KSI Fall 2010 Newsletter

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Transcript of KSI Fall 2010 Newsletter

  • 8/8/2019 KSI Fall 2010 Newsletter



    F A L L 2 0 1 0

    Encouraging political, economic, and cultural understanding of Kor

    in the USC community and beyon

  • 8/8/2019 KSI Fall 2010 Newsletter


    The Korean Studies Institute (KSI) at USC encourages

    political, economic, and cultural understanding of Korea in

    the USC community and beyond.

    Focusing on contemporary issues that affect Korea, the

    USC KSI seeks to increase the depth and breadth of

    resources devoted to Korean studies through its student

    and faculty support and ambitious public programming.

  • 8/8/2019 KSI Fall 2010 Newsletter


    FALL 2010 | 3

    D I R E C T O R S L E T T E R

    A minor in Korean studies at USC:coming soon, with your help

    Im delighted to welcome

    you back to USC. Wevespent the summer planningfor both the upcoming yearand the longer term, and wehope youll join us for themany exciting events andprograms we have planned.

    Our main mission iseducational, and alongwith the USC leadership,

    we have begun exploringthe possibility of offering aminor in Korean Studies.

    Consisting of six classesat the undergraduatelevel, a minor would bea focal point for studentsacross the university, andcould potentially draw in

    Marshall business students,Annenberg communicationstudents, as well as studentsin our own USC College.

    A minor in Korean studies

    would give us a higherprofile among students,draw in casual studentsas well as those deeplyinterested in Korea.

    At present we do not haveenough faculty to offer awide or comprehensiveenough set of classes to offera minor, but we do hope

    that as we expand and addfaculty, a minor in KoreanStudies will become a realpossibility. We hope youllsupport us as we continue topursue this opportunity.

    As mentioned on page 15,we just received a challengegrant from the Korea

    Foundation for the hiring ofa new faculty member whowill study and teach aboutKorean politics.

    It is gratifying that the Korea

    Foundation supports ourvision for Korean Studies atUSC, and we will continueto improve and progresstoward making the USCKSI a world-class institutein both teaching andscholarship.

    We always like to hearyour ideas, feedback, and

    opinions, so feel free to dropus a line at ksi@college.usc.edu, or drop by and see us atthe Ahn house on campus.

    See you soon!




    To become a global leader for education about contemporary issues that

    affect Korea.

  • 8/8/2019 KSI Fall 2010 Newsletter



    Lindsey Ramon (M.A. candi-date, East Asian Studies Center)

    is in her second year of the Mas-ters program in the East AsianStudies Center at USC. Her focusis on North Korea and its rela-tions with China. In addition tobeing a Teaching Assistant, shewill be working on learning moreKorean this year and completingher thesis under the direction ofDavid Kang.

    Alice Yoo(USC 11, busi-ness major,MarshallSchool)Alice is anundergradu-ate majoringin business

    through the Marshall School.

    She also worked as an intern atthe KSI this year, and is interest-ed in the business and politics ofKorea. This summer she is work-ing as an intern at an investment

    bank in Korea, and is hoping topursue a career in international

    business or finance.

    Yunji Park(Ph.D. pre-candidate, EastAsian Languag-es and Cultures)is a second-yearPhD student inthe Departmentof East AsianLanguages and

    Cultures. Her research area ismodern Korean literature andculture from the late colonialperiod to 1960s. She is interestedin the continuation and transfor-mation of colonial and postco-lonial literature and cultures inJapan as well as Korea. Currentlyshe is working as a teaching asis-

    tant for Global East Asia: Korea,a summer session for USC under-graduates hosted by Ewha Wom-ans University.

    A look at the the next generation ofKorean studies scholars


    Each year the USC KSIis fortunate to welcomea number of visitingfellows, who join us from

    around the world. Weredelighted to welcome thisyears fellows, and we lookforward to seeing themaround the Ahn house.

    Euy Sup ChoChief LegislativeResearcherNational Policy Committee

    National Assembly ofKorea Secretariat

    Sung Hoon HongProfessorKorea National DefenceUniversity

    Hak Ryang KimAdjunct ProfessorKookmin University

    PresidentCamst, Inc.

    Jung Ho KimProfessorInha University,Department of PoliticalScience and InternationalRelations

    Sung Sik LimDirector GeneralNational Assembly ofKorea Secretariat

    Want to be a Fellow next year at theUSC Korean Studies Institute?

    The USC KSI offers both postdoctoral fellowships as well as visitingfellow positions. The postdoctoral competition has a deadline ofFebruary 1, 2011, although we accept applications for visiting fellowson an continual basis.

    For more information, see the USC KSI website:http://college.usc.edu/ksi/.

    Alice Yoo

    Yunji Park

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    FALL 2010 | 5

    Going on year two: Academy ofKorean Studies postdoctoral fellowsIn 2009, the Strategic Institutefor Korean Studies at the Acad-emy of Korean Studies awardedthe USC Korean Studies Institute

    a $600,000 five-year grant tohost postdoctoral Korean studiesscholars to provide them the op-portunity for intellectual stimu-lation and exchange at a crucialpoint in their careers.

    Dr. Sandra Fahy(Ph.D. an-thropology,London Schoolof Economics)researches theNorth Koreanrefugee experi-ence in SouthKorea. Shecollected oral

    testimonies from North Koreanscurrently living in Seoul andTokyo to provide access to other-wise unavailable information on

    the famine. This research addsnew insights to the limited bodyof literature on famine and NorthKorea.

    Dr. Jung-eun Lee (Ph.D. sociol-ogy, StanfordUniversity)researches socialmovements inKorea. Her dis-sertation studiedthe dynamics ofinterorganiza-tional collabora-

    tion within social movementsduring South Koreas transitionto democracy. Her future re-search analyzes how democra-tization and globalization sincethe late 1980s have shaped theways in which individuals andgroups engage in social move-ments.

    Jung-eun Lee



    The USC KSI Board ofScholars provide guidanceand support for various ac-

    ademic initiatives. We aredelighted that such a groupof distinguished scholarsfrom diverse intellectualdisciplines have agreed tojoin our board.

    Nancy AblemanUniversity of Illinois

    Victor Cha

    Georgetown University

    John DuncanUCLA

    Rudiger FrankUniversity of Vienna

    Stephan HaggardUC San Diego

    Eun Mee KimEhwa University

    Kyung-Ae ParkUniversity of BritishColumbia

    Gi-wook ShinStanford University

    Yoshihide SoeyaKeio University

    Shiping Tang

    Fudan UniversityDennis WashburnDartmouth

    Young-Kwan YoonSeoul National University

    Korean Heritage Library: Yourresource for teaching and researchThe librarians at the internation-ally renowned Korean HeritageLibrary offer a wide range ofservices and are eager to provideexcellent service to educatorsand their students. They encour-age active communication and as

    much advance notice as possiblefor ordering materials.

    The Korean Heritage Libraryis located on the first floor ofDoheny Memorial Library. Ko-rean books are located on Level 1of the Doheny Stacks.

    For help or questions, contact:

    Joy KimCurator, Korean Heritage Libraryjoykim@usc.eduTel: 213-740-2329 or 213-740-2535

    Sun-Yoon LeeMultimedia Librariansunyoonl@usc.eduTel: 213-821-1567

    Ken KleinHead, East Asian Librarykklein@usc.eduTel: 213-740-1772

    Sandra Fahy

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    Jacques Hymans joined USCs School of Interna-tional Relations in 2009.

    Welcome to USC! As a way of introducing you toour community, could you tell us what your re-search is about, and how you got interested in it?Thanks for the warm welcome! Much of my re-search focuses on nuclear weapons proliferation.In myfirst book, I asked why some top state lead-ers decide they really must have nuclear weapons,while most leaders historically have been either

    undecided or firmly against taking such a step. Ifound my answer in the conceptions of nationalidentity that leaders hold. In particular, opposi-tional nationalist leaders--leaders who combinegreat pride in their nation with great fear of an out-side enemy, like Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il--arethe most likely to seek nuclear weapons.

    Now, in my second book project, I am asking whysome states that launch nuclear weapons projectssucceed in short order, whereas others do not--

    and more than a few fail completely. I started thisproject after being surprised by the fizzle of NorthKoreas first nuclear test in 2006. For years, the UShad been claiming that North Korea for all intentsand purposes already had the bomb. But whenNorth Korea actually showed what they had, itwas utterly pathetic! They did a little better withtheir second test, in 2009, but still, whether or notNorth Korea actually has real nuclear weapons thatit could drop on Seoul or Tokyo is a big questionmark. Thats after theyve spent more than 20 yearson R&D, bought all sorts of equipment and know-how from A.Q. Khan, and so forth. In contrast,France got the bomb within 6 years even thoughthey were doing it at a time when computers werestill housed in gymnasia.

    Very interesting research, with implications for bothNorth and South Korea. What courses will you be

    teaching?I am teaching graduate andundergraduate courses oninternational security, thecauses of war, and national-ism.

    Youve spent much of your academic career on theEast Coast. What convinced you to come out westto USC?I grew up in California and never planned to spend

    as much time as I did back east. The USC oppor-tunity popped up and I went for it. Im so gratefulto USC for bringing me here. Its a great school.There is a lot of energy both among students andamong faculty. For instance, the USC KSI is turn-ing into a really significant gathering place for WestCoast social scientists with an interest in Asia.

    Afinal question: can you tell us one unique, in-teresting, or funny thing about yourself that wewouldnt learn from just attending your lectures or

    reading your research?I am mad about nuts. I like cashews especially,but I will easily devour a whole can of almondsor a bag of peanuts. One summer when I was ingraduate school, I literally survived on cashews andorange juice. I am so weak when it comes to nutsthat nowadays I actually try hard to avoid them.My wife says you are what you eat.

    Jacques E. C. Hymans is Assistant Professor in the School of Inter-

    national Relations at the University of Southern California, in LosAngeles. Hymans research focuses on international relations andforeign policy, with an emphasis on the growth and impact of col-lective identities. His bookThe Psychology of Nuclear Proliferation:Identity, Emotions, and Foreign Policy(Cambridge University Press,

    2006) received the 2007 Edgar S. Furniss Award for the Best FirstBook in International Security Studies and the Alexander L. George

    Award for the Best Book in Political Psychology. He received his A.B.in Social Studies from Harvard College in 1994 and his Ph.D. from theHarvard University Department of Government in 2001.

    New USC professor Jacques Hymansstudies why some nuclear weaponsprograms succeed, others fail

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    FALL 2010 | 7

    USC KSI faculty continue teaching and researchexcellence

    Assistant professor YoungminChoe recently developed new

    courses on contemporary Koreanfilm and travel in Korean visualculture during the 2009-2010academic year. This past year shepublished a journal article Tran-sitional Emotions: Boredom andDistraction in Hong Sang-susHoliday Films in Korean Studies,Vol. 33, pp. 1-28.

    Associate professor Kyung

    Moon HwangsA History ofKorea has just been publishedas part of the Palgrave EssentialHistories series. He is also com-pleting work on a monograph,Institution and Ideology: TheState in Modern Korea, 1894-1945,and starting a translation projectof Sin Chae-hos works,A NewReading of History. In the 2010-11school year he will teach courseson Korean history and East Asianstudies.

    Assistant professor Jacques Hy-mans researches issues relatedto nuclear proliferation, andrecently published AssessingNorth Korean Nuclear Inten-tions and Capacities: A NewApproach,Journal of East Asian

    StudiesVol. 8, No. 2 (May-August2008). His current book project,

    How to Build a Nuclear Bomb:The Political Foundations ofTechnical Achievement, is undercontract with Cambridge Univer-sity Press.

    Professor David James is onsabbatical 2010-2011. He will notbe teaching, but will be workingwith USC KSI associate directorElaine Kim to plan a couple of

    Korean film festivals.

    Professor David Kang continuesto research North Korean politicsand the US-ROK relationship, aswell as larger issues of East Asianinternational business and poli-tics. This October his book, EastAsia Before the West: Five Hun-dred Years of Trade and Tribute,will be published by ColumbiaUniversity Press. This Spring 2011he will teach a new course in theSchool of International Relationstitled Business and Politics ofthe Korean Peninsula.

    Assistant professor SunyoungPark researches the intellectualand cultural history of colonialKorea. She recently published

    the translation anthologyOn theEve of the Uprising and Other

    Stories from Colonial Korea (Cor-nell East Asia Series, June 2010)and contributed a commissionedarticle, The Korean Novel, tothe Encyclopedia of the Novel(Blackwell, forthcoming). Sheis currently working on a bookmanuscript on colonial leftistliterature.

    This past

    March, USCbecame thefirst U.S.university toestablish apermanentrepresenta-tive office inSeoul. Underthe director

    ofSteven Lee, adjunct profes-sor of East Asian langugages andcultures, the office will facili-tate USCs relations with Korea.From keeping in touch withalumni to recruiting studentsand helping to raise USCs visibil-ity in Korea, the office is a sign ofUSCs commitment to Korea andthe Pacific Rim.

    Steven Lee

    Korean language study at USC

    The Korean language program at USC offers fourcomplete years of Korean language classes, as wellas a variety of other lectures and events.

    For more information on the wide variety ofprograms and classes in Korean language, visit:http://www.usc.edu/schools/college/ealc/korean/index.html.

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    Assistant professor Sunyoung Park joined USCs

    Department of East Asian Languages and Culturesin the Fall of 2008.

    A belated welcome to USC! Could you tell us whatyour research is about, and how you got interestedin it?My research focuses on the intellectual, literary,and cultural history of colonial Korea. During mygraduate program at Columbia University, I re-examined modern Korean literature through the

    lens of the postcolonialist study of the Japaneseempire and its culture. My dissertation was onKorean realism, which was a literary movementthat developed from and yet had an oppositionaltemperament to the Japanese I-novel. I am cur-rently writing a book -- in the same methodologi-cal vein -- on the leftist literature of colonial Korea.The book argues for the necessity of reclaiming theleftist cultural legacy from its misunderstandingin a way that will allow us to appreciate the signifi-cance of colonial leftist literature in all its histori-

    cal complexity as well as its living relevance to ourcontemporary life.

    What courses have you been teaching?I have taught a wide range of courses both at USCand at other universities. They include surveycourses on Korean civilization, introductory cours-es on Korean literature and culture, both modernand premodern, topical courses on issues such asgender, nationalism, and colonialism, and theo-retical courses influenced by postcolonial studies.I will soon be offering an upper-level course witha comparative focus that will be based on researchfor my book, tentatively titledMarxism and Cul-ture in Asia.

    You led the USC Global East Asia summer ses-sion that was held with Ewha University in Seoul,in which a small number of select undergraduate

    students spend the sum-

    mer living and studyingin Korea. What was yourexperience like?I found the whole experience very exciting andquite rewarding, primarily because I was luckyto lead an excellent group of well-motivated andopen-minded students who were happy to engagein many activities.

    USCs Global East Asia program combines three

    main components: classroom instruction, studytrips, and public outreach activities. On a typicalweekday, we would spend the morning studyingthe modern history of Korea through a discussionof literary works and films on Seoul, and we wouldtake a trip in the afternoon to relevant historicalsites such as the Blue House and the DMZ. As forour outreach activity, we participated as volunteertranslators in the preparation for the 5th AnnualMigrant Workers Film Festival, which will takeplace in September 2010: we subtitled three docu-

    mentaries in English, translated monthly newsprograms into English and Chinese, and evenserved as broadcasters. A report about our experi-ence will be published inAsia Pacific Arts.

    I am very thankful to Ms. Jina Kim, the adminis-trator of Ewhas Office of Global Affairs, as well asthree local students who participated in the classfor their invaluable help, and the whole of EwhaUniversity, for their exceptional hospitality.

    Afinal question: can you tell us one unique, in-teresting, or funny thing about yourself that wewouldnt learn from just attending your lectures orreading your research?I am good at puppet play, which, now that I thinkof it, sometimes does come through during mylectures. Maybe, after my retirement, Ill becomean itinerant storyteller and puppeteer.

    Professor Sunyoung Park and theintellectual, literary, and culturalhistory of colonial Korea

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    FALL 2010 | 9

    USC opens new international office in Korea

    The USC Office of Globalizationhas opened a new internationaloffice in Seoul, Korea, its sixthworldwide and fifth in Asia.

    Headed by professor StevenLee, the office in Seoul also willoversee development of a newcomplex of USC classroomsand laboratories that will offerclasses and provide new researchcapabilities, with opportunitiesfor undergraduate and graduatestudents.

    USC is the nations leader in in-ternational education, with 7,482international students enrolledfor the most recent academicyear, the largest number of anyU.S. university. With more than110 countries represented in thestudent body, Korea sends thethird largest number of studentsto USC of any country, behind

    only India and China.USC Korea joins a network of in-

    ternational offices that includesoffices in Hong Kong, MexicoCity, Shanghai, Taipei and Tokyo.USC plans to open its next inter-

    national office in India.

    The opening ceremony in Seoulwas attended by USCs Koreantrustee, Y. H. Cho, chairman ofKorean Air; B. R. Sohn, chair-man of TCC Steel and head ofthe USC Alumni Associationin Korea; and Seung-Yu Kim,chairman of the Hana FinancialGroup and former head of the

    USC Alumni Association in Ko-rea, and Hee-Young Paik, KoreasMinister of Gender Equality andFamily

    Professor David Kang, head ofthe USC Korean Studies Insti-tute, and professor Bruce Zuck-erman, director of the new USCKorean Imaging Laboratory were

    among the attendees from USCsdelegation.

    USC administrators and professors celebrating the official opening of the USCKorea office.




    Strengthen andfacilitate researchpartnerships withKorean universities

    Expand opportunitiesfor student internships

    and service-basedlearning in Korea

    Help support studentrecruitment in theRepublic of Korea

    Dr. Steven LeeDirectorHana Bank/HSBC Building

    16th FloorEuljiro 2 Ga, 9-10, Jung-guSeoul 100-192KOREA

    Tel: (82)(2) 773-0502Fax: (82)(2) 773-0503

    For more information, visithttp://www.usc.edu/global

  • 8/8/2019 KSI Fall 2010 Newsletter



    The USC Korean Studies In-stitute, based at USC College,signed a memorandum of under-

    standing on Jan. 28, 2010, withthe Korean National Assemblyto establish a unique exchangeprogram.

    The exchange program themost extensive program theKorean National Assembly hassigned with any American uni-versity will bring members ofthe National Assembly to USCand give students an unparal-leled chance to learn about Ko-rean culture and politics.In addition to exchanges of staffand elected officials, a new office

    in the heart ofKoreatown willopen in March to

    improve outreachbetween USC,South Korea andthe local commu-nity.

    This is a greatopportunity to ex-pand relationshipswith the larger LosAngeles commu-nity, David Kang,director of theKorean StudiesInstitute, said.

    This first of its kind partnershipamong American universitiespresents myriad opportunitiesin reaching out to members ofthe Korean community and in

    facilitating a rich and meaning-ful exchange between membersof USC and the Korean NationalAssembly, USC College DeanHoward Gillman said.

    Los Angeles is the capital of thePacific Rim and the most impor-tant international city to Koreabecause so many Koreans livehere, said Kang.

    Overseas Koreans will now beallowed to vote in Korean elec-tions, making this populationeven more important to Koreasdomestic agenda, Kang said.

    Los Angeles is important toKorea.

    While exchange programs ofteninvolve arts and culture, thispartnership will focus on the

    social sciences and contemporaryissues of the day, Kang said.

    This partnership will providetraining for the staffand electedofficials of a young democracy,Kang said.

    What we are trying to do atUSC and the Korean Institute isto prepare students for the nextgeneration of leaders Havingreal interactions that go back andforth will give students anotheraspect of how USC is at the fore-front of being a global univer-sity, Kang said.



    Joint research projectsbetween the NationalAssembly and USC KSI

    Occasional speciallectures and speechesby visiting NationalAssembly members

    Partnership is one-of-a-kind among Americanuniversities

    Branch office in theheart of Koreatown inLos Angeles

    USC Korean Studies Institute, National Assemby of Koreaestablish an exchange program

    Korean National Assembly secretary general Park KyeDong and USC College Dean Howard Gillman sign amemorandum of understanding.

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    FALL 2010 | 11

    The Korean Studies Institute atUSC and the Korea Chair at theCenter for Strategic and Interna-tional Studies (CSIS) will un-dertake a groundbreaking new

    initiative on Korean unification.

    The initiative, called The KoreaProject: Planning for the LongTerm, will be led by David Kang,director of the Korean StudiesInstitute, and Victor Cha, senioradviser and holder of the KoreaChair. The initiative is madepossible by the support of the

    Korea Foundation.

    This project is significant for thelong-term future of the Koreanpeninsula and, most importantly,for the North Korean peoplethemselves, Kang said.

    Im delighted to be working onthis project with CSIS and Dr.Cha, especially because our two

    institutions will bring comple-mentary strengths and skills tothis critical research project.

    While a great deal of study hasbeen devoted to near-term crisisplanning in the case of severeinstability on the Korean pen-insula, this project will focus onthe yet-unstudied longer-termeconomic, political and humansecurity issues.

    Highlights of the initiativeswork will include network link-ing functional experts and Koreascholars; pathbreaking analysisof problems and solutions to in-

    tegration of the Korean peninsu-la; workshops with Korea expertsand institutions on developingcooperative regional solutions;and a final monograph thatanalyzes findings and providesrecommendations for strength-ening cooperation and assess-ing future tasks for the UnitedStates, Korea, and regional andinternational parties.

    Military planners are preoccu-pied with contingency plans forinstability on the Korean penin-sula, but the yet-unstudied medi-um- and long-term scenarios are

    critically important, Cha said.

    Governments cannot afford thetime to think about the longer-term implications of Koreanunification.

    With this project, we hope tofill this void as well as look atthe opportunities and benefitsthat integration of the peninsulamight afford for East Asia, Koreaand the United States.

    For more information, visithttp://college.usc.edu/ksi/news/korea_project.cfm.

    Groundbreaking Korean unification project launched

  • 8/8/2019 KSI Fall 2010 Newsletter



    Dont miss conferences for Fall 2010



    August 20-21, 2010

    The Korean Studies Institute atthe University of Southern Cali-fornia (KSI) and The Korea Chairat the Center for Strategic and

    International Studies (CSIS) haveundertaken agroundbreakingnew initiative onKorean unifica-tion.

    The initiative,called TheKorea Project:Planning for

    the Long Term,will be led byDr. David Kang,director of theKorean StudiesInstitute at USC, and Dr. VictorCha, senior adviser and holder ofthe Korea Chair at CSIS.

    The initiative is made possibleby the generous support of theKorea Foundation.

    While a great deal of study hasbeen devoted to near-term crisisplanning in the case of severeinstability on the Korean pen-insula, this project will focus on

    the yet-unstudied longer-termeconomic, political, and humansecurity issues.

    The first, invitation-only meet-ing of this multi-year projecttook place at USC on August20-21, with plans for subsequent


    ngs to government offi

    cialsin both theU.S. and Korea,and follow-onmeetings totake place inthe future. Seestory on page10. For moreinformation,visit our web-

    site at: http://college.usc.edu/ksi/news/korea_project.cfm.



    October 10, 2010

    This October we will gathertogether the next generationof Korean studies scholars whostudy Korea and who have gainedfaculty or postdoctoral positions.Bringing in senior scholars in thediscipline, this is a chance to linkthis new generation with each

    other, provide feedback on theirwork from senior scholars, and tofind ways in which these youngerscholars can further their careers


    RELATIONSOctober 29, 2010,Doheny Library, USC, 1-5 p.m.

    Co-sponsored with the Centerfor Korean Studies at UCLA, thisconference will bring together awide variety of scholars explor-ing relations between Japanand Korea. Consisting of threeroundtable panels composed ofboth Korean and Japanese stud-ies scholars, our goal is schol-arly: to bring the best and mostthought-provoking scholarshipto bear on questions that affectcontemporary and future Korea-Japan relations.

    Last year, the USC Korean Studies Institute hosted an ambitious calendar of events that highlighted therichness and diversity of Korean studies at USC. The excellent programming continues and we invite youto attend some of this years exciting events.

    For a full listing, visit the USC Korean studies web site: http://college.usc.edu.ksi/.

    Last years conference for rising starsencouraged and fostered impromptuexchanges such as the one picturedabove.

    Victor Cha, left, pictured here with

    Richard Samuels, professor of politicalscience at MIT, will be directing theKorea Project with USC KSI directorDavid Kang.

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    FALL 2010 | 13

    USC Korean Studies Institute honors and thanks itsdonors

    The USC Korean Studies Institute would like to thank the following individuals, foundations andcorporations for their generous support to build and strengthen Korean studies at the University ofSouthern California.

    Their financial support enables us to continue to offer excellent programming, encourage and foster thenext generation of scholars, and enrich the publics knowledge and understanding of Korea.

    $500,000 OR MORE

    Academy for Korean StudiesHanjin Shipping CorporationKorea Foundation

    Miki M. Nam and David Y. Lee

    $100,000 - $499,999

    AnonymousBoeing Commercial AirplaneGroupFederation of Korean IndustriesPeter Y.S. KimKorean AirKorean Research FoundationMonica K. Nam

    $50,000 - $99,999

    3Plus Logistics GroupJK Park Partners LLC

    $25,000 - $49,999

    Harbor Express

    $10,000 - $24,999

    Blueprint FurnitureCBOL CorporationCenter Bank

    Hanmi BankMyung Ki HongSteven and Robin Kim FamilyFoundationKorea Economic InstituteKorean-American ResearchFoundationDon W. LeeJin Woo and Mikyung LeeMKC Customs BrokersInternational

    MoneyGram Payment ServicesYoung J. PaikKi Suh and Ildong ParkVenbrook InsuranceWilshire State Bank

    $5,000 - $9,999

    AnonymousABM Engineering ServicesCarrier Corporation

    Warren ChangE&C FashionNara BankSaehan BankStandard Parking

    $1,000 - $4,999

    Byung Don Ahn, M.D.Avanti Holding LLCCentury MaintenanceJae Chong Kim, CPAJunior KimK.S. KimSeoungRock KimWook KimKim and Lee CPAKorean Consulate GeneralDaewon KwonFrank LeeCatherine Park

    C.J. ParkUSC Korean Alumni AssociationSteve Youn

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    Sejong Society members form the backbone of theUSC Korean Studies Institute

    Named in honor of King Sejong,one of Koreas greatest rulers,the Sejong Society exists to

    support the USC Korean StudiesInstitute.

    King Sejong is best rememberedfor promoting scholarship andeducation for all the peopleof Korea and for encouragingresearch in Koreas cultural,economic, and political heritage.

    Emulating his example to createnew knowledge, the members ofthe Sejong Society support theadvancement of the Institutesmission and vision with anannual gift of $1,000 or more.




    Sejong Society membersreceive a pin emblematicof their support, invita-tion to the USC CollegeTorchbearers luncheon oncampus, select universitypublications, and updateson the activities of the USCKorean Studies Institutethroughout the year.

    Members are also invitedto additional special eventsthroughout the year basedon their commitmentlevel.

    For more information,go tohttp://college.usc.edu/ksi/or contact Lydia Lee atlydial@college.usc.eduor213.740.4991.


    Annual Members

    $1000 - $4999


    $5000 - $9999


    $10,000 and above

    Ambassador Sung Kim, special envoy to the Six-Party Talks, addresses a

    full house for an off-the-record discussion about the state of U.S.-North

    Korea relations. This incredible opportunity was made possible in part

    with annual fund gifts to the USC KSI.

    The Impact of Your Annual Gift

    Annual gifts directly support

    every aspect of the educationalexperience and augment the USCKSIs operational budget.

    Annual gifts allow the USC KSIto direct important discretionaryfunds where they are needed,when they are needed. Yoursupport provides muchneeded flexibility to respondto unpredicted, but criticalexpenses and truly makes adifference for our students,faculty and community every day.

    If you believe that the workand mission of the USC KSI isimportant, we encourage you tojoin the Sejong Society today.

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    FALL 2010 | 15

    Korea Foundationissues USC KSI achallenge to hirea professor ofKorean politics

    In a wonderful vote of confidencein the direction and goals of theUSC KSI, the Korea Foundation hasawarded us a $500,000 challengegrant towards the establishmentof an assistant professor of Koreanpolitics.

    The USC KSI will be required toraise $1,000,000 to match the grant.We plan to fill this position by thefollowing academic year, 2011-2012.

    Why a professorship in Koreanpolitics?

    The addition of a professorship inKorean politics enables the USCKSI to move forward in its goal to

    focus on the social sciences - an ef-fort that is substantively importantand institutionally distinctive.

    Additionally, USC is located nextto Koreatown in Los Angeles, hometo the largest expatriate Koreancommunity in the world. Given therelevance of contemporary issuesin the U.S.-Korea relationship andthat overseas Koreans can now vote

    in elections, it is not only natural,but also important that USC be thenon-partisan forum for the sharingof ideas about U.S.-Korea relations,economic issues, and events inKorea.



    The USC Korean Studies Institute has a fantastic

    opportunity to recruit an assistant professor in Koreanpolitics. The new position immediately doubles thenumber of professors teaching the social sciences inKorean studies and moves us one step closer to offering aminor in Korean studies.

    The USC Korean Studies Institute needs to raise$1,000,000 by 2014 to meet the challenge grant from theKorea Foundation. We need your help.

    Every donation makes a difference and brings us closer to

    our goal. Will you help us today?

    Make your donation today online athttp://www.usc.edu/giving.Select Other and type in USC KOREANSTUDIES INSTITUTE - KF CHALLENGE

    Matching Gifts: an easy way to doubleor even triple your donation. To findout if your company has a matching giftprogram, visithttp://www.matchinggifts.com/usc

    Every donation, of any size, is greatlyappreciated. THANK YOU!

    Donations are tax-deductible to the full extent allowedby law.

    For more information: contact Lydia Lee atlydial@college.usc.eduor 213.740.4991.

  • 8/8/2019 KSI Fall 2010 Newsletter


    University of Southern California800 West 34th Street

    AHN 100Los Angeles, California 90089-0412

    (213) 740-0005 (main line)(213) 740-4073 (fax)



    September 15Jieun Chang

    USC KSI Mellon Postdoctoral Fellow, 2009-2011

    Dr. Chang will discuss her research on historialtrauma and memory in Korea.

    September 17Chuseok (Harvest Festival)Ahn House Reception and Korean culturalevent. This is always one of our most popularevents.

    September 20Bridget CogginsAssistant ProfessorGovernment Department, Dartmouth

    Professor Coggins will talk about her research

    on differences between Western and Asianapproaches to combating piracy in the African


    November 3Book Launch!History of Korea: An Episodic Narrativeby Kyung Moon HwangAssociate ProfessorHistory DepartmentUniversity of Southern California

    The USC KSI is proud to host a reception tocelebrate Kyung Moon Hwangs forthcomingKorean history book: History of Korea: An Epi-sodic Narrative.

    For a full listing of events, visithttp://college.usc.edu/ksi

    Mark your calendars! Fall 2010 Speakers Series