
Post on 12-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Kennymusamedia

Task 6: What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this


There was many big contributes within the success our or final title sequence ‘Meat-

eater’ and it was down to different websites from the web! YouTube had a very big

impact on our title sequence in several of different ways. When my group got stuck on

certain aspects when making the title sequence, YouTube allowed us to explore

different videos which would help us solve the problem very quickly. YouTube worked

as a strength within our group and when we needed it was very quick to get on to and

reliable. YouTube would have videos which would actually help us step by step to do

any type of process which we were trying to display especially within the application of

final cut. When uploading video, images etc. YouTube as very important as we were

able to upload it there onto the web very quickly allowing us to change the options for

example we could make it public, private, annotate etc. YouTube was also a very big

impact with research and ideas as our group would use YouTube when trying to look at

other title sequences, trailers, movies and a lot more. YouTube was a very good and

important website and I believe our work wouldn’t have turned out the way it did, without


Another important website which contributed towards a lot was ‘Art of the title’ website.

This website was extremely useful when it came down to our research. This website

allowed us to look at many different types of title sequence which gave me the ability to

compare and improve which become very useful in a majority of our tasks. When first

starting with title sequences, ‘Art of the title’ allowed our groups to get ideas and

research on how an opening sequence is supposed to start and look like. Due to the

similarities of title sequences and trailers, this website allowed us to differentiate

between the both. ‘Art of the title’ also had screen grabs of different title sequence

which helped me later on when having to make mine. I would say this website overall

particularly had the most impact on the research period of the title sequence as without

of using the website I overall think I would still be confused with the way a title sequence

is supposed to look and be layer out

Mahara was another website which was used by me in I would say all of the task I did. It

was compulsory for us to make blogs on a daily or weekly basis and this is where I

presented it. Mahara was very easy to use once I got the hang of it and very efficient

and quick when needing to update my portfolio and blogs. The website was very

important and actually quite amusing as I am able to look back at the start from how we

started to know. Mahara enables me to see the skills which I have gained from the

beginning of year in media and actually plays a huge part of our project. Mahara Was

very useful and important when needing to find work as without it, I would have forgot a

majority of things that I know. Overall I would carry on using Mahara as it was not only a

good place to place my work but it was also good very presenting as I was able to

change backgrounds, edit etc. I could also that Mahara was a good and professional

website I was able to upload music, upload videos, Upload pictures and much more

which became very hard for me in the task I wanted to show these sort of things. I

would definitely recommend this website to other students taking media.

Pearl and dean was one website that I used but this was for a very short periods of

time. He reason I used this was because I was able to research different films and I was

able to see how they influence other people. Pearl and Dean Website also allowed me

to see percentages of different statics people had on different films. This website helped

me in my target research. Due to the lack of using this website, I would still say that it

was very helpful and very well presented for people to understand.

The IMac was a very important part of our practical’s and written work as they were the

software that we were using. We used the IMac for things such as writing our

evaluation, producing our final cut, editing, sound, the Arlington road and much more!

Without the IMacs, the majority of our task wouldn’t have been possible to do. There

were a few lessons at the beginning of the term where we got taught how to use the

IMacs which I found extremely difficult due to the idea that they are much more

technical than the typical computer. With the IMac I learnt a lot of how to actually use it

and how it functions. There is some research on my blog right at the start which shows

how IMacs had actually progressed and more information which I researched and I now

have knowledge of. I learn that iMacs have so much different applications and software

for making and producing things such as videos and music which I found very intriguing.

The iMacs gave me a lot of knowledge of things I never knew before and now I feel like

a pro when using a IMac.

We used the tripod for a majority of our practical task for example the tripod was used in

The Prelim task, Arlington road task, shots task and the opening sequence. At the

beginning of media I didn’t actually know what a tripod was and how to use it so it was

very difficult for me at the start. Eventually throughout the task I started to get the hang

of how to use which eventually seemed very easy to me. I learnt that the tripod would

be used to place the camera on which was very easy for us when a shot to be still and

not shaky. I also learnt the tripod can be changed in length so if there was shots which

you wanted to make which were low, the tripod could be placed the length. The tripod

was very interesting to learn about as there was so much benefits it had when taking


The Flipcam were very interesting and exciting to use in the process of some of our

tasks. Tasks such as the prelim task, the remake of Arlington Road, The opening

sequence to Meat-eater and other shots task all involved using the Flipcam. The flipcam

were quite easy to use as it was just like using an older Camera so I got the hang of it

quite quickly then doing some of the tasks. I learn’t quite a few things when using the

flip cams for example, how they should be held, what Keys to press and what keys not

to press etc. So I would say the flipcam was the easiest to learn about once you had got

use to it.

We used a variety of different applications which helped us in our overall. Photoshop

allowed to edit pictures to a very high standard. There were a lot of different tools on

Photoshop which allowed us to do this for example you could change lighting, blurring,

color change and much more. The tools allowed us to do a lot of very interesting things

such as zooming, drawing, painting and more. Photoshop taught me a lot due to the

element of editing as I learnt how to edit photos to look very professional!

Live type was another very good application that we used. The allowed us to create our

logo. It was a very interesting application to use as you can make your logo look very

realistic which looked very good as the end result. Live type had a lot of different tools

and functions which we found very useful such as different fonts and pictures etc. Live

type was first very hard to use but by the end it was easy to get the hang of it

.Soundtrack was another application that was also used by our group. This application

was very important as this was the application we used to make our soundtrack to

‘Meat-E4ater’ There was so much different tools and functions’ which we used when

using this software. It was very helpful and interesting to use due to the different

elements it had. Final cut was used for the editing and finalizing of our final piece. It was

very important as it had tools such as cutting, pausing etc. which helped with the result

of our Title sequence.

Livetype was an application we used which I found extremely helpful due to a lot

reasons. Livetype was used to create our film production logo. It took our group a while

to learn how to use it but once we got it, we found it quite easy. Our production logo

‘Meat-Eater’ was made on it and turned out very professional. I Would recommend

Livetype to other students as I was very happy about how it looks and I feel that it is a

very professional website yet easy to use.

Photoshop was used also when making our title sequence. Photoshop was very

interesting to use As I found it a very good picture editing program. We edited things

such as pictures on it to make our photos look to the best they could possibly be. I

would use Photoshop again as when I did get confused; I found it very easy to sort it out

which I found an advantage as it was very quick. Overall I believe Photoshop was a

very good program to use when making our title sequence.

Final Cutexpress was a very important program which was used. This was used to edit

and finalize our final piece. Without final cut express I believe our title sequence

wouldn’t have turn’t out the way that is. Final cut express was very easy to use and

helpful. It had a lot of different type of things which helped produce and develop our title

sequence right from the begging. I would recommend this program due to its high speed

and professional level.

Sound track and Garage band was also used by our group. Garage band was used at

the beginning of the year when trying to understand how to produce music but it was

until the rest of the task we started to use Soundtrack. Both programs are very good

and easy to use. Soundtrack produced our soundtrack to out title sequence which was

very good as It didn’t take us very long to make. I would recommend soundtrack and

garage band to other students. If they want a harder program, Soundtrack would be the
