Lamb to the Slaughter. Lamb to the slaughter Meaning: In an unconcerned manner - unaware of any...

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Transcript of Lamb to the Slaughter. Lamb to the slaughter Meaning: In an unconcerned manner - unaware of any...

Lamb to the Slaughter

Lamb to the slaughter

Meaning: In an unconcerned manner - unaware of any impending catastrophe.

Origin From the Bible (King James Version), Jeremiah 11:19: But I was like a gentle lamb led to the

slaughter; And I did not know that they had devised plots against me..."

Lamb to the Slaughter

Author Biological Information Literary Focus Theme Narration Conflict Characters Plot

Biological Information Wrote for adults and

children Wrote:

James and the Giant Peach

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory


Literary Focus IronyTheme (Topics- betrayal,

revenge)Conflict: Internal + External

After you’ve read “Lamb to the Slaughter”

What is going on in Mary’s mind?

Draw a picture of a human head to symbolize Mary.

Write quotations from the beginning, middle, and end of the story that you feel best express Mary Malone’s state of mind.

You may also add images and thoughts and feelings that she experienced.


One of the primary themes of “Lamb to the Slaughter” revolves around the idea of betrayal.Who betrays whom in this story?Whose betrayal is worse?Write a statement of theme for the story,

focused on betrayal

Irony and Ambiguity

How does Dahl use irony to bring humor to this dark and disturbing story?

What ideas are still ambiguous at the end of the story? What do you still want to know?