Large-scale Decentralized Storage Systems Used by Volunteer

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Transcript of Large-scale Decentralized Storage Systems Used by Volunteer


Large-scale Decentralized Storage Systems Used byVolunteer Computing Systems

Iuliia Proskurnia, Arinto Murdopo, Enkhjin Bayarsaikhan and Diego MonteroFacultat Informatica de Barcelona

Universitat Politecnica de CatalunyaBarcelona, Spain

Abstract—Recently, Volunteer Computing (VC) is becomingquite popular for providing its resources for large-scale computa-tional problems in scientific researches. Centralized control of theVC systems is the main bottleneck, since it introduces asymmetryto the system. Several systems are already benefitting from VCin terms of CPU sharing, e.g. SETI@home. Another side of theproblem is storage sharing, where volunteer nodes will dedicatetheir free memory space to the system.

Introduction of Decentralized Storage System that is suitablefor the VC is appropriate, mainly, to reduce possible overheadfrom the centralized part of the VC and provide available andeventually consistent decentralized storage system with minimalcost.

The focus of this paper is to thoroughly survey currentlyexisting decentralized storage systems, evaluate them accordingto its suitability for VC system, and provide a state-of-the-artsolution for this issue.

Index Terms—Decentralized Storage Systems, Volunteer Com-puting, Scalability, Replication.


Large scale decentralized storage systems’ goals are decen-tralization, reduced cost and fault tolerance. At the same timedecentralized storage systems provide inherent scalability andavailability of resources compared to its centralized counter-part [4], [7], [8], [9], [10], [13], [14], [15].

Main design issues of decentralized storage systems are thefollowings [6]:

• Decentralization. Decentralized storage systems, as thename suggests, are decentralized by their nature. Theycould support distributed storage, processing, informationsharing etc.

• Fault-tolerance. System should be resilient to removaland failure of nodes at any moment.

• Fast Resource Location. Efficient mechanism for resourcelocation is an important point.

• Load Balancing. System should make optimal distribu-tion of resources based on nodes’ capability and avail-ability.

• Churn Protection. Denial of service attack from excessivenode churns should be handled by the system.

• Anonymity. Resistance to censorship is important charac-teristic to be introduced by the system.

• Security. Security from attacks and system failure shouldbe ensured by the system.

• Scalability. Supporting millions of users are essential fordecentralized storage systems.

Achieving all these goals is still a huge challenge forresearchers. Existing decentralized storage system solutionsonly could achieve some of them while sacrificing the others.

The most popular techniques to achieve all these proper-ties among large-scale decentralized storage systems are thefollowing:

• Consistent Hashing. In consistent hashing, the outputrange of a hash function is treated as a fixed circularspace or ”ring”. Each node is assigned a random valuewithin this space. Each data item identified by a key isassigned to a node by hashing the data item’s key to yieldits position on the ring.

• Active or passive replication. In active replication eachclient request is processed by all the servers. In passivereplication there is only one server (called primary) thatprocesses client requests and subsequently propagates theupdates to back-up nodes.

• Gossip-based protocol for failure handling. The protocolis based on the gossip/virus-based information distribu-tion, including random destinations to spread the infor-mation.

• Logging read/write operations. The main function oflogging is to store all the changes made which are readsand writes by all nodes during the object life.

• Ring locality for load balancing. This technique should beapplied to deal with non-uniform data, load distributionand heterogeneity of nodes performance.

Most of these properties can be found in Cassandra andDynamo systems and they are partly covered by other systemslike Ivy [4], Squirrel [5], Pastis [18], PAST [12], Riak [4],Voldemort [8], OceanStore [7], [19], Farsite [11].

Volunteer Computing (VC) uses the free resources in In-ternet and Intranet for some computational or storage pur-poses. It is important to discover the endless options forits application. One of the differences between VC and P2Psystems is behavior of their nodes. Analysis of the real tracesfrom SETI@home [37] project proved clients contributionconsciousness. For example, SETI@home follows a typicalmodel of a volunteer computing project, in which an ”agent”is installed on the user’s machine after they register to par-ticipate. All the registered participants are contributing withtheir CPU to complete some important computational problem:biological, chemical etc.

However, current architectures are based on the client-server architecture. In such VC systems, cluster or group


of central servers assigns jobs to voluntarily-contributed-machines/volunteers. This configuration may lead to bottle-neck in the group of central servers, in terms of task distri-bution or data movement between server and clients. HarvardTONIC project tried to reduce the chance of bottleneck bysplitting centralized servers into central storage system andlookup service. However, one point of failure still existsand TONIC does not support storage sharing between itsusers. P2P-Tuple [21] solution could be used to alleviateaforementioned TONIC’S problems.

Until now VC popularity is focused on CPU sharing area.As the volume of existing data and knowledge is growingrapidly, the necessity of new approaches for storage is critical.One of the solutions is employing scalable decentralizedstorage systems in Volunteer Computing.

The main goal of this survey is to provide a comprehensivedescription of the current decentralized storage systems andthe extent to which these systems could be combined withVC, the last part of the paper will include proposal of a state-of-the-art system that fits Volunteer Computing storage needs.

The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section II in-troduces background information about Decentralized StorageSystems and Volunteer Computing. Section III covers a reviewof the existing storage systems with their suitability for Volun-teer Computing, which is referred as a Volunteer ComputingExtension. Section IV provides a proposal and design of themost suitable state-of-the-art decentralized storage system forVC. Finally the survey will end up with conclusion and listof references.


A. Decentralized Storage SystemsDecentralized storage systems (DSS) are growing far more

attractive over the years, as they are being employed by thepopular networking corporations like Facebook [13], Amazon[15], LinkedIn [8] and etc. Behind the growing popularity isthe rising number of researches and developments in the fieldof DSS. The coordination between nodes can be symmetricas in P2P systems [12] where nodes have same capabilitiesor responsibilities, or in some implementation it could beasymmetric. Figure 1 illustrates a comparison of system ar-chitectures in DSS and centralized storage systems. The datain DSS are stored in several coordinating nodes, whereas incentralized storage system, the data are stored in a singleserver.

The goals of decentralized storage system are an ad hocconnectivity between nodes, a decentralization of the system,reduced cost of ownership, and anonymity [6]. In this paperwe surveyed number of different decentralized storage systemswith their key features and pros-and-cons, and evaluated themaccording to their suitableness in storage system for volunteercomputing. The characteristics that are important for storagesystem in volunteer computing are availability, scalability,eventual consistency, performance and security.

The design issues that associate with these characteristicsare implementation of read/write access, replication handlingamong nodes in the system for fast resource location, sym-metry design of the storage for load balancing, fault and

Fig. 1. Decentralized Storage System

security handling for reliable storage, and the scalabilityfeature for handling thousands of nodes. Multi-writer designsface numerable issues not found in read-only systems, such asmaintaining consistencies among replicas, handling concurrentupdates, and preventing malicious attacks [18]. Similarly, onecan find multiple approaches in replication techniques withinthe storage systems, for high reliability, churn protection,and fast resource location. The same goes to fault tolerance;there are multiple techniques to achieve certain tolerance levelagainst faulty nodes. For example Dynamo’s sloppy quorumand hinted hand-off [15] as well as Total Recall’s redundancymanagement [10]. In addition, security is equally important inpeer-to-peer storage systems for volunteer computing, consid-ering the importance of data integrity and computing resourcesof the volunteers in volunteer computing systems.

B. Volunteer Computing

Volunteer Computing (VC) is a distributed computingparadigm based on computing and storage capabilities ofcomputers donated by volunteer individuals via the Internet.The volunteer members donate their personal computers tobe used as hardware resources, when the computers are inidle status. Through this arrangement, VC environments havebeen very successful in harnessing idle hardware resources inpersonal computers.

Another definition of Volunteer Computing is a type ofDesktop Grid (DG) computing, which is one of the largestdistributed systems in the world. DG aims to bring largenumbers of donated computing systems together to formcomputing communities with vast resource pools. They arewell suited to perform highly parallel computations that donot require any interaction between network participants.

VC is currently being used by many scientific researchprojects. A well-known example of this is a project calledSETI@home, whose main purpose is to analyze radio-telescopic signals in an attempt to detect extra-terrestrialactivities. In this project, SETI@home employed a volunteercomputing platform called BOINC.

BOINC, which stands for Berkeley Infrastructure for OpenNetwork Computing, relies on a publicly open system thatallows private individuals (i.e., “volunteers”) to install a soft-ware program, which takes advantage of their computers’processing power when it would otherwise be idle. In addition,BOINC can also be used in multiple projects at once; hence


a single volunteer-computer can share its resources with dif-ferent projects using this platform [46].

Another example of Volunteer Computing platforms is theXtremWeb project. The main principle of this open sourceresearch project is not only that any participant can volunteerhis computing resources, as in BOINC, but also can use otherparticipants’ computing resources or storage. In this scenario,each participant has the ability to register new applications anddata and to submit new computational jobs [45].

Architecture of a VC middleware - BOINCFrom a general point of view, The BOINC architecture is

based on a strict master/worker model, as shown on the Figure2:

• Client: allows platform users to interact with the platformby submitting stand-alone jobs and retrieving results.

• Server: a coordination service which connects clients andworkers. It receives jobs submissions from clients anddistributes them to workers according to a schedulingpolicy.

• Worker: the component running on the PC which isresponsible for executing jobs.

Fig. 2. VC BOINC Architecture

This architecture defines a Pull Model (workers pull tasksfrom the server). The centralized server never initiates com-munication with worker nodes. All the communications areinstantiated from the worker simplifying some communicationissues due to NAT and Firewalls. Besides, the central serversdo not have to keep track of the workers connections.

Critical scaling issues with VC may arise from the fact thatboth VC and DG use centralized data storage, thus creatinga potential bottleneck in the system when tasks share largeinput files or when the central server has limited bandwidth.In this paper, we surveyed the use of decentralized data sharingtechniques that can be further introduced to VC and DG datadistribution system. The functionalities of decentralized datasharing techniques may range from BitTorrent-style networkswhere all participants share equally, to more constrainedand customizable unstructured networks where certain groups

are in charge of data distribution and discovery. Figure 3shows decentralized data sharing technique with its relation toVolunteer Computing.

Fig. 3. Decentralized Data Storage for VC


In the quest for defining the state-of-the-art decentral-ized storage system for volunteer computing, the followingwell-known distributed storage systems were thoroughly sur-veyed: FarSite, IVY, Overnet, PAST, PASTIS, Voldemort,OceanStore, Glacier, Total Recall, Cassandra, Riak, Dynamo,and Attic. The systems are arranged in the order of leastuseful to most useful. The last two systems, TFS and Squirrel,are special type of decentralized storage systems, howevertheir implementations and characteristics make them equallyimportant for our research.

The survey is based on analysis of characteristics, im-plementations and the system architecture of each storagesystems. The characteristics, on which we focused, in thissurvey are Availability, Scalability, Eventual Consistency, Per-formance and Security. Each distributed storage system wasevaluated by its advantages, disadvantages and VC compati-bility.

In the end of this section, Table I shows short description foreach system together with main characteristics of each system,based on five aforementioned characteristics previously ( AV= Availability, SC = Scalability, ECO = Eventual Consistency,P = Performance and SC = Security). Appendix contains morecomprehensive comparison table for surveyed storage systemsaccording to their read/write access, replication management,symmetry, fault tolerance and security characteristics.

A. Farsite

FARSITE (Federated, Available, and Reliable Storage foran Incompletely Trusted Environment) is designed to harnesscollective resources of loosely coupled, insecure, and unre-liable machines to provide logically centralized, secure, andreliable file-storage services. It tries to solve the problem ofhigh cost in maintaining centralized server and its vulnerabilityto geographically localized faults.

The foundation of FARSITE design is built on the factthat there is a general increase in unused disk capacity and


a decrease in computational cost of cryptographic operationrelative to I/O.

To achieve file system capability, FARSITE should havehierarchical directory namespace. FARSITE allows the flexi-bility of having multiple roots (regarded as name of virtualfile server). Each root has designated set of machines tomanage it and these machines form a Byzantine-fault-tolerantgroup to enhance their security. FARSITE manages trust in itssystem by using public-key-cryptography, which is done byintroducing several types of certificates. Symmetric encryptionis used to encrypt users’ private keys of their certificates.Note that in FARSITE, once encrypted, the private key of thecertificate is stored in globally readable directory in FARSITEand it only can be accessed upon login.

In relation with Volunteer Computing, the notion of direc-tory group is a good idea. It allows the protocol to distributethe management job as well as the data into several machines.Security is also handled well with encryption and public-key-cryptography-based access list control. However, it is designedto handle up to 105 nodes and it may not be sufficientin Volunteer Computing context. Another drawback is itsdesign which is only intended for University or Workplaceenvironment (relatively slower churn rate and high machineavailability, as what have assumed by the writer of the paper),which has different characteristics with Volunteer Computingenvironment (relatively higher churn rate and low machineavailability).

Advantages DisadvantagesQuantified scalability. Scal-able up to 105 nodes. Se-curity is really prioritized inthe design. Mimic the cen-tralized file system.

Limited uses, current designand implementation is suit-able for desktop machinesin academic and corporatesettings.

Volunteer Computing ExtensionScalability up to 105 nodes may not enough for vol-unteer computing environment. Volunteer computingenvironment has different characteristics to FARSITEintended environment (University or Workplace environ-ment).


Ivy is a read/write distributed storage system based on logfiles of its clients. Each user takes periodic snapshots of allother users’ logs, containing history of uploads and updatesto all files in the system. When a user makes updates to anyfile, its log is saved in his/her own log. This setup makes theIvy storage system suitable for smaller group of cooperatingpeers. In addition, use of client logs slow down the system,despite that IVY uses periodic snapshots to mitigate this issue.Non-conflicting concurrent file update logs are merged, andconflicting files are resolved in application level. Ivy exposesthe whole operation history of files to every client. Hence,security in Ivy is achieved by peers reviewing the log files offaulty users, and choosing not to trust those bad users. In otherwords, the security measures take place after the disaster. Ina large scale distributed storage system, clients expect globalsecurity and stability, without having to choose which clients

to trust based on their user logs. This feature of Ivy makes itless attractive as a potentially large scale distributed storagesystem. Finally, [4] mentions that more work is required, inorder to improve IVY’s conflict resolution techniques.

Advantages DisadvantagesDecentralized storage – nocentral point of failure.

Security measures happenafter the disaster. Not soscalable.

Volunteer Computing ExtensionIVY is not scalable, does not provide enough securitytolerance. Therefore, it is not a recommended storagesystem for volunteer computing.

C. Overnet/Kademlia

Overnet used to be popular decentralized peer-to-peer com-puter network in 2006. It is based on Kademlia DHT; hencethere is no scientific paper that discuss about Overnet, we willdiscuss Kademlia instead.

Kademlia is a symmetric DHT based on XOR-based metricto perform the routing functionality. It treats nodes as leavesin binary tree; with each node position is determined by IDprefix. Kademlia ensures that every node knows of at least onenode each of its subtrees. Node ID is represented as 160-bitnumber.

XOR metric is used to introduce the notion of distancesbetween nodes in Kademlia. However, it doesn’t consider theactual location of the nodes since it uses the node ID todetermine the “distance” between them. XOR is unidirectional.

Kademlia nodes store contact information about each otherto route query message with maximum list of k. There are fourRPC protocols in Kademlia: PING, STORE, FIND NODEand FIND VALUE. In Kademlia, the most important proce-dure for each participant is called node lookup, where bya node in Kademlia tries to find the k closest nodes tosome given node ID. Kademlia employs recursive algorithmfor node-lookup. The initiator is able to send parallel, asyn-chronous FIND NODE RPCs to the nodes it has chosen. Thisparallelization is able to accelerate the lookup process althoughit increases the number of messages that are circulating inthe network. Nodes in Kademlia also need to periodicallybroadcast (key, value) pairs to keep them alive. The routingtable in Kademlia is in the form of binary trees and it isalways maintained to avoid unbalanced tree. In addition, someoptimization is performed in Kademlia to efficiently republishkey.


AdvantagesThe notion of symmetry using XOR metrics is good.The concept of learning about neighbor when receivingqueries is interesting. It is resistant to certain degree ofDoS attack.

DisadvantagesKademlia’s notion of distance does not consider the ac-tual network distance. In the current era of geolocation,this distance notion can be improved by considering theactual network distance. Routing table in Kademlia isin the form of binary trees and it needs to maintainit periodically. This maintenance potentially has lots ofmessage to exchange in the network.

Volunteer Computing ExtensionHigh churn rate causes lot of message overhead inKademlia and makes not really suitable for Volun-teer Computing system. The message overhead here iscaused by maintenance of binary tree and parralelizationof node lookup message.


PAST is a large-scale archival storage system based onPastry P2P overlay network. Its main intended purpose isan archival storage; hence the design of PAST was focusedon global balance of storage load while providing locallyavailable replicas. The overall load balance is achieved throughreplica diversion, in which before a replica is stored to a node,it considers the storage load surrounding the itself. If the nodeis located (in terms of nodeIDs) in a heavily packed area,the replication is diverted to less loaded area. In addition, bystoring highly requested files in users’ available caches, PASTachieves a graceful degradation of global performance whenthe total storage reaches its limit. Therefore, in addition tostability, PAST offers fast resource locating. Security in PASTis achieved by issuing smart cards for writing users, and publickey cryptography is used in the overall system [12]. PASTbecame a base overlay storage system to Pastis.

Advantages DisadvantagesRead and Write access.Highly scalable and overallreliable storage system.

Writing users must have aphysical smart card, whichis a big liability. In addi-tion PAST is intended as anarchival storage, which lim-its resource management.

Volunteer Computing ExtensionAlthough PAST is highly scalable, in terms of storagenodes, the use of smart cards strongly limit the physicalscalability, in terms of clients. In addition, state-of-theart distributed storage system requires more resourcemanagement service than solely archiving.

E. Pastis

It’s a distributed storage system built on top of PAST. It’sfeatures of locality, scalability, and replication maintenanceare similar to those of PAST. Additional design features areconflict-resolution mechanism, consistency, and security. The

main conflict arises when multiple users write to a file con-currently, in which case Pastis’ conflict resolution mechanismworks by comparing each updates’ version number and theunique ID of users who issued the updates. PASTIS supportstwo consistency models: Close-to-open model, which is alsoused in both Andrew File System (AFS) and Network FileSystem (NFS), and a more relaxed consistency model calledRead-Your-Writes model. Pastis uses write access control anddata integrity, and does not provide read access control. Writeaccess control works by by allowing the owner of the file toissue write certificates to certain trustees, who must properlysign the new version of inode and provide his own writecertificate when modifying content. This model assumes thatall users allowed to write to a given file trust one another [18].

Advantages DisadvantagesProvides high scalabilityand locality. Read andwrite access. Up totwice as fast as Ivy orOceanstore. Supportsmultiple consistencymodels.

Security based on trust be-tween parties. Conflict reso-lution mechanism is not so-phisticated enough for verylarge scale storage system.

Volunteer Computing ExtensionLocally controlled write access to storage nodes requireseach storage nodes to fully trust volunteer computingmembers. This may create security concerns that are notsuitable for distributed storage system used by volunteercomputing.

F. Project Voldemort

Voldemort can be described as a big, distributed and faulttolerant hashtable. It promises high horizontal scalability andhigher availability in the cost of lesser convenience in usingit due to its primitive API.

Voldemort consists of several layers and each layer inVoldemort implements a simple storage interface that does put,get, and delete operations. Generally, each layer is focused inperforming one function such as TCP/IP network communi-cation, serialization, version reconciliation, inter-node routing.Voldemort keeps each of these layers separate, that means theycan be configured (by mixing and matching) at runtime to meetdifferent needs.

In Voldemort, anyone can derive location of a value byknowing its key, and lookup is performed in peer-to-peerfashion. Consistent hashing is used to compute the locationof each key in the cluster and to prevent data shift betweenservers when a server is added or removed from the cluster.

Voldemort supports pluggable serialization. We can chooseamong these kinds of serialization procedure: json, string, java-serialization, protobuf, thrift, avro-generic/avro-specific/avro-reflective, and identity.

Voldemort tolerates the possibility of inconsistency, andresolves inconsistencies at read time (versioning and read-repair). Versioning scheme in Voldemort uses vector clock toguarantee partial order over values.


Advantages DisadvantagesIntegrity of data ispreserved using versioningand without compromisingsystem availability. Datareplication, data partitionand server failure arehandled transparently.Voldemort layer isbuilt based on plug-in-architecture, and we canconfigure these layers tosuit application needs.

No data found for its perfor-mance analysis. However,Voldemort has been effec-tively proven in produc-tion environment throughLinkedIn. Only support key-value store, that means if wewant to improve the usabil-ity (such as a file system),we need to add additionallayer on top of Voldemort toperform the job

Volunteer Computing ExtensionWe will need to fine-tune the module in each layerto support volunteer computing, which initially can becomplicated, but once it is fine-tuned, it will be suitablefor volunteer computing.

G. OceanStore

OceanStore is a two-tiered, fully read/write distributed stor-age system for any type of files and applications. The innertier consists of well-connected servers for primary replications– Byzantine Fault Tolerant (BFT) algorithm is used in this tier.The outer tier consists of loosely connected client computersfor storage and archives – aggressive replication is used forclient replicas and erasure coding is used for reliable archives.In addition to being able to support all types of files andapplications in the system, OceanStore provides high faulttolerance through the combined use of BFT and erasurecoding. With this design, they’ve achieved speedup of 4.6over NFS in Read-only version, and 7.3 slower than NFS inread-write version. For security, it uses threshold cryptography,which allows host computers store files without knowingthe contents. They assume that all user infrastructures areuntrusted [19].

Advantages DisadvantagesProvides read and writeaccess. High fault toler-ance and security is assured,since none of the nodes aretrusted.

Writing access slows downthe system, significantly.

Volunteer Computing ExtensionHigh fault tolerance and security is achieved through theuse of complex algorithm - BFT. This comes with thecost of limited scalability.

H. Glacier

Glacier is a highly durable read-only distributed storagesystem. It is designed to provide availability during cases largescale, correlated, Byzantine failures of storage nodes. As atradeoff for high durability, Glacier does not support remotewrite-access. A prototype of Glacier is built on top of Pastryoverlay, and makes use of PAST distributed hash table.

Glacier uses a combination of full replicas and erasure cod-ing. A few numbers of full replicas of each files is stored forshort-term availability. A redundant amount of erasure-coded

fragments are stored among nodes for long term archiving.The nodes containing fragments communicate with each other,and create extra fragment copies when needed. Durability isensured by spreading redundant amount of fragments acrossrandomly selected nodes in the system. Glacier uses erasurecodes and garbage collection for low storage cost, and looselycoupled fragment maintenance protocol to reduce the messagecosts among nodes.

A security in Glacier is achieved simply because there isno remote write or update access to users. Since users canonly overwrite or modify their own local nodes, any mali-cious activity cannot harm the storage system. Data integrityis achieved by excessive amount of erasure-coded fragmentreplications across the system.

Similar to Tapestry and CFS, Glacier [14] uses leasing tocontrol the lifetime of a stored data. Objects must be renewedperiodically, in order to keep them alive in the archive.Experimental results of its prototype show that Glacier is ableto manage a large amount of data with low maintenance, whileensuring high scalability in data size and system size. [14]

Advantages DisadvantagesHigh durability. Far lessvulnerable to large scalefailures.

No remote write/update.Excessive Redundancywithin the storage system,in order to ensure highfault tolerance. Lifetimes ofstored data are limited.

Volunteer Computing ExtensionDue to its high reliability, and security, this storagesystem is suitable for Volunteer computing. Howeversince there’s no remote write and update, this systemcould be used purely as an archival storage of computeddata.

I. Total Recall

Total Recall is a peer-to-peer storage system that is capableof automatically managing its availability in dynamic changingenvironment. It is able to perform availability prediction basedon empirical results, and to repair itself (dynamic repair)automatically when hosts leave the system and decreasing re-dundancy. It has redundancy management feature so that TotalRecall intelligently chooses between replication, erasure code,and hybrid techniques based on system condition. However,Total Recall is not symmetric. It introduces three types ofhost in its implementation: master host, storage host and clienthost. Total Recall’s lazy repair with erasure code is suitable forVolunteer Computing environment since it is claimed to havegood performance for highly dynamic and highly unavailableenvironment. However, [10] does not really mention about thesecurity aspect of this storage system except of the usage oferasure code to protect the data. Overall, it has potential forVolunteer Computing environment if the security aspect ofTotal Recall is designed and implemented fully.


AdvantagesPeer-to-peer nature of Total Recall implies high scala-bility. It offers flexibility for the system administratorto specify availability target. Able to handle highlydynamic and highly unavailable environment by usinglazy repair with erasure code technique.

DisadvantagesSecurity aspect of Total Recall is not really designedand implemented fully.

Volunteer Computing ExtensionTotal Recall’s lazy repair with erasure code is suitableand has potential to be used in Volunteer Computingsystem as long as the security aspect of Total Recall isdesigned and implemented fully.

J. Cassandra

Cassandra is a distributed storage system for managingvery large amount of structured data spread out across manyservers with high availability. The system doesn’t support afull relational data model.

DHT in Cassandra is a distributed multi-dimensional mapindexed by a key. The row key in a table is a string withno size restrictions. Every operation under a single row key isatomic per replica. Columns are grouped into column families:simple and super column families. Columns could be sortedby time or by name.

API in Cassandra consists of three simple methods: insert,get, delete. Distributed system techniques used in the system:

• Partitioning. It is done by means of consistent hashing.To deal with non-uniform data and load distribution andheterogeneity of nodes performance, developers appliesnodes moving in the ring, according to their load.

• Replication. Each data replicated in N hosts, where N isa replication factor per instance. Coordinator is in chargeof replication. Replication policies: Rack Unaware, RackAware, Datacenter Aware. For the last two policies Cas-sandra uses Zookeeper.

• Membership is based on Scuttlebutt, a very efficient anti-entropy Gossip based mechanism.

• Failure handling. Cassandra uses a modified version ofϕ Accrual Failure Detector with Exponential Distributionfor inter-arrival time for other nodes gossip messages. ϕis a value which represent a suspicion level for each ofmonitored nodes. The more ϕ the less likelihood % ofmistake we will do in the future about its failing.

• Bootstrapping. For the fault tolerance, mapping is per-sisted to disk locally and also in Zookeeper. Then thetoken is gossiped around the cluster. When a node needsto join a cluster, it reads its configuration file with a fewcontact points (seeds) within the cluster.

• Scaling. Each new node is assigned with a token toalleviate a heavily loaded nodes.

• Read/write requests. Write is a write to into a commit log.Writing to in-memory is performed only after successfulwrite to commit log. When in-memory is full it dumpsitself to disk. Read operation queries the in-memory datastructure before looking into the file in disk. Lookup a

key could be done through many data files. But heredevelopers use bloom filter to summarize the keys in thefile.

Advantages DisadvantagesLinear scalability and fault-tolerance. No single point offailure. Map/reduce possiblewith Apache Hadoop.

Reads are slower thanwrites. Limitation forcolumn and row size in thesystem. Cassandra is a badfit for large objects.

Volunteer Computing ExtensionThe main feature of the system is to perform writesfaster that reads. It could be a first barrier for VCapplication, as the main idea of storage systems ingeneral to perform reads more that writes. Also, as thesystem is highly scalable, VC availability feature couldbe solved through replication techniques. Finally, fault-tolerance could be handled quite well even with gossipalgorithm application. From the other point of view,Cassandra has limitation on the object size, hence, bigobject can’t be stored in the system. That’s why all filesshould be partitioned. Overall, due to good replicationpolicy and fault-tolerance techniques the system couldbe quite good platform for future VC application.

K. Riak

Riak is a Dynamo-inspired database, which scales pre-dictably and easily. It is a highly fault-tolerant, scalable andhigly available distributed database system with no single pointof failure. One important feature of Riak is the data organiza-tion. Buckets and keys are the only way to organize data insideof Riak. User data is stored and referenced by bucket/keypairs and Riak uses a backend key/value storage system. Thisfeature allows the use of any kind of key/value storage systemas a backend such as Bitcask (Pluggable Backends). Bucketsare used to define a virtual keyspace and to provide someper-bucket configurability, such as, replication factor. Riak’sclient interface speaks of buckets and keys. Internally, Riakcomputes a 160-bit binary hash of the bucket/key pair, andmaps this value to a position on an ordered ”ring” of all suchvalues. This ring is divided into partitions and each Riak nodeis responsible for a partition. Replication is fundamental andautomatic in Riak, providing security that the data will stillbe there if a node on the cluster goes down. All data storedin Riak will be replicated to a number of nodes in the clusteraccording to the ”N“ property set on the bucket. It is basedon the N,R,W Dynamo values. Another feature is the objectversioning. Each update to a Riak object is tracked by a vectorclock. Vector clocks determine causal ordering and detectconflicts in a distributed system. Each time an object is createdor updated, a vector clock is generated to keep track of eachversion and ensure that the proper value can be determinedin the event that there are conflicting updates. Besides, whenthere are update conflicts on objects, Riak allows the lastupdate to automatically “win” or returns both versions of theobject to the client who has to take a decision to resolve theconflict.


Advantages DisadvantagesA distributed key/value stor-age based on Dynamo. N, Rand W configurable values.Support of pluggable back-end storage systems.

Riak aims for Availabil-ity, and Partition (failure)tolerance. The problem isthe eventually consistencycamp

Volunteer Computing ExtensionRiak could be applicable to the volunteer computing, butthere should be defined the size of files that the volunteercomputer system uses in order to pick a suitable backendstorage.

L. Dynamo

Dynamo is a distributed storage system developed by Ama-zon to support its online retail operation. Its main goals arereliability at massive scale, and scalability. It should be ableto treat failure handling as a norm.

Dynamo satisfies eventual consistency and target designspace of an “always writable” data storage (highly availablefor write). It allows the flexibility of deciding who performsthe conflict resolution, whether it is application layer or thedata store layer. It is able to perform incremental scalability(scale out one storage host at a time). It maintains symmetryin the network, which means there is no central server thatmanages everything. It should be decentralized and able tohandle heterogeneity of the nodes.

Dynamo uses consistent hashing to handle partitioningproblem; it uses vector clocks for data reconciliation duringreads. Sloppy quorum and hinted handoff are used to handletemporary failures. Merkle trees are used to provide dataintegrity during failure recovery. Dynamo also it uses a gossip-based membership protocol and failure detector.

AdvantagesOptimized for storage system usage, whereby we needhighly availability for write (with consistency trade offof course). Flexibility on local persistence component,which implies that we can easily changes the storage en-gines implementation (Berkeley DB, MySQL, BerkeleyDB Java edition and in-memory buffer with persistentbacking store). Dynamo is highly configurable based onR, W, and N values (number of replicas needed). It hasbeen used, deployed, tested and fine-tuned in Amazon’sproduction environment.

DisadvantagesIt has no security feature implemented because it isrun in Amazon’s internal non-hostile environment (nomalicious node). Gossip protocol to update group mem-bership status in Dynamo may not be scalable when usedin thousands of nodes, due to overhead in maintainingrouting table.

Volunteer Computing ExtensionDynamo works well if the Volunteer Computing systemneeds high write availability. However, it has no securityfeature implemented since it is assumed to be usedin non-hostile environment. Therefore, current Dynamoimplementation is not suitable for Volunteer Computingsystem unless the security feature is implemented andtested well.

M. Attic

Attic [31] is a software project that creates a secure datadistribution network applicable to projects like BOINC thatemploys P2P data sharing practices to share data acrossthe data distribution layer. This alternative provides a morelightweight and dynamic environment for distributing data.Four main elements: i) A data serving application that repli-cates data on the network. ii) Data Centers (data cacher) thatcache data, providing the distributed data source overlay. iii) ALook up service that keeps track of which Data Centers haveindividual data items. iv) Client applications that downloaddata from Data Centers on the network.

Data Centers are interim storage facilities that provide abuffer between the data serving application and the clientapplications. This buffer is particularly important for vol-unteer computing environments because it ensures that thedata sources can be trusted by clients. Trust plays a crucialrole in volunteer computing environments. If it is brokenthen the project will fail to attract volunteers. Therefore, incontrolled environments, Data Centers are typically issuedwith certificates signed by a trusted certificate authority al-lowing client applications to verify the identity of the DataCenter when downloading. Attic is based on the Peer-to-PeerArchitecture for Data-Intensive Cycle Sharing (P2P-ADICS)research project.


AdvantagesIt has been designed with volunteer computing in mind,and does not require all participants to share data, orshare equally, therefore differing it from other types ofP2P file-sharing systems. Secure decentralized approachand BitTorrent-like file swarming techniques to servedata and manage load. It uses HTTP for the transferdata transfer layer (multiple concurrent downloads). Itcan be integrated with BOINC projects. “Trusted” peers:secure data centers are a way of implementing a super-peer topology for data sharing that would restrict the setof peers that are allowed to propagate data.

DisadvantagesA point of failure: the Lookup Server

Volunteer Computing ExtensionAttic can be integrated with BOINC using the Attic-BOINC proxy.

N. Squirrel

It is a decentralized, P2P web cache with a behavior of acentralized web cache system. The key point is to enable webbrowsers on desktop machines to share their local caches toform an efficient and scalable web cache, without the needfor dedicated hardware and the associated administrative cost.Overall, Squirrel is a combination of cooperative web cachingand P2P request routing.

Squirrel uses a self-organizated P2P routing substrate Pastry.Pastry is resilient to concurrent node failures and so is Squirrel.The system has to re-fetch a small fraction of cached objectsfrom the origin web server.

Web caching is a different way of decentralized storageapplication but it still uses similar techniques to provideavailability to its system. The main difference of the webcache system is that still there is an opportunity to datarecovery from the original server, so that centralized partsupports decentralized components in the system. Hence, insuch systems there is less attention to the availability side.

Current system Squirrel [5] is a prototype of the volunteercomputing application with some centralized support. Themain point of the system is a request routing and handlingthe presence of files inside the system according to clients’needs.

Advantages DisadvantagesLatency comparable to thecentralized analog. Low-management. Fault resilient.

Web-Cache storage only.System for corporate LAN.Failures result in loss ofcontent.

Volunteer Computing ExtensionDecentralized Web Cache systems could be applicableto the volunteer computing, but centralized control ofthe system should be implemented as well. In this casealso replication and fault-tolerance techniques should bedeveloped further.

Overall, decentralized web caching in Squirrel, by its nature,is volunteer computing application as users consciously con-tribute to the system. Hence, their behavior is likely to be morereliable. That’s why, usually, there is no need for supporting

more sophisticated replication and availability techniques asthe data could be accessed from the original server eventually.

O. Transparent File System (TFS)

A key barrier to the adoption of contributory storage systemsis that contributing a large quantity of local storage interfereswith the principal user of the machine. To overcome thisbarrier, the Transparent File System (TFS) [16] is introduced.It provides background tasks with large amounts of unreliablestorage without impacting the performance of ordinary fileaccess operations. TFS is a method for contributing disk spacein peer-to-peer storage systems.

AdvantagesA file system that can contribute 100% of the idlespace on a disk while imposing a negligible performancepenalty on the local user. Operates by storing files in thefree space of the file system so that they are invisible toordinary files. Normal file allocation proceeds as if thesystem were not contributing any space at all. Ensurethe transparency of contributed data: the presence ofcontributed storage should have no measurable effect onthe file system, either in performance, or in capacity.Transparent files: files that are transparent in the localfile system (local file system does not see these files).Transparent data or transparent blocks: data belong-ing to such transparent files. Treats transparent blocksas if they were free, overwriting whatever data mightbe currently stored in them. An ordinary file can beallocated over a transparent file. TFS imposes nearly nooverhead on the local user. TFS is specifically designedfor contributory applications. The key benefit is that itleaves the allocation for local files intact, avoiding issuesof fragmentation

DisadvantagesSacrifices file persistence. When TFS allocates a blockfor an ordinary file, it treats free blocks and transparentblocks the same, and thus may overwrite transparentdata. Files marked transparent may be overwritten anddeleted at any time. Applications using transparent filesmust ensure the correctness of all file data. Sensitiveinformation stored in ordinary files must be protectedfrom applications trying to read transparent files. Theunreliability of files in TFS produces a bandwidth con-sumption due to the replication that is needed to handledeleted files.

Volunteer Computing ExtensionThis technique cannot be used for storage in a volunteersystem because it requires changes in the local filesystems of the volunteers. It means that the all the localfile systems, such as Ext3, NTFS and others must bemodified



A. Introduction

WHY? In current scientific volunteer computing softwareinfrastructures, such as BOINC and XtremWeb, data is dis-tributed centrally from a project’s coordinating nodes orservers. In BOINC, this is achieved through a set of HTTP mir-rors, each providing clients with full copies of data input files.Similarly, in XtremWeb, clients are given the URIs of datainput files. These centralized systems require projects to notonly have the necessary network capacity needed to providedata to all volunteers, but also have data readily available andpersistent on their servers at all times to fulfill client requests.Furthermore, the network throughput requirements of servingso many client machines can prove to be an impedimentto projects wishing to explore new types of data intensiveapplication scenarios that are currently prohibitive in termsof their large data transfer needs.

Alternatively, a viable approach to such centralized systemsis to employ the use of peer-to-peer (P2P) techniques toimplement data distribution.

GOALS?• Offload the central network needs. P2P data storage

techniques can be used to introduce a new kind of datadistribution system for volunteer computing projects, onethat takes advantage of volunteer-side network capabili-ties.

• Scalability not only needs to take into account the net-work bandwidth, but also the potential sizes of data withrespect to the data and job throughput in a particular VCproject, and their distribution over time.

• Security in these systems goes beyond the traditionalnotion of simply ensuring authentication or file integrity.Due to the volatile and insecure nature of volunteernetworks, a product of their open participation policies,there can be reason to enforce limitations on which nodesare allowed to distribute and cache data. By openingthe data distribution channels to public participation,security now becomes a larger concern for projects thatpreviously had centrally managed servers. The area ofsecurity with respect to VCS can be roughly split into thefollowing: user security and data security. It is importantto support both data integrity and reliability, whilst alsoproviding safeguards that can limit a peer nodes’ exposureto malicious attacks.

– User Security: any P2P data distribution scheme thatis implemented must allow users to opt-out if they donot wish to share their bandwidth or storage capacity.

– Data Security: find security schemes and policiesand how to apply them to volunteer networks whenselecting and distributing data-sets to peers.

All mentioned above could be presented in the followingFigure 4.

HOW? There are many ways this could be implemented,ranging from a BitTorrent-style network, where data is cen-trally tracked and all participants share relatively equal loads,to KaZaa-like super-peer networks, where select nodes areassigned greater responsibility in the network.

Fig. 4. State-of-the-art Decentralized Storage System used by VC

However, applying a traditional P2P network infrastructureto scientific computing, particularly in volunteer computing,can be highly problematic. In such environments, policies andsafeguards for scientific data and users’ computers becomemore critical concerns for limiting consumption rather thanany technical feasibility.

A tailor-made solution that could take into account the re-quirements of scientific communities, as opposed to a genericoverarching P2P architecture, would have the advantage offacilitating different network topologies and data distributionalgorithms, whilst retaining the safety of each participant’scomputer. Furthermore, each scientific application has dif-ferent network and data needs, and customized solutionswould allow for tailoring the network towards individualrequirements, although with the disadvantage of increaseddevelopment effort, complexity, and code maintenance.

As example there is ADICS [47], a customizable andbrokered Peer-to-Peer Architecture for Data-Intensive CycleSharing that allows fine-grained provisioning of resourcesand application of project-based roles to network participants.Specifically, ADICS provides a brokered P2P system thatoffloads central network needs while limiting client exposureto foreign hosts. The brokered network-overlay introduced inADICS acts as a buffer, in the form of a select group of trusteddata-sharing nodes, between the scheduler and the clients.

B. Characteristics

In designing of the state-of-the-art distributed storage sys-tem for VC, it is important to bear in mind that the VCmembers are the end users of the system. Hence, given theright incentives to both VC members and storage nodes, thefollowing assumptions could be safely made:

• Storage nodes in this system are relatively trust-worthierthan those in more hostile systems surveyed in SectionIII.

• Not only are the storage nodes trustworthy, but also theyare more committed. Thus, we expect lower churn rateamong the nodes, and the system should not need to takeinto account the worst-case scenarios mentioned in [14].

By evaluating the successful deployments of other p2pstorage systems in our survey, the following characteristics


System Description FocusFarsite Large scale persistent P2P storage system SEIvy P2P storage system based on Dhash table logs ECO, AVOverNet P2P DHT-based storage system that used XOR-based metrics for


PAST Large scale persistent P2P storage system SC, SE, AVPastis Highly scalable P2P storage system based on trust SC, ECOVoldemort Big, distributed, fault tolerant hashtable AVOceanStore Globally persistent DSS for any-file-anywhere SC, SEGlacier Highly durable DSS for archiving, no remote write SC, AV, PTotal Recall P2P storage system. Automatically manage its availability in dynamic

changing environmentAV, SC

Cassandra DSS with no point of failure to store structured data SC, AV, ECORiak Dynamo-inspired NOSQL storage system SC, AVDynamo Large scale DSS developed by Amazon P, AV, ECOAttic Secure DSS and BitTorrent-like file swarming techniques to serve data

and manage loadSE, AC

Squirrel Decentralized Web Cache P, ECO


were defined for state-of-the-art distributed storage system:read/write access, replication and fault-tolerance, and sym-metry and availability. A short suggestion of incentives ismentioned, since incentives strongly influence the behavior ofany distributed systems.

Read and Write Access:A need for read/write access for distributed storage system

depends entirely on the frequency of file updates. Implementa-tion of file updates and the maintenance of their consistenciesamong all replications in the distributed system create issuesmentioned in [18]. Consideration of updated files as differentfrom their older versions, therefore adding them as new filesin the distributed system is mentioned in [11]. This method ismore appropriate for distributed system with nodes that do notfrequently update data. Also, a distributed storage system canbe implemented as an archival storage for computed data fromvolunteer computing system. Such storage systems designedas archives are mentioned in [14], and [12]. The frequencyof file updates from the volunteer computing nodes, such asre-submitting or correction of computational data, should berare. It is expected to see more of uploading of computationaldata, rather than correction of one’s work. Therefore, the readaccess vs. write access in our system should have a ratio ofabout 7:3. Implementations of this type of read/write accessis very common in other distributed storage systems, such as[11].

Fault Tolerance & Replication Techniques:As with aforementioned assumptions, the necessity of ex-

tremely high fault tolerance is insignificant in the design ofa distributed storage system for volunteer computing. Theassumption of extremely high churn tolerance is unneces-sary, but a reasonable amount of smart replication techniquesand fault tolerance is inevitably important. The replicationtechnique requirements should be low memory and resourceusage, and implementation of locality based load balancing.Erasure coding and Byzantine-Fault-Tolerant (BFT) algorithmprovide certain amount of fault tolerance, load balancing andlower memory usage, and they have been implemented in[8], [11], [14], and [19]. Also, a replication technique based

on popularity, access rate, and file types is used in [5],[10], and [36]. The ideal distributed storage system shoulduse a combination of BFT, erasure coding and popularity-and-locality based replication techniques. To further reduceoverhead from data fragment recovery, the storage systemcould use network coding technique as presented in [32].

Availability and Symmetry:We define data availability as data localization, an easy

location and acquisition of data when necessary. Therefore,data availability and symmetry among the nodes goes hand-in-hand. In the distributed storage system, however, a globalsymmetry is not necessary, as shown in systems such as [7],[9],[10] and [11]. One way to achieve high availability is byemploying geographic locality based replication techniques,such as mentioned in [4]. The majority of the volunteersare located in USA, Germany, UK and Canada [28]. There-fore, geographic locality awareness could improve fast dataacquisition as well as global traffic balancing. In additionto geography-based locality, implementation of groups hashtables containing metadata of file replicas is a common methodfor increasing data acquisition. Finally, a use of BitTorrent likeswarming techniques was mentioned in [31] for data servingand load managing. To further improve the availability, datatypes classification to determine fault tolerance techniquescould be employed. One example of this technique is whenstoring video files, the storage system could use techniquefrom P2P video streaming application.Several independent so-called descriptions will be created from a video file. Thismethod is called Multiple Description Coding (MDC). Eachdescription is a video segment that contributes a certainamount to the video quality and can be decoded independently.The more descriptions are received, the higher is the receivedquality. Hence, each data file could be divided into n amountof pieces, e.g. odd and even horizontal and vertical frames forthe video file, and then erasure coding/network coding couldbe applied to each of the piece itself.

Incentives:The use of incentives in the distributed storage system

nodes, as well as the volunteers in the volunteer computing


system, is an effective way to increase and maintain highlycommitted members. Incentives based on credit system, inwhich individuals are granted credits and certificates for theircontribution of computing powers, have proven very effectivein systems like SETI@home [37]. These type incentivesencourage users to compete among each other with theircredits, thus contributing more towards the computing system.Similarly, a credit and certificate based on amount of storageshared, and available time in the system would contributetowards a highly available distributed storage system. Anotherpossible incentive technique is a government tax break forboth volunteer computing members as well as the storagenode members. There are over 1 million volunteer computingnodes in the world [31] and the majority of them are locatedin four countries – USA, Germany, UK and Canada. Thus,it is likely that the distributed storage nodes would be alsolocated in these countries. A collaboration and support of theresponsible government bodies in these countries would be apowerful driving force in increased number of storage nodesand volunteer members.

C. Challenges

Providing the right incentiveAs mentioned in Section IV-B, proposed distributed storage

system for VC is based on peer-to-peer concept, which in-volves volunteer computing participants. The volunteer-natureof this model requires appropriate incentive system to attractparticipants. Our proposal here is to use existing models ofincentives, with further testing to prove its effectiveness involunteer-computing-based storage sharing

SecurityAnother challenge that may surface is security. The pro-

posed system should ensure that user data is not affected byVC data that stored in participants’ system or user securitymust be ensured [47]. Client system should not provideloophole for hackers to intrude the system. Existing securitytechniques that are currently used in sharing computationalpower need to be re-tested and re-evaluated before they arere-used for storage sharing in VC environment.

VC system should also consider the security of the data thatare stored in volunteer nodes (data security), especially theintegrity of the data. It should be able to enforce and detectthe correctness of data stored in volunteer nodes and preventmalicious user to change or remove the data. For example theusage of Byzantine-Fault-Tolerant (BFT) replica in FARSITE,extensive use of erasure coding in Glacier, and MD5 checksumin Attic.

Integration into current VC EnvironmentOnce we define or implement the decentralized storage

system, we need to integrate it to an existing VC environment.Challenge in this area includes differences in programminglanguage in implementing the storage system and VC platform(such as BOINC). This challenge is highlighted in [47]. Tosolve this challenge, introduction of proxy solution to interfaceboth sides may be useful.

We may also need to introduce separate layer between VCparticipants that contribute computing resources and storage

resources. These layers will provide several API as interfacehence we will have flexibility in interchanging the implemen-tation of storage layer.


The implementation of decentralized storage system (DSS)in volunteer computing (VC) field may open doors to numer-ous research ideas for both VC and DSS fields. In this survey,DSS characteristics critical for VC integration are identified.They are availability, scalability, eventual consistency, perfor-mance and security. In addition to those, various properties ofDSS were discussed and evaluated based on VC suitability.Attic, Dynamo and Riak are the top-three most suitable DSSfor VC. Attic is built with VC in mind, and it focuses onavailability and security. Dynamo focuses in availability, whichis beneficial for VC. It has also been used in productionenvironment by Amazon, which brings significant advantageover the other DSS. Riak is the third most useful DSS forVC. It is inspired by Dynamo, and it focuses on scalabilityand availability.

The main characteristics of ideal DSS for VS are proposed.They are

• seven-to-three (7:3) read and write ratio• VC-based membership in storage system• BFT, erasure coding, and popularity-and-geographic lo-

cality based replication techniques• Credit system and certificate for incentiveChallenges in designing and implementing the ideal DSS

are also discussed.



Fig. 5. Decentralized Storage Systems Features

Fig. 6. Decentralized Storage Systems Features



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