Kickin' Ass with Cache-Fu (with notes)

Post on 13-May-2015

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My memcached talk at RailsConf 2007 (with notes).

Transcript of Kickin' Ass with Cache-Fu (with notes)


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today i want to talk about...

Video games!

I’m a long time gamer

Or, specifically....


E3 = Electronics Entertainment Expo

- Biggest annual video game conference up through 2006- Every May- 60,000 - 80,000 industry people- Publishers spend millions- Staples Center in LA- Blogs, magazines, crappy cable TV shows, websites- The two biggest gaming websites are...

IGN, owned by News Corp, who also owns MySpace

Super good at SEO and breaking news

The other one is...

GameSpot, owned by CNET

GS gets 1.5m uniques a day, over 15m pageviews

Here’s the obligatory alexa graph...

The spikes are E3

Twitter’s catching up!

Okay, so I used to work for GameSpot....

funnier if you can see how long my hair is now. and, how not nerdy i am.

I was a PHP developer for GameSpot

- Hubs- Tagging system- User videos- User profiles

Last year I convinced my boss to send me to E3...

I got sent down because of Rails, but that’s another story

- Booth between Nintendo and Sony. - Microsoft was in another hall.- Unveiling of Wii & PS3

Our booth had a studio attached to it ($400k on new eq) and a bunch of computers inside it...

- I sat at one of these computers

- The editors would run around writing stories and interviewing people and playing games

- GS had exclusive right to internet streaming of sony and nintendo conferences

- and were pointing at Gamespot for press conference streaming

- Also streamed Microsoft (they streamed on Xbox Live too)

- Live blogging (twittering) from the press conferences for kids at school

- Imagine million of teenage boys constantly hitting refresh...

- We used Netscalers-- switch, firewall, and “accelerator”

- Normally our Netscalers would gzip outgoing requests

- Had to turn off gzip compression because Netscalers’ CPUs were running so hot

- Couldn’t gzip and serve requests fast enough

- 3000 req/sec

- ~70 app servers

- ~15 database servers

- apache2, php4 w/APC

- when the smoke cleared...

50,000,000 pages

no downtime

pretty cool, but how?


thanks, in a large part, to memcached

this is what my talk is really about...

Memcaching Rails


memcaching rails

i will talk about:

- what memcached is- when and where to use it- tricks, code- libraries, tools, and hopefully answer questions

please ask questions whenever

i promise i cant answer them all.

also: i don’t want you guys to think that i think i’m an expert

i’m more of a foot soldier, or a ninja

i’m officially renaming this session...

Memcaching Rails


kickin’ asswith cache-fu

chris wanstrathrailsconf 2007

kickin ass with cache-fu

what is memcached...


conceptually, it’s like a hash...

class Memcache < Hash undef :each, :keysend

a hash that...

you can’t enumerate overyou can’t find all the keys for

you can still GET, SET, and DELETE keys...

class Memcache < DRbHash undef :each, :keysend


by distributed, we mean you start a daemon on each app server

keys are stored on different servers

transparently, quickly

let’s look at a daemon...

$ memcached -vv<3 server listening<7 new client connection<7 get app-test:Story:1>7 END<7 set app-test:Story:2 0>7 STORED<7 delete app-test:Story:1 >7 DELETED

here is some sample debugging output

single memcache daemon, getting, setting, deleting

truncated but you get the idea

$ memcached -vv<3 server listening<7 new client connection<7 get app-test:Story:1>7 END<7 set app-test:Story:2 0>7 STORED<7 delete app-test:Story:1 >7 DELETED

developed by...


alleviate database stress

they were growing too fast, couldnt scale their databases

you can distribute reads but everyone needs to write, which can block

hdd too slow -- avoid sql queries / disk access by caching in RAM

cache anything: generated images, intense number crunching, html, whatever

fast, C, non-blocking IO, O(1) lookups

scales -- drop in a new daemon and youre good to go

it’s also used by...

these guys

chowhound serves about .5m pages a day

in, of course, rails...

you’ve got a rails site

should you use memcached?


ya ain’t gonna need it

none of the big guys built memcache into their infrastructure

(just ask twitter)

build it in later

focus on your app first

in small apps it is slower than sql

hardware is the real special sauce

memcached wont help if you cant keep up with the IO requests

you probably don’t need memcache...



UYRDNI(unless you really do need it)

this would be:

- millions of hits- millions of rows- millions of both

if you’re getting these, you can use memcached to help with the heavy lifting...

before we get ahead of ourselves, we need to look at the basic pattern...

class Presentation < ActiveRecord::Base

def self.get_cache(id) if data = @cache.get(id) data else data = find(id) @cache.set(id, data) data end end

endpretend @cache is our memcache object

try to find an id in memcache

if it’s nil, we find it in the database

we set it to the cache

we return

second time we call this method, it returns the cached data

a simpler way to write this...

class Presentation < ActiveRecord::Base

def self.get_cache(id) @cache.get(id) || @cache.set(id, find(id)) end


almost could rewrite it like this

but #get can return false

so, with this basic pattern, we can cache...




fragments- tag cloud- user info / hcard

actions- site index- seldom-changing content- front door- everything but the layout

sessions- if you’re not using the cookie store on edge

objects- user object- article object- avoid sql

what tools can you use...


by eric hodel

it’s the good ruby memcache api

bare metal

- configure servers- instantiate memcache object- get basic daemon stats- set / get / delete

- uses marshal to store data- speeds up object creation on cache hit because unmarshal faster than #new

cake to install...


$ gem install memcache-client

gem install

of course, you need memcached running...

topfunky memcached

real easy way to get it installed

let’s get it ready for rails...


- from eric hodel- used for activerecord object caching- overwrites find()- caches single objects- no complex queries- clears cache on update- simple and clean

Fragment Cache Store

one on rubyforge

patches rails to work with memcache-client

lets you set a time based expiry on fragments

useful because all your mongrels share the same cache

no caching on disk

Session Store

do this by hand


after you setup memcache-client...

you can put all these pieces together

memcache-clientcached modeletc

fragment storesession store


you can use a rails plugin which handles almost everything rails related


cache fooooo

cache_fu ( acts_as_cached 2.0 )

acts as cached 2

rails plugin

used in production on chowhound and chow

other sites too

out of the box, this plugin can handle caching...




the things we talked about earlier

- can automatically setup memcache sessions- can make all fragment caching use memcache- can do the same for action caching- can give any ruby object (activerecord) get_cache set_cache and expire_cache

i’m not going to go in depth into the basics

if you want that information...


i have another (outdated) pdf on my blog with some basic api info on it

also a google group you can join

so first, sessions and fragments...

defaults: ttl: 1800 namespace: railsconf sessions: false fragments: false servers: localhost:11211


here’s a snippet of the yaml config file that cache_fu uses

each environment has its own section, like database.yml, which inherits from this default

ttl is the default time to live, or expiry

namespace is the namespace all the keys live under -- lets you have different apps sharingthe same servers

so to turn on memcache as our fragment and session store...

defaults: ttl: 1800 namespace: railsconf sessions: true fragments: true servers: localhost:11211



more realistically you’d have something like...

production: benchmarking: false sessions: true fragments: true servers: - - -


might want to stick with something simple in dev mode

while we’re here, our first tip, learned the hard way...

production: benchmarking: false sessions: true fragments: true servers: - - -


use ip addresses for servers

dns requests can make a noticeable difference on app performance

what if your internal dns goes down? takes whole site with you

we didnt manage our own dns at cnet

it’s happened to me more than i’d care to admit

so, that’s fragments and sessions. done

what about models...

class Presentation < ActiveRecord::Base



our class from before

it’s acting like caching

this adds a bunch of methods, the main two being...



get_cache will by default go to #find if it’s a miss

it can accept a block which it will use instead on a miss

because of this you probably never need set_cache

expire_cache issues a DELETE to memcached

cachedmodel automatically clears a record’s cache on update or delete

with cache_fu, we ask you to do that explicitly

but it’s easy...

class Presentation < ActiveRecord::Base


after_save :expire_cache


expire_cache is also an instance method which uses the object’s id

now if we save a presentation object, its cache will be cleared for us

we did almost all of the caching on chowhound this way

strong cache integrity -- rarely stale data

why not after_update?

you want to clear an object’s cache after create because you may have cached that the object doesnt exist

like, caching nil for an id that isnt yet created

so we want to do it after save

but this brings us to another gotcha...

class Presentation < ActiveRecord::Base

def self.get_cache(id) if data = @cache.get(id) data else data = find(id) @cache.set(id, data) data end end

endour get_cache method from before

what happens if we want to cache nil?

how do we express the non-existence of a record?

well, cache_fu checks specifically for nil...

class Presentation < ActiveRecord::Base

def self.get_cache(id) if not (data = @cache.get(id)).nil? data else data = find(id) @cache.set(id, data) data end end

endso only things that are not nil are returned

what good is this? it lets us cache false

so when you try to cache nil, cache_fu caches false...

class Presentation < ActiveRecord::Base

def self.get_cache(id) if not (data = @cache.get(id)).nil? data else data = find(id) || false @cache.set(id, data) data end end

endyou dont want to keep running a query on a 4 million row table when you know that the record you’re looking for isnt there

it’s really not any different than the record being there

you want to cache information so you dont need to keep expensively looking it up...


so this is great for single row finds

but what about that rails idiom we’re all trying to stick to...

skinny models

fat controllers

we want to write custom finders instead of cluttering our controller

we can implement many of these custom finders, in our model...

with with_scope

in this blog post the example used is find_playing

but the inspiration for this post was some chow code which used find_live that me and evan weaver did

only show published, public items

not deleted or banned items

so what if you want to always use this scoped find call when caching?

you have two options...

class Presentation < ActiveRecord::Base

acts_as_cached :conditions => 'published = 1'


the acts_as_cached call can take any arbitrary parameter

will pass it through to the find call it uses

so now all our get_cache calls are scoped -- doesnt overwrite the model’s find method

goes against the with_scope custom finder idea...

class Presentation < ActiveRecord::Base

acts_as_cached :finder => :find_live


and now we’re scoped

this isnt a good controller example, though

with_scope is not the majority case

often you just get crazy finds in controllers you want to cache...

Topic.find :all, :conditions => ["created_at > ?", 1.week.ago], :order => 'post_count desc', :limit => 5

do we want this in our controller?

does our caching code go in our controller?

doesnt seem very skinny...

seems fatty

what we’d typically do here is write a custom finder

pre-rolled find method...

class Topic < ActiveRecord::Base

def self.weekly_popular(limit = 5) find :all, :conditions => ["created_at > ?", 1.week.ago], :order => 'post_count desc', :limit => limit end


write our finder

wraps our custom finder

(you wrote a test, right?)

gives us a skinnier controller...


but it’s still not cached...

DB: 0.00 (0%)

on chowhound, this is what we aimed for

every second page load should not hit mysql at all

big time cache coverage on the backend

so we’d cache every custom finder or find call

remember that get_cache takes a block

we can write a custom cached finder which wraps our finder method...

class Topic < ActiveRecord::Base

def self.cached_weekly_popular get_cache(:weekly_popular) do weekly_popular end end


so if it’s cached, we just return it

if not, we run the query and cache it...


still pretty skinny and clean

lets us know we’re working with cached data

before we go any further, let’s test this...

we dont want to test memcached itself

we disable memcached in tests

your tests shouldnt depend on external resources

to help us out with all this, we’ll use mocha...

ruby mocha

mocking and stubbing

you’ve no doubt heard of mocha

one of the best rubygems

it’s in my standard library

i’m also going to write my test bdd-style....

bdd test spec

with test/spec

test/spec is a bdd library which wraps test/unit

i like it because it’s clear english

similar to rspec

cache_fu was written bdd with test/spec...

A Ruby object acting as cached- should be able to retrieve a cached version of itself- should be able to set itself to the cache- should pass its cached self into a block when supplied- should be able to expire its cache- should be able to reset its cache- should be able to tell if it is cached- should be able to set itself to the cache with an arbitrary ttl

Finished in 0.028509 seconds.

28 specifications (53 requirements), 0 failures

some of the output!

so our test...

context "Calling #cached_weekly_popular" do specify "should call #weekly_popular if not cached" do Topic.expects(:fetch_cache).returns(nil) Topic.cached_weekly_popular.should.equal Topic.weekly_popular end

specify "should return if cached" do Topic.expects(:get_cache).returns(true) Topic.expects(:weekly_popular).never Topic.cached_weekly_popular endend

make sure our cached method is calling the method we want

make sure we did our caching right

fetch_cache is the method we want to force into returning nil

set expectations

that’s it, custom finder

of course, this pattern is built into cache_fu...


same exact thing

used to cache the return value of arbitrary methods

key is the method name

but, we didnt just waste all that time...

let’s talk about time

how long will the weekly_popular method be cached?

if it’s more than a day, it could start to become inaccurate and stale

we could set a ttl

sometimes you need different caches on different days

may want story to appear tomorrow but it’s in the db today

how to make sure the cache is cleared when it needs to be?

here’s a simple 80 / 20 solution...

def self.cache_key_with_date(id) date =' ', '_') cache_key_without_date(id) + ':' + date end

class << self alias_method_chain :cache_key, :date end

override the cache_key method

add the date

at midnight, forces a cache miss


works by day, not by time

this is class wide

if you just want to do it for one key...

class Topic < ActiveRecord::Base

def self.date_for_key' ', '_') end

def self.cached_weekly_popular key = 'weekly_popular' + date_for_key get_cache(key) { weekly_popular } end


add a method, or something

remember: this is a collection, so be careful...

memcached only stores 1 meg of data per key


if youre caching associations along with objects, slabs can get big fast

that said, a 200+ post thread on chowhound only takes up about 300k

and those people talk a lot

so check and think before caching anything

let’s say you have a 200 post thread...

this one has 233

we’ve got all these users. some users appear more than once.

we dont want to cache users with forum posts, that can give us stale data

would have to clear the cache of every post christine has made whenever she changes her avatar

how do we avoid 233+ memcache calls?

Topic.find(1, 2, 3)

find takes an array, right?

Topic.get_cache(1, 2, 3)

so does get_cache

this will utilize memcache-client’s get_multi

grabs all the keys in parallel

cache_fu fills in and caches the blanks for you

when i last looked at the livejournal code, they used get_multi like crazy

avoid hitting the cache -- it can add up to be expensive

so, in other words...

user_ids = = User.get_cache(user_ids)

in our controller

will give us a hash keyed by the user ids

can reference this in our view

keep things speedy, minimize memcached calls

we only use this in one place on chowhound

another thing we can do to keep our cache speedy is to use a process cache...

class ApplicationController before_filter :local_cache_for_requestend

built into cache_fu

keeps a local hash of memcache’d objects to speed up subsequent access on a single page view

also in cachedmodel

for example...

# pulls from memcache@user = User.get_cache(1)

# pulls from local cache@user = User.get_cache(1)

in a controller

cleared out at the start of every new request

doesnt carry over

responds to expires and sets, so you wont get stale data within a single request

sometimes, though, you dont want any caching in a request

maybe you think you have stale data and want to see your page straight from the database

maybe you want to re-set all keys on a page...

class ApplicationController before_filter :set_cache_override

def set_cache_override returning true do ActsAsCached.skip_cache_gets = !!params[:skip_cache] end end


skip_cache_gets tells cache_fu to treat every get as a cache miss

everything will be pulled from its source and re-set to the cache

call it with...

something like that

useful for debugging, in dev mode and on the live site

but you need to be careful...

what if you do this on the front door of a big site like gamespot during peak hours?

all those expensive queries get re-run

but not just for you

if a query takes 1 second to run, and it’s not in the cache

every request within that 1 second will see the query’s cache as a miss

it will be run N times depending on how many requests you get a second

that can literally kill a big website...

but forget about the skip_cache

what if you expire a tag cloud on a homepage

a popular home page, and you’ve got a billion tags

the same thing will happen

every request will see the tag cloud’s cache as a miss while the original request builds the data

this can and has taken down gamespot

they have tagging and some crappy programmers

but i dont want to name names...


so, we’ve got this guy called reset_cache

grabs data and sets it to the cache without expiring the key

while this is going on, every request gets the old cached data

new cached data is set

crisis averted

you get promoted

you quit php and start doing rails

another way to do this in cache_fu...


instances can set themselves to the cache

not that big of a deal

be careful what you expire...

class Presentation < ActiveRecord::Base


after_save :reset_cache


can also rock the reset_cache after_save

while we’re back in the model

you run a migration...

you add a field to your model

your cached objects in production wont have this field

if you write views or code which access this field, they’ll break

the unmarshaled objects have no idea this field exists

flush the cache?

kind of, but only for that model...

class Presentation < ActiveRecord::Base

acts_as_cached :version => 1


cache_fu supports this version parameter

when i set this to 1, all cached presentation objects will be misses

fresh caches for all of them

if i up it to 2, same thing happens again

just a way to keep your keys consistent and unique

we always forget to do it -- when your site 500s you’ll know

speaking of 500s...


cache_fu comes with capistrano tasks you can use for deployment

also useful is...


monit is a great deployment tool for monitoring multiple daemons

across multiple servers

we’ve found memcached to be pretty damn reliable

sometimes we’d see funk after heavy load and we’d just reboot to get things back to normal

single nodes rarely out

which is good, memcache-client cant recover without re-hashing every key

perl api can recover i’ve heard

but recently, there’s this new kid on the blog...



consistent hashing algorithm

pretty cool actually...





you assign each server a number

let’s say these are my four

basically plots the numbers on a circle...




600 cache_get :railsconf

let’s say i want the key ‘railsconf’





:railsconf == 100

consistently give the key a number

find that number’s position in the conceptual circle





:railsconf == 200

if that number isnt found, goes to the next highest number which does exist



:railsconf == 200

so we can remove servers and affect only a subset of keys





:railsconf == 200

500 300


and we can add servers in the same manner

i havent played with it yet but want to soon

in reality i believe each server gets assigned to more than one point on the circle, to help distribute the cache

l33t h4x0rs

• Rob Sanheim• Lourens Naudé• Corey Donohoe• Eric Hodel

• Geoffrey Grosenbach• Ryan King• Michael Moen• PJ Hyett

thanks majorly to these guys for their work and contributions to the plugin or ruby memcache in general

{} ( thanks. any questions? )

thanks everyone

any questions? - Scott Beale
