Kaylee's MGRP

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A great MGRP example that looks at one student's senior year.

Transcript of Kaylee's MGRP

Norlin 1

Kaylee Norlin

College Comp. II

Multi-Genre Research Paper

May 13, 2010

Dear Freshman Kaylee,

Well hey there! It's me! Well, it's you, but it's also me. I'm yourself from the future. Cool

huh? Anyways, I'm here to tell you all about your high school career... What do to, what to wear,

who to be friends with , who to date, and definitely who not to date. You see, this is going to be

very convenient for me. Ugh, I mean for you... Whatever. You get the point.

Senior Year

"You guys, I cannot believe we're wearing these cheerleading outfits

and there's snow on the ground. We're going to freeze!"

"That's why I brought these mondors to wear. We wear them for

skating and they actually help. I have an extra pair if one of you want to

wear them," Molly said.

It was the final football game of our senior year. Well, I shouldn't say

that. It might possibly be the last football game. There's always a chance

that we could miraculously pull through and win.

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We were going to Pequot Lakes and we were taking the min-van.

Mariah, Dani, Caitlin, Karissa, Zoe, Hailey, Molly, Jessie, Brandi and me. Yep,

you read that right. Ten girls in one mini-van.

Graduation Song - Vitamin C

And so we talked all night about the rest of our lives

Where we're gonna be when we turn 25

I keep thinking times will never change

Keep on thinking things will always be the same

But when we leave this year we won't be coming back

No more hanging out cause we're on a different track

And if you got something that you need to say

You better say it right now cause you don't have another day

Shoulda, Woulda, Coulda Listened

My mom always told me to look both ways before crossing the street

and to buckle up whenever I got into a car. She also told me to put my dirty

dishes in the sink and to sweep the steps when needed. I listened.

My dad always told me to use my manners by saying please and thank

you. He also told me that I should be nice to my little sister because one day

she's going to be bigger than I am. Yet again, I listened.

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However, when they told me to make the best out of my high school

days because they would be over before I could believe it, I didn't listen.

Needless to say, I should have. Now here I am, three weeks before

graduation and I'm wondering where on earth high school went. It seems like

just yesterday I was graduating from elementary school and in

approximately 20 days I'll be graduating from high school.

So, your freshman year is going to be quite interesting. Lots of laughter, tears, drama,

boys, more drama, and even more boys. However, before I tell you anything else, you know that

boy in your Spanish class? Yeah, do not, I repeat do not go for him. I know he stares at you with

those ocean blue eyes that you could just gaze into for the rest of your life, but trust me, he's not

worth it. Sure, he can make you laugh but there are plenty of other guys who can do the same.

And besides, is he really the type you want to bring home to mom and dad? Doubtful.

Oh, and another thing, stop slacking in your physical science class! If you don't step it up,

you're going to get a B-, and trust me, it will haunt you for the rest of your high school days. I

know all your friends, including your boyfriend, are in that class, but you need to stay focused.

Actually take the time to study for the tests and you fly through it with ease.

As you can see, your high school days are just beginning. And you know what they say,

high school days are the best days of your life!

p.s. That green sweat suit Grandma bought you for Christmas... don't wear it.


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I was never given any advice as to how to make the best out of my

high school years, but, then again, why would I need advice about that of all

things? If I was going to be given any advice for high school, it should

probably be about friends and boys. But that's beside the point. Being that

I'm graduating in less than a month, I can truly say that I've survived high

school. However, for someone who is entering high school next year, take

my sister for example, I have some words of wisdom as to how to make the

best years of your life even better.

Craig Smith wrote an article in The Seattle Times about this very topic -

making the best of out your high school days. His advice states:

1. "Realize that no one gets out of high school without emotional bruises.

Your feelings are going to get wounded in everything from classes and

sports, to romantic and friend relationships. These are some of the

most vivid years of your life and the highs and lows come in flaming

Spectra Vision."

He pretty much says it all right here. You're going to go through some

rough times in high school. Drama especially. But believe me, it's not as bad

as you think. I know the movie Mean Girls makes it seem like complete hell,

but it's really not. Yes, you will have your bad times, but you're for sure

going to have plenty of great times. Just remember, all of the hard times will

shape you into a better person for the future.

Norlin 5

Cause we're moving on and we can't slow down

Our memories are playing like a film with no sound

And I keep thinking of the night in June

I Didn't know much of love, but it came too soon

And There was me and you, and then it got real blue

Stay at home talkin' on the telephone and

We would get so excited, then we'd get so scared

Laughing at ourselves thinking life's not fair

And this is how it feels...

Dear Sophomore Kaylee,

You survived your freshman year and all the drama that came with it! Compared to being

a freshman, being a sophomore is going to be considered somewhat lame. You're just in the

middle of everything. Not hated because you're a freshman, but you also aren't a senior so you're

definitely not loved. You're only a sophomore. You're just there.

This fall you're going to be pretty busy with tennis. I wasn't going to tell you, but I

couldn't keep it in any longer... You made varsity! You'll be playing doubles with Zoe and will

do a great job together. I mean, you have been her partner since middle school. And I know you

think you were born to be a doubles player, but give singles a shot. You may be surprised at what

you find.

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Besides making the varsity tennis team, this fall will be pretty uneventful. The only other

major event that will occur will be getting your braces off. Which is a pretty big deal being

you've had them since sixth grade! Four freakin' years with those puppies and they'll finally be

gone, once and for all! 18 months my ass! So much for "speed" braces, huh?

Junior Year

"Dad if you have time today you should go look at cars! When we

drove by that dealership I saw a few that weren't too expensive."

"I'm going to be pretty busy, bud. I have a lot to do around Grandma

and Grandpa's house."

"Oh... Okay... Never mind then."

"Kaylee are you ready to go? We gotta get to Shelby's tournament in

an hour and Frazee is a good 45 minutes away," my mom called.

I had just got done with my Junior year and still didn't have my own

car. I mean, I shouldn't be complaining because my mom would let me take

her truck pretty much every day, but it just wasn't the same as having my

very own car. I had had my license for over a year and this whole sharing a

vehicle thing wasn't going to work forever. All of my friends had their own, so

I was definitely wanting one. And it's not like I was asking for a Mercedes

Bens or Lexus! I just wanted a car. Something that would get me from point

A to point B and wouldn't break down along the way. And I guess if it just

happened to be a nicer vehicle, that would be a plus. Needless to say, I

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wasn't too picky. I had no choice! I couldn't be picky if I wanted anything at all.

2. "Realize that you can't be friends with everyone. You will "click" with

some people and wont with others. It will be that way your entire life.

But just getting along with 97 percent of people isn't all that difficult.

The other 3 perfect are criminals, bullies or weasels. Avoid them. Be a

good friend to you closest buddies but don't feel obligated to hang out

with the same folks. It's like eating the same thing for lunch... The

adage, "what goes around comes around" is true... Be nice to people

and good things happen. High schools are overflowing with insecure

kids. Smile and try to improve someone's day."

Coming from the girl who was voted the most friendly out of her class,

you need to take this advice. For everyone that you do "click" with, be their

friend. I'm not saying invite them over on Fridays for a movie and a

sleepover, but do say "hi" to them when you see them. Walking by your

classmates without smiling or saying "hello" is going to give off the

impression that you're stuck up. Don't do that... Be friendly!

"I am not riding in this van if I don't have a seatbelt."

"Hailey, you're going to have to. We're not going to split up. That

would be no fun at all. We'll make sure that you have a seat belt. Nose goes

for sitting on the floor!"

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Yes! First one to touch my nose. Kaylee will NOT be sitting on the floor.

Looks like Molly and Brandi were too slow which means they have to sit on

the floor. That blaws!

"If we're sitting on the floor for the ride there, we dibs sitting in a seat

on the way back," Molly and Brandi said. Too bad no one answered them.

Guess we'll see about that happening.

It was a long ride there. About three and a half hours to be exact. We

had been jammed in to the mini-van for so long that by the time we got

there we were all crabby. No on felt like cheering, yelling, or wearing those

stupid cheerleading uniforms. However, as soon as we pulled up to the

school and saw our players on the field, we had a sudden change of heart.

"You guys I'm so excited! We're grabbing our signs and blankets and

literally sprinting to the door. We can't miss the kick off," Mariah shouted.

It was almost comical to watch. Imagine ten girls running through a full

parking lot in skimpy little cheerleading outfits. Very, very old cheerleading

outfits. They were mis-matched and definitely not the right sizes. We all were

wearing hats, gloves, and Ugg boots which totally through off our

cheerleading look, but we didn't care.

Your best friend Mariah found the best guy ever, and you're going to be so happy for her.

Even though he's a junior and you guys are only sophomores, he's just what she's been looking

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for all along. Even better, you're up and coming boyfriend just happens to be best friends with

her man! Can you say double date?

School will go very well for you this year, so continue to work hard and everything will

fall in to place. Keep up the good work!

p.s. Your class will dominate, as always, and win Snofest. What an upset! Poor seniors... NOT!


As we go on, we remember

All the times we had together

And as our lives change, come whatever

We will still be, friends forever

When we walked by their student section, it was deathly quiet. We

could all feel their eyes glaring at us. Looking at us from head to toe, and

from front to back.

"Don't they know it's only like, 30 degrees out?" sneered one of the

girls from Pequot.

Yeah, we knew it was cold. Yeah, we knew that we probably looked

stupid. But that didn't stop us. I mean, at least we had school spirit unlike

them! And not only was it to show our school pride, but it was also a costume

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for Halloween. Seriously, give us a freakin' break!

We stood on the sidelines and tried our best to act like cheerleaders.

Even though we were losing 22-3, we still had to show our support.

Although many thought we looked stupid for wearing the cheerleading

uniforms, someone must have that we looked good because we made the

newspaper. Take that stupid Pequot Lakes student section... Inyofacemotha!

3. "There are activities, sports, certain teachers and classes at your

school that will provide lifetime memories. Find them. They will make

you smile when you are 95 years old and your teeth are in a jar beside

your bed. Do something extracurricular to "connect" yourself to the

school... If all you do is attend classes and go home, you are getting

only part of the high-school experience."

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Throughout high school, I was in about seven different extracurricular

activities. I'll be the first one to tell you that being involved really helps

towards making your high school experience the best it can be. Some of my

favorite memories in high school were from these various activities. Not only

do you make a ton of memories, but they also give you a chance you meet

new people. Throughout my years of being in these activities, I've become

friends with so many people. Heck, I even met my boyfriend through one of


Dear Junior Kaylee,

You're almost to the top of the totem pole of which they call high school seniority. One

more year and you'll be at the top! You've always thought that your junior year would be the

best, and I'll tell you right off the bat, it's pretty good.

First of all, I'm going to give you a piece of advice that will come in handy soon

enough... Don't believe him. You'll know who I'm talking about when the time comes, but for

now just heed my warning. Trust me on this one.

Secondly, it looks like you took my advice on trying singles this year in tennis. Good

call. You'll start out playing number four, but by the end of the season you'll be playing up at

number two. You're going to be super pissed that you have to miss homecoming for tennis,

however, it's an opportunity you can't miss. I mean, this is the tournament that could send you to

state! It's a pretty big deal.

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We had just watched two of my sister's volleyball games and then

decided to go to Subway for lunch when my dad called.

"What kind of car does Brandi Ose have again?"

"A Pontiac G6. Why?

"I'm just curious. What color? Do you know what year it is?"

"Uhh, it's black. And I have no idea what year it is. I think it's pretty

new? Why?"

"Just wondering. Can I talk to mom?"

As I handed my mom the phone, I walked over to fill my cup with pop. I

wonder why he's asking me all these questions? Maybe that's the kind of car

he wants to get me. Nah, couldn't be. He would never spend that much. And

besides, he told me that he wasn't going to look today.

Even though I was trying my hardest not to get my hopes up, I could

not stop thinking about my dad getting me a new car. Maybe once we get

back to Grandma and Grandpa's there will be a G6 in the driveway. Kaylee.

You need to quit. Don't get your hopes up too high.

Sophomore Year

It was the week of snofest at Lincoln High School and let me tell you,

things were getting crazy. It started out as something that was meant to be

for fun, but quickly turned into a very fierce and heated competition. Not

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only were the students involved, but also were a few teachers, Mrs. Mattson

included. I mean, she had to be! She was our class advisor.

I had Mrs. Mattson third hour. It was a rather unusual week, to say the

least. No homework, no papers, no vocabulary and no Shakespeare. Just

snofest, snofest, snofest and more snofest. We would literally sit in class all

hour and just work and talk about different snofest activities.

"Well if you add up all of the other competitions we've won, we have to

be tied if not ahead of the seniors," Mrs. Mattson said.

"Yeah, because we've won all the lunch competitions, and we're

obviously going to win the hallway decorating and the dance."

We were dominating. No doubt about it.

4. "Keys to good grades: A) Don't fall behind. If you need help, get it

immediately; B) Do your homework. You may not consider it important,

but your teacher does; C) Don't be quick to form a bad opinion of a

teacher. It can sour you on the material; D) Don't be afraid to sit in the

front row. It will make you concentrate."

Although you may think high school will be a breeze as far as school

work, think again. You will definitely have classes that will be easier than

others and will require less time and effort, but you'll also have challenging

classes. Sure, you could go easy on yourself and take all of the less

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challenging courses, but why? If you're planning to go to college after high

school, don't expect to have all easy classes because you definitely won't.

Start preparing for the future now. Challenge yourself! It will make you a

better student.

Oh, and about the boy who was so perfect for Mariah? Yeah, turns out you two really

don't get along. And I mean you two seriously do not get along. He's a big freakin' baby and

needs to realize that the whole world doesn't revolve around him. The fact that they're always

together and she's never with you really starts to wear on your friendship. This is when another

one of your friends will start to step up - Karissa Kaushagen. She was in your seventh grade

reading class and I don't really know how to describe her... She's one of a kind though, that's for


After this year, you'll only have one more left until you're out of here. Make the most of it

and remember what I said about that boy, don't trust him!


Shelby's tournament was finally over and we were just pulling into

Fergus Falls. All I could think about was a new car. When we turned onto my

grandparents street, my heart was pounding, but as we got closer I could see

there was no car.

"Where's my dad?" I asked my Grandma Norlin.

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"He's at Jeff's. They had to haul some garbage out there with your


It was just about supper time when my dad finally got home. He

walked into the kitchen with both hands in his pocket and started making

small talk with me. Why are his hands in his pocket? Is that the Pontiac

symbol I see on that set of keys? It can't be...

"Why don't you go take a look out the front window..."

"How come?" I said as I frantically got out of my chair and sprinted to

the window.

"DAAADDDDD!!! No way!!" I shrieked as I saw an ivory white 2006

Pontiac G6 sitting in the driveway.

"It's yours!" my dad said.

I jumped up and down, screamed, laughed, and even cried. It was one

of the happiest days of my life. I spent the rest of the night just simply sitting

in it. Breathing in the fresh new car scent and playing with the gadgets and

gizmos it pertained. I never wanted to get out of it. What can I say... It was

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true love.

So if we get the big jobs and we make the big money

When we look back now, will that joke still be funny?

Will we still remember everything we learned in school?

Still be trying to break every single rule

Will little brainy Bobby be the stockbroker man?

Can Heather find a job that won't interfere with her tan?

I keep, I keep thinking that it's not goodbye

Keep on thinking it's a time to fly

And this is how it feels...

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The day had finally come. It was the Friday of coronation. The Friday

we found out what class won snofest. Coronation was very fun. Each class

had prepared a dance for random people in the audience to judge. The

winner would receive mucho points to their class total. Molly and David

danced to 'Money Money' and completely dominated. We won the dance.


Then the moment we had been waiting for all week was about to

happen. "Snofest court of 2007, please stand up and take two steps

towards the end of the stage. You will each be getting a covered up bouquet

of flowers. On the count of three, you will be told to open your flowers.

Whatever grade has the white flowers will be declared the snofest winners of

2007. One....... Two........."

The suspense was killing everyone. I could feel my hands starting to

get clammy as I knew he was about to say three. My heart felt like it was

going jump out of my chest.


Mariah and Zane tore into the bouquet of flowers and immediately held

up the WHITE ROSES!! The sophomore class had just won snofest! Everyone

from the class of 2010 went absolutely nuts. Not only did the students freak

out, but also Mrs. Mattson. I think she was happier than anyone of us

sophomores. She had got what she wanted and we had got what we wanted.

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We won snofest. As sophomores. And I say it again, inyofacemotha!

Dear Senior Kaylee,

You did it! You made it to your last year of high school. What an accomplishment!

This year you're going to stay very busy, believe me. I know you tend to stress out over

the littlest things, so this year you really need to try keep your cool. There will be a lot to stress

over - school, college, friends, and boyfriends. Don't panic though. You'll get through it.

In the last letter, I told you "not to believe him." Well, you will be figuring out what I'm

talking about soon enough. All I'll say is be prepared for the worst. Oh, and also be prepared for

some immaturity on his part. Stupid college boys think they're so mature... Ha! I beg to differ.

This summer you'll be going to New York with the choir. The only thing I have to say

about that is to start selling raffle tickets sooner than three days before they are due. You're dad

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is a salesmen. Give him the books to sell and he'll work his magic. Just think about it, if you give

him ten books, that's 1,000 dollars right there! And when the total cost of the trip is 2,500

dollars, anything helps!

5. "High school culture is notorious for sticking labels on people. Don't

judge others based on secondhand opinions. Form your own."

This is one of the most important pieces of advice that can be given.

You are your own human being so you should have your own opinions. In

many classes you take you're going to be able to express how you feel, so do

it! I was the type of person who just followed everyone else and felt how they

felt, however, I have learned that in order to succeed I will need to be able to

think for myself. I know it may be hard if your friends feel strongly towards

something and you don't want to disagree with them, but don't be afraid to

speak out. In the end, it will make you stronger.

Freshman Year

It was two weeks before my freshman homecoming and we had just

got a ballet with the names of all my classmates on it. We were to vote for

five boys and five girls.

"Who are you going to vote for?" I asked my best friend Molly.

"Umm, I was thinking you, Zoe, Dani, Mariah and Caitlin for girls. And

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for the guys I'm voting for David, Riley, Josh, Scott and Jacob."

"Hey that's who I put for guys too! For Girls I'm voting for you, Zoe,

Dani, Rachel and Mariah I think."

As the senior student council members collected our votes, I began to

think. What if I made it on to the homecoming court? That would be so cool! I

hope Riley and I make it. That would be perfect.

We were told we would find out who made it on Friday. Let me tell you,

that week went by dreadfully slow. I was so nervous. However, I didn't want

to be! I mean, if I didn't make it I still had three homecomings and four more

snofests left. I was bound to make one of them. Well, at least I hoped so.

As we go on, we remember

All the times we had together

And as our lives change, come whatever

We will still be, friends forever

Slowly but surely, Friday came. The bell to let us out of first hour had

just rung. My heart was starting to beat out of control because I knew they

would be announcing the court at the beginning of second hour. I went to my

locker, like always, and tried to spin the dial around to 12. My hands were

shaking. Kaylee. Pull it together. You're fine. Thank God, here comes Riley.

"Guess what?" He asked. "We made it!"

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"Made what?"

"Homecoming court! It's me, you, Zoe and Josh."

"Seriously?! I have to go tell her!" I said as I hurried off to go find Zoe.

After telling Zoe the news, I had to call my mom and dad. We

immediately decided that we needed to go dress shopping over the weekend

being that coronation was on Monday. It worked out perfectly since I was

best friends with Zoe and Riley was good friends with Josh. Zoe and I went to

Grand Forks together with our moms, while Riley tagged along with Josh and

his mom. Once we found the perfect dresses, we met up with Riley and Josh

in JC Penny's to find a coordinating tie.

Monday morning came and the court was to meet in the auditorium.

"Freshman, who will be walking with who?" Ester questioned.

I should just say that I'm walking with Riley. I mean, after all, we are

dating. Maybe he'll say something. No one said anything.

"It doesn't matter?" Ester said.

Come on! Josh say you're walking with Zoe! Still no answer.

"Alright then, who's the tallest?"

As Josh and I stood up, Ester told us that's who we would be walking

with. Are you serious? Everyone is going to wonder why we aren't walking

together! Oh well...

6. Finally, "Be nice to your parents. They are smarter than you think and

some day you will be a parent. Raising you was no picnic."

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Your parents will put up with so much of your s*** it will be hard to

believe they still claim you as their own. Up until your 16, they'll be driving

you to school, to tennis practice, to your piano lessons, to your friend’s

house and also to various sporting events. Realize that they have to make

time in their schedule to do this. The world doesn't only revolve around you!

You may not understand right now, but looking back at all they do for you,

they really deserve a thank you. Being my parents will take time out of their

busy lives to read and edit this very paper, I'll say it now - thanks for all

you've done!

Will we think about tomorrow like we think about now?

Can we survive it out there? Can we make it somehow?

I guess I thought that this would never end

And suddenly it's like we're women and men

Will the past be a shadow that will follow us round?

Will these memories fade when I leave this town

I keep, I keep thinking that it's not goodbye

Keep on thinking it's a time to fly...

Coronation was later that day. I was nervous - surprise surprise. But

only this time it was because I had a line in their skit. I felt so cool because CJ

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Swanson knew my name and out of everyone on the court, he asked me. It

was a scene from Dumb and Dumber.

"What do you think the chances are of a girl like you, and a guy like me

ending up together?" he asked. "Like one out of a hundred?"

"I'd say more like one out of a million!" I said.

"So you're saying there's a chance? YEAH!!"

And those were my few seconds of fame. Well, besides the fact that we

were recognized for being on court at coronation and also at the football

game... Which was absolutely freezing!

After the football game, we all went to Maddy's for pictures. Riley gave

his maroon tie to Brady so that it would match Zoe's dress, and Josh gave his

tie teal to Riley so he would match my dress. It was adorable.

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As we go on, we remember

All the times we had together

And as our lives change, come whatever

We will still be, friends forever

You'll have one major decision this year that is staring you right in the eye... college.

You've had your heart set on Concordia since you were little. Don't let anyone stop you! My

theory is, is that college is going to be expensive regardless of where you go so you might as

well go somewhere you want! Needless to say, Concordia is for you. Go Cobbers!!

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Finally, I know you just went through a tough breakup, but hang in there. Someone else

will be coming along sooner than you thought. I'll give you a hint - at the hockey banquet this

year, Bergy will be giving out two shirts. One will say "Number 3's with me" and the other will

say "She's with #3." Enough said!

p.s. Mariah and her boyfriend broke up... Hallelujah! Your friendship will be reunited with

some Ben&Jerry's ice cream.

p.s.s. Save these letters. They'll be useful in your College Comp. II class second semester.


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Works Cited

Smith, Craig. "Free Advice for Making the Most of High-School Years."

seattletimes.nwsource.com. The Seattle Times. 23 Sept. 2008. Web. 9 May 2010.