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Kopenhagen fur december 2008 KOPENHAGEN FUR NEWS 2 9 Preliminary Sales Programme Cover RED-DyED bLACK CROSS miNK, HAiNiNG CHiNA LEATHER mARKET photo SACHA mARiC 25 Copenhagen hotels 26 Contact Kopenhagen Fur 24 Auction news 23 Events in Copenhagen 10 Kopenhagen Fur offering 7 Las Vegas Party at Kopenhagen Fur Kopenhagen Fur news PUbLiSHED by KOPENHAGEN FUR 6 News in brief 12 Kopenhagen Fur at creative fair 20 Antifur is not about animal welfare 5 Editorial iSSN 1901-731

Transcript of KFNews_dec08

Kopenhagen furdecember 2008


12 18

5 Editorial

6 News in brief

7 Las Vegas Party at Kopenhagen Fur

9 Preliminary Sales Programme

10 Kopenhagen Fur offering

12 Kopenhagen Fur at creative fair

16 Facing a new world order: China goes creative

18 Colourful Chinese Fur Fashion in Copenhagen

20 Antifur is not about animal welfare

23 Events in Copenhagen

24 Auction news

25 Copenhagen hotels

26 Contact Kopenhagen Fur

ContentsDECEmbER 2008


Kopenhagen Fur news


editor in ChieF TORbEN NiELSEN






advertising KATHRiNE ENGbERG / [+45] 4326 1112



photo SACHA mARiC

iSSN 1901-731





Kopenhagen Fur’s label designs integrate the newly launched, international Origin Assured programme (OA) with the existing four Kopenhagen Fur quality labels.

The new Kopenhagen Fur labels are a two-fold consumer assurance. It is an assurance both that the fur is of superior quality and an assurance that the fur has been produced in countries where fur farming is regulated.

Garments carrying a Kopenhagen Fur quality label have been made from fur skins that are unrivalled in quality.

Only skins sold through Kopenhagen Fur and graded by Kopenhagen Fur’s graders can carry the Kopenhagen Fur quality label. Most skins sold through Kopenhagen Fur are mink skins, but Kopenhagen Fur’s quality labels extend equally to fox, chinchilla and swakara skins.

DECEmbER 2008 5


Maybe the world is flagging, and the price

for recent years’ dissipation on loans must

be paid back now.

The collapse of the American

financial market has raised an international

tidal wave, which has brought countries

and old well-established, international

financial companies to their knees.

The economic growth is declining

and people are starting wondering if it is

about a beginning recession in large parts

of the world.

Just returned from a business

trip to China - and eleven days without

talking about economic catastrophes - it is

amazing to see the incredible development

China has undergone during the last 15 to

20 years.

Replaced by cars, bicycles have

almost disappeared from the streets of

Beijing and the small grey houses do not

exist anymore. In return, you can see

skyscrapers all over the city, one more

imaginative than the other. Shopping malls,

international hotels, the new airports and

so on prove that China within a very short

period of time has risen from being a poor,

underdeveloped country to being a global

power centre.

Because of the growing wealth the

Chinese people have begun to have a

taste for art, gastronomy and fashion. The

great art environment inside and outside

Beijing offers incredibly exciting art, a

large number of new restaurants refine

the Chinese kitchen into so far unknown

heights, and the first Chinese fashion

brands with an international calibre are

showing themselves off large scale. Beijing

is only one of several cities experiencing

this growth. China is indeed on its way up.

Kopenhagen Fur is very visible in

China. Two years ago, Kopenhagen Studio

opened at Tsinghua University - China’s

best and most prestigious university. By

opening Kopenhagen Studio in China, the

framework of one of our most important

activities, namely our quality and design

programme, was established.

Kopenhagen Fur’s design and quality

programme rests on three foundations,

namely: the certified boutiques, the

Purple Club, including the co-operation

with the best Chinese fashion brands

and Kopenhagen Studio. The purpose of

the design and the quality programme

is to strengthen the Chinese companies’

designs in order to create both design and

quality with an international strength. The

Chinese people have a solid tradition of


However, the Chinese people seem

to turn their back on their own design

tradition in the search of a more western

lifestyle. Design is often defined as foreign

countries’ brands like: Italian, French or

American. Fashion or great designs are

often created from various sources of

inspiration. In a global world, the sources

of inspiration are almost immense. The

whole secret is to be inspired without

being tempted to copy others designs.

The designer is first of all influenced by

his cultural background and his definition

of design, but is also inspired by other

things. It is Kopenhagen Fur’s ambition to

encourage this process and to inspire the

Chinese designers to create a new design

language with respect for the traditional

and rich Chinese design tradition.

The students at the Tsinghua

University and a large number of young

designers show that there are huge

amounts of talent in China. During the last

10 to15 years the American and European

designers have contributed to the

establishment of a strong market for fur in

China. The talented Chinese designers will

ensure that fur is to stay in fashion in China,

but certainly also on the more traditional



newsiN bRiEF

sorting Courses 2009>

Kopenhagen Fur Academy has

again arranged Sorting and

Sorting and Auction Procedure

courses. The courses are well-

attended and very popular.

The trainees will gain in-depth

knowledge of the principles

of sorting raw mink skins as

well as considerable practical

training when choosing the

3-week course.

The sorting course takes place:

12 to 16 January 2009

The sorting and auction

procedure course 2009 takes


20 May to 14 June 2009

You can register to participate

in the courses online on www.

kopenhagenfur.com on the

Auction site under About

Kopenhagen Fur/Sorting


You are also welcome to contact

the Customer Department on

+45 4326 1444, fax no.

+45 4326 1449 or mail to


next season’s Kopenhagen Fur 2008/2009 CaLendar is avaiLabLe >

You are welcome to pick it up

from one of Kopenhagen Fur’s

service counters during the

December 2008 auction.

The calendar contains

information about

Auction schedule •


Offering 2008/2009•

Information on •

Kopenhagen Fur quality


Week planner from •

October 2008 to December


Year planner from 2008 •

to 2010

Contact persons •

visa appLiCations - Change oF ruLes

Every year, Kopenhagen Fur

assists the customers with

invitation letters concerning

visas to Kopenhagen Fur

auctions. In a season,

Kopenhagen Fur sends more

than 400 invitation letters to

the customers.

Danish Immigration Service

has published that the rules

for the visas to the Schengen

countries are changed.

The Schengen countries are:

Denmark, Estonia, Finland,

France, Greece, Iceland, Italy,

Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg,

Malta, Netherlands, Norway,

Poland, Portugal, Slovakia,

Slovenia, Spain, Sweden,

Czech Republic, Germany,

Hungary and Austria.

In the future, the customer

must go to the country’s

representation abroad, where

the main part of the visit should

be paid, if he wants to visit

both Finland and Denmark

If the stay in the two countries

is of equal length, the visa

must be applied for at the

representation of that country

in which the stay begins.

When the customer applies

for visa through Kopenhagen

Fur he should always tell

Kopenhagen Fur’s reception

whether he has plans to visit

both auction houses or only

Kopenhagen Fur’s auction.

The invitation letter will then

be issued in accordance

with the customer’s travel to

both auction houses or only

Kopenhagen Fur’s auction


Kopenhagen Fur will still give the

usual service and send invitations

to the customers who want to

visit Kopenhagen Fur auctions.

The concerned embassy will also

be advised.

In cooperation with Finnish Fur

Sales and Danish Immigration

Service, we can confirm that the

customer needs to apply for one

visa only for visits to both auction

houses, when the visit will take

place on the same journey.

Please contact the reception at

mail@kopenhagenfur.com or

phone +45 43 26 11 26 when

applying for a visa through

Kopenhagen Fur.

Applicants from China/

Hong Kong should contact

Kopenhagen Fur Beijing to

obtain an invitation letter.

Phone +86 10 8447 6804/Fax

+86 10 8447 7284.

Yours faithfully

Kopenagen Fur

DECEmbER 2008 7

Champagne, gambling and delicious food.

This was the scene the day before the

September auction, when Kopenhagen

Fur on 6 September held a huge Las Vegas

party for customers and employees in


The party was held in a big

marquee, where more than 400 guests and

employees dined, gambled and partied all

night long with the Danish singers Zindy

and Monique. Besides gambling at the

poker or blackjack table, the guests could

place their bets in the lottery, where prizes

like iPods, digital cameras and Iphones

were at stake.

In the following pictures you can see

and feel the great atmosphere from the Las

Vegas party.

Las vegas party at Kopenhagen Fur

by patriCia wiLson



Mr FrederikAhrensberg+45 4326 1142

Ms Sisse Wrobel+45 4326 1143

Mr Kim Nielsen+45 4326 1167

Mr Kurt Bach+45 4326 1168

Ms Lisbeth Thode+45 4326 1169

Fax+45 4326 1144/+45 4345 4093


E-mail: glostrup@scanlogistics.com

Your freight forwarder at Kopenhagen Fur

• Inhouse freight forwarder at Kopenhagen Fur

• Global Coverage

• More than 500 branches in 53 countries

• Multiple transportation modes

• Dedicated fur staff throughout Europe and Asia

• Professional and personalized service

• Your local partner in a global market

Contact info:

Tel.: +45 4326 1274

E-mail: fur@dk.dsv.com


DECEmbER 2008 9

Chinchilla 13,000 275 240Var. foxes 650 55 55Redfox 3,500 50 50Marten 750 15 15Seal skins Greenlandic 7,000 50 25Seal skins Canadian 2,800 35 30Karakul Afghan/Uzbec 10,000 75 50

Sapphire M 15,000 200 100- F 15,000 200 100Silverblue M 25,000 200 100- F 25,000 200 100White M 65,000 300 75- F 65,000 250 75Brown M 190,000 500 250Glow M 210,000 500 275Brown F 200,000 500 200Glow F 220,000 500 275 1,030,000 3,350 1,550

preLiminary saLes programme SUNDAy 14 AND mONDAy 15 DECEmbER 2008iNSPECTiON FROm FRiDAy 12 DECEmbER

sunday, 14 deCember sKins Lots showLots

monday, 15 deCember Pearl M 65,000 450 150- F 65,000 350 150Black Cross M 20,000 200 125- F 20,000 200 100Black M 35,000 225 150- F 45,000 225 125Mahogany M 60,000 350 225- F 60,000 300 200 370,000 2,300 1,225

To finish at approx. 15:30

Total number of mink skins 1,400,000

We reserve the right to change the quantity and the order of the sale.

Due to a more effective offering

programme and a sorting system adapted

perfectly to the market, Kopenhagen Fur

will arrange the December sales in two

days only.

The December offering of mink skins

is scheduled to 1.4 million mink skins with

collections of the main mink types.

The qualities of PLATINUM, BURGUNDY

AND IVORY will be offered at the

December auction. Also the quality range

of Quality I, Quality II and CHIP will be put

up for sale.


the quick-growing share of Kopenhagen

Fur’s greatly requested Velvet group will

be offered for sale.

The sizes to be offered this auction will

appear from the Kopenhagen Fur Offering


PURPLE, Kopenhagen Fur’s top

quality, will not be put up for sale until the

February auction 2009.


Kopenhagen Fur OFFERiNG 2008/2009

In the previous season Kopenhagen Fur

sold a total of 17.8 million mink skins.

Kopenhagen Fur expects to offer an

almost unchanged number of mink skins

in the season 2008/2009. However, the

composition of the mink types will be

different. The offering of Black, Mahogany,

Brown, Glow and Silverblue will be

increased whereas the number of White,

Pearl, Sapphire and Cross mink skins will be

reduced. The major change will be that Cross

mink will be reduced by almost 50 per cent.

To plan your purchase at Kopenhagen

Fur best possibly the estimated offering is

stated in types and number in the below

survey. Furthermore, the sizes to be

offered at the auctions concerned appear

from the below table.

A comprehensive offering in colour

shades in Platinum, Burgundy and Ivory as

the dominating qualities will be offered at

all five auctions.

The hair length CLASSIC (medium

nap) will still be dominating, but the

offering of Velvet (short nap) makes

an increasingly larger share of the


Kopenhagen Fur’s top quality

PURPLE which is selected among the finest

female skins of the Velvet quality will come

under the hammer at the February and the

June auctions where also the TOP LOT of

the season will be sold.

December 2008 30-00-0 1-2February 2009 40-30-00-0 0-1-2April 2009 30-00-0-1 1-2-3June 2009 50-40-30-00-0 00-0-1-2September 2009 30-00-0-1-2-3 1-2-3-4-5

bLaCK, mahogany, white and siLverbLue maLes FemaLes

December 2008 30-00-0 0-1-2February 2009 40-30-00-0 0-1-2April 2009 40-30-00-0-1 0-1-2-3June 2009 50-40-30-00-0 00-0-1-2September 2009 30-00-0-1-2-3 1-2-3-4-5

brown and gLow maLes FemaLes

December 2008 30-00-0 1-2February 2009 30-00-0 1-2April 2009 30-00-0-1 1-2-3June 2009 50-40-30-00-0 00-0-1-2September 2009 30-00-0-1-2-3 1-2-3-4-5

pearL maLes FemaLes


DECEmbER 2008 11

other sKins (1,000 sKins)

Chinchilla 15 15 15 15 15 75Rex Rabbits 4 4 8Swakara 60 80 140Foxes 10 30 10 20 70

minK (1,000 sKins)

Black 80 330 350 500 340 1,600Mahogany 120 530 600 600 450 2,300Brown 390 730 1,120 800 1,360 4,400Glow 430 830 1,260 890 1,490 4,900Pearl 130 230 300 400 140 1,200Golden Pearl 30 70 100White 130 280 300 350 140 1,200Sapphire 30 150 100 20 300Silverblue 50 200 200 370 80 900Black Cross 40 160 100 70 30 400Var. Cross 110 65 35 10 220Pastel 40 110 10 160Violet 20 20Blue Iris 20 20Jaguar 30 30Palomino 70 130 10 210Stardust 15 5 20Var. mutations 20 20Total mink 1,400 3,500 4,500 4,500 4,100 18,000

deC Feb apr Jun sepseLLing days 14-15 3-6 2-6 14-19 12-17 in totaL

We reserve the right to make changes.

SEPTEmbER 2008 11


Riding on the growing interest of the

Chinese people in Danish design, an

impressive line-up of 28 Danish companies

participated in the annual Shanghai

International Creative Industry Week.

Kopenhagen Fur had one of the biggest

booths, and was visible in other aspects:

Joint promotion with Nordic Living

magazine and sponsorship of the Luxury

Market Seminar.

Kopenhagen Fur showed nine styles

created by Danish designer Soren Bach.

The stylist-turned-designer has a brush

with cartoon and uses mink to create

these eye-opening styles, including a mink

helmet that reads BOOM. The visitors,

Chinese and foreigners, saw the styles with

great interest.

One of the visitors was Danish Prime

Minister Anders Fogh Rasmussen who

spent quite a while at Kopenhagen Fur’s

booth, which pleased Managing Director in

Kopenhagen Fur Torben Nielsen.

- It is important to us that the Prime

Minister spends time here with us on an

Kopenhagen Fur at Creative FairStrong Danish lineup at creative fair in Shanghai, where the Danish Prime Minister took partby Chen weixian

Danish Prime Minister Anders Fogh

Rasmussen (left) together with

Torben Nielsen, managing director of

Kopenhagen Fur

DECEmbER 2008 13

official Danish visit in China, because it is

an acknowledgement that we are a serious

company, Torben Nielsen said, who

had had a number of Kopenhagen Furs

business associates flown in to Shanghai

during the fair.

The Shanghai International Creative

Industry Week brings together design

and creative firms from around the world,

and aims to be a premium platform for

creativity and ideas to reap economic

benefits. It ended on October 22.

Whether it is small or big business, conducted locally or globally, you always find us close at hand. We are located in 21 countries, our main market being the Nordic region, the Baltic States and Poland. As a customer, you get one, single contact person with the total resources of the bank at your disposal. We utilise our entire network to together create solutions that provide your company with real competitive advantage. You are welcome to discuss with us the most interesting topic of all – the future. Get in touch with your nearest branch office.

To all companies with faith in the future

Making it possible


DECEmbER 2008 15


It was a somewhat reverse scene that took

place at the waterfront in Copenhagen in

October: Danish models walked the catwalk

wearing styles in fur and leather designed

by Chinese designers. The bigwigs in

the Danish fashion world were amazed,

says Event Manager in Kopenhagen Fur

Christina Wolff-Jürgensen:

- Several people commented that the

show truly opened their eyes to the talent

in China. They were positively surprised by

the high level of standards.

And the world might as well get

used to it. The Chinese giant, primarily

known to the world for its pure strength

and manufacturing power, has decided

to become a serious player in the global

knowledge economy, and as has been

the case with the economic growth, the

speed of which China is gaining terrain, is


A report from Organisation for

Economic Co-operation and Development

(OECD) from September this year states

that China now spends 30 billion USD

on research and development each

year, making the country the sixth

largest research nation in the world. The

investments in R&D are increasing at an

incredible annual rate of 19 percent. The

giant has proved that muscles can come

with brains too.

- The Chinese have realized that the

real profit is at the end of the production

chain. Design and branding are more

valuable than simple production, China-

expert at Copenhagen Business School,

Kjeld Erik Brodsgaard, says. According to

Chinese experts, the core of the knowledge

is scientific and technological innovation

and cultural creative industry.

Beijing and Shanghai lead China in

the creative industry, with Beijing having

21 creative parks and Shanghai having

more than 10. The creative parks provide

conditions for creative talents to gather

and carve out. Many of the parks were

first started by private investors and later

gained the support of the government after

having proved themselves.

Last year, Shanghai creative industry

had an output of 45 billion USD, and the

creative industry grows at 16-17 percent

annually in Shanghai - far faster than the

city’s overall economic growth.

On the fashion side the strong stake

is paying off. The number of Chinese

fashion magazines have exploded in recent

years suggesting that the ever growing

Chinese middle class is paying more and

more attention to their appearance – and

that they have the means to buy clothes

that is in fashion. Moreover, Chinese

fashion designers have started to enter

the catwalks and brands like Mary Ma and

Jefen by Frankie Xie are now well known in

international fashion circles.

And as for fur, it is taking its part of

the action too. The demand for fur has

FaCing a new worLd order: China goes CreativeBeing the world’s manufacturing plant is no longer enough for China. The country, that has a long tradition for brilliant inventions, is becoming a player in the global knowledge economy. That makes the domestic demand for fur likely to accelerate further – in spite of the international economic downturnby miCK madsen and Chen weixian

DECEmbER 2008 17

been on the rise for a while and the arrow seems to point only

one way: upwards. Not least because the innovative efforts in fur

designing are bringing fur out of the wardrobe and into the living


- Fur is a very sought after article in China and fur is now

spreading to other areas such as furniture, interior and decoration,

says Deputy Director in China National Light Industry Council, Mr.

Xu Yong.

He also points out that fur has a positive impact on the

fashion industry as a whole, because the Chinese fur business

has become a “mature” industry, succeeding with rational

production methods, a firm hand at all aspects that has to do with

branding and marketing as well as a goal-oriented focus on the

development of unique design.

Not even the current financial crisis, which has sent entire

economies towards recession in countries like USA and Japan

and put Iceland on the brink of bankruptcy, seems to make any

particular impact on domestic consuming in China.

Even with the economic growth slowing down a bit in the

third quarter of 2008, China still managed to achieve a growth

of 9 percent, and apparently the Chinese still have appetite for

consuming, which the international business magazine China

Economic Review weren’t late to point out, when the cover of the

October issue carried the rather bold headline “What Downturn?”.

The magazine documents that the value of Chinese retail grew by

16.7 percent in 2007. From January to August 2008 another rise –

this time of 21.7 percent – was experienced. The numbers have

to be held together with the fact that Chinese shares in the same

period have nose-dived and that it is 18 months since the stock

exchanges of the world went red the first time due to dramatic

falls at the stock exchange in Shanghai.

So whereas most experts forecast that Chinese export will

experience a fall due to the global financial turmoil, the engine

of Chinas economy - the domestic market – paradoxically seems

only marginally affected. As one female consumer said to China

Economic Review:

- My shopping habits may be influenced by my mood, but

not by the economy.


In the middle of October, Kopenhagen Fur

held a great fashion show in co-operation

with Haining Leather Market in China at

Langelinie Pavillon in Copenhagen.

At the fashion show you could

experience a lot of colourful leather and fur

on the beautiful runway, which was kept

in gold colours in a true east meets west-


The designs from the catwalk were

made by various designers from Haining

Leather Market in China – a large shopping

mall in Haining, which retails fur and


The idea behind the fashion show

was to show the Danish fashion crowd that

China as well can design and be ‘a creative

nation’ .

And the fashion show did really show

that the Chinese designers are getting

a more and more ‘western’ look in their


- I think it was a very festive and

beautiful show. But it also clearly showed,

that China is getting better and better in

designing western styles, says trend expert

Ulla Skjødt from the Federation of Danish

Textile and Clothing Industries, who was

especially fond of the more simple styles at

the catwalk:

- Personally, I was especially fond

of the more simple styles in toned down

colours like black and white— like the

black fur jacket with a hood, whose colours

shimmered beautifully, says Ulla Skjødt.

CoLourFuL Chinese Fur Fashion in Copenhagen

by patriCia wiLson photo by saCha mariC

DECEmbER 2008 19


Advocates for animal rights and opponents

of fur proclaim that they are engaged

in animal welfare, when it comes to

opposition to fur. But is that the whole

truth? What if the opposition to fur was

predominantly about a relic from religion

and socialistic ideas that all share alike?

Lecturer at the Danish Design School

Erik Hansen-Hansen, who has written

the thesis: “Lust, feeling and beauty of

women”, which is about moralism in

fashion, says;

- It is remarkable, but odd, that the

animal protectors have made fur industry

a scapegoat. If animal welfare was the

reason for the resistance to fur, even more

focus should be on the food industry, he

says and explains:

- If you consider how small a

percentage of the industrial use of animals

is used in the fur industry, it is only a

fraction compared to the food or the

clothing industry, Erik Hansen-Hansen

says, and refers to leather goods. Goods

that are also made out of animal products.

Nor does Erik Hansen-Hansen think

that the opposition can be reasonably

explained by fur being a luxury product

unnecessary for human survival.

- Motivating the opposition to

fur as a luxury product unnecessary

for human survival is a sidetrack. Nor is

meat essential for human survival. You

can become a vegetarian and have your

protein requirement covered elsewhere.

Furthermore, Erik Hansen-Hansen

thinks that animal welfare is given a very

high priority in Denmark, and especially

mink farming demands that the animals are

given the correct treatment.

- It is totally absurd to talk about

maltreatment in fur farming when it

comes to industrial use of animals. It

would immediately appear from the fur

if the animal was maltreated. Therefore,

everybody has an interest in mink being

properly treated, he says.

a question about reLigion

Erik Hansen-Hansen thinks that the

antifur attitude derives partly from the

disrepute of different religions to luxury

products and women, who decorate them

making themselves sexually attractive

to the opposite sex. A view that you find

in Christianity, but also in other religions,

where womanly seduction is not welcome:

- In both Christianity and Islam you

find the attitude that women should not

make themselves sexually attractive as it

disturbs the religious submission and the

public order, says Erik Hansen-Hansen.

He finds this attitude very odd, as

sexual attraction is the foundation of the

mammal, and therefore human, survival.

But Erik Hansen-Hansen thinks it is a very

strong moralistic tradition, which has had

its cultural influence in hundreds of years,

and which also has had its impact on how

antiFur is not about animaL weLFare According to lecturer at the Danish Design School Erik Hansen-Hansen, antifur is not only about compassion for animals or animal welfare. On the contrary, it is more about religious morals preaching that women should not be sexually attractive, and about the socialistic idea that all share alike. by patriCia wiLson

DECEmbER 2008 21

people see the fashion industry.

- Clothing, and subsequent fashion,

has always been the target of different

moralists in course of time. But the wish to

decorate the body with beautiful clothes

and jewellery seems to be essential for

mankind. You will find this attitude in all

cultures. So it is almost contrary to nature

that some circles distance themselves

from the clothing industry, he says.

Erik Hansen-Hansen thinks that

when experiencing the opposition to the

fur industry today, it is also about the left

wing’s hatred of all symbols of capitalism

and abundance. Fur is considered a luxury

item, and understandably fur is so hated in

some circles.

- Fur has for many years been

considered a luxury item reserved for the

upper class women. As a socialist, you

want to share alike. Naturally, fur becomes

the symbolic target, he says and adds that

you will also find antifur movements on

the extreme religious right wing, where

luxury is a deep sin.

more Fur in the Future?

Erik Hansen-Hansen finds it very

difficult to predict, if the fur industry will

expand or the opposite. But he thinks

that the attitude to fur will split up in two

directions: One who will love fur and

continue to buy many fur garments, and

one who will beg to differ from fur and

animal products.

He predicts that the Asian market

will expand further one of the reasons

being that Asia does not have any religious

motives for not wearing fur. Asia almost

praises articles of luxury to an extent

unseen in Denmark:

- Obviously, Asia does not have

the same moral qualms as Europe, and

they love luxury items out there, says Erik


Photo: AFP/Scanpix


DECEmbER 2008 23



Alban Berg’s musical adaptation of Georg Büchn-

er’s cynical story of the clinically insane antihero

Wozzeck and the humiliations to which he is sub-

jected is one of the most intense masterworks

of 20th-century opera. It takes us on a journey

into the outer limits of the callous human psyche

and into the dark world of victimisation. The per-

formance is conducted by the leading German

conductor Michael Boder and directed by Keith

Warner, who also staged the performance at the

Royal Opera House at Covent Garden in London

where it was an immense success and received

an Olivier Award.

> The Opera, Copenhagen

Wozzeck will be performed in German with

Danish subtitles.



Experience the friendly atmosphere at Tivoli

in Copenhagen, when Tivoli opens their yearly

Christmas market in the middle of November.

Experience the real Santa Claus and use the op-

portunity to buy some of the beautiful Christmas

decorations for your Christmas tree, or just

hang around and smell the scent of a Danish


The exhibition is open Sunday- Thursday from 11

am. to 10 pm. And from Friday-Saturday from 11

am. to 11 pm. The entrance costs 85 DKK.

> Tivoli, Vesterbrogade 3, Copenhagen.


The noticed art museum ‘Arken’, located near

Copenhagen, shows a large variety of the

famous artist Picasso’s work, at an exhibition

dedicated to the famous artist.

The beautiful paintings showed at the exhibition,

are mainly about his relationship with women and

shows Picasso as the great seducer, he truly was.

The museum is open Tuesday-Sunday from 10

am. to 5 pm. And on Wednesday from 10 am. to

9 pm. The tickets are sold at the entrance and

cost 85 DKK.

> ’Arken- Museum of Modern Art’, Skovvej 100,

2635 Ishøj.


Experience the spectacular exhibition ‘Bodies’ at

Rådhuspladsen in Copenhagen. At the exhibi-

tion, that has caused a lot of debate around the

world, you can see how your body looks under-

neath the skin and how it will look, depending on

what you eat and drink.

The exhibition is open from Sunday-Thursday

from 10 am. to 7 pm. And Friday and Saturday

from 10 am. to 9 pm. The tickets are sold at the

entrance and cost 150 DKK.

> H.C. Andersen slottet, Rådhuspladsen, Copen-



All 25,000 tickets were sold even before the

ballet premiered in 2007. Tap into the Christmas

spirit with the Royal Danish Ballet with this ever-

green family favourite. Children are at the heart

of Kenneth Greve and Peter Langdal’s lavish new

staging of the yuletide classic, which offers ma-

gic and fairytale for even the youngest children.

Karin Betz’ original mirrored set design trans-

forms the Old Stage into a Christmas party, a

howling blizzard and a colour spangled circus

tent where Uncle Drosselmeyer is the ringmaster

of exotic dance and refined ballet performed

with humour and magic.

events in Copenhagen12 - 15 DECEmbER 2008



hoLiday CLosing<Please note that Kopenhagen

Fur is closed

Wednesday, 24 December•

Thursday, 25 December•

Friday, 26 December•

Wednesday, 31 December•

Thursday, 1 January•

due to Christmas and New Year


visit From tsinghua university> During the September 2008

auction, a group of professors

from the design school

Tsinghua University visited

Kopenhagen Fur in Glostrup

to get an impression of the

company, and to learn more

about skin qualities, lengths

and colours.

During the visit, the professors

sorted the skins themselves.

This took place in deeply,

focused concentration.

- They are extremely focused

and detailed. When they are

examining the skin, you can

not get in contact with them.

They are in their own world, so

to speak, says skin consultant

from Kopenhagen Fur Lone


The professors also seemed

very glad about the sorting

course, thanking Lone

Andersen for her very

professional and instructive


- Lone is a very good educator.

I have learned a lot about skin

qualities and lengths, which

I did not know before, says

professor Li Dangqi.

He himself has never tried to

sort raw skin, and is very happy

about the knowledge he got

from the course.

- I think that it is very interesting

sorting skin. I know a little bit

about it from back home, but

not so much about working

with raw skins, says Li Dangqi.

auCtion sCheduLe 2008/09

December 2008

Inspection: From 12 December

Sales: 14 to 15 December

February 2009

Inspection: From 30 January

Sales: 3 to 6 February

April 2009

Inspection: From 28 March

Sales: 2 to 6 April

June 2009

Inspection: From 8 June

Sales: 14 to 19 June

September 2009

Inspection: From 6 September

Sales: 12 to 17 September

DECEmbER 2008 25

Copenhagen hoteLs

buying sKins at Kopenhagen Fur?

interested in an even Faster serviCe?

Have you informed Kopenhagen Fur about

your e-mail address?

If not, please send your e-mail address

to customers@kopenhagenfur.com for


hoteL Cat. address teLephone

Norlandia Star (A) Colbjørnsensgade 13, 1652 V + 45 3322 1100

Comfort Hotel Europe (B) Colbjørnsensgade 11, 1652 V + 45 3321 3333

Du Nord (B) Colbjørnsensgade 14, 1652 V + 45 3331 7750

First (B) Vesterbrogade 23-29, 1620 V + 45 3378 8000

Glostrup Park (B) Hovedvejen 41, 2600 Glostrup + 45 4396 0038

Kong Frederik (B) Vester Voldgade 25, 1552 K + 45 3312 5902

Admiral (C) Toldbodgade 24, 1253 K + 45 3374 1414

Scandic Glostrup (C) Roskildevej 550, 2600 Glostrup + 45 4343 4200

Scandic Sydhavn (C) Sydhavns Plads 15, 2450 SV + 45 8833 3666

Radisson SAS Falkoner (E) Falkoner Allé 9, 2000 Frb. + 45 3815 8001

Scandic CPH (E) Vester Søgade 6, 1601 V + 45 3314 3535

Scandic Hvidovre (E) Kettevej 4. 2650 Hvidovre +45 3686 0400

Scandic Webers (F) Vesterbrogade 11B 1620 V + 45 3331 1432

Skt. Petri (F) Krystalgade 22, 1172 K + 45 3345 9800

Hilton Airport - 5 stars (G) Ellehammersvej 20, 2770 Kastrup + 45 3250 1501

Marriott - 5 stars* (G) Kalvebod Brygge 5, 1560 V + 45 8833 9900

Radisson SAS Scandinavia* (G) Amager Blv. 70, 2300 S + 45 3396 5000

hoteL ratesCat. a DKK 600-800

Cat. b DKK 800-900

Cat. C DKK 900-1000

Cat. d DKK 1000-1100

Cat. e DKK 1100-1200

Cat. F DKK 1200-1400

Cat. g DKK 1400-1800

pLease note

All reservations will be cancelled at 4pm if not guaran-

teed for late arrival.

We kindly ask you to inform us 24 hours prior to arrival

if you need to change your reservation.

*Copenhagen Marriott Hotel

Please note that the rates in June and September

2009 will be DKK 1995, - / 2195, -


area managers

andreJ rumJanCevAREA mANAGER, RUSSiA

+45 4326 1103

ContaCt KOPENHAGEN FURE-mail: mail@kopEnhagEnfur.com

phonE: +45 4326 1000


torben nieLsen mANAGiNG DiRECTOR

+45 4326 1042 (SECR.)

eriK neergaard SALES DiRECTOR

+45 4326 1201

inge Østermand SECRETARy (mANAGEmENT)

+45 4326 1042

Customer departmentcustomErs@kopEnhagEnfur.com

brian tuFvesson CUSTOmER RELATiONS mANAGER+45 4326 1401


+45 4326 1431

annette hindborgACCOUNTS AND iNVOiCiNG

+45 4326 1440


+45 4326 1443

Christiane rautenbergACCOUNTS AND iNVOiCiNG+45 4326 1442


Kathrine engbergFRONT OFFiCE mANAGER

+45 4326 1112


+45 4326 1280



+45 4326 1203


+45 4326 1209


+45 4326 1206


+45 4326 1415

Kasper s. reinbaCherPROJECT CO-ORDiNATOR, AUCTiONEER+45 4326 1422

LaiLa webLer CASHiER

+45 4326 1413

beiJing oFFiCephonE +86 10 8447 6804 /fax +86 10 8447 7284

weixian ChenAREA mANAGER, CHiNA

mOb. +86 135 0118 1720


mOb. +86 139 1156 8019


mOb. +86 139 1093 7964

marKeting departmentmarkEting@kopEnhagEnfur.com

patrizia v. ChristensenmARKETiNG DiRECTOR+45 4326 1102

thomas C. andersenPRODUCT DEVELOPmENT mANAGER+45 4326 1110


+45 4326 1158

natia LinnemannRETAiL mARKETiNG mANAGER

+45 7213 5013

CommuniCations departmentinfo@kopEnhagEnfur.com

sander JaCobsenCOmmUNiCATiONS mANAGER

+45 4326 1063



mOb. +30 693 242 5858

quaLity managerkvalitEtsafdElingEn@kopEnhagEnfur.com

bJarne rasmussenQUALiTy mANAGER

+45 4326 1342

DECEmbER 2008 27

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Infelber (Exports) Ltd4 Elthorne Road, London N19 4AG

Tel +44(20) - 7281 1966 E-mail info@infelber.com Fax +44(20) - 7281 2398

Eurasia Furs LtdUnit O, 10/Kaiser Estate Phase III

9-11A Hok Yuen Street, Hunghom, Kowloon, HK

Tel +852 2311 9803 E-mail Eurasia88@biznetvigator.com Fax +852 2721 3081

Infelber (Exports) Ltd4 Elthorne Road, London N19 4AG

Tel +44(20) - 7281 1966 E-mail info@infelber.com Fax +44(20) - 7281 2398

Eurasia Furs LtdUnit O, 10/Kaiser Estate Phase III

9-11A Hok Yuen Street, Hunghom, Kowloon, HK

Tel +852 2311 9803 E-mail Eurasia88@biznetvigator.com Fax +852 2721 3081