Kratom (Mitragyna speciosa)

Post on 24-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Kratom (Mitragyna speciosa)

Kratom (Mitragyna speciosa) A tree unlike any other.

There is a new herbal tonic and remedy around, one that is highly beneficial especially to people in the middle age, in

the bloom of our life, at the peak of our professional capabilities.

Kratom combines almost all the effects that people over the age of 40 will desire from a herbal tonic: it does away

with tired muscles, recurring headaches, stiff necks, heavy bones and too much brooding over the final sense

and meaning in life.

In western countries just a few years ago the highly beneficial effects of Kratom were a well guarded secret of a few scientists and

initiates in so called “underground” circles. But there was a time when even the Rolling Stones were called “underground”. For the Rolling Stones we know the rest of the story, but for Kratom this story will be told right here and right now on our website: how an obscure plant turned into an alternative herbal remedy and tonic that gave new hope and new energy to hundreds of thousands of people suffering from stress, loneliness, fatigue and all the wear

and tear that arises when the messengers of age finally start knocking at the gates.

So if you already have heard the first knocks and are trying to cope with the discovery that now you have stopped being “young” then

stay right here with us and read on.
