Post on 02-Jan-2016

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Transcript of KEY ISSUE #1: TO WHAT EXTENT SHOULD WE EMBRACE GLOBALIZATION? Chapter 3: Identity, the Media and...

KEY ISSUE #1: TO WHAT EXTENT SHOULD WE EMBRACE GLOBALIZATION?Chapter 3: Identity, the Media and Communication Technology

Google Drive* Since we are now able to share comments and ideas

through Google Drive, please feel free to comment on any questions that are present on the slides and then share it with me.

For example, slide 4 has some good questions to think about!

I will use these Power Point “Comments” to mark your attendance each week. (See Power School)

These comments can be ideas/thoughts, questions for me, or just simple remarks!

Chapter 3 Introduction – What we will be looking at this chapter!

How is Identity Affected By Opportunities to Communicate with People around the World? P. 68-71

How is Diversity Influenced by Media and Communication Technologies? P. 68-75

How is Identity Affected By Media Coverage of World Events? P. 76-81

How is Diversity Affected By the Dominance of American Media? P. 82-85* Explore the topics above – Make jot notes in your notebook using the questions as a guide.

Chapter 3: Something to Think About…

McLuhan’s idea that electronic technology is an extension of the human senses. Which technological devices form an

extension of a humans sight, hearing, smell, and touch?

Which device do you think is a major extension of your own senses?

Chapter 3 Introduction

Personal Notes #1. You are going to write your answer to the

following question in your notes. You will revisit this question at the end of the chapter so leave room to write.. To what extent is identity affected by communication

technology and media in a globalizing world? Practice writing your arguments… Use what you have learned so far in the unit as facts to


Chapter 3: Exploring the Content

Trade Fair Exploration!!!! Choose one topic from the list of 4 below. You will make

an electronic presentation of your topic. How is Identity Affected By Opportunities to Communicate with

People around the World? P. 68-71 How is Diversity Influenced by Media and Communication

Technologies? P. 68-75 How is Identity Affected By Media Coverage of World Events? P.

76-81 How is Diversity Affected By the Dominance of American

Media? P. 82-85

Chapter 3: Exploring the Content

Trade Fair Exploration!!!! Trade Fair Presentations Specifics

You must create a display (Microsoft Word Brochure, Power Point, Prezi…) (kind of like a science fair presentation)

Your presentation must explore all the major issues and information in your section of the textbook

Included all textbook information Notes, pictures, supplemental information often found on pages

You must also create a response to the Reflect and Respond Questions found at the end of each section*

Your presentation should be very colorful, neat and well presented.

How is Diversity Influenced by the Media and Communication Technologies? P. 72-75

What do these words mean to you? Media Concentration Media Convergence Diversity Media cross-ownership

Individually create your own working definition in your Notes That means you will probably adjust and change your

definition as we carry on…

End of Chapter: Go back to your Note section for chapter 3

Reflect on the key ideas, key terms and vocab that you initially wrote down for the chapter Did your understanding of the key ideas, key terms and vocab change? Should you add anything to your information section? Why did you miss

this information the first time through? I want you to identify 5 media messages that you have received via

the media: TV, radio, magazine, billboard, movie or another source. How does each message attempt to influence your identity? Create a chart like the one below to explore this idea. Pg. 86 has a great example:


Medium and Item

Main Message Source Country

How does it try to influence me?

How is the message related to culture and identity?

What Do I need to Submit this Week? Trade Fair Presentation (Electronic) Media Chart Unit Exam – Week 5!! Chapters 1-4

Submit your work to me by the Monday of the following week! – Google Drive!