L A workshop2

Post on 02-Jul-2015

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Transcript of L A workshop2

Guerrilla Safari

New Customers for

FREE or Nearly FREE

PowerPoint Rocks

If there is one thing I love, it’s a good bullet point.

Can’t get enough.

Bullet, bullet, bullet.

Bullet all day long.

When in doubt, bullet.

If you bullet, they will come.

Guerrilla Safari

Referral Generation

Social Media

Strategic Alliances


Referral Generation

You’re not asking to get “hooked up,” you’re

empowering your audience to “hook up” their


Referral Generation

Referral Generation

Replace “Do you know anyone…” with “I’m so glad you’re getting all this value from our work together. Who do you know who might also benefit from a passive and residual income stream?”

Referral Generation

Referral Generation

Control the





Referral Stats

65% of new business comes from referrals – New York Times

92% of respondents trusted referrals from people they knew –Nielsen

People are 4 times more likely to buy when referred by a friend – Nielsen

Non-cash incentives are 24% more effective at boosting performance than cash incentives – University of Chicago

Offering a reward increases referral likelihood, but the size of the reward does not matter – American Marketing Association

The Lifetime Value of a new referral customer is 16% higher –Wharton School of Business

83% of consumers are willing to refer after a positive experience –yet only 29% actually do – Texas Tech

Social Media



that include

keywords that


appropriate to

your products

& services.

Social Media

The hashtags I


include #smallbus

iness (my target






where I can add

my expertise).

Social Media

You can also find the influencers

you should be liking and following

using hashtags. Influencers are

experts in topics related to your

business and often have a large

following. Engaging with them can

help you gain exposure to a

bigger, equally targeted


Yelp for Ross

Founded 2004

139 m uniques per mo

86,000 active businesses

67 m reviews

35% mobile reviews

10,000 food orders


I love Pinot Noir

Social Media

Social Media

Calls to action are more likely to get engagement (likes,

follows, shares, retweets, favorites) from your audience.

Call to action shouldn’t always be related to your

product. People use social media to be entertained, to

find valuable information, and to interact .

Make your content engaging by asking your audience a fill-in-the-blank, True/False question, or Caption Contests.

Half your content should be solely focused on

engagement, with only about 20% of your content

focused on the promotion of your business.

Social Media

Social Media


85% of fans on Facebook recommend brands to others.

43% are more likely to buy a new product when learning about it on social media.

77% are more likely to buy a new product when learning about it from friends or family.

81% of purchasing decisions were influenced by friends’ posts vs. 78% influenced by brands’ posts.

79% of U.S. consumers who’ve “Liked” a brand on Facebook did so in order to receive discounts or other incentives.

49% of U.S. consumers say friends and family are their top sources of brand awareness, up from 43% in 2009.

~ Nielsen, Market Force, Jack Morton

Strategic Alliances

Cooperative agreements between two or more businesses that join together to help each other reach mutually

beneficial objectives

Strategic Alliances

Each contribute skills, knowledge, experience, and

resources so that they can accomplish together what

neither can readily do on their own.

Strategic Alliances


by Jim O’Grady,

Entrepreneur Magazine

"How can I convince

you to write a story

about my business?"

The simple answer:

“Get our attention.”


“In 1939, a pastry company

hired a man to eat 13 donuts

while hanging upside-down on

a plank extended from the roof

of a Manhattan skyscraper. Astunt like that might not work

today--but we'd want to write

about it if it did.”


Give us a Narrative

Make it New

Make it Weird

Tug at Our Heartstrings

Make it Timely

Be Honest

Go for Shock Value