Kenya national music festiva 2012 catalogue at kicd(kie archives)a

Post on 14-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Kenya national music festiva 2012 catalogue at kicd(kie archives)a




The editing of recorded Kenya National Music Festivals- 2012 (KNMF) exercise

commenced on 3th of October 24, 2012 and ended on 2

nd November, 2012.

Thereafter the producer embarked on the development of the catalogue of the

edited items.

A total of nine hundred sixty four (964) items were edited during the exercise

making a total of one hundred and forty (141) programmes of approximately thirty

(30) minutes each. The programmes have been classified into categories according

to the way in which they were presented. The following table shows a summary of

the programmes:



1. Gala - finalists 12

2. Dances - (kikuyu, embu, meru,)

- Masaai, samburu, taveta



3. Traditional folktunes 4

4. Adaptation and own arrangement 17

5. Gospel music with pop 3

6. Negro spiritual 4

7. African folksongs 13

8. African sacred with text 4

9. Own and special composition 18

10. Set pieces 15

11. Singing games 8

12. Choral verses 5

13. Solo verses 4

14. Gospel music 1

15. Traditional/cultural dances 11

16. Mashairi and poems 4

17. French and german verses 4

Total number of programmes 141


Each programme has approximately six (6) items and has a montage which is

specially designed for the opening credits. It also has the end credits which depict

acknowledgement of the crew involved in the entire production process.

The individual items in each programme have been separated from each other by a

bumber, which is well designed to add value and flavour to the programmes. The

edited programmes are tailored for transmission on the EDU Channel and also for

dissemination to schools through formal requests.

Attached please find the catalogue of the edited work.









1. 1. 1 Alliance Boys High School Sacred Male Voices

2. Kamboi School For The Deaf Choral Verse

3. Tudor Secondary School Kiswahili Verse

4. Kaimosi TTC Luhya Folk Song

5. Mbale High School Original Composition

6. Kerio Valley Secondary School Marakwet Folksong

7. 2 Outering Secondary School Borana Dance

8. Matiliku Primary School Singing Game

9. Gatumaini Primary School Choral Verse

10. Joy Town Secondary School Dance

11. Katoloni Secondary School Akamba Dance

12. St. Anne’s Musoli Choral Verse

13. 2 3 KTTC Dance - Rest Of Africa

14. Sendede Secondary School Dance

15. Obera Boys Secondary School Folksong – Sacred Text

16. Ofafa Maringo ECD Singing Game


17. Keveye Girls Secondary School Choral Verse

18. 4 Narok TTC Maasai Folk Dance

19. St. Mary’s Mumias Girls Choral Verse

20. Nairobi Aviation Adaptation and Arrangement

21. Moi University Adaptation and Arrangement

22. Samoei Boys Folksong

23. 3 5 Ogango Primary School Luo Folk Dance

24. St. Monica Chakol Girls Baganda Dance

25. Migori TTC Sacred Folk Song

26. Okocho Primary School Folk Song

27. St. Mathews Primary School Kalenjin Dance

28. 6 Thigio Boys High School Kikuyu Traditional Dance

29. Narok High School Maasai Folk Song

30. University Of Nairobi Sacred Song

31. Likoni School For The VI Adaptation and arrangement

32. Yusuf Haji Girls Somali Folk Song

33. 4 7 Masinga Girls High School Akamba Dance

34. Booker Academy Singing Game

35. Mirembe Primary Luhya Folk Song

36. Carol Academy Choral Verse

37. Mumbi Girls Choral Verse

38. Sega Girls Secondary School Folk Song

39. 5 8 Precious Blood Riruta Zilizopendwa

40. Logemo Primary Choral Verse

41. St. Angela School Dance

42. Utafiti Primary School Kiswahili Choral Verse

43. Bashir Primary School Taarabu

44. Igena Primary School Kuria Folk Song

45. 9 Juvenalis Gitau Primary Gikuyu Folk Song

46. Kibirichia High School Meru Dance

47. Koyonzo Secondary School Choral Verse

48. Kodich Boarding Primary Turkana Folk Song

49. Dr. Aggrey Secondary School Mijikenda Folk Song

50. 10 Erusui Girls Choral Verse

51. Brains North Mijikenda Dance

52. Mang’u High School/Mary Hill Set Piece

53. Upper Hill/State House Girls African Tunes/Melody

54. Spring Board Academy Kiswahili Choral Verse

55. 11 Nairobi TTI A/A Spiritual

56. Gesiaga Primary Kisii Folk Dance

57. Misyiani Girls Akamba Dance

58. Kodich AIC Pokot Traditional Dance

59. Mumias Muslim Boys Choral Verse

60. Egoji TTC Luhya Folk Song

61. 12 Ruaraka academy Choral verse


62. St. Barnaba Secondary School Luo Cultural Dance

63. Siana Primary Maasai Dance

64. Migori Secondary Luo Dance

65. Moi Girls Nairobi Zilizopendwa

66. Chavakali High School Zilizopendwa


67. 1 1 Juja road primary school

68. New era primary school

69. Juvenalis gitau

70. St. Irene academy

71. Kungwani primary

72. 2 Mathare north primary

73. Misikhu primary

74. Kiamba road primary

75. Mwati primary

76. Gathitu primary

77. Kamirithu primary

78. 3 Nyakebako D.E.B

79. Kimbilio Academy

80. 91 municipality

81. Kimurugu primary

82. Nkiriana primary

DANCES (Maasai, Samburu, Njemps, Rendile Taveta)

83. 1 4 Nkoilale Boarding Primary R. Valley

84. Anne Rose Academy Nairobi

85. Siana Boarding Primary R. Valley

86. Ole Sankale Primary R. Valley

87. Mahoo Primary Coast

88. Komaranch Primary R. Valley

89. 5 Limanet Primary R. Valley

90. Itumi Primary Eastern

91. Buchenya Primary Western

92. Giathugu Primary Central

93. Musokoto Primary Musokoto

94. Kajiado Primary R. Valley

95. 6 Monensema Primary Nyanza

96. Mukomoni Primary

97. Tala Boys Eastern

98. Alber Academy Central

99. Mutoto Primary R. Valley

100. 2 7 Magoso Primary Nairobi


101. Shikokho Primary Western

102. St. Lucy School For The VI Nyanza

103. St. Anne’s Primary Nyanza

104. Masaba Primary R. Valley

105. 8 Makunga S.A Primary Western

106. Daniel Comboni Academy Nairobi

107. Mabunge Primary School Western

108. Okanja Primary Nyanza

109. Moi Primary R. Valley

110. 9 Ogango Primary School Nyanza

111. Uasin Gishu Primary R.Valley

112. Midas Golden Academy

113. Karen C Primary Nairobi

114. Vispa Emanuel Academy

115. 10 St. Joseph Busia Girls Western

116. Makini Junior Academy Nairobi

117. Ikumba Primary School Western

118. Booker Academy Western

119. Rabuor Primary School

120. St. Francis Hambale Primary

121. 11 Aga Khan Primary School

122. Rose Of Sharon Academy Nairobi

123. St. Anne’s Nyabondo Girls Nyanza

124. Musa Gitau Primary

125. Good Hope Academy

126. Minaret Primary

127. 12 St. Anne’s Academy

128. Aberdare Ranges Primary

129. Chakol Girls Secondary School Western

130. St. Francis Langala Western

131. 3 13 Kodero Bara Secondary School Nyanza

132. Eorekole Secondary School R. Valley

133. Sokoke Secondary School Coast

134. St. Mathew Secondary School Western

135. Narok High School R. Valley

136. 14 Olelonga High School R. Valley

137. Chagosi Boys High School

138. St Francis Girls R. Valley

139. AIC Boys Athi River Eastern



141. 3 1 Kolanya Boys

142. Kolanya Girls


143. Rae Girls High School

144. Rae Girls High School

145. Oriwo Boys High School

146. 2 Chakol Girls

147. Friends School Kamusinga

148. Ofafa Jericho Secondary School

149. Gathiruini boys

150. Nakuru day

151. 3 Sengera girls

152. Nyambaria high school

153. Pumwani secondary school

154. Precious blood kagwe

155. St. francis girls werua

156. 4 Buruburu girls

157. Itierio boys

158. Njoro boys



160. 1 1 Thukuma Primary School Central

161. St. Anthony Clares Academy Coast

162. St. Mary’s Eldoret Primary R. Valley

163. Mary Immaculate Primary Central

164. St. Mary’s Girls Narok R. Valley

165. St. Elizabeth Nairobi

166. 2 Likoni VI Primary School Coast

167. Lugala Primary School Western

168. Kiambani Primary School Eastern

169. Gatoto Primary School Nairobi

170. Elimu Academy Nyanza

171. St. Teresia Academy Eastern

172. 3 Kongoni Primary School Western

173. Viyalo Primary School Western

174. Mombasa Polytechnic Coast

175. Koewa Secondary School Eastern

176. Utumishi Academy R. Valley

177. Mbooni Boys Eastern

178. St. John’s Nyamagwa Nyanza

179. Kianyaga High Class Central

180. 4 Mang’u High School Central

181. Chavakali High School Western

182. Kisii High School Nyanza

183. Mbale High School Western

184. Garsen Secondary School Coast


185. St. Joseph Githunguri Central

186. 5 Kanyawanga Boys Nyanza

187. Kisumu Day Secondary School Nyanza

188. Strathmore High School Nairobi

189. Njoro Boys High School R. Valley

190. Lenana School Nairobi

191. Pumwani Secondary School Nairobi

192. Strathmore School Nairobi

193. Molo Academy R. Valley

194. 6 Lukenya Boys High School Eastern

195. Uasin Gishu High School R. Valley

196. Trasaa Secondary School Coast

197. Chavakali Boys High School Western

198. Meru High School Eastern

199. Jamuhuri High School Nairobi

200. St. Joseph Githunguri Central

201. 2 7 Oriwo Boys Nyanza

202. Sigalame Secondary School Western

203. Vihiga Boys High School Western

204. Riokindo Boys Nyanza

205. Kaani Lions Secondary School Eastern

206. Kisumu Day Secondary School Nyanza

207. 8 Kericho Tea Secondary School R. Valley

208. Precious Blood Riruta Nairobi

209. Mang’u High School Central

210. Pumwani Boys Nairobi

211. Mombasa TTI Coast

212. Mt. Kenya University Thika Central

213. Kenyatta University Central

214. 9 Narok University R. Valley

215. Mt. Kenya University Eldoret R. Valley

216. Masinde Muliro Unversity Western

217. University of Nairobi Nairobi

218. Kiambu Town Ship Central

219. Nyandarua High School Central

220. 10 Ongalo Secondary School Nyanza

221. St.A Agnes Shibuye Western

222. Ahero Girls Nyanza

223. Kayole South High School Nairobi

224. Mabunge Secondary School Western

225. 11 Ruiru Girls High School Central

226. St. Barnabas Girls Nyanza

227. Umoja High School Eldoret R. Valley

228. Loreto Matunda R. Valley

229. St. Philips Mukomari Western


230. Rae Girls Secondary School Nyanza

231. 12 Aquinas High School Nairobi

232. Kakamega School Western

233. Purpose Driven Academy R. Valley

234. Lukenya Girls Eastern

235. Kajembe High School Coast

236. 13 Bukembe Secondary School Western

237. Mangu High School Central

238. Star Of The Sea Coast

239. Kaimosi High School Western

240. Kisumu Day Nyanza

241. Molo Academy R. Valley

242. 3 14 Huruma Girls Nairobi

243. Chavakali Boys Western

244. Nairobi Girls Nairobi

245. Kamobo Secondary School R. Valley

246. Otieno Oyoo Secondary School Nyanza

247. Sigalame Boys High School Western

248. 15 Riokindo Boys High School Nyanza

249. Kagwe Girls High School Central

250. Strathmore School Nairobi

251. Pumwani Boys Secondary School Nairobi

252. Achego girls – zilizopendwa – pesa position Nyanza

253. Achego girls – miel oketho nyawano Nyanza

254. 16 Ligusi secondary – zilizopendwa – adam na eva

255. Njoro boys - zilizopendwasina kisomo Rift valley

256. Vihiga boys – zilizopendwa - stella Western

257. Vihiga boys zilizopendwa – mfalme wa amani Western

258. Vihiga boys – zilizopendwa - ibeba Western

259. Kangubiri girls – zilizopendwa - mamaland

260. Kangubiri girls – zilizopendwa - nitawapumzisha

261. 17 Mombasa polytechnic – ombi langu Coast

262. Gatoto primary – ombi langu Nairobi

263. m Mungakha primary school – vamuvamba yesu western

264. Kitui teachers college – zinganie ngoma Eastern

265. Asumbi TTC – jehova okalo pimo Nyanza


266. 1 Jamuhuri High School Nairobi

267. Kolanya Boys Western

268. Kabkara High School

269. St. Lukes Boys - Kimilili Western

270. St. Joseph Rapogi Nyanza

271. Kanyawaga High School Nyanza


272. Lenana High School Nairobi

273. 1 2 Gretsa university - baraton central

274. Masinde Muliro University Western

275. Moi University R. Valley

276. Makueni Boys Eastern

277. Riokindo Boys Nyanza

278. Garsen Secondary School Coast

279. Kianyaga Boys Central

280. Meru High School Eastern

281. Molo Academy R. Valley

282. 3 Homa Bay Nyanza

283. Chavakali High School Western

284. Alliance Boys High School Central

285. Cheptenye Boys R. Valley

286. Olooleiser Boys R. Valley

287. Chanderema Boys Western

288. Strathmore School Nairobi

289. Starehe Boys Centre Nairobi


290. 1 1 Ingotse Boys High School Western

291. St. Lukes - Kimilili Western

292. Ndivisi Boys High School Western

293. Chavakali High School Western

294. Starehe Boys Centre Nairobi

295. Kaoyokochia Secondary School Nyanza

296. Ofafa Jericho High School Nairobi

297. Strathmore School Nairobi

298. Moi High School Kabarak R. Valley

299. Itierio Boys High School Nyanza

300. Pumwani High School Nairobi

301. Meru High School Eastern

302. Vihiga Friends High School Western

303. 2 Molo Academy R. Valley

304. Friends School Kamusinga Western

305. Njoro Boys High School R. Valley

306. Makueni Boys High School Eastern

307. Chanderama High School Western

308. Kaimosi Boys Western

309. Kanyawanga High School Nyanza

310. Sameta High School Nyanza

311. Riokindo Boys Nyanza

312. Lenana School Nairobi

313. St. Teresas Boys Nairobi


314. Baraton TTC

315. 3 Thogoto TTC Central

316. Nyasanda Community High Nyanza

317. Moi High School Kabarak R. Valley

318. Nyeri Baptist School Central

319. Lubunu Secondary School

320. Lugusi Secondary Western

321. Nakuru Day R. Valley

322. Kiambere School Complex Eastern

323. Chanagade High School Coast

324. Aga Khan School

325. 4 State House/Upper Hill Nairobi

326. Sacho High School R. Valley

327. Imara Secondary Eastern

328. Nyakioba Secondary Nyanza

329. Loreto/Alliance High Schools Central

330. St. Augustine Kandege Secondary Nyanza

331. Starehe Boys/Girls Central/Nairobi

332. Koibeyon Secondary School R. Valley

333. Riokindo boys


334. 1 1 Nyamasanda Primary Western

335. Mikanda Primary Coast

336. Tala Boys Primary Eastern

337. Bunde Primary Nyanza

338. Sher Moi Primary School R. Valley

339. Musa Gitau Central

340. Njakango Primary Nyanza

341. 2 Magoso Primary School Nairobi

342. Mirembe Primary Western

343. Mitoto Primary R. Valley

344. Chesikaki R.C Academy Western

345. Kodich Boarding Academy R. Valley

346. Namasanda Primary Western

347. Bituyu F.Y.M Academy Western

348. 3 Kathwana Primary School Eastern

349. Gome Primary School Coast

350. Nachukui Mixed Primary School R. Valley

351. Kangundo DEB Primary School Eastern

352. Gachororo Primary School Central

353. Sega Girls Primary School Nyanza

354. St. Joseph Tana River Academy Coast

355. 4 Don Bosco Primary Nairobi


356. Bahati Children Home Academy R. Valley

357. Kodich A.I.C. Primary School R. Valley

358. St. Lucy’s School For The Blind

359. Stella Maris Academy Nairobi

360. Benard’s Vision School Nyanza

361. 5 St. Augustine Namakhele Western

362. Lokitoung Primary School R. Valley

363. Siana Boarding Primary R. Valley

364. Mikadini Primary School Coast

365. Kibokoni Primary Primary School Coast

366. Mahoo Primary School Coast

367. 6 Kamirithu Primary School Central

368. Juvenalis Gitau Primary Central

369. Kodich A.I.C Primary School R. Valley

370. Mbilini Primary School Eastern

371. Crossroads Springs Institute Primary Western

372. A.I.C Kajiado Primary R. Valley

373. Magoso Primary School Nairobi

374. 2 7 Assan Johnson Primary School Nairobi

375. Muji F.Y.Mprimary Academy Western


376. 7 Luluma Primary School Eastern

377. Kematu Primary School Nyanza

378. Ongoso Primary School R. Valley

379. Shadrack Kimalel Nairobi

380. 8 Tengecha Primary School R. Valley

381. Kimilili R.C. Girls Academy Western

382. Twenuke Day Primary School R. Valley

383. Kamusinga AC Primary School Western

384. All Saints Kebulonik Primary School R. Valley

385. St. Mathew Septonok Academy R. Valley

386. 9 Mashimoni Primary School Coast

387. Toroso S.A Academy Western

388. Kamirithu Primary School Central

389. Walea Primary School Coast

390. Kirunguru special school

391. Ntuti Primary School

392. Parklands Primary

393. 10 Ngong Township

394. Mirangi-Ini Squarters

395. Antubochiu Primary

396. Nyakoro SDA

397. Kaimosi TTC


398. Mirembe Primary

399. Machakos Ttc - Nduku

400. 11 Kigari TTC - Kechomyet

401. Kigari TTC - Chesaina

402. Chondolo Primary School - Jirani

403. Meru TTC - Murimi

404. Meru TTC - Kitundumo

405. All Saints Academy – Kotab Nandi

406. Litein Primary – Abamura Bachire

407. Litein Primary – Oburabu Bwachire

408. 12 Baraton TTC - Undhwe

409. St. Mathews Primary - Kaplelach

410. St. Johns Nyangojo Secondary

411. Misyani Girls - Kitundumo

412. Asumbi Girls - Wedding

413. Chumoni Secondary

414. 3 13 Kathiani Girls - Musenya


415. 4 1 Ndumberi Girls Central

416. Abothunguchi Boys Eastern

417. Chelilis Girls R. Valley

418. Olympic High School Nairobi

419. 2 Aquinas High School Nairobi

420. Thigio Boys Central

421. Nkubu Boys Eastern

422. Gavalagi Secondary School Western

423. Obera Boys Nyanza

424. 3 Mukumu Boys Western

425. St. Philips Yago Secondary Nyanza

426. Mashoru Secondary R. Valley

427. Kajembe Secondary School Coast

428. St. Mathew ACK Secondary Western

429. Kenyatta University Nairobi

430. 4 Masinde Muliro University Western

431. University Of Nairobi Nairobi

432. Meru TTC Eastern

433. KCA university


434. 1 1 Ikombe Primary School Eastern

435. Kericho Primary School R. Valley

436. Ngere Primary School Nyanza


437. Vohovole Primary School Western

438. St. Elizabeth Academy Nairobi

439. Ibokolo Primary School Western

440. Shimo La Tewa Borstal Academy Coast

441. 2 Gothioro Academy Central

442. Kipkeino AIC School R. Valley

443. Kangundo DEB Primary School Eastern

444. Friends Primary

445. Lugala Primary School Western

446. St. Mary’s Primary School R. Valley

447. 3 St. Elizabeth Academy Nairobi

448. Rairi Primary School Nyanza

449. St. Peter’s Mumias Western

450. Brookfield Academy Central

451. Wangu Primary School Nairobi

452. Likoni V.I. Primary School Coast

453. Kafudibi Primary School Coast

454. Elimu Academy Nyanza

455. 4 Kariba Road Academy R.Valley

456. Malivani A.I.C Eastern

457. Don Bosco Boys Eastern

458. Bura Girls Secondary Coast

459. Our Lady Of Mercy Nairobi

460. Utumishi Academy R. Valley

461. Karoti Girls Central

462. 5 Agoro Sare Secondary School Nyanza

463. Shanderema Boys Western

464. Eastmore Secondary School R. Valley

465. Lugulu Girls Western

466. Bishop Sulumeti Western

467. Got Osimbo Secondary School Nyanza

468. Kingwende Secondary School Coast

469. 6 Kapsabet High School R. Valley

470. Tumutumu Girls Central

471. Mary Girls High School Central

472. Matiku Secondary School Eastern

473. 2 7 St. Mary’s Ogwambo Nyanza

474. Mukumu Girls Western

475. Ananda Marga Academy Nairobi

476. Limuru Girls High School Central

477. Kagwe Girls High School Central

478. Kamobo Secondary School R. Valley

479. 8 Got Osimbo Secondary School Nyanza

480. Our Lady Of Mercy Nairobi


481. Eastmore Girls R. Valley

482. Kingwande Secondary School Coast

483. Butere Girls High School Western

484. Garsen Secondary School Coast

485. Kyevaluki Secondary School Eastern

486. 9 Cheptenye Boys Secondary R. Valley

487. Katethia CH School Eastern

488. Lugulu Girls Western

489. Chanagande Secondary School Coast

490. Kamobo Secondary R.Valley

491. Mukumu Girls Secondary School Western

492. 10 Moi Girls Isinya R. Valley

493. Kisumu Girls High School Nyanza

494. Matiku Secondary School Eastern

495. Mabanga Girls Secondary School Western

496. Katethya Secondary Eastern

497. Our Lady Of Mercy Nairobi

498. 11 Loreto Kiambu Girls High School Central

499. Mbaga Girls High School Nyanza

500. Ikonge PAG Girls Nyanza

501. Karoti girls central

502. Kamandura Girls Central

503. Mt. Larvena Girls Academy Nairobi

504. 12 Kenyatta university nairobi

505. Nairobi school nairobi

506. Strathmore School Nairobi

507. Kisii University Nyanza

508. University Of Nairobi Nairobi

509. Masinde Muliro University Western

510. Kenyatta University Nairobi

511. 3 1 Makutano Central Academy - Praise

512. Makutano Central Academy - Anakhamana

513. Likoni School For The VI – Talii Kenya

514. Likoni School For The VI – Wakenya Wote

515. Gatoto Primary School - Petero

516. Gatoto Primary School – Ombi Langu

517. 2 Gatoto Primary School – Keep So Busy

518. Gatoto Primary School - Lisuvira

519. Chimoroni Primary School – Lishe Bora

520. Kamwenja TTC – Chombo Cha Amani

521. Walea Primary – A Catastrophy

522. Walea Primary – Spring Time

523. 3 Walea Primary – Safari Ya Bamba

524. Manyonje Primary – Majuto Ya Ulevi

525. NFE Undugu Society – My Lord What A Morning


526. Shamborere TTI - Nobody Knows The Trouble

527. Karoti Girls – Urithi Wetu

528. Karoti Girls – Pamela

529. 4 Karoti Girls – Nduge

530. Tumu Tumu Girls - Wakenya

531. Tumu Tumu Girls – Nina Mabawa

532. Eastmore Girls – Twende Tuwaone Wanyama

533. Eastmore Girls – Piga Kura

534. Nduru Girls – Uchaguzi Mwema

535. Shimo La Tewa – Uchaguzi Wa Amani

536. 5 Shimo La Tewa – Wasia Wa Wazazi

537. Shimo La Tewa – Mtoto Apewe Mabawa

538. Lela Mixed Secondary School – Ebenezer

539. Lela Mixed Secondary School – Niwara Nono Taya

540. Kanjai Primary School – Tamaa Yaua


541. 1 1 Njoro Day Nursery R. Valley

542. Kaloleni Day Nursery Coast

543. Parklands Day Nursery Nairobi

544. Unity Day Nursery

545. Makini School Nairobi

546. Ofafa Maringo Day Nursery Nairobi

547. Simba Day Nursery Nairobi

548. Umoja 1 Day Nursery Nairobi

549. Mwangaza Day Nursery Nairobi

550. Tiona Day Nursery

551. Mbotela Day Nursery Nairobi

552. Ogembo Preparatory Nyanza

553. Loreto Primary School Coast

554. Mumias Central Academy Western

555. Mogoon Primary R. Valley

556. AIC Kajiado R. Valley

557. 2 Spring Board Academy Western

558. Kakuyuni Primary School Eastern

559. St. Teresia Academy Eastern

560. St. Elizabeth Academy Nairobi

561. Ria Mukurwe Primary Central

562. Walea Primary Coast

563. Kajiado Township R. Valley

564. Advent Hill Primary

565. Chimoroni Primary School Coast

566. Ndivisi Primary Western

567. Gatoto Primary Nairobi


568. St. Lucy School For The Blind

569. Givudemesi Primary Western

570. 3 Upper Hill School Nairobi

571. Nairobi School Nairobi

572. Moi High School R. Valley

573. Makueni Boys Eastern

574. Agoro Sare Secondary School Nyanza

575. Kericho Tea Secondary School R. Valley

576. Chavakali Boys Western

577. 4 Ingotse High School Western

578. Alliance High School Central

579. Vihiga Boys Western

580. Starehe Boys Centre Nairobi

581. Mang’u High School Central

582. Kisumu Boys Nyanza

583. 5 Otieno Oyoo Nyanza

584. Njoro Boys R. Valley

585. Mwaani Boys Eastern

586. Meru School Eastern

587. Kyusini Secondary School Eastern

588. Kinembwa Secondary School Eastern

589. Lwandeti Secondary School Western

590. Kabok Secondary School Nyanza

591. Sacho High School R. Valley

592. 6 State House Upper/ Hill Nairobi

593. Booker Academy Western

594. Kabarak High School R. Valley

595. Imara Secondary Coast

596. Lela Mixed Nyanza

597. Magena Mixed Nyanza

598. Kijabe/ Mary Leakey Central

599. Nairobi School/ Kenya High Nairobi

600. Chavakali/Keveye Western

601. Alliance /Loreto Central

602. 2 7 Loreto /alliance Central

603. Kabarak high R. Valley

604. Uasin gishu high school R. Valley

605. St. Ignatius Loyola school

606. 8 Mrima Secondary Coast

607. Kisayani Secondary Eastern

608. Kabarak High School R. Valley

609. Sacho High School R.R Valley

610. Chavakali/Keveye Western

611. Upperhill/State House Nairobi

612. Ekwanda Secondary Western


613. Starehe Girls/Boys Nairobi/Central

614. Nyong’ong’a Secondary School Nyanza

615. Mary Hill/Mang’u Central

616. Loreto High School/Kiambu High Central

617. 9 Mukumu High School Western

618. Kamandwa Girls Central

619. Moi Suba Girls Nyanza

620. Uasin Gishu R. Valley

621. Mbuuni Secondary School Eastern

622. Bishop Sulumeti Western

623. 10 Eastmore Girls R. Valley

624. Agoro Sare Secondary Nyanza

625. Sigonga Girls Nyanza

626. Our Lady Of Mercy Nairobi

627. Butere Girls Western

628. Keveye Girls Western

629. St. Matins Maikuu Eastern

630. 11 Pumwani Secndary School Nairobi

631. Precious Blood Nairobi

632. Mrima Mixed Coast

633. Makindu High School Eastern

634. Nduru Secondary Nyanza

635. Mukumu Girls Western

636. St. Martins Maikuu Eastern

637. St. Marys Dede Nyanza

638. 12 Kapsabet Boys R. Valley

639. Kivaywa Boys Western

640. F. S. Kamasielo Secondary Western

641. Ngara Girls Nairobi

642. Agoro Sare Secondary School Nyanza

643. Kingwende Secondary School Coast

644. Our Lady Of Mercy Nairobi

645. Kanyawanga Secondary School Nyanza

646. Kamwenja TTC central

647. Kiamwangi primary school central

648. Walea primary school coast

649. 13 Temple road central

650. Kikoko girls eastern

651. Shamborere TTI Western

652. mwaani secondary eastern

653. Kiamwangi primary school

654. Kamwenja TTC – Fair philis

655. Walea primary school- spring time

656. NFE undugu society

657. 14 Em’mutsa primary school


658. Mwaani secondary school

659. Bishop philip anyolo boys

660. Magena high school

661. Shamberere TTI

662. Mudavadi girls

663. Mombasa secondary school

664. 15 Mombasa secondary school

665. Nduru girls high school

666. Milo high school

667. Machakos TTI

668. NFE Undugu Society – Still Away


669. 5 1 Upper hill nursery

670. Faith nursery

671. Ofafa maringo day nursery

672. St. annes academy

673. St. pauls academy mundino

674. PCEA dr. arthur nursery

675. 2 Albertos divine providence school

676. busielimi

677. St. joseph nursery

678. St. martins academy

679. Lucky shamir academy

680. Sengers DEB primary school

681. Kwale school for mentally handicaped

682. 2 3 Gilgil hill nursery R. Valley

683. Penstate nusery Nyanza

684. Iman nursery R. Valley

685. Rev. ngoima primary Central

686. Parklands day nuresry Nairobi

687. 4 Daima crest academy Central

688. Imara daima Nairobi

689. Inspiration academy Coast

690. Alberto’s academy Western

691. Destiny gardens academy Coast

692. 3 5 Ofafa maringo primary Nairobi

693. Kings educational complex Eastern

694. Excel academy western

695. Victorian Academy Eastern

696. 6 Sony Sugar Academy Nyanza

697. Misikhu Primary Western

698. Seven Folks Matendeni Eastern

699. KAGS Joy Academy Coast


700. 4 7 Inspiration Academy Coast

701. Misikhu Primary School Western

702. Benyoka Primary School Coast

703. Ronald Ngala Academy Coast

704. St. Peters Academy Central

705. 8 Seven Folks Kiambere Eastern

706. Umoja 1 Day Nursery Nairobi

707. Carol Nursery R. Valley

708. 6 1 Imara Daima School Nairobi

709. Kitui School For Mentally Challenged Eastern

710. Nalondo CBM Special School

711. Dagoretti Special School

712. Joy Town Special School

713. Simba Day Nursery Nairobi

714. Elimu Nursery R. Valley

715. St, Anne ECD Western

716. St. Francis Day Nursery R. Valley

717. Ofafa Day Nursery Nairobi

718. Kiango Junior Academy Nyanza

719. Vohovole Primary School Western

720. Riamukurwe Primary School Central

721. Njomo Primary School Central

722. Itumbu Primary School Western

723. St. Marys Eldoret R. Valley

724. Lugala Primary School Western

725. Bedida Primary School Coast

726. Likoni VI Academy Coast


727. 1 1 Harti Primary School – A Mild Child

728. Harti Primary School - It Is Fair

729. Logema Primary School - Responsible Leadership

730. Sony Sugar – Giving Hope

731. Shikuku Shinning Stars – After A Bath

732. Ng’iya Girls Nyanza – Wings To Fly

733. Simon New Berry - Gombo

734. Marion Kindergarten – My Sweet Mummy

735. Day Star Primary – New Culture

736. New Kihumbuini – Omulembe

737. Kakamega Primary - Chesaina

738. 2 2 Kakamega Primary – The Red Card

739. Kakamega Primary – Talanta

740. Kibera Primary – Is Delicious Nutricious?

741. Father Oucho Primary – Life Doesn’t Frighten Me


742. Father Oucho Primary – A New Dawn

743. Ituosya Primary School – Cold Reception

744. Ganjoni Primary – Wingles Angles

745. Angorom Primary School – I Shall Say

746. Busakala Primary School – Ofisa’s Menu

747. Queen Of Peace Academy – Let Us Be

748. Queen Of Peace Academy – Precious Dirty Hand

749. 3 St. teresa’s girls primary – chains that pain

750. St. teresa’s girls primary – mahoya maitu

751. Legacy School – For Us

752. Legacy School – Pencil Lost

753. St. Angela Mumias – The Tortoice

754. Nyabondo Primary – The Golden Chance

755. Vohovole Primary – Mtumba Rafiki

756. Chris Academy - Colours

757. Chris Academy – Our Request

758. Kakamega Primary – The Power Saw

759. Kakamega Primary – The Journey

760. 4 Nyeri Primary – Makondofia Methi

761. Songhor Primary – The Hygiene Road

762. Songhor Primary – Slot Power

763. Mary Hills Girls - Fatuma

764. Kamwenja TTC – Nimukuhia Moko

765. Bahari Girls - He Promised Me Heaven

766. Bahari Girls - Chameleonic

767. 5 Mary Leakey Girls - Men Of God

768. Mary Leakey Girls - The Culprit

769. St. mary’s sosio – from my lips

770. Kwale Girls – This Way Mkenya

771. Murray Girls – I Beg You

772. Kamandura – Clean Hands

773. St. Chatherine Girls – Bed Bug

774. Nyeri primary – talk to my hand


775. 1 1 Kisumu Boys

776. Bahari Girls

777. Mary Hill Nairobi - Mwisho

778. Mary Hill Nairobi – The Guest I Your House

779. Legacy School – Usililie Mapenzi

780. Nyabondo Primary – Tim Marach

781. Nyabondo Primary – The Burterfly

782. Kiamwangi Primary – Cuckoo

783. Shikuku Shinning Stars – I Tried


784. 2 Katwanyaa Primary – I Tried

785. Mwikhomo Primary - Balloon

786. Kakamega Primary - Talanta

787. Iriri Primary School - Wachuka

788. Mugwanjogu Primary - Mwari

789. Sawa Sawa Academy – Sing A Song

790. Ragengini Primary – I Tried

791. Ganjoni Primary - Giza

792. Highway Nairobi - Jomaundu

793. 3 St. Mary’s Sosio – Dear My Examiner

794. St. Mary’s Sosio – Morning

795. Alidina Visram – I Am A Champion

796. Friends Mufutu Sec. - Ishiriri

797. Owiro Akoko – Come Lets Be Merry

798. The Mary Hill School – Ni Nini?

799. Nairobi University – We Are One

800. KCA University – I Will Not Perform

801. Kahuhia Girls - Ndege

802. 4 Kabuyefwe Sec. – Chefuna

803. Kamandura Girls – Home Solo

804. Locke Wood Girls - Dicorce

805. Moi primary school – shule yetu

806. Joseph kang’ethe – maths my way

807. St. anthony – shule yetu



809. 1 1 Riokindo boys

810. Kitui

811. -

812. -

813. -

814. Lugusi secondary

815. Machakos TTI


816. 1 1 Kwale School For The Deaf – Goma Kwarya Coast

817. St. Martin School For The Deaf - Obulala Western

818. Joseph Kang’ethe – Kitheko Nairobi

819. Gianchere School For The Deaf - Ribina Nyanza

820. Kerugoya School For The Deaf Central

821. Fashoda Primary - Ekriam R. Valley

822. 2 Mwareni Special Unit - Mchechemeko Coast


823. Meru School For The MI Eastern

824. Pwani School For The MI Coast

825. St. Anthony School For The Deaf Western

826. Jacaranda Special School- Circumcision Nairobi

827. Mwihomo Primary School Western

828. 3 St. Martin School For The Deaf Western

829. Liganwa Primary School Nyanza

830. Nyakoria Primary School Nyanza

831. Nyanchururu Primary School Nyanza

832. Igena Primary School Nyanza

833. Kasarani Primary School Nairobi

834. 2 4 St. Kizito - Scotish Dance

835. Bahati Primary School – Katoti Endong’o

836. Emmutsa Primary School – Entabuta Entabanana

837. Tumaini Senior School – Sudanese Dance

838. Kanoga Primary – Borana Dance

839. Angorom Primary School – Kiganda Dance

840. 5 St. Simon Primary School – Hela

841. GSU Primary School - Teterekoko

842. Siana Boarding Primary - Asiyaya

843. Matsakha Primary School - Aksuk

844. Mitoto Primary School - Kamabeka

845. Chang’ombe Primary School - Sengenya

846. 7 Nyamninia Primary School - Mchechemeko

847. Mwaligulu Primary School - Gonda

848. St. Mathews Primary School - Ngendalel

849. Migoro TTC - Ramogi

850. Mosoriot TTC – Muia Nikuina

851. Kaaga Girls – Baganda Dance

852. 8 Wambasa Girls – Baganda Dance

853. St. Charles Lwanga – Baganda Dance

854. Nembu Girls Secondary School – Baganda Dance

855. Kambui school for the deaf

856. Kericho TTC

857. 3 9 Turbo Girls – Baganda Dance

858. Kiabugesi Primary School - Ribina

859. Cardinal Utunga – Muthuo Mutheregi

860. Ruthimitu Girls – Baganda Dance

861. Kibirichia Boys - Authi

862. Kawauni Secondary – Njamba Yaita

863. Masosa Secondary School - Kamanu

864. 10 Presbyterean High School - Ndumo

865. Mt. Camel Covenant Girls – Ikobe

866. Mary Hill Girls – Bakisimba Mwogola

867. St. Angela Mumias Secondary School – Scotish Dance


868. Kenya Poly University - Isikuti

869. Solian Girls High – Somali Dance

870. Annointed High School – Boran Dance

871. 11 Getembe Secondary – Nubian Dance

872. Bishop Kamau Ngecha Girls - Kigori

873. Kerio Valley Boys - Weroloochwa

874. Mwihila Boys High School - Egesingororo

875. St. Lucy School For The Blind - Timbula

876. Kayole South Secondary School - Isikuti


877. 1 1 Moi Primary School – Shule Yetu

878. Joseph Kang’ethe – Maths My Way

879. St. Anthony – Shule Yetu

880. New Kihumbuini – Mbawa Za Kupaa

881. New Kihumbuini – Chokora Pia Ni Mtu

882. Loreto Convent Primary School – After A Bath

883. Loreto Convent Primary School- Rangi

884. Kodhiambo Primary School – The Gone Love

885. Legacy Schools – Mto Na Baraka

886. 2 Rageng’ni Primary School - Maziwa

887. Rageng’ni Primary School – Shule Yetu

888. Ganjoni Primary School Giza

889. St. Teresas Primary - Tujivinjari

890. KAGS Joyacademy - Utii

891. KAGS Joyacademy - Risala

892. KAGS Joyacademy - Elimu

893. KAGS Joyacademy – This Round No

894. Kakamega Primary – Nitang’aa Na Kupaa

895. Devine Mercy Academy - Mande

896. Mashimoni Squarters – Haki Ya Mtoto

897. 3 Chris academy – sote siye

898. Chris academy – paresheni faghilia

899. KBA Baptist Primary School – Mkulima Na Uzima

900. KBA Baptist Primary School – Shamba La Edeni

901. All Saints Kebulonik Academy – A Dream

902. Kings Academy – Kenya Kipenzi

903. Kings Academy – Uchaguzi Sio Kivusho

904. Moi Kabarak - Huduma

905. Moi Kabarak - Shadows

906. St. Teresas primary school - Paradiso

907. 4 St. Teresas Primary School – Nidhamu Shuleni

908. Madzuu Primary School - Tabasamu

909. Mashimoni Squarters – My Better Tomorow


910. Pe Hill High School -

911. Ngara Girls - Mabukubuku

912. Kanga High School – Mui Kuwa Mwema

913. Kitale Shool - Mshukiwa

914. Kitale School - Gazeti


915. 1 1 Simon New Berry

916. Hill Side School

917. Temudo Academy

918. Lions Primary School

919. Lions Primary School

920. Wanja And Kim Primary School

921. Good Shephard

922. Kisumu Boys

923. Bahari Girls

924. Kanga High

925. Kanga High

926. Mombasa Secondary School

927. Mombasa Secondary School

928. 2 Uthiru Girls

929. Murray Girls

930. Uthiru Girls

931. --------

932. The Mary Hill

933. The Mary Hill

934. The Mary Hill

935. Murray Girls

936. Murray Girls

937. Murray Girls

938. The Mary Hill

939. The Mary Hill

940. The Mary Hill

941. St. Catherine Machakos

942. St. Catherine Machakos

943. Maranda High School

944. Maranda High School

945. 3 Twinkle star

946. Githioro primary school

947. Kimuondo primary

948. Makutano central

949. Makutano

950. St. Oda Aluor School For VI

951. St. Oda Aluor School For VI


952. St. Oda Aluor School For VI

953. St. Oda Aluor School For VI

954. St. Teresas Isanjiro

955. St. Teresas Isanjiro

956. 4 Vohovole Primary School

957. Kitui TTC

958. Kitui TTC

959. Kitui TTC

960. Asumbi TTC

961. Asumbi TTC

962. Marithu Girls

963. Thigaa High School

964. Kahunira Secondary