.

He looked to the skybox where royalty was seated. As he and his

opponent Don Martin approached the box to receive the traditional colors he

couldn’t help but see the soulless expression on the face of his once fiancé,

Chimene. The thought of her face shrouded in sadness the day she found out

that her own fiancé, El Cid, had murdered her father struck him with more

pain than in cut he would endure during this battle.

“Don Martin, I bid you wear my color, which will always be black until

my father is avenged”, Chimene said with an icy tone. She stared daggers at

El Cid as she retook her seat. “What knight would not be honored to wear

your colors m’lady?”, Don Martin replied cooly. El Cid bit into his lip as

jealousy set his mind on fire. As if to break the tension the Queen spoke up.

“No knight can go into battle without a woman`s colors therefore you shall

wear my colors El Cid.” “Thank you my liege”, El Cid replied.

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The two galloped on horse back to take up their lances from there respective

corners and readied themselves for jousting. The two charged at each other

at breakneck speeds. Thwack! The two lances clashed into each other and

virtually exploded into a shower of splinters. The pulverized wood bounced

off the knights armor. In a split second maneveur Don Martin grabbed El Cid

by his helmet and tossed him from his horse.

Don Martin began circling the now unhorsed El Cid, savagely whipping his

chest and face with his metal flail. Blood soon began to coat El Cid`s face

and armor. El Cid flicked the blood from his eyes and ran for the longsword

wedged into the ground by his squire. Pulling the wicked blade from the dirt

El Cid spun around and swung the sword into the legs of Don Martin`s Horse

cleaving the beasts legs in two.

The horse toppled over instantly screaming at the sight of its legs laying in

pieces in front of him. Don Martin pulled himself up from under his now dead

steed and drew his sword. “This battle field shall become your grave!” Don

Martin roared. El Cid stumbled to his feet still dazed from his opponent`s flail

and charged with is sword held out in front of him. The two clashed mid

swing as a shower of sparks spattered onto the ground. “If so be it than God

will choose the outcome of this battle!”, Cid retorted.

Don Martin sneered and flung his shield at El Cid, the shield struck him at his

waist the only weakpoint in his armor. No doubt a secret shared between

Chimene and Don Martin. Seeing an opening Don Martin charged at El Cid

his massive claymore raised above his head ready to deal the final blow. El

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Cid closed his eyes and soon awaited the feeling of cold cast iron sinking into

his neck. All he could think of was his honor. And Chimene.

With the last of his strength El Cid picked up Don Martin`s discarded

shield and parried the would be fatal blow. Caught off guard Don Martin

stumbled backwards. El Cid sprinted towards his vulnerable opponent and

swung his short sword at his opponents flailing leg. El Cid grinned at the

sound of his blade cutting into his foe`s flesh. His sword continued to cut and

sliced off Don Martin`s leg at the knee cap. Don Martin let out a blood curling

scream full of agony and rage. He clutched at his severed leg as El Cid began

to slowly walk toward him, dragging his long sword in the dirt. “We see that

God has favored me to win this bout, rest in peace.” And with that El Cid

raised his blade into the air and thrust it into the heart of his opponent not

pulling it out until he was she it stopped beating.

He turned to the roaring crowd and raised his fist in the air. He had his honor

again, now it was time to get the girl.

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Who will be the next king?Shanice Stallings

On a warm day in July Prince Alfonso and Prince Sancho was in a dispute

about who will be the king. After his father Ferdinand dies

of prostate cancer. The oldest son automatically gets

the throne but Prince Alfonso does not like that idea at all.

So he wants to fight for it. Even though he is a little wimpy

self was not going to win anything. He wanted to try with

all his might any way. Prince Alfonso and Prince Sancho were in the big

green castle with blue and green walls. It was any lights on in the castle.

Maybe they didn’t pay the light bill since they was mad at each other. The

each came down the set of stairs; Prince Alfonso missed a step looking at

Prince Sancho make ugly silly faces. So Prince Sancho gave him the middle

finger and stuck out his tongue. Alfonso looks as if he never seen a finger


           Prince Alfonso and Prince Sancho are face to

face now. Sancho is serious as a heart attack but

Alfonso still making them little ugly faces. He knows he is

going to lose this battle that’s why he put some humor in

it. Alfonso balls up his fist and points to his dagger,

Sancho jumps like he really supposes to be scared and laugh. So, Sancho

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pulls out his long dagger and goes for Alfonso he is not prepared as always.

Alfonso falls to the floor with his shield to protect him. Sancho keep slashing

at him an saying “I’m going to be king because father want me to and your

too young your still a little big baby”. Alfonso replies “No, Father want me to

be King because you are too busy running after that little young, confused,

crazy girl. That doesn’t know what or who she wants”.


Sancho has had enough and goes for the target clashing daggers

“Clash-clash-tick-tick-clash”. Alfonso drops his shield so Sancho goes straight

for his heart. He misses because Alfonso pulls

his shield and dagger to stop it. Alfonso comes back

with full force to Sancho.   Alfonso is still

determining to win this battle since his father didn’t

give him the throne when he died. So Sancho is really

fed up with Alfonso about this so he goes to have assassinated. Everybody

come to Sancho asking question he angrily blow his breath of onions and

garlic. He tells them he has nothing to do with this and don’t come back with

all this drama. After all this fight king Alfonso won now he can have bragging

right but before he couldn’t.

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King vs. the ChampionAlena Carroll

El Cid takes place in Spain during a time of war and trouble.  One of the

battles during this time was The Battle of

Calahorra.  The Battle of Calahorra was

between Don Martín and a great leader

named El Cid.  Don Martín was the king’s

champion.  El Cid is engaged to Chimene, the

king’s daughter.

              Thousands of people enter the coliseum as they eagerly wait. 

Suddenly, on the right side a man walks into the arena, sword in hand.  This

man’s name is El Cid.  He is wearing red armor and a helmet.  He walks into

the middle and stops.

              Everyone looks to the left side and they see a man dressed in blue

armor.  This is a very strong, sturdy man.  This

man’s name is Don Martín, he is disliked by many. 

He walks to the center and faces El Cid.

              The two men look eye to eye and begin to circle.  Don Martín swings

his sword at El Cid but he is blocked by El Cid’s sword.  Don Martín uses his

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shield to knock El Cid down.  Eh swung his sword again and again trying to

attack El Cid but he was blocked every time.  El Cid knocks Don Martín’s

sword out of his hand and while Don Martín is picking it up he gets up.  The

two swing at each other continuously until Don Martín is struck by El Cid’s

sword.  He’s only wounded but he is very weak.  El Cid knocks him down and

stabs him.  Don Martín died and El Cid won the battle.

              El Cid was given the title “The King’s Champion” since he killed the

old one, Don Martín.  Everyone is happy that El Cid won the battle except

Chimene.  Chimene still resents El Cid for killing her father.

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El Cid vs. Don MartínKhadira Hargrove


Today there is said to be a jousting match between Rodrigo (El Cid)

and Don Martín.  Everybody from town is going to be there to watch this epic

battle.  It is going to be full of suspense to see who is going to win.  I am

going to be on the edge of my sear the whole time.  It is going to be a battle

to remember.

I am on my way to the match now.  My friend and I are on our horses,

there are many other people on their horses going to the battle too.  I hope

we can get a good seat in the coliseum.  I told my friend we should have left

earlier.  I want a good view of the battle.

We are now at the coliseum waiting for the battle to begin. As I expected,

everybody from town is here.  El Cid and Don Martín have just accepted

“ladies colors”.  I made a bet with my friend; I put my gold on El Cid.  The

battle is about to begin.

They are now charging at each other at full speed.  Nobody gets

knocked off their horse on the first or second round.  But on the third charge

El Cid gets knocked off his horse.  Now he must try to get Don Martín off his

horse.  He is successful and now Do n Martín is off of his horse.

El Cid and Don Martín are now fighting single combat with swords.  They are

swinging their swords with such power and force.  Don Martín has El Cid on

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the ground as he is swinging his sword.  El Cid must get off the ground if he

wants to win.  Remarkably, El Cid has the upper hand and stabs Don Martín,

killing him.

I knew El Cid was going to win all along.  This was a great battle.  It will

go down in history.  People are going to be talking about it forever.  My

friend owes me some gold.

Two Brothers, One CrownMatthew Chestnutt

 It has been a horrible day for the kingdom.  Our great King Ferdinand has

died and has moved on to be with God.  He has left the royal crown to Prince

Sancho but Prince Alfonso sees to claim the crown to his glory.  As the final

preparations are being made for our Kings funeral, Prince Sancho and Prince

Alfonso meet in the chamber of the burial.  Prince Sancho seemed so furious

at the pure sight of his brother Alfonso.  As Sancho left the room, Alfonso

pursed exclaiming that he would be the King of Calahorra.  A battle ensues

that leads to one another nearly killing each other.  Alfonso takes a swipe at

Sancho, barely missing him, and they crumble to the floor wrestling like two

young children.  Sancho pulls the blade from Alfonso and nearly stabs him in

the neck when Uracca, the beautiful princess storms in to stop her beloved

brothers from killing each other.  Sancho comes to his feet and tells Alfonso

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that he will rule the dungeons.  The whole chamber filled with murmurs of

the past battle that nearly cost Calahorra two kings.

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Champion V.S. Champion

Andre Hayes

The battle between Rodrigo vs. Don Martin also could be known as the

champion vs. champion battle. They are fighting live at the Calahorra arena.

Don Martin wearing green, and Rodrigo wearing red, but both are wearing

the lady color black as she asked. As both champions gets to their position

the king is discussing few things.

Everyone gets quiet as the battle gets ready to begin. The king raises

his hand, then drops his hand… and their off… Don Martin and Rodrigo

strikes each other on the first round but neither one of the budges from their

horse. They go a second time and they collide into each other and Don

Martin almost falls off his horse, but he gets his balance back together and

gets steady back on the horse. As they get ready for the third go round they

nod at each other then race off towards each other. As they began to collide

Rodrigo dodges Don Martin attack and strikes him off his horse. That ended

the battle leaving Rodrigo as champion and Don Martin as a loser.

Rodrigo goes over to the king to claim his reward. Then the king tells

Rodrigo he should marry his daughter. Rodrigo accept his reward and the

king’s daughter and the wedding would be held tomorrow before sunset. 

Everybody in the arena yells out Rodrigo name. Rodrigo leaves with the king

and his new soon to be wife. And everyone in the arena leaves to get ready

for the wedding tomorrow.

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King’s ChampionKayla Zand

             It was one early spring day as two men were in battle: Rodrigo and

Gormaz who was of course the former King’s champion. Now Rodrigo was a

tall, handsome, young man from a kingdom far- far away. And Gormaz on

the other hand was a mean, hateful man who cared solely for his self. But he

did have one thing that most people saw as the most beautifulness woman in

all the land. Her name was Chimene and she was the daughter of the King’s

former champion.

              On that very same day people

started to arrive at the castle of King

Alfonso. There the two men stood in opposite

sides arena and waiting impatiently for the

King’s approval. The tension filled the air with

two men blazing their eyes at each other. Each of their hearts was filled with

hate towards one another. As everyone finally came to a stop, the arena

become calm, the King’s spoke. He replied “We are here today because we

hold a competition to see who will be the next to be the King’s champion.

              The castle gate closed and the battle begun. Each man took out

their long sword and face toward one another. Gormaz was the first to swing.

He swung and missed. Rodrigo became furious with Gormaz. He came out

firing with his sword swinging left and right and up and down. Gormaz did

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not know what to do. Suddenly the big man Gormaz feel like in the

beginning, he did not feel like that anymore. He had been cut in the right

shoulder by Rodrigo. Blood was gushing form the wound. He tried to stop the

blood by using his hand. That was an obstacle that slowed him down. Then

next swing, Rodrigo cut Gormaz’s knee. He fell to the ground in such pain

that he was done for.

              Finally, Rodrigo last swing was through Gormaz’s stomach. He laid

there helplessly in trying to reach his last. But suddenly his last breathe

came to fast. And the battle was over. Rodrigo was declared the winner. The

crowd stood up and cheered for him. But wait; there was a prize for the

winner. Even though Rodrigo had killed Chimene father, she did like her

father and could care less what had happened to him. And also Rodrigo was

declared the new king’s champion. Rodrigo finally made a new life in the

kingdom. And two years later Chimene and Rodrigo had two beautiful twin

girls and they lived happily ever after.

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“The Great Fight”Alexis DeVane

              One night in the castle, it was very peaceful everyone was sleeping.

The only ones that were up was Chimene, El Cid, and Gormaz. El Cid was

already sort of angry, because he wanted to be known as the champion in

the castle. Gormaz was upset/mad with him in the first

place; because he let the people go and not let them

go to the king, so he wanted to punish El Cid. Later on

like I stated, when it was quiet and everyone was

asleep for the exception of the three, they saw each other and began to talk

about what had happened earlier.

              While they were talking they became upset with each other and

things began to heat up. They pulled out their swords

and began to fight each other. The fight was very

competitive as they began the Great fight. They called it the Great fight

because it was very important to them being that it would determine

whether or not it El Cid will become the champion. As the fight progressed El

Cid was winning all at once. So if you were around you would really think

that El Cid was already the champion. Just as sure as you thought it was over

Gormaz came up from that horrified throw down as strong as ever and began

to beat El Cid.

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              Finally they got so loud in the castle that the people were frightened

so they came to see what all the noise was. By the time they walked out and

saw El Cid had already killed Gormaz and everyone was sad and shocked.

Chimene saw her dad lying on the floor and was very sad and upset with El

Cid (the love of her life), but as you all know El Cid was very happy to know

that he was the champion and that is who he wanted to be.

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