Kosher Dairy

Post on 16-Jun-2015

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Discover the surprisingly wide assortment of kosher dairy products available:

Transcript of Kosher Dairy

Every grocery store has countless dairy products in stock, ranging from milk to yogurt to various types of cheese. Most people purchase them without questions.

But an observant Jew is required to consume only products which were certified kosher, meaning that they are approved for consumption according to Jewish dietary laws, and were manufactured under the inspection of a special kashrut supervisor.

While products such as kosher milk and cheese are relatively accessible, other kosher dairy products like yogurt can prove somewhat more difficult to find, but they certainly exist.

A well stocked kosher grocery will offer a wide selection of kosher dairy foods:

• Kosher Milk

• Butter & Margarine

• Kosher Cheese

• Yogurts

• Dairy Snacks

• Leben

• Sour Cream

Butter is one of the most basic dairy products, and is being used as a key ingredient in many dairy recipes.

Kosher butter can be found in its salted variant or in its unsalted variant, both locally made or imported (mainly from Israel).

For those who prefer margarine, There are some brands of kosher margarine available, too.

There are numerous different types of cheese, in every size, color and form. But is it possible to obtain quality cheese which is also kosher?

The answer is certainly yes. Different kinds of U.S.-made and imported kosher cheese are widely available: Cream Cheese, Cottage Cheese, Feta, Camembert, soft cheese spreads and more.

While kosher milk and kosher cheese are fairly accessible, it seems as though kosher yogurt options are more restricted. That is because of the bacterial cultures which are used during the process of yogurt production, which make it much harder to determine whether it is kosher or not.

Many Kinds of kosher yogurt are available: nonfat yogurt, low-fat or classic.

Another popular kosher dairy product is Leben – a sour fermented milk products native to the Levant.

sour cream is also widely available in most kosher grocery stores and sections.

As for some sweet dairy snacks and desserts, a wide array of imported milk-based snacks are offered, including “Milky”, a popular Israeli chocolate & cream pudding, or other vanilla or chocolate-flavored desserts.