Keeping Christmas real · 12/3 Advent Faire 12/6 Soup Suppers 12/8 PreK Program 12/9 Parade Booth...

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Transcript of Keeping Christmas real · 12/3 Advent Faire 12/6 Soup Suppers 12/8 PreK Program 12/9 Parade Booth...

Keeping Christmas real

And suddenly there was with the angel a

multitude of the heavenly host praising God,

and saying, Glory to God in the highest, and

on earth peace, good will toward men. - Luke 2: 13-14

One of the toys already predicted to end up on the hard to find list this year is Disney’s Dance Code Princess Belle. Using a Bluetooth connected tablet, the child actually codes dance moves into the doll. Not with letters and numbers, but by dragging pictures of movements from one side of the screen to the other, along with accompanying music. After programming, you can touch Belle’s necklace and she will perform the dance you just taught her, complete with arm movements.

She says over 100 phrases and can even teach your child to dance. Pretty amazing.

Save the Date . . .December 12/1 F&FF 12/3 Advent Faire 12/6 Soup Suppers 12/8 PreK Program 12/9 Parade Booth 12/16 Parents Night Out 12/24 10:30am, 5, 7 & 9pm 12/25 10am Xmas Day

January 1/1 Welcome 2018! 1/2 No reading 1/5 F&FF 1/6 Epiphany 1/9 SuperTuesday 1/11 Many Meals 1/26 Winterblast

February 2/2 F&FF 2/4 Voters Meeting 2/6 Reading Mentors 2/13 Super(FAT)Tuesday 2/14 Ash Wednesday 2/21 Soup Suppers

cont’d next page - >

There will be a lot of robotics under the tree this year. Hatchibles come inside an egg that you have to help hatch.

You can hear them inside but you won’t know which one you have until they’re born. After that they’ll dance, sing, tell jokes and play games. They’ll even change color as they grow up. Get two of them close enough and they’ll recognize and talk to each other. Creepy.

Fingerlings are little monkeys that look a little like Teletubbies. They love to wrap their little paws around your finger. Their heads move, their eyes open and close, they can swing by their tails, make sounds and so much more. They can do forty different animations, responding to touch and sound. Not your old school finger puppet!

I remember back in the day when the hottest present going was a rock in a box you pretended was your pet. I wonder how those would go over these days. I’m going to go out on a limb and say—not well.

But this isn’t a toy review. It’s me on my soapbox wondering how far robotics and artificial intelligence will have to go before a whole generation of kids has trouble telling the difference between real and robotic. Between genuine and artificial. Even toys are becoming almost real.

That’s about as far as some people get when it comes to the real meaning of Christmas. Almost real.

They see the holiday but not the miracle. They see the artificial, the lights and tinsel and decorated trees, but they miss the genuine. They feel saved by the holiday sales, but not saved from the sin that lies beneath the real reason for the season. It’s the difference

between saying Happy Holidays! And Merry Christmas! One leaves Christ

out. But Christmas without the miracle of the incarnation isn’t Christmas at all. God not

being born in the flesh to rescue us from ourselves

would be so much more a loss than even Dancing Belle

without the batteries. Pretty much worthless.

Real Christmas is all about the miracle of God’s grace. How he

stepped down from his throne in heaven, how he humbled himself to

be born in our flesh. Suddenly true God but also true man, exactly what

we needed, what we still need. The only gift that really should read: Open me first!

To anyone who saw Mary and Joseph and their newborn son, Jesus was just another baby. No more, no less. But

within that tiny child

beat the heart of

God. Through his veins coursed the love of God.

Jesus would grow up the perfect child, literally. He never sinned. During his short three years of adult ministry he taught us about the love

of God, and the plan of God to rescue us from the penalty of sin. He would even suffer and die for us, in our place, to endure the wrath of God for all the sins in all the world.

What looked like just another poor child born into another poor family was so much more. A Pet Rock was always just a rock, no matter how big an imagination you had. But the Christ-child, when viewed through the eyes of faith, becomes the Savior of the world.

This season of Advent we’ve entered is a season of expectation and expectations fulfilled. With lots of worship opportunities and fellowship this month, you’ll have lots of chances to invite a friend. It’s a season of miracles, culminating with the miracle of the Christ-child. So expect miracles. Expect God to give people eyes of faith this season. Eyes that can see the need for a Savior. Eyes that look at the baby Jesus lying in a manger, and see hope and joy for the whole world.

Join us all through Advent. Look again at the story of God’s love. Not with a been there, done that attitude. Look this time with eyes of faith. Listen with ears anxious to hear the Gospel Good News on Wednesday nights from some Christmas story

people who actually burst forth in song to express their joy. Take a

fresh look. You’ll be amazed at what you can see and hear!

Batteries not included, but not necessary.

- Past or Rob


Ron & Anh Martin 12/2

Jim & Lily Mainland 12/14

Todd & Janet Harter 12/19

John & Karen Johnson 12/27

Dale & Marsha Larson 12/30

Happy Anniversary

Rita Reuter 12/1

Vicki Hutter 12/3

Rebecca Alls 12/3

Sandra Miller 12/5

Connie Morris 12/5

Hayden Wolfe 12/9

Stuart Regalia 12/10

Ken Reuter 12/10

Dianne Pedersen 12/11

Rebeka Medina 12/13

David Zinger 12/16

Keith Hedrick 12/20

Cheryl Menzie 12/25

John Capodice 12/25

Rachael Ylizaliturri 12/28

Roger Sage 12/29


Nice Birthday List

Happy Anniversary

Please join us for the Camarillo Christmas parade community outreach. Peace Lutheran will have a BOOTH at the Camarillo Community Center on Burnley & Carmen (end of the Christmas parade) on:


This is a fun event where we get to talk to families in the community and we can tell them more about Jesus and our church. We will have giveaways to help draw the families to our booth. We need volunteers to set up, clean up & greet visitors.

Come and join us for this fun time!

There is a sign up on the community board in the courtyard or you can call Carol Troglia at 236-2514. Let her know what time slot you can do. THANKS!


6am-9am; 9am-12pm; 12-3pm

Once again this year the theaters are offering a selection of Christmas films. But are any of these truly worthy to be called CHRISTmas movies? Ted Baehr of MovieGuide says at least one family film is bold to proclaim the true meaning of Christmas. Here is an excerpt of his review found on

In Brief:

THE STAR is a wonderful, hilarious, deeply reverential animated family movie centered on the birth of Jesus, but from the perspective of a lowly donkey named Bo. Bo and his best friend, Dave the dove, have dreams of joining the royal parade. When Bo escapes his owner’s clutches, he finds himself accompanying a pregnant Mary and her husband Joseph on their way to Bethlehem. Bo may be a part of a bigger adventure than he expected. However, the evil King Herod has his top soldier looking for the pregnant Mary.

THE STAR is tremendous fun, with wonderful lessons along the way. A touching story from a unique perspective, THE STAR sets itself apart from many of the other nativity movies. Obviously, the movie condenses and shifts a few incidents found in the Bible, but never sacrifices a very strong biblical Christian theology. However, the movie deftly balances the goofy fun of the animals with a deeply redemptive reverence for God and the birth of Jesus Christ. Overall, THE STAR is almost void of objectionable content. It’s a must-see Christmas movie for everyone.

(used with permission)

THE STAR: “A Great Christmas Movie for Everyone"

Peace Christmas Play Goes LIVE!

10:30 serviceDec. 24ATTN: Adults & Sunday School Kids

Would you like to play a role this year in our “Super” Christmas program? See Stacy Hunter from our Praise Band. Rehearsal are 9:30-11am on Saturdays, DEC 16 &23 at Peace.

When Charles M. Schulz back in 1965 decided to taKe his Peanuts

to taKe his peanuts comic strip to the small the the small screen for a Christ- mas mas special, everyone thought he was nuts to

it “religious.”

“SparKy” (as those who

him called him) insisted on focusing on “the true meaning” and Keeping Christ in Christmas. Even though he later admitted that he thought this move was network suicide, he held his ground, despite the opposition from network execs. every- one involved thought his Charlie Brown Christmas Special would be a “one and done,” throw away effort. That is, until they aired it on CBS, and all the fan mail poured in in the days immediately following! They couldn’t believe how many viewers out there in TV land appreciated the refreshing and authentic treatment given the true reason for the season - especially in the waKe of so many holiday specials up to that point that consciously sKirted its real meaning. there hasn’t been another NETWORK holiday special since that dared present so bold a portrait of Christ our Savior, - straight from the Scriptures (LuKe 2). This seems surprising since The Charlie

Brown Christmas Special became arguably the most endearing, and perhaps

most watched in its over 50 consecutive years of broadcast history.

Today, there is still no shortage of movies and TV holiday specials that, liKe so many before, also avoid the Christ of Christmas. But that is the way of the world, isn’t it? And that just maKes our part in the telling of the story all the more crucial. What a privilege we have. “How

blessed are the feet of him who brings Good News" - whether those feet belong to Linus Van Pelt or you and me! We can get as creative as God empowers us - on Facebook, in Christmas cards, in distributing

warm blanKets to the poor, or inviting people to church. However you decide to tell it will be unique to how God has made you. But tell it. Go

tell it on a mountain! - God will move mountains and stir the hearts of all those who need to hear the good news this holy day season.

Merry Christmas, Charlie Brown!







Greetings to Friends and Members of Peace Lutheran:

What a year for the

Trustees, another year of cleaning, fixing, replacing and repairing all sorts of equipment and other sundry items too numerous or singularly unimportant to the average person, but to the Trustees of Peace Lutheran nothing is too small or unimportant to be taken care of!

At this end of the year, I would like to thank all that have come out to help the Trustees with their various tasks. Sometimes a task is too large for a few Trustees to handle, but with the help of the volunteer spirit of Peace we can accomplish tasks with relative ease.

That volunteer spirit can also be used at this time of year to help with the Christmas booth after the annual Camarillo Christmas parade.

I volunteered last year from the start of setup to the break down and clean up, and it was a total blast! I had so much fun greeting people, wishing them a MERRY CHRISTMAS! and telling them about our church and all we do as a church for the community. I believe it is good for both the teller to speak about Jesus and the receiver to hear about Jesus - especially at this time of year. It really was a lot fun, you never know who you might meet, like a walking, talking Christmas tree!

There are many more items that can be taken care of to enhance our property even more at Peace Lutheran and many more opportunities to use that volunteer spirit. So, in the coming new year pray about how you can use your volunteer spirit to enhance our property and help out other committees of the church.

It looks like it might be a busy year at Peace!!!!

Have a MERRY CHRISTMAS, A blessed NEW YEAR, and may you receive a renewed spirit to serve the Lord.


David J. Miller


Givers &

Receivers We can experience joy in being a giver. But, at times, we may need to humbly experience the joy of being a receiver.

St. Paul addressed this very issue in his letter to the Philippians. During his ministry, Paul experienced times of need and relied on those he served to get him through the rough spots (he had many!). In Chapter 4 (NIV) he writes, … It was good of you to share in my troubles (v14) …you sent me aid more than once when I was in need (v16).

Finally, Paul calls the people’s gifts a fragrant offering, an acceptable sacrifice, pleasing to God (v18) and reminds them God will meet all your needs (v19).

Think about it: God the Father is the Giver of His Son, Jesus, who gave His life so we can receive God’s love, forgiveness, and eternal life. We are now equipped to be both givers and receivers.

- Your Stewardship Committee


This community outreach would not be successful without all the wonderful people being so giving of their time and energy. This parents night out is to give the military and preschool parents an opportunity to

go Christmas shopping without little eyes watching. Please sign up if you are available Saturday afternoon on December 16th, 2017.

We have added door watchers where we make sure no child leaves an area without the leader knowing. We hope you will consider signing up and helping with this outreach. We do ask all volunteers to please wear their light blue Thrivent T-shirts so it is easy to spot the volunteers. We will have extra t-shirts at church if you need one. Thank you! Please click on the link and sign up now: Diana


You are all invited to a Birthday Party… FOR OUR AWESOME KING! JESUS!!

DECEMBER 10TH, 2017 at 5 PM

Please bring a Cheery Christmas Casserole to share. Salad, rolls and dessert will be provided for you

We are invited to bring a wrapped white elephant:

• small enough to fit under • a chair for a fun exchange • This can be old, new or a joke

We will sing and share our joy and love with each other

Merry Christmas to you all

- Your Fellowship Committee

Every year, when the Advent season has begun, you can be sure to hear this phrase, or something like it, at some point during any of the worship services leading up to Christmas Eve. The tree is up, to the left of the altar, richly decorated with the special ornaments called Chrismons, f rom the Lat in phrase "Chris t i monogramma", meaning "monogram of Christ". However, as the bell rings, you notice that the tree lights are not lit! Obviously the Elder or one of the ushers has failed to notice it - and you might be saying to yourself, "Man, I wish they would do their jobs better!”

Let me suggest that you might be a bit hasty in that thought. As Lutherans, we do worship with a purpose - every movement, every word, every song, the changing paraments, even the layout of the church building and it's furnishings, are a part of what we believe, teach and confess. Our church year is set out with the same purpose in mind, to confess something about our Lord. The vast bulk of that year is "normal" time, the green paraments indicating life in Christ. These weeks are counted (The Seventeenth Week after Pentecost), as an indication of our abiding with Him. We have just completed a church year cycle, with the final weeks spent looking forward to the end, when Christ's eternal kingdom is finally revealed in all it's glory.

Now, we are in a new season - Advent - a period marked by anticipation. Just as the Israelites did for centuries, we wait for the coming of Jesus, the Messiah, the Light of the world. In worship, we also wait for the Light, who was not revealed to humanity until His birth in Bethlehem. The darkened tree is a reminder that without Christ, we too live in darkness, anticipating His coming, hoping for His gifts of grace, mercy and life! Christmas is the time we can truly celebrate a festival of Light. Then, and only then, will we bring the light, and it will be glorious. Until then…wait for it!

Have a blessed Advent season, and a merry Christmas!

Your Elders

Please remember in your prayers…

Lili Baehr, Cindy Fox, Elias Fraser, Phil Hamilton, Ken Haugrud, Nicole Hilde and her children, Van and Anika, Vicki Hutter, Mickey Kohut, Marsha Larson, Pat Lehman, Dick Mahlke, Doug Morrison, Bee Muenich, Greg Olewiler, Hedy Pein, Jim Pickler, Rawlin Radle, Stan Reich - father of Julie Schermerhorn (preschool aide), Josh Shelton, Joyce Snow, Noreen Taylor.

Pray for all military men and women especially,

Jeremy Bronner, Jacob Chiles, Daniel Gross, Michael Hanson, Davis Kelly, Brian Miller, Kevin Palos, Stephen Volpei, Amy Waddell, Lucas Wentlandt and also remember their families in your prayers.

"Hey, Someone Forgot to

Plug in the Tree Again!"


Register early for our 2018 Winterblast Retreat & SAVE!!!

Full Rentals: $155 ⬜ Lift Only: $135 ⬜ Just Tubing: $110 ⬜

JANUARY 26-28, 2018

Price increase +$5 on Christmas Day, Dec. 25th

Price increase +$20 Jan 6th, (Feast of Epiphany)

Makes a GREAT Christmas present! All prices include transportation, lodging & meals at the YMCA Camp Big Bear Lodge. Meals in transit extra. We plan on leaving early F, 1/26/18 at 12:30pm, (so you might have to get out of school early - AWWWW! Bummer!). Visit

Fil l out this form (and a new 2018 medical release) and turn in t o Deacon Mike ASAP t o save $$!

Peace Preschool Presents

Christmas & Cookies

FRIDAY, DECEMBER 8TH, 2017 6:30 PM in the


Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday1 6pm Faith & Fun Friday

2 10am Praise Band Rehearsal 12pm Cub Scout Pack Meeting

3 8am Traditional Service 9:30am Adult Bible Study 9:30am Children's SS 9:30am Jr. High OT (PCH) 9:30am Praise Service (FH) 10:42am Young Adult (PCH) 11:00am Traditional Service 3:00 pm Advent Faire 4:00pm Boy Scouts (FH)

4 8am Prayer Vigil (Sanctuary)

5 5pm Reading 7pm Outreach Comm. (FH)

6 9:30am Adult Bible Study 9:30am PreK Chapel 6pm Soup Supper 7pm Advent service

7 9:30am PreK Chapel 10am LifeLight 5:30pm Handbells 7pm Choir

8 6pm Confirmation Class 6:30pm Storytellers 6:30pm Preschool Xmas Program

9 10am Praise Band Rehearsal

10 8am Traditional Service 9:30am Adult Bible Study 9:30am Children's SS 9:30am Jr. High OT (PCH) 9:30am Praise Service (FH) 10:42am Young Adult (PCH) 11:00am Traditional Service 11:30am New Life (Sanctuary) 4:00pm Boy Scouts (FH) 5pm Peace Christmas Party

11 8am Prayer Vigil (Sanctuary)

12 5pm Reading Mentoring

7pm Super Tuesday

13 9:30am Adult Bible Study 9:30am Preschool Chapel (Sanctuary) 6pm Soup Supper 7pm Advent service

14 6:45am Men's Bible Study (FH) 9:30am PreK Chapel 10am LifeLight 5pm Many Meals 5:30pm Handbells 6pm Girl Scouts 7pm Choir

15 6pm Confirmation Class

7pm Boy Scout Lock-In Event

16 9:30am SS Xmas play rehearsal

10am Praise Band Rehearsal

17 8am Traditional Service 9:30am Adult Bible Study 9:30am Children's SS 9:30am Jr. High OT (PCH) 9:30am Praise Service (FH) 10:42am Young Adult (PCH) 11:00am Traditional Service 11:30am New Life (Sanctuary) 2pm Christmas Open House @ the DeVries’ 4:00pm Boy Scouts (FH)

18 8am Prayer Vigil (Sanctuary)

19 5pm Reading Mentoring (PCH)

7pm Church Council

20 9:30am Adult Bible Study 9:30am Preschool Chapel 6pm Soup Supper 7pm Advent Service

21 9:30am Preschool Chapel 5:30pm Handbell Rehearsal (Sanctuary) 7pm Choir Rehearsal (Sanctuary)

22 6pm Confirmation Class

8pm New LIfe Christian

23 9:30am SS Xmas play rehearsal

10am Praise Band Rehearsal

24 10:30am SS Xmas program (1 service only in the AM) 5pm Christmas Eve Candlelight (Praise Band) 7pm Christmas Eve Candlelight (Traditional) 9pm Christmas Eve Candlelight (Traditional)

10am Traditional Christmas Day Worship (Communion)

26 27 28 29 30 10am Praise Band Rehearsal

31 8am Traditional Service 9:30am Adult Bible Study(Coffeehouse) 9:30am Children's SS 9:30am Jr. High OT (PCH) 9:30am Praise Service (FH) 10:42am Young Adult (PCH) 11:00am Traditional Service 11:30am New Life (FH) 4:00pm Boy Scouts (FH)

1 8am Prayer Vigil (Sanctuary)

2 10am Women's Bible Study (FH) 7pm Community Outreach Comm. (FH)

3 9:30am Adult Bible Study 9:30am Preschool Chapel 6pm LifeLight Bible Study 6pm Sr High Bible Study

4 6:45am Men's Bible Study (FH) 9:30am Preschool Chapel 10am LifeLight 5pm Many Meals 5:30pm Handbells 7pm Choir

5 6pm Faith & Fun Friday

6 10am Praise Band Rehearsal

December 2017December 2017


Elder Reader12/3 Phil Hamilton/Dave Hutter Steve Herman12/10 Phil Hamilton/Dave Hutter Peter Lee

12/17 Phil Hamilton/Dave Hutter Julie Ligman12/24 1 Service Only at 10:30am Christmas Program12/31 Phil Hamilton/Dave Hutter Debi Markley1/7/18 Tom Waddell & Bob Weaver Tom Waddell

1/14/18 Tom Waddell & Bob Weaver TBA


12/6 Tom Waddell Judy Nomi

12/13 Dave Hutter Abby Lojewski

12/20 Scott Klittich Grace Foley


Elder Acolyte

5pm Tom Waddell - - -

7pm Blaine Wanke Nomi sisters

9pm Al Bosman James & Melissa


Craig Frye* Gary Taylor Karen Taylor

Bill Young

Rick Poore* Tom Taylor Dave Miller


Elder Tom Waddell

UshersKen Anderson* Scott Ehlers

Glenn Benitz Art Schmidt


December 10 Communion

Blaine Wanke ++++++++++++++

Al Bosman

Blaine Wanke* Gene O’Neal

Keith Hedrick Todd Harter

++++++++++++++ Mike McCracken Tom LaJeunesse

Nancy Fitch &

Millie Dunivin

Roy Poehler +++++++++++++ Erin Schultze

Todd & Janet Harter

+++++++++++++++ Kevin & Sharon


Anna Pettit ++++++++++++ Rebecca Nomi

December 17 Blaine Wanke ++++++++++++++

Al Bosman

Craig Frye* Karen Taylor Gary Taylor Bill Young

++++++++++ Rick Poore* Dave Miller Tom Taylor

Nancy Fitch &

Millie Dunivin

Ken Reuter +++++++++++++

Al Bosman

Karen Taylor ++++++++++++++

Pete & Irma Sandstrum

Judy Nomi +++++++++++++++

James Miller

December 24 1 service only 10:30am

Children’s Program

Blaine Wanke ++++++++++++++

Al Bosman

Jim DeVries* Bob Lacy

Helmut Klein Dale Sieber

+++++++++++++ Dave Schmidt* Roy Poehler

Mike Hale

Nancy Fitch &

Millie DunivinBob Hutchison Luci Pommers Marissa Denninger

December 31 Communion

Blaine Wanke ++++++++++++++

Al Bosman

Ken Anderson* Scott Ehlers Glenn Benitz Art Schmidt

++++++++++++ Scott Klittich* Matt Schultze

Pete Sandstrum Mike Elbert

Nancy Fitch &

Millie Dunivin

Rita Reuter +++++++++++++

Mickey Kohut

Eunice Harter ++++++++++++++ Sharon McCracken

William Frye +++++++++++++++

Melissa Poore

January 7 Communion

Blaine Wanke ++++++++++++++

Bob Hutchison

Blaine Wanke* Gene O’Neal Keith Hedrick Todd Harter

++++++++++++++ Mike McCracken Tom LaJeunesse


Blaine Wanke ++++++++++++

Linda LaJeunesse

Gary & Charlene Spencer

++++++++++++++ Cindy Klittich

Ryan Tsai ++++++++++++++

Derek Olewiler