lab4(1) (1)

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Transcript of lab4(1) (1)

  • 7/30/2019 lab4(1) (1)


    Unix Labs

    Unix Lab 4b

    Files Moving, Copying and removing files

    In the last lab we showed how you could create an empty file with thetouch

    command: touch


    Renaming a file is done by moving it from one name to another:

    $mv file1 precious

    To make a copy of the file the cp command:use

    $cp precious precious.old

    creates a duplicate copy of precious precious.old

    To remove some of the files you have created from above

    $rm precious file1

    Unix is case sensitive so Junk is not the same as junk.


    Some file processing commands:

    grep, sort, wc, cut, paste

    First create the following text using the text editor in and save it to your directory as poem .

    Great fleas have little fleas

    upon their backs to bite em

    And little fleas have lesser fleas,

    and so ad infinitum.

    And the great fleas themselves, in turn,

    have greater fleas to go on;

    While these again have greater still,

    and greater still, and so on.

    $wc poem the output will be : 8 46 263 poem

    which tells you , poem has 8 lines, 46 words and 263 characters.

    The wc command options, when no option is specified the default is all options.


  • 7/30/2019 lab4(1) (1)


    Unix Labs


    -l Reports the number of lines

    -w Reports the number of words

    -c Reports the number of characters

    You can also specify more than one file name in the argument:

    $wc file1 file2

    will print out the word count and number of lines for files file1 and file2.

    grep: You can use the grep command to search for a specified pattern in a file or list of files. The

    pattern used by the grep command is called regular expression, whence the strange name

    of the command ( Global Regular Expression Print). grep is a file searching and selection

    command. You specify the filename and the pattern to be looked for in the file and when

    grep finds a match, the line containing the specified pattern is displayed.

    Suppose you wish to look for the word fleas in poem.

    $ grep fleas poem

    grep will also look for lines that dont match the pattern when the option v is used.

    grep v fleas poem

    grep is useful for displaying only those lines in a large file that you are interested in. For example

    if your login name is mohanlo to show the details in the password file for this user:

    grep mohanlo passwd

    Understanding fields in /etc/passwd

    The /etc/passwd contains one entry per line for each user (or user account) of the system. All

    fields are separated by a colon (:) symbol. Total seven fields as follows.

    Generally, passwd file entry looks as follows

  • 7/30/2019 lab4(1) (1)


    Unix Labs

    1. Username: It is used when user logs in. It should be between 1 and 32 characters in


    2. Password: An x character indicates that encrypted password is stored in

    /etc/shadow file.

    3. User ID (UID): Each user must be assigned a user ID (UID). UID 0 (zero) is reservedfor root and UIDs 1-99 are reserved for other predefined accounts. Further UID 100-999

    are reserved by system for administrative and system accounts/groups.

    4. Group ID (GID): The primary group ID (stored in /etc/group file)

    5. User ID Info: The comment field. It allow you to add extra information about the

    users such as user's full name, phone number etc. This field use by finger command.

    6. Home directory: The absolute path to the directory the user will be in when they log

    in. If this directory does not exists then users directory becomes /

    7. Command/shell: The absolute path of a command or shell (/bin/bash). Typically, this

    is a shell. Please note that it does not have to be a shell.

    Task 1: To find the number of students from ft281 that have student accounts on

    the system. Usegrep to list all the entries for students from this class in the

    passwd file to a new file called list (use the redirection > symbol to redirect the

    output from the grep command to the new file). Then use wc command on temp

    tofind the number of students in your class.

    grep options

    Option OPeration

    -c Displays only the count of the matching lines in

    each file that contains the match

    -i Ignores the distinction between lowercase and

    uppercase letters in the search pattern

    -l displays the names of the files with one or more

    matching lines, not the lines themselves

    -n Displays a line number before each output line.

    -v Displays only those lines that do not match the



  • 7/30/2019 lab4(1) (1)


    Unix Labs

    sort - sorts its input into alphabetic order line by line. Try this for the file poem:

    sort poem

    Sorting is line by line, but the default sorting order puts blanks first, then upper case letters, then lower

    case, so its not strictly alphabetical.

    sort has many options to control the order of sorting ( man sort) but the most common are:

    sort r Reverse normal order

    sort -n Sort in numeric order

    sort nr Sort in reverse numeric order

    sort f Fold upper and lower case together

    sort +n Sort starting at the n+1 field

    sort u suppresses all but one of each group of lines that are identical in the sort field

    Task 2 We want a list of all the students logins as well as the students full name in ft281-2 sorted

    alphabetically and stored in a file called ft281-, this information will be extracted from the passwd

    file2. You will need a further command cut (see below) to obtain this list. Note the file should only

    have the login name and fullname of the student in it.

    You can use cut command to cut out specific columns or fields from files. Many files are

    collections of records, each record consisting of several fields. You might be interested in some

    of the fields or columns contained in a file.

    Often you have to tell cut what character delimits each field (tab is the default delimiter). For

    instance in the passwd file the : delimits each field. so if we wanted to display just the first field

    of every entry in the passwd file:

    cut f1 d: passwd

    If we wanted to show the home directories of all users we :

    cut f6 d: passwd

    We can also display two fields simultaneously:

    cut f1,6 d: passwd

    cut options

    Option Operation

    -f specifies the field position

    -c specifies the character position


  • 7/30/2019 lab4(1) (1)


    Unix Labs

    -d Specifies the field seperator

    paste You can use paste command to join files together line by line, or you can create new files

    by pasting together fields from two or more files.

    Use the grep command to find all the entries in the passwd file with ft281-2 references and

    redirect the output to a file ft281-2.dat.

    use the cut command to extract the first field:

    cut f1 d: ft281-2.dat > usernames.dat

    Similarily extract the fifth field with:

    cut f5 -d: ft281-2 > fullnames.dat

    We now have two files both of which have the same number of lines and consist of a single

    column. We can now paste the two files together.

    paste usernames.dat fullnames.dat > studentnames.dat

    Task3 From task 1 the wc command would have given you more than the number of students in

    the class use the cut command to obtain the number of students. (i.e. the final output

    should be just 4 )


    All of the examples above rely on the same method: putting the output of one program into the

    input of another via a temporary file. But the temporary file is a clumsy way of operating. A way

    to avoid using a temporary is to employ a pipe. A pipe is a way to connect the output of one

    program to the input of another program without any temporary file.

    $ who | sort Print sorted list of users

    $who | wc -l Counts the number of users logged in


    Use the pipe to :

    Count the number of files in your directory.

    Count the number of files in the /etc directory.

    Count the number of users in the passwd file.

    You should also be able to obtain the correct output for task1,2,and 3 above with a single

    command line using pipes (see below for use of multiple pipes).


  • 7/30/2019 lab4(1) (1)


    Unix Labs

    You can have as many programs in a pipeline as you wish:

    To find how many times a user is logged on (try andreas1)

    who | grep andreas1 | wc -l

    Task 5 Produce a sorted list of all the student groups from the password file. There should be one

    line for each group. A group should not be list twice.

    Summary of commands

    cat filename write contents of filename to the screencd directory_name change current directory to directory_name

    grep phrase filename search filename for phrase and print matching lines

    grep phrase read from the standard input, and print lines matching phrase

    grep -v phrase print all lines not matching phrase

    ls List files in current directory (not including files that start with a dot.

    ls directory_name List files in directory_name

    ls -l List files with permissions, ownership and last modified date

    ls -a List all files, including files that start with a dot (like the .netscape


    ls -r List contents recursively, that is , list contents of subdirectories.

    man command Show online documentation/help about command

    man -k keyword Show commands related to keyword. Handy if you need help, but

    don'tknow the name of the command

    mkdir directory_name Makes a directory called directory_name

    pwd Prints the name of the current directory you are inls -a List all files, including files that start with a dot

    rm filename Removes filename

    rm -f f is for "force". With this option, files are removed without confirmation.

    rm -r directory_name recursively delete directory_name and its contents.


  • 7/30/2019 lab4(1) (1)


    Unix Labs

    rmdir directory_name Removes a directory called directory_name. Only works on empty

    directories. to remove a nonempty directory, see rm -rf

    wc filename print the number of lines, words, and characters in filename. If No

    filename is given, stdin is used.
