Kinema, The Science and Tech Quiz - Pragyanam 2015

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Transcript of Kinema, The Science and Tech Quiz - Pragyanam 2015

KinemaThe Science and Tech quiz


Pratyush Pran Sarma

Rules and Regulations

Written. Lonewolf.

+10 for correct answers.

+20 if you star – mark your answers and they are

correct. -20 if they are wrong.

1. There are three kinds of ‘X’. Electron – ‘X’, Tau – ‘X’ and Mu – ‘X’.

Recent experiments have proved that ‘X’s do oscillate and

therefore, Tau – ‘X’ can change into Mu – ‘X’ and vice versa. The

observations were made by two research groups, one at the Super-

Kamiokande detector in Japan and the other at Sudbury X

Observatory in Canada. These observations and experiments led to

a certain discovery, which, will change the way we look at the


Which discovery ?? Specialty of the discovery ??

Neutrinos have mass.

2015 Nobel Prize for Physics.

2. The nerves that start from our brain spread across all your body.

These nerves or wires end in the fingertips of your hand and feet.

While doing ‘X’, a circuit is immediately formed and the energies

of two bodies are connected. We become the ‘receptor’ of

energy and the other person become the ‘giver’ of energy.

Explanation of why we should do ‘X’. ‘X’ ??


3. Krishna Raja Sagara, also popularly known as KRS, is the name of

both a lake and the dam that creates it. It is located close to the

settlement of Krishnarajasagara. The dam is across Kaveri River,

in Mysore in Karnataka state, India. There is an ornamental garden

attached to the dam, called Brindavan Gardens.

Who designed it ??

M. Visvesvaraya

4. He is known in Japan by its original name Mighty Atom and is a

Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Osamu Tezuka from 1952 to 1968.

The story follows the adventures of an android named ‘X’ and a selection of other


Osamu Tezuka created Atom to be, in the words of Frederik L. Schodt (creator of

the English-language version of the ’X’ manga), a "21st-century reverse-Pinocchio,

a nearly perfect robot who strove to become more human and emotive and to

serve as an interface between man and machine."

‘X’ ??

Astro Boy

5. He is Lujendra Ojha, of the Georgia Institute of Technology (Georgia Tech) in


"We found the hydrated salts only when the seasonal features were widest, whichsuggests that either the dark streaks themselves or a process that forms them is the

source of the hydration. In either case, the detection of hydrated salts on these

slopes means that water plays a vital role in the formation of these streaks," he


^that led him to which conclusion ??

That Mars have water!

6. In the Assassin`s Creed universe,

‘X’ was an American inventor, scientist, and businessman and was a covert

member of the Templar Order, and used his influence to discredit ‘Y’, who

had invented the alternating current of electricity, which was more

efficient than ‘X’'s direct current.

In addition, ‘Y’ was in possession of an Apple of Eden, which had granted

him the efficient solution of alternating current electricity. ‘Y’ also planned

to set up a worldwide electrical grid with free power for all, based on his

discoveries from the Apple.

"Rot in hell, ‘X’."― ‘Y’ on ‘X’, before firing his particle beam weapon.

"I've already begun slandering ‘Y’ in the press. Just reallocate his funding,

and I'll take care of PE4 myself."― ‘X’ in a letter to John Pierpont Morgan.

Id ‘X’ and ‘Y’ !!

X – Thomas Alva Edison

Y – Nikola Tesla

This is a video showing that in the movie, Willy Wonka and the

Chocolate Factory, when Charlie and Grandpa Joe sip a bit of

Wonka's "fizzy lifting drink" on the sly, they are immediately lifted off

their feet and into the air, floating among the bubbles. This,

presumably, is the result of all that carbonation inside their stomachs,

increasing Grandpa and Charlie's buoyancy to the point where it

can overcome the force of their own weight, lifting them into the air.

But thanks to a certain principle, the entire theory of them floating is

wrong. Which famous principle gives you their weight ??

Archimedes principle

Thanks to good old Archimedes's principle, we can calculate the amount of

air that would need to be displaced to perform the lifting, and thus the

necessary increase in volume due to the drink's carbonation of the bodies of

Charlie and Grandpa Joe. As you can see, to counteract the force of his

mass (here we estimate his mass to be 70 kilograms), Grandpa would have to

swell up to a massive 54 cubic meters-if he was a sphere, he would be five

meters across (that's over 15 feet)

8. “The Private Eye, from Reflection Technology” has promised this

technology for decades but it has yet to find its place among the

mainstream array of personal electronic accessories. Numerous

attempts have been made. Forgettable ones include the virtual

reality mask worn by Pierce Brosnan’s character in the 1992 motion

picture “The Lawnmower Man” and Nintendo’s ill-fated “Virtual

Boy” gaming console in 1995. Back then, many users complained

that it made them nauseous and it wasn’t worth the expense.

Though more recently, it has been re – introduced and it has been

quite a hit.

What am I talking about ??

Head-mounted Glasses/Google Glasses

9. Copper is a vital metal very useful to the human body. ________

_____ __ ___ _____ was one way our fore-fathers ensured we intake

sufficient copper as part of the water as rivers were the only

source of drinking water. Making it a custom ensured that all of us

follow the practice.

Which practice ??

Throwing Coins Into A River

Thematic Link

1. In India, electromagnetic spectrum, being a scarce resource for wireless

communication, is auctioned by the Government of India to telecom companies for

use. As an example of its value, in 2010, 20 MHz of 3G spectrumwas auctioned for ₹67700 crore (US$10 billion). However, in January 2005, Antrix

Corporation (commercial arm of ____) signed a secret agreement with Devas

Multimedia (a private company formed by former ____ employees) for lease of _

band transponders (amounting to 70 MHz of spectrum) on two ____ satellites (GSAT 6and GSAT 6A) for a price of ₹1400 crore (US$210 million), to be paid over a period of 12

years. If this 70 MHz of spectrum was sold at the 2010 auction price of the 3G spectrum,its value would be over ₹200000 crore (US$30 billion). Thus, the Comptroller and Auditor

General of India considered the difference between the prices as a loss to the Indian


This initiated a long turn of events and led to which scam ??

S – Band Spectrum Scam

2. Guillaume Joseph Hyacinthe Jean-Baptiste Le Gentil de la Galaisière or

Guilaume Le Gentil was a French astronomer. He was part of the internationalcollaborative project organized by Mikhail Lomonosov to measure the distance

to the Sun, by observing the transit of Venus at different points on the earth.

One of his interesting findings was that the duration of the lunar eclipse of 30

August 1765 was predicted by a Tamil astronomer, based on the computation

of the size and extent of the earth-shadow, and was found short by 41 seconds,

whereas the charts of Tobias Mayer were long by 68 seconds.

Question is, who is this Tamil astronomer ??


3. On 56th indepence day, August 15 2003, India’s Prime Minister

Atal Bihari Vajpayee announced.

“Our country is now ready to fly high in the field of science. I am

pleased to announce that India will send her own spacecraft to the

____ by 2008. It is being named ‘X’”.

‘X’ ??

Chandrayaan – 1

4. ‘X’ was a graduate of the University of the Punjab in Lahore, British

India (now Pakistan), where he completed a Bachelor of Arts in mathematics

and Bachelor of Science in physics, followed by a Master of Arts in mathematics

from the same institution. In 1943, he moved to the United States to further his

education. He attended the University of Minnesota, Minneapolis and completed

a Bachelor of Engineering in mechanical engineering. In 1947, he completed

a Master of Science in aerospace engineering and Aeronautical Engineer’s

Degree from the California Institute of Technology followed by a double PhD. in

mathematics and aerospace engineering under the supervision of his advisor

Dr. Hans W. Liepmann in 1951.

Most of his contributions are written in the book “Boundary Layer Theory” by

Hermann Schlichting. He set up the country's first supersonic wind tunnel at IISc.

He also pioneered research on relaminarization of separated boundary layerflows, three-dimensional boundary layers and trisonic flows.

‘X’ ??

Satish Dhawan

5. ‘X’ crater is a small, circular, bowl-shaped crater on the Mare

Serenitatis, in the northeast quadrant of the Moon. The formation is

relatively isolated, being located to the northeast of the

crater Bessel. It lies along a wrinkle ridge designated the Dorsum


This crater was previously identified as Bessel A before being

renamed by the IAU in 1973.

‘X’ ??



The Link is