Kite runner

Post on 25-Nov-2014

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Transcript of Kite runner

In the book The Kite Runner written by Khaled Hosseini, the characters make

many plot turning decisions. A quote by J.F Clarke “The Bravest of individuals is the one

who obeys his or her conscience. This means that a person who does the right thing

and not the easy way out is the bravest. This is prevalent throughout the book by many

characters as they either make the right decision or be a coward and take the easy

route. Whether it be Rahim Khans decision to not tell Hassan or Amir about them being

brothers or even Soraya who was brave enough to come clean to Amir about her past,

each character puts a little of this quote in the novel.

The main character in The Kite Runner ,Amir, is a great example of what the

opposite if the quote says. Throughout his life Amir was a coward who thought more of

what he would do they actually acting upon his conscious. Early sign of him being a

coward happen in the beggianing of the book when it is mention that he never fights his

own battle and often Hassan takes his place to protect him. In Amirs head he was

thinking of things he could do but when it finally came time to act on his conscious he

caved in and took the easy way out. A good example of this is on page 41 when Hassan

has to stick up for Amir. However later in the novel Amir goes under some major

chacater devolpment and starts to do the right thing instead of just running away. The

first thing he tries to atone for is his biggest regret when he betrayed Hassan and for

hiding in the alley and sit idle by as Hassan was raped by Assef. This was the main

driving force toward the ending of the book and is finally when Amir got the guts to

follow his conscious and do what he should have been doing all along. In the end amir

winds being the most brave character in the book risking his life for someone he doesn’t

even know (Hassans son Sohrab).

is about a young man named Amir and the experiences he went through during turmoil in his country,

Afghanistan. The beginning of the story centers around Amir, the main character, and Hassan. Amir and

Hassan are totally different people. Amir is well educated, a Sunni Muslim, and his a Pashtun. Also, Amir

tends to read a lot of books. With his nerd-like attributes, Amir tends to be somewhat disappointing to

his father’s eyes. In contrast to Amir’s coward personality would be Hassan caring personality. Hassan, a

Hazara, is Sh’ia Muslim and a servant to Amir’s family. Aside from his status as a servant, he would still

treat Amir with a lot of respect. Hassan would basically do everything for Amir. Also, Hassan would also

back up Amir, every time he is in a hostile predicament. Though Hassan was illiterate, it did not stop him

from caring about Amir. On the other hand, Amir was very jealous of Hassan because Baba, Amir’s

father, admired Hassan more. Amir would do a lot of things that would disgrace and abuse Hassan.

There was at one point of the novel where Amir tried to frame Hassan by stashing money under

Hassan’s bed. Then, at one part of the book, the Russian invade Afghanistan, causing Hassan and Amir to

split ways. Later on in the novel, Amir would try to return to his Afghanistan and to mend his wrong

doings to Hassan. Though this story contains a lot of melancholy moments, one can not tend to ignore

the propaganda that was inject within this novel. This novel contains numerous propaganda messages

that would degrade the Afghan people. Many of the messages in this novel contains things about rape

and violence that can propel people into thinking that Afghanistan is a wretched and filthy place.

There is definitely a lot of propaganda in this novel. In the novel, there are a lot of fine examples of

negative propaganda. Parts of the book contained imagines of rape and massive violence The negative

messages portrayed in the book would make Afghanistan citizens look bad. Though not all the Afghans

are violent rapists, the ones in the book whoever are ones being used as propaganda. The most notable

horrific incidents that happened in the book are the ones that include the raping of Amir’s servant

Hassan, the raping of Sohrab, and terror acts committed by the Taliban.

Amir and Hassan were peacefully flying a kite during and Afghanistan event. When Amir’s kite flew

away, Hassan was the one to chase after the kite. After retrieving the kite, Hassan and Amir were

confronted by Assef and his gang. Assef and his crew assaulted and attack Hassan while Amir watch

horror. Sadly, this incident ended with the raping of Hassan by Assef. Unemployed