Kristyn Feldman Histology.pdf

Post on 04-Jun-2018

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Transcript of Kristyn Feldman Histology.pdf

  • 8/14/2019 Kristyn Feldman Histology.pdf


    Cervical Histologyand

    Infectious Diseases

    Kristyn Feldman

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    Gross anatomy

    ! The cervix is actually the lower, narrow

    portion of the uterus.! Its name is derived from the Latin word for


    ! It is cylindrical or conical in shape.

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    Why its interesting

    ! Since nearly all cervical neoplasia (abnormal

    growth) occurs in the presence of HPV, thecervix provides the best-defined model of

    virus-mediated carcinogenesis in humans to


    ! Infectious disease + cancer

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    Normal Histology

    ! The cervix is covered by both columnarand

    stratified non-keratinising squamousepithelia.

    ! The squamocolumnar junction (SCJ),

    where these two meet, is the most important

    cytologic and colposcopic landmark, as thisis where over 90% of lower genital tract

    neoplasia arises.

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    Mature squamous epithelium (H&E x 400): Different layers starting at the

    basement membrane (basal, parabasal, intermediate, superficial) are evident.

    Clear cytoplasm indicates glycogenation. As the cells mature, the nuclei get

    smaller and the cytoplasm amount increases.

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    Glandular or Columnar Epithelium

    ! The glandularor columnar epithelium

    ! Covers a variable amount of the ectocervixand lines the endocervical canal.

    ! It is comprised of a single layer of mucin-secreting cells.

    ! Longitudinal folds and invaginations make upthe so-called endocervical glands(they arenot true glands).

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    Endocervical glands (H&E x 400): Actually crypts lined by a single layer of

    columnar epithelium. Extend to a depth of 5-7 mm.

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    Changes in the SCJ

    The location of the SCJ in relation to the anatomicexternal os varies with a variety of factors:

    ! At birth it is at or just above the external opening withthe original squamous epithelium outside and theendocervical columnar epithelium on the inside.

    ! With growth of the uterus, especially from pubertyand throughout reproductive life, the SCJ comes tolie at variable distancesbelow the anatomicexternal opening.

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    The border between the stratified squamous epithelium of the ectocervix and the

    columnar epithelium of the endocervix is called the squamocolumnar junction


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    The new SCJ

    This is a continuous remodeling process that is alsoinfluenced by other factors, and occurs throughoutthe life of a female producing two different SCJs:

    ! Original SCJ: is the site at which the neonatalsquamous epithelium of the ectocervix meets theendocervical columnar epithelium at birth.

    ! New, functional or physiologic SCJ: newly formedSCJ as a result of the dynamic remodeling that takesplace during the life of the female.

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    Endocervical ectropion. Note everted columnar epithelium, which is reddened and

    looks like "eroded" tissue

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    Transformation (transition) zone

    ! The area, formed by the metaplastic

    squamous epithelium, between the old andthe new SCJ is called the transformation ortransition zone (TZ).

    ! The new SCJ, and hence the extent of theTZ, can be observed from the vagina.However, in up to 15% of women the TZextends into the endocervical canal beyondthe field of vision from the vagina.

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    Human papilloma virus (HPV)

    ! Over 20 serotypes

    ! Cause a variety of lesions with the differentserotypes associated with different lesions.

    Mild dysplasiais usually caused by "low risk"

    HPV serotypes, 6 and 11

    High- grade dysplasiais caused by "high (16and 18) and moderate (31,33,35) risk" HPV


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    Koilocytes(visibly HPV-infected cells) Notice the binucleate one with the big halo.

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    Dysplasia, severe.The less cytoplasm, the more severe the dysplasia.

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    Border between normal and severe dysplasia.Most conspicuous is the high N/C ratio

    and the loss of the normal maturation.

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    List of terms that confused me

    ! Neoplasia = process of new growth

    ! Metaplasia = one adult cell type replacesanother adult cell type. It may represent anadaptation of one cell type to another celltype that is more likely to survive in theenvironment

    ! Dysplasia = disordered growth

    ! Anaplasia = undifferentiated cell growth(malignant!)

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    Normal cervical squamous epithelium (left) Dysplastic on the right.

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