Kathryn M. Anderson-Levitt, Ph.D. - UCLA GSEIS · 2017. 11. 20. · 1 CURRICULUM VITAE Kathryn M....

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CURRICULUM VITAE Kathryn M. Anderson-Levitt, Ph.D.

2005A Moore Hall UCLA Los Angeles, CA 90095-1521 810-325-2010 kandersonlevitt@ucla.edu


1982 Ph.D., Stanford University, Department of Anthropology. 1974 B.A., University of Southern California: social science with an emphasis in

international relations.

Honors 2005 Susan B. Anthony Award, University of Michigan–Dearborn. 1974 Phi Beta Kappa, University of Southern California. 1972 Pi Delta Phi (national French honor society). 1970–74 Trustee Scholar, University of Southern California.

Professional Experience

2013- Co-editor, Comparative Education Review, under Bjorn Nordtveit’s editorship, with co-editors Stephen Carney, Peter Easton, Elizabeth King, Christine Smith and Jacqueline Mosselson; 5-year term beginning July 2013.

2011– Lecturer, Social Research Methodology Division, Graduate School of Education

and Information Studies, UCLA. 2011– Professor Emerita of Anthropology, University of Michigan–Dearborn. 1996–2011 Professor of Anthropology, University of Michigan–Dearborn. 2004–2010 Dean, College of Arts, Sciences and Letters, University of Michigan–Dearborn.

Leadership of curriculum, hiring, and budget for 170 full-time and 150 part-time faculty in six departments; participation in Council of Deans and Senior Officers.

2003–2004 Interim Dean, College of Arts, Sciences and Letters, University of Michigan—



2001—2003 Associate Dean, College of Arts, Sciences and Letters, University of Michigan–

Dearborn. 1994–2000 Editor, Anthropology and Education Quarterly. Journal of the Council on

Anthropology and Education of the American Anthropological Association. 1990–96 Associate Professor of Anthropology, University of Michigan–Dearborn. 1994–95 Director of Women’s Studies Program, University of Michigan–Dearborn.

Coordinated interdisciplinary curriculum with 27 faculty members, revised requirements for the minor, raised funds for library orders.

1984–90 Assistant Professor of Anthropology, University of Michigan–Dearborn. 1984 Instructor, English as a Second Language, Los Angeles Community College, Los

Angeles. 1982–84 NICHD Postdoctoral Trainee, Socio-Behavioral Group, Mental Retardation

Research Center, Neuropsychiatric Institute, School of Medicine, University of California, Los Angeles.

1977–82 Adjunct faculty member in cultural anthropology, women’s studies, and education

at various California universities. 1970–74 Teacher’s assistant, tutor, tutorial center coordinator in South Central Los


International Experience

Guinea, West Africa: Fieldwork and teaching of a graduate course in Conakry and fieldwork in Forécariah prefecture March–June and September–November, 1998, (five months). Supervision and training of a 10-person research team (one month, Conakry) and fieldwork (one month, Forest Region), February and April, 1994.

France: Language study, 1972 (one month); fieldwork: 1976 (three months); 1978-79

(eleven months); 1981 (one month); 1988 (four months); 1989 (two weeks); 1994 (one week), 1998 (one week); visit to Sciences Po, 2010 (six weeks).

England: Undergraduate study of international relations in London, 1972–1973. Fluent French, some Spanish.


- - -Teaching-- - Courses Taught

Introduction to Qualitative Methods and Design Issues in Educational Research (graduate) Participant-Observational Field Methods (graduate) Qualitative Data Reduction and Analysis (graduate) First-Year Seminar: Anthropologists on Campus Doing Anthropology (ethnographic methods, graduate/undergraduate) Education and Culture (graduate/undergraduate) Honors Seminar: Anthropology of Literacy Language and Society (graduate/undergraduate) Psychological Anthropology (graduate/undergraduate) La recherche qualitative (Institut National de Recherche et d’Action Pédagogique, Guinea) Introduction to Women’s Studies Culture and Sexuality (graduate/undergraduate) Culture and International Business World Cultures (case study approach to cultural anthropology) Introduction to Anthropology

Graduate Students Host of visiting pre-doctoral scholar Géraldine André, doctoral student in anthropology, Facultés Universitaires Catholiques de Mons, Belgium, November 2007–April 2008. Member of doctoral committees, Graduate School of Education & Information Studies, UCLA, for Rolf Straubaar (2012-present) and Sarah Jean Johnson (2012-present); Facultés Universitaires Catholiques de Mons, Belgium, for Géraldine André (2008–09); University of Michigan–Ann Arbor Department of Anthropology for Heidi Schweingruber (1995–97); University of Michigan–Ann Arbor School of Education for Edward S. Wall (2002–2003), Barry Arbreton (1992–1994), Diane Ems Holt-Reynolds (1989–90), and Sylvia Twymon (1988–90). Doctoral oral examination committee, Ouyang Huhua, City University of Hong Kong (2000). Masters’ theses supervised: Karen Pikula 2000 Gender and Computer Education: An Observation of At Risk Girls in Class. 54 pp.

University of Michigan–Dearborn, Master of Arts in Liberal Studies, College of Arts, Sciences and Letters.

Debra Drake 2004 Understanding Pragmatic Language Use of English Language Learners: A Pilot Study of

Preschool Children in a Migrant Head Start Program. 82 pp. University of Michigan–Dearborn, Master of Arts in Liberal Studies, College of Arts, Sciences and Letters.


- - -Research-- - Research Interests

Educational reform in global context Schoolteachers’ cultures for teaching

Literacy Gender and schooling in West Africa

Grants and Fellowships

6/13-5/12 AERA Research Conference Grant for the “Simposio Interamericano de Investigación Etnográfica de la Educación XIII / Inter-American Symposium on Ethnography and Education XIII,” to be held at UCLA September 18-20, 2013. $35,000.

1/06–12/07 Team member and co-developer, Ford Foundation Difficult Dialogues Initiative,

“Dearborn Legacy, Dearborn Promise: New Learning across Race, Religion, Culture and Ethnicity,” Claude Jacobs, Principal Investigator. ($100,000)

5/00–4/01 Spencer Foundation, “Teaching by the Book: Scripted Teaching and Professional

Autonomy in Guinea.” ($34,293) 1/98–4/99 Spencer Foundation, “Constructing ‘Good Pedagogy’ in Guinea: Global, National

and Local Dialogues.” ($118,860) 5/96–9/97 University of Michigan–Dearborn, Talking about Gender in the Classroom (small

grant for analyzing interviews field notes from Guinea). 7/95–6/01 Council on Anthropology and Education, subsidy for expenses and course release

to edit Anthropology and Education Quarterly. (Annual grant of approximately $10,000, for 6 years; $1500 for computer support).

1995–96 University of Michigan–Dearborn, How Gender Matters in the Classroom (small

grant for transcribing videotapes from Guinea). 1/94–6/94 World Bank, “A Study of Girls’ Everyday School Experiences in Guinea, West

Africa.” ($48,866) 3/93–3/94 Morbach Grant for Research on Children, University of Michigan–Dearborn,

“What ‘Readiness’ Means to Schoolteachers.” ($1,382) 1/88–6/89 University of Michigan Rackham Faculty Research Grant for a comparative study

of teachers in France and the United States entitled “National Culture and Teaching Culture.” ($9,228)

1986–92 Various grants for research from the University of Michigan and the University of



5/85–9/86 University of Michigan Rackham Faculty Research Grant for a study of staff at

work activity centers for developmentally disabled adults entitled “The Acquisition of Cultural Models: An Ethnographic Study.” ($5,774)

1978–81 National Institute of Mental Health National Research Service Award for pre–

doctoral training. 1978-80 National Science Foundation Grant for Doctoral Dissertation Research. 1976 Council for European Studies Pre-Doctoral Fellowship.

Current Scholarship Co-organizer with Dra. Elsie Rockwell of CINVESTAV, Mexico, “Simposio Interamericano de Investigación Etnográfica de la Educación XIII / Inter-American Symposium on Ethnography and Education XIII,” to be held at UCLA September 18-20, 2013. “Educational anthropology in a globalized world” for a theme issue on educational anthropology, Christoph Wulf, Editor, Zeitschrift für Erziehungswissenschaft, submited for review June 2013. “Significance: U.S. Blind Spots in Judging Research,” manuscript submitted for review May 2013. Consulting co-editor with Francesca Gobbo a section on Ethnography for the International Handbook of Interpretation in Educational Research Methods, Paul Smeyers, David Bridges, Nicholas Burbules, and Morwenna Griffiths, General Editors. Springer. Editing eight 10,000-word chapters from international authors; final versions submitted September 2012. Chapter editor for “Teaching in the Context of Globalization” by Lynne Paine and Sigrid Blömeke, Handbook of Research on Teaching, Drew Gitmor, Editor. Review of prospectus completed, July 20, 2012.

Publications (peer reviewed) Anderson-Levitt, Kathryn M.

2012 La forme scolaire mondiale comme niche de développement [The Global Model of Schooling as Developmental Niche]. In Yves Lenoir and Frédéric Tupin, Eds., Les pratiques enseignantes entre instruire et socialiser. Regards internationaux. [Teaching Practices as Instruction and Socialization: International Perspectives], pp. 81-104. Quebec: Presses de l’Université Laval.

2012 Complicating the Concept of Culture, Comparative Education (Reconceptualizing the

Global-Local Nexus, Guest Editor Jürgen Schriewer). 48 (4): 441-45.


2012 Education (10,000 word peer-reviewed annotated bibliography). In Oxford Bibliographies

Online: Childhood Studies, Heather Montgomery, Editor. New York: Oxford University Press. Launched March 27, 2012. Education in OBO Childhood Studies

Anderson-Levitt, Kathryn M., Editor

2011 Anthropologies of Education: A Global Guide to Ethnographic Studies of Learning and Schooling. New York: Berghahn Books.

Anderson-Levitt, Kathryn M.

2011 Introduction. Anthropologies and Ethnographies of Education Worldwide. In Kathryn Anderson-Levitt, Ed. Anthropologies of Education: A Global Guide to Ethnographic Studies of Learning and Schooling, pp. 1-28. New York: Berghahn Books.

2011 World Anthropologies of Education. In Bradley Levinson and Mica Pollack, Eds. A

Companion to the Anthropology of Education, pp. 11-24. New York: Wiley-Blackwell. 2007 Globalization and Curriculum. In F. Michael Connelly, Ming Fang He, & Joann Phillion,

Eds., Sage Handbook of Curriculum and Instruction (pp. 349-368). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.

2006 Ethnography. In Greg Camilli, Patricia Elmore, and Judith Green, Eds. Handbook of

Complementary Methods in Education Research, 3rd ed. (pp. 279-295). Washington, DC: American Educational Research Association/Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc.

2006 Les divers courants en anthropologie de l’éducation. [Diverse research streams in

anthropology of education; Introductory essay to theme issue on anthropology of education world-wide.] Education et Sociétés: Revue Internationale de Sociologie de l’Éducation, 17(1), 7-27.

Anderson-Levitt, Kathryn M., Editor

2006 Anthropologie de l’éducation : pour un tour du monde. Dossier. [Theme issue : Anthropology of education around the world.] Education et Sociétés: Revue Internationale de Sociologie de l’Éducation, 17(1).

Anderson-Levitt, Kathryn M.

2005 The Schoolyard Gate: Schooling and Childhood in Global Perspective. Journal of Social History, 38(4): 987-1006.

2004 Reading Lessons in Guinea, France, and the United States: Local Meanings, Global

Culture. Comparative Education Review, 48 (3): 229-252.

Anderson-Levitt, Kathryn M., Editor 2003 Local Meanings, Global Schooling: Anthropology and World Culture Theory. New York: Palgrave



Anderson-Levitt, Kathryn M. 2003 A World Culture of Schooling? Introductory essay to Kathryn M. Anderson-Levitt, Ed.,

Local Meanings, Global Schooling: Anthropology and World Culture Theory (pp. 1-26). New York: Palgrave Macmillan.

Anderson-Levitt, Kathryn M., and Boubacar Bayero Diallo

2003 Teaching by the Book in Guinea. In Kathryn M. Anderson-Levitt, Ed., Local Meanings, Global Schooling: Anthropology and World Culture Theory (pp. 73-97). New York: Palgrave Macmillan.

Anderson-Levitt, Kathryn M.

2003 Making Teaching Cultures Visible: The Value of Comparative Research. In Shawn Van Etten and Dennis McInerney, Editors, Research on Sociocultural Influences of Motivation and Learning, Volume 3 (pp. 107-134). Greenwich, CT: Information Age Press.

2002 Teaching Cultures: Knowledge for Teaching First Grade in France and the United States. Cresskill,

NJ: Hampton Press. 2002 Teaching Culture as National and Transnational: A Response to “Teachers’ Work.”

Educational Researcher. 31(3): 19-21. 2001 Introduction to Themes in French Culture by Rhoda Métraux and Margaret Mead (new

edition), volume 4 of Margaret Mead: The Study of Contemporary Western Cultures, pp. vii-xxii. New York & Oxford: Berghahn Books.

Anderson-Levitt, Kathryn M., and Ntal-I’Mbirwa Alimasi

2001 Are Pedagogical Ideals Embraced or Imposed? The Case of Reading Instruction in the Republic of Guinea. In Margaret Sutton and Bradley Levinson, Eds., Policy as Practice: Toward a Comparative Sociocultural Analysis of Educational Policy (pp. 25-58). Norwood, NJ: Ablex.

Anderson-Levitt, Kathryn M.

2001 Ambivalences: la transformation d’une rénovation pédagogique dans un contexte post-colonial [Ambivalences : the transformation of an educational reform in a post-colonial context]. Education et Sociétés: Revue Internationale de Sociologie de l’Éducation, 7: 151-168.

Anderson-Levitt, Kathryn M., Marianne Bloch, and Aminata Maiga Soumaré

1998 Inside Classrooms in Guinea: Girls Within the System of Interaction. In Marianne Bloch, Josephine Beoku-Betts, & Robert Tabachnick, Eds., Women and Education in Sub-Saharan Africa: Power, Opportunities and Constraints. Boulder, CO: Lynne Reinner Publishers.

Anderson-Levitt, Kathryn M.

1996 Behind Schedule: Batch-Produced Children in French and U.S. Classrooms. In Bradley Levinson, Douglas Foley, and Dorothy Holland, Eds., The Cultural Production of the Educated Person: Critical Ethnographies of Schooling and Local Practice (pp. 57-78). Albany: SUNY Press.


Anderson-Levitt, Kathryn M., Marianne Bloch, and Aminata Maiga Soumaré 1994 Inside Classrooms in Guinea: Girls’ Experiences. Final Report to the Ministry of Pre-University

Education, Republic of Guinea, and to the World Bank.

Henriot-Van Zanten, Agnès, and Kathryn M. Anderson-Levitt 1992 L’anthropologie de l’éducation aux Etats-Unis: Méthodes, théories et applications d’une

discipline en évolution [Anthropology of education in the United States: Methods, theories and applications of an evolving discipline]. Revue française de pédagogie, no. 101, 79-104.

Anderson-Levitt, Kathryn M., Régine Sirota, and Martine Mazurier

1991 Elementary Education in France, The Elementary School Journal, 92(1): 79-95. Reed-Danahay, Deborah, and Kathryn M. Anderson-Levitt

1991 Backward Countryside, Troubled City: French Teachers’ Images of Rural and Working-Class Families. American Ethnologist, 18(3): 546-564.

Anderson-Levitt, Kathryn M.

1989 Degrees of Distance Between Teachers and Parents in Urban France, Anthropology and Education Quarterly 20(2): 97-117. Reprinted in Delamont, Sara (Ed.). 2011. Ethnographic Methods in Education. London: SAGE.

Anderson-Levitt, Kathryn M., and Daniel E. Moerman

1989 “Functioning” from the Perspective of Production Supervisors, Mental Retardation, 27(5): 325-329.

Anderson-Levitt, Kathryn M.

1987 National Culture and Teaching Culture (invited comments on two cross-cultural studies of teachers), Anthropology and Education Quarterly 18(1): 33-38.

1987 Cultural Knowledge for Teaching First Grade: An Example from France, in Interpretive

Ethnography of Education (pp. 171-192), George D. Spindler & Louise Spindler, Eds., Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

1986 Acquiring Cultural Models of Developmental Disability: A Case Study of Supervisors and Teachers at

Two Work Activity Centers, final report to host agency, June 2. 1985 Taking Sides: Resolution of a Peer Conflict in a Workshop for Retarded Adults, Pragmatics

and Beyond (Amsterdam: John Benjamins Press) 6(6): 41-74.

1984 Teacher Interpretation of Student Behavior: Cognitive and Social Processes, Elementary School Journal 84(3): 315-337.

1982 What Counts as Success in a French First Grade: An Exploration in Cognitive Anthropology,

unpublished doctoral dissertation, Stanford University. Dissertation Abstracts International 43(1): 203A.


Reviews, Comments, and Other Publications Anderson-Levitt, Kathryn M.

2013 An Expanded Global Guide: Supplementary Content for Anthropologies of Education: A Global Guide to Ethnographic Studies of Learning and Schooling, Berghahn Books. Website updated monthly at http://www.berghahnbooks.com/title_detail.php?rowtag=Anderson-LevittAnthropologies

2012 Comments on “Between Faith and Science.” CIES Newsletter 159 (September): 6-7. 2012 Translating as Nudging Teachers toward “Best Practice” (Commentary on theme issue).

ZDM: The International Journal on Mathematics Education 44 (3): 445-448. Wang, Yangling, and Kathryn M. Anderson-Levitt

2011 Cultural Knowledge for Teaching—Interview with Professor & Dr. Kathryn M. Anderson-Levitt, (in Chinese), Global Education, (East China Normal University), October.

Anderson-Levitt, Kathryn M.

2011 Anthropologie de l’éducation (pp. 107-08) and “Globalisation et education (pp. 46-47) In Que sais-je? Les 100 mots de l’éducation [100 Words in Education], Patrick Rayou and Agnès van Zanten, Editors. Paris: Presses Universitaires de France.

2008 Member of editorial board for Dictionnaire de l’Éducation [Dictionary of Education], Agnès

van Zanten, general Editor. Paris: Presses Universitaires de France. 2007 A Shift in Emphasis: Comments on CAE’s New Mission Statement. (Council on

Anthropology and Education Presidential Address), Anthropology and Education Quarterly, 38(4), 317-322.

2004 Preface to Remaking of face and community of practices: An ethnographic study of what English

Language Teaching reform means to local and expatriate teachers in today’s China, by Ouyang Huhua. Beijing: Peking University Press.

2004 Review of L’école de la périphérie : Scolarité et ségrégation en banlieue [The Marginal School:

Schooling and Segregation in Peripheral Neighborhoods]. Agnès van Zanten. Presses Universitaires de France, 2001 (424 pp.), American Anthropologist 106 (1) : 209-211.

1999 High School Identity Games (Introduction to an impromptu theme issue). Anthropology

and Education Quarterly 30(3):271 (September 1999). 1997 Stories from Educators’ Lives (Introduction to an impromptu theme issue). Anthropology

and Education Quarterly 28(2):151 (June 1997).

1997 Worth a (second) look: Coming of Age in New Jersey: College and American Culture by Michael Moffat (New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press, 1989) [book review]. FOSAP Newsletter (Bulletin of the Federation of Small Anthropology Programs) 6(1):18.


1997 How to Publish in the AEQ. Council for Anthropology and Education column,

Anthropology Newsletter 38(2):41; 38(3):35-36; 38(4):38(5):28 (“serialized” in February, March and April columns).

1996 Editor’s Preface to Theme Issue: Racial and Ethnic Exclusion in Education and Society.

Anthropology and Education Quarterly 27(2):139-140 (June).

1996 Racial and Ethnic Exclusion in Education and Society. Anthropology Newsletter 37(5):20-21.

1996 Human History: The BIG Picture. Under Our History, The John Arnold Show Page, under http://www.BlackAmericaOnline.com.

1993 Review of Cultural Complexity: Studies in the Social Organization of Meaning by Ulf Hannerz.

SAE Bulletin (Society for the Anthropology of Europe) 7(2): 11 (May).

1991 European Models of Schooling, Council on Anthropology and Education column, Anthropology Newsletter, 32(3), April.

1990 In the Field, (review of Ethnographers in the Field, Self, Sex, and Gender in Cross-Cultural

Fieldwork, and Children in the Field), Anthropology and Humanism Quarterly 15(2&3): 74-77 (June & October).

1989 Psychological Anthropology in Elementary School Classrooms, Society for Psychological

Anthropology column, Anthropology Newsletter, 30(4): 13 (April). 1988 From the Perspective of Production Supervisors: An Ethnographic Study of Sheltered

Workshops, Ability and Enterprise (publication of the Canadian Council on Rehabilitation and Work), 2(6)/3(1): 6 (Summer).

1987 SPA Celebrates Its 10th Birthday (a history of the Society for Psychological

Anthropology), Past Is Present column, Anthropology Newsletter 28(9): 3.

Platt, Martha, and Kathryn M. Anderson-Levitt 1984 The Speech of Mentally Retarded Adults in Contrasting Settings, Socio-Behavioral Group

Working Paper no. 28, Mental Retardation Research Center, University of California, Los Angeles.

Anderson-Levitt, Kathryn M.

1984 On Taking Everything Into Account (invited reaction to M. L. Dobbert, et al., Cultural Transmission in Three Societies), Anthropology and Education Quarterly l5(4): 316-319.

Anderson-Levitt, Kathryn M., and Barbara Hunt

1977 Charles Armstrong High School for Specific Learning Disability: Report on the Program and Students’ Progress During Its First Year, Action Research Liaison Office, Stanford University.


Anderson-Levitt, Kathryn M. 1980 “Cognitive Style” and School Failure, in Schools, Cities and Teaching, 2nd ed. Alfred

Lightfoot and Leon Levitt, Eds. Ginn and Company.

Conference Papers Anderson-Levitt, Kathryn M.

2013 What Is “National Culture”—Not to Mention “World Culture”—If Cultural Meaning Is Locally Produced?” in the symposium “Anthropologists Complicate the Culture Concept,. Presented at the annual meeting of the Comparative and International Education Society, New Orleans, March 14.

2012 Lines of Kinship across Anthropologies of Education, in the panel “Borders and Crossings

and ‘Lines’: Seeing the World Differently through Tim Ingold's Lines: A Brief History,” Katherine Bruna, organizer. Annual meeting of the American Anthropological Association, November 15.

2012 Where to Look for “Global” and “National” Cultures, Working Group Roundtable on

“Ethnography as Epistemology: An International Dialogue on Challenges Facing Ethnographers Studying Knowledge Construction across Disciplines, Time Scales, Actors, Institutions, and Countries, ” Judith L. Green, organizer. Annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Vancouver, April 16, 2012.

2011 Academic Disciplines as Conversations Constrained by Language: The Case of

Anthropologies of Education, paper presented in at the annual meeting of the American Anthropological Association, Montreal, November 17.

2011 Translating Anthropologies of Education: Global and Local in Academic Disciplines, paper

presented at the annual meeting of the Comparative and International Education Society, Montreal, May 2.

2010 L’école pour quoi faire ? L’école, c’est quoi? Paper presented at « Les pratiques des

enseignants face à l’exigence de la réussite : instruire et/ou socialiser ? Un croisement international des regards sociologiques et anthropologiques », 11e Journées internationales d’études, Faculté d’éducation, Université de Sherbrooke, Canada, April 21-23.

2010 Some Propositions to Include in a Theory on the Global/Local Nexus, paper presented in

the symposium “Meaning Configurations in the World Society: Alternative Approaches to the Global/ Local Nexus” organized by Jürgen Schriewer for the annual meeting of the Comparative and International Education Society, Chicago, March 4.

2009 Undiscovered Countries/Pays Inconnus: Domains of Research within the Anthropology of

Education and the Ethnography of Education. Journée d’étude sur l’ethnographie de l’éducation, Faculté de l’Université Catholique de Mons, Belgium, May 8.


2007 Anthropologies and Ethnographies of Education Around the World. American Educational Research Association, Chicago, April 9.

2004 Troubling Ideas. Paper presented in the symposium, “Ogbu as Starting Point or Foil?

Further Considerations of John Ogbu’s Legacy in Educational Anthropology,” Canterbury Convocation of the Council on Anthropology and Education and affiliated groups, San Francisco, November 18.

2004 Cultures locales, école mondiale: le point de vue des anthropologies et des sociologues

américains sur la créolisation des politiques scolaires, Séminaire « Jeunes Chercheurs » : Les Comparaisons nationales et internationales des politiques éducatives, RAPPE (Réseau d’analyse pluridisciplinaire des politiques éducatives), Ministry of Research, Paris, May 25.

2004 Design and Analysis: Ethnography, Complementary Methods for Research in Education

II: Meet the Authors and Reviewers (Part A), Presidential Invited Session, American Educational Research Association, San Diego, April 13 .

2004 Hanging on the Schoolyard Fence: Schooling and Childhood in Global Perspective.

Presented at a conference on Globalization, Childhood, and Children organized by Peter Stearns, George Mason University, March 21.

2003 Keeping It Simple: Minimalist Ways to Compare Classroom Lessons. Presented in the

symposium, “How Can We Compare Lessons Across Cultures? Looking for Patterns at Three Levels or More,” American Educational Research Association, Chicago, April 21.

2002 Lessons on Teaching Cultures, National and Transnational. Paper presented at the annual

meeting of the American Educational Research Association in an invited symposium organized on “Defamiliarizing Our Notions of Pedagogy and Curriculum: Getting beyond Dichotomous Notions of Inquiry and Didactic Instruction in International Comparative Studies,” New Orleans, April 5, 2002.

2001 A World Culture of Schooling? paper presented at the annual meeting of the American

Anthropological Association, Washington, D.C., November 29. 2001 How Do We Know How Reading Is Actually Taught? An Anthropologist Looks for

Practice in France, Guinea, And The United States. Paper presented in a Division C Invited Symposium at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Seattle, April 11.

Anderson-Levitt, Kathryn M., and Boubacar Bayero Diallo

2000 Teaching by the Book in Guinea: Professional Culture and State Interests, paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Anthropological Association, San Francisco, November 17.

Anderson-Levitt, Kathryn

2000 What Counts as the Mixed Method of Reading Instruction in Guinea? Fractures in “the”


Global Culture of “Modern” Schooling. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, New Orleans, April 24.

2000 The Many Dimensions of Educational “Borrowing” and “Adaptation”: A Case of Reading

Instruction in Guinea, (Presentation of my research, discussion by African and American respondents), Comparative and International Education Society, San Antonio, March 8.

1999 Entre xénophilie et xénophobie: l’ambivalence dans l’adoption d’une nouvelle méthode de

lecture [Between xenophilia and xenophobia: ambivalence in the adoption of a new method for teaching reading]. Paper presented at the colloquium, Xénophilie/xénophobie et diffusion des langues, École Normale Supérieur Fontenay/St. Cloud, France, December 17.

1999 Teaching Cultures: Insights from a Comparative Ethnography of Education. Invited

panelist on the anthropology of education at the annual meeting of the American Educational Studies Association, Detroit, October 28.

Anderson-Levitt, Kathryn, and Ntal-I’Mbirwa Alimasi

1999 Competing Criteria of Good Reading Instruction: Ministry, Donors and Teachers in the Republic of Guinea. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Comparative and International Studies Association, Toronto, April 17.

Bloch, Marianne, Kathryn Anderson-Levitt, and Aminata Maiga Soumaré

1998 Classrooms, Community and Gender in Guinea, presented in the symposium “Women and Education in Sub-Saharan Africa,” American Educational Research Association, San Diego, April 13, 1998.

Bloch, Marianne, Kathryn Anderson-Levitt, and Aminata Maiga Soumaré

1996 The Good News from Guinea, presentation in a panel on “School Effectiveness in Developing Countries,” annual meeting of the Comparative and International Education Society, March 9.

Anderson-Levitt, Kathryn M., Marianne Bloch, and Aminata Maiga Soumaré

1995 Inside Classrooms in Guinea: Girls Within the System of Interaction, annual meeting of the Comparative and International Education Society, Boston, March 30.

Anderson-Levitt, Kathryn M., and Karen Duhart

1994 The Unripe Child: Cultural Construction of a “Natural” Concept, paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Anthropological Association, Atlanta, December 1.

Anderson-Levitt, Kathryn M.

1993 Global Trends in the Cultural Construction of Childhood, paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Anthropological Association, Washington, D.C., November 21.

1993 Classrooms “Behind the Times”: Modern Ideals in the Genesis of Teaching Cultures,

paper presented at the Midwest Regional Meeting of the Comparative and International Education Society, Michigan State University, East Lansing, October 30.


1993 Behind Schedule: Batch Produced Children in French and U.S. Classrooms, paper

presented at the 13th International Congress of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences, Mexico City, July 30.

1990 What’s French about French Teachers’ Views of the Classroom?, paper presented at

annual meeting of American Anthropological Association, New Orleans, November 30. ERIC Document 340 706.

1989 Memory and Ideals in French Classrooms, paper presented at annual meeting of American

Anthropological Association, Washington, D.C., November 16. ERIC Document 347 127. Reed-Danahay, Deborah, and Kathryn M. Anderson-Levitt

1988 “Backward” Peasants and “Unstable” Workers: Teacher Images of Families in Rural and Urban France, paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Anthropological Association, Phoenix, November 18.

Anderson-Levitt, Kathryn M.

1987 School and Home as “Us” and “Them” in Urban France, paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Anthropological Association, Chicago, November 19.

1987 Cultural Knowledge for Teaching in France: The Rhythm of the School Year, paper

presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Washington, D. C., April 20.

1986 Acquiring a Cultural Model of Mental Retardation, paper presented at the annual meeting

of the American Anthropological Association, Philadelphia, December 4. 1984 Strategies for Persuasion in a Group of Retarded Adults, paper presented at the annual

meeting of the American Anthropological Association, Denver, November 16. 1983 French Schoolteachers’ Model of the Six-Year-Old, paper presented in the symposium on

Folk Theories of Childhood, annual meeting of the American Anthropological Association, Chicago, November 17.

Anderson-Levitt, Kathryn M., and Alma Hertweck

1982 Teachers’ Interpretations of Students’ Behaviors in French and American Classrooms, paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, New York, April. ERIC Document 220 541.

Anderson-Levitt, Kathryn M.

1982 What Counts as Success? Isolated Classroom Incidents and the Construction of a Student’s Career, paper presented at the Third Annual Ethnography in Education Research Forum, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, February.


1981 Memory and Talk in Teachers’ Interpretations of Student Behavior, paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Los Angeles, April.

1980 The Meaning of ‘Searching’ in a French First Grade, paper presented at the annual

meeting of the American Anthropological Association, Washington, D. C., December 6. ERIC Document 202 241.

1979 Identifying What Counts as Success in a French First Grade, paper presented at the

California Educational Research Association, San Diego, November 11. 1979 More Than Meets the Eye: Making Sense of Classroom Behavior in France, paper

presented at the Southwest Anthropological Association, March 29.

Symposia and Panels Organized 2013 “Anthropologists Complicate the Culture Concept: National, Global and

Radically Local in Comparative Studies of Education,” annual meeting of the Comparative and International Education Society, New Orleans, March 14.

2011 “Anthropologies of Education across Language Barriers,” an Invited Session of

the Council on Anthropology and Education at the annual meeting of the American Anthropological Association, Montreal, November 17.

2009 “Worlds of Learning: Anthropologies of Education Beyond the English Language

Zone,” an Invited Session of the Council on Anthropology and Education at the annual meeting of the American Anthropological Association, Philadelphia, December 6.

2007 “Anthropologies and Ethnographies of Education Worldwide,” a symposium at

the American Educational Research Association, Chicago, April 9. 2003 “No Child Left Behind? Lessons from Chicago School Reform,” Invited Public

Policy Forum at the annual meeting of the American Anthropological Association, Chicago, November 20.

2003 Council on Anthropology and Education Roundtables and Reception, annual

meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Chicago, April 23. 2001 “Transnational Education: Borrowing and Transforming Culture,” a symposium

at the annual meeting of the American Anthropological Association, Washington, D.C., November 29.

2001 “Getting Published: Journal Editors Spell Out Tacit Rules,” a workshop

sponsored by AERA’s Professional Development and Training Committee, annual meeting, American Educational Research Association, Seattle, April 12.


2000 “Getting Published: Journal Editors Spell Out Tacit Rules,” workshop sponsored by AERA’s Professional Development and Training Committee, annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, New Orleans, April 25.

1992 “Bridging the International Gap: The Social Context of Educational Research

Outside the U.S.,” panel at annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Francisco, April 24.

1990 “Visual Images of Schooling Around the World, I and II,” panels at annual

meeting of the American Anthropological Association, New Orleans, November 29 and November 30.

1989 “Sources of Teaching Culture in Comparative Perspective,” symposium at annual

meeting of the American Anthropological Association, Washington, D. C., November 16.

1989 “Students’, Parents’ and Teachers’ Views of Schooling in Cross-Cultural

Perspective,” panel at annual meeting of American Anthropological Association, Washington, D. C., November 17.

1988 “Cross-Cultural Perspectives on Formal Education,” panel at annual meeting of

the American Anthropological Association, Phoenix, November 19 (with Deborah Reed-Danahay).

1987 “‘Worlds Apart’: Images of Teachers and Pupils in European Schools,” Invited

Symposium of the Council on Anthropology and Education and the Society for the Anthropology of Europe, annual meeting of the American Anthropological Association, Chicago, November 19 (with Deborah Reed-Danahay).

1983 “Folk Theories of Childhood: The Impact of Cultural Notions on Adult-Child

Interaction,” symposium sponsored by the Society for Psychological Anthropology, American Anthropological Association, Chicago, November 17.

1981 “How Teachers Make Decisions,” Invited Symposium of Division C, Section 3,

annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Los Angeles, April l4.


2012 Panelist, Rethinking Context and Theory in Ethnographic Research Design,

Workshop organized by Peter W Demerath and Lesley Bartlett, American Anthropological Association, San Francisco, November 16, 2013.

2012 Ethnography and the Research Agenda for Studying Globalization and

Education, a Webinar featuring Kathryn Anderson-Levitt (UCLA, United States), Susan Robertson (University of Bristol), and Stephen Carney (Roskilde


University), organized by Noah Sobe for the Comparative and International Education Society Globalization and Education Special Interest Group and the Center for Comparative Education at Loyola University Chicago. January 31, 17:00 GMT.

2011 Guest speaker, Judith Green’s graduate course ED 221D, Classroom

Ethnography, University of California Santa Barbara, November 7 (via Skype). 2011 Discussant, Globalization & Education SIG Highlighted Session: Theorizing

Global Citizenship, annual meeting of the Comparative and International Education Society, Montreal, May 5.

2011 Discussant, symposium, The Local/Global Reform of Teaching and Teacher

Education organized by Lynn Paine, annual meeting of the Comparative and International Education Society, Montreal, May 2.

2011 Participant, On the Future of Assessment in Education: A mini-conference,

convened by Hervé Varenne. Teachers College, Columbia, New York, April 11. 2011 How to Think about Culture When Studying Teachers Cross-Nationally. Meet the

author presentation to Teacher Education 923: Comparative Perspectives on Teaching, Curriculum and Teacher Education (Lynn Paine, instructor), Michigan State University, March 16 (via Skype).

2011 World Anthropologies of Education, lecture, and participation in the panel “What

Is the Unique Contribution of Ethnographic Research to the Understanding of Educational Practice and to Its Advancement?” at the seminar Ethnography and Educational Practice: Relations, Contents and Methodology, the Mofet Institute, Tel Aviv, February 9.

2011 The Global Flow of Educational Reforms and Local Responses. Lecture,

Qualitative Research Interest Group, the Mofet Institute, Tel Aviv, February 8. 2010 Global Movement of Educational Reforms and the Tensions between

Convergence and Divergence. Séminaire scientifique internationale, “Les transformations des États éducateurs en Europe. Les échelles d’analyse des politiques éducatives,” Sciences Po (Institut d’Études Politiques de Paris), December 9.

2010 Les anthropologies de l’éducation à travers le monde social et universitaire

[Anthropologies of Education across the Social and Academic World]. Seminar “Sociologie de l’éducation et de la formation” de l’Association française de sociologie, December 7.

2010 L’utilisation des vidéos dans l’analyse comparative des pratiques enseignantes

[The Use of Video in the Comparative Analysis of Teaching Practices]. Équipe


ESCOL (École-Scolarisation), University of Paris-8, Saint Denis, France, December 3.

2010 La forme scolaire est-elle universelle ? Les enjeux des variations et de l’uniformité

mondiale [Is the Form of Schooling Universal? What Matters in Global Variation and Uniformity]. Doctoral student seminar “Actualités de la sociologie,” Sciences Po (Institut d’Études Politiques de Paris), December 2.

2010 Undiscovered Countries: Domains of Research within the Anthropology of

Education and the Ethnography of Education. Open lecture, Danish School of Education, Aarhus University, Copenhagen, November 29.

2010 Panelist, Worlds of Educational Anthropology: Transnationalizing Scholarship.

Research workshop, Danish School of Education, Aarhus University, Copenhagen, November 26.

2010 Educational Anthropology, State of the Art. Seminar for doctoral and post-

doctoral scholars, Dr. Prof. Christoph Wulf, Free University of Berlin, November 23.

2010 Discussant for presentations by Jenny Ozga and Martin Lawn, Séminaire

scientifique internationale, “Les transformations des États éducateurs en Europe. Les échelles d’analyse des politiques éducatives,” Sciences Po (Institut Institut d’Études Politiques de Paris), November 18.

2010 Les anthropologies de l’éducation à travers le monde [Anthropologies of

Education around the World], Seminar for CERLIS (CNRS Laboratoire: Centre de Recherche sur les Liens Sociaux), University of Paris 5-Descartes, Paris, November 8.

2010 Homebodies and Travelers: The Distribution of Two Kinds of Anthropologists

of Education, panel on Anthropology in/and Comparative Education: Perspectives on a Discipline-Field Relationship, organized by Bradley Levinson, annual meeting of the Comparative and International Education Society, Chicago, March 4.

2009 Undiscovered Countries: Domains of research within the anthropology of

education and the ethnography of education, Journée d’études autour de l’anthropologie de l’éducation, Département de sciences politiques, sociales et de communication, Facultés universitaires catholiques de Mons, Belgium, May 8.

2009 Anthropologies of education – a voyage of discovery, presentation to Groupe

Interfacultaire de recherche sur les systèmes d’éducation et de formation (GIRSEF) and Laboratoire d’anthropologie prospective, Université Catholique de Louvain, Belgium, May 6.


2009 Discussant, Adapting and Using U.S. Measures of Mathematical Knowledge for Teaching in Other Countries. Annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Diego, CA, April 14.

2009 Discussant, Kneller Lecture and Roundtable: Schriewer in Focus - The Theory

Debate in Globalization. Annual meeting of the Comparative and International Education Society, Charleston, SC, March 24.

2005 A Metropolitan University in the Making: Opening Our Eyes to Metropolitan

Detroit in the College of Arts, Sciences, and Letters. Annual conference of the Coalition of Urban & Metropolitan Universities, Torrance, CA, October 3.

2005 (with Martha Adler). Challenges Presented When Preparing Future Teachers

Who Represent Student Diversity in K-12 Classrooms. In the session “Point-Counterpoint: University Administrators and Junior Faculty Perspectives on the Challenges of Multicultural Teacher Education.” American Educational Research Association, Montreal, April 14.

2005 Presidential Invited Session on Complementary Research Methods in Education:

Meet the Authors and Reviewers. American Educational Research Association, Montreal, April 12.

2004 Presidential Invited Session on Complementary Research Methods in Education:

Meet the Authors and Reviewers. American Educational Research Association, San Diego, April 13.

2004 Design and Analysis: Ethnography, Complementary Methods for Research in

Education II: Meet the Authors and Reviewers (Part A), Presidential Invited Session, American Educational Research Association, San Diego, April 13 .

2003 Meet the author presentation to graduate Comparative Education course at

Indiana University (Bradley Levinson, instructor) via teleconference, May 29.

2003 What We Can Learn from Comparative Research on Teachers, Michigan State University Department of Teacher Education, March 19.

2002 Meet the author presentation to Teacher Education 923: Comparative

Perspectives on Teaching, Curriculum and Teacher Education (Lynn Paine, instructor), Michigan State University, October 23.

2002 Comparing Reading Lessons across Nations, or How to Balance Ethnographic

Information and Comparison. presentation at the International Seminar “Qualitative Classroom Research: What in the World Happens in Classrooms?” Antonia Candela, Elsie Rockwell, and César Coll, organizers, Mexico, May 27-31.


2001 Une culture scolaire mondiale? Un ethnographe répond à la théorie sociologique d’une ‘world culture’ dans le domaine de l’éducation. Presentation and discussion at a workshop on the ethnography of the school, University of Geneva, Switzerland, March 30-31.

2001 Panelist, On Getting Research Published, Spencer Foundation Spring Forum of

2000 Dissertation Fellows, Seattle. 2000 A global culture of schooling? Presentation to research seminar, Graduate School

of Education, University of California Santa Barbara, May 26. 2000 Panelist, Spencer Foundation Advanced Institute on Anthropology and

Education, San Francisco, November 19-20. 2000 Getting published. Presentation to the Association of Graduate Students in

Education, University of California Santa Barbara, May 25. 1999 Les idéaux pédagogiques, embrassés volontiers ou imposés? Le cas de

l’apprentissage de la lecture en Guinée. Invited talk, classe de DESS (Masters’ students), sciences de l’éducation, la Sorbonne, Paris, December 16.

1999 Discussant, symposium on “The Ethnography of Educational Policy: Moments

of Formation, Moments of Negotiation.” Annual meeting of the American Anthropological Association, Chicago, November 19.

1999 How to publish in the AEQ. Annual meeting of the American Anthropological

Association, Chicago, November 20. 1999 A global culture of schooling? How “Western” ideas move to Guinea. Provost’s

Roundtable, University of Michigan-Dearborn, September 29. 1999 Interviewer/discussant, When Teachers Share More Responsibility for Their Own

Professional Development: Diverse Voices from an Innovative Experience in Guinea. Panel organized by John Schwille and Martial Dembélé, presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Montréal, April 22.

1998 Les grands axes théoriques de l’anthropologie de l’éducation, et L’ethnographie de

l’éducation—une philosophie de recherche, series of three lectures to the sociology students, University of Conakry, November 10-12.

1998 Les revues scientifiques, two-day workshop for about 50 representatives of all the

institutes of higher education and research in Guinea on editing refereed journals and on publishing in international journals, INRAP, Conakry, Guinea, June 13-14.

1997 Editors’ Roundtable, American Educational Research Association, March 27.


1997 Invited Speaker, University of Michigan-Dearborn Honors Convocation, March

21. 1996 The unripe child: Concepts of “immaturity” in anthropological perspective,

Provost’s Roundtable presentation, UM-Dearborn, October 8. 1996 Facilitator, “The cultural production of the educated European,” Society for the

Anthropology of Europe luncheon roundtable, at the annual meeting of the American Anthropological Association, San Francisco, November 21.

1996 Panelist, “Demystifying Academic Publishing,” American Educational Research

Association, April 9. 1995 Invited speaker, annual Susan B. Anthony luncheon, University of Michigan-

Dearborn, February 7. 1994 Forms of Schooling: France vs. Guinea, panel on Visual Images of schooling,

American Anthropological Association, Atlanta, November 30. 1989 Civilizing parents: The unending mission of French schools, colloquium

presented to Michigan State University Institute for Research on Teaching, May 11.

1989 Anthropologists look at schooling through other lenses, colloquium given at

University of Michigan-Ann Arbor School of Education, January 13. 1989 Les approches de l’anthropologie de l’éducation aux États-Unis, presentation to

Groupe de Sociologie de l’Éducation, Université de Paris-V, April 28. 1988 Informal presentation to the Psychology Department, Université François

Rabelais, Tours, France, June 22. 1988 Un regard ethnologique sur les représentations des maîtres, presentation to

Sociology of Education team at Université de Lyon-II, May 24. 1987 Line staff as common-sense counselors, Michigan Rehabilitation Conference,

Flint, October 21. 1987 Putting cultural differences in context, Seminar on Michigan Business and the

International Arena, University of Michigan-Dearborn, Detroit Consular Corps. 1986 The American weekend: Cultural rhythms revealed by life in a group home,

presentation to UM–Dearborn Honors Program, with Shari McNeese.


1986–89 Ethnographic research in modern organizations, presentations to Business 580, Workshop in Qualitative Research Methods, Madonna College.

1984 Teachers’ cognitive models of classroom interaction, invited participation in a

working conference on “Learning to Teach: Acquiring the Knowledge Base of Classroom Practice,” Research and Development Center for Teacher Education, University of Texas at Austin, July 12.

1980 Panel discussant on “Combining micro and macro approaches in the

ethnographic study of language and cognition,” annual meeting of the American Anthropological Association, Washington, D. C., December 5.

Academic Consulting

1994 Consultant on the French educational system for a project on comparative

university-entrance procedures, Harold Stevenson, Principal Investigator, University of Michigan–Ann Arbor Center for Human Growth and Development, March.

1989 Consultant on ethnographic method, Emergent Writing Project, Elizabeth Sulzby,

principal investigator, University of Michigan–Ann Arbor, February. 1986 Consultant, Project on Teaching Writing through Ethnography, Detroit Public

Schools and University of Michigan–Ann Arbor School of Education, David Bloome, principal investigator.


American Anthropological Association Society for Psychological Anthropology Society for the Anthropology of Europe

Council for Anthropology and Education American Educational Research Association International Reading Association

- - -Servi ce - - - Administrative Training (selected)

2010 Intergroup Dialogue National Institute, University of Michigan–Ann Arbor, June

16–19. Preparation to bring Intergroup Dialogue on race to UM–Dearborn. 2006 American Democracy Project of the American Association of State Colleges and

Universities (AASCU), annual meeting, Snowbird, Utah, June 15–17.

International and National Professional Service

Member of the Editorial Boards of Éducation et Sociétés: Revue internationale de sociologie de l’éducation, 1999 to present, Ethos: Journal of the Society of Psychological Anthropology, 1987 to present, Reading


Research Quarterly 2006–2010, Anthropology and Education Quarterly 2001–2008 and 1993–94; Educational Researcher, 2000–2003, The Elementary School Journal, 1991–2009. Referee for Globalisation, Societies and Education, Qualitative Research, Comparative Education Review, Studies in Philosophy and Education, Educational Researcher, American Ethnologist, American Anthropologist, Anthropology and Education Quarterly, Ethos, Elementary School Journal, Linguistics and Education, Curriculum Inquiry, SUNY Press, American Educational Research Association, Council on Anthropology and Education, National Science Foundation, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, Fonds National de Recherche Scientifique (Belgium). Reviews of cases for promotion to associate professor and full professor, Teachers College, Michigan State University, OISE at University of Toronto, University of South Carolina, University of Delaware, University of North Texas, University of Kentucky, University of Utah, Queens College CUNY, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Indiana University, University of Cincinnati, Eckerdt College, University of Virginia, University of Colorado at Denver. 2013 Member, Ad hoc committee (with Marjorie Orellana and Ted Hamann) to draft a

document on C-3 standards for Anthropology on behalf of the American Anthropological Association for presentation, alongside APA and ASA, at the National Council on Social Studies in November 2013.

2012 Member, Bereday Award Committee, Comparative and International Education

Society. 2010–13 Member, American Anthropological Association Resource Development

Committee. 2009–10 Member, American Anthropological Association Annual Campaign Committee. 2008 Chair, AERA’s Division G 2009 Lifetime Service Award Committee. 2008 Outstanding reviewer citation for Review of Educational Research. 2006 Expert reviewer of proposal for France’s National Agency of Research (Agence

Nationale de Recherche, ANR), 2006, ANR Thematic Program, “Research Tools and Corpus in the Humanities and Social Science.”

2006 Chair, AERA Outstanding Book Award Committee 2005 Member, AERA Outstanding Book Award Committee 2004–2006 President, Council on Anthropology and Education, American Anthropological

Association. 2002–2004 President-Elect and Program Chair, Council on Anthropology and Education.


2004 External reviewer, Comparative and International Education Program, Pennsylvania State University.

1993–2001 Member of the Board of the Council on Anthropology and Education. Elected

Member-at-Large in 1993; Assistant Program Chair for 1994; serving ex officio as Editor of the Anthropology and Education Quarterly, 1995-2001.

1991–1992 Program Chair for Division G (Social Context of Education), American

Educational Research Association. Reviewed and selected 56 symposia and volunteered paper sessions.

1991–92 Reviewer, Field-Initiated Studies Grants, Office for Educational Research and

Improvement, U.S. Department of Education. 1987–1990 Chair, Committee on Transnational Issues in Education and Change, and

Member of the Board, Council on Anthropology and Education. 1986–87 Treasurer, Society for Psychological Anthropology. 1984–87 Secretary, Corresponding Editor for Anthropology Newsletter, and Member of the

Board, Society for Psychological Anthropology.

University Service (selected)

2013 Panelist, Penny Kanner Next Generation Fellowship Manuscript Workshop, UCLA Women’s Studies Department, to review Assistant Professor Leisy Abrego’s book manuscript, Forced Apart: Gender and U.S. Immigration Laws in Salvadoran Transnational Families, April 5, 2013

2002–2003 Agenda for Women subcommittee on Academic Climate Study. 2001–2002 Chair, Global/Diversity Advisory Group for College of Arts, Sciences and Letters

Executive Committee (task force to explore diversity requirement). 2001 Facilitator, How to Write for Publication: An Insider’s View, workshop for junior

faculty sponsored by UM–Dearborn Provost’s Office, February 2. 2000–2001 Elected member at large, College of Arts, Sciences and Letters Executive

Committee. Resigned when appointed Associate Dean. 1999–2001 Chair, Agenda for Women committee. 1999–2001 Anthropology advisor and discipline representative to Department of Behavioral

Sciences Executive Committee. 1999 Member, CASL Dean Search Committee.


1998 & 1997 Facilitator, How to Write for Publication: An Insider’s View, workshop for junior

faculty sponsored by UM–Dearborn Provost’s Office. 1995–1998 Member, Advisory Board, UM–Dearborn Child Development Center. 1995–1998 Member, UM–Dearborn Graduate Board (elected position). 1994 Consultant to Diversity Volunteers Committee. 1994–1995 Co-chair of an ad hoc group to promote an Agenda for Women for the UM–

Dearborn campus (with Sheryl Pearson). 1993–1994 Member of the Board, UM–Dearborn Women’s Commission. 1992–1993 Co-chair of Focus Group on Adjunct Faculty, AAUW Campus Initiative on

Equity and co-author of the Focus Group’s report (with Valerie Murphy) 1992–2000 Faculty advisor to Anthropology Club. 1991–94 Member, College Academic Standards Committee. 1991–93 Co-organization of Department of Behavioral Sciences brown-bag talks. 1991–1996 Anthropology and Geography discipline representative, Department of

Behavioral Sciences Executive Committee. Coordinate discipline course schedule, hiring of adjunct faculty, discipline self-review, liaison with department.

1990–2011 Women’s Studies Faculty Committee. 1990–1992 Member, Divisional Board III, University of Michigan Rackham Program for

Support of Faculty Creative Endeavors. 1986–1988 Member of the Advisory Board, University of Michigan–Dearborn Child

Development Center. 1985–1988 Member, Campus Grants Committee. Community Service (selected)

2003–2006 Member of the Board of Directors, Nadanta (Indian Dance and Culture

organization). 1999 Interviewed on marriage, religion and history since 3000 BC on the John Arnold

Show, syndicated to Detroit (WCHB-AM), Baltimore, Washington D.C., and Montgomery, October 8.


1999 Interviewed on the origins of war and social class on the John Arnold Show,

syndicated to Detroit (WCHB-AM), Baltimore, Washington D.C., and Montgomery, September 28.

1997 Interviewed for Black History Month on the John Arnold Show, WCHB-AM,

February 3 and 8. 1996 Advised John Arnold of WCHB-AM talk radio in planning a month-long look at

the history of humankind for Black History Month; interviewed twice on the John Arnold Show, January-February.

1991 Guest commentator, “Home for the Holidays” Telethon, Dearborn/Dearborn

Heights Facilities and Services for the Retarded, November 22. 1982 Panel discussant on “Los Angeles: Ellis Island of the Pacific,” Commitment,

KNXT-Channel 2, Los Angeles, February.