Kynance -

Post on 23-Mar-2022

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Transcript of Kynance -

Kynance: We have been completing a few tests this week to identify some

specific areas to work in for maths and reading comprehension after half term. Our

Just So stories have been finished and some selected for Lend Me Your Literacy. I am

very pleased with the variety and impact the increased use of compound sentences has

had on the writing. In science we have been looking at the evolution of finches on the

Galapagos Islands. The children have been looking at information about the link

between the bird’s feeding habits and the size and shape of their beaks. In art we have

been continuing with the work on ‘graffiti’ and the children are designing their own

‘Tags.’ I am very pleased with the fantastic range of homework that has been handed

in. There are some great stories, very informative slide shows, posters and factsheets.

Well done Kynance and have a lovely half term.

Porthmeor: This week the children have worked very hard. In Maths we have

sorted 2D and 3D shapes according to their properties and looked at how some 2D

shapes can tessellate. In English we have discussed an important issue and written a

balanced argument and we have finished our fables and have written or typed them

into a neat final copy. In our Topic time this week we have continued researching

Iceland. Our homework has been a great help. In Music we have learnt some new

songs and started to prepare for Remembrance day. On Thursday we had a great time

making and eating our sandwiches. We wish you all an enjoyable half term.

Godrevy: This week we have combined history and English to learn and write

about Remembrance Day. We have investigated the origins of Remembrance Day,

written about the very first one in 1919, what happens on Remembrance Sunday and

designed a poster. In Maths we have continued to get the 'X' factor and learnt

methods and strategies of multiplying and using multiplication facts to generate

division sums. In History we have looked at the importance of Star Carr in Yorkshire

as a brilliant archaeological site which tells us a lot about Stone Age people living in

the Mesolithic period. In Computing we have now learnt to move and control our

sprites by using the programming tool box to add control, motion and sound. We

have had great fun designing our first computing game and it is nearly completed. In

Art we have used charcoal and oil pastels to recreate cave paintings. In Gymnastics

we have continued to work on travelling, balancing, jumping and flight. There is no

homework this week as I would like the children to have a well earned break after

such a brilliant first half term.

Sennen: As the year's first half term draws to a close, Sennen had its most

enjoyable week so far. On Monday we had a wonderful day at Trerice learning how

people lived a long time ago. It was hard to say which activity was the most fun:

dressing up in Tudor clothes, putting on armour and chain mail, doing brass rubbings,

playing kayles (the Cornish version of skittles), exploring the turf maze and knot

garden or sketching the decorations on a 500-year-old ceiling. Well done to all the

children who were a real credit to the school and thank you to Debs Pryor and Stuart

Moore who each looked after a group of children. On Tuesday we developed our

embroidery skills by designing a bookmark and replicating it on fabric with wool.

Over the weekend all the butterflies had hatched and on Wednesday we took our final

photographs of them as we set them free. It was lovely to see them flutter up high

towards the school roof. We used the photographs to finish our Photostory projects. In

science we started a new topic to do with materials and we identified different

materials and their properties. In maths we have found halves and quarters of shapes

and started to learn about clockwise and anticlockwise turns. Look out for the swimming

letter in your child's bookbag - our first session is the first Monday back

Marazion: This week in Literacy we have been learning how to write a good

sentence. When writing short sentences we’ve been trying to ensure that we include capital

letters, finger spaces and full stops. To help us we have been using a 3 step check list. In

Maths we have been focusing on how to double numbers from 0-10. In History we shared

our family tree homework and now we are beginning to create our own class friendship tree

as part of a wall display. During Art and Design the children have started to paint their

letter names. Thank you to all the parents for your contributions of cakes and biscuits

towards Marazion’s cake sale.

Gunwalloe: This week in Gunwalloe we have been learning about our bodies. We

have looked closely at our feet and discussed how useful they are and that we can even

draw and paint using our toes. The children have been bringing in lots of leaves and

conkers and other naturally growing plants which has fitted nicely we our discussions on

Autumn and the changes that we see taking place in our environment. Finally as part of our

topic the children in Gunwalloe had fun talking about what they would like to be when they

get older – we had everything from a nurse to a mechanic!


Harvest Festival : Thank you again for all Harvest contr ibutions. Below are

the final figures from last week’s Harvest Festival coin trail. A total of £96.61 was

raised plus the retiring collection – all will be forwarded to the Sunrise Appeal.

Distances – Porthmeor – 30.89 metres, Godrevy 30.59 metres and Kynance 29.27


Money raised - Porthmeor – £32.09, Godrevy £29.75 and Kynance £34.77

Martial Arts: Included in the newsletter is a flier for Martial Arts Classes

planned for Stithians School pupils. There are 2 taster sessions booked for Friday

after school starting on Friday 7th November.

Cheerleading: I have been asked if I could highlight the Cheer leading Club

held after school on a Wednesday. The numbers have reduced recently and more

children are needed to make it sustainable. If your child in Year 1 or above and is

interested please come to the office to pick up a flier and further details.

Christmas Key Stage 1 Production: The dates are now set for the Key Stage 1

Production – Tuesday 16th December and Wednesday 17th December–1.30pm start.

Milk in School: From January 2015 all children must be able to access Milk

at school. The under 5’s are provided free milk as part of the Government scheme.

Over 5’s can order and pay for milk - see attached flier or go to for further details.

Cake sale: Thank you to the parents and children for supplying cakes for the

Marazion Cake sale!

Netball Match: On Friday 7th November is the first netball match against

Kennall Vale School, at Home.

Football Match: Tuesday 11th November—Perranworthal at Home.







































Stithians Community Primary School

Newsletter Learning To Live, Living To Learn

Desky tha Bewa, Bewa rag Desky! 24th October 2014

Menu for week beginning 3rd November 2014

Neapolitan beanie pasta bake

Quorn hot dog with potato wedges

Broccoli and baked beans, Mixed salad

Apple pie and custard

Farm assured chicken casserole with dumplings and parsley potatoes

Mild vegetable curry served with rice

Garden peas and cauliflower

Salad platter

Oat cookie with fresh fruit slices

Free range roast pork with roast potatoes and gravy

Quorn roast with roast potatoes

Cabbage and carrots, Vegetable sticks

Fruity yoghurt crunch

Organic beef cottage pie

Macaroni cheese

Broccoli and sweetcorn, Mixed salad

Ice cream with peaches

MSC battered fish and chips

Cheese and tomato quiche with chips

Garden peas and coleslaw, Salad platter

Hot chocolate fudge cake

Jacket Potatoes available every day

Friday 24th October

27th—31 October

Monday 3rd November

Friday 7th November

Tuesday 11th November

Tuesday 16th & Wednesday 17th December

Halloween Disco

Half Term Sennen Swimming

Netball Match

Football Match

KS1 Production

Certificates and Awards Gunwalloe: Pupil of the Week: Jonah Pryor

Most Improved Maths: Tilly Rutherford

Marazion: Pupil of the Week : Autumn Saunders-Whittaker

Most Improved Work: Franchesca Fox

Sennen: Pupil Of the Week : Florence Manley

Most improved English: Jono Trinder

Godrevy: Pupil of the Week: Eris McCullough

Most Improved Literacy: Phoebe-May Smith

Porthmeor: Pupil Of the Week: Gus Van Dinther

Best Effort In Literacy: Jessie Watt

Kynance: Most Improved Focus: Ryhs Johns

Most Improved Extended Writing: Siri Wells

The following children will have their work displayed

this week: Kynance - short stories

Siri , Thomas and Jamie, Abbie and

Lamorna, Ross, Bella and Harry

Lunches are now

£2.30 and FREE

for all KS1 pupils!

Head Teachers Certificate Harvey Banner, Lewis Smith, Bryony Clarke, Jazi

Dowling, Ben Brush, Ruby Rowe, Emilia Brush,

Saffron Johns, Florence Manley, George Wood,

Florence Graham,

Hole In One! Ella Payne, Layla Gorton, Arwen Hemming, Jenson Rule, Josh Izzard,

Siri Wells, Max Watkins, Cira Broad, Oliver Wintrip, Millie Burridge,

Sol Evans, Ben Moyle, Harry Ward, Alex Kay, Poppy Wintrip

Diary Dates