Landforms diva jamaria

Post on 22-Jan-2018

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Transcript of Landforms diva jamaria

LANDFORMSBy: Diva K. Jamaria


Canyons are deep ,

narrow valleys and some

canyons have streams in

between the valley .

Caves are tough places

to live : they’re dark ,

cool , and wet . The

creatures that live in

caves have to be pretty

amazing !


Mountain are steep . have snow at the top wherethe point is .

Volcanoes explode lava. Volcanoes explode and turn into hard rock so you can’t break it with your hands it needs pressure to break .


Gulf is a portion of the sea ,

that is almost surrounded

by land except one narrow

opening .

An island is a area of land

smaller than a continent

and entirely surrounded by

water .


A bay is a body of water

connected to an oceans

or lake .

A harbor is a body of

water where ships ,boats ,

and barges are stored

from stormy weather .


A cliff is high ,steep slope

of rock or soil.

Hills are also formed by deep

erosion of an area that were

raised in the

earths crust .


Glaciers are packed

• with ice and have sharp

points at the top .

An isthmus is a narrow

piece of land connecting

to larger area across

an exspaned of water .


• A small body of water

• surrouned by land.

• A lake is an island body of

• relativly motionless water

• that usually has a river or

• stream feeding into or

• draining out of it.


A river is freshwater

• flowing across the

• surface of the land,

• usually to e sea .

• A stream is a body of water with

• a current , confined within a bed

• and stream bark .


Oceans cover more than 70%

of earths surface . About 97%

of earths water is contained

in a oceans.

A waterfall is an area of a river

or streams where the water flows

over a steep vertical drop , often

landing in a plunge pool before.


A plain may be defined as

any broadly as any land area

that is leveled or gently

sloping or rolling .

Valley is a low area between hills,

often with a river running through it .

In Gedogy ,a valley or elate ia a

depresion that is longer than it is wide .