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A display of Keitaro Cloward photography, fashion tidbits, and fun stuff

Transcript of KEITARO CLOWARD MAGAZINE August,2012


Fresh FaceFeaturing Dori A.

MarbelousSummer Fashion Tip

You’ll Love it Hottest Fruit on the shelf!

Keitaro Cloward

StreetStyle From the streets


Page 2 ....................................................Note from Editor

Pages 3-8..........................Keitaro Cloward Photography

Pages 9-10.........................................................Marbelous!Page 11.................................................Fruit of the month

Page 12................................................................Streetstyle


With summer hot, the sun high. Our world gets transformed from its mundane routines . The nights are warm and friendly , street artist and vendors decorate the city squares. Fireworks fill the evening skies, while people sport icecreams along with their shades and shorts.

Older people sit on a park benches and watch, while the younger sit and lay on the soft grass laughing at joke said. Smiles seem to be everywhere , anything is possible on a warm summer`s night , anything....

-Keitaro Cloward

Note from Editor

It tells me of a time far past,

When a madien walked this way.

Her flaxen hair was soft as silk,

As she flayed the summer hay.

- Richard P.

Photo by Keitaro Cloward3

Somewhere, sometime,

I`ll wish upon a star of mine.

I`ll wish for my Dreamto come true

The dream I`ll follow into the

Sky of blue.

Photo by Keitaro Cloward7

Skirts and Shades : H&MTop: NewlookDenim Vest: F&F 9

Fashion Tip

Show your belly! Summer is here and high waisted shorts and skirts are in! You can find them in almost any clothing store. And most offer a Fabulous variety of types and colors. This trend was originally spread by pop diva Rihanna , who has been reknown for setting trends. Another plus ( besides looking totally fab!), is its a great concealer. Especially for those of us who are still burning off those winter carbs! They look great with short tees , bikini tops, or just fun tops you can make for yourself! If you don`t have any yet grab your scissors and have some fun transforming your old wardrobe into to fashionable pieces! xoxo - Marbelous 10

Fruit of the Month!This fruit of South African orgin has made it around the globe!Being a good source of vitamin C and a whopping 92% water. It is our uncontested winner for the summer months! Afterchecking out a few of the many way you can eat it, we chose this as our favorite!

Watermelon Mojito!

.4 Large mint leaves

.1/2 Lime

.1 Tablespoon of sugar

.3/4 of a cup of seedless watermelon, cut into 1 cm cubes

.1/4 of a cup of white rum

.1/2 of a cup of ice cubes

In a large glass, combine mint, lime, and sugar. Then mash together till the sugar is disloved. Add watermelon, and mash to a juice. Stir in rum and ice cubes. Pour into a large clean glass , garnish it with a watermelon wedge and your drink is ready to be served!



Complements of:the Martha Stewart Show


Watermelon Mojito!


StreetstyleStreetstyle: What’s your Favorite accessory?Princess: EarringsStreetstyle: Anything else..?Princess: I like lighter colored clothes, feathers, etc...Streetstyle: Do you have any personal mottos? Princess: Everything has to start with us, if we want something we should do it .

If you’d like to see more, like us on Facebook at Keitaro Cloward!