Kinder Care Powerpoint

Post on 13-Jan-2015

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Transcript of Kinder Care Powerpoint


Why our school has the very best education for your child?

Our school ensures all students, will gain the support and opportunities needed to reach their potential. Recipients- *Director Generals Award for School Achievement 2003 2008*National Literacy Award 2004• 4 times Regional TOMS winner -2005 2006 2007 2008• Lake Macquarie Choir Eisteddfod 2007 2008

• Exceptional teaching and learning programs -

we are able to offer a wide choice of educational and extra curricular experiences for all

our teachers are highly committed, caring professionals

our teaching and learning programs cater for the needs of all students

• Choice and diversity -

• Quality teaching -

• Opportunities for everyone -

Improved Literacy Outcomes for all students Improved Numeracy Outcomes for all

students Technology Enabling Learning – Connected

Class-rooms Project 2009

Parent/Community Support

We greatly value the input of parents and carers in the educational programs of our school

Parents can contribute in many ways to the effective management, organisation and educational journey of students at our/your school

Parent workshops take place throughout the year in literacy and numeracy to explain content and strategies.

The Best Start assessment process provides a planned, systematic opportunity to:

– ‘find out’ what students bring to school

– determine ‘starting points’ for teaching

– track and monitor student learning

– provide feedback

In early literacy learning, the critical aspects being assessed in 2009 are:

•reading text


•aspects of writing

•concepts about print


•phonemic awareness

•aspects of speaking


In early numeracy learning, the areas assessed in 2009 are…

• Forward Number Word Sequences

•Numeral Identification

•Early Arithmetic Strategies

•Pattern and the Repeated unit

To provide for all students a happy memorable and positive start on their educational journey – full of aspirations and hopes.

To provide students with all the necessary support and stimulus they need to confidently participate in all learning.

Organisational Structures

Kindergarten classes have an enrolment of approx 20 students.

When grouping students we take note of information provided to us from parents, carers, pre-schools and inter- agency support.

Kinder Programs – key learning areas (KLA’s)

English Maths Connected Outcomes Groups –

HSIE Science and Technology Creative and Practical Arts PE Health and Personal Development

Kinder Programs

You will receive:- a report twice a year on the progress of your child

a three way interview involving your child and their teacher half way through the year

you may also make an appointment at any time needed with your child’s teacher to discuss any issue – we like seeing parents!

Enrichment and Support Programs

Reading Recovery program

Learning support teaching programs

Special education services Gifted and talented program

Public Speaking Chess Tournament of the Minds Choir and Choral Group Dance Groups Lunchtime Art Groups Debating Representative Sport Groups Newcastle Engineers Competition

Our school provides the best in educational policies and programs for our students, such as:

Values for a positive future

We have developed a student welfare framework based on our core values.This framework is centred around positive relationships and interactions.We explicitly teach values education and model expected behaviours for all students.






We speak to students about valuing ourselves, valuing others and valuing our world.

“Booragul School is exceeding in teaching the above values thanks to the dedicated staff.”

“This school creates such warmth and community spirit through everyday invitations to parents and carers in school activities and programs.”

“I couldn’t imagine my child at any other school than Booragul. This school nurtures its students like no other – caring environment – sporting, singing, musicals, building of self confidence through school philosophies – respect, honesty, integrity, acceptance and care.”

We know you and your child will be happy with all we have to offer!