Killarney Kapers 18 June 2019€¦  · Web viewIt was great to see some super heroes in a variety...

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Transcript of Killarney Kapers 18 June 2019€¦  · Web viewIt was great to see some super heroes in a variety...

18 June 2019 Issue 17, 2019

UPCOMING EVENTS / DATES19 June Undercover area Opening morning tea20 June QCWA International Day21 June Phone Free Friday

Last day RI Term 225 June P & C Meeting cancelled

Report Cards posted home27 June Robogals STEM Workshops (Years 4-10)28 June Gr8M8’s

Last Day for Term 215 July First Day for Term 315-19th July Year 10 Work Placements19 July RI Commences7 August World of Maths12-16 August Good News Week15 August Border District Athletics WSHS

Music excursion to QPAC 19-23 August Book Week22 August Southern Downs Youth Council3-5 September Full School Review11 September Musical13 September Ball Games Competition16-20 September Year 10 Work Placements

From The Principal’s DeskOur School focus:

Our Why … Make a positive differenceOur What … Learner Agency – All Faces

Matter Our How… Our School

Values: Caring


Our Learning Community

At a Glance Subject Offering Review

Undercover Area Opening – Stage One

Principal absence next week

Attendance matters

“The School of Rock” QPAC Excursion

Temporary change of Collection/Dropoff location in Legume for Bus Service P1287

Principal Highlights Principal Award winner, Kruz, for his improvement in

his reading, writing and his recall and use of sight words. Great job Kruz!

Our 1/2J students, who modelled our Peace Code Focus of, “Be Brave” through the use of music and costumes. It was great to see some super heroes in a variety of forms showing us that you don’t need a cape to be brave!

Observing our Year 7 students in a Science lesson. They were totally engaged in conducting their experiment to investigate force using levers. I thoroughly enjoyed this lesson and seeing the engagement and behaviour of such a great group of students.

Once again, our Killarney students represented our school in the most positive way at the Secondary Broncos Cup. Our Netballers were the only team to offer (and not at my suggestion) to give another school who only had six players one of our players. Well done to the Netballers who made the finals playoffs with 2 wins and a loss.

For Absence notification email or text the absence phone on 0428 196 801P&C Meetings are held on the 4th Tuesday of each month at 7:00 pm. All parents and community members most welcome

Presenting some of our Prep students with a certificate and pencil for demonstrating their classroom expectations. Students in Prep are positively recognised with “Molly cards” and when they have 10 then they get to visit me in my office for more recognition. Great work Preps!

Subject Offering Review:We are currently reviewing the subjects that we offer to our Junior Secondary students and are seeking feedback from our school community. A survey has been developed and is available for completion by clicking on the following link:

It will be open from today until the end of the school holidays. We thank you for your participation and value your feedback. There are many factors that impact our ability to provide a wide variety of subject choice to our students; with staffing and facility availability being significant factors informing decisions.

Undercover Area Opening:A reminder to all parents and school community members that we will officially be opening stage one of our new facility project tomorrow at 10am with a morning tea. This is the first stage of this facility upgrade complete with the intention in the future to close the facility in with performing arts resources and equipment built in so that we can host our own events at our school. I encourage you to rsvp to the office for this event and look forward to seeing many of you there.

Principal absence next week:I will be away most of next week attending a Leadership Symposium in Brisbane where the focus is on leading whole school improvement. I look forward to developing my knowledge across a number of areas and using this to make Killarney a great place to be. Mrs Traecy Bartz will be the officer in charge during my absence. Please note that the P & C meeting that was scheduled to occur on Tuesday 25th has been postponed until next term. I wish all of our students and their families a great winter break and look forward to seeing you all in Term 3.

It’s all about attendance Being Ready to Learn Every Day really does make a difference! Is your child at school every day ready to learn?

Teaching and learning continues to occur in the final two weeks leading into the school holidays. Please ensure that your child is attending every day.

If your child is unwell see our information below:

Time Out – protecting students from spreading infectious diseases Help reduce the spread of infectious diseases. Parents are asked to keep their children at home when they are ill.

Keep surfaces and equipment clean and encourage students to wash their hands often, even when they feel well.Learn more about symptoms and exclusion rules.

Link for more information:

Week 8 attendance: - 90.9%

Our Target: 95%

School NewsExcursion to The School of Rock There are nine seats still available to the “The School of Rock” musical at the Queensland Performing Arts Centre in Brisbane on Thursday the 15th of August. If your child is in the musical, senior choir or the instrumental program they are able to attend this excursion. The cost is $64. $50 for the ticket and $14 for the bus. Forms are available from Mrs Dumigan or the office. We have extended the date for the $25 deposit to Wednesday the 26th of June.

Bringing sports equipment to schoolA reminder that students should not be bringing sports equipment from home to use before school and/or at lunchtimes. Class teachers have access to sport equipment for students in each class to borrow. Students will be asked to put the equipment away if they bring any from home for this purpose.

Condamine Café News – Wednesday this week!This week the Condamine Café is WEDNESDAY and the order form is ORANGE.

Thanks for recycling those ziplock bags, for remembering to put your name on both parts of the form and for not cutting the form in half.

Your support is appreciated.

Temporary Change of Service P1287 Collection/Dropoff Location in LEGUMEPlease be advised that due to the roadworks occurring in Legume the bus will stop outside the general store to collect and deliver any students that board or alight this service in Legume until further notice.

Robogals Workshops Years 4-10 on Thursday 27 JuneRobogals is a volunteer organisation that aims to increase female participation in engineering, science and technology through fun and educational activities.Using Lego Mindstorm EV3 robotic kits, volunteers work with groups of female or co-ed students of all ages to help them discover the exciting and rewarding side of typically

For Absence notification email or text the absence phone on 0428 196 801P&C Meetings are held on the 4th Tuesday of each month at 7:00 pm. All parents and community members most welcome

male-dominated fields. We run many workshops, conduct school visits and give engineering or robotics focused presentations. More details next week.

Tips for a Healthy HeadspaceHeadspace : National Youth Mental Health Foundation

Need help managing stress or anxiety?

If your child or teen has difficulties with anxiety or just seems to have too many worries, we would like to introduce you to BRAVE Self-Help – an interactive, online program for the prevention and treatment of childhood and adolescent anxiety. It was developed by a group of researchers from the University of Queensland and now, with the support of Beyondblue, this program is freely available to all young people aged 8 -17 years who are living in Australia. BRAVE Self-Help provides strategies for children and teenagers to better cope with their worries. There are 4 programs available, one for children aged 8-12 years, one for teenagers aged 13-17 years and one for parents of children at these ages respectively. For more information, or to register for the program, please visit

Headspace: Youth health service for anyone aged between 12 and 25 years. It’s about support for general health, mental health, drug and alcohol issues and employment and education support.

e-headspace provides online and telephone support and counselling to young people 12 - 25 and their families and friends. If you’re based in Australia and going through a tough time, e-headspace can help.

A short information session about the service can be found at this link:

The website address is

Contact details for Headspace Warwick: 66 Albion Street, WarwickPh. (07) 46611999Email hours: Mon-Fri 9-5pm

Guidance Officer: Mrs Hart is here each Friday and is available for appointments.

Lifeline: ph. 13 11 14 is a confidential telephone crisis support service available 24/7 from a landline, payphone or mobile.

Kids helpline: 1800 55 18 00 Australia's only free, private and confidential, telephone and online counselling service specifically for young people aged between 5 and 25.

Our Government has developed resources to empower parents (and schools) to protect children and prepare them to be resilient, responsible and respectful adults: – resources that promote online safety including tackling image-based abuse and a complaints service for young Australians who experience serious cyberbullying. – support for students, parents and teachers to create a learning environment that promotes student wellbeing and the development of respectful relationships.

You can also visit for education and advice for kids, parents and schools on how to combat and respond to bullying.

Whatever age your kids, it is never too late to make changes to improve their welfare. With the fresh start that a new school year brings we encourage you to use these resources for practical advice on keeping your family safe and well through the year.

Junior Secondary School News

Year 10 work placementsMost students have nominated a work placement employer or type of work they would like to experience. Students who do not attend work experience will be expected to attend school. Thanks Mrs Bartz

Phone Free Friday – 21st June.

TSXPO entry availableIf you are interested in visiting the Tertiary Studies Expo on the weekend of 20/21 July at the Brisbane Showgrounds, Mrs Bartz has some free entry tickets. At this expo you can find the latest information on tertiary students, further training, career pathways and employment opportunities for the future.

JerseysDon’t the Year 10 jerseys look great! Thanks to Mrs Hay for assisting with the organisation of the jerseys again this year, and thanks to the P&C for their ongoing support by contributing $300 towards the cost.

Secondary Broncos Cup Congratulations to the students who attended the Broncos Cup Gala Day in Goondiwindi last Wednesday. Unfortunately, our teams did not make the finals but they

For Absence notification email or text the absence phone on 0428 196 801P&C Meetings are held on the 4th Tuesday of each month at 7:00 pm. All parents and community members most welcome

did have a great day of participating in Rugby League and Netball.

 Performing Arts NewsSenior ChoirRehearsals are on Tuesday morning at 8:15amSenior Choir award: Jenna

Junior ChoirJunior Choir award: Suzhannah

MusicalMonday- Dance Tuesday and Wednesday- Scene 7 and 8 with songs. Students need to bring their script to each rehearsal.

Pathways to PeaceCongratulations Gold and Silver studentsThe current Gold and Silver students were awarded Condamine Café vouchers on parade this week. Congratulations to the Gold students who have $5 to spend and Silver students who have $2 to spend. Vouchers need to be included with the orders (and any extra money needed) when the order is placed this week or next week.

Gr8 M8s activities sessionOn Friday, 28/06 classes will be on the oval in the middle session engaging in team building activities. Being a Gr8 M8 is our focus at Killarney P-10 State School.

Good Guy Tokens – Students may be awarded tokens throughout the school day for following the peace code. These tokens are then collected for Madsen or Chauvel in containers in the office, and the tally is announced (with much excitement) weekly on parade. Stay tuned for the ongoing tally totals for this year.

Good Guy Token Tally as at Monday 17 June 2019 Madsen: 300 Chauvel: 289

The focus across our school for this week is:

Find Help

Have you heard about the fabulous presentations each Monday on parade? Each class is having a turn at presenting/demonstrating/modelling one of our specific behaviour expectations. This week Preps are ‘Finding Help’

P & C NewsPresident:: Glen Lamb Vice President: Dahlia Hall

Secretary: Laura Diete

Treasurer: Jaunita Rawle Uniforms: Dahlia Hall

Tuckshop: Dahlia Hall

For Absence notification email or text the absence phone on 0428 196 801P&C Meetings are held on the 4th Tuesday of each month at 7:00 pm. All parents and community members most welcome

Uniform The Uniform shop, which is run solely by volunteers, will be open on Fridays from 8:15am to 9:15am.

Killarney SS P&C Association Positions Vacant: Volunteer Tuckshop Coordinator and Volunteer Uniform Shop Coordinator.

At the May P&C Meeting we were sad to receive the resignation of Dahlia Hall from the positions of Tuckshop Coordinator and Uniform Shop Coordinator.  Our school community has benefited tremendously from Dahlia's dedication and generosity in these roles.  We sincerely thank her for her work and wish her well.

Tuckshop Coordinator Role Description- Plan and prepare a tuckshop menu that aligns with the Healthy Choices criteria.- Ordering and management of supplies.- Hold or be able to obtain a Food Safe Handling Certificate (assistance provided by P&C if necessary)- Knowledge of basic accounting.- Organise volunteer roster.

Uniform Shop Role Description- Ordering- Stocktake- Basic Accounting Knowledge

Dahlia is available to fully support the new Coordinators in transitioning into the role. If you are interested in filling one of these positions please email P&C Secretary Laura Diete at or drop a short note with your name and contact details into the school office. 

 Community NewsKillarney P-10 State School Manual Arts Teacher AideKillarney P-10 State School is currently recruiting for a manual arts teacher aide on a temporary basis for Semester 2, 2019. The position is for 7 hours per week (Tuesday – 4hrs and Thursday – 3hrs). ADO is not being offered for the holidays. An Expression of Interest detailing requirements for the position and how to apply is available from the school office. Please collect the Expression of Interest from the school office, telephone on 4664 6333 or email to organise your copy. Applications are due 12 noon on Wednesday 19 June 2019. Contact Mrs T Bartz on 4664 6333 for more information.

For Sale: Acer tabletsThe school has a number of Acer tablets for sale which are Model W701 and purchased June 2013.As each tablet has been cleared, they do not have an operating system installed, however, they have the capability to take Windows 10 which can be downloaded for free from Microsoft. Each tablet is in a case which has a keyboard which can be blue toothed to the tablet. There is no after-sale warranty or service.Tablets are $120 each and can be purchased from the school office during office hours which are 8am to 4pm.

QCWA International Day The QCWA Killarney Branch invite you to their International Day Luncheon and Official opening of the disability access ramp and toilet, on Thursday 20th June commencing at 10am at the QCWA Rooms Willow Street, Killarney. Cost is $10 per head for a 2 course lunch and entertainment by QCWA Choir and Killarney P-10 State School - featuring Lithuania.

Jumpers & Jazz in July – 20July 2019Mt Colliery QCWA Branch is hosting a local artist & craftsman exhibition titled “Craftsmanship Connecting

For Absence notification email or text the absence phone on 0428 196 801P&C Meetings are held on the 4th Tuesday of each month at 7:00 pm. All parents and community members most welcome

Community & Environment” on Saturday 20 July 2019, 9am – 3.00pm at the Mt Colliery CWA Hall, 7 Bakers Road, Mt Colliery via Tannymorel. Gold coin donation entry.Vintage Car Club 9am – 10.30am, fresh hot & cold refreshments for sale, most items available for purchase.

The Killarney Uniting Church Soccer ClubThe Killarney Uniting Church Soccer Club will continue on Mondays at 3:30pm at the Rec Club football field. For those who as yet need to sign on, membership is $5. The club will cater for children from Prep to Year 8. Older children are welcome to assist the younger players in learning skills. The club soccer coaches will be Mr Gillespie, Mr Rixon and Jessica Beck. Please direct enquiries to Julia Beck 0431631668.

Mobile Women’s Health ServiceKathryn Anning (Mobile Women’s Health Nurse) will be at the Killarney & District Aged Care Facility on Thursday 20 June 2019, 9.30am to 3pm. This is a free service. For information and bookings, please phone the Aged Care Facility on 4664 1488.

Killarney Combined Church WorshipKillarney Combined worship service Sunday 30 June at Killarney Uniting Church at 10am. Please note no 8.30am service this day. All are welcome to join with us and members of the other faith denominations of Killarney for a time of worship and praise. Morning tea and fellowship to follow in the hall.

Killarney Adult FellowshipKillarney Adult Fellowship is holding a winter luncheon on Thursday 4 July at 12.00 noon in the Uniting Church hall. Admission is $15 adults. Guest speaker is Rev Willie Liebenberg, Chaplain Scots College, Warwick, along with Solomon Island guests. Be entertained by Solomon Island singers and hear about the building of a church in the Solomon Islands. Rev Willie and Scots students are travelling over in July to assist with the building work.

Farm Safety Calendar CompetitionWorkplace Health and Safety Queensland’s Farm Safety Calendar Competition is open until 28 June 2019. Queensland primary school students are invited to submit drawings to illustrate a farm safety message. Twelve winning drawings will be published in the 2020 Farm Safety calendar. The calendar will be available for free and distributed throughout Queensland. Find out how to enter at

Mainly MusicMainly Music is on Wednesdays at 9:15 at the Killarney Uniting Church Hall, Eucalyptus Street, Killarney.Mainly Music is a music based playgroup for children aged from birth until they begin Prep. The cost is $2 per participating child. All are welcome. Enquiries to Julia Beck 0431 631 668.

We have a wide variety of engaging and extending opportunities on offer for your students these holidays! They include:

*Stop-frame animation workshops - students make movies to be viewed at the cinema*Fun tennis skills and drills with a qualified tennis coach with 20+ years of coaching experience*Mega-multi-sport activities including t-ball, soccer, touch football and round-robin activities *Robotics with Bee-Bots, Spheros and LEGO EV3 to enhance technical thinking*Crazy Science experiments to enhance inquisitive thinking

All of our holiday programs are run by qualified and experienced educators who hold blue cards and are also qualified in First Aid. 

Dates:  July 8-9 at Scots PGC, Warwick

For further information, please visit 

For Absence notification email or text the absence phone on 0428 196 801P&C Meetings are held on the 4th Tuesday of each month at 7:00 pm. All parents and community members most welcome