Kin Kora State School eNewsletter · If so, a set routine can help. What should I do if my child...

Post on 17-Sep-2018

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Transcript of Kin Kora State School eNewsletter · If so, a set routine can help. What should I do if my child...

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Term 4 Week 2 – Tuesday 10 October 2017Term 4 Week 2 – Tuesday 10 October 2017

Principal News

Welcome Back!

I trust that you had an enjoyable and relaxing break. The timewith family is great, not only to recharge the batteries, but alsoto prepare students for the last Term of 2018. The partnershipbetween home and school is critical in attaining the bestpossible outcomes for all children. Please do not hesitate tocontact your child’s teacher or administration if you have anyquestions or concerns regarding their education. We lookforward to another term of working with you to ensure the bestpossible learning environment for your children.

2018 Enrolments (including Prep)

We are currently taking enrolments for Prep, and other yearlevels in 2017 and have a number of enrolments so far. If youhave not done so and you intend to enrol your child, do this assoon as possible please.

Please note: to take part in our Transition Program Term 4,Week 5 Tue 31/10, Wed 1/11 and Thurs 2/11 you must havecompleted and submitted an enrolment form for 2018.

Open Mornings, Week 7 - Mon 13/11 and Wed 15/11(9:30 am to 10:30 am)Open Afternoons, Week 8 – Tues 21/11 and Thurs 23/11 (2:00 pm to 3:00 pm)

Early enrolments allow us to better consider how many classeswe will have next year, and then organise staffing the teacherswe will require. If you have children joining us here next year, oryou have friends coming to town or looking for school options,enrolment forms are available through our office. Please note:Kin Kora has an Enrolment Management Plan- this does not

mean that out of catchment enrolments are not allowed. Whilethere is space, we can provide our service to studentsregardless of their address. Out of Catchment Applications willbe reviewed and notified on October 16, 2017.

Attendance Support

Kin Kora’s overall attendance has dropped slightly over the pastcouple of weeks, which you will see in the table below. Whilethere are clearly reasons for this, I would take this opportunity toremind the school community of the following evidence basedresearch into student attendance.

Did you know?

Research shows that in Queensland, higher student attendanceat school is associated, on average, with higher studentachievement

Why is regular attendance at school important?

Regular school attendance will mean that your child has abetter chance in life. Your child will achieve better when they goto school all day, every school day.

Are you having problems getting your child to school for someof these reasons?

• They learn better

• They make friends

• They are happier

• They have a brighter future.

• Won’t get out of bed in the morning

• Won’t go to bed at night

• Can’t find their uniform, books, school bag…

• Slow to eat breakfast

• Haven’t done their homework
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This document was created with Prince, a great way of getting web content onto paper.

If so, a set routine can help

What should I do if my child won’t go to school?

You should contact the school as soon as possible for adviceand support.

Attendance Counts!

This graph shows a great start to the term. Our school average(for the year so far) is 91.6%, so some grades are smashing it!Well Done Everyone!

Pr 93.8

1 90.9

2 94.7

3 91.3

4 92.5

5 94.2

6 93.1

Every day counts at school

Protect yourself from swooping magpies

August to October is peak magpie nesting season. During thistime, magpies often display territorial behaviour to protect theiryoung including swooping at passers-by.

There are a few techniques that can be used to avoid orminimise the chance of a magpie attack. The best is to simplyavoid the area where magpies are known to be swooping.

The Department of Environment and Resource Managementalso suggest the following safety tips:

If you are swooped, don’t stop or run, just walk away. Mostimportantly, never deliberately provoke or harass a magpie.

School Uniforms

We are noticing a lot of non- school jumpers and shorts aroundthe school. We would very much appreciate it if parents couldjust make sure that if their children have the correct uniformsat home, that they are wearing them to school. As we aregetting back to the warmer parts of the year, effective nextterm, students will be asked to remove non-school approvedjumpers.

Jorgen NeilsonPrincipal

QParentsParents, a friendly reminder to register for QParents if youhaven’t already! Visit the QParents website below with yourunique invitation code and identification ready, so you candiscover a more convenient and easier way to interact with us.

Lots of parents are paying for school events on QParents andare loving how convenient and easy it is! Try it now!

Follow us on facebookMake sure you follow us on facebook at@KinKoraSS. Go to the page and click onfollowing and then click on the see firstbutton to ensure you don’t miss any of ourexciting information. We post photos ofrecent activities like sports day andGrandparents Day as well as information regarding upcomingevents and competitions.

Cybersafety Tips

• Watching TV

• Have a test or presentation to do, have anassignment to hand in

• It’s their birthday.

• Have a set time to go to bed

• Have a set time to get out of bed

• Have uniform and school bag ready the night before

• Have a set time for starting and finishing breakfast

• Set a time for daily homework activities

• Speak about school positively

• Be firm, send your child to school every school dayincluding their birthday and the last day of term!

• wear a hat, helmet or sunglasses

• get off your bike and walk

• walk in a group

• never approach a baby magpie

• keep an eye on the magpie, as they don’t tend toswoop when being watched.


AbsencesAs you can understand, our office is extremely busy in themornings. To help us out if your child is absent, please email uson

Bazza RulesThe key to successful School Wide Positive Behaviour is notto assume that children already know how to behaveappropriately, but to TEACH children how to behaveappropriately.

Encouraging the use of similar language at home, whenteaching your own children appropriate behaviour, helps toreinforce the meaning of our school rules – Be Safe, BeResponsible, Be Respectful, Be A Learner.

In each newsletter, we will provide a focus notes, identifying therules that are being taught for that particular week.

Week 1 Week 2

Be Safe Be Safe

Hands off school Being in the correct area

Be A Learner Be Respectful

Listening and following Directions

Maths ExpoKin Kora State School held their very first Maths Expo on theevening of Wednesday 13th September to celebrate NationalLiteracy and Numeracy Week. The students received a MathsPassport on entry and then endeavoured to complete theirpassport with stamps from the various Math booths. Teachersorganised 14 different math booths with activities ranging fromPrep to Year 6. The math booth topics covered strands ofmathematics from the Australian Curriculum plus a few extrasrelated to the schools priorities of problem solving and openended tasks.

The school’s principal, Mr Jorgen Neilson, was thrilled withthe response from the Kin Kora School’s community with 366people in attendance and 192 students. The additional hoursthe teachers put in to organise the event was well worth it.Seeing students and parents engaged in the math activities andhaving a great time makes for a proud school moment. Theschool’s P&C supported the event by providing a free sausagesizzle for the families.

MathleticsWell done to the following students whohave achieved a Silver Certificate:

Alexander Davis, BradleyMcNaughton, Jack Bramall, BethGenninges, Kane White, Alexandra Watt, MaxCharalambous, Laylah Rogers, Kaisen Peters, ViennaArroyo Serrano, Kael Patchett, Archer Ord, RoriShannon, Zach Charalambous, Kristine Tierney, Taylor

• No handsor feettouchinganotherstudents atany time.

• Not in out of bounds area.

• At school before 8.45am – waitin the parade area where thereis adult supervision.

• Don’t leave the eating areabefore a teacher or teacher aidehas dismissed you.

• I amorganised

• I canconcentrate

• I can focus

• I will stayon task

• Listen to directions carefully

• Always follow the teacher orteacher aide’s instructionsstraight away.

• Sometimes you may notunderstand why a teacher isasking you to do something andyou may not want to, but ateacher or teacher aide’s job isto keep you safe, so it is veryimportant that you listen tothem.


Fairhall, Sophie Slack, Hayden Thomas, Chloe Rogers,Xander Ryder, Yuikie Sorrensen, Sahara Arroyo Serrano,Jordan Turner and Mia Bye.

A big congratulations goes to Max Galea, Kody Robinson,Dylan Rogers, Vienna Arroyo Serrano and Mason Young forachieving a Gold Certificate.

Special Mathletics Award for an outstanding performance inMathletics this academic year is awarded to:

Max Charalambous, Faisal Agha and Aidyn Cannon.

Maths Champions

Week Lower Upper

1 Prep A – Whole class resultof 97% in Term 3 for Mastery

of Learning.

6C – Increasedperformance in Term 3 for

Mastery of Learning.

Problem Solving

New to KKSS this year are our Problem Solving questions.There will be two questions. One for Prep – Year 2 and one forYear 3 – Year 6. The questions will be displayed in the schoolnewsletter and on the KKSS Facebook site.

Students have a chance to win a $5 tuckshop vouchersponsored by the school’s P & C. All the students have to do is

complete the problem on a sheet of paper with their name andclass on it. The students will then place the piece of paper intoa Maths box in the library. A week later on the Lower and Upperschool parades, the paper will be drawn from the box. The firstcorrect answer drawn is the winner!

Past winners:

Lower – Evie

Andrew ShonhanMaster Teacher

LiteracyThis term we have a slight change in the way we structureour Learning Support Program. We are very excited about thisrestructure. Classroom teachers in Years 1-4 have mappedeach student’s literacy skill development using the LiteracyContinuum tool. This tool, supplied by Education Qld, has beendesigned to identify ‘gaps’ in the acquisition of critical literacyskills. The Learning Support Program at Kin Kora will now toprovide the targeted teaching of these specific literacy skills.

Identified students will be invited to participate in a short andintensive program of 30 minute small group sessions 3 to 4times per week for a period of 5 weeks. Student groups may bemulti-age as students working towards similar goals, within thesame cluster of skills, will be grouped together.


This new approach creates opportunities for students to accesslearning support programs at varying intervals throughout theyear. Parents will be notified of their child’s specific learninggoals and upon completion of the program, parents will beissued a report of student achievement towards these goals.

We are excited about our new program where classroomteachers, learning support staff and families continue to worktogether towards a targeted literacy goal for each student.

Dee NoyHead of Curriculum

Good to Great

WELLBEING and “You Can Do It!”Information and TIPS

Be aware of BLOCKERS to the positive habits ofmind

Extensive research reveals that what fundamentally determineshow children achieve and adjust is the “mindset” they bringto life’s experiences. Some bring with them positive mind-set(as outlined in the last newsletter) consisting of well -developedsocial and emotional capabilities. Others bring with them anegative mind-set consisting of one or more emotional andsocial difficulties and under-developed social and emotionalcapabilities.

The Barrier Model identifies five BLOCKERS to positiveoutcomes for our children:

With these go negative habits of mind which undo successfulactions and thinking:-

Left unchecked and unchallenged, these attitudes andthoughts lead to young people’s poor relationships,under-achievement, poor mental health and unhappiness. TheYou Can Do It! Program is working to address these mindsetsas they are identified in our Kin Kora kids and turn them to thepositive foundations- five keys to success.

Leanne BurkeDeputy Principal Lower School


Reading aloud to Children

No matter what age your child is/ children are they will benefitfrom being read to every day. Some of the advantages are:-

Talk about what is happening when you are reading. Be explicitby showing your own thinking aloud strategies:

Talk about the text before, during and after reading:

Picture books are a great beginning for younger readers andthere are a wealth of them in the libraries, bookshops and yourchild’s classroom.

For older readers enjoy a novel together. Some of my family’sfavourite authors are: Roald Dahl (The BFG, Charlie and theChocolate Factory, Matilda etc)

JK Rawlings (The Harry Potter series)

CS Lewis (The Chronicles of Narnia Series: The Lion, The Witchand the Wardrobe)

So don’t let the day go by without sharing a good story or texttogether.

• Feeling very angry – misbehaving

• Not paying attention – disturbing others

• Procrastination

• Feeling very worried

• Feeling very down

• social irresponsibility

• being intolerant of limits, acting without thinking

• being intolerant of others

• planning time poorly, having no goals

• giving up, I can’t be bothered, I can’t do it

• needing approval, needing to be perfect

• and self-downing

• You can expose them to a range of fiction andnon-fiction texts

• Children hear the rhythm of written language

• They build their understanding and comprehensionlevels

• They experience pleasure and reward from reading

• They can learn to challenge texts and the authorideas/bias

• They see and hear models of reading strategiesbeing employed

• Making, confirming or changing predictions

• Rereading if meaning is unclear

• Using the context to try and work out difficult words

• Using the syllables to work on the sounds and partsin unfamiliar words

• Construct questions and seek answers together fromthe text

• Use oral cloze (leave a word out, stop and predictwhat will come next in the sentence)

• Encourage open discussion about the characters,settings and events

• Make links to life experiences and personal feelings


Happy reading

Leanne BurkeDeputy Principal Lower School

Parenting Corner

Key 3: Using Assertive Discipline

Here are some further tips for assertive discipline:

Further tips will be dealt with in the next newsletter.

(Triple P Tip Sheet-The Power of Positive Parenting)

Rosemarie JensenGuidance Officer

Below is a calendar of programs coming up in the near future:

Program Organisation Date



Location Childcare


Contact for



GladstoneWomen’sHealth Centre

10 Oct,14 Nov

5.30pm– 8pm

9 DerbySt, SthGladstone


GladstoneWomen’sHealthCentre: 074979 1456

Rosemarie JensenGuidance Officer

Tuckshop Talk

We have had the old chalkboards replaced and re paintedover the holidays and over the coming weeks will be having

some amazing sign writing on the boards so keep checking theschool FB page for updates!

A reminder that Tuckshop only accepts Flexischools orders ona Monday, no over the counter food sales. Orders can also beplaced at the Tuckshop, please ensure these orders are placedby 8:30am. Drinks and Ice blocks are sold over the counter asnormal.

Please keep a watch out for your volunteer letters, reply slipscan be dropped off at the office or alternatively email Brenda

Volunteer Shifts Class Teacher

16th October – 20thOctober


Miss Jess Jones

23rd October – 27thOctober


Mrs Renee O’Sullivan, MrsElicia Harvey

30th October – 3rdNovember


Mrs Elicia Harvey, Mrs KahleeMcCarthy

6th November – 10thNovember

Prep E Miss Eloise Sarks

13th November – 17thNovember

1A Mrs Jane Perkins

20th November – 24thNovember

1B Mrs Marg Smith

27th November – 1stDecember

1C Miss Danielle Smith

4th December – 8thDecember

1D Mrs Cheryl McMurtrie

School Holidays School Holidays

If you would like to volunteer on a regular basis, please feelfree to email Brenda at orpop in for a chat anytime.

Thank you for your continued support,

Brenda RawManaging Tuckshop

P&C News


Open TUESDAY’s 8.30am – 10.30am. If you are unable tomake it at these times please fill out a pre-order form, availableon the school website, and we will process your order andmake it available for pick up from the school office at yourconvenience.

1. Watch and Supervise. Make sure you can see whatyour child is doing. This way, if a problem arises youcan deal with it straight away.

2. Use Planned Ignoring for Minor Misbehaviour. Whenminor misbehaviour seems to be an attempt to getattention, try not to attend to it. Provide attention withyour child is doing something else.

3. Use Your Voice Effectively. When disciplining yourchild, stay calm, get close and use a firm voice.Raising your voice only teaches your child that youshout to get what you want.

4. Use Directed Discussion. If your child misbehaves orforgets a rule, check if they know what the rule is. Ifnot, remind them. Get them to practise what theyshould have done.


Uniforms can be ordered on the Flexischool website. Pleaseunderstand that when ordering uniforms, they will not beavailable for pickup until the following Tuesday from the UniformShop.

Larissa MylonasP&C PresidentKin Kora State School

KinKora S.S. is a Reef Guardian SchoolKinKora S.S. is a Reef Guardian School. We were awarded aRipples of Change Award this year as part of the Reef GuardianProgram and received $500 to help establish a new program atthe school called "Reduce, Reuse, Recycle".

The Reef Guardian schools program began in 2003 and seesstudents, teachers, their communities and local environmentalagencies make positive environmental changes for the marineenvironment.

A key objective of the Reef Guardian Schools program is tocreate awareness, understanding and appreciation for the Reefand its connected ecosystems.

Students team up with others in their community to activelyparticipate in activities aimed at improving catchments, waterquality, sustainability, and Reef health.

This includes environmental and sustainability projects withintheir classrooms, their school grounds and local areas such asnative habitat revegetation, cleaning up beaches and recycling.

Reef Guardian Projects at KinKora S.S. this year include:

Classroom Gossip


Term 4 goes very quickly. We have already had two shorterweeks due to Public Holidays and the Student Free Day. Pleasesee your teacher if your Prep Child is going to be away forany planned absences this term as every day is an importantlearning day at Prep. We are busy learning new concepts thisterm as well as revising and consolidating concepts taught

earlier in the year. Our focus for numeracy this term is number,for literacy it is writing (especially letter writing), and for science,materials (what things are made of and their uses/properties)This term we will also be welcoming many new 2017 Prepstudents into our classes for some short visits and time to getto know our classes, teachers and school.

Year 1

Welcome back from the holidays, we hope everyone had agood break. The students have settled quickly and are workinghard.

We are learning about persuasive text in Literacy, and thechildren are learning to form opinions and arguments forsomething they feel strongly about. Our reading groups areup and running smoothly, any parent help with these isappreciated.

In mathematics the children have been exploring one half ismade up of two equal parts. They are enjoying dividing objectsand collections into two equal parts. There are many numberproblems to solve and lots of practicing addition andsubtraction problems. Another aspect we are also covering isdata collection and displays. The Year one classes will have adisplay up in the office starting Week 3 of what we are coveringin maths in our classroom as well as some examples of studentwork.

Our science unit sees us investigating light and sound andexploring the senses we with these. In Geography we arelearning about the features of a place and the groups who useit.

Keep up the good work with Homework, and home reading,both very important skills being revised. Don’t forget theweather is heating up so remember to check your child has awater bottle and hat for school each day. Keep everything fromhome well labelled and remind your child about visiting the toiletwhen they have been drinking a lot of water.

Year 2

Welcome back to term 4 and a busy term it will be. This weekwe are finishing our English assessment piece to start our newunit in week 3. In maths we will be looking at graphs, flips, slidesand turns and chance and data. This term we look at dramaand start our Geography unit. Below is a picture of our Knowand do chart for maths this term. It outlines what the studentsneed to know and do.

• Clean Up the Creek Days

• Stencilling around the school - REDUCE REUSERECYCLE - on the "to do" list.

• Revamping the No-Dig Garden - a new sign waserected.

• Drain Stencilling - "This drains into the Great BarrierReef". We have stencilled 5 drains around the school.

• Harbour Watch Activity - 6C is currently working withHarbour Watch to learn about water quality, testingwater at the local creek, identifying organisms undera microscope, and visiting the creek to take watersamples and test them.

• Tigalee Creek Restoration Project with ConservationVolunteers - 3D visited the local creek in Term 2 toplant some trees and study the ecology of the creekwith the local team from Conservation Volunteers.


Year 3

What’s on in the next 2 weeks?

Well done to all Class and Enviro Captains for Term 4. ClassCaptain and Enviro Captain badges will be presented onparade on Friday the 13th of October.

There will be a Pupil Free Day on Monday the 16th of October.

Special Information

Please see your child’s teacher if your child has not receivedhomework for this term. Homework is due on Thursdays andprovided on Fridays. This allows students time over theweekend to complete if needed.

We have set Maths goals for this term so we know what weneed to focus on and the area for improvement. Our Mathsboards have been set up in our rooms and clearly show whatwe are learning this term. We constantly refer to our ‘Know andDo’ chart (picture below).


The Maths Expo was a highlight for many students at the endof last term. Well done to 3A for having the most participantsand 3B for having the second most participants on the night. Ahuge effort from all parents and students of Year 3. Well done!


Year 4

Welcome back to Term 4! We have hit the ground runningwith time spent on completing our Quest with ‘Rowan of Rin”in English. Maths this term has us looking at Fractions and

Decimals! The students will be matching, representing,explaining and investigating fractions and decimals to tenthsand hundredths. In Geography, students will investigate inquiryquestions identifying how do different views about theenvironment influence approaches to sustainability and howcan people use places and environments more sustainably. InScience, students will investigate and demonstrate the directionof forces and the effect of contact and non-contact forces onobjects.

We are fast approaching report card time again and we arecompleting many assignments in different subjects so pleasewe need to remember that, “Every day is a learning day!”

Year 5

Welcome back to Term 4.

The first week back is completed and it is great to see everyoneso eager to get back into their learning.

English: We are at the completion of English Unit 5. This weekstudents will be completing their written assessment –transforming a narrative poem written by AB (Banjo) Pattersoninto a narrative.

Currently our reading strategy in comprehension is ‘Cause andeffect’. Here are some tips we have been practising in class.

Mathematics: Describing chance and probability is ourMathematics focus for the next few weeks. We will be learningto use correct language, represent outcomes of chance as afraction and assign probabilities between 0 – 1.

Our ‘Know and Do’ chart is displayed in our classroom on ourmaths wall so we know what we need to know and Do thisterm.


We will begin Unit 4 of science this week; Matter matters. Thefocus of our learning is about the three states of matter; liquids,solids and gas. Over the next two weeks, we will define matterand learn about the properties of the three states of matter.

Year 6

Term 4 is set to be a busy one for our Year 6’s! We are alreadyunderway with our unit work. For English we will be debatingethical dilemmas in well-known fairy tales, Maths sees us takingon some hands-on assessment centred on our knowledge of

• Nude Food is on a Tuesday and Thursday.

• Free Sausage Sizzle every Tuesday morning.

• Tuckshop closed on a Tuesday.

• Tuckshop Flexischool orders only on a Monday.

• Homework is due on Thursdays.

• Day for Daniel and Bandanna Day is on Friday the27th of October.

• Find and underline key words in questions

• Search for information in the text which makesconnections between the key words and either thecause or the effect.


Chance and Data (please see the Term 4 Know and Do Chartfor more information), and in Science we will be completing fairtests to determine the best environment to deter mould growthon bread. In Geography, we are learning about our links withAsia in terms of how we trade goods and services with themand for Health and The Arts, we are taking part in a programthat looks at the transition from primary school to high school.

A reminder to parents that enrolment forms, which are availablefrom the high schools, need to be completed as soon aspossible to ensure a smooth transition for your child to highschool in 2018. Any other important information regarding thistransition process will be updated in our upcoming newslettersand on the Kin Kora State School Facebook page.

Payments Due

Event Amt Due Event Amt Due

Consumables Levy(Prep)


No late payments will be accepted after the due date.



McHappy Day

String Ensemble &Concert BandPerformance


Student Free Day


Cybersafety ParentSession


WorldTeachers Day

Day for Daniel

CANTEEN –Bandana Day


Nude Food


String Ensemble Performances Term 4

Ronald McDonald McHappy Day – Saturday 14 October(Week 2 Term 4)Students are once again invited to perform at the Boyne IslandMc Donald Restaurant. Details are as follows:

Where: Boyne Island McDonald RestaurantArrive: no later than 1:15pm OWN TRANSPORTPerform 1:40pmBring: Instrument, music stand, Music, PegsWear: Performance shirt and black from the waist down,students may wear their red and white striped McHappy socks.SORRY – BUT THERE ARE NOW NO MORE ORDERSBEING TAKEN FOR THE STRIPED SOCKS!!!

Concert Band Performances –Term 4

McHappy Day – Saturday 14 October ( week 2 Term 4 ) Detailare as follows:

Where: Boyne Island McDonald RestaurantWhen: arrive no later than 1:15pm OWN TRANSPORTPerform: 1:55pmBring: Instrument, Music, Music stand, Pegs.Wear: Performance shirt, black from the waist down, studentsmay wear their red and white striped McHappy socks for thisperformance.



Premier’s Reading Challenge

Congratulations to all the Kin Kora students who participatedin the 2017 Premier’s Reading Challenge. Also congratulationsto all the students who completed the challenge and returnedtheir completed reading log. Every student who completedthe challenge will receive a Certificate of Achievement signed


by the Premier. Students who participate but don’t completethe challenge receive a Certificate of Participation from theschool. It will be my great pleasure to present these certificatesto students in their classrooms during the Premier’s ReadingChallenge celebration weeks to be held 6 – 17 November 2017.


25 OCTOBER 2017FREE Parent and Caregiver CYBERSAFTEY Session

Kin Kora State School is hosting a ThinkUKnow cyber safetyprogram on Wednesday, October 25th at 5.00pm in theResource Centre. This evidence-based program providesinformation on the technologies young people use, thechallenges they may face, and importantly, how they can beovercome. We aim to provide you with the tools to create asafer online environment for young people in your care andcovers what young people SAY, SEE and DO online.

The program bridges the knowledge gap between adults andyoung people so that everyone has an understanding of theroles they play and what they can do if something goes wrongonline.

Please register your attendance at the school office or byemailing Naomi Hughes (

Kind RegardsNaomi HughesLibrarian

Science Week Follow-Up – Gladstone’s Big 6

We all know that Gladstone Harbour is a very special place, fullof many different species of animals and birds. Gladstone PortsCorporation have a special program – Gladstone’s Big 6. Theaim of this program is raise awareness and to help protect ourharbour.

To help this special cause, we encourage our students to joina TRIBE. Tribe membership is FREE and helps keep you upto day with the Big 6, competitions and prizes! Who knowswhat you might even get a surprise once in a while! Parents orguardians can do this by visiting the below website and signingup their child/ren. Parents have the option to subscribe up tofour (4) children with a provided email address. If you havealready done this at a Gladstone Community event, such asEcoFest, there is no need to do this again – you can only join atribe once.

The Kin Kora State School library is encouraging students tosign up to a TRIBE and when they do, they collect a TRIBEcolouring in page from the Library, colour it in and return it tothe Library. We will then be displaying these pictures as part ofa whole school picture graph.


27 OCTOBER 2017Day for Daniel and Bandanna Day

More information to come about these important events in thenext newsletter.

Kin Kora Chaplain

Chappy Chat

Hi! I’d like to introduce myself – I’m ChappySandy and I am your new school chaplainhere at Kin Kora School for two days/week(Tues & Wed). I’m very excited to be a partof this wonderful school community andlook forward to being of service.

A little about what a chaplain is…. SU Qldchaplains or 'chappies', provide social and

emotional support to school communities, focussing on helpingstudents make the most of life, finding a better way to deal withvarious issues. At certain times in their life, young people mayfeel lonely, hopeless, confused and misunderstood. Chappiescan help them cope with anything from family breakdown,friendship struggles to low self-esteem and building resilience.We can provide a listening ear and a caring presence for kids inneed, or those who just need a friend. They also providesupport for staff and parents in the wider school community.The guidance of a mature, caring and supportive adult cangreatly assist a child’s capacity to cope. Chappies are alsosomeone you may like to chat to about spiritual matters if that’san area of interest for you.

The Chaplain’s role is to work in collaboration with the school'sother support systems as we work together for a holisticapproach to wellbeing and success. I will be working withteachers who have identified students with particular needs,either in a group setting or individually. This support wouldfocus on any of the above issues, with a view to help thestudent develop appropriate coping strategies and wellbeing.

So that’s what a chappy does! A little about me….I’m marriedwith two amazing teenagers and have been a chaplain fornearly four years. I enjoy the outdoors, cycling and music, andreally enjoy helping people make the most of their lives. If yousee me around the school, please say hello! I can be contactedeither through the school office or on

Kin Kora Boys Group


Take charge of batteries around your home