LabRel Notes

Post on 23-Feb-2018

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Transcript of LabRel Notes

  • 7/24/2019 LabRel Notes


    Labor Relations Notes 2/11/16

    1. Are all labor organizations labor unions? No. Are all labor unions labor organizations? Yes.

    Why? LO may be union/labor management/worers organization an! organize! "or #ur#oses o"

    $olle$ti%e bargaining or mutual ai! an! #rote$tion while union is only "or $olle$ti%e bargaining.

    Samahan ng Manggagawa sa Hanjin vs. BLR

    2. &R' (omingling o" members is not a groun! "or $an$ellation o" union registration)*N' +" there is misre#resentation on the #art o" the LO.

    Why? (omingling is not among the groun!s "or $an$ellation o" reg.

    ,. 2 broa! notions o" sel" organization'a. Liberty/"ree!om -absen$e o" restraint whi$h guarantees that em#loyee may a$t "or himsel"

    without being #re%ente! by law.b. *ower by %irtue o" whi$h an em#loyee may as he #leases oin or re"rain "rom oining any


    0. &o%ernment em#loyeesa. Limite! right to sel" organization -only "or #ur#oses not $ontrary to law e.g. (i%il ser%i$e lawb. Absolutely #rohibite! "rom #arti$i#ating in #ea$e"ul $on$erte! a$ti%ity' embers o" A3* *N*

    45* basis' 7.O.189$. ay go%ernment em#loyees be sue! a!ministrati%ely i" they :le a lea%e o" absen$e be"ore

    oining the #ea$e"ul $on$erte! a$ti%ity? No.!. Rationale "or #rohibition' #ubli$ interest

    GSIS case

    ;. anagerial/

  • 7/24/2019 LabRel Notes


    b. )*N' When the alien has $erti:$ation "rom DOL7/ re$io#ro$ity

    ICMC Case

    9. Relationshi# between members an! union is that o" an agent an! #rin$i#al

    Heirs of Cr! vs. CIR

    E. (lose! uisites'

    a. +n!i%i!ual written authorizationb. Written resolution o" members$. +n a meeting !uly $alle! "or that #ur#ose

    ay the LO !eman! "rom 7m#loyer the un$olle$te! "ees? Ans. No. +n Kni%ersity o" +mma$ulate

    (on$e#tion $ase

  • 7/24/2019 LabRel Notes
