Land Administration & SDI in Hungary Gyula IVÁN Institute of Geodesy, Cartography & Remote Sensing...

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Transcript of Land Administration & SDI in Hungary Gyula IVÁN Institute of Geodesy, Cartography & Remote Sensing...

Land Administration & SDI in Hungary

Gyula IVÁNInstitute of Geodesy, Cartography & Remote Sensing (FÖMI)


Joint FIG Commission 3 and Commission 7 Workshop on „Information and Land Management. A Decade after the Millenium”

14-17 November, 2010, Sofia, BULGARIA

Institute of Geodesy, Cartography & Remote Sensing, Budapest, HUNGARYInstitute of Geodesy, Cartography & Remote Sensing, Budapest, HUNGARY 11

Hungarian Land Administration

Institute of Geodesy, Cartography & Remote Sensing, Budapest, HUNGARYInstitute of Geodesy, Cartography & Remote Sensing, Budapest, HUNGARY 22

After 1st of January, 2011 Ministry of Public Administration & Justice

District Land Offices (123)• Daily updating of unified Land Registry• Cadastral mapping• Land valuation, land protection, land use• Data service• First level authority in LA cases

Department of Land Administration at Ministry of Rural DevelopmentOverall supervision of LA Sector

19 County Land Offices + Land Office of the Capital• County level supervision of District Land Offices• Second level authority in LA cases• Planning and coordination

FÖMI• R+D activities• Support of Land Offices• Operation of TAKARNET• Topographic mapping• Remote Sensing activities• State Boundary Survey• Quality Management• Cosmic Geodesy

National Cadastral Program Ltd.• Financial management

FÖMI’s main activities

• R+D projects in the fields of land administration, remote sensing, satellite geodesy, cadastral and topographic mapping etc.

• Management and Maintenance of National Ground Controls• Official, National GNSS Services• Regional and Country-wide data services, including cadastral maps,

land records, orthophotos, aerial photos, topographic maps, land cover data and other value added products

• Operating of Geoportal of the Land Management Sector (GEOSHOP)• Management of national, large scale (1:10 000) topographic mapping• Continuous support and development of Land Offices’ IT systems• Operating of TAKARNET network, network of the Land Administration

sector• Land Registry services via TAKARNET• Official Gazetteer of Hungary• Agricultural Remote Sensing activities, including operating of Land

Parcel Identification System (LPIS) of IACS, Vineyard Cadastre etc.• Environmental Remote Sensing activities, including CORINE Land

Cover database management

Institute of Geodesy, Cartography & Remote Sensing, Budapest, HUNGARYInstitute of Geodesy, Cartography & Remote Sensing, Budapest, HUNGARY 33

SDILand Administration

Institute of Geodesy, Cartography & Remote Sensing, Budapest, HUNGARYInstitute of Geodesy, Cartography & Remote Sensing, Budapest, HUNGARY 44

Central Unified Land Registry Database

• Including:– Cadastral Parcels, and subparcels– Land use– Buildings– Land Values (for cultivated lands)– Administrative Units and Subunits

(built-up and rural areas)– Land records (descriptive data,

ownership, mortgages, easements, usufructs, restrictions)

– Land user data

Institute of Geodesy, Cartography & Remote Sensing, Budapest, HUNGARYInstitute of Geodesy, Cartography & Remote Sensing, Budapest, HUNGARY 55

LPIS (Agricultural Land Parcel Identification System) for IACS

– ALP: Geographically seamless land, which cultivated by one farmer, with one type of crop, within one production year– Developed by FÖMI for the operation of Integrated Administrative & Control System (IACS) (Registration and Control of Agricultural Subsidies from EU)– Based on cadastral, topographic maps, digital orthophotos & land user data– Covers the whole country– Annual updating is necessary

Institute of Geodesy, Cartography & Remote Sensing, Budapest, HUNGARYInstitute of Geodesy, Cartography & Remote Sensing, Budapest, HUNGARY 66

VINGIS-National Vineyard GIS RegisterThe 22 Winegrowing Regions

of Hungary Basic topographic data used to create the VINGIS:a) Cadastral mapsb) Ortophoto

(2)The VINGIS database contains:a) Vineyard layer (from

Administrative Boundary Database of FÖMI)

b) Grubbing up vineyards layer (interpretation)

c) Topographic layer d) County boundary layer (from

ABD)e) Wine Community boundary

layer (from ABD)f) Layer of potential vineyard

sites(3) Extended layers:

a) Height-interval maps (from high-resolution DEM)b) Slope-category maps (from DEM)c) Aspect Maps (from DEM)d) Layer of growing areas of products with protected (designated) origin (from toponymic data)e) Layer of toponymic data (from

digital gazetteer of FÖMI)

Institute of Geodesy, Cartography & Remote Sensing, Budapest, HUNGARYInstitute of Geodesy, Cartography & Remote Sensing, Budapest, HUNGARY 77

Eger wine-growing region

Superior: Wine growing sites with more than 300 points; Wine: Bull’s blood of

Eger superior

Kékfrankos, Kadarka,

Portugeiser (Kékoportó) Blauburger, Kék medocZweigelt,

Cabernet franc, Cabernet Sauvignon,

Merlot, Pinot noir

Regulation of FVM No. 130/2003 (XII.31.)

Vineyards with protected origin in Andornaktálya

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The wine region of Tokaj

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Derived maps from DEM (HUNDEM-5 database)EGER

Height-interval mapSlope-category map

Aspect map

International SDI related Activities

• GIS4EU project• HUMBOLDT project• EURADIN project• ESDIN project

Institute of Geodesy, Cartography & Remote Sensing, Budapest, HUNGARYInstitute of Geodesy, Cartography & Remote Sensing, Budapest, HUNGARY 1111

TAKARNET24 project

1. Size-up, Analysis, Proposal, Decision, System Design

2. Central, Non-stop Land Registry Services

4. Central Transaction system3. Client Gate I. (Access)

5. Economic Statistical Service

6. Electronic Document Handling

7. Client Gate II.(On-line case handling)

8. On-line connection with

other public administration systems

Digital Land Office Concept


Institute of Geodesy, Cartography & Remote Sensing, Budapest, HUNGARYInstitute of Geodesy, Cartography & Remote Sensing, Budapest, HUNGARY 1212

Core of TAKARNET24-DATR• DATR is an object-oriented integrated information

system for the unified registry (both cadastral maps and legal part)

• DATR has developed by FÖMI en bloc (both professional and informatic side)

• DATR has open APIs for customization of the system

• DATR has interfaces for ORACLE and MySQL RDBMSs

• Customization of the system is very easy to any legal and technical environment

• International version of the system will be published• DATR data model acts as a country profile for ISO

LADMInstitute of Geodesy, Cartography & Remote Sensing, Budapest, HUNGARYInstitute of Geodesy, Cartography & Remote Sensing, Budapest, HUNGARY 1313

Institute of Geodesy, Cartography & Remote Sensing, Budapest, HUNGARYInstitute of Geodesy, Cartography & Remote Sensing, Budapest, HUNGARY 1414

Important products of the project• Central Unfied Land Registry Database• Unified codes countrywide, central registration and

maintenance of codes• Countrywide Map browser based on orthophotos and cadastral

maps• Connection to Client Gate (operated by the Government)• Connection to Central on-line Payment System• Property Change monitoring• Data warehouse functions:

– Data mining– Statistics

Real study in the collaboration of LA & SDI

• On 4th October 2010 a red-mud accident happened at sludge reservoir of alumina factory Ajka, HUNGARY

• Approximately 1 million cubic meters of red-mud flooded the environment

• Red-mud is alkaline (13 pH value was measured!)• 10 peoples died in the flood because of injuries

on their skin and/or the flood itself and 123 injured

• The Government needed different data and statistics (as soon as possible) for decision making

• FÖMI was asked to complete and analyse data

Institute of Geodesy, Cartography & Remote Sensing, Budapest, HUNGARYInstitute of Geodesy, Cartography & Remote Sensing, Budapest, HUNGARY 1515

The Damaged Reservoir

Institute of Geodesy, Cartography & Remote Sensing, Budapest, HUNGARYInstitute of Geodesy, Cartography & Remote Sensing, Budapest, HUNGARY 1616

Cleaning on the street

Institute of Geodesy, Cartography & Remote Sensing, Budapest, HUNGARYInstitute of Geodesy, Cartography & Remote Sensing, Budapest, HUNGARY 1717

The level of alkaline flood!

Actions accomplished by FÖMI


7th Oct afternoon FÖMI asked to support the defence

4th Oct Red-mud catastrophe

8-9 Oct all day

• Provide a quick look of a Rapideye (5m) satellite image for preliminary demarcation of polluted area. (The real image arrived on 8th night, which was orthorectified)

• On-the spot demarcation, where image-based demarcation was impossible

• Analysis has started on:

• Central Unfied Land Registry Database

• Land use analysis on polluted areas

• Parcels related to NATURA2000

• Parcels related to nature reserve

• Parcels owned by the State

• Parcels owned by others

• Parcels have mortgages

• On Land Parcel Identification System (LPIS)

• Categories of LPIS

• Categories of Area Based Subsidies

• Areas in Agricultural, Rural Development Subsidies

• Report to the Government

Institute of Geodesy, Cartography & Remote Sensing, Budapest, HUNGARYInstitute of Geodesy, Cartography & Remote Sensing, Budapest, HUNGARY 1818

HUNDEM-5 Database for downflow modeling in collaboration with Budapest University of Technology and Economics

Institute of Geodesy, Cartography & Remote Sensing, Budapest, HUNGARYInstitute of Geodesy, Cartography & Remote Sensing, Budapest, HUNGARY 1919

Land Use Analysis

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Buldings of Devecser, affected by flood

Institute of Geodesy, Cartography & Remote Sensing, Budapest, HUNGARYInstitute of Geodesy, Cartography & Remote Sensing, Budapest, HUNGARY 2121

NATURA2000 areas, affected by flood

Institute of Geodesy, Cartography & Remote Sensing, Budapest, HUNGARYInstitute of Geodesy, Cartography & Remote Sensing, Budapest, HUNGARY 2222

Analysis of Mortgages

Institute of Geodesy, Cartography & Remote Sensing, Budapest, HUNGARYInstitute of Geodesy, Cartography & Remote Sensing, Budapest, HUNGARY 2323

Analysis in LPIS

Institute of Geodesy, Cartography & Remote Sensing, Budapest, HUNGARYInstitute of Geodesy, Cartography & Remote Sensing, Budapest, HUNGARY 2424

Overall (FÖMI) costs of the project:

5 171 000 HUF ~18 800 EUR

Institute of Geodesy, Cartography & Remote Sensing, Budapest, HUNGARYInstitute of Geodesy, Cartography & Remote Sensing, Budapest, HUNGARY 2525

Conclusions• Hungarian Land Administration both in institutional

and technical level plays an important role in National SDI

• Unified Hungarian Land Registry is a good base for SDI implementation

• FÖMI, as a part of Land Administration, with its wide-range experience in data production and management is one of the most important institution in the implementation of SDI

• Red-mud flood disaster showed, that SDI and its combination with Land Registry data helps decision making on high-level within a short time

Institute of Geodesy, Cartography & Remote Sensing, Budapest, HUNGARYInstitute of Geodesy, Cartography & Remote Sensing, Budapest, HUNGARY 2626

Thank you very much for your attention

See you at

Institute of Geodesy, Cartography & Remote Sensing, Budapest, HUNGARYInstitute of Geodesy, Cartography & Remote Sensing, Budapest, HUNGARY 2727