Karine bosch caching-spsbe14

Post on 13-May-2015

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You can build very attractive sites but if your pages don't render within the second, you will be out of visitors in no time. Highly performing SharePoint sites can be a true challenge.In this session I will explain how the different caching mechanism can highly improve the performance of your SharePoint Publishing site.

Transcript of Karine bosch caching-spsbe14

Karine BoschSharePoint MVP

Boosting Performance on Publishing sites



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About me

• SharePoint MVP since 2008

• Technical assistent of Patrick Tisseghem till September 2008

• Developer of the U2U CAML Builder

• Technical Lead SharePoint Competence Center @ ING

• Blog: http://karinebosch.wordpress.com

• Twitter: kbosie


• Introduction

• Caching data

• Techniques to reduce the page load

• Tools to measure performance


• Data is stored in SQL Server database

• User requests require data

• No caching limits scalability

• SharePoint caches run on the WFE(s)

• Caches maintain copies of data locally on WFE

• User requests are served from cache on WFE

No Caching


2. SQL Get Data

3. Data Returned

4. HTTP Response

Types of Caching

• Caching data

• BLOB Cache => caches files stored in the content database

• IIS Cache => caches files stored in the _layouts folder

• Output Cache => caches .aspx pages

• Object Cache => caches data objects

• Require addintional system resources

BLOB Cache

• BLOB = Binary Large Object

• BLOB cache is configured on Web Application level in web.config

• BLOB cache stores files from content database on a local directory of each WFE

• Images, CSS files, JavaScript files

• Second request serves file from disk

• Tradeoff:

• Extra roundtrips to SQL Server to fetch file

• Cache Invalidation

BLOB Cache

• BLOB Cache is highly optimized to serve anonymous requests

• Images and SiteCollectionImages library have AllowEveryoneViewItems property set to True.

• No SQL Server roundtrip to check user ACLs

• Adds cache control headers to HTTP Responses to save file in user’s browser cache

BLOB Cache

• BLOB Caching is useful when

• Resources are frequently accessed

• Rich media is used (videos, etc)

• BLOB Caching is less useful when

• Resources are not frequently accessed

• Files are modified frequently

Configuring BLOB Cache

• BLOB Cache is configured in web.config of WFE

• Local directory on WFE

• Files with specific extensions

• List of extensions can be configured

• Size limit

<BlobCache location="C:\blobCache" path="\.(gif|jpg|png|css|js)$" maxSize="10" max-age="86400"



BLOB Cache

IIS Cache

• Files stored in _layouts/images folder of WFE

• Files are cached on local browser cache

• Default invalidation period: 365 days


IIS Caching

Output Cache

• SharePoint Server uses ASP.NET output cache

• In-memory cache that stores rendered ASPX pages per ASP.NET application

• Reduces CPU load and SQL Server roundtrips

• In SharePoint Server only Publishing pages can be cached

• Publishing Feature fetches page layout and then content of the page

• Configured per site collection

• Output Cache is highly optimized for anonymous access

• Memory requirements:

• (2 x page size) + 32 KB of memory per rendered copy of a page

Output Cache Profiles

• Configuration of Cache profiles

• Specify the different variants of a page that can be stored in cache

• Vary By

• Default cache profiles

• Organaized by

• user access rights

• Browser type

Configuring Output Cache

• Following features must be enabled:

• Publishing Infrastructure site collection feature

• Publishing site feature

• Site collection settings

> Site collection output cache

• Enable output cache check box

Configuring Cache Profiles

• Cache Profiles specify the different variants of a page that can be stored in cache

• Site collection settings > Site collection cache profiles

• Fields that can be configured

• Enabled

• Duration

• Check for Changes

• Vary By Parameter

• Perform ACL check

• …


Output Cache

Object Cache

• Stores data objects in-memory on WFEs

• Publishing features must be activated

• Some SharePoint artifacts use object cache mechanism by design:

• Cross-list Query Cache

• Content By Query Web Part

• PortalSiteMapProvider API

• Search Query Box

• Metadata navigation

• HttpRuntime.Cache

Object Cache

• Data is cached based on user rights

• PortalSuperUserAccount

• PortalSuperReaderAccount

• Cache invalidation

• Size: allocate 500KB RAM per site collection

Configuring Object Cache

• Set up Portal Super Accounts

• Site collection settings > Site collection object cache

• Tuning options

• Max size

• Flushing

• Cache Invalidation

$wa = Get-SPWebApplication -Identity "<WebApplication>"$wa.Properties["portalsuperuseraccount"] = "<SuperUser>"$wa.Properties["portalsuperreaderaccount"] = "<SuperReader>"$wa.Update()

HttpRuntime.Cache Code Sample

• ASP.NET cache class

• Cache key

• Lock before retrieving data from database

• Insert object(s) in cache for a certain period of time

string cacheKey = "BeersOfTheWeek";List<Beer> beerList = null;

// check the cacheobject o = HttpRuntime.Cache.Get(cacheKey);

if (o == null){ object lockHandle = new object(); lock (lockHandle) { // check again if cache is not filled again o = HttpRuntime.Cache.Get(cacheKey); if (o == null) { beerList = RetrieveWithQuery(); if (beerList != null) { // add the list to the cache HttpRuntime.Cache.Insert(cacheKey, beerList, null, DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(15.0), TimeSpan.Zero); } } else

beerList = (List<Beer>)o; }}else beerList = (List<Beer>)o;


Object Caching


• Tools to measure performance and page load

• Firebug

• Yslow

• Developer Dashboard

• SPMonitoredScope

Developer Dashboard

• Disabled by default

• Can be enabled via

• Object Model

• Stsadm

• PowerShell

• Display levels

• On

• Off

• On Demand


• Included for web parts

• Not included for custom controls

using (SPMonitoredScope breweryBannerScope = new SPMonitoredScope(“Brewery Banner control”)

{ // your code goes here}


Developer Dashboard and SPMonitoredScope

Reduce the Page Load

• Suppress JavaScript files and CSS files that are not used in anonymous mode

• Minimize JavaScript files

• Sprites

• Images



• Improve performance using caching mechanisms:

• BLOB cache => files in document libraries

• IIS cache => files in _layouts folder

• Output cache => publishing pages

• Object cache => data objects

• Caching takes place on:

• Web front ends

• Client browser

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