
Post on 14-Jan-2015

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Transcript of Larumbe

The Hockey is a family of sports in which two teams compete to put a disk into his

opponents porter to do a goal with the help of a stick.


There ara four modes of hockey: on ice, on grass, on skates and subacuatic.

Ice hockey

Grass hockey

Skate hockey

Subuacuatic hockey

Players can control the disk using a stick. They can kick it with the foot too, except to do a goal. This sport is played with five players and a goalkeeper, who uses special prottection. This is a very intense sport, so there’s usually fights beetwen the players. It can be played on natural or artificial ice.

The objective this sport is to score more goals than the opponent when the times over. In each team there are 11 players. The goalkeeper uses a special prottection. It can be played on natural or artificial grass. In this mode of hockey there’s no disk as usually, there’s a ball.

This is a popular sport in some countrys of south America. The players use four wheels skates and sticks with “L” shape. This mode of hockey it’s played on sportscentres.

The origin of this sport, the most popular of the four, is not very clear, there are people who say that Quebec, in Canada, is the place where ice hockey burned, but there are some pictures in Holland that indicate it was already played on the XVI century . It’s true that british soldiers in Canada invented what today it’s the Modern ice hockey.

The Canadians, with the americans, are considered the best ones playing ice hockey.It’s they’re national sport, and they have the oldest team in this sport: theCanadiens of Montreal. Whas in this city where the first ice hockey tournament was played. The winner was the Mcgill Universiti’s team. This country have moregold medals ion the Olimpic Games than any other. The league his teams play is the LNH (NatonalHockey League) with teams from america too. A curiosity of this League is that the fights between players are allowed. The fight finish when one ofThey touch the floor with the knee. This sport is popular in Sweden, Finland, Russiaand Germany.

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