Kent at Law 1602 - List and Index SocietyKENT AT LAW, 1602 – STAR CHAMBER 255 Index of Persons All...

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Transcript of Kent at Law 1602 - List and Index SocietyKENT AT LAW, 1602 – STAR CHAMBER 255 Index of Persons All...

Kent at Law 1602

Volume III

Star Chamber

Revised indices These indices replace those included in the printed volume.



August 2013

The List and Index Society, which was established in 1965, has published over 300 volumes of otherwise unpublished lists and indexes from The National Archives (Public Record Office), Kew, and other archives in the United Kingdom and abroad These lists are made available to readers in the condition in which they are available to users of the archive at the date of publication. Membership of the Society is open to all who wish to further the aims of the Society or purchase its volumes. Libraries and other institutions can also join. Members of the Society are entitled to purchase back volumes. Details of the current subscription and the availability of volumes are obtainable from: The Secretary The List and Index Society (LIS/1) The National Archives Kew Surrey TW9 4DU e-mail:

This is the amended index, which rectifies the error that crept into the computer-generated index of this volume. All entries were indexed, but items 160-518 in all three indices were indexed at one number less than their number in the calendar. For example: entries in the index for item 199 referred to item 200. This amended index can be downloaded as a PDF from the List and Society website at

© Copyright Louis A. Knafla (2012, 2013) ISBN: 978-1-906875-35-0



Index of Persons All references in Arabic numbers are to entry numbers, and references to roman numerals are to the pages of the Introduction. Place-names where given or known, titles of status and professional degrees, and public offices national and local, are included in this index. The following abbreviations are used for frequently occurring forenames: Ab Abraham Gab Gabriel Nat Nathaniel Alex Alexander Geof Geoffrey Nic Nicholas And Andrew Geo George Phil Philip Ant Anthony Gil Gilbert Ray Raymond Arn Arnold Greg Gregory Reg Reginald Art Arthur Hen Henry Ric Richard Aug Augustine Hum Humphrey Rob Robert Barb Barbara Jas James Rog Roger Bart Bartholomew Jer Jeremy Sam Samuel Ben Benjamin Joe Joseph Sid Sidney Chas Charles Kath Katherine Sol Solomon Chris Christopher Ken Kenneth Stan Stanley Clem Clement Lawr Lawrence Ste Stephen Dan Daniel Len Leonard Thos Thomas Dot Dorothy Margy Margery Tim Timothy Edm Edmund Margt Margaret Val Valentine Edw Edward Mat Matthew Walt Walter Eliz Elizabeth Mic Michael Wm William Fran Frances, Francis Zach Zacharia The following abbreviations are used for frequently occurring terms and places: als alias DD Dr of Divinity MA Master of Arts app apprentice dep deputy Middx. Middlesex archb archbishop Dr Doctor Mr Mister archd archdeacon E. East Ms Mistress att attorney esq esquire N. North bail bailiff Exch Exchequer, ct of QB Queen’s Bench borsh borsholder gent gentleman QS Quarter Sessions Cant. Canterbury gov governor Roch. Rochester capt captain hd hundred S. South Chan Chancery, court of J justice sec secretary CJ chief justice JP Justice of the Peace sen senior chwdn churchwarden jun junior serj serjeant CP Common Pleas, ct of Lanc. Lancaster St Saint const constable ` lib liberty stew steward cor coroner ld lord treas treasurer ct court Lr Lower W. West DCL Dr of Canon Law lt lieutenant Westm. Westminster

A Abraham, Reynold, 501 Adams (Addames), Jas, of Cant., xx,

1 —, Mrs, of Charlton, 331, 333 Ady (Adye), John, 261 —, John jun gent, barrister of

Middx., 498 Alcock (Alcocke, Allicock), Walt,

337 —, Wm, 92, 99-100 Aldrich (Aldritch, Alderiche,

Awldridge), Edw, 500

—, Fran gent, 483, 490-91 —, Wm, 500 Algar (Ager), Ric, of Cant., 465 Allen, John, of Lydd, 80 —, Thos, of Brenzett, 30, 34-35,

37-40, 45, 47, 52, 67 —, Thos, of Goudhurst, 127 —, Thos, of London, 5-8 —, Wm, of London, 2-8 Alley, Geo, 305 Allman, John, 257 Allnatt (Alynatt), Thos, 187, 299 Altham, Jas, clerk, 31-32, 373, 428,


Amheirty, 299 Anderson, Sir Edm, CJ of CP, 221,

253, 494 Andrews (Andrews, Andrewes),

Edm, of London, 12 —, Eliz, of Chatham, 260, 262-64,

266 —, Jas, of Chatham, 260, 264 Angel, Wm, of London, xx, 9, 11 Applegate (Aplegate), Chris, of

Lough Foyle, 275-80 Appleton (Apllton, Aplleton,

Apleton, Napleton, Nappleton), Thos, 501-2

Typewritten Text



—, Wm, bail of Cumnor, Berks, 403, 407, 411-12, 414-15, 417-21, 424-25

Archer (Archere), 468 Arnold (Arnalld, Arnalde, Arnall),

John, bail of Highworth, Wilts, 403, 405, 411, 416-21, 424-25

Askew (Ascough, Askue, Ayscough), John esq, of Isle of Sheppey, 336-38, 341-42, 344-45, 351-52, 354, 356, 358, 361-63, 365-66, 368

Aspinall (Asparnall, Aspurnall, Asparnell, Aspynall, Aspenall), Rob, serj of Dover, 200, 203-4, 466-68, 471-74

Atkins, John, 335, 338 Aucher (Awcher), Ant esq, of

Bishopsbourne, xxxiv, 483-91 passim

—, Hen, of Birchington, 521 Austin (Awstin, Austyn, Auston,

Awston), Ben, of Horsmonden, 256-57, 259

—, Rob, att of Horsmonden, 129, 253-59 passim

—, Rob, of Goudhurst, 253- 59 passim

—, Wm, of Goudhurst, 144 Aylworth, Walt esq, 483

B Bachelor (Bacheler, Bachler,

Batchler, Bacheller), Chris, of St Lawrence, Cant., 513-14, 516-17

—, John, JP and mayor of Dover, 200, 203-4, 466-82 passim

Bacon, Fran, att, xiii n.13, 289, 291 Bageant, Wm, of Dover and St

‘Redecas’, 536 Bagshaw (Bagshawe), Thos, of

London, xx, 12, 21 Baker, Joan, of Goudhurst, 138-39 —, John, of New Romney, 70-71 —, Lawr, of New Romney, xviii,

68-115 passim —, Mat gent, of Woolwich, 387,

389, 391-96 —, Ric, of Barham, 483, 485-86,

491 —, Sibyl, of New Romney, 93 —, Wm, 70 —, Wm, keeper of Westgate Gaol,

91-92 —, Wm, of Sandwich, 22-29 Baldock (Baldocke), Wm, of

London, 2, 4, 7-8 Bannister (Banester, Bannester),

Thos, master (of ship), 276 —, Wm, of London, 12 Barham, Mary, of London, 157, 175 —, Mr Thos, of London, xxv,

152-90 passim, 525, 532 —, Ric, 310, 315, 514, 516-17

Barnes, Mr, 393-95, 397 —, ‘Rooke’, 338, 368 —, Thos G., xvi, xxx Barnsley, Ric, of Roch., 498 Barrat (Barret), John, 502 Barrow (Berroew), Ric, of

Boughton Aluph, 54 —, Wm, 225 Bartholomew, John, mayor of

Sandwich, 22, 28-29 Barthrop (Barthelt), Ant, 131 Barty (Bartye), Fran gent, of

London, 284 Batherne, 259 Bathurst (Batherst, Batthurst,

Batehurst), Ann, xxv, 152-57, 163, 165, 175, 178, 187, 189

—, Edw, of Goudhurst, 116, 121, 133, 135, 144

—, Eliz, of Goudhurst, 116 —, Paul gent, of Chart next Sutton,

165, 179 —, Paul gent, of Goudhurst, xviii,

116, 119-21, 123, 125-26, 130-35, 143, 148-49

—, Rob, 152-57, 160, 163-64, 173, 178-79, 186-87, 189

—, Rob, of Cranbrook, 281, 302, 307

—, Rob, of Goudhurst, 133, 135 —, Thos (probably Rob), of

Goudhurst, 304 —, Wm, of Goudhurst, 116 Battle, John, of Bredgar, 366 Beal, Wm, of Hythe, 66 Bean (Beane), Hen, of Folkestone,

89, 98, 107, 111 —, Joan, of Roch., 498 —, John, of Cheriton, 85, 87-88,

109 —, Wm, of Roch., 498 Beecher, Rob, of Sandwich, 28 Beeching, Nic, 513, 518 Beere, John, att of Westm., xv, 72,

312-16, 464 —, Ric, of Cant., 275-79 Bell, Eliz, of London, 292 —, Hen gent, of London, 282, 286,

292 Bence, John, of London, 12 Beres, J, de le, of London, 15 Beresford (Berisforde), Geo gent,

dep feodary, 483 —, Mic esq, 483 Berroew, see Barrow Besson, Ant, att of Westm., xv Best (Beste, Beast), Ric, of Hartley,

428, 432, 434-36, 438-39, 444, 450-52, 455

Bestbeech (Besbitche, Besbetche, Besbeche, Besebeche, Bespatche, Bespiche), Thos, 235, 238, 242

Beswick (Beswicke, Beswyck), Wm jun, of Horsmonden, 116-17, 122, 259

—, Wm sen esq, of Horsmonden

and Spelmonden, xviii, 116-17, 119-21, 123-24, 130-33, 135-37, 143-44, 148-51

Bethell, Hugh esq, 221, 225, 227-28 Betts, Rob, 310, 316-18, 513-15 Bidlake, Wm, 531 Biggs (Bigg), Ric, of Tenterden,

186 —, Rob, of Tenterden, 186 Bing (Binge, Byng, Bynge),

Cyriack, 520, 522, 528, 532 —, John, of Birchington, 469 —, Ric, xxxiv, 329-30, 333, 535-40

passim Bingham (Bingeham, Byngham),

Agnes, of Birchington, 206 —, Geo gent, 310, 313 —, Hen, of Birchington, 205-206,

329, 469 Black (Blacke, Blucke), Ric, of

Strood, 260, 262-67 Blackboys, monsieur, 74 Blackford (Blachford), Nic, 115 Bladen (Blodwell, Bloodwell), Rob,

of Brenzett, xxxv, 30, 32, 36-40, 45, 52, 67

Blague (Blake, Blage), Rob, serj-at-mace, of London, 369, 371-74, 376-77, 380-86

Blainey (Blannye, Blaney, Blannye), John, 221, 225-26, 231-33

Blaycote, 405 Blechenden (Blessenden), John esq,

of Isle of Thanet, xxxiv, 191-213 passim, 466-82 passim, 519-34 passim

Blessenden, see Blechenden Blinckhorne, Ric, of London, 12 Blodwell, Bloodwell, see Bladen Blucke, see Black Boater, Hen, of Birchington, 519 Bourn, 297 Bourne, 283 Bourthier (Bourtheir, Bouretheir),

Wm, of the Exch and Barnsley, 374-75, 378

Bowes, Sir Martin, 432 —, Thos esq, of Kingsdown, 428,

436-37, 444 Bowse, see Douce Boys, 456 —, Mr Thos esq, 115 —, Sam esq, of Hawkhurst, 361-63 Bramley (Brameley), Mr, 104-5 Branckar (Brankard, Branckor,

Branchard), see Brunger Bray (Braye), Thos, of Faversham,

xix, 214, 217-20 Brett, John, 301, 304-5, 307 —, Kath, 301, 304-5, 307 Briar (Bryer), John, of London, 2 Brinklow (Brincklowe), Owen, of

London, 12 Brissenden, Geof, of Sandwich, 28 Broad (Broade, Brode), John, of St



Giles without Cripplegate, London, 281-83, 286-87, 291, 292, 296-97, 309

Broadgate (Breadgate, Bradgate, Bredgate, Bridgate, Bredgatt), John, jurat of Dover, 203-4, 467-83 passim

Broadstreet, Edw, 501 Brockman, Wm, 249 Brodnipe, Rob, 91 Broker, Mr, 259 Brombuck (Brombrick, Brombricke,

Brombucke, Brumbreck), capt, 92, 95, 100

Brook (Broke, Brooke), Rob, of Dartford, xviii, 506-7, 509-12

—, Sir Hen, baron Cobham, 68 Brookman (Brookeman,

Brockman), Wm, 74, 91, 93 Brooks (Brookes), Chris, xxix —, Wm, of Bromley, Southampton,

456-71 passim Broom, Simon, mayor of Cant., 1,

310, 465 Broomfield (Bromfeylde,

Bromefeld), Lamuel, 268, 273 Brown (Browne), 454 —, of Charlton, 331, 333 —, Edw, of Roch., 498 —, Hen, of Buscot, 403-8, 416, 419,

423 —, John, of Buscot, 411 —, Ric, of London, 11 Brudgar, John, jurat of Dover, 200 Brunger (Branckar, Brankard,

Branckor, Branchard), Thos, 310-12, 320-21, 514

Buck (Bucke), John, 327-28 Buckfald (Buckfall, Buckfolde),

Geoff gent, of St Clement, London, 302-3

Buckner (Bucknar), Geo, of Roch., 498

—, John, undersheriff of Berks, 403 Bullen (Buaen, Bulan, Bullyn),

Thos als Bullin, bail, 428-29, 444, 455

Bunch, Wm, of Strood, 498 Bunn, Ann, of St Margarets, Roch.,

498 Burgh (Boughe, Burghe), Lady

Frances, of Gainsburgh, Ireland, xviii, 221-34 passim

—, Lord Thos, of Gainsburgh, Ireland, 221, 224-25, 228-29

Burghley, Sir Wm, ld treas, see Cecil, Wm

Burton, John, of Snargate, 64 Butcher, Sampson, 502 Butler (Botler, Boteler), Wm esq,

483 —, Wm gent, 199, 201, 213,

523-24, 534 Butt, 269 Byng, Bynge, see Bing Byngham, see Bingham

C Caesar, Sir Julius, xvi —, Thos, of London, 17 Cantish, see Kentish Canverley, see Caverley Capener (Capentner), Phil, 456 Carden, Thos, of Folkestone, 103 Carey, Wm, of London, 17 Carpenter (Carpinter, Carpender),

Thos, 403, 405, 416, 418-19, 423

Carrier (Carryer), John, 432, 435-36 —, John jun, of Kingsdown next

Farningham, 452 Castan, Nicole, xxxiii —, Yves, xxxiii Castleden, Jas, const of Snargate,

43, 50 Catlett, Thos, 268 Cavell, 253 Caverley (Canverley), Hen, 277-80 Cecil, Burghley, Sir Wm, ld treas,

221, 224, 228-29 —, Sir Rob, Sec. of State, xxxiii,

483 Chamberlain (Chamberleyne), Mrs,

299-300 Cheney, 356 —, C.R., xxxvii Chesselton (Chessleton, Cheasleton,

Chesylton, Chisleden, Chieselden, Chistlebeerase), Wm, 260, 262, 265, 267

Cheston, Ste, of Stelling, 310-11, 314-15, 317-18, 320-21, 514

Chowne, Geo esq, of Gravesend, 433

Clare, John, 502 —, Wm, 502 Claringbold (Claringbowle,

Claringboul), Lawr, of Birchington, 466-67, 475-77, 527

Clark (Clarke, Clerke), Chris, of Sandwich, 28

—, Fran, of London, 12, 18 —, Fran, of St Dunstan in the East,

London, 436 —, Rachel, of Dartford, 506-10 —, Ric, of Dartford, 517-20 —, Sam, 310, 319, 514 —, Wm, of Cant., 1 Claybrook (Claybrooke), Paul gent,

199, 523 Claygate (Clegatt), Geo, of Cant., 1 Clifford, Rob, of Boughton Under

Blean, 501 Cobb (Cobbes, Cobbs), Thos esq,

73, 97 Cobham, Hen, Lord, see Brook Cock (Cox, Cocke, Cockes), Mr

Thos esq, 115 —, Paul, of Sittingbourne, xxvi, 268,

271-72, 337-39, 341-42, 345, 347-48, 352, 366

—, Sir Hen, queen’s cofferer, of London, 11

—, Thos gent, 325 —, Wm, 329-30, 334, 466, 468, 470 Cockin (Cockett), of Roch., 461 Cogan, Rob, 302 Coke (Cooke), 152 —, Edw esq, Att.-Gen., xii, xix-xx,

xxiv-xxvi, xxxiii, xxxv, 12-21, 22-29, 30-34, 36-37, 42, 46, 53, 66, 369

Colborn (Colborne), John, 502 Collier (Collyer), 457-60 Collins (Collyns), Alice, of Boxley,

188-89 Combe (Combes), Edw esq,

barrister and clerk of London, 192, 468, 471, 481-82, 498

Comden (Combden), Alice, of Goudhurst, 235, 243, 251

—, John, of Goudhurst, xxv, 235-51 passim

—, Wm, of Goudhurst, 235 Comfort (Comporte), Thos jun, of

Ash, 446 —, Thos sen, of Ash, 445 Comphorte, 392 Constantine, Thos, of Roch., 495,

497 Cook (Cooke), Jerome, of St Benet

Gracechurch, London, 253-59 passim

—, John, of Buscot, 403, 405, 407-8, 410-11, 413, 416-17, 419, 421, 423, 425

—, Mr, paymaster, 462 Coombe, see Combe Cooper, Ste, of Kennerton, 51-52 Cooper (Cowper), Hen, of London,

12-13 Copinger (Coppinger), Ralph esq,

496 Cotes (Coates, Coats), John, of

Birchington, 520 —, Martin gent, of Roch., 498 —, Wm, of Highworth, Wilts,

416-19, 424-25 Cotinge, see Knotting Cotman (Cottman), Wm, of

Dartford, 506-8, 510-12 Cotton, Barth, clerk of Westm., xiv —, Edw, clerk of Westm., 17, 73,

132, 162, 199, 343, 422, 523 —, Isaac, registrar of Westm., xiv —, Thos, clerk of Westm., xiv-xv Courthope (Courtup), Wm, 500 Cousen (Cozins), Nic, 510-12 Coveney, Thos, 428 Covert, Ann, of Hoath, 297 —, Margt, 291, 297 —, son of, 291 —, Thos, 291, 297 —, Wm gent, of Hoath, 292, 296-97 Cowper, Geo, 428 —, J.M., xxxvi Cox, see Cock Cramp (Crampe), John, of Isle of

Thanet, 470 —, Mr, 520



—, Rob, of Birchington, 200, 205, 468

—, Thos, of Isle of Thanet, 470 Cranmer, Rob gent, of Chevening,

498 —, Thos, archb of Cant., 329 Crew (Crewe), Thos, 337, 387 Crewherst, see Crowhurst Crier (Cryer), Mary, 235-37, 239-41 —, Walt, 237-39 Cripp (Crip, Cripps, Cripes), John,

of Buscot, 207-8, 403-5, 416-19, 423, 425

Crishe, Edw als Dawlinge (Dawlinge), of Hythe, 97

Crisp (Cripp, Cripps), Ann, Isle of Thanet, 525, 532

Croft (Crofte), Herbert, of Croft, Herts, 233

—, Mr Edw, 233 Croke, John, of London, 12 Cromer, Jas esq, of Tunstall, JP,

xxvi, 269, 335, 337, 339-40, 342, 352

Cross, of Roch., 460 Crouchman, Eliz, of Snargate, xxiv,

30, 35-36, 43, 48-51 Crower, Crowers, see Grower Crowhurst (Crewherst), Edw, 428 Crowther, Rob, 268 Crump (Crumpe), Rob, of

Birchington, 209 —, Wm, of Birchington, 208 Cubytt, see Kibbett Culling (Cullinge, Cullin, Cullan),

Thos, 485-86, 490-91

D Dabbs, see Dobbs Dagger (Daget), Isaac, of

Birchington, 469 Dalby, John gent, 422 Dallidown, Ric, clerk of Westm., xiv Dally (Daylie), Mrs, 369 Dand (Dandie), Ric, 502 Daniel (Danyell), Wm esq,

serj-at-law, 339, 428 Danton (Dawnton), John, of Cant., 1 Darling (Durlinge, Dryling,

Dirlinge), Edw, bail, 429, 444 —, Thos, of Kingsdown, 448 Davies (Davis, Davys), Hugh, 233 —, Sir John, xvi Dawes (Dawe), Ann, of St Botolph

without Aldersgate, London, 260-67 passim

—, Joan, of Strood, 262, 264-65, 267

—, Wm, of Strood, 260, 262-64, 266-67

Day, Geo, of Boughton, 165, 176 —, Ste, 428 Dean (Deane, Deene), John, of

London, 2 —, Oriel, 511 Dedworth, Rob, of London, 2

Delves, Jas, of Goudhurst, 116, 133 —, Mary, of Goudhurst, 116 —, Sir Geo, JP of Broadgate, xvi,

xx, xxvi, 268-73, 335, 336-68 passim

Dence, Thos gent, 325 Denn (Denne, Den), Fran, clerk, 324 —, John, clerk, 1, 191, 467, 503 —, Mr, 489, 491 —, Wm, 310, 513-514 Dickson, Peter, serj-at-mace, of

London, 369 Digges (Diggs), Chris, 276-80 —, Edw esq, capt and serj major,

275-80 Dirlinge, see Darling Ditch (Dalse), John, 307 Dobbs (Dobbes), Thos esq, 70-71,

74-75, 91-93, 95, 100, 109 Dockwra (Docura), Sir Hen, gov. of

queen’s forces, 276 Dodd, see Dobbs Doe (Dooe), Isaac, of Borden, 339 —, Jas, 338 Doggett (Doget), Isaac, of Dover,

200, 203-4, 213 Douce (Bowce), Ric, of Buscot,

403, 423, 425 Doughton, Mr, surgeon, 275-76 Douglas (Duglas, Dugglas), Ralph,

of Faversham, 214-15 Drinker, Edw, 502 —, John, 502 Dryling, see Darling Duncan (Dunkin, Dunkyn), Dot,

276 —, John, of Cant., 275-80 —, Kath, 276 —, Martha, 276 —, Mary, 275-79 —, Sarah, 276 Dunce, Thos, of Dartford, 506 Dunn (Donne, Dunne), Dr, 260 —, Mary, of Strood, 265 —, Wm, 312, 315-17, 319 Durlinge, see Darling

E Earl (Earle), Eliz, of Cranbrook,

281, 292, 299-300 —, John, of Cranbrook, xviii-xix,

281-89, 292-309 passim —, Thos jun, of Cranbrook,

xviii-xix, 292-309 passim East, Hen, 281-82, 287-88, 291, 309 Eborn (Ebourne), John, 310-11, 317 Eden, Thos, clerk of Westm., xiv Edith (Edye, Eddye, Eddie), Wm

gent and esq, clerk, 162, 164, 173, 184, 186

Edolph (Edolphe, Edolf, Edolfe, Edelphe), Rob esq, of Hinxhill, xviii, xxiv, 310-21, 513-17

—, Simon, 310, 317, 320-21, 513-17

—, Sir Thos esq, 315, 321 —, Thos, 514-515 Edward III, [king], xi, xiv Edward VI, [king], xiv Edwards (Edwardes), Reg esq, att,

268, 271-72 —, Reynold, clerk, 50, 268-70,

335-36, 338, 340, 345-46, 367-68, 483, 490-91, 500-2

Egerton (Edgerton), John, of Shoreditch, Middx., 498

—, Sir Thos, ld keeper, xi-xiii, xv-xix, xxv-xxvi, xxix-xxx, 10, 235, 240, 243, 245, 250-51

Ekwall, Eilert, xxxvi Elizabeth I, [queen], passim Ellerton (Elderton), Wm, late of

Brenzett, 30, 35, 37-40, 43, 45 Ellfrith (Ellfrithe), John, of

Faversham, 214-15, 217-18 Elliott (Ellett, Ellet, Eliott, Ellyott),

Dan, 310, 317, 319, 513-14 Ellis (Ellys), Thos, of London, 2 Ellstead (Elsted), Mat, 500 Elmstone, Isaac, const, 345 Elmstone (Elmston), Isaac, of

Milstead, 365 Elton, Geoffrey, xi Elvey (Elvie), Hen, of Hythe, 101 Epps, John gent, clerk, 44, 46, 51,

53, 66 Etherick, Ste, of New Romney, 57 Evans, Eliz, 465 —, Ric, 465

F Fagg (Fagge), Edw esq, 73, 75 —, Hen, of Hougham, 537 Falconer (Fawlkner, Fawkner), Bart,

of Hythe, 79, 94-95, 102-3, 112-13

—, Thos, of London, 104 Farmer, John, of London, 9-11 Farnham (Farneham), Nic, of

Isleworth, 307 Faser, Lawr, of Horsmonden, 128 Fawcett (Fauset, Fawsett), Mic, of

Faversham, 214-15 Finch (Fynch), 276 —, Chris, of Borden, 347 —, Hen, 95 —, Thos, 240, 244 Finn (Fyn), Walt, of Goudhurst, 140 Fisher (Fysher), Edw, serj-at-mace,

of London, 369-86 passim —, Walt gent, of Maidstone, xxv,

152-54, 156-61, 163, 176, 189-90

Fitch (Fitche, Ficthe, Fytch, Fytche), John gent, 422-26

Fitzherbert, 438 Flood, Geo, of London, 2-8 Foell, Rob gent, of Southampton,

322-28 Folk (Fouk), Bart, of London, 11 Ford (Fourd), Wm, of Birchington,



209, 469 Fortescue, Sir John, of London,

xxvii, 10 Forwood, Greg, of Mayfield,

Sussex, 163, 167-69 —, John, of Faversham, 214 Foster, 428 —, Barrow esq, of Badgley,

Southampton, 369-86 passim —, Thos, of London, 12 Fowler, 304 —, of Monkton, 470 —, Ric, 233 Fox (Foxe), John, of Birchington,

202, 211, 469 Francis (Frauncis), 292 Franklin (Francklin, Frankelyn),

Joyce, 310 —, Wm, 310, 313 Franks (Francks, Frank, Frankes,

Franke), Rob als Franklin, of Greenwich and London, 369-72, 374, 376-78, 380-81, 384-85

Freeman, John, 502 Friend, Thos, of Chatham, 498 Friswell, Ann, of Strood, 260, 263,

266 Fullcombe, John, of St Sepulchre,

London, 114 Fuller, Phil, of Maidstone, 185 —, Thos, 428, 435, 440-41, 444-45,

447 Fyneux, Thos, of Hougham, 540

G Gamby, Mary, of Snargate, xxiv,

30-67 passim Gammon (Gamonde), 485-86, 490 Gardener (Gardyner), Lewis, of

London, 427 Garret, Lawr, 502 Gascoigne (Gascoyne), Wm, of

Goudhurst, 133, 135, 137 Gaskill, Malcolm, xxxiii Gaunt, John, juror of Romney

Marsh, 55 Gauntlet (Gaunlet, Gauntlett,

Gauntlitt), Chris gent, 272-73, 336-37, 341-43, 347-48, 351-53, 356, 359, 361-63, 366

Gawdy, Fran, justice, 247 Gaylor, Eliz, 506 Gear (Geere), Mr Nic, minister of

Snargate, 47, 50, 52 Gemings (Geminges), Wm, of

Milton, 361, 363 Geoffrey (Jafferye, Jefferey, Jeffrie,

Jefferie), Geo, 502 —, John als Pestell, 310, 513-15 Gerard (Gerrard), Phil, clerk, 284,

293-94, 298 Gibbons, John gent, 44, 46, 53 —, Wm, 513-14, 518 Gibbs (Gibb, Gibbes), Ste, 485-86,


—, Ste gent, 68, 74, 89, 92, 95, 100, 107, 111-13

Gilbert (Gilberte), Geof, 513-14, 517

—, Jesse, 315, 515 Gilbourne, Nic esq and kt, 343, 346,

349, 361, 364, 367 Giles (Gilles, Gills, Gyles, Jolles,

Jylles), Fran, of Badlesmere, 336-37

—, John, of Buscot, 403-5, 409, 416-17, 419, 423

—, Thos, of Badlesmere, 350 Glover, Judith, xxxvi Glover, Wm, sub-bail of Sandwich,

22, 28-29 Gobye (Goby), John, of Cant., 1 Goddard, John, of New Romney, 63 Godden, Thos, 81-82, 88 Goldlock (Gouldock), Rob, of

Wouldham, 492, 498 Goldsmith (Gouldesmithe), Living,

315, 513-14, 517-518 Gooch (Gooche), capt, 278 Goodall (Goodale, Gooddale), Gab,

of Goudhurst, 116, 118, 124, 130-131

Goodwin, Edw, of Cant., 531 —, John, of Dover, 539 Goodyear, Mat als Goodhew,

276-78 Gordon (Gourdin, Gorden, Gordin),

John, 275, 277-78 Grant (Grante), Rob, of Birchington,

200, 202, 206, 525, 529 —, Thos jun, of Birchington, 529 —, Thos, of Birchington, 200, 202,

206, 213, 525 —, Thos sen, of Birchington, 200,

202, 206, 525, 529 Gravener, Randall, serj-at-mace,

London, 253 Gray (Grai, Graie, Graye, Grey),

Simon, of Chatham, 498 —, Thos, 310, 315, 320-21, 513-15 Green (Greene), Gab esq gent, 162,

164, 183 Greenham (Greeneham, Greneham,

Grenham), 387-402 passim —, Geoff, of Woolwich, 390 Greenwood (Greenewood), John,

311, 513 Gregory (Gregorye, Gregorie),

John, of Mile End, Middx., 2-8

Gresham (Gressam), John, of Goudhurst, 246

—, Sir Thos, 292 —, Thos esq, 438 Griffin, Rob, of Sandwich, 22-29 Grigg (Grigge), of Cant., 323-24 Grigsby (Gryggsbye, Griggesby,

Grygesbye), Joan, of Snargate, xxiv, 30-67 passim

—, John, of Snargate, xxiv, 30-31, 48

Grimstone, Edw, att, xv

Grower (Crower, Crowers), Rob, of Stansted, 428-55 passim

Gull, Wm, clerk of Maidstone, 153

H Hadd (Hads, Haddes, Hadds,

Hadde), Mat esq of Frinsted, att, xxiv, xxxv, 31, 41, 468, 484, 486-87, 519, 525, 531-32

—, Mic, 215-16 Hadsoll, see Hodsell Haldly, Ric, 502 Hales, Chas, 315 —, Chas esq, 483, 485-86, 490-91 —, Jas, 313, 513, 516-17 —, John, 95, 101, 315 Hall (Haule), John, notary of St

Mary Le Bow, London, 498 —, John, servant, 110 —, Mark, of Lenham, surgeon, 357 —, Thos gent, clerk, 70, 156, 369,

371-72, 374-80, 382-86 —, Wm, of Cant., 476 Halsey, John, of London, 9-11 Hampden, sheriff of Wood Street,

London, 374, 377 Hannington (Hanington), Wm gent,

of Dover, xxxiv, 329-33, 535-40

Harber (Harbart), Thos gent, of London, 498

Hardres (Hardresse), Sir Ric esq, JP, xx, 310, 313, 315, 317, 513, 516

Harlackenden (Harleckenden, Herleckenden), Hen esq, of Tunstall, xx, xxvi, 268-69, 335-68 passim

—, Walt sen gent, of Tunstall, xx, xxvi, 268-74, 335, 336-46, 368

—, Wm jun esq, of Tunstall, xxvi, 268-69, 272-73, 352

—, Zach, of Tunstall, 356, 359 Harman, Ann, 492 Harold (Harrold), Ralph, of London,

12 Harris, 234 —, Mr, counsellor, 443 —, Rob, of Folkestone, 81, 88 —, Thos, of Faversham, 214,

217-18 Harrison (Harryson), John, of

London, 12, 16 Hart, Rob, 81 —, Thos, of Folkestone, 88 Hartshorn (Harteshorn, Hartshorne),

John, 492, 495, 497-98 —, John sen, of Shoreditch, 498 —, Margt, 492, 494-95, 498-99 Harvey (Hervie), Geo, clerk of

London, 14-18, 21 —, Hen gent, of London, 369 —, Hen, of London, 14, 16 —, Thos, examiner of Westm., xiv Harwood, John, of Brookland, xii,

xxiv, xxxv, 30-67 passim



Haslam (Haselam), Wm, of Maidstone, 354

Hasted, Edw, xxxvi Hatch, Thos, of Tenterden, 174 Haule, see Hall Haverd, Mr, 226 Hawarde, John, att, xvii, xix,

xxiv-xxv, xxvii Hawkins, Thos gent, 501 Hayes (Haies), Ric, of Cant., 328 Hayward (Haywarde), John, of

London, 2 Heale (Heele, Hele), John, serj,

279-81, 388, 397 Heath, John, of Maidstone, 158 —, Rob esq, escheater, 483 —, Rob gent, 325 —, Rob gent, of Dartford, 498 —, Walt, of St Margarets, Roch.,

498 Heeler, Jarvis, 501 Henden, Edw gent and esq, 162, 64,

173 Henry VIII, [King], xiv, 397, 432 Henshaw (Hensham), 389, 399 Herdson, John esq, 107 Herne, see Horn Hervie, see Harvey Hexte, Wm, att,

xv Hill (Hilles), Chris, xxxiii —, John, 460 Hills Mic, 502 Hitcham, Rob, clerk, 427 Hobart, Sir Hen, Att.-Gen., 309 Hodgkins (Hodgkines) John, 466 Hodgkinson (Hodgkin, Hodgkins,

Hodgekinson), Ric, of Woolwich, xix, 387, 396, 398, 401

Hodsell (Hodsall, Hodsoll, Hadsoll), Wm, 428-31, 435, 438-39

Hogben (Hogbeane), John, of Folkestone, 103

Holmes (Hemes, Homes), Hen, xxxiv, 329-30, 333, 535-40 passim

—, Nic, serj-at-mace, 384-85 Honeyball (Honnyball), Jane (Joan),

292 —, Thos, 292 Honeywood (Honywood), Mr Thos

esq, 115 Hope, John, of Kingsdown and

Gravesend, 428-55 passim Horn (Horne, Herne), Agnes, of

Southwark, xxiv, 30-67 passim —, Mr, 279 Hornby, Ric, of Gillingham, 498 Hornden, Alex, of Goudhurst, 116,

144 —, Edw esq, of Goudhurst, 116,

133, 138, 140, 142, 144 —, Eliz, of Goudhurst, 133, 144 —, Mary, of Goudhurst, 133 —, Mr Thos gent, of Goudhurst,

142, 144 Hovenden, Thos, 310, 313

—, Thos, of Cant., 1 Howard, Chas, Earl of Nottingham,

ld Admiral, 9-11, 90 Howe, John, 338, 368 Howlett (Howlet, Howle), Ann, of

Isleworth, 281, 284-86 —, Rob, gent of Isleworth, 281-82,

284-86, 300, 302 Howson, Jas, 292 Hudson, 27 —, Chris gent, of Faversham,

214-18 —, William, of Staplehurst, att, xiii

n.13 —, Wm, of Staplehurst, att, xiii

n.13, xxi Hughes, Thos, of Birchington, 469 Hunt, Wm, bail of Romney Marsh,

33 Hutton, 277-80 —, Ric, 519 Hyde (Hide), Lawr, 429, 431 —, Mr Nic, of London, 11

I Ivet, of Strood, 459

J Jackson, Mr, sec of ld Admiral, of

London, 68, 71, 74, 85, 90-91, 93

Jacob, Cyriack, 501 —, Giles, xxxvii James I, [king], xvi-xviii, xxx,

xxxiii-xxxiv Jarvis (Jervayes), Edw, of

Goudhurst, 135 Jeff (Jeffes), Mat, solicitor of

Marston, Warwicks, 483, 488-91

Jefferey, Jeffrie, see Geoffrey Jenkin (Jenkins, Jenkyns, Jenkyn),

Wm jun gent, of Folkestone, 84

—, Wm sen gent and jurat, of Folkestone, 71, 77, 85, 91-92, 95-97, 101, 107-8

Jenkins, Thos, bail, 221 Jennings (Jenning), Alice, of

Goudhurst, 142 —, Simon, of Goudhurst, 142 Jode (Joade), And, of Birchington,

469 Joel (Jowle), Hen, of Folkestone,

103 Johns, Hen, clerk, 45 Johnson, Ric, of Isle of Thanet, 193,

197, 520-22, 525, 527-28, 530, 533-34

—, Wm, of Faversham, 214 Jolles, Jylles, see Giles Jones, clerk, 482 —, Edw, clerk, 296 —, Walt, att, xv Jones, Wm, clerk, 228 Jordan (Jorden), Wm, serj-at-mace,

London, 253 Jowett (Jewet, Jewett), 457-61


K Kendal (Kyndell), John, of Roch.,

492 Kennard, John, of Bredgar, 268,

273, 337, 358 Kennett, 81, 83, 89 —, Wm, of Cant., 1 Kent, Walt, 335 Kentish (Cantish), Val, of

Birchington, 469 Ketchell (Kitchell), Thos gent,

barrister of London, 498 —, Thos gent, of Roch., 498 Kettle, John, 428 Kibbett (Cubytt, Kibbet), Hum, 501 —, Hum, cor, xxvi, 268-69, 335,

336-37, 340-41, 345 Killingray, David, xxxvi King (Kynge, Kinge), Ann, see

Bathurst —, Arnold, 390-92 —, Giles, of Brenzett, 55, 59, 62 —, Jas, of Maidstone, 157, 160,

165, 182 —, John, of Henden in Barkley hd,

186 —, John, of Maidstone, xxv, 152-55,

157, 160, 164-65, 167, 169, 175-76, 178, 188-89

—, John, of Woodnesborough, 466-68, 470-71, 474-75, 479-80

—, John sen, of Maidstone, xxv, 152, 163, 188-89

—, Margery, of Maidstone and Cranbrook, xxv, 152-90 passim

—, Mary, of Maidstone, xxv, 152 —, Mr Jas, att, 160 —, Ric, of Maidstone, 157, 165 —, Thos, of Maidstone and

Yalding, 157-60, 163, 166, 180

Kingsmill, Geo, 247 Kingston (Kingeston), Edm gent, of

Miserden, Gloucs, 369-86 passim

Kiplin (Kiplyn), Geo, of London, 12 Knapp (Knape), John, of Dover, 538 Knatchbull, Norton esq, 44, 46, 53,

73, 75 Knight, John gent, 68, 70-71, 74,

76-77, 80, 84, 90-91, 93, 113 —, Wm gent, of Hythe, 96, 113 Knivett (Knevet), Mr Thos esq, 225 Knollys (Knolles), Mary, of

Sandwich, 22, 28-29 —, Sir Fran, treas, 286-87 —, Sir Wm, comptroller, of

London, 9-11 Knotting (Cotinge), Nic, of Milton,




Knox, see Oak Kynge, see King

L Lamb (Lambe), Wm gent, bail and

JP of Romney Marsh, xxiv, xxxv, 30-31, 34-36, 38-40, 42-43, 45, 48-50, 52, 55, 67

Lambard, Wm, xvi, xxxiii, 132, 134, 138, 142

Lancaster, Wm esq, queen’s serj, of London, 10

Lance (Launce), Ric, of Ash, 449 Lane, Ric, 501-2 Langworth, Adam gent, 199, 201,

213, 523-24, 534 Laver (Lavar, Lever, Leaver), Thos,

bail of Long Wittenham, Berks, 403, 407, 411-12, 417-20, 424-25

Lawrence, Wm, of Barham, 483, 485-91

Lawson, Terrence, xxxvi Leaf (Leafe), Eliz, of St Benet near

the Exchange, London, 453 Lee (Lea, Leye), Hen gent, of

Delce, 498 —, Israel, of Faversham, 214-15 —, Ric esq, of Delce, 498 —, Sir Ric, JP of Cant., 310, 315,

319-21, 513, 516 —, Thos gent, barrister of London,

498 Legg (Legge), Wm, of Faversham,

214-15 Leigh (Lee, Leighe), Olaf esq, of

Addington, Surrey, xviii-xix, 387-402 passim

Lennard (Lennarde, Leonard, Leonarde), Wm gent, jurat of Dover, 200, 203-4, 212, 466-82 passim

Lett, John, 492 Leveson, Sir John, of Gravesend,

433, 459, 496 Lewis (Lewes), Edw, 500 —, John, of Woodhurst in Hastings,

Sussex, 171, 175 —, Susan, of Woodhurst in

Hastings, Sussex, 163, 171, 175

Liddiard (Lydiard, Lydyard, Lydyarde, Lyddiard), Hugh, 396, 401

—, Joan, of Woolwich, 387-402 passim

Lingard (Lyngar, Lyngor, Lingarr, Lyngar), Wm, 275, 277-80

Littleton (Litleton), Edm, of Sittingbourne, 353

Locker, Ms, 292 London, Geo, 86 Long, Thos, of Cant., 1 Loveden, Hercules gent, of Buscot,

xx, 403-26 passim —, John gent, of Deptford, xx,

403-26 passim —, Rob gent, of Buscot, xx, 403-26

passim —, Walt gent, of Buscot, Berks, xx,

403-26 passim Lovelace, Ann, of Kingsdown, 427 —, Lancelot kt esq, 214, 217, 310,

317, 343, 346, 349, 353, 361, 364, 366

—, Len esq, of Kingsdown, xviii, 427-55 passim

—, Ric gent, of Colham, Middx., 442-43, 445, 451

—, Sir Wm jun, 310, 313, 325 —, Sir Wm, of Cant., 501-3, 516-17 —, Thos esq, of Kingsdown, 432,

435-36, 447, 451, 454 —, Wm, St Nicholas-at-Wade, 526 —, Wm sen, serj-at-law, 310, 313 Luddington, Thos, of London, 2 Luke (Luckes, Luck), Ste, of

Mayfield, Sussex, 163, 168 —, Thos, of Mayfield, Sussex, 163,


M Mace, see Massey Magmannsoge, Shan, 277-78 Man, Bart esq, 44, 46, 51, 53, 66 —, clerk, 322-24, 326 Manning (Moninge, Monnings,

Momings, Monymgs), Thos gent, of Charlton, 329-32, 535-36

Manningham, John, xi Mannington (Manington), Wm, of

Faversham, 214-15 Manser, Nic, 428 Manwood, Peter esq, of Hackington,

464 —, Sir Peter esq, of St Stephens,

xviii, xx, 317, 456-64 passim Maplesden (Maplisden), Edw, 162,

164, 173, 184, 186 Marsh, Thos, clerk of Westm., xiv Marshall, Thos, of Staplehurst, 177 Martin, Margt, of Lydd, 57 Mary [Queen], 310 Maslen (Manlen, Masculin,

Musclin, Masculine, Masculyn), Wm, bail, 403-26 passim

Massey (Mace), Wm, of Dartford, 506-8, 511-12

Master (Masters), Oliver, of London, 12

Matthews (Mathews), Walt, 428 Mauley, Mrs, 306 May (Maie), Ric, 502 Menfield (Menfeild), Ste, 502 Meredith (Meridith), Dan, 225 —, David Lloyd, of Radnor, 221,

226, 231-33 Meriam (Meryam, Merriam,

Merryam), Wm, of Goudhurst, 235, 238-39,

241-42, 244, 250-52 Merral (Merryall, Merriall, Merrell,

Meryall, Meriall), see Muriel Michall, Michell, see Mitchel Mignot (Mynat, Mynatt), Mr,

examiner of Westm., xiv, 334, 468

Milbourn (Milborne, Millborne, Mylborne, Myllborne), Cuthbert, 315, 319-21, 513-14, 516-17

Mill, Wm, clerk of Westm., xiv-xvi, xxi, 1, 2-3, 12-21, 22-27, 30-32, 41, 68-69, 72, 116-18, 130, 152-55, 191-92, 198, 214-16, 221, 225, 228, 234, 253-54, 260-62, 268-71, 275, 281, 282-83, 288, 293-94, 297-98, 309, 310-16, 323-24, 336-37, 340, 368-70, 373, 387-90, 397, 399, 403-4, 410, 427-31, 456, 463, 465-67, 481-84, 487, 500-3

Miller (Myller), John jun, of Folkestone, 82, 83

—, John sen, of Folkestone, 81, 83, 88-89

—, Thos, 438-39 —, Wm, const of Milton hd, 268,

271-73 Mills (Mill, Myles), Chris, of Roper

Lane, 498 —, Ric, of Norwich, 326-27 —, Thos, att of Westm., xv Mills (Mill, Myles), Wm, of Staines,

Middx., 498 Millward (Milward, Mylward),

Thos gent, of Buckland, 330, 332

Ming (Mynge), Hen, 268 —, John, mayor of New Romney,

52, 61, 91, 93 Mitchel (Michall, Michell), Denise,

of Staplehurst, 177 —, Edm, 472-73, 478 Moninge (Monnings, Momings,

Monymgs), see Manning Moore, Fran, 288 —, Geo, 404 Morbred (Moorbreade,

Merebreade), Ben, 256-57 Morel (Morrell), Thos, of Snargate,

61 Moreland (Morleyn), Gervais sen,

of Biddenden, 186 —, Hen, of Biddenden, 186 Morgan, Fran, of Middle Temple,

492 —, John, 225 —, Nic gent, of Inner Temple, att,

xxvi, 492, 494-95, 497-99 Morris, Ab, of Radnor, 233 —, Phil, of Radnor, 232-33 Mountfield (Mounsfielde), Wm, 427 Mowse, John, 304, 307-8 Moyse (Moyses), Eliz, of Roch.,




Muriel (Merral, Merreall, Merryall, Merriall, Merrell, Meryall, Meriall), Ric, of Goudhurst, 116, 118, 121, 123, 130-31, 147

Myles, see Mills Myller, see Miller Mylward, see Millward Mynat, Mynatt, see Mignot

N Napleton, Nappleton, see Appleton Nepecker, Thos, of Mayfield,

Sussex, 170 Nethersole (Nethersall), Mr, of

Cant., 327 Nicholas, Black, of Sandwich,

90-91 —, Wm als Johnesly, of Goudhurst,

138-39 Nicholls (Nycholls), Hen, 338, 368 Nicholson, Hen, of London, 2 Nokes, Noxe, see Oak Norman, Edw, 501 Norris, Thos gent, 199, 201, 523-24 Nynn (Nyn, Nynne, Nyyne, Ninne),

Rob, of Maidstone, xxv, 152-54, 156-61, 163, 165-66, 172, 174, 176, 178, 183, 185, 188-90

O Oak (Knox, Noke, Noxe), Geo, 268,

273 Oakman, Rob, jurat of Romney

Marsh, 59-60 Old (Olde), Mic, of London, 384 Olliff (Olliphe), John, alderman of

London, 387, 390 Orchard, Hen, of St

Nicholas-at-Wade, 530, 534 —, John, of Birchington, 528 Osbaldston (Osbalstone), Isaac,

327-328 Osborne, And, of Birchington, xviii,

xxxiv, 466-68, 470-71, 475, 481-82, 519-34 passim

—, And, of London, 191-213 passim

—, Hen, of London, 12, 17, 19 —, John, 338, 368 Overy (Overry, Overey, Overie),

Ric, of Hartley, 428-57 passim

P Packenham, John gent, of Cant., 531 Page, Thos, lt, 278 Paget (Pagett), 369 —, Thos, of Middle Temple, 494 Painter, Dot, of London, 498 Palmer, Sir Hen, 459, 525 —, Thos jun esq, 72, 75, 97 Parker, 84, 86, 88 Parrot (Perrot, Perrott), Sir John,

310, 313 Parry (Parrye), Blanch, queen’s

gentlewoman, 221, 224-25 —, John gent, 225 Partridge (Partriche, Partrige,

Partrydge, Partritch, Partrish), David, 268

—, Isabel, of Isle of Thanet, 192 —, Joan, of Isle of Thanet, 192 —, Wm, of Isle of Thanet, 192, 210,

213 —, Wm sen, of Isle of Thanet, 192,

197, 210, 213, 466, 468 Payne, Nic, 464 —, Silas, of London, 12 —, Wm, of Cant., 464 Payton, see Peyton Peak, Edw, of Sandwich, 28 Pearson (Pierson), Thos, att and

notary, 284-85, 292 Peers (Perse), Hen, of Staple Inn,

437 Pelham, E., 235, 243 Pell, Clem, 310, 319-20, 514 Pepper (Peper), Arn, of Birchington,

469 —, Thos, of Dover, 330-33, 535-36 —, widow, 332 Permeger, Ric, of London, 10-11 Pestell, Pestells, see Geoffrey Petfield (Petfeild), Walt, 276 Petley (Petly), 454 Pett (Pette, Pet), Dan, of Isle of

Thanet, 192, 200, 202, 207-8, 210-11, 525

—, Godly, of Isle of Thanet, 519, 522

—, Joan, of Isle of Thanet, 193, 195, 197, 200, 205, 207-8, 466, 468, 470, 519, 525, 529; see also Joan Pitcher, Riley, Robinson

—, Thos, of Faversham, 214, 217-18

Petterden, Thos, 268 Pettifer (Pettefer, Petifer), Fran, of

Southampton, 322-28 passim —, Nic jun, of Cant., 322-28 passim —, Nic sen, clerk, of Cant., 322-28

passim Pettit, Ric gent, of Cant., 532 Peyton (Payton), Thos esq, 483 Philip [King], 310 Philips (Phelipps, Phelopps,

Phillips, Phylpes, Phylopps), Thos, clerk of London, 14-17, 19, 21, 116, 225, 271, 329, 456, 467, 506

Philpott, Edw, 84, 107, 111-12 Pierce, John, of St Clement,

London, 498 Pilling (Pillinge), Rob, 328 Pinfold (Penfold), Wm, of London,

12, 19 Pinner (Pynner), Nic capt, 276, 278 Pitcher (Pytcher, Pycher), Alice, of

Roch., xxvi-xxvii, 492-493,

495, 497-99 —, Ant, of Isle of Thanet, 197 —, Geo, of St Margarets, Roch.,

xxvi, 492, 494 —, Joan, of Isle of Thanet, 192,

200, 202, 210, 525, 529; see also Joan Pett, Riley, Robinson

—, Wm, of Isle of Thanet, 192, 200, 202, 211, 525, 529

Pitman (Pittman), Thos, of Highworth, Wilts, 417, 419, 425

Plomer, John, jurat of New Romney, 68, 71, 74, 90-93, 95-97, 101, 107-8, 115

Plott (Plot, Plotte), Bart, 310, 315, 317-18, 320-21, 513-14, 516-17

Plume (Plumme), John, of Goudhurst, 133, 135

Pocock, of ‘Sennock’, 438 Poile, Poyle, see Pulley Polly, Wm, 281 Poole, Oswald, 310-11, 315,

320-21, 513-14 Popham, Sir John, CJ, 339, 368-69 Pordage, Hen, 268 Post (Poste), Eliz, of Isleworth, 292,

299-301, 303-7 —, Thos, of Isleworth, 281-86, 292,

298-301, 303-7 Postern (Posterne), Fran gent, of

Pershore, Worcs, 302, 308 Potter, And, of London, 253, 256-59 Powell, Jas, of London, 17 —, John, 437 —, John, of Dartford, 506, 508,

510-12 —, Margt, of Leeds, 175 —, Thos gent, of Valence, 221,

225-26, 228-30 —, Walt, of Monmouthshire, att, xv Pratt, Mr Thos, of Goudhurst, 238,

244 Prest, Wilfrid, xxix Preston, Thos, 292 Price (Pryce), Nic gent, of Roch.,

456-64 passim Prigg (Prigges, Prigs), John, 133,

135-36, 149 —, Mat, 133, 136 Prince, Edw, of Westminster,

221-24, 226-27, 229-30 Pritchard (Prychard), Ric, 233 Procter, 390 Proud (Prowde), Hen, of

Birchington, 469 —, Wm, of Birchington, xxxiv,

519-34 passim Pulley (Poile, Poyle), Alex, 133,

135 —, Lawr, of Goudhurst, 145 Purefoy (Purfree, Purfrey, Purfrie),

Luke, 268-69, 335, 336-68 passim



R Railton, Rob, of Cant., xxxiv Raines (Raynes, Reynes), Thos, of

Burham, 492, 498 Rawlins (Rawlyn), Ric gent,

barrister of London, 498 Rayner, Nat, of Kenardington, xxxv,

30-67 passim —, Simon, of Bredgar, 367 Read (Reade), John, bail of

Shrivenham, 403 —, Thos esq, sheriff, 416, 416-21 Reaney, P. H., xxxvi Rees, David, 221 Reeve (Reve, Reyve), John jun, of

Roch., 492 —, John sen, of Roch., xxvi-xxvii,

492-93, 497-99 —, Mr, of London, 5, 7 Rich (Riches), John, 132 —, Thos gent, 116 —, Thos gent esq, of Lincoln’s Inn,

374-75, 377-80, 382-85, 403 Richards (Richers), John esq, 134 Richer, John, 343 Ridge, Wm, of St Peter’s, London,

498 Riggs, Mat, of the Isle of Sheppey,

149 Riley (Ryley, Reeley, Rylye), Alex,

of Isle of Thanet, 192, 193-94, 196-97, 200, 207

—, Hen, of Isle of Thanet, 191-93, 196-97, 200, 207, 466-67

—, Joan, of Isle of Thanet, 197, 202, 529; see also Joan Pett, Pitcher, Robinson

—, Ralph, of Isle of Thanet, 192-93, 197, 200, 202, 210, 466, 525

—, Thos, of Isle of Thanet or Lancashire, 191-94, 196-97, 200, 207, 477-78

Rivers (Ryvers), John, of Buscot, 403, 405, 407-8, 410-11, 414-15, 417-19, 421, 423, 425

Roan (Roane), John, 427 Roberts (Robertes), Thos, 132 Robins (Robyns), Ralph als

Robinson, of Southampton, 322-24, 326-27

Robinson, of Southampton, 322-28 passim

Robinson (Robynson), Frances (wife), of Birchington, 191, 207-8, 478, 493

—, Geo, of Isle of Thanet, 192-93, 200, 202, 211, 525, 529

—, Godley, of Isle of Thanet, 193, 197

—, Hen, of Birchington, 191-93, 197, 467, 482, 519

—, Joan, of Isle of Thanet, xxxiv, 192, 211; see also Joan Pett, Pitcher, Riley

—, John, mayor of Roch., 459 —, John, of St Peter’s, London,

260-61, 263, 265-67

—, Nic, of Birchington and Monkton, xxxiv, 191-95, 197, 200, 207-8, 467, 482, 519

—, Ralph, of Southampton, see Robins

—, Thos, of Isle of Thanet, 200, 207, 525

—, Wm, of Birchington, 519 Rogers, John, 68, 71-72, 74, 87-89,

95, 99-100, 105, 107-9, 111-13, 115

—, John esq, of Cant., xxxiv, 483, 485-87, 491

—, Ric, of Roch., 492 Roke (Rocke), Ric, 501 Rolfe (Rolffe), Geo, of Snargate,

64-65 —, Wm, serj-at-mace, London, 253,

257 Roper (Rooper), German gent, of

Sittingbourne, xxvi, 268-69, 272-74, 348, 364

—, Sir John, xx, 268, 271-72 —, Sir John, of Lynsted, 500 Rotheram (Rothernam), Nic gent,

xviii, xxxiv, 483-91 passim Rowe, Alice, of Birchington,

191-93, 195 —, Ann, of Birchington, 195 —, Eliz, of Birchington, 191, 193,

210, 212, 466 —, Hen, of Birchington, 210 —, Thos, of Birchington, xxxiv,

191-213 passim, 466-75, 477-79, 482

Rowle, Edw gent, of Roch., xxvi, 492, 495, 497

—, Eliz, of Roch., xxvi-xxvii, 492, 494

—, Geo, of Roch., xxvi-xxvii, 492, 494-95, 497

Rowse, John, of London, 17 Russell (Russle), Rob gent, fermour

of Preston, 27, 432, 434-36, 443-46, 451, 453

Rutt, John, of London, 2 Rye (Ry), of Faversham, 217-18 Ryme, 273 Ryvers, see Rivers

S Sackville, Thos, of London, 9 Sarre, Mr, 522 —, Wm, of Tunstall, 364 Sawyer, John, of Isle of Thanet,

xxxiv, 191, 193-95, 197 Scarps (Scarpes, Scarp, Scraps,

Scapps, Scrappes, Screpis), Hen, of Buscot, 403-4, 406-8, 410-12, 414-21, 423-25

Screen (Screene), Wm, of Folkestone, 81, 83, 88

Scudder, Wm, 509 Sedley, Wm, 496 Sell, Jas, of London, 2 Sharp (Sharpe), Thos, of

Faversham, 214 Sherlock (Sherlocke), Jas, of

Tonbridge, 2-7 Shoesmith (Shosmithe, Shosmyth,

Showsmith, Shewsmithe), Nic, of Goudhurst, 235, 238-39, 242-44, 250-52

Sibble (Sybill, Sybbyll), Edw, of Kingsdown and Ash, 432, 435, 438-39

—, Lancelot, of Kingsdown and Ash, 432

—, Nic, of Kingsdown and Ash, 428-29, 432, 435, 444-45, 447, 451, 455

—, Thos, of Kingsdown and Ash, 432, 435

Sibdale, Hen, of London, 12 Silliard (Sylliard), Josiah gent, of

Biddenden, 186 Simmonds (Simons, Simondes,

Symons, Symonds), Rob, of New Romney, 90

—, Wm, solicitor, of Isle of Thanet, xxxiv, 191-213 passim, 477-79, 481-86, 488-90, 519-34 passim

Simon, Wm, 369, 371 Sims (Symmes), Thos, xxxiv,

329-31, 535-40 passim Skilton, Thos, 502 Skinner (Skynner), Chris, of

London, 12 —, John, of Isle of Thanet, 207-8,

468 Slayfield (Sliefeilde), Mary, 432,

435 —, Ralph gent, 432, 435 Smallshaw, John, serj-at-mace,

London, 253 Smith (Smythe, Smithes), Edm, 297 —, Hum, 265 —, Jas, 292, 294 —, Justice, 396 —, Nat, 315, 513-14, 517 —, Peter, of Goudhurst, 235,

237-44, 250-52 —, Rob, under-chamberlain, of

London, 4, 8 —, Thos, of Cranbrook, 244, 246 Snape, Ralph, of London, 12 Snelling, Mark, of London, 12 —, Rob, 292 Solly, John, of Stourmouth, xx, 500 Somers, Hen, of Faversham, 214 Sondes (Sondis, Sonds), Ric esq,

343, 346, 349, 353, 361, 364, 367

—, Sir Mic, of Throwley, xx, 269, 337-38, 368, 501-5

Sparling (Spurlyng), 370 Spencer (Spenser), Wm, 512 Spicer (Spycer), Mr, 113 Spurges, a boy, 470 Spurlyng, see Sparling Spurrier (Spureyer, Spurryer),

Simon, 427



Stacey (Stacye), Jasper, 284-85 Stafford, Hen, minister of New

Romney, xxxv, 30, 36, 38, 42, 45, 47, 52, 61

Stanford (Stanforde), Eliz, 292 —, Thos gent, 292-93, 301, 303-8 Stead (Steade), Art, 268 Stephens (Stepens, Stevens), Geo,

of Goudhurst, 244 —, John, of Goudhurst, 250 —, Kath, of Elam, 250 —, Margt, 158 —, Sir Nic, 422 —, Wm, 158 —, Wm, of Elam, 250 Stephenson (Stevenson), Ant, parish

clerk of Isleworth, 292, 294, 298-301, 303-8

Steward (Stewarde, Stuard), Thos, const of Buscot, 403, 405-8, 411-19, 423, 425

—, Wm, 403, 405, 416, 418-19 Stillion (Strlyon), Mr Thos gent, of

Warbleton, Sussex, 158, 181 Stock (Stocke), Gil, of Cant., 464 Stone, Wm, of London, 15 Streeten (Streaton), Wm, of Roch.,

498 Strode, Geo, 463 Stronghill, John gent, of Lydd, 76 Sturdy (Sturdye), B., 266 —, J., 260 —, R., 263 Sugar, Ste, 259 Summer (Sommer, Sommers), Mic,

of Dartford, xix, 506, 510 Susan, maidservant, of Cant.,

326-27 Sutton, John, of Cant., 501-505 Swan (Swanne, Swann), Chas, 310,

315, 317, 320-21, 513-14, 516-17

Symmes, see Sims

T Tanner, Wm, of Dymchurch, 62 Taverner, Wm, 466, 468, 470, 475 Taylor (Tailor), Edw, of London, 12 —, Jas, 265 Tempest, Wm gent, 422-26 Tench, Capt, 37-38 Thomas, Alex gent, of Clifford’s

Inn and Ticehurst, Sussex, att, xxv, 246, 253-59 passim

—, servant of Croft, 233 Thompson (Thomson, Tomson),

Chris, of Lusted, 361 Thornton (Thorneton), Hen gent, of

Fulham, 281-82, 284, 286-87, 290, 292-93, 299, 301-7

—, Hen jun, 306 Thurbarne, Jas, 508 —, Mr Wm, of New Romney, 34,

59 Thurstan (Thurston, Thurson), Wm,

of Faversham, 214-15 Thwaite (Thwaites), Wm gent, of St

Dunstan Without, 84, 95, 100 Tideman (Tiddyman), Wm, of

Folkestone, 86 Tomlin (Tomley, Tomline, Tomly),

John, 268, 273 Tonge, Simon, 268-69, 335, 336-68

passim —, Simon sen, of Tunstall, 355, 367 Tookey (Tookye), Thos, of

Hinksfield, xxxv, 30-67 passim

Townsend, Len, of London, 10-11 —, Wm, 495 Towse (Tose), Edw, of Monkton,

466-68, 471-72, 474-75, 480 Traslowe (Trasslowe), Hen, of

Westm., 224 Tree, Nic, of Burwash, 141 —, Wm, of Hope Mill, Goudhurst,

126 Trever (Trevor), Ridwell als

Cadwallader, of Mold, Flints, 456-64 passim

—, Sir Ric, 459 —, Thos esq, 459 Tristam (Trustram), Thos, of

London, 12 Trustram, see Tristam Tudeley

(Tuldelley), Thos, 296 Turfett, Edw, of Cant., 322 Tutt, John, of Goudhurst, 126

U Underdown (Vnderdowne), John, of

Birchington, 207, 213, 466-68, 475, 477, 529

Underwood, Thos, registrar of Westm., xiv

V Vaughan, Eliz, of Glasbury, Radnor,

221, 225, 229 —, Fran, 221, 225, 229 —, Jas, 428 —, John esq, 221, 225, 228-29 —, Rob gent, of Glasbury, Radnor,

221, 225, 229 —, Rog, 225

W Wade, Nic, of Faversham, 214 Waferer, Thos, of Sandwich, 28-29 Wahton, see Weighton Waker, John, 222 Walker, Ric, of Bishops Hatfield,

Herts, xix, 387, 396-97, 399-401

Wallard, Thos, 501 Wallenberg, J.K., xxxvi Waller, Agnes, of Cranbrook, 172 —, Dame Mary (Mary Ashenden),

313, 315 —, Geo esq, JP of Milsted, xx, 310,

313, 315, 317-18, 320, 513-14, 516

—, Sir Thos, 132, 134, 138, 142, 147

Walsingham, Sir Thos, of Gravesend, 433

Walter (Walters), Geo, of Westgate Ct, 235, 238, 240-246, 247-251

—, Hen, of London, 12 —, John, clerk, 117, 231 Warcup (Warcopp), Hen gent, of

Aylesford, 498 Ward (Warde), Ambrose gent, of

Lydd, 68-115 passim —, Gerard, 302, 305, 307 —, Hester, of Lydd, 71 —, John (Ambrose’s father), 74, 91,

107 —, John, capt of Sandgate castle,

68, 95-97, 110, 112-13 —, Mrs, 106 Wardanger, Mr, ct registrar, 261 Wardley (Wardby, Warby), Thos,

235, 238, 242 Warren, Susan, 308 Waterhouse (Waterhowse,

Waterhose), Wm, of Buscot, 403-8, 411-19, 421, 423, 425

Watkins (Wattkins, Watkyns), David, 225

—, Geo, of Isleworth, 281-87, 289, 292-93

—, Hen gent, 292 Watson (Watsone), Hamon, 501 —, John, 249 —, John, of Cant., 99 —, Rob, of Hawkhurst, 362 Watts (Wattes), Joan, xxv, 235-41 —, John, of London, 12, 16 —, Mary, of Biddenden, xxv,

235-41 —, Ric, of Biddenden, xxv, 235-51

passim —, Thos jun, of Benenden, xxv,

235-52 passim —, Thos sen, of Biddenden,

xxv-xxvi, 235-42, 245, 250, 252

Wayman (Waymon), Rob, of London, 275-77, 280

Weaker (Weker), Wm, bail, 451 Wear (Ware, Weare, Were), of

Horsmonden, 116, 133, 138-39

Weatherall (Wetherall, Wetherwell), Thos, 302, 304

Weaver, 307 Webb (Webbe), John, of Tunstall,

360 —, Mr, minister of Lydd, 47 —, Mr Wm, army preacher, 275-76,

278-80 Weeden (Weedon), Geo, 292,

296-97; see also Widdows Weighton (Wahton), Edw, 305 Wells (Willes), Walt, 502



Wemyss (Wemmes), Mr, 221, 226, 231-233

Wharton, Staughton, 268-69, 335, 336-68 passim

Wheatland, Simon, of Bredgar, 356 Whetstone, of Sandwich, 28 White, Mr, 292 —, Simon, of Hythe, 78, 92, 94-95,

102, 110, 113 Whitehead (Whithead, Whythed,

Whytehead), Wm, of High Holborn, 374-77, 383

Whitgift, John, archb of Cant., 292 Whitney, Miles, 225 Widdows (Widdo, Wyddow,

Wyddon), Geo, 282, 291; see also Weeden

Wilcock (Wilcocke, Willcocks, Wyllocke, Wylcocks), John, 428-29, 432, 434-36, 438-39, 444-45, 451

Wild (Wildes, Wyld), of London, 4 —, Ric, of Sandwich, 22-29 Wildbore (Wilbourne, Wylborne),

Cutbeard, 310 Willard (Wyllard, Wyllarde), Ab, of

Horsmonden, 253, 256-59 —, John, of Horsmonden, 253-59


—, Thos, of Horsmonden, 253-59 passim

—, Thos, of Leeds and Horsmonden, 253-59 passim

Williams, John, bishop and ld keeper, xiii n.13

Williams (Willyams), David, serj-at-law, xxx, 221, 223-27, 229, 231-33

—, Hugh, of London, 10-11 —, Mr Henry, 223-25 Willis, Art J., xxxvi Wilson, Rob, of Horsmonden, 146 —, Wm BD, 496 Winnall (Wynioll), of London, 2 Winter (Wynter), Edw, of London,

12 Witch, John, 282 Wolf (Wolfe), John Morgan esq,

221-34 passim Wolsey, John, cardinal, xi, xiv Wood (Woodde), Edw, 133, 135 —, Martin gent, xxxiv, 483-91

passim —, Ric, of Roch., 498 —, Whittingham, of Gray’s Inn,

xxxiv, 483-91 passim Wooden (Woodden), Hen, 438-39 Woodier (Wooddier), Fran, of

Roch., 492 Wormald (Wormall), Fran, 328 Wrightington, Edw, att and clerk,

xv, 322, 368, 430, 465 Wroth (Wrothe), Sir Rob, xx, 310,

313, 315, 319, 513-17 Wyborn (Wybarn), Hugh, of

Kingsdown, 454 Wyddow, Wyddon, see Widdows Wylborne, see Wildbore Wyllard, Willarde, see Willard

Y Yatman (Yeatman, Yetman,

Yateman), Wm, of Goudhurst, 116, 118-20, 130-31, 133, 135, 137, 148-49

Yealding (Yelding), John, of Battle, xii, 30-67 passim

Yeomans, Hen, of Maidstone, 183 —, Margt, of Maidstone, 183 Yepp (Yeopp), John gent, of St

Nicholas Olaf, London, 498 Young (Yonge, Younge), Dot, of

Weald, Hants, 426 —, Mat, of Buscot, 423 —, Mr, 251 —, Rob, 74, 91, 93, 104, 106



Index of Places All references in Arabic numbers are to entry numbers, and references to Roman numerals are to the pages of the introduction. City parishes such as those of Canterbury, Dover, London and Middlesex are listed under the city and cross-referenced under the parish name. All place-names are in Kent unless noted otherwise.

A Abbot’s Blean als Faversham Blean,

Hernhill, 501 Abingdon, see under Berkshire Addington, see under Surrey Aldridge Croft see Isleworth under

Middlesex Arrowhead, The, 40 Ash, 432, 445-46, 449 Aylesford, 498

B Badgley, see under Southampton Badlesmere, 344, 350 Ballyshannon, see under Ireland Barham, xxxiv, 483-86, 490 —, Barrows, the, in, 483-86 Barkley, 186 Barnsley, see under Gloucestershire Battle, see under Sussex Bedfordshire, xxviii Benenden, 241 Berkshire, xxviii, 403-26 passim —, Abingdon in, 403 —, Buscot als Burwardescott in,

403-25 passim —, Long Wittenham, 420, 424 Bewlbridge, 142, 144 Bexley, 387, 391, 400 Biddenden, 186, 235, 240 Birchington, Isle of Thanet, xxxiv,

191-213 passim, 466-82 passim, 519-34 passim

—, High Street, 469 Bishops Hatfield, see under

Hertfordshire Bishopsbourne, 483, 486 Borden, 339, 347 Boughton, 176 Boughton Aluph, 54 Boughton-under-Blean, 249, 502-5 Boulogne, see under France Boxley, 189 Brainford, see Isleworth under

Middlesex Bredgar, 337, 342, 356, 358, 366-67 Bredgate, 214 Brenzett, 30, 37, 40, 55, 91, 93 —, Wall, 38-39 Bridgehouse, the, see under London Bristol, see under Gloucestershire Broadgate, 268 Bromley, xxvi-xxvii, 502 Brookland, 30, 39

—, ‘Houck house’ (‘Hookehouse’) in, 91, 93

Buckinghamshire, xxviii Buckland, 329-33, 535-37 Burham, 498 Burwash, see under Sussex Buscot als Burwardescott, see under

Berkshire Bushett, see under Goudhurst Buxted, see under Sussex

C Caernarfonshire, xxviii Canterbury, xv, xviii, xxx, xxxiv, 1, 52,

68, 73, 75, 77, 99, 111-12, 115, 199, 275, 279, 310-21 passim, 322-28, 464-65, 483, 488-91, 501-2, 505, 513, 520-25, 531-32

—, castle, 247 —, Christchurch in, 100, 191, 467,

525, 532 —, ‘Dungeon’ manor, 310, 320, 513,

516 —, the Mill fields in, 525 —, Red Lion, in, 46, 53, 310, 317,

319, 483, 490 —, Lion, Sign of the, in, 513 —, Mermaid, Sign of the, in, 109 —, St Dunstan Without, 85, 91, 107,

109 —, St Lawrence hospital, 310, 524 —, St Martins, 464 —, St Mary Bredin, 310, 316 —, Foxdane close, 516 —, Mountendane close, 513-17 —, Sun, Sign of the, in, 107 —, Westgate Court, 249 —, Westgate gaol, 91-92 —, White Hart, in, 201, 524 Cardiganshire, xxviii Carmarthenshire, xxviii, xxxii Charlton, 329-33, 535-37, 540 —, Ridge Close, 329-33 passim —, Allingborough field in, 333 —, Winterhill field in, 333 Chart next Sutton, 165 Chatham, xxvi, 59, 264, 462, 492, 498 Cheapside, see under London Cheriton, 87, 109 Cheshire, xxviii, xxxii Chevening, 498 Cheyne, lands called, 74, 91, 93 Christchurch, see under Canterbury Cinque Ports, xxx, 31, 74, 112, 115,

191, 200, 202, 205, 214, 466, 469

Clifford’s Inn, see under Middlesex Colham, see under Middlesex Copthorne see Isleworth under

Middlesex Cornwall, xxviii, 376 Cranbrook, xxv, 152, 155-56, 158,

163, 172, 188-89, 244, 281, 307, 309

Crayford, 387, 391, 400 Cripplegate, see under London Croft, see under Hertfordshire Crown Inn, see under Rochester Cumberland, xxviii

D Dalkey, see under Ireland Dartford, xxvi-xxvii, 427, 492, 498,

506, 508, 510, 512 Delce, 498 Denbighshire, xxviii Denstroude, 502-5 Deptford, 403 Derbyshire, xxviii Derry, see under Ireland Devon, xxviii, xxxii, 387 —, Rydon, 387 Deyrie Farm see Isleworth under

Middlesex Dieppe, see under France Dodmor, 387 Dolphin, The, see under Rochester Doncaster, see under Yorkshire Donegal, see under Ireland Dorset, xxviii Dover, xv, xxx, 194-96, 200, 212,

329-33, 466-76, 478, 482, 536-39

—, Chancery ct, 68, 70, 86-87, 91, 107, 112, 197, 466, 538-39

—, liberty of, 191-93, 200, 202 Dunbarton manor, 519-34 passim Dungeon manor, see under

Canterbury Durham, xxviii Dymchurch, 62

E East Anglia, xxviii, xxxii East Wickham, 387, 391, 400 Elam, 250 Essex, xxviii



F Fairfield, 91, 93 Farningham, 447 Faversham, 214, 218, 249, 501-2 Finchcocks, see under Goudhurst Five Ports, see under Cinque Ports Fleet prison, see under London Flintshire, xxviii —, Mold, 460 Folkestone, 82-84, 86, 88-89, 91-92,

95, 98, 101, 103, 106, 111 —, ‘Heede’, The, near, 111 Fordwich, 500, 532 Foxdane close, see under Canterbury France, xxiv, 35, 37-38, 56, 59, 86,

89, 111, 199 —, Boulogne, 86 —, Dieppe, 323-24 Fulham, see under Middlesex

G Gainsburgh, Ireland, 221 George, The, see under Hythe Gillingham, 498 Glasbury, Radnor, 221, 229 —, manor, 223, 225 Gloucestershire, xv, xxviii, 369, 378,

424 —, Barnsley, 378 —, Bristol, xv, xxviii, xxxii, 277-78 —, Lechlade, 424 —, Miserden, 369 Goudhurst, xviii, xxv, 116-51 passim,

235-51 passim, 253, 257, 259 —, ‘Bushett’ in, 143 —, Finchcocks in, 116, 119, 123, 128,

133 —, High Street, 116 —, hill, 236 —, Hope Mill in, 119, 127, 133,

139-40, 143-44 —, ‘Long Eaie’ in, 116 —, Michael’s Mead, 126 —, Miller’s Meade, 116, 119-23,

125-29, 133, 138, 142-46 —, ‘Rishet’, the, in, 140, 142, 144-46 —, ‘Seldown’ in, 143 Gravesend, xx, xxvii, 12, 235, 240,

433, 460 Gray’s Inn, see under Middlesex Greenwich, 369, 381, 427, 434, 450,

455 Gruell, 387

H Hackington, 465 Hampshire, xxviii, xxxii, 426 —, Weald in, 426 Harrietsham, 214 Hartley, 428, 434, 441, 450 Hawkhurst, 361-62

Hayes, see under Middlesex ’Heede’, The, see under Folkestone Henley, Barkley hd, 186 Herefordshire, xxviii Hernhill, 501-5 Hertfordshire, xxviii, 233, 387, 401 —, Bishops Hatfield, 387, 401 —, Croft in, 233 Heston, 292 —, Maywell in, 292 —, More bridge, 292 High Holborn, see under London Highworth, Wilts, 418-419, 425 Hinksfield, 37 Hinxhill, 310, 514 Hoath, 292 Holborn, see under London Hook, lands called, 68, 74 Hope Mill, see under Goudhurst Horsmonden, 116, 128-29, 136, 139,

143-44, 146, 253, 256-57, 259 —, church, 128-29 Hougham, 329-33, 535-37, 540 —, Ridge Close in, 329-33 passim,

535-40 Hounslow, see under Middlesex Hythe, 66, 78-79, 89-97, 101, 103,

113, 296 George, Sign of the, in, 84

I Ireland, 199, 221, 275-80 —, Ballyshannon, 276 —, Dalkey, 276 —, ‘Dyarcye’ in, 276 —, Derry, 278-80 —, Donegal, 276 —, Knockfargus, 276-77, 279 —, Lough Foyle, 275-80 —, St Leger, 276 Isle of Man, 279 Isle of Sheppey, 149, 336, 341, 345 Isle of Thanet, 191-213 passim, 467,

470, 519-34 passim —, Mountain Street, 191 Isleworth, see under Middlesex Ivychurch, 91, 93

K Keldown, 144 Kenardington, 38 Kennerton, 51-52 Kingsdown, 426-55 passim —, ‘Berrows’ in, 447 —, Growers lands/messuage in, 432,

435-36, 444-45, 447 —, manor, 426-55 passim —, ‘Pelle’ in, 429 Kingsdown next Farningham, 452 Kingston, see under Surrey Knockfargus, see under Ireland

L Lamberhurst, 116, 123-24, 145 Lancashire, xxviii, 194 Lechlade, see under Gloucestershire Leeds, 175, 253 Leicestershire, xxviii Lenham, 357 Lifford, 276 Lincoln’s Inn, see under Middlesex Lingefield, Surrey, 307 Lion, The, see under Canterbury,

Sittingbourne Little Barnfield, 129 London, xx, xxv, xxviii-xxix, xxxii,

2-8, 9-11, 12-21, 63, 85, 90-93, 99, 105, 191, 256-57, 276, 278, 280, 282, 284, 307, 369, 371-72, 374, 376, 379-81, 383-87, 427, 436, 438, 453, 458-62, 468, 494, 498, 506, 522

—, Aldersgate Street, 152, 158 —, Bridgehouse, the, in, 5 —, Cheapside, 374, 379 —, Cow Cross Street, St Sepulcre,

115 —, Fleet prison, 235-36, 240-41 —, Guildhall, 36 —, High Holborn, 376 —, Holborn, xv, 371-72, 376-77, 383,

385 —, Horsehead, see Nag’s Head —, Little St Bartholomew’s, xv —, Nag’s Head, The (Cheapside),

369, 371-72, 374, 377, 380-86 —, St Benet Gracechurch, 253 —, St Benet near the Exchange, 453 —, St Botolph Without, 260 —, St Clement, 303, 498 —, St Dunstan in the East, 436 —, St Giles without Cripplegate, 287 —, St Mary Le Bow, 498 —, St Michael Wood Street, 382 —, St Nicholas Olave, 498 —, St Paul’s churchyard, 371-72 —, St Peter’s, 267, 498 —, St Sepulchre, Farringdon without

wd, 2 —, Serjeant’s Inn, 226 —, Smithfield, xv, 2, 4, 8 —, Staple Inn, 437 —, Thames River in, xi, 12 —, Watling Street, 197 —, West Smithsfield, 2 —, Wood Street, 369, 371, 374,

376-77, 379, 381-82, 385 —, Woolwich Marsh in, 305 Long Eaie, see under Goudhurst Long Wittenham, see under Berkshire Lough Foyle, see under Ireland Low Countries, 43 Lusted, 351



Lydd, 47, 57, 68, 71, 74, 76-77, 80, 90-91, 93, 100, 112-13

Lympne, 249 Lynsted, 500

M Maidstone, xxv-xxvi, 133, 152-90

passim, 235-36, 238-41, 336, 354, 428, 432, 436, 438, 444, 450-51

—, gaol, 336-37, 354-55, 366, 368 Marshalsea prison, see under

Middlesex Marston, see under Warwickshire Mayfield, see under Sussex Merioneth, xxviii Mermaid, The, see under Canterbury Middlesex, xxviii-xxix, 8, 253,

291-92, 377, 451, 498 —, Clifford’s Inn, 245 —, Colham, 451 —, Fulham, 286, 306 —, Gray’s Inn, xv, 486 —, Hayes, 304 —, Hounslow, 291, 292 —, within Heston parish, 292 —, Isleworth, 281-83, 285, 292-94,

299-301, 303-4, 306-8 —, Aldridge Croft at Brainford End,

281, 292, 299-300, 307 —, Copthorne in, 292 —, Deyrie Farm’ in, 304 —, Syon House, 304 —, ‘Wardens Hold’ in, 304 —, Week’s Farm in, 304 —, Lincoln’s Inn, 122, 374, 377, 382 —, Marshalsea prison, 11 —, Mile End, 8 —, Public Record Office, Chancery

Lane in, xxii —, St Martin in the Fields, 1 —, Shoreditch, 498 —, Staines, 498 —, Westminster, 44, 73, 91, 132, 162,

199, 221, 224-27, 229, 253, 329, 338-39, 343, 422, 501

—, Hall, xi-xiii, xiv n.17, xvii, xix, xxvi, 338, 368, 523, 536-37

Midlands, xxviii, xxxii Mile End, see under Middlesex Mill fields, 517 —, see under Canterbury Millers Meade, see under Goudhurst Milsted, 319, 365 Milton als Middleton, xxvi, 269, 335,

340, 349, 363 Milton hd, 268 Miserden, see under Gloucestershire Mold, see under Flintshire Monkton, Isle of Thanet, 467, 469-70,

480 Monmouthshire, xv, xxviii, xxxii

Montendane close, see under Canterbury

Montgomeryshire, xxviii

N New Haven, 86 New Romney, 30, 35-36, 42, 47, 56,

59, 63, 68, 74, 90-91, 93, 95, 100, 108, 115

Newcastle on Tyne, xxv, 12-13, 18, 21

Newchurch, 68, 74, 91 Norfolk, xxviii Northamptonshire, xxviii Northumberland, xxviii Norwich, 327 Nottingham, 9-11 Nottinghamshire, xxviii

O Old Romney, 31, 91, 93 Oxfordshire, xxviii

P Pembrokeshire, xxviii Pershore, see under Worcestershire Plumstead, 387, 391, 400 Presteigne, see under Radnor Public Record Office, Chancery Lane,

see under Middlesex

R Radnor, 222-25, 229, 233 —, ‘Nantmill’, 233 —, Presteigne, 234 —, see also Glasbury Red Lion, The, see under Canterbury Ridge Close, see under Charlton,

Hougham Risebridge, 140, 143, 145 Riseden, 116 Rishet, see under Goudhurst Rochester, xv, xxvi-xxvii, xxx, 245,

247, 260, 262-67, 269, 327, 338, 456-61 passim, 492-95, 498

—, Bridge, 458-61 —, Crown Inn, The, in, 461, 464 —, Dolphin, The, in, 458-59 —, St Margarets, xxvi, 492, 495, 498 —, Crowlane in, 459-61 Romney Marsh, xxiv, 30, 33-34,

36-38, 42, 45, 55, 60, 70-71, 84 Roper Lane, 498 Rydon, see under Devon

S St Benet Gracechurch, see under

London St Benet near the Exchange, see

under London St Botolph Without, see under

London St Clement, see under London St Cosmus and St Damian in the

Blean, 505 St Dunstan, see under London St Giles without Cripplegate, see

under London St Lawrence hospital, see under

Canterbury St Lawrence, Isle of Thanet, 533 St Leger, see under Ireland St Martin in the Fields, see under

Middlesex St Martins, see under Canterbury St Mary Le Bow, see under London St Michael Wood Street, see under

London St Nicholas-at-Wade, 526, 530, 534 St Nicholas Olave, see under London St Olave parish, see under

Southwark, Surrey St Paul’s churchyard, see under

London St Peter’s, see under London St Sepulchre, see under London Sandgate Bay, 86 Sandgate castle, 68, 84, 88-89, 92, 98,

101, 111-14 Sandwich, 22-29, 38, 90-91, 456,

459, 500 Scotland, 199 Seldown, see under Goudhurst Selling, 501-3 Serjeant’s Inn, see under London Sevenoaks, 439 Shoreditch, see under Middlesex Shoreham, 445 Shrivenham, 403, 416, 419-21 Shropshire, xxviii, xxxii Sittingbourne, 268-69, 272-73, 335,

336-37, 340-41, 345-48, 352-53, 361

—, field, xxvi-xxvii, 269 —, Lion, The, in, 341-42 Smallbridge, 116 Smithfield, see under London Snargate, xxiv, xxxv, 30-67 passim Somerset, xxviii, xxxii Southampton, xv, xxxii, 276, 322,

326-27 —, Badgley, 369 Southwark, Surrey, 5, 7, 19, 43, 104-5 —, Grayson Street, 104-5 —, St Olave, 19 —, White Lion, The, in, 495 Spelmonden, 121, 124 Staffordshire, xxviii, xxxii Staines, see under Middlesex



Stansted, 428, 443 Staple Inn, see under London Staplehurst, 173, 184 Steyning, see under Sussex Stourmouth, 500 Strood, 260, 265, 459-61, 498 Suffolk, xxviii, 10 Sun, The, see under Canterbury Surrey, xxviii, 307, 387, 495 —, Addington, 387 —, Kingston, 292 —, Lingefield, 307 Sussex, xxviii, xxxii, 10, 30, 43, 141,

158, 171, 181, 259 —, Battle, 30 —, Burwash, 141 —, Buxted, 155 —, Hastings, 171 —, Woodhurst in, 171 —, Mayfield, 167-70 —, Steyning, 120 —, Ticehurst, 259 —, Warbleton, 158, 181 Syon House see Isleworth under


T Tenterden, 174, 186 Thames River, see under London Throwley, 501-502 Ticehurst, 259 Tonbridge, 7 Tunstall, xxvi, 269, 335, 336, 338,

340, 352, 355, 359-60, 364, 367 Tyne, see under Newcastle

V Valence, 230

W Wales, 221-225, 229, 234, 277, 280 —, Radnor, 221, 223-25 Warbleton, see under Sussex Warden’s Hold see Isleworth under

Middlesex Warwickshire, xxviii, 489 —, Marston, 489 Weald, see under Hampshire Week’s Farm see Isleworth under

Middlesex West Smithsfield, see under London

Westgate Court, see under Canterbury

Westminster and Westminster Hall, see under Middlesex

Westmorland, xxviii Red Lion, The, see under Canterbury White Hart, The, see under

Southwark Wick, 300 Wiltshire, xxviii, xxxii, 418-19, 425 Woodhurst see Hastings under Sussex Woodnesborough, 479 Woolwich, 16, 21, 387, 392, 394, 396 Woolwich Marsh, see under London Worcestershire, xxviii —, Pershore, 308 Wouldham, 498 Y Yalding, 165 Yorkshire, xxviii, xxxii, 43, 194, 225 —, Doncaster, 194 —, York, xv, xxxii



Index of Subjects All subjects are indexed under the following headings: Agriculture and Industry Household and Personal Goods Animals, Birds, Fish and Fowl Human Condition Arms and Weapons Land and Environment Buildings Law and Jurisprudence Cloth and Clothing Legal Process Courts and Jurisdictions Officials Crimes, Offences and Wrongs Punishments Ecclesiastical Trade and Commerce Food and Drink Trades, Occupations and Status Government and Politics Writs Agriculture and Industry: barley, 466 cauldrons, 12, 16, 21 coal, xx, xxv, 16 corn, xxvii, 68, 70-71, 74, 87, 109, 116, 123, 269-270, 310,

315, 317, 319-21, 329-33, 466, 468, 470, 494, 513-17, 535-37

enclosures, xxv, 51, 163, 200, 326, 423, 434, 496, 503-6, 540

fishing, see fish under Animals, Birds, Fish and Fowl grains, 329-31, 535-36; see also barley, corn, hay, rye,

wheat granary, 249 harvests, 310, 317, 319, 470, 514, 516-17 hay, 513, 535-37, 540 hides, 112 husbandry, xxvii, 107, 109, 178, 181, 494 mills (watermills), 116, 119, 121, 123, 133, 138, 140-47 orchards, 292, 310 plough shares, 428, 432 rye, 466 tallow, 68, 70-71, 74, 87-88, 112, 158 watermills, see mills wheat, 142, 214, 217, 249, 466, 513 -17 wood (timber), 12, 68, 116, 119-20, 124, 388, 401, 403,

427-28, 445 wood yard, 427 wool, 68, 70-71, 74, 83-84, 86, 88-89, 107, 111-13; see also

sheep under Animals, Birds, Fish and Fowl Animals, Birds, Fish and Fowl: calves, 1 cattle, xxvii, 86-87, 109-10, 197, 329, 466, 468, 470,

485-86, 493-94, 496, 501-3 chickens, cocks and hens, 428-29, 432, 434-38, 442-47,

451, 453-54 cows and heifers, 249, 292, 428, 444-45 fish, xx, 10-11, 120, 278, 500; see also fishmongers under

Trades, Occupations and Status hawks, 315 horses and geldings, xxv, 47, 61, 93, 101, 112, 116, 119,

133, 140, 142, 235, 241, 249, 276, 278, 299-300, 310, 315, 359-60, 462, 472-74, 506, 513-16

kine, see cows oxen, 124 poultry, 186 salmon, 276, 278 sheep and lambs, 1, 71, 74, 82, 107, 111-12, 114, 186, 249,

310, 501-3, 514 swine, hogs and pigs, 516

Arms and Weapons: bows and arrows, 498, 502 cudgels, 30, 36, 42, 45, 47, 136-37, 284, 407, 414, 421 daggers, 30, 32-38, 40, 43, 85, 87, 120, 240, 243-44,

250-51, 273, 276-77, 315, 319, 403-8, 419-21, 424-25, 466, 470, 472-74, 478, 500, 502, 512-17

forest bills, 310, 514 guns, 28, 191-93, 195-96, 198, 201, 203-4, 310, 315,

466-67, 472-73, 513, 516 halberds, 28-29, 89, 468, 470 knives, 37, 43, 48-49, 51, 253, 383-85 munitions, 68, 70-71, 74 pikestaffs, 10, 119-21, 133, 148-49, 235, 243-44, 250, 310,

321, 406, 408, 414, 417, 420, 466, 514 pitchforks, 193-96, 203-4, 212-13, 310, 315, 319-21, 403,

417-19, 421, 425, 467, 469-70, 472-74, 478-79, 514 pole-axes, 196, 201 rapiers, 35, 39, 43, 269, 310, 315, 319, 335, 340, 366, 470,

472-74, 478-79, 513-14, 517 swords, 194-96, 200, 253, 275-78, 310, 315, 320, 403, 465,

467, 472-73, 494, 500, 514-16 weapons (general), xvi Buildings: barns, 68, 81, 83-84, 86, 88-89, 112, 292, 317, 320-21, 506 brewhouses, 506, 508-9, 511-12 castles, Ballyshannon, 366-67 —, Canterbury, 247 —, Sandgate, 68, 71, 74, 82-86, 88-92, 98, 101, 106,

111-15 —, Upnor, 459 churches, see under Ecclesiastical cottages, 292, 466 Exchange, The, London, 453 —, Southampton, 276 hospitals, St Lawrence, 310, 513 houses (dwellings), 16, 21, 28-68 passim, 71, 74, 91, 93,

97, 100, 103-5, 138, 152-54, 163, 171, 176, 178, 183, 185, 188-90, 191-214 passim, 221, 224-25, 235-46 passim, 251, 253, 256-57, 268-69, 272-73, 276-80, 285, 291-310 passim, 315, 326-28, 335, 337-42, 355, 360, 366-67, 369, 376-80, 386, 403-28 passim, 432-39, 443-46, 451, 454-61, 464-80, 491-94

inns, 99, 458, 461 inns of court, xiv —, Clifford’s Inn, xxv —, Gray’s Inn, xv —, Inner Temple, 492 —, Lincoln’s Inn, 374, 377, 382 —, Staple Inn, 437



outhouses, 112 royal palace, xi schools, 303 stable, 89 tenements, 210-13, 292, 296-97, 428, 447, 465-66, 469,

519-34 passim victualling houses, xxiv See also counting houses under Government and Politics;

gaols and prisons under Punishment; rectories under Ecclesiastical

Cloth and Clothing: buttons, 76, 91 cloaks, 276, 424, 426 cloth, 10, 276-77; see also clothier and cloth-worker under

Trades, Occupations and Status clothes (general), 33-34, 36-38, 40, 42-43, 45, 48, 51, 55,

60, 62-63, 65, 152, 156, 175, 240-41, 243-44, 250, 252-53

doublets, 76, 91 drapes see draper under Trades, Occupations and Status girdles, 104-5, 276-77, 418 gloves, 6, 432, 435, 458-59, 461 hangers, 276-77 hats, 276, 315 jewelry, 277-78, 292, 299-301, 307, 322 lace, 369 leather, 68, 70, 72, 74, 81, 83, 86, 88-89, 107, 112 linen, 153, 155-56 160; see also linen draper, woollen nightcaps, 238-39 petticoats, 239 shirts, 237-41, 243-44, 250-51 silk, 368; see also silkman under Trades, Occupations

and Status slippers, 426 stockings, xxv, 235, 237-41, 243-44, 250-51 waistcoats, xxv, 235, 237-238, 240-41, 243-44 wool, 68, 71-72, 74, 83-84, 86, 88-89, 107, 111-13 See also Household and Personal Goods Courts and Jurisdictions: assizes, xii, xv, xvii, 253, 259, 435, 438-39 —, Maidstone, 116, 133, 428, 444-48, 451, 492 —, Radnor, 221, 223-26, 229-31 —, Rochester, xxvi, 246-47, 269, 337-38 —, see also gaol delivery and nisi prius burghmotes, xii-xiii, xv, xxiv, 1, 494-95 —, at Dover, 537-39 Chancery, xii, 68, 112, 221, 223-27, 253, 268-69, 284, 292,

301, 303, 307, 391-96, 427, 442-44, 451, 466, 483, 494-95, 519

—, at Dover, 68, 70-71, 74, 91, 107, 112, 115, 197, 466 common law, of, xi, xv, xxiv; see also assizes, gaol delivery,

Common Pleas, Exchequer, Queen’s Bench Common Pleas, xii, 221, 253-54, 258-59, 292, 329-30, 428,

494, 501, 535-39 costs (fees), xvi, xix, xxi, xxv, xxvii ecclesiastical, 52, 64, 166, 260, 277 —, at Christchurch, Cant., 525, 532-33 —, see also Palace Court equity, xv, xxiv; see also Chancery, Requests, Wards and

Liveries Exchequer, xi, xxi, 10 —, court of, xii, 150-51, 193, 197, 308, 336-37, 374 gaol delivery, xii, xxiv, 84, 247-49, 338 hundreds, 186, 268, 272, 403, 416, 419-21, 432, 434 JPs, xxiv, 1, 30-31, 33-34, 36, 42, 45, 133, 268-69, 272,

310, 315, 317, 319, 336-42, 352, 432, 435-36, 461, 466-68, 475, 508, 513-15

manors, 221, 223, 225, 229, 292, 299, 304, 310, 387, 428-32, 434-36, 438-39, 442-55, 467, 486, 513, 516, 519

nisi prius, xii, 253, 256, 258, 428 Palace Court (bishop’s), of Rochester, xxvi-xxvii, 492-95 piepowder, 2, 4 Quarter Sessions, viii, xii-xiii, xv, xvii, xxiv, 249, 338, 403 —, Faversham, 214 Queen’s Bench, xii, xxvi, 30, 153, 155, 214, 217-18, 221,

253, 281, 284, 287, 291, 338-39, 377-78, 399, 403, 412, 495

Requests, xiv n.17 Star Chamber, xi-xxxvii, 1-518 Wards and Liveries, 225, 483-86, 488-91, 519 Crimes, Offences and Wrongs: abuse, 10-12, 30-66 passim, 92, 112, 310, 369, 427, 506 affrays, 26, 39, 68, 74, 249, 253, 315, 516 assault, xvi, xxiv, 30, 47, 68, 130, 269, 310, 315, 317,

320-21, 335, 350, 416, 465, 492, 506, 513-27 assembly (unlawful), 192, 419, 436, 495, 502 break and enter, 2, 22, 28, 36, 38, 40, 42, 51, 68, 74, 116,

191-94, 207, 221-22, 226, 232, 235, 237-43, 249-51, 253, 284, 292, 294, 297, 310, 391, 401, 416-19, 421, 423, 425, 465-91 passim, 494-95, 500-1, 506, 508-9

carnal knowledge, 31, 43 champerty, 519 combinations, 12, 14, 20, 152-54, 221, 255, 283, 428, 463 concealment, 221, 275, 277, 279, 387, 456, 459-61 confederacies, 310, 340, 387, 390, 399, 456, 459-60, 463,

470, 483-84, 487, 494-95 conspiracy, xix, xxxiii, 283, 292, 369, 373, 427, 463,

483-84, 487 contempt, xix, xxv, xxx, xxxiii, 68, 115, 235-37, 240, 243,

292 contemptuous words, 250, 268-69 corruption, xi, 2-3, 10, 152, 221, 225, 292, 324, 329,

335-36, 340, 345, 427-28, 438-39 counterfeit, 152, 156-57, 160, 260, 282, 293, 310, 322 deceit, 10, 221, 253 detention (unlawful), 152, 192, 198, 200, 203-5, 208-9,

259, 277, 390, 416-17, 420-21, 466-69, 471-74, 477-80

disorder, 22, 30, 34-35, 37-43, 45, 51-52, 55, 65, 310, 339, 368, 428, 502, 510-11, 514

disseised (forcefully), 297, 485, 519 drunkenness, xxvi, 31, 273, 310, 340-51, 347-48, 352, 355,

428, 444, 448-49, 535-36, 538-39 engrossing, xxv, 12, 17-18, 20, 70, 100, 152, 156-57, 292,

466, 471, 475, 485, 495 entry, unlawful, xxvi; see also trespass escape, xx, xxvii, 214, 259, 273, 275, 310, 337, 341-42,

347-48, 355, 406, 408-9, 411-15, 417-18, 420-21, 423-25, 492

extortion, xxvii, xxx, 1, 369, 427, 474, 478, 482, 492 felonies (unspecified), xxvii, 335, 495, 506 forestalling, xxv, 12, 17-18, 20 forgery, xi, xix, xxv-xxvi, xxx, 30, 152, 160, 260, 284, 288,

292-93, 322, 324-25 fraud, xxvii, xxx, 68, 225, 253, 275-76, 292, 296-97, 322,

373, 427, 456, 483 harbouring, xx, 74 hunting (illegal), 293, 303 larceny, grand, xxv, 249, 535-37 libel, xix



licensing, alehouses, 269 —, butchers, 1 —, coals, 16 maintenance (unlawful), xx, 221, 225, 229, 253, 268, 273,

282, 287, 291, 310, 317, 322, 335, 399, 428-31, 444, 451-52, 459-60, 463-64, 466, 469-70, 481-83, 485, 501

manslaughter, xxvi, 335, 340, 355, 364 manslayer, 277-78 misdemeanours (general), xxvii, 12, 14, 19, 26-27, 30,

32-33, 35-39, 42-43, 45, 51, 54-55, 61, 64, 72, 74, 118, 122, 124, 186, 192, 198, 215-16, 221-22, 228, 231, 254-55, 271, 273, 283, 288, 292-94, 296, 309, 313-14, 335, 338-40, 369, 387, 403-4, 427-31, 439, 463-67, 483-84, 487, 501, 514, 519

murder, xx, xxiv, xxvi-xxvii, 84, 107-8, 121, 268-69, 272-73, 310, 335-36, 338-42, 344-45, 347-48, 352, 355, 364, 366-68, 516-17

negligence, 411 perjury, xix, xxvi, 2, 214-15, 221, 225, 228, 260, 292-93,

329, 337, 428-29, 491, 495 plot (complot), 77, 221, 228, 268, 292, 294, 296, 310, 427,

465-66, 487 rape, xxiv, xxvii, 30-65 passim ravishment, 30 regrating, 20 rescue (unlawful), xx, 268-69, 272, 403-5, 407, 411-21 riot and rout, xi, xix, xxvi-xxvii, 22, 26-27, 30, 107-8,

116-17, 130, 133, 191-92, 198, 210, 269, 294, 310, 312-14, 316, 403-5, 416, 423, 465-67, 481-82, 492-95, 500, 502-6, 509-11, 513-14, 519

subornation, 225, 228, 292-94, 322, 344, 429, 444, 483-84, 487

suicide, xii theft, see larceny treason, xxvii, 225 trespass, xxvii, 2, 254, 257-58, 260, 288, 292, 330-31, 493,

495, 535-39 vagrancy, 52 wounding, 90-91, 137, 210, 212, 253, 259, 269, 277-78,

310, 315, 317, 320-21, 332, 342, 344, 357, 364, 403, 405, 413-14, 419-20, 513-14, 516-17

Ecclesiastical: archbishops, 292, 329 bishops, xii burials, 156, 244, 275-80, 292, 294, 298-301, 306-8 cardinals, xi christenings, 294, 298-99, 301, 304, 307-8 churches, 47, 62, 116, 119, 127-29, 133, 191, 268, 272,

294, 300, 303, 307-8, 405, 467 clergy, xxiv, 47, 50, 292, 294, 298, 300-1, 304, 307-8, 508 communion, 30, 36, 38 deans, 191, 221, 224-26, 229, 467, 494 marriages, 70, 133, 155, 157, 180, 192, 200, 207, 292, 294,

298-99, 301, 303-4, 307-8, 327, 436, 483, 506, 508-9 parsonage, 304, 307, 329-33, 405-6, 411, 413-21, 424, 525,

535 prayer, 30, 35, 38, 40, 43, 47-48, 50, 52, 65 priests, 30 prioress (abbess), 310 rectories (vicarages), 329-33, 405, 535-37, 540 scriptures, xvii, 260, 535-37 tithes, xi, 311, 314, 316-28, 320-22, 331-34, 517, 535-39 Food and Drink: bacon, 195-96

beef, 195-96 drinking, 30-31, 36-48 passim, 51-52, 65, 273, 277, 310,

339, 345, 347-48, 352, 418, 434, 440-41, 444, 448-49, 506, 508-9, 511-12

eggs, 428-29, 432, 434-36, 438, 444-48, 454 gardens, 22 pork, 195-96 venison, 35, 37-40, 43, 47, 49 See also Animals, Birds, Fish and Fowl Government and Politics: assessors, 337 council (and privy), xi-xii, xiv-xv, xvii, xix-xx, xxv counting house, 9-10, 506 customs duties, 68, 70-71, 74, 81, 86, 88-89, 112-13, 163,

174, 188, 470 informers, xi, 10-11 navy, 280, 461 prerogative, royal, xii rewards, 2, 4, 7-8, 17, 74, 107, 112, 193, 195-97, 217-18,

221, 224, 256-57, 261-62, 272, 277, 279-80, 330, 332, 353, 372, 391, 394, 400, 427, 460, 466, 468, 470-78, 485-86, 490, 492, 533

subsidies (tax), xxvi, 268-69, 272, 336-39, 344-45 wards (of the queen), 313, 315, 490-91, 513, 516 Household and Personal Goods: bags, 152, 156, 163, 175, 188-89, 460 baskets, 460-61 beds, xxv, 36, 38, 40-51 passim, 59, 139, 160, 175, 235-36,

240-41, 243-46, 250-51, 260, 276, 292, 315, 323-24, 508

brass, 153, 155, 157, 190 carpets, xi chattels, xii, 153-56, 166, 175, 178, 249, 253, 258-60, 275,

277-78, 301-7, 495 chests, xxv, 49, 152, 155 forks,310 gifts, 152-53, 155-60, 163, 165-66, 172, 175, 178, 180, 183,

185, 188-89, 224, 330, 332, 428, 432, 436, 442-46, 451, 466

kettles, 508 knives, see knives under Arms and Weapons moveables, 152, 156-57, 160, 163, 166, 188-89, 307 pens, 156-57, 160, 260 pewter, 153, 155, 157, 190 sacks, 508 sheets, xxv, 408 tables, xi, 36, 91, 98 See also Cloth and Clothing Human Condition: beggars, 82, 268, 272 brothers, xxvi, 33, 91, 93, 116, 166, 179, 193, 196-97, 207,

221, 225, 229, 241, 256-58, 268-69, 275-80, 282, 292, 299, 310, 315, 321, 326-27, 377, 388, 407, 412, 417, 423, 466, 492, 514

—, brothers-in-law, 30, 52, 100, 244, 269, 273, 377, 411, 414-15, 425

—, half-brothers, 200, 207, 213 charity, xii chastity, 30, 38-40, 42, 45, 47 children, xxv, 12, 21, 30, 35-36, 42-51 passim, 68, 70,

90-91, 93, 116, 152-65 passim, 171, 174-75, 188-89, 193, 197, 225, 251, 303-4, 403, 435-36, 451, 470

cognition, 152-57, 159, 163, 172, 175-76, 178, 183, 185, 188-89, 262-65



conscience, 92, 155, 178, 188, 223, 225, 253, 322, 335-36, 340, 368, 428, 438, 442-43, 458, 489

cripples, 506 daughters, xxv, 43, 116, 133, 152, 155-66 passim, 174, 178,

188-97 passim, 200, 210-11, 221, 225, 229, 301, 304-5, 307, 467-68, 470-75, 477-78, 507-9

—, daughters-in-law, 292 death, xii, xxiv-xxv,30, 43, 90-91, 93, 116, 133, 138-39,

152-60 passim, 163, 166, 171-192 passim, 200, 202, 206-11, 221, 225, 229, 235-46, 251, 260, 262-65, 268-69, 275-82 passim, 286, 292, 299-313, 310-13, 322-24, 326-28, 335-37, 340-42, 345, 390, 419, 432, 435, 438-39, 466-68, 483, 485-86, 488-89, 492, 494-95, 519, 525, 529, 536-37

disabilities, xxiv-xxv, 326-37, 428 family (general), xii, xxv, 12, 16, 74, 91, 196, 260, 268, 275,

427, 492, 494-95 fathers, xxv, 5-6, 68, 70-71, 74, 82, 91-93, 95, 107, 110,

141-42, 152, 155, 163, 167, 174, 188, 192, 200, 221, 230, 235-36, 241, 243-44, 250-51, 259, 269, 282, 286, 306, 322-24, 326, 328, 335, 355, 361, 390, 396, 401, 428, 432-39 passim, 444-55 passim, 483, 485-86, 537

—, fathers-in-law, 91-92, 99, 432 —, grandfathers, 192, 438-39 frailty, 221 heirs, disinheritance, 221, 281, 292, 296, 302, 519, 525 illness, xviii, xxv, xxvii, 38, 107, 110, 113, 152-60 passim,

163, 171-72, 178, 183, 185, 188-89, 221, 250, 276-80 , 299-301, 303-4, 412, 421, 424

impotence, 240 kin, 178, 260, 263-64, 275 lunacy, xxv, 52, 153-57, 160 mothers, xxvi, 30, 155, 171, 178, 188-89, 197, 221, 225,

240, 282, 299, 303, 432, 435-36, 443-44, 451, 468, 492

—, grandmothers, 84 —, mothers-in-law, xxv, 153-54 poor (poverty), xii, 12, 16, 18, 21, 91, 133, 156, 178, 186,

200, 253, 260, 265, 338, 390, 411, 427-28, 465-66, 471, 506, 537-39

sick, see illness sisters, 43, 48-49, 51, 68, 70-71, 91, 93, 166, 180, 192, 225,

267, 275-76, 281, 292, 301, 304-7, 372, 399, 401, 519

—, half-sister, 240 sons, xxvi, 5, 7, 68, 71, 81, 83, 91-93, 116, 121, 133, 136,

144, 152, 156-58, 160, 163, 186, 189, 191-97, 200, 202, 206-7, 210, 213, 221, 225, 229, 233, 239, 257, 259, 269, 281, 291, 310, 313, 315, 322, 324, 326-28, 335-37, 340, 366-67, 432-38 passim, 467-68, 482-83, 492, 529

—, sons-in-law, 152-53, 190, 292 strangers, 37, 43, 140, 256, 273, 277-78, 401 vagrants, 54 widowers, 156, 169 widows, xxv, 22, 28-29, 152-53, 156, 172, 174, 179-180,

193, 197, 200, 207, 221, 223, 229-31, 234, 282, 330-32, 387-88, 391, 394-96, 400-1, 453, 466, 492, 494, 498, 506

wives, xxiv, 21, 30-31, 37-38, 47-61 passim, 68, 70, 77, 90-91, 93, 107, 116, 121, 133, 138, 142, 144, 152-60, 171, 175, 177-78, 183, 188-97, 200, 202-3, 205-13, 221, 225, 235-38, 240-41, 243-44, 249-51, 259-60, 264-65, 267, 275, 277-82, 284, 286, 291-92, 297, 299-301, 303-7, 310, 313, 315, 326-27, 429, 432, 438-39, 457-60, 465-73, 477, 498, 506-8, 512, 525,

529, 532 Land and Environment: arable, 292, 329-30, 332-33, 466, 535-37 closes, 2, 238-39, 241, 249-50, 329-33, 513-17, 535-40 ditches, 332, 502, 504-5 footways, 116, 119, 125-29, 133, 140-47, 335, 340 harbours, 27, 74, 276, 428, 444 heaths, 428, 444 hedges, 83, 332, 335, 340, 457, 459-60, 502-5 meadows, 119, 123, 145-46, 200, 222, 310, 387, 466, 500,

525, 535-37 pastures, xx, 200, 329-30, 332-33, 466-67, 483, 485-86,

500, 502-4, 525, 535-37 rivers, Thames, xi woods (woodlands), xx, xxvii, 12, 68, 387, 401, 427-28,

444, 466, 501-3 Law and Jurisprudence: administrators, 152, 156-58, 163, 166, 263-65, 322 —, administratrix, 275 assurances, 71, 91, 93, 193, 221, 226, 232, 371, 393-96,

400-1, 468 bonds, xix, 91-92, 95-97 collateral suits, xii, xix commissions, 1, 44, 66, 73, 75, 132, 162, 199, 325, 343,

422, 433, 496, 523 composition, xix, 5-8, 68, 70-71, 91, 93, 99, 193, 322,

329-30, 332-33, 377, 380-81, 384-85, 427 conveyances, 68, 70-71, 74, 90-91, 112, 221, 225-29, 292,

329, 400-1, 494 copyhold, xix custody of, documents, 68, 197, 259, 280, 298, 394 —, goods, 70, 74, 86, 88, 156, 277-79 —, people, 268, 337-38, 342, 369-77 passim, 380, 382-86,

407, 416-20, 473, 479 customs, 28-29, 144, 147, 192, 214, 259, 292, 329-30, 333,

428, 503 —, of manors, 428, 431-33, 435, 451 deeds, xxv, 68, 91-95, 100, 152-60, 163-66, 171-80 passim,

185, 188-200, 207-9, 221-25, 229, 281-88, 292, 309-10, 322, 324, 387, 428, 444, 451, 525, 528, 530, 534

see also letters and deeds under seals deodands, xii enfeoffment, 93, 428 executors, 116, 153, 157, 190, 222, 276-80, 327, 501 —, executrix, 292 fee simple, 91, 192, 401, 466, 470, 483, 486, 492, 494, 519 fermour, 116, 119, 121, 123, 133, 140, 535-37, 540 inheritance and hereditaments, xxvi, 91, 93, 191, 292, 310,

387, 394-95 juries, foremen, 4, 7, 200, 203, 209, 213, 217, 418 —, grand, xii, 466, 468-80 passim —, trial, xxvi, 221, 223-27, 229-31, 248, 253, 256, 258-59,

268-69, 329-33, 428-29, 432, 435-55 passim, 501, 535-39

leases, xxvii legacies, 225, 276-80 legal fictions, colour, xv-xvi, xxii, xxv, 1-2, 68, 117, 152,

155-57, 221, 281, 292, 322, 430-31, 438, 482, 485-86, 519

livery, 284, 393, 395, 400-1, 428, 483 mercy, xiii oaths of, deponents, xvi-xvii, 44, 73-74, 91, 100, 109, 112,

132, 156, 162-63, 194, 199, 217-18, 225-27, 263, 266, 276, 289-90, 292, 319, 330, 338-40, 343, 422,



428, 438-39, 442-46, 450, 452, 455-56, 459-61, 471, 474-75, 478, 491

—, jurors, 2, 28, 214, 469, 472, 474, 477, 483 —, officers, 1, 4, 28-29, 310, 336, 340, 345, 368-70, 383,

386 —, ordinary, 68, 91, 100, 222-23, 466 precedents, xxi, xxiv, xxvii primer seisin, 483 reforms, xi, xv-xvii, xxi, xxvi remainder, 116, 191-93, 197, 200, 203, 221, 225, 397, 466,

521-22 restitution, 468, 471, 474-75, 495 reversion, 95, 191-93, 197, 200, 202, 207, 225, 310, 397,

466, 521-22, 525 revocation, 221, 223-28 seals, antedating, 152, 155, 253-54, 258-59, 281-83, 285-86 —, bonds, 91-92, 95-97 —, great, xiii-xiv, xxi —, letters and deeds, 100, 147, 160, 281-82, 284-86, 292,

322-24, 327-28, 339, 387, 393-96, 400-1, 495, 520-22, 525, 528-30

—, privy seals, 235-36, 241, 244, 250, 483 —, wills, 152, 154-59, 163, 178, 180, 188-90, 299, 301,

306-7 —, writs, 22, 28-29, 68, 70-71, 73-74, 79, 102, 108, 162,

354, 405, 422, 468-73, 475, 478 use (trust), 2, 68, 70-71, 74, 90-91, 93, 100, 112, 116, 119,

197, 221, 225, 228-31, 263, 299, 306, 313, 329-31, 333, 387, 390-96, 400-1, 466, 480

warranty (vouch to), 225-26, 232-33, 292 wills, 529 —, administration of, 26, 152, 156, 158, 163, 166, 263 —, noncupertive, 210, 213, 260, 266 —, overseers of, 292 Legal Process: abate, 29, 506 affidavits, xvi answers, xvii-xix, xxii, xxiv, xxvi, 14-21, 26, 31-32, 69,

117-18, 153-55, 192, 215-16, 222, 225, 229, 231, 254-55, 258, 261-62, 269, 276, 283-84, 288, 293, 298, 311-15, 337, 339, 373, 388-90, 399, 404, 410, 429, 467, 484, 487, 493-94, 497, 503, 508, 519

arbitration (mediation), xiv, xix, 217, 221, 225-26, 231, 466, 522, 525

attachments, xix, 23-25, 219-20, 295, 398, 507, 518 aver, 26-27, 31-32, 69, 72, 117, 130-31, 153, 192, 198, 216,

222, 225, 228, 231, 234, 276, 283, 293, 297-98, 312, 315, 324, 373, 377, 388, 397, 399, 404, 410, 428, 430-34, 444, 451, 463-64, 467, 481-84, 503, 519

bail, 68, 70, 74, 77, 80, 90-91, 93, 112-13, 253, 256-59, 335-37, 368-69, 371, 374, 377-80, 385-86, 403, 462, 466, 492, 494-95

bills, xii-xx, xxii, xxvi, 1-2, 12-13, 22, 30, 68, 116, 152, 191, 214, 221, 253, 260, 268, 275, 281, 292, 309-10, 322, 329, 335-36, 338, 340, 369, 387, 403, 427-28, 456, 465-66, 483, 492, 500-2, 506

—, cross bills, xiii, xxvii, 495, 497 commissions, 10 —, Assizes, xxiv, xxix, 84 —, Exchequer, 337 —, local, 520-22, 525 —, Peace, of the, 268, 272, 335, 345-46 —, Rebellion, of, xxv, 235-41, 244-45, 466, 468 —, Star Chamber, xiii, xv, xviii, xxv, xxxix-xxxv, 44, 46, 53,

66, 73-75, 91, 132, 134, 162, 164, 173, 199, 201, 207, 219-20, 235-41, 243-45, 250-51, 325, 343, 422, 424,

433, 496, 523-24, 533 —, Subsidy, of the, 268-69, 272, 336-67 —, Wards, 483, 485-86, 488-91 confessions, at law, 112, 236, 277, 323, 376, 382, 407,

428-29, 442, 444, 451, 491, 493, 495 —, general, 5-7, 52, 55, 60, 74, 93, 110, 166, 200, 203, 328,

405, 445, 460-61 —, not confessed, 3, 19, 32, 192, 215, 225, 228, 231, 234,

278, 284, 293, 297, 337, 404, 406, 408-10, 443, 446, 495

contempt, xix, xxv cost of, xvi dedimus potestatem, commission of, xiii, xv, xviii demurrers, xiii, xvii-xix, xxii, 3, 271, 294, 296, 316, 370,

397 depositions, xi, xiii-xiv, xvi-xxi, xxiv-xxv, xxvii, 7-8, 29,

34-61 passim, 71, 75-115 passim, 120-29, 134-49 passim, 157-60, 164-77, 179-86, 189-190, 194-97, 201-9, 211-13, 218, 224, 227, 230, 233, 236-41, 244-46, 250-51, 257, 259, 264-65, 267, 273, 280-81, 285-87, 289-91, 300, 302-8, 319-21, 327-28, 331-33, 342, 346-67, 372, 376-79, 381-86, 392, 394, 396, 401, 406-9, 411-15, 417-21, 424-26, 434-55 passim, 458, 460-62, 470, 472-74, 476-80, 486, 489, 491, 498, 505, 510-17 passim, 520-22, 526-32, 534, 536-37, 539-40

detained, 152, 192, 198-200, 203-5, 208-9, 259, 277, 390, 416-17, 420-21, 466-68, 470-74, 477-80

distress, xvi, 12, 68, 74, 225, 428, 485-86 examinations, see depositions informations, 10 interrogatories, xiii-xv, xvii-xx, xxii, xxiv-xxv, 4-6, 28, 33,

36, 42, 45, 52, 70, 74, 92, 104, 107, 112, 119, 125, 133, 143, 148, 156, 163, 178, 187-88, 193, 200, 210, 217, 223, 226, 229, 232, 235, 242-43, 256, 263, 266, 272, 277, 282, 299, 301, 317, 326, 330, 341, 344-45, 371, 374, 380, 391, 393, 395, 400, 405, 416, 423, 432, 438, 440, 442, 444, 457, 459, 468, 471, 475, 485, 488, 490, 498, 504, 509, 513, 516, 525, 533, 535, 538

mittemus, 337, 344, 354, 358, 361 pardons, 1-2, 12, 21, 31, 68, 70-71, 74, 84-85, 113, 214,

243-44, 260, 268, 294, 310, 316, 329, 335, 338-40, 369, 427, 456

postea, 258-59 rejoinders, xiii, xvii-xviii, xxii, 131, 297, 324, 431 —, sur-, xiii releases, 68, 70-71, 74, 78-79, 85, 90-95, 102, 107, 111-13,

253, 466-67, 472-74, 478, 495-98, 501 replications, xiii, xvii-xviii, xxii, 27, 72, 130, 198, 234, 270,

323, 368, 430, 463-64, 481-82, 497 —, sur-, xiii settlements, see arbitration traverse, xiii, 192, 231, 234, 284, 293, 297, 323, 348, 483,

485-91 Officials: admirals, lord, 9-10, 77, 85, 90-91, 93 aldermen, 387, 398 almoners, xii attorneys, court (general), xii-xviii, xxi attorneys-general, xii, xix, xxiv-xxv bailiffs, xvi, xxiv-xxv, 30-31, 33-37, 39, 42, 45, 74, 90-91,

93, 211, 249, 393, 395-98, 401-3, 405-11, 413-15, 418, 441, 491

—, sub, 22, 28-29 chamberlains, 2, 4, 8



—, lord chamberlain, 225 —, under chamberlains, 4, 7-8 chancellor (general), xiv clerk, court, xiv, xvi-xviii, 80, 92, 95, 97, 103, 153, 161-62,

164, 173, 184, 259, 337, 342, 347, 353, 360, 362-64, 369, 371-79, 387-92, 436, 466, 468, 489, 498, 525

—, army, 279-80 —, of the compter, 377, 379, 381-82, 385 —, of the council, xiv-xv —, ecclesiastical, 47, 50, 292, 294, 298, 300-4, 307-8, 322,

328 —, government, xxvi, 337 —, of Hythe, 92, 95, 97 —, of the military, 279-80 —, of process, xiv-xv —, of Sittingbourne, 302, 322, 328 —, under-, xiv-xv constables, xxiv, 30, 35-40, 42-43, 45, 49-50, 52, 64-65,

186, 268-69, 273, 335-36, 345, 365, 403-20 passim, 425, 432, 434, 506-8

coroners, xxvi, 268-69, 272-73, 335-42 passim, 345, 347, 352, 356, 359, 368

crier, court, xiv custos brevium, 253 examiners, xiv exchequer, baron of, xiv judges, common law (general), xiv-xv, xvii, xxv-xxvii jurats, 1, 22, 28-29, 60, 68, 74, 90-93, 113, 200, 203-4, 207,

467-75, 478, 480 lord keeper, see Egerton, Sir Thos, in Index of Persons magistrates and JPs, xiii, xvii, xix, xxvi, 12, 30-31, 33-34,

36, 45, 50, 133, 268-69, 272, 310, 315, 317, 319, 336-42, 352, 432-36, 461, 466-68, 475, 508, 513-15

master, of Court of Wards, 483 mayors, xxv, xxvii, 1-2, 16, 18, 22, 28-29, 68, 74, 90-91, 93,

107, 112, 115, 193-97, 200, 203-5, 207, 209, 310, 317, 319, 459-60, 465-75, 477-80, 492-95

notary (public), 224, 284-85, 498 paymaster, 462 purveyors, xx, 10, 428 registrars, xiv, 236, 261, 266-67, 292, 294, 298-301, 303,

307; see also under Ecclesiastical rolls, master of, xiv-xv serjeants, xv, 10, 93, 200, 203-5, 209, 256-57, 371, 374,

376-78, 381-82, 494 —, serjeants-at-law, 221-34, 310, 313-15, 339, 428, 451 —, serjeants-at-mace, 253, 256, 369, 379, 385, 467-74, 480 —, serjeants major, 275-80 sheriffs, xiii, xvi, 225, 253, 256-59, 368, 371-72, 374, 377,

403, 405-6, 411-21 passim, 428, 432, 501, 506, 509-12

—, undersheriffs, 403, 428, 432, 437 stewards, xxvi-xxvii, 2, 428, 432, 435-36, 444, 451, 492 surveyor, 461 tithingmen, 404, 406-9, 416-17, 420-21, 426-28, 535 wardens, xix Punishments: fines, xiii, xix-xxi, xxv, xxvii, 67, 150-51, 252, 274, 402, 499 gaols, xix, xxvii, 1, 277, 310, 317, 319, 337, 341-42,

344-45, 352, 354, 358, 365, 514 —, Dover, 473 —, Maidstone, 336-37, 355, 366, 368 —, Westgate Court, 91 hanging, xxv impounding, 197, 466, 468, 501 pillory, xxvi

prisoners, 5, 35, 247, 268, 272, 277, 344, 360, 371-74, 377-78, 380-81, 384, 387-91, 394, 396, 403, 405-9, 416, 423, 425, 466, 506, 509, 511-12, 514

prisons, xxv-xxvii, 68, 70-71, 235, 240 —, Dover, 280 —, the Fleet, 235, 241, 243-44, 246, 250-51, 253, 259,

371-72, 379-81, 384-85, 403, 462, 466-68, 473-75, 491

—, Lydd, 74-77, 90-93, 100, 112, 114 —, Marshalsea, 10 —, Queen’s Bench, 337, 369 Trade and Commerce accounts, 77, 84, 152, 259, 277-78, 508-9; see also account

under Writs (plaints) bills of exchange, 278; see also Exchange, The, under

Buildings bridges, 21, 116, 119-29, 133, 135-37, 141-49, 292, 457-60 buying and selling, 1, 11-12, 16-21, 70, 74, 76, 90-91, 95,

105, 114, 156, 191-93, 197-98, 200, 221, 225, 292, 393, 400, 428, 432, 459, 462, 468, 483, 490

carriages, 25, 246, 277, 280, 432, 434, 516-17 carts and drays, 310, 315, 317, 319-21, 461, 506, 513-15 compters (counters), 379, 381-84, 386-92, 394-96, 416 credit and creditors, xii, 70-71, 74, 90-93, 96, 99-100, 155,

225, 227, 268, 328, 359, 377, 418, 449, 458 debt and debtors, xx, 68, 70-71, 74, 77, 79, 85, 90-115

passim, 163, 178, 188, 191, 221, 225, 229, 256-57, 265, 275-77, 322, 371-84 passim, 379, 390, 394, 403, 408, 412, 459, 461, 508-9

highways, 121-129 passim, 249, 338, 459-62, 465, 513-17 interest, 521-23 markets, 16-18, 20-21, 116, 214, 269 money, xxv, xxvii, 7, 16-18, 29, 37, 49, 52, 58, 61, 63, 68,

71, 74, 78-79, 90-108 passim, 152, 155-57, 163, 165, 167, 170, 172, 175, 178, 186-97 passim, 214, 217-18, 221, 223-27, 231-33, 243-44, 253, 255-59, 263-66, 269, 275-77, 279, 282-84, 292, 310, 326-28, 330, 344, 347, 356, 361-63, 366, 374, 380-81, 384, 391-96, 400-1, 416, 420-21, 427, 429, 432, 434-40, 444, 446-47, 454, 456-61, 470-72, 474, 478, 485-86, 491, 495, 501, 533

—, angels, 6 —, coins, 68, 98, 103, 276-78 —, crowns, 458 —, gold, 156-57, 163, 167, 170-71, 176-77, 188-90, 269,

276, 278, 457 —, nobles, 244 —, silver, 76, 91, 152, 156, 163, 166, 188-89, 276, 457 profits, xvi, xx, 16, 18, 21, 68, 70-71, 74, 93, 112, 116,

191-97, 200, 202, 206-7, 221, 225, 337, 387, 392-96, 419-21, 432, 435-36, 466, 483, 494, 500, 502, 508, 521-23, 525, 527

rent, 2, 68, 70-71, 74, 90-91, 116, 121, 186, 191, 195, 197, 200, 210-11, 221, 225, 257, 262, 296, 301, 305, 307, 387, 390-96, 400-1, 428, 432, 434-36, 438, 442-47, 451, 453-55, 468, 476, 485, 494, 506, 508-9, 521-23

roads, 81-83, 86, 88, 368, 517 ships and vessels, xx, 12, 16-17, 21, 70, 74, 81-83, 86,

88-89, 111, 114, 276-80, 458, 461, 500 streets, 28-29, 43, 47, 50, 61, 65; see also named streets in

the Index of Places weights and measures, 12, 16-17, 21 wharf, 21  Trades, Occupations and Status: armourer, 105, 499



artisan, xx, xxv, 67 attorney, see counsellor barber surgeon, 498 barrister, xv, 498 blacksmith, 142, 191, 194, 364, 498 brewers, 19, 508, 510 bricklayer, 498 broadweaver, 129, 145, 237 butcher, 1, 40, 70, 90-92, 114, 249, 310, 338 carpenter, 2, 5, 88, 135, 418 chapman, 16-17 clothier, 144, 241, 253, 256-58, 387, 401 clothworker, 388 counsellor, xii-xvi, xviii-xix, xxi, xxv, xxvii, 68, 152, 160,

162-63, 191-92, 197, 214, 221, 229, 253, 293-94, 310-12, 322, 328, 343, 394, 396, 428-40 passim, 443-44, 451, 470-73, 483-95, 506, 511, 521-22, 525, 532

draper, 78, 153, 190; see also linen draper, woollen draper ’edgebolemaker’, 8 esquire, 10, 12, 22, 30, 44, 46, 53, 68, 73, 75, 107, 115-16,

119, 121, 131-32, 134, 143, 150-51, 162, 164, 173, 191-92, 194, 198-99, 221, 227, 229, 231-33, 269-71, 275, 310-21, 335-45, 382, 387-88, 416, 418-20, 427-30, 432-33, 435, 438, 444, 451, 455-56, 459-60, 463, 465-66, 469, 483-84, 491, 496, 498, 513-16

factors, 12, 17 fishermen, 81-84, 86 fishmongers, xxv, 11, 18 freemen, 11, 16-17, 20 fruiterer, 498 fueller, 21 gentleman, 1, 44, 46, 51, 53, 59, 67-78 passim, 84-85,

95-96, 100, 107-8, 112-13, 116, 122, 130, 132-33, 144, 153, 156-57, 162, 164-65, 173, 181, 184, 186, 199, 201, 203-4, 212, 214, 221, 225, 228-30, 254, 269, 271, 273-74, 276-77, 282, 284, 286, 292-93, 296, 303, 308, 310, 322, 325, 329-31, 336, 339, 343, 348, 352, 359, 369, 371, 374, 377-81, 386, 389, 392, 403, 405, 407, 410-13, 416, 420, 422-23, 429, 432, 437, 439, 442, 451, 453, 460-61, 467, 483-84, 486, 491-92, 494, 498-99, 501

gentry, xvii, xxiv, xxvi grocer, 29, 498 haberdasher, 253 horseman, 513-16 husbandman, 35, 39, 48, 64, 67, 87, 98, 109, 111, 126, 128,

149, 167-69, 196, 253, 332, 336, 349, 358, 367, 406, 408, 439, 445-48, 452, 476, 479, 483, 485, 498, 514

innholder, 99, 116-20 ironmonger, xxv, 17-18, 253 joiner, 171 knight, xi-xii, xvi, xix-xx, xxiv, xxvi-xxvii, 9-11. 68, 134,

221, 253, 268-73, 336, 343, 368, 388, 391-401 passim, 422, 432-33, 438,

459-60, 483, 494, 496, 500-4, 523-17; see also Egerton, Sir Thomas, in Index of Persons

labourer, 61, 65, 89, 133, 136, 249, 319, 333, 387, 397, 436, 498

lawyer, see counsellor lime burner, 16 linen draper, 94, 279 locksmith, 20 mariner, 322, 456, 458-59 master, of house, 31, 34, 109, 115, 124, 292, 310, 315, 327,

329-32, 342, 405-6, 474, 479, 514-15, 525, 535-37

—, of ship, 16-17, 21, 86, 276-77 merchant, xxiv, xxx-xxxiii, 12, 34, 84, 88, 191, 275, 376,

383, 539 —, merchant tailor, 376, 383 minister, priest, 30, 35-37, 40, 42-43, 45, 47, 49-50, 52, 65 pewterer, 28 porter, 98, 101, 113 school master, 322-24 scrivener, 221, 224, 227, 267, 292 servant, xxvi, xxx-xxxi, 10, 12, 16, 18, 33-34, 72, 79, 85, 87,

91, 93, 95, 109-10, 115, 117, 121, 124, 133, 165, 169, 200, 203, 221, 223-25, 233, 244, 268-69, 279, 287, 310, 313, 315, 319, 321, 331, 335, 337, 340, 362, 366, 371, 406-7, 411, 413, 420-21, 424, 455-56, 460-61, 466, 467, 470, 491-92, 525

—, covenant, 107, 109 —, maid, xxiv, 30, 43, 52, 326 solicitor, see counsellor spinster, 43, 260 surgeon, 276, 310, 357, 421 tailor, 81, 146, 170, 185, 197, 239, 250, 264, 356, 360, 363,

409, 420, 454, 498 wharfinger, 21 woodmonger, xxv, 21, 427 woollen draper, 102, 160 yeoman, xx, xxiv, 1, 10, 30, 34, 37-38, 54-56, 63, 66-67, 90,

139, 152, 166, 174, 176, 186, 214, 218, 236, 240, 244, 246, 252, 260, 268-69, 281, 285, 292, 299, 304, 307, 320, 322, 350-51, 354-55, 365-66, 372, 381, 414-15, 419, 434, 441, 450, 477, 480, 485, 492, 498-501, 505

Writs (judicial): attaint, 3, 225 capias, 253, 258 —, ad satisfaciendum, 258-59 —, ad testificandum, 227, 230 —, ut lagatum, 419 deum clausit extremem, 483 extent, xxi fieri facias, 253 habere facias seisinam, 22, 28-29 habeas corpus, xxvi, 369, 371-72, 374, 377-81, 385-86,

492, 494 injunctions, 34, 43, 55, 133, 191, 268, 272-73, 335, 340-42,

428, 466-75, 477-78, 480, 483, 519 non est [sunt] inventus, 253, 258-59 outlawry, 259 quare plura, 483 recordari faciasloquelam, 501 scire facias, 253, 258-59 subpoena, xiii, xvii-xix, 1, 22, 30, 116, 152, 176, 191, 214,

221, 223-24, 230, 253, 260, 275, 292, 304, 309-10, 322, 329, 335-36, 338, 340, 369, 387, 428, 456, 465, 483, 495, 500-2

supersedeas, 253, 258-59 supplicat, 268-69, 272-73 tales de circumstantibus, 428 venire facias, 2 Writs (original): covenant, 93, 107, 109, 191, 193, 197, 226, 292, 427, 495 dower, 22, 28-29, 277-78 ejectione firme (ejectment), 221, 235, 464, 519 error, 253, 259, 337 latitat, xx, xxix, 369, 371, 380-81, 384-85, 403, 419, 424-25