KARIM "Think Innovative, Grow Responsible" - Conférence-débat

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KARIM – Boosting the competitiveness of innovative SMEs in Europe - 2 October 2014, Brussels Manage for today, lead for tomorrow – the success of every SME is built on this premise. Yet today’s economic context coupled with growing global competition has made it all the more challenging for Europe’s SMEs to survive let alone thrive. That’s why the support network developed by KARIM, an EU initiative set up in North West Europe, has been so instrumental. The KARIM Conference taking place on 2 October 2014 is inviting innovation enthusiasts and practitioners to come along for fresh insights into ‘Responsible Innovation’, a new philosophy that the EU is firmly supporting. Perspective(s) on Responsible Innovation Set up to assist SMEs in North West Europe, KARIM has made a significant breakthrough in the innovation landscape by considering ‘responsibility’ from the perspective of those behind it - entrepreneurs and researchers. Its new guidance book, ‘Responsible Innovation in the context of the KARIM project’, proves there is competitive advantage by innovating using new technology from universities in a way, which considers the impact of innovation on society, groups within it and the environment. Such is the evidence that the EU has invested in KARIM to encourage wider adoption of responsible innovation.

Transcript of KARIM "Think Innovative, Grow Responsible" - Conférence-débat

Conference & Debate

2 October 2014 - Brussels, Belgium



1 2www.karimnetwork.com#RespInnov

Welcome note Dear attendees,


Today, we will be sharing the results of a three-year long European cooperation and paving with you the way forward to responsible innovation.

KARIM runs under Interreg IVB North West Europe Programme, a major cohesion policy instrument. North West Europe has a huge potential IRU� LQQRYDWLRQ�DQG�VXVWDLQDEOH�JURZWK��:H�DUH�QRW�EHQH¿WLQJ�IURP�this potential at full extent. As KARIM’s partners, we truly believe that cooperation is a promising way to address related challenges and that joining forces will increase the attractiveness of North West Europe.


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:H�DUH�ORRNLQJ�IRUZDUG�WR�D�IUXLWIXO�H[SHULHQFH�VKDULQJ�WRGD\�WKDW�FRXOG�lead us to new innovative partnerships tomorrow.

by Sabine Enjalbert CEO, Paris Region Entreprises

What is KARIM?

Manage for today, lead for tomorrow – the success of every SME is built on this premise. Yet today’s economic context coupled with growing global competition has made it all the more challenging for Europe’s 60(V�WR�VXUYLYH�OHW�DORQH�WKULYH��7KDW¶V�ZK\�WKH�VXSSRUW�QHWZRUN�GHYHORSHG�E\�.$5,0��WKH�(XURSHDQ�1HWZRUN�IRU�5HVSRQVLEOH�,QQRYDWLRQ�DQG�7HFKQRORJ\�7UDQVIHU���DQ�(8�LQLWLDWLYH�VHW�XS�LQ�1RUWK�:HVW�(XURSH��has been so instrumental. Perspective(s) on Responsible Innovation6HW�XS�WR�DVVLVW�60(V�LQ�1RUWK�:HVW�(XURSH��.$5,0�KDV�PDGH�D�VLJQL¿FDQW�EUHDNWKURXJK�LQ�WKH�LQQRYDWLRQ�landscape by considering ‘responsibility’ from the perspective of those behind it - entrepreneurs and UHVHDUFKHUV��,WV�QHZ�JXLGDQFH�ERRN��µ5HVSRQVLEOH�,QQRYDWLRQ�LQ�WKH�FRQWH[W�RI�WKH�.$5,0�SURMHFW¶��SURYHV�there is competitive advantage by innovating using new technology from universities in a way, which considers the impact of innovation on society, groups within it and the environment. Such is the evidence WKDW�WKH�(8�KDV�LQYHVWHG�LQ�.$5,0�WR�HQFRXUDJH�ZLGHU�DGRSWLRQ�RI�UHVSRQVLEOH�LQQRYDWLRQ��


Background informationabout the KARIM project

3 4www.karimnetwork.com#RespInnov

The project has aimed at four areas of activity:

1.Knowledge base&RPSOHPHQWLQJ�WKH�JXLGDQFH�RQ�UHVSRQVLEOH�LQQRYDWLRQ��WKH�SURMHFW�KDV�FRQGXFWHG�WUDQVQDWLRQDO�UHVHDUFK�WR�DQVZHU�D�VHULHV�RI�TXHVWLRQV�UHODWHG�WR�60(��ODEV�LQWHUQDWLRQDO�FRRSHUDWLRQ��+RZ�GR�60(V�EXLOG�FRRSHUDWLRQ�LQ�.$5,0�UHJLRQV"�+RZ�GR�WKH\�SUHSDUH�WR�JR�LQWHUQDWLRQDO"�:KDW�LV�the available support in their jurisdictions? What is the role of spinoff in technology transfer in the several KARIM regions and their experiences in the technology transfer from academia to industry?

The resulting studies deliver a detailed picture of the national and regional policies and innovation systems that frame the emergence and operation of spinoff companies, and report on the experience lived by innovative SMEs in different European locations.

2.Capacity buildingIn just over two years, KARIM has proven the value of transnational cooperation between academia and innovation support organisations to foster cross border partnerships between labs and SMEs.

.$5,0�LV�SLORWLQJ�EOHQGHG�OHDUQLQJ��D�PL[WXUH�RI�RQOLQH�DQG�RIÀLQH�WUDLQLQJ�RQ�HQWUHSUHQHXUVKLS��(XURSHDQ�FRRSHUDWLRQ��DQG�UHVSRQVLEOH�LQQRYDWLRQ��,W�WDNHV�WKH�best practice from year one and trains a larger number of people across different countries.

Responsible innovation is being integrated into teaching from undergraduate to PDVWHU�GHJUHH�OHYHO��6R�IDU��RYHU�������VWXGHQWV�KDYH�EHQH¿WHG�IURP�.$5,0�VXSSRUW��

3.SME supportKARIM provides transnational support to SMEs in order to enhance their involvement in European cooperation.




KARIM has reached out to SMEs and innovation actors mainly through online channels VXFK�DV�/LQNHG,Q�DQG�7ZLWWHU��SURYLGLQJ�VR�D�URRP�IRU�GLDORJXH��LQIRUPDWLRQ�VKDULQJ��awareness raising on relevant policies, sustainable innovation and tenders, and supporting WKH�OLQNDJH�EHWZHHQ�60(V��ODERUDWRULHV�DQG�GHYHORSPHQW�DJHQFLHV�



For more information about KARIM activities: www.karimnetwork.com

� 6www.karimnetwork.com#RespInnov

‘They’ talk about the KARIM network

KARIM reinforced the foundations of a European network dedicated to developing the concept of responsible innovation. The project’s major strength resided in its ability to act as a bridge between academic research and the need of industry for an increased focus on the practical applicability of the responsible innovation concept. This was demonstrated through the publication of a guiding docu-ment aimed at providing SME with the necessary tools and practices for implementing a responsible innovation strategy.

Prof. Xavier Pavie - ESSEC Business School

The Karim networking events allowed us to learn more about the technical capability of the Research providers within the project. This lead to a number of collaborative R&D projects with both University College Dublin and the Lancaster Environmental Centre (LEC). The opening of a UK office at the LEC was a direct outcome of both KARIM and these R&D projects.

Mark Bowkett - T.E. Laboratories

One of the major outputs of the KARIM project was an Innovation Network Typology focusing on informal ad-hoc network functionalities of innovative SMEs. Even though SMEs are regularly using formal networks such as industry clusters and associations or chambers of commerce, without their informal networking activities in many cases innovation would not happen. Thus, regional developers who want to create effective services and instruments for their SMEs need to know about the structures and charac-teristics of those informal innovation networks.

Frank Bau - HTW Chur

KARIM has enabled SMEs to again access to knowledge, technology and expertise not just through their local university but through the wider transnational network across NW Europe. The KARIM network has helped SMEs that want to grow, gain a more competitive edge and helped foster wider developments around responsible innovation.

Dr Ruth Alcock - Lancaster University

In every company I support, I am now able to identify sustainable development assets, issues where to progress and possible competitive advantages to make. KARIM was a great capacity building opportunity for me in this regard.The triple bottom line is now a reflex in my daily job with innovative SMEs.

Céline Le Coq and Thomas Fauvel - Paris Region Entreprises

Let’s continue initiatives like KARIM and get more and more SMEs on the sustainability path...Ayce Celikel - Envisa

At the heart of UCD’s research strategy is the ambition to address the challenges that will shape Ireland’s future and its role in the wider world. Key national issues include environment, energy, agrifood, health, ICT, financial services and the development of evidence-based policy. Working as part of the KARIM network UCD have developed a leading understanding and application of Responsible Innovation that feeds into our research agenda. Through KARIM UCD have developed close relationships with SMEs and innovation actors across Europe, working with them to grow the European economy through responsible research and innovation.

Dr Hugh Hayden - University College Dublin

Universities are increasingly trying to find ways to disseminate and provide wider impact for their research. Through KARIM, we at Lancaster have been able to find ways to transfer our research knowledge and expertise into commercial opportunities through connecting with SMEs across NW Europe. This not only helps us find a wider scope for our research outputs, it supports SMEs having a wider impact on the European economy.

Dr Mark Bacon - Lancaster University

Europe is in an increasing need to bring together high quality research providers and innovative SMEs to face global competitiveness. Finding good matches is difficult on a local level and even harder on a transnational level. An additional challenge is to innovate and consider innovation impacts in a responsible way. KARIM set up a trustful network of Business Development Managers and innovation connectors throughout North West Europe to accelerate tech- and knowledge transfer transnationally in a responsible manner. Underpinning structured and formal networks, trust and informal relations are a key condition for successful matches that lead Innovative SMEs to global competitiveness.

Dr Doris Kirschner - de Sars - Paris Region Entreprises

7 �www.karimnetwork.com#RespInnov

09.00Arrival, refreshments

Room: Marbre

09.30Welcome, Agenda & Process

Room: TrôneSabine Enjalbert

CEO, Paris Region Entreprises


Knowledge exchange for responsible

innovation in the context of a changing


Vicente Rodriguez Saez

Deputy Head of Unit, Competence Centre Macro-regions and European Territorial Cooperation,

Transnational and Interregional Cooperation, DG REGIO, European Commission


KARIM: ambition and methodology

Dr Mark Bacon

Director, Business Partnerships & Enterprise in Science & Technology, Lancaster University

Serge Gadbois

Project Director, KARIM, Paris Region Entreprises


Collaboration in actionMark Bowkett

Managing Director, T.E. Laboratories

10.35Introduce ConverStations

10.50Coffee break

Room: MarbreDelegates are invited to choose

3 ConverStations.

Programme 11.20

ConverStationsRoom: Trône

A session of exchange, mutual learning and feedback on KARIM project activities

Setting up in round tables, delegates can choose 3 out of 10 cases studies / thematic areas – ConverStations - that showcase practical examples of applied Responsible Innovation, Technology Transfer and Transnational Cooperation.

Each presentation will last for 30 minutes.

1 Spin-out - start-up - how to walk through the valley of death

Dr Victor Scholten - Assistant Professor in Technology-Based Entrepreneurship, Delft University of Technology

2 How collaboration with students can help SME’s businesses? Divya Vasudeva - Environmental Consultant, ENVISA

3 Student Exchange – Managing intern placement Aoife Collins - Internships Manager, University College Dublin

4 Responsible ICTLet’s think information technology differently!

Yann Bouché - Sustainable development advisor, Paris Region Entreprises

� Responsible Innovation: IURP�WKH�FODVVURRP�WR�WKH�RI¿FH

Daphné Carthy - Research Project Manager, Institute for Strategic Innovation & Services, ESSEC Business SchoolProf. Xavier Pavie - Professor, ESSEC Business School; Director, Institute for Strategic Innovation & Services; Research Associate, Université Paris Ouest

6 7KH�FKDOOHQJHV�DQG�EHQH¿WV�RI�EXLOGLQJ�a transnational business development network

Dr Doris Kirschner - de Sars - Innovation Advisor, Business Development Manager in the KARIM project, Paris Region EntreprisesDr Hugh Hayden - Business Development Manager, University College Dublin

7 Biomimicry, Nature as a model Kalina Raskin - Innovation Advisor, Paris Region Entreprises

� Driving innovation through knowledge transfer between SMEs and universities

Dr William Hynes - Founder and Director, Future Analytics Consulting Ltd.

9 Reconcile business and environment through rapid manufacturing and eco-design Christelle Bar - Advisor in technological innovation, InnovaTech

10 The art of technical communication Barry Brophy – Technical Communications Lecturer, University College Dublin


Lunch break

Room: Marbre

9 10www.karimnetwork.com#RespInnov

14.00KARIM – Pathways to EU competitiveness Room: Trône

Presentations providing insights and learning points on KARIM key activity areas.

Serge Gadbois - Project Director, KARIM, Paris Region EntreprisesResponsible Innovation for business | Responsible is business

What added value ‘responsible innovation’ brings to SME? What is the role of business support managers in helping SMEs to build value from res-ponsible innovation? KARIM has considered the conditions and opportunities for SMEs to engage in responsible innovation, and the support they can

get from universities, business support organisations and policy makers.Dr Ruth Alcock - Head of Enterprise & Business Partnerships, Lancaster University

Knowledge: University an actor of EU competitiveness

How do SMEs build cooperation in KARIM regions, how do they prepare to go international, what is the added value to cooperate with university? KARIM has proven the value of transnational cooperation between academia and innovation support organisations

to foster cross border partnerships between labs and SMEs. Prof. Michael Gilchrist - Head of the UCD School of Mechanical & Materials Engineering, University College Dublin

Seeding Responsible Innovation

What is the role of spin off in technology transfer and their experiences in the technology transfer from academia to industry? How do we create effective university spinouts that deliver a real competitive advantage? KARIM has examined three important universities and come with proposals on

innovation education and the role of internship.

14.30Key stakeholders’ perspectives Stakeholders* are invited to give their views and insights on KARIM key activity areas.

15.00Coffee break - Room: Marbre

15.20Working groups - Room: Trône Delegates are invited to develop key messages/recommendations on KARIM’s different outcomes.

16.10Delivering Responsible Innovation

into the future Stakeholders* react on key messages/ recommendations.Femke Groothuis - Director and co-founder, The Ex’tax ProjectGaëtan Dartevelle - CEO, Director and co-founder, GreenloopFrançoise Chotard���3UHVLGHQW��(55,1��+HDG�RI�3DULV�5HJLRQ�%UXVVHOV�2I¿FHTim Clarke – Chair of the Centre for Global Eco-Innovation and Former EU Ambassador/EC Head of Delegation, ex European Commission/European External Action ServiceDr Lino Paula���3ROLF\�2I¿FHU��,QQRYDWLRQ�8QLRQ�DQG�(XURSHDQ�5HVHDUFK�$UHD�'LUHFWRUDWH��DG Research & Innovation, European CommissionProf. Michael Gilchrist - Head of the UCD School of Mechanical & Materials Engineering, University College Dublin


17.10 - 19.00Cocktail - Room: Marbre

17.15 - 18.00Side event: Round-table on Biomimicry

Room: Albert Ier

PROgRAMME Speakers

Dr Ruth Alcock Head of Enterprise & Business Partnerships, Lancaster Environment Centre, Lancaster University

Dr Mark Bacon Director, Business Partnerships & Enterprise in Science & Technology, Lancaster University

Christelle Bar Advisor in technological innovation, Innovatech

Yann Bouché Sustainable Development Advisor, Paris Region Entreprises

Mark Bowkett Managing Director, T.E. Laboratories

Barry Brophy Research Engineer, University College Dublin

Daphné Carthy Research Associate, Institute for Strategic Innovation and Services, ESSEC

Françoise Chotard President, ERRIN; Head of Paris Region Brussels Office

Dr Aoife Collins Internship Manager, University College Dublin

Tim Clarke Former EU Ambassador/EC Head of Delegation, ex European Commission/European External Action Service

gaëtan Dartevelle CEO, Director and Co-founder, greenloop

Sabine Enjalbert CEO, Paris Region Entreprises

Serge gADBOIS Project Director, KARIM, Paris Region Entreprises

11 12www.karimnetwork.com#RespInnov


Prof. Michael gilchrist Head of the UCD School of Mechanical & Materials Engineering, University College Dublin

Femke groothuis Director and Co-founder, The Ex’tax Project

Dr Hugh Hayden Business Development Manager, University College Dublin

Dr William Hynes Founder and Director, Future Analytics Consulting Ltd.

Dr Doris Kirschner-de Sars Innovation Advisor, Business Development Manager in the KARIM project, Paris Region Entreprises

Dr Lino Paula Policy Officer, Innovation Union and European Research Area Directorate, Dg Research & Innovation, European Commission

Prof. Xavier Pavie Professor, ESSEC Business School; Director, Institute for Strategic Innovation & Services; Research Associate, Université Paris Ouest

Kalina Raskin Innovation Advisor, Paris Region Entreprises

Vicente Rodriguez Saez Deputy Head of Unit, Competence Centre Macro-regions and European Territorial Cooperation, Transnational and Interregional Cooperation, Dg REgIO, European Commission

Victor Scholten Assistant Professor in Technology-Based Entrepreneurship, Delft University of Technology

Divya Vasudeva Environmental Consultant, ENVISA

Peter Woodward Conference Moderator

Curious about BIOMIMICRY? Because Human societies are constrained in Earth physical and biological boundaries, new disruptive industrial innovations and processes should be achieved by learning from other living species and ecosystems.

Kalina Raskin - Paris Region Entreprises





13 14www.karimnetwork.com#RespInnov

PartnersParis Region Entreprises supports the development of businesses delivering the most economic, social and ecological added value. Its missions are:- To unite players in the Paris Region ecosystem and to coordinate their efforts, so as to optimise prospection work throughout the region and worldwide, as well as the overall growth of businesses within the Paris Region.- To provide businesses with long-term guidance in their development. Paris Region Entreprises plays a key advisory UROH�IRU�EXVLQHVVHV�WKDW�KDYH�VSHFL¿F�SODQV�IRU�GHYHORSPHQW�- To attract foreign companies with growth potential into the Paris Region and assist in their settlement.Since 2009, Paris Region Innovation Center (merged into Paris Region Entreprises in July 2014) has been supporting WKH�GHYHORSPHQW�RI�3DULV�5HJLRQ�¿UPV�E\�FRDFKLQJ�WKHLU�SURMHFWV��ZKLFK�KDYH�KLJK�HFRQRPLF��VRFLDO�DQG�HQYLURQPHQWDO�added value seeing that the projects mature, become structured and get launched.([SHUW�LQ�HQJLQHHULQJ�LQQRYDWLRQ�SURMHFWV��3DULV�5HJLRQ�(QWUHSULVHV�FRDFKHV�¿UPV�WR�PDS�RXW�WKH�IUDPHZRUN�IRU�DQG�to really take charge of their innovation projects.

The Ecodesign Centre (EDC) is an applied research organisation that aims to build capacity and capabilities to enable effective ecodesign and eco-innovation in industry, in particular SMEs. EDC is part of the CARDIFF Metropolitan University.

Lancaster University has a world class reputation as a centre for excellence in teaching, scholarship and research. The Lancaster Environment Centre (LEC) brings together academic researchers from the University of Lancaster alongside the Natural Environment Research Council’s (NERC) Centre for Ecology and Hydrology (CEH) and a growing number of co-located businesses. With over 450 scientists and £35 million of capital investment, LEC forms one of the largest centres of its kind in Europe.Lancaster University Management School (LUMS) is a triple-accredited, world-ranked management school, consistently DPRQJ�WKH�8.¶V�WRS�¿YH��/806�LV�QRWDEOH�DPRQJ�EXVLQHVV�VFKRROV�LQ�WKDW�LW�FRPELQHV�H[FHOOHQFH�LQ�UHVHDUFK�ZLWK�D�comprehensive suite of support for SMEs. LUMS conducts work regionally, nationally and internationally.

University College Dublin (UCD) is Ireland’s largest University. It is a leading research-intensive university that was awarded over 420 new research contracts totalling €89 million. UCD’s College of Engineering and Architecture compromises 80 research investigators and their associated research teams working in areas such as: energy, materials engineering and nano-bio science & engineering.

BSK-CiC is a Community Interest Company that is dedicated to supporting SMEs to develop and grow. BSK-CiC expertise relies in 4 areas: enterprise development, sustainability and the low carbon economy, coaching innovation for high growth companies and internationalisation and knowledge transfer.

MFG Innovation Agency for ICT and Media Baden-Württemberg has been strengthening Baden-Württemberg as a business location for IT, media and creative industries since 1995. MFG improves regional innovation and competitiveness including the promotion of regional, national and international cooperation.

The HTW Chur is a university of applied sciences in the Canton Grisons in Switzerland. Besides the educational activities, HTW is mandated by the canton government to act as the SME centre, which is implemented by the Swiss Institute for Entrepreneurship (SIFE). The mandate includes innovation support of SMEs and the transfer of technology and knowledge between universities and SMEs.

ISIS is a centre of excellence and applied research within ESSEC Business School in Paris and Singapore. Created in January 2004 through the combined involvement of companies such as BMW, Bouygues, CSC and EDF, ISIS aims at generating, stimulating and promoting innovation in the 21st century service & knowledge economy. Its goal is to contribute to sustainable growth and to the competitiveness of organisations.

TU Delft is a university of technology with a very strong reputation internationally. Its section Technology, Strategy and Entrepreneurship (TSE) in the faculty of Technology, Policy and Management (TPM) FRQGXFWV�UHVHDUFK�DQG�SURYLGHV�HGXFDWLRQ�LQ�WKH�¿HOGV�RI�LQQRYDWLRQ�PDQDJHPHQW��HQWUHSUHQHXUVKLS�and strategy, all taken from a business perspective.
