Knowledge Management 4 - i-KNOW 2017...

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Transcript of Knowledge Management 4 - i-KNOW 2017...

Knowledge Management 4.0

Lessons learnt from IT trends Prof. Dr. René Peinl Graz, 18.10.2016

What does digitalization means?

• Digitally creating, managing and storing data and documents?

• Working together by means of electronic media?

• Digital communication with Twitter, email, Facebook and Skype?

• It’s much more than that

– Digitalization is going to disrupt the world of knowledge workers in the same way it already did for many industries e.g. media, commerce and communication


Infrastructure as Code

• Common meaning automating installation and configuration of an application and the network / VM

• Translation to knowledge work

– instead of writing down instructions, electronically executable artifacts are created

– Examples: • BPMN workflows • CMMN case models • DMN decision tables • Data analysis workbooks • Customized / enhanced applications



• Common meaning closer cooperation between developers and operators by either forming mixed teams or automating operations by developers with operations knowledge

• Translation to knowledge work

– Despite the need for deep knowledge in one area, growing need for shallow knowledge in related areas

– Examples • Legal • Psychological • Economical • Industries / production


Internet of Things

• Common meaning everyday things that used to work electronical up to now have a small computer inside and are connected to a network, addressable and communicate using open standard protocols

• Translation to knowledge work

– Computers as used today will move to the background and working with digital information will become more natural, embedded into the working environment

– Examples • Easy transfer of data from personal devices to shared spaces and back • Conversational user interfaces (e.g. Amazon Echo / Alexa, Viv) • VR / AR / MR reality for more immersive digital experiences • Fostering knowledge creation / remembering through physical context


Audi trains sales people in real cars but VR danger


Augmented Reality (here with Moverio)


Mixed Reality (e.g. with MS Hololens)


Deep learning

• Common meaning computers learn to learn relations on their own, making them more similar to human understanding

• Translation to knowledge work

– Certain jobs of knowledge workers will get obsolete and (less) new ones are created (which might be good due to lack of qualified employees)

– Examples • Attorney assistants, medical professionals or financial analysts • Data scientists, trainers for neural networks, …


new job requiringnew high skills

existing jobrequiring high skills

existing job requiringmedium skills

former job requiringlow skills lost to automation


highly skilled employee medium skilled employee low skilled employee


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Digitalization will help but change the game

Prof. Dr. René Peinl Head of research group systems integration Teaching area: Web architecture