Kids Parties in Nature

Post on 07-Dec-2014

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Transcript of Kids Parties in Nature

Everything you need to party with nature

The audience… Under 10’s & their parents Core target is 8 yr olds – young enough to retain the power of wonder & old enough to get involved on their terms Still open to stuff that isn’t mega branded Less worried about being seen with their parents

The thinking… Can’t boil the ocean – we’ve got no budget need to focus + start a local movement that can grow into something Just want to try to spark more kids into getting hands on with nature�Concentrate on an area and make something happen there that we can then transfer to other places Need something to pull kids into nature but can’t be worthy + must have some attitude Enable kids to discover it for themselves on their terms individually in groups Create something that local organisations can get involved with

Kids parties happening indoors when they could be happening outdoors

The Proposition

The best 2 hrs in the outdoors for a bunch of 6+ year olds

Simple ideas to make your kids’ party naturally wicked

Download a basic toolkit or use the app

Places, games, recipes, ideas you can share

Lots of kids stuff happening in local parks, but nature only plays a passive


Interesting kids nature engagement initiatives happening, but they feel

quite scientific and ‘dry’

Where stuff is happening it is local and not necessarily as social as it could be

For many nature is somewhere else – need to encourage people to get stuck in

on their own patch Urban , suburban and rural

Need something simple, fun and low maintenance – grass roots and ground

up vs. top down

An inspiring, easy to use toolkit. Something like a PechaKucha for kids parties in the outdoors…

Our mission

Make nature exploration part of every park party

Pull more kids out of non-natural party spaces into the outdoors

Make natural wonder the glue for great kids parties

The Benefits For Parents

Healthy – Exercise, Vitamin D


Fun, Quality time

Ideas + social currency

The Benefits For Kids

It’s a laugh getting messy in the park with your mates

Play your way

Do something with your parents that’s fun

The Toolkit – for sale in

supermarkets, online etc.

Nature party on a page - winter






Loosely pack piles of snow in a series of hurdles along a course for kids to race each other, the curvier the course the better. For added fun, have them run backwards.

Using vegetation around you, challenge kids to create umbrellas, shelters, hats or other contraptions to keep the rain o! your head.

Slugs, snails and worms love to come out in the rain. Have a competition to find the fastest slug, prettiest snail or the longest worm. Kids will have fun exploring to find their competitor and creating and staging the show.

Somewhere wild near you

5-10 kids age 6+Snow or rainSome natural nosh


Venturing out in cold and wet is an excuse to enjoy getting dressed up in ridiculous outfits to help everyone stay warm and dry. Have fun dressing up. There is plenty of fun to be had outside even when the sun isn’t shining.


Nature party on a page – summer in the woods






Split into teams of 2, grab as many sticks as you can & build yourself a nest. Sit in & sqwawk like a bird.

Grab a magnifying glass & hunt out the leggiest beastie you can.

Pick one person as the finder. The rest have to make leaf camouflage and hide. The last leaf head le! wins.

Somewhere woody and wild near you (see http:linktbc)

5-10 kids age 6+Some sun (if you are very

lucky)Some magnifying glasses


Woods are magical, mysterious places full of natural wonder for kids. Have fun letting kids roam and create with the trees and the beasties.

Nature kit

More nature kit

Facebook to build community


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Party on nature dudes!