Kinetics of an Individual Transmembrane Helix during

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Transcript of Kinetics of an Individual Transmembrane Helix during

doi:10.1016/j.jmb.2005.12.042 J. Mol. Biol. (2006) 357, 325–338

Kinetics of an Individual Transmembrane Helixduring Bacteriorhodopsin Folding

Emma L. R. Compton, Nicola A. Farmer, Mark Lorch, Jody M. MasonKathleen M. Moreton and Paula J. Booth*

Department of BiochemistrySchool of Medical SciencesUniversity of Bristol, BristolBS8 1TD, UK

0022-2836/$ - see front matter q 2005 E

Present addresses: M. Lorch, InstChemistry, Goethe University, FranStreet 9, 60439 Frankfurt on Main, GInstitute of Biology III, University oSchaenzlestrasse 1, 79104 Freiburg,

Abbreviations used: bR, bacteriorbacterio-opsin; CMC, critical micellDMPC, L-a-1,2-dimyristoylphosphaL-a-1,2-dioleoylphosphatidylcholineL-a-1,2-dipalmitoleoylphosphatidylphosphatidylcholine.

E-mail address of the

The kinetics of an individual helix of bacteriorhodopsin have beenmonitored during folding of the protein into lipid bilayer vesicles.A fluorescence probe was introduced at individual sites throughout helixD of bacteriorhodopsin and the changes in the fluorescence of the labelwere time-resolved. Partially denatured, labelled bacteriorhodopsin in SDSwas folded directly into phosphatidylcholine lipid vesicles. Stopped-flowmixing of the reactants allowed the folding kinetics to be monitored withmillisecond time resolution by time-resolving changes in the labelfluorescence, intrinsic protein fluorescence as well as in the absorption ofthe retinal chromophore. Monitoring specific positions on helix D showedthat two kinetic phases were altered compared to those determined bymonitoring the average protein behaviour. These two phases, of 6.7 sK1 and0.33 sK1, were previously assigned to formation of a key apoproteinintermediate during bacteriorhodopsin folding. The faster 6.7 sK1 phasewas missing when time-resolving fluorescence changes of labels attachedto the middle of helix D. The amplitude of the 0.33 sK1 phase increasedalong the helix, as single labels were attached in turn from the cytoplasmicto the extracellular side. An interpretation of these results is that the 6.7 sK1

phase involves partitioning of helix D within the lipid headgroups of thebilayer vesicle, while the 0.33 sK1 phase could reflect transmembraneinsertion of this helix. In addition, a single site on helix G was monitoredduring folding. The results indicate that, unlike helix D, the insertion ofhelix G cannot be differentiated from the average protein behaviour. Thedata show that, while folding of bacteriorhodopsin from SDS into lipids is aco-operative process, it is nevertheless possible to obtain information onspecific regions of a membrane protein during folding in vitro.

q 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: membrane protein; folding; kinetics; site-specific label; fluor-escence; transmembrane helix

*Corresponding author

lsevier Ltd. All rights reserve

itute for Biophysicalkfurt, Marie Curieermany; J. M. Mason,f Freiburg,Germany.hodopsin; bO,e concentration;tidylcholine; DOPC,; DPoPC,

choline; PC,

ing author:


Information on the folding mechanisms ofa-helical membrane proteins has been difficult toobtain. The last ten years have seen importantbreakthroughs in the determination of in vitromechanisms through the development of methodsto study the kinetics of membrane protein folding.1

The kinetic approaches for following the folding oftransmembrane helical proteins have, however,been limited to monitoring the overall behaviourof the protein through changes in intrinsic proteinfluorescence or protein circular dichroism. Here, weuse a site-directed labelling approach to focus ona specific transmembrane helix during folding. This


326 Kinetics of a Transmembrane Helix

study demonstrates another application for site-specific labelling, which is one of the most powerfulmethods for probing conformational changes, andparticularly transmembrane helix movements,during membrane protein function.2–7

Bacteriorhodopsin (bR) was the first integralmembrane protein to be unfolded and refoldedin vitro, and has led the way in studies oftransmembrane helical protein folding.8–10 Most ofthe methods to probe helical membrane proteinfolding mechanisms were developed originally onbR, including kinetic, thermodynamic and mech-anical approaches to monitor folding or unfold-ing.11–15 Equally, the methods used to refold bRin vitro are those that have since proved successfulfor other proteins. The central method for refoldingbR involves a partially denatured state in sodiumdodecyl sulphate (SDS), at a concentration of SDSjust above the critical micelle concentration (CMC).The SDS-denatured protein is then diluted intorenaturing detergent micelles or lipid vesicles,giving a final concentration of SDS just below theCMC.8,9,11,16,17 This method, with only slightmodifications, has proved applicable to thepotassium KscA channel,18 the disulphide-bindingprotein DsbB,19 the major light-harvesting complexof higher plants LHCII,20,21 and DGK, an Escherichiacoli kinase protein.22,23 As a result, kinetic orthermodynamic studies of the folding of thesehelical membrane proteins has commenced, butbR remains the most intensively studied protein.

bR is a seven transmembrane a-helical proteinwith a retinal cofactor bound within this helicalbundle.24–26 The kinetics of folding bR from SDSinto detergents and lipids have been studiedextensively and folding occurs through a series ofidentifiable intermediates.27,28 Figure 1 shows asimplified reaction scheme that applies to foldinginto lipid vesicles. The starting state for the reaction,bacterio-opsin (bO) in SDS, has just over halfthe native helix content.9,29 A key apoprotein

Figure 1. A reaction scheme for folding SDS-bO to bR inlipid vesicles.27 bO is the SDS-denatured bO starting statethat has just over half the native helix content, while bR isthe correctly folded state with retinal covalently bound.The central aspects of the scheme are the two I2 states, I2a

and I2b, which are thought to have native secondarystructure but different tertiary structure, possibly due tolipid lateral pressure effects. Retinal binds to both I2 statesto give an intermediate IR with retinal non-covalentlybound. There may be additional states; I1 (between bOand I2, for example to model the observed rate kobs3),more than one IR state63 and I3 (between IR and bR).However, these have been omitted for clarity. (It ispossible to invoke other schemes, with additionalbranched or parallel reactions.)

intermediate is referred to as I2 and is presentduring folding into micelles as well as vesicles.9,11,27

There appear to be two I2 states (I2a and I2b) in lipidvesicles, which can be differentiated in terms oftheir kinetics and response to bilayer curvaturestress and lateral pressure.27,30 This suggests theremay be different conformations of the proteinpresent in these intermediate states. Moreover thekinetics of formation of the I2 states appear to bemulti-exponential, again indicative of differentprotein conformations or lipid environments.There may be different protein conformationspresent in the IR state, which has the retinal cofactornon-covalently bound to the protein. The structureof the protein in the I2 state is unknown, although itappears to have native helical content (i.e. equi-valent to seven transmembrane helices), togetherwith some native tertiary structure.29,31

The experimental methods that have been used todetermine the folding kinetics of bR have involvedmeasuring overall properties of the protein; forexample, by following changes in intrinsic protein(mainly from Trp and Tyr) fluorescence or far-UVprotein circular dichroism spectra (i.e. secondarystructure content). These methods therefore cannotdistinguish between the behaviour of different partsof the protein. Nor is it possible to ascertain whethermulti-exponential kinetics arise from Trp residuesin different regions of the protein reporting ondifferent behaviour in those regions, or fromdifferent protein molecules that are in differentconformations. In addition, assigning changes inoverall protein fluorescence to particular events isdifficult. An increase in Trp fluorescence can resultfrom either a more hydrophobic lipid/detergentenvironment, or folding the Trp into a morehydrophobic protein interior, or from a reductionin quenching of the Trp. Attaching an individualfluorescence label at a specific site in the proteinovercomes some of these difficulties.

bR was chosen for this study partly because ofthe extensive mechanistic detail available on bRfolding, but also because there are fairly stringentrequirements for site-specific labelling, which thisprotein fulfils. Labels are best introduced byattachment to Cys SH groups, and thus single Cysmutants of the protein are needed.32,33 Furthermore,the labelled Cys mutants should exhibit wild-typefolding and functional properties. bR was the firstmembrane protein for which the site-specific Cyslabelling strategy was demonstrated.34 The proteinhas no native Cys residues and it has provedpossible to introduce single Cys residues at manysites throughout the protein and to label themwithout significant effects on the overall folding andfunction of the protein.35–39 Most of the previouswork on bR has involved the attachment of spinlabels rather than fluorescence labels, and has beenaimed at elucidating conformational changes of theprotein during its functional photocycle.2 In thecase of bR, the protein can be labelled in the SDSstate and folded to a functional state in detergentmicelles. Whilst the folding kinetics have not been

Kinetics of a Transmembrane Helix 327

studied, this earlier work on bR shows the sites onthe protein where labels can be attached success-fully without affecting the final folded state. Themajority of studies on this (and other membraneproteins for which the method has been used) havealso involved working in detergent micelles ratherthan lipid bilayers. Nevertheless, it is possible towork in bilayer systems and to introduce labels thatwill be embedded within the bilayer.40 We havechosen to focus on folding bR into lipid bilayervesicles, since the protein is more stable in vesicles;as the bilayer provides a more robust solventenvironment. In addition, we have developedbilayer vesicles in which the folding kinetics canbe controlled. Micelles, in contrast to bilayers, arefar more likely to alter their structure and solvatethe fluorescence label during folding, which in turnwill affect the protein–solvent interactions andfolding dynamics throughout the folding process.However, working in lipid vesicles presentsdifferent problems. Labelling a site on the proteinthat will be transmembrane in the folded state canbe difficult in a vesicle; a label has to be chosen thatwill partition into the vesicle bilayer, whilst notaffecting the insertion kinetics of the protein orparticular transmembrane segment. We show that itis possible to choose an appropriate fluorescencelabel that inserts into lipid bilayers and does nothave significant affects on the folding kinetics. Wehave focussed on labelling protein sites that face thelipids (so the label will not interfere with the proteininterior) and have predominantly chosen sites thatare already known to function when labels areattached, albeit spin labels in detergent micelles.Fluorescence labels tend to be larger than spinlabels and thus there is greater potential for them tointerfere with folding kinetics. We have chosen arelatively small fluorescence label, monochloro-bimane (see Figure 2), which has properties similarto monobromobimane that has been used success-fully in other membrane protein studies.41 Mono-chlorobimane partitions into lipid bilayers andshows a greater selectivity towards reactions withthiol groups than monobromobimane.

Transmembrane helix D of bacteriorhodopsinwas targeted in this study. In terms of sequenceposition, helix D is a central helix, and single Cysresidues have been introduced and labelled (withspin labels) throughout this helix,42 thus showing

Figure 2. The structure of monochlorobimane. The thiol(SH) group of Cys reacts with monochlorobimaneresulting in the formation of a covalent bond betweenthe carbon atom, to which chlorine is attached, and theCys sulphur atom, accompanied by the loss of chloride.

those sites that can be successfully labelled (indetergent micelles). Moreover, labelling along thehelix affords the opportunity to probe the behaviourof the whole helix during folding. We also report onCys mutants at sites in helices A and G. These arethe first and last helices of bR and there is evidenceto suggest they may behave differently duringfolding, with helix G forming and inserting laterduring folding. In the absence of existing, appro-priate Cys mutants on these helices A and G,potential sites were chosen from the crystalstructure; i.e. those that face away from the proteininterior. For each Cys mutant, we have assayed itsability to fold, both unlabelled and labelled, intomicelles as well as lipid vesicles. Mixed L-a-1,2-dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine (DMPC)/Chapsmicelles are used as an initial check on the abilityof the labelled proteins to fold, as this has been themost extensively used micelle system for folding bRand works well for most bR mutant pro-teins.30,35,37,43–45

L-a-1,2-Dioleoylphosphatidylcho-line (DOPC) vesicles are used, since this is areadily available synthetic lipid, a single-com-ponent lipid vesicle simplifies data interpretationand we have previously studied bR folding in thissystem.17 The folding kinetics of those labelledproteins that fold successfully into vesicles has thenbeen studied. The focus of these kinetic studies isthe formation of the key intermediates, I2a and I2b.Mixing the SDS state with DOPC vesicles, in theabsence of retinal, can readily follow the foldingfrom the SDS-denatured state to give these inter-mediates. As described in detail in earlier reports,this enables the kinetics of I2a and I2b formation tobe monitored without the complications of the laterretinal binding reactions.27,46


Helix D

Folding yields of labelled and unlabelled proteins

Five positions, all of which have previously beenspin-labelled,42 were chosen on helix D for theattachment of bimane (see Figure 3). A single Cyswas introduced in turn at each of these positions togive the following bR mutant proteins: G113C,G116C, G120C, V124C and G125C. Each mutant waslabelled with bimane and the folding yield of eachmutant protein (labelled and unlabelled) wasdetermined in both DMPC/Chaps micelles andDOPC vesicles (Figure 4). Proteins were foldedfrom SDS into the micelles or vesicles and the yielddetermined from the amount of purple bR chromo-phore that formed, as described.17,27,46 Figure 4shows there is a slight reduction in the yield ofthe mutant proteins in micelles or vesicles, whencompared to wild-type yields (of approximately95% in micelles and 70% in vesicles). The bimanelabel affected the yield significantly in only twocases. The yields of labelled V124C-bimane and

Figure 3. Ribbon diagrams ofbacteriorhodopsin showing thelabelling sites. (a) Structure ofbacteriorhodopsin constructed usingINSIGHTII and the co-ordinatesreported by Luecke et al. (1c3w).25

The labelling sites on helices A, Dand G are shown in orange, withbackbone O, C and side-chain atomspresent, the three helices are shownin green. The extracellular side ofthe protein is at the bottom. (b) Arepresentation of helix D, showingthat positions 116 and 120 are on adifferent face to the other labellingpositions on the fully folded helix.Constructed using co-ordinates asin (a), but with residues 113, 116,120, 124 and 125 changed to cysteineand energy minimisation inINSIGHT performed on the side-chain rotamers to illustrate that inan isolated helix the cysteine side-chain positions shown in the Figureare plausible.

328 Kinetics of a Transmembrane Helix

G125C-bimane were lower (about half) than thecorresponding unlabelled protein in vesicles. Theyields of unlabelled V124C and G125C, however,were higher in vesicles than micelles, and thus thefolding yields of V124C-bimane and G125C-bimanewere similar in both micelles and vesicles.

Folding kinetics

In order to determine whether the mutants foldlike wild-type protein, the folding kinetics of eachlabelled and unlabelled protein were determined byfollowing changes in intrinsic protein fluorescence.Each protein was folded from SDS intoDOPC vesicles to give the I2 intermediate, asdescribed.27,29,46 The folding was initiated bystopped-flow mixing and the changes in proteinfluorescence during folding were followed overtime. Table 1 shows that the observed rates andamplitudes for the Cys mutants were similar towild-type in each case, showing that each mutantfolds according to the same reaction scheme aswild-type (i.e. Figure 1). The fastest two observedrates, kobs1 and kobs1, relate to mixing of SDS andDOPC (whether one or two phases are observed forthis process depends on the data density and signal-to-noise ratio for that particular measure-ment).11,27,46,47 The phases kobs2, kobs3 and kobs4 allrelate to the formation of I2a (possibly via anintermediate I1), while kobs5 reflects the slowerformation of I2b. The kobs5 phase was observed forall mutants; however, actual values are not given inTable 1 for V124C and G125C. The data quality overlonger times from stopped-flow measurements waslower for these two mutants than the others, whichmade precise resolution of rate constants difficult.

The lower signal-to-noise ratio could indicate eitherthat there is less of the kobs5 phase, the rate constantis slower, or that the I2 state is slightly less stable inthese Cys mutants. It is hard to assign this to asignificant difference in kobs5 for V124C and G125C,since this slow rate is sensitive to changes in vesiclepreparations over time and is difficult to measureprecisely. In addition, this observed rate depends onthe equilibrium between bO and all the I2a and I2b

states, which in turn depends on the stability of I2b,and both this equilibrium and stability could bealtered slightly for different mutants.30,48,49

No significant change was seen in the proteinfluorescence kinetic parameters for the bimane-labelled mutants (data not shown), with respect totheir unlabelled counterparts (data in Table 1). Thefact that V124C-bimane and G125C-bimane showwild-type folding rates, despite having lowerfolding yields in vesicles than unlabelled V124Cand G125C (see Figure 4(b)) shows that theproportion of these labelled mutants that do foldto a functional state, do so according to amechanism similar to that of the wild-type protein.The reduced yield is therefore most likely to arisefrom some of the labelled protein not incorporatinginto DOPC vesicles, but remaining in SDS and thusnot contributing to the folding kinetics. We notedearlier that reduced folding yields arise fromprotein remaining in SDS.48 The signal-to-noiseratio of the protein fluorescence kinetic data forsome of the labelled mutants was lower than for theunlabelled mutant proteins. This makes it harder toresolve the different kinetic parameters accurately,particularly since there are several kinetic phasespresent. The lower signal-to-noise ratio of thelabelled mutant data could arise from the relatively

Figure 4. Folding yield of labelled and unlabelledcysteine mutants in DMPC/Chaps micelles and DOPCvesicles. Yields of helix D cysteine mutants folded into (a)DMPC/Chaps micelles and (b) DOPC vesicles. Filled barsrepresent folding yields for unlabelled proteins, whileopen bars are for bimane-labelled proteins. Error bars arefor the first standard deviation between measurements ontwo different samples. We have reported extensively onerrors before, reproducibility between different proteinpreparations is the most relevant here, with errors inwild-type protein yields of 88(G16)% in DMPC/Chaps46

and 70(G4)% in PC lipid vesicles.27

Kinetics of a Transmembrane Helix 329

low folding yields (for example for G120C-bimane,V124C-bimane and G125C-bimane), since the maincontribution to the observed folding kinetics comesfrom the protein that can fold successfully. Theprotein fluorescence intensity may also be alteredby interaction with bimane.

Figure 5(a) shows the change in bimane fluor-escence on folding G113C-bimane from SDSinto DOPC vesicles. There is a small blue shift inthe emission band, from 464 nm to 463 nmaccompanied by an increase in fluorescence inten-sity. These changes are indicative of the label

moving into a more hydrophobic environment,50

probably as a result of bimane entering the lipidbilayer of the vesicles. Indeed, a blue shift in bimanefluorescence has been found to correlate well withthe solvent-accessibility of bimane.50 However, thespectra in Figure 5(a) may be complicated by Trpquenching of bimane, which seems to occur at shortdistances through photoinduced electron transfer.51

The change in bimane fluorescence intensity uponfolding was monitored by time-resolving bimaneemission above 420 nm. Table 2 shows the kineticsparameters obtained from bimane fluorescencedata, compared to those (shown in the top row)obtained from the intrinsic fluorescence measure-ments on wild-type.27 Time-resolved data werecollected over several timescales. A rapid decreaseis observed in the bimane fluorescence, with a ratethat corresponds to the initial mixing of the SDSmicelles and DOPC vesicles. This is followed by amulti-phasic increase in bimane fluorescence withobserved exponential rates (kobs2, kobs3, kobs4 andkobs5) similar to those observed in intrinsic proteinfluorescence. Example data over 50 s are shown inFigure 5(b) for G116C-bimane. Table 2 shows thatbimane fluorescence data from each mutant exhibitkinetic parameters similar to those observed inintrinsic protein fluorescence during wild-typefolding, except in the case of G116C-bimane andG120C-bimane, where kobs2 is missing. A differenceacross the set of mutants is observed also in thebimane fluorescence for the amplitude, A3, of thephase kobs3, which increases on going from G113C-bimane to G125C-bimane (see Figure 6). A3 isparticularly large for G125C-bimane. These changesare reflected in the percentage contribution of theamplitudes of A3 to the observed bimane fluor-escence increase (i.e. the sum of bimane fluor-escence amplitudes A2, A3, A4 and A5). Thus, A3 forG113C-bimane contributes only 6% of the increase,compared to a 55% contribution in the case ofG125C-bimane. The relative contribution of A3 forthe former, G113C-bimane, of 6% is similar to that ofwild-type, ebO, intrinsic protein fluorescence,where A3 contributes 9% of the correspondingprotein fluorescence increase (i.e. the sum of proteinfluorescence amplitudes A2, A3, A4 and A5).

No other significant change or trend wasobserved in bimane fluorescence for either the rateor amplitude of kobs4 (which represents the slowerstage of formation of I2a) or kobs5 (which representsformation of I2b).

In summary, two differences can be seen in thebimane kinetic parameters as compared to those ofintrinsic protein fluorescence: (i) the kobs2 phase ismissing from the bimane fluorescence at sites 116and 120; (ii) there is an increase in the kobs3 phasealong helix D, with a large A3 for bimanefluorescence at site 125.

Helices A and G

Sites were selected to attach a label to helix A andhelix G. These were towards the extracellular side of

Table 1. Experimentally observed rates and amplitudes determined from protein fluorescence data during folding of bOcysteine mutants in DOPC vesicles, in the absence of retinal (bO/I2)

Experimentally observed rate constants, kobs (sK1), with amplitudes shown in parentheses

kobs1a kobs1

a kobs2 kobs3 kobs4 kobs5

Proposed originof phase Vesicle mixing I2a formation I2b formation

ebOb *a 67 6.7 0.33 0.032 0.0019

Helix D G113C 290 (K0.008)c 25 (K0.004) 2.4 (K0.002) 0.19 (K0.002) 0.029 (K0.008) 0.0016 (K0.02)G116C 350 (K0.006) 43 (K0.005) 2.4 (K0.002) 0.16 (K0.003) 0.021 (K0.008) 0.0054 (K0.010)G120C 160 (K0.005) *a 11 (K0.007) 0.26 (K0.002) 0.024 (K0.002) 0.0024 (K0.002)V124C 310 (K0.002) *a 5.4 (K0.003) 0.58 (K0.003) 0.054 (K0.002) Phase presentd

G125C 190 (K0.004) *a 11 (K0.003) 0.27 (K0.002) 0.038 (K0.0008) Phase presentd

Helix G L206C 223 (K0.007) 21 (K0.007) 7.4 (K0.01) 0.33 (K0.002) 0.040 (0.02) 0.0046 (K0.02)

a Both rates kobs1 and kobs1 are assigned to the rate of stopped-flow mixing of SDS and vesicles. These rates are hard to assignprecisely due to variations in lipid preparations over time. Whether one or two rates are observed depends on the data density andsignal-to-ratio for that particular measurement, and the correlation of the exponential fitting functions means the two rate constantscannot be satisfactorily separated. Thus, in some cases, data are represented adequately by one exponential, as shown by a single valuefor kobs1 or kobs1 and *.

b Values for wild-type protein are shown for comparison. These are taken from Allen et al.27 as these are the most preciselydetermined values for wild-type protein. Details and errors are given by Allen et al.27 These values are from measurements in DOPCvesicles, whereas all mutant data are from measurements in DPoPC vesicles. No significant difference was found in the kineticsparameters during folding of ebO into DOPC or DPoPC vesicles.

c Amplitudes are normalised to 1 mM bO protein and are negative, as they represent an increase in fluorescence.d Rate constants were estimated from data collected over 2000 s, using stopped-flow mixing to initiate folding. Rates over this time

are difficult to measure, both due to back mixing of the stop volume into the cuvette as well as changes in vesicles over time. Experiencewith vesicle measurements over this time (as well as checks with time-resolved absorption and fluorescence measurements initiated bymixing in a cuvette without stop flow) indicate the kobs5 phase is present in all mutants. However, in the case of V124C and G125C theslightly worse signal-to-noise ratio and reproducibility over the long time-scale meant that it was not possible to resolve a meaningfulrate for the phase.

Figure 5. Changes in bimane fluorescence during folding to bacteriorhodopsin. (a) Bimane fluorescence spectra of4 mM G113C-bimane of the SDS-denatured starting state (continuous line) and the folded bR state, 30 min after refoldinginto 2% DOPC vesicles (broken line). Bimane was excited at 384 nm with an excitation bandwidth of 1 nm and emissionbandwidth of 10 nm. The lower panel shows the difference between the two fluorescence spectra (i.e. refolded DOPC–SDS-denatured). (b) Changes in bimane fluorescence during folding from bO to bR in DOPC vesicles for G116C-bimane.The red curve represents a two-exponential fit to the data, for which the residuals are shown below and that whichresolved the following parameters: A3ZK0.02, kobs3Z0.29 sK1, A4Z0.02 and kobs4Z0.048 sK1. A total of 4000 datapoints were collected, split equally over time-scales of 5 s and 50 s. The final protein concentration was 4 mM, but the datashown are normalised to 1 mM final protein, and are the average of three separate data sets. Data were collected overother time-scales to resolve the other kinetic parameters.

330 Kinetics of a Transmembrane Helix

Table 2. Experimentally observed rates and amplitudes determined from bimane fluorescence data during folding ofbimane-labelled, bO cysteine mutants in DOPC vesicles, in the absence of retinal (bO/I2)

Experimentally observed rate constants, kobs (sK1), with amplitudes shown in parentheses

kobs1 kobs1 kobs2 kobs3 kobs4 kobs5

Proposed originof phase Vesicle mixing I2a formation I2b formation

ebOa *b 67 6.7 0.33 0.032 0.0019

Helix D G113C-bimane 470 (0.09)a 32 (0.001) 1.6 (K0.004) 0.27 (K0.004) 0.056 (K0.002) 0.0078 (K0.01)G116C-bimane 49 (0.07) 18 (0.01) Phase absent 0.11 (K0.002) 0.048 (K0.015) 0.0048 (K0.02)G120C-bimane 530 (0.1) 33 (0.003) Phase absent 0.43 (K0.003) 0.060 (K0.007) 0.0004 (K0.006)V124C-bimane 390 (0.05) 29 (0.03) 1.2 (K0.008) 0.364 (K0.01) 0.05 (K0.006) 0.0024 (K0.02c)G125C-bimane 36 (0.05) 25 (0.02) 1.4 (K0.007) 0.19 (K0.03) 0.038 (K0.01) 0.00067 (K0.0004c)

Helix G L206-bimane 94 (0.06) *d 2.6 (K0.006)e 0.29 (K0.004)e 0.036 (K0.03)e 0.0046 (K0.01)e

a Values taken from Allen et al.27 for wild-type are shown for comparison, see footnoteb to Table 1.b Amplitudes are normalised to 1 mM bO protein with a further correction for the percentage of bimane label bound to the protein.c From measurements using a steady-state fluorimeter, following mixing into a cuvette without stopped-flow. All other kobs5 values

quoted are from stopped-flow data.d Data were represented adequately by one exponential, as shown by a single value for kobs1 or kobs1 and *, see footnotea to Table 1.e Data were collected with different excitation light intensity and thus to account for this as accurately as possible, the total

fluorescence changes was normalised to that of wild-type (and to folding yield), as well as to protein concentration.

Kinetics of a Transmembrane Helix 331

helices A and G, giving the mutants I11C on helix Aand L206C on helix G (see Figure 3(a)). These twopositions face out from the protein interior and thusare likely to be amenable for labelling withoutaffecting the protein structure. The two mutantswere successfully expressed, purified and folded togive yields of 72% and 53% for I11C in DMPC/Chaps and lipid vesicles, respectively, and 63% and69% for L206C in DMPC/Chaps and lipid vesicles,respectively. Both mutants were also labelledsuccessfully with bimane and folded to a yieldsimilar to that of the unlabelled mutant in DMPC/Chaps micelles; 60% for I11C-bimane and 63% forL206C-bimane. However, only L206C-bimane couldbe folded into DPoPC vesicles successfully (with74% yield), while no formation of a purple bR

Figure 6. Increase in the amplitude A3 of the kineticphase, kobs3 along helix D. Errors shown are the firststandard deviation from three different samples.

chromophore could be detected on transferringI11C-bimane from SDS into lipid vesicles.

The kinetics of folding into lipid vesicles of thebimane label of L206C-bimane were very similar tothose determined from intrinsic protein fluor-escence measurements of wild-type, ebO protein.All rates kobs2, kobs3, kobs4 and kobs5 were observedwith no significant change in the value of theobserved rate, in both the intrinsic protein fluor-escence of the L206C mutant as well as the bimanefluorescence of L206-bimame (see Tables 1 and 2,bottom row). The relative contributions of theamplitudes of the bimane kinetic phases weresimilar to those determined from intrinsic proteinfluorescence measurements. Thus, for example, thepercentage contributions of A3, A4 and A5 to theoverall increase in fluorescence (i.e. the sum ofamplitudes A2, A3, A4 and A5) resolved from thebimane data for L206C-bimane were 15%, 13% and46%, respectively. These are similar to those forwild-type intrinsic protein fluorescence data forwhich A3, A4 and A5 were resolved as 9%, 27% and46%, respectively. (The differences in A2 and A3 inthe two data sets are probably not significant andmost likely represent correlation of the exponentialcomponents during fitting).


Further insight into the folding mechanismof bR and insertion of helix D

Individual fluorescence labels have been attachedsuccessfully throughout helix D and used to reporton the kinetic behaviour of this helix during foldingof bR from SDS into lipid vesicles. Similarly, oneposition on helix G has been labelled and foldedinto vesicles, allowing this site on helix G to befollowed during folding. These sites on helix D and

332 Kinetics of a Transmembrane Helix

helix G have been followed during apoproteinfolding to a key intermediate I2. Overall, the foldingkinetics of these specific regions of bR are similar tothose for the protein as a whole. Kinetic phases areobserved for each individual site similar to thoseresolved when following changes in the intrinsicprotein fluorescence, which reports on several sitesacross the protein. This shows that the folding ofbR, from SDS into lipids, is extremely co-operativeand it is not possible to identify distinct foldingpatterns for different regions of the protein duringformation of I2. This is consistent with earlierreports on the folding behaviour of bR mutants,where only subtle changes in the folding kineticsto I2 have been observed.31,30,49

There are subtle, but significant differences in thekinetic parameters resolved during overall proteinfolding (from intrinsic protein fluorescence) ascompared to those resolved at specific sites onhelix D (from bimane fluorescence). These arecentred on two kinetic phases; kobs2 and kobs3. Themost significant of these differences in protein andbimane fluorescence is the absence of the kobs2phase in the bimane fluorescence data at twopositions in the middle of helix D; 116 and 120.This kobs2 phase has previously been assigned to anearly stage in the formation of I2a and may reflectthe formation of an intermediate I1. The nature ofan I1 intermediate remains elusive but it seemsto represent protein conformational changespartly associated with a change in solvent.10,28 It isnot immediately apparent why two sites (116 and120) that reside in the middle of a transmembranehelix would be lacking this phase in the bimanefluorescence data, but not the intrinsic proteinfluorescence. The explanation may, however, lie inthe orientation of the positions 116 and 120 onhelix D. Figure 3(b) shows that although all thelabelling sites face in one general direction (i.e.primarily towards the lipids), the side-chains ofresidues 116 and 120 are on a different face of thehelix to those of 113, 124 and 125, and thus couldexperience different solvent environments. Forexample, it is conceivable that this helix couldassociate with the headgroup region of a lipidbilayer, with residues 113, 124 and 125 partitioninginto the headgroups, while 116 and 120 face out tothe aqueous phase or to SDS. This would suggestthat kobs2 involves the partitioning of helix D intothe lipid headgroups, together with association/rearrangement of the remainder of the protein withthe lipid vesicles, and that helix D is either alreadyformed or forms during this process. This partitio-ning event of helix D does not involve the initialencounter of the SDS-denatured protein with theDOPC vesicles, since the initial mixing of theprotein-SDS micelles and DOPC vesicles occurswith an apparent rate constant tenfold faster thankobs2, of the order of 67 sK1.

Another difference that can be seen from thefluorescence label studies on helix D as comparedto the folding behaviour of the overall protein isin the amplitude, A3, of the kinetic phase kobs3.

A3 increases in the bimane fluorescence data as thelabel is introduced at different sites down the helix,towards the extracellular side. No such distincttrend is observed for A3 when monitoring theoverall protein behaviour of the unlabelled orlabelled Cys mutants, nor in any other of the kineticphases resolved during protein or bimane fluor-escence experiments. Thus, this increase in thebimane A3 down helix D is not due to more proteinsfolding and undergoing the reaction represented byA3, since that would also increase the value of A3resolved in protein fluorescence experiments aswell as the amplitudes of other kinetic phases.A more likely explanation is that the increase in A3reflects an increase in the hydrophobic environmentdown helix D during this stage of folding. Thiswould occur if the helix moves from SDS (or thelipid headgroups) into the more hydrophobic chainregion of the DOPC bilayer. There are two possiblecauses for such an increase in hydrophobicity:either helix D rotates to expose the outer face ofhelix D (where the labels are sited) from SDS toDOPC lipids, or helix D “inserts” from SDS into theDOPC lipids. Insertion as a transmembrane helix isan attractive explanation, considering the trenddown the helix and the model proposed above,where kobs2 represents helix D partitioning into thelipid headgroups. The most straightforward modelwould then be that helix D is partly inserted in theheadgroups of the outer layer of the vesicles bilayer(kobs2) and then inserts across the bilayer (kobs3),with residue 125 and the extracellular face of theprotein residing on the inside of the bilayer, thusgiving an “inside-out” orientation of the protein.This is in line with other reports on bacterio-rhodopsin reconstitution or insertion into lipids,where it frequently adopts such an inside-outorientation.16 This orientation, with the extracellu-lar surface inside, means that bR pumps protonsinto the vesicle. Preliminary FTIR and protonpumping measurements (data not shown) onprotein folded from SDS into PC vesicles, agreeswith this orientation and shows that the proteinpumps protons, and vectorial pumping into thevesicle can be detected.52

We have previously proposed two models forprotein conformational changes that could beoccurring during formation of I2.27,31,48,53 Onemodel suggests that I2 formation involves thepacking of pre-formed cores of most of the sevenhelices of bacteriorhodopsin, followed by helixformation at the helix ends. The second modelproposes that I2 formation involves the packing offive pre-formed helices, A–E, and this is followedby formation and insertion of the last two helices, Fand G. The work presented here shows that a labelon the extracellular side of helix G exhibits foldingkinetics that are similar to those seen for the wholeprotein, with no significant differences in rates orrelative amplitudes. Since Trp residues dominatethe intrinsic protein fluorescence, of which there arenone on helix G, the kinetics of helix G are verysimilar to those of the rest of the protein. Hence,

Kinetics of a Transmembrane Helix 333

the second model where G inserts and folds laterduring folding is unlikely (or the process is more co-operative and a final folding/insertion of G cannotbe distinguished). If helix G did insert during I2

formation, a larger relative amplitude for a phasereflecting I2 formation would result (i.e. in A3, A4 orA5), as observed, for example, for A3 whenmonitoring position 125 on helix D.

The results presented here suggest that helix Dinserts during I2 formation, and thus this should beincorporated into the first model. Previously, wesuggested that the rate-limiting formation of I2

involved the orientation and packing of the cores ofhelices A to G, followed by folding of the helix ends(corresponding to w30 amino acid residues foldingto helical structure, or “capping” of two or threeamino acid residues at the ends of each helix).29 Wesuggested also that the lateral pressure exerted onthe protein by the lipid chains affected the helixpacking, and that this could be responsible for

partially foldnative seco

structure, wiD inserteddifferent h

packing in tintermedi


I2 intermeddependent o

lateral pres

Central regions ofmost helices folded,but ends of heliceshave to form and

helix D lies in lipidheadgroup

region/in contactwith SDS



Figure 7. One possible scheme for the folding of bR in lipidSDS to give the I2 states (I2a and I2b),27 both of which are shownthen binds and this eventually results in formation of bR. Apo(reflected by kobs2), which involves partial formation and insregion, with residues 116 and 120 facing out to the SDS or aqkobs3) is suggested to involve helix extension, tilting and packithe two I2 states is unknown, but seems to be dependent on thchains.47,48 This lateral pressure could affect helix insertion or hpacking between I2a and I2b, there could also be a difference inshown in blue. There are no data on the position of SDS duincorporated into the bilayer at the end of folding.48 The structhat both helices A and B are largely formed at this point, but tmay be other helices located in the headgroup region as welbound to the protein at this point or inserted into the bilayer,scheme is based on our earlier suggestions1,10,17,29,48,53 but is nnot include all kinetic stages (such as additional retinal, prot

the observation of two forms of I2 in lipid vesicles,I2a and I2b.27,48 We can now refine this model, as inFigure 7, and propose that I2 formation involvesinsertion of helix D as well as helix formation at theends and helix packing. Such a model implies alsothat helix E forms/inserts with D, perhaps as a helixhairpin. The chain pressure of the lipids could affectthis helix insertion.48,54 Figure 7 is only one possiblemodel and, in view of the fact that there is nodefinitive information on helices other than Dduring I2 formation, helices A, B, C, E, F and Gare drawn arbitrarily in Figure 7, albeit on the basisof the previous models. Furthermore, the moleculardetails and interactions that SDS makes duringfolding into lipids are unknown.27,48 In the simplestcase, the model in Figure 7 relates primarily toprotein conformational changes occurring duringthe formation of I2a. No significant change in theamplitude of the rate associated with I2b formation(kobs5) was found in any of the site-specific labelling

ed withndaryth helix, butelix

he twoates




Schiff baseformation possiblyinvolving another


iates,n lipidsure

Two intermediates,IR 380 and IR 440, with

retinal non-covalently boundformed in parallel

reti nal



bilayer vesicles. The apoprotein, bO, folds from a state inhere with seven transmembrane helical structure. Retinalprotein folding to I2 proceeds via another intermediate, I1

ertion of helix D (shown in red) into the lipid headgroupueous phase. The later stage of I2 formation (reflected byng as well as insertion of helix D.27,31,48,53 The difference ine lateral pressure exerted on the helix bundle by the lipidelix packing. Although we show only a difference in helixthe number of transmembrane helices. SDS molecules are

ring folding; however, it is very likely that all the SDS isture proposed here for I1 is only a suggestion. We suspecthe relative orientation of the helices is unknown and therel as helix D. Moreover, it is not known how much SDS isor how this affects the nascent helix bundle. This reactionevertheless only one possible scheme that, for clarity, doesein intermediates).63

334 Kinetics of a Transmembrane Helix

studies down helix D; thus, the insertion of helix Doccurs during formation of I2a and not duringformation of I2b. However, it is difficult to make adefinitive assignment of particular observed rates toactual, intrinsic reaction scheme rates and onescheme (Figure 1) that fits the data includesboth forward and reverse rates between I2a andI2b, which are on parallel rather than sequentialpaths.27 The diagram in Figure 7 does not differen-tiate between parallel and sequential paths.

Sites of attachment of fluorescence labels

Here, we have demonstrated that it is possibleto attach fluorescence labels at sites throughout atransmembrane helix with no significant effect onthe folding kinetics of the protein into lipidvesicles. The sites on helix D all face out fromthe protein interior and have been labelledpreviously with spin labels in mixed detergent/lipid micelles. In contrasts to the success of foldingall of the labelled helix D mutants into lipidvesicles, as well as a site on helix G (206), it wasnot possible to fold a site on helix A (11) intovesicles when labelled with bimane. The fact thatthis labelled mutant L11C-bimane can fold intoDMPC/Chaps vesicles shows that a label at thisposition does not interfere with the proteinstructure. One possibility is that the label preventshelix A inserting into the vesicle bilayer. Inser-tion/folding of helix A may be critical to foldingbR in vesicles. bR folds co-translationally in vivo,probably via a translocon apparatus, with helix Aemerging into the membrane first.55,56 Helix Aalso forms an independently stable helix in vitro inbilayers.57 Hence, it has been suggested thatfolding of helix A, together with some of theother N-terminal helices, could be essential for thelater parts of the protein to fold. It is thereforepossible that if an attached bimane prevents helixA from inserting correctly to give a trans-membrane helix, then the rest of the proteincannot fold. This issue may not occur with thelater helices, as with helix A already in the bilayerit can aid the insertion and folding of the laterhelices to give a more stable helical core in thebilayer. This could stabilise the bimane-labelledhelices D and G, thus enabling them to insert intothe bilayer.

Membrane protein folding

Only subtle changes are observed in the kineticsof a label reporting on the behaviour of a specificsite in the protein, as compared to the behaviour ofthe protein as a whole. This seems to reflect both thecooperativity of the bR folding reaction togetherwith the complex nature of the reaction understudy; in that it involves a multi-spanning proteinand a two component (SDS and lipid) solventenvironment. Nevertheless, the extensive back-ground data on bR folding and the fact that it hasbeen possible to label specific sites along one face of

a helix, enable significant changes in kinetics to beresolved. The model emerging for folding involvesthe cooperative packing, insertion and folding ofhelices, with much helix formation occurring early(or already present in SDS), such that helixorientation and packing dominates the stages ofthe reaction studied here, together with someinsertion and formation of the remaining helicalstructure. A two-stage model has been proposed toaccount for the thermodynamics of helical mem-brane protein folding.58 The first step involvesformation of stable transmembrane helices and thesecond packing of these helices. A third step couldalso follow when cofactors bind and structureoutside the membrane forms.59 One aspect of thetwo-stage model that is reflected in our kinetic datais the notion of some stable helices. In our case, wesuggest that some critical core is necessary,probably involving helix A. Such a core helicalstructure may in fact already be present in SDS, butthe work here indicates that early insertion of helixA seem to be important if the rest of the protein is tofold correctly.

This study shows that it is possible to gain furtherdetail on the mechanism of membrane proteinfolding from time-resolved site-specific labellingstudies. This work adds to the methods that can beused to probe membrane protein folding mecha-nisms in vitro. It extends the use of site-specificlabelling methods that have been applied verysuccessfully to studies of protein function and helixmovements.2,4,36,40,60,61 The site-directed labellingapproach complements another membrane proteinfolding method to target the behaviour of a specificregion of the protein. The movement of single Trpmutants of a b barrel protein, OmpA, have beeninvestigated by time-resolving fluorescencequenching of the Trp fluorescence by Br atoms,which were located at different depths in the bilayerthrough attachment to the lipid chains.62

Materials and Methods


All phospholipids were obtained from Avanti Phos-pholipids (Alabaster, AL), monochlorobimane (bimane)was from Molecular Probes and all-trans-retinal and SDS(electrophoresis grade) were from Sigma. All otherchemicals and reagents were of analytical grade. 3-[(3-cholamidopropyl)dimethylammonio]-1-propanesulfo-nate (Chaps) was from Calbiochem.

Mixed DMPC/Chaps micelles and DOPC or L-a-1,2-dipalmitoleoylphosphatidylcholine (DPoPC) vesicleswere prepared in 50 mM sodium phosphate buffer(pH 6) as described.17,27 Unilamellar lipid vesicles of50 nm diameter were prepared by extrusion, stored at25 8C and used within 20 h of extrusion.

All procedures and measurements on bacterior-hodopsin were performed at 25(G0.5) 8C, and thoseinvolving bimane-labelled protein or retinal were per-formed in dim red light.

Kinetics of a Transmembrane Helix 335

Protein preparation

Mutant proteins G113C, G116C, G120C, V124C andG125C were a kind gift from S. Subramaniam (NIH,Bethesda, MD) and were originally prepared by membersof H.G. Khorana’s laboratory (MIT, MA), by over-expression of mutated synthetic bO gene in Escherichiacoli followed by solvent extraction of purple membrane,as described.16 Mutant proteins I11C and L206C wereprepared according to this method. (A third mutant wasattempted, V210C on helix G, but for some unknownreason this mutant protein could not be purified.) Briefly,mutagenesis of the bO gene was carried out by restrictionfragment replacement in the synthetic bO genes cloned inthe vector pSBO2, and plasmids transformed into E. coliDH1 strain, with resistance to kanamycin and ampicillin.Cells were grown in 2!YT medium at 30 8C and proteinexpression was induced by heat shock to 42 8C. Cells wereharvested, subjected to a freeze–thaw cycle, and re-suspended in 10 mM Tris–HCl (pH 8.0) containingprotease inhibitor (Complete Protease Inhibitor Tablet;Roche). Following the addition of MgCl2 (to 1 mM),DNase and RNase (to 10 mg/ml) the suspension wasrotated at room temperature (RT) for 10 min, thentransferred to ice for 10 min. To achieve maximum lysis,cells were disrupted by a single passage through a Frenchpressure cell at 1000 psi (1 psi z6.9 kPa). The membranefraction was obtained by ultracentrifugation asdescribed,16 and the pellet was frozen in liquid N2 andstored at K80 8C. Mutant bOs were extracted frommembrane fractions using organic solvent phase sepa-rations in chloroform and methanol (including dithio-threitol, DTT). The proteins were purified usingion-exchange in organic solvent on DEAE-SepharoseCL. The protein fractions were subjected to SDS-PAGEanalysis, and samples containing bO were pooled andphase-separated by the addition of water followed by andcentrifugation. The interface protein pellet was collected,dried and solubilised in chloroform/methanol/triethylacetate (100:100:1, by vol.) in the absence of DTT. SDS wasadded as described and samples were stored at a 5:1 SDSto protein mass ratio after evaporating the solvent using aGyroVap GT (Howe) speed vacuum dryer.46 The proteinwas then snap-frozen in liquid N2 and stored at K20 8C.Wild-type protein was also prepared by over-expressionin E. coli (referred to as ebO) in the same manner. Allprocedures using organic solvents were performed usingTeflon centrifuge tubes, chlorinated solvent-resistanttubing and glassware.

Figure 8. Absorption spectrum for L206C-bimane,showing the protein aromatic side-chain absorption atabout 280 nm and that of bimane at about 385 nm (the yaxis for this band is expanded in the inset), giving alabelling stoichiometry in this particular case of 0.66:1,bimane per protein. (Note the exctinction coefficient ofbimane of 6000 MK1 cmK1 is much smaller than that ofbO at 280 nm of 66,000 MK1 cmK1.)

Labelling of bacteriorhodopsin cysteine mutants

The cysteine mutants were labelled with bimanefollowing a procedure that was based on previousmethods,34,41 but optimised to ensure maximum bimanebinding to bacterio-opsin. bO cysteine mutants(2 mg mlK1 with 5:1 SDS to protein mass ratio)were solubilised in 1 ml of 0.1 M sodium phosphate(pH 6.7), 1% (w/v) SDS, 6 M urea, 10 mM EDTA and thismixture was incubated for 24 h at 37 8C (shorterincubation times were sufficient for some mutants, but24 h was found to maximise binding for L206C, forexample). Bimane was added (to 1 mM) and incubatedfor 24 h in the dark at room temperature. The reaction wasquenched with 20 mM L-cysteine (or glutathione) anddialysed, to remove excess bimane, for two days againstfour changes of 2 l of 10 mM sodium phosphate (pH 6),0.2% (w/v) SDS.

Binding of bimane to the bO mutants was determinedby SDS-PAGE chromatography, fluorescence and absorp-tion spectroscopy. Free, unbound bimane is only veryweakly fluorescent, with the fluorescence at 470 nmincreasing greatly upon protein conjugation.50 SDS-PAGE analysis was performed using a non-reducingloading buffer and the resulting, unstained gel wasvisualized under UV light on a transilluminator, whichindicated whether any bimane had bound. A fluorescencespectrum of the labelled proteins revealed a fluorescenceband centred at 470 nm that also indicated the covalentbinding of bimane. The degree of labelling was quantifiedby UV/visible light spectroscopy and an exampleabsorption spectrum is shown in Figure 8. Themolar concentration of bO and of covalently boundbimane were calculated using their extinction coefficientsat 280 nm (66,000 MK1 cmK1)8 and at 384 nm (6000MK1 cmK1; Molecular Probes), respectively. Thefollowing bimane to protein stoichiometries were deter-mined: 0.3:1 for G113C, 0.3:1 for G116C, 0.4:1 for G120C,0.4:1 for V124C, 0.5:1 for G125C and 0.6:1 for L206C.Although stoichiometries of between 0.6 and 0.9:1 weresometimes obtained, stoichiometries achievable forbimane labelling were more reproducibly about 0.3 to0.6:1 (especially for membrane-embedded sites 113, 116and 120 on helix D). Separation of the labelled andunlabelled protein was unfeasible with the amounts andvolumes of proteins used, without a significant scaling upof all preparation procedures. Since only the bimane-labelled protein contributes to the kinetics determinedfrom the bimane fluorescence, this does not affect themajor results reported here. However, the folding yieldsand intrinsic protein fluorescence data on these bimane-labelled mutants will have contributions from theproportion of unlabelled protein present in the samples,since both unlabelled and labelled protein folds. Hence,most comparisons are made between bimane-labelledproteins from bimane data or with unlabelled Cys

336 Kinetics of a Transmembrane Helix

mutants. In order to take into account the differences inlabelling stoichiometry, all data from bimane fluorescencewere normalized both to protein concentration and to thesame bimane:protein stoichiometry.

Determination of bR cysteine mutant folding yields

bR was generated from the mutant bO proteins asdescribed.11,17,46 The folding to bR was initiated bymixing an unlabelled or labelled bO cysteine mutant (in0.2% (w/v) SDS) with an equal volume of 2% (w/v) lipidmicelles or vesicles, containing all-trans retinal (addedfrom ethanol stock, final ethanol concentration !0.5%,v/v) in a ratio of 1:1 protein to retinal. Spectra wererecorded from 250 nm to 700 nm and the concentration offolded bR in DMPC/Chaps micelles was assessed bydirectly measuring its characteristic absorption bandcentred at about 555 nm, using an extinction coefficientof 55,000 cmK1 MK1.46 As reported previously, such adirect measure is impossible for bR vesicles samples dueto high background light-scattering and, in this case, thearea under the 555 nm band is determined and convertedto a percentage yield, by comparison with the area of thechromophore band for bR folding in a DMPC/Chapsmicelles (for the same protein preparation and the sameconcentration of protein as the vesicle sample).17,27,48

The band areas were determined by fitting spectrafrom 305–700 nm to Gaussian and Rayleigh scatteringfunctions, as described.17

Steady-state absorption spectroscopy

Absorption spectra were collected using a Varian Cary1G UV/visible light spectrophotometer with a 2 nmbandwidth and 1 cm path-length. Spectra from lipidvesicle samples were collected with a 1 mm cell path-length, using an integrating sphere accessory and with airas the reference, as described.17

Steady-state and time-resolved fluorescencemeasurements

Steady-state fluorescence data were collected using aFluoromax 2 instrument (Jobin Yvon). Bimane fluor-escence spectra were collected between 405 nm and550 nm, using 1 nm excitation and 10 nm emissionbandwidths, with excitation at 375 nm or 384 nm.

Time-resolved fluorescence measurements were per-formed as described,27,46 using an Applied PhotophysicsSX.18MV stopped-flow spectrophotometer, with a dead-time of approximately 1.4 ms. Labelled mutants(11–16 mM) in 50 m M sodium phosphate (pH 6.0), 0.2%(w/v) SDS were mixed with an equal volume of 2% (w/v)DPoPC or DOPC lipid vesicles in 50 mM sodiumphosphate (pH 6.0). The stop volume was 160 ml and thepath-length 10 mm. Final concentrations in the stopped-flow cuvette were between 5.5 mM and 8 mM protein, 1%(w/v) DPoPC or DOPC and 0.1% (w/v) SDS. Nosignificance difference was found in the kineticparameters for folding into DOPC or DPoPC vesicles,values quoted here are for ebO in DPoPC,27 helix Dmutants in DOPC and L206C in DPoPC, as these are themost complete data sets in each case, and give the mostprecise kinetic parameters. Protein fluorescence wasexcited at 295 nm (1 nm bandwidth, 10 mm path-length)and emission collected above 305 nm, or between 305 nmand 420 nm (for bimane-labelled mutants) using appro-priate long band-pass filters. Bimane fluorescence was

measured using an excitation wavelength of 384 nm, andemitted wavelengths were collected above 420 nm byusing a filter that cuts off all light below 420 nm. Datawere collected over a range of timescales ranging from0.1 s to 2000 s, as described in detail previously.11,27,46

Data were collected also over longer timescales using theFluoromax 2 instrument with stopped-flow attachment(an Applied Photophysics RX2000 rapid kinetics spec-trometer accessory), as described.27 The stopped-flowattachment synchronises the starting point and thusallows averaging between data sets. Experimentallydetermined rate constants were obtained by fitting thefluorescence data to a sum of exponentials using Grafit 5software (Erithacus), and the quality of the fits wasassessed using a reduced c2 criterion and plots ofresiduals. The exponential components that wereresolved were checked for consistency between timescales. Amplitudes were normalized to a final proteinconcentration of 1 mM and, in the case of the bimane data,to the same bimane to protein stoichiometry.


We thank Sriram Subramaniam, Gobind Khoranaand other members of the Khorana laboratory fortheir kind donation of mutant bO plasmids, and forsharing their vast knowledge of bacteriorhodopsinwith us. We are grateful to Joachim Heberle,Rachael Curran and Paul Curnow for their assist-ance with FTIR and proton pumping measure-ments. This work was supported by a PhilipLeverhulme Prize (to P.J.B.) as well as grants toP.J.B. from the BBSRC and the Wellcome Trust, anda BBSRC/EPSRC studentship for N.A.F.


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Edited by G. von Heijne

(Received 27 October 2005; received in revised form 7 December 2005; accepted 8 December 2005)Available online 6 January 2006