Post on 02-Apr-2018

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tough, durable, reliable


Natron-Hayat is fully committed to production of high quality sack kraft paper.We are able to fulll highest demands on paper strength, elasticity, printabilityand runnability. With the machinery and equipment purchased from worldleading manufacturers, constant quality improvement, and dedication to yourhighest requirements, we can help you maintain and even enhance yourcompetitiveness.

Only the best wood

Finest kraft paper

Continuous growth


cement industry

animal feed

food products (fresh meat, drycheese, rice, flour, sugar,potato...)

charcoal (grill coal)

chemical products

other powdery type products


PE coating

special protective packaging etc.

Major part of the raw wood is purchased domestically and the rest from the neighboring countries. We only use the best softwood - pine, spruce, and fir. It is well known that timbers in the Balkan area provide high quality long fibres necessary for achieving satisfactory quality level of pulp, and subsequently high quality of kraft paper. We produce pulp in our own pulp mill from 100% virgin fibre.

Our sack kraft paper is used in production of various industrial sacks as well as the sacks for food, seeds, chemicals etc. Excellent properties of our sack kraft paper is what makes it the first choice for variety of applications.

Sack kraft paper is our primary business. Our kraft paper machine is completely reconstructed. Ever since, our dedication to implementing the latest innovative solutions in order to meet the emerging market demands has been an ongoing process.



NH Semi Extensible (70-90 g/m2)

NH Standard Kraft (70-90 g/m2)

NH High Performance (70-100 g/m2)

Our kraft paper grades are characterized by great toughness, especially Semi Extensible paper. This measurement is also known as TEA (Tensile Energy Absorption). Paper sacks are required to carry certain amount of goods, secured and without breaking apart, from the place of filling, all the way to the place of unloading. High TEA value of Natron-Hayat sack kraft paper keeps your sacks from tearing, and makes them able to withstand harsh environments and handling.

Stretching values are usually presented as the percentage of the stretch before the paperbreaks. The higher the stretch value, the higher the quality of paper. This is very significantwhen we are talking about sack kraft paper for cement sacks. Stretch is more important incross direction (CD), rather than in machine direction (MD). Typically, NH Semi Extensiblesack kraft paper has CD stretch values up to 8%.

This measurement shows the strength of paper and its behaviour throughout different enduses. The ability of paper to withstand shock and impact is crucial. The fact that long fibresstrengthen resistance is well known. The explanation is clear - long fibres have tendency to disperse the impact on larger surface, through more fibres and joints. That is the reasonwhy Natron-Hayat chooses only long-fibre wood, and therefore provides outstandingstrength and quality of sack kraft paper.



Tear resistance


Semi Extensible paper has great advantage over Standard Kraft paper,especially if it is going to be used for production of sacks.

Long time ago, paper sacks had 3, 4, 5, and even 6 plies of paper. N o w a d a y s , s t r o n g S e m i Extensible paper is used for production of paper sacks that only have one or two plies. Natron-Hayat Semi Extensible paper gives you the opportunity to have high quality bags and extremely satisfied end-users.

Less paper, better results

Production of sacks using Semi Extensible paper allows you to have significant savings of paper and higher quality sacks. The higher the quality, the greater the savings, which are usually 10-15%. That is the main reason for production of micro-crepped paper.

Cost reduction

Genuine quality

Paper improvement is especially reflected through theimprovement of stretch and tensile strength. These twoparametres of paper quality give us TEA (Tensile EnergyAbsorption). It is known, that paper sacks with high stretchvalues and relatively low tensile strength, prove to bestronger (Semi Extensible), rather than paper sacks withhigher tensile strength and lower stretch values (StandardKraft).

Semi Extensible paper is much better than Standard Kraft,when it comes to withstanding all efforts. Therefore, allmanufacturers of paper sacks try to build this paper intotheir products, but with smaller grammages. If the highforce acts gradually, everything is up to stretch values ofthe paper. Semi Extensible paper in such conditions isexpanding, transfering force on larger surface. When theforce stops to influence the sack, paper partialy gathers,and still stays very resistant to different forces.

Variety of applications

The quality of paper should be such that it can tolerate high tension forces, to whichpaper or sacks are constantly exposed. Paper sacks are, almost immediately after filling,exposed to different mechanical impacts, which are even increased during transport,rough handling, carrying, dropping, different impacts and climate conditions. NH SemiExtensible paper is the answer for all applications including cement and other industrialpackaging, chemical industry, powdery products, animal feed and food industry.


high TEA valuesprintabilityrunnabilitystrengthhigh stretch values


Here at Natron-Hayat, we are focused on meeting your demands. We offeryou variety of quality paper grades to choose from, and we are doing ourbest to be your reliable partner making you satised.

Environmentally friendly and reliable

We strive to meet all your demands, to produce the best paper, to build positive relations, tokeep our environment safe, and to purchase wood only from renewable sources. We arededicated to provide you with paper that will keep your bags and sacks resilient, tough,resistant to impacts, resistant to packaging of chemicals and of course, to help you becompetitive on the market.

Combination of youth and experience

Natron-Hayat is well known European company enjoying high reputation in production ofsack kraft paper deriving from long experience of Natron d.d. Maglaj, dating back to 1956.We employ young and capable people combined with experienced staff, working in ourpremises for many years. Pretty interesting fact is that very often, paper produced by twodifferent manufacturers, using very similar pulp and machines, tends to be completelydifferent. Our highly skilled staff is able to make the best use of pulp and machines, andprovide you with extremely quality paper for various applications.

State-of-the-Art Windingand Packaging

We are winding the paper into thereels according to customerdemands. It is highly important,during the winding, to prevent paperfrom overstraining in order to keepits mechanical properties gainedthrough the process of micro-crepping. The stretching forceshould be as small as possible, sothe firmness of paper reels is ashigher as possible in the end.

After the winding process, reels arebeing packed using modernmachine. To keep our paper safe for your use and conversion, we protect our reels withcardboard on top of the reel, and at the bottom of it. For wrapping the reel in its width, weuse so called ‘sandwich’ paper, made from combination of paper and polyethylene.

Optimal storage conditions

It is of great significance to store the paper properly.Conditions in the warehouse should be close tothose conditions of the production facilities. Natron-Hayat keeps this in mind, so that our paper would not apsorb moisture and corrupt its properties. Wewant to provide you with the best paper in optimalconditions, and because of that we do not store ithorizontally, so the paper reels do not adoptelliptical shape, which would be hard or evenimpossible for you to process. Our paper is storedvertically in optimal conditions, and ready for you totransform it into excellent quality paper sacks.

Flexible production

We have the flexibility to meet your urgent needs anddemands. We can change production schedule andproduction plans whenever possible, just to havepaper ready for you. Let your urgent needs be our careand our responsibility.

Natron-Hayat d.o.o.Liješnica bb74250 MaglajBosnia and Herzegovina

General inquiryE-mail:

Sack Kraft Paper Sales DepartmentTelephone: +387 (0)32 601 021Fax: +387 (0)32 601 291E-mail: